I built the most cursed smart home in Minecraft

Hey there friends you’re about to see the worst smart home in Minecraft because I’m about to build it I found this beautiful little Scenic spot with all the kind of things I need to make the worst smart home to ever exist and I’m very good at being very bad at

Things so I’ve high hopes for this and I’ve got some good ideas the cows will play a big role it’ll be awful for the cows it’ll be great for us but first of all let’s take a look at this Village I may not have a smart home but smart

Kevin is saying steal the bed be easier to be honest they don’t really deserve it if this is their Foundation like why would they build here honestly probably going to need two bit no I’m not going to need two beds but I’m going to take two beds ah there’s a villager that’s

Excellent uh they will also be involved with the smart home it’ll be awful for them it’ll be great for us oh you’re a farmer already that’s excellent some experience good to know they’re looking at me like why meanwhile the Sheep’s looking at me like that that is one of the worst

Worst Villages I’ve ever looted from I I didn’t even get to loot them I just stole their beds like I know that’s still looting but I don’t know if I got home and just my bed was missing I don’t think I’d call the police it’s kind of

Weird I’d just be weirded out by the whole thing right so we have our cows we have plenty of animals in general actually we have the village That’s essential and then we have this and I’m just seeing diorite which will make white block and I can make a super fancy

House speaking of fancy house by the way look at this you like it it’s almost got all four walls so this is it this is the Smart Home the video just ends that’s it everyone the one vital thing I’m missing is trees like like I know there’s trees but I’d have to run

Over get some wood make a tool like an Axe and then run back so I might just tear down one of their houses instead this house is sort of like tree the poor villager just be looking out at me well it’s his own fault for making a house

Out of tree might actually build an extension onto the house so that I can fit two beds oh we’re getting fancy now look at that wow then stick the crafting bench in there it’s just a bit cozy that’s all it’s night time luckily I have my house so I can just chill out

You know my safe house take a little rest in there no one will get me okay I got my basic tools that means I’m ready to start with my basic house which will become a smart house but you know you got to build a house before you make it

Smart as long as I don’t make of it right away like that guy who just built it over this Canyon well that’s one way of getting down I don’t know what the thought process was there I looked and I was like right I got to find a way down and

Then I just walked off instead I mean I did what I said I was going to do but now that I fell off that and landed on my head I think this house actually inspires me cuz now that I think about it I need a big basement this guy’s a

Genius this is exactly what I need I was worried I’d struggle to find this but there’s so much of it I guess it helps some of the neighbors are idiots making house out of tree but God damn it um okay maybe I am the stupid neighbor I I fell down here

And then I used my entire pickaxe to pick up all this diorite and uh well now I’m going to die I don’t know how to get back up I brought some wood okay I’m saved I like die right yeah I’m going to die all right found a decent amount of

Coal as well which is great I’m just off to a fantastic start we can almost make our smart home immediately I think I’ll leave that for now I can come down and get more if I need it but I need some Redstone for sure okay I have all these

Blocks unfortunately I can’t eat blocks is there anything around here that would like to be eaten horse I mean I’m not against it but apparently Minecraft are they’re so high and mighty you can’t eat horse in this game Sorry chicken it must be you then I just think Minecraft

Should let you eat whatever you want personally like horses villagers whatever you know the Minecraft cannibal update okay there we go an entire chicken but yet I still Hunger for More I’m coming chickens it’s probably the livestock of that Village that’s why they don’t have anything they live off

The land and then they just see a lunatic and a sweater come in and kill everything I did a little exploring around the house and I identified the perfect site to build our new smart house this has a little pit in it so I can have a lovely big basement even

Though that’s exactly what I mocked the villagers for doing but we’ll move swiftly onward without addressing it any further I’ve put a little base down I’m going to try now to make some sort of a cool looking house this isn’t going to go well I’m starting to worry that I

Didn’t bring enough maybe I can just overcompensate with the glass just have way more glass than I intended oh God damn it this is the problem isn’t it am I building over a hole oh God I didn’t finish the house in time I I got to get home I got to get

Home to my dirt blocks almost there oh thank goodness imagine having to sleep in that hell hole for the night dear Lord all right let’s take my stuff I I think I can stand sleeping in it tonight I hurt myself a lot when I’m building there are no oosha guidelines

Here just do whatever’s the fastest I’m destroying an entire ecosystem so that I can have a pretty house seems about right this is going to be my first smash project I’m building it right here I just need some wheat to guide the cows over the fastest way for me to do that

Was to just come back to the villager farm and wall it off so they can’t get to it and I’ll take all their wheat once it grows you do get a really nice view when you’re going to sleep in your Shack or I don’t know ruin I don’t know what

You’d call it at the moment but we’re about to put in the windows so I’ll start to be safe kind of soon but Jesus I don’t even want to think about heating the place so I spent a little bit of time I was on a call with some friends

And I messed around with the house and I think I’m happy I mean it still looks kind of ugly but it’s Ultra Modern and I feel like yeah that that’s about right either way we’ve got our Baseline to work from now but we need to start working on making the house a smart

House oh a bee if I could make a beehive then I could put it onto the side of my house like an automatic honey dispenser if you will that’s pretty smart oh Jesus that was not very smart I nearly okay at least it was the shallow

End but I nearly just fell straight in there I think I saw some pumpkins around here too and that would help me a lot uh keeping myself alive I tend to run everywhere so my Hunger is going down very quick I can’t remember where they

Were though I did find a little cave oh wait actually no this is a big cave never mind oh my God okay well at least I might be able to get some iron and maybe red stone down here cuz it looks like it just keeps on going oh Jesus

There’s a creeper in there somewhere that makes two of us oh and some coal oh and iron great that’s fantastic great news I was about to start complaining that I didn’t bring Cobble for a furnace but it’s kind of all around me so maybe I shouldn’t be so quick to just jump on

That like life is unfair train of thought is that gold oh Jesus life is unfair oh wait I better get iron first I bet I’ll find some Redstone here though we’re well on our way to make it our house more int ENT than me actually that’s already been done oh Jesus

There’s an Enderman down here good Lord okay there’s a lot of things down here but there’s also a massive cave there’s got to be Redstone here there has to be otherwise the world is just out to get me and I will cry aha I found some even

If it is just a little bit it’s something it was literally one okay I’m a little bit angry look at this zombie apocalypse in the name of one red stone okay creepers I’m going to need to borrow your explosive personality there go yeah this made that

A lot easier oh maybe not easy enough though I am nearly dying okay I’m in danger I got to I got to run I’m so sorry this is so embarrassing okay there we go I’ve eaten jeez I nearly got eaten the hell I’m going for just for these

Scraps like that’s what it is there’s not is that diamond okay okay maybe it was worth it it was One Singular diamond is the only thing I should have brought more food I just didn’t think I’d be going on a big Quest unless damn it oh

There’s more diamond oh man I’m going to die aren’t I okay well I found three diamonds that explains my wealth and why I have a smart home but I think it’s time to go home for now ah it’s a lovely new day to be living off rotten flesh I

Mean I can’t eat the diamond I found I think I need to go after the Basics get in the boat there’s no time to explain thank you he’s just trying to get back into his farm hang in there buddy I was originally going to make this guy like the farmer of the house but I kind of like the idea of having a

Villager as an Alexa where I can just buy things from so I might just lock them in the wall hope you don’t have a fear of heights buddy don’t look to your left if so never mind that your captain is eating rotten flesh and could pass

Out at any moment ah boats my favorite allterrain vehicle okay I should be able to boat him right into a little pod over there you’re getting a new job man farming is not it anymore we took your Farm uh-oh sorry just a perk of the job you get choked a little

Bit uh-oh or a lot it’s like a reverse sensor every time I go too far he starts choking okay I have him in the Pod now I just need to break his boat and hopefully he’ll sett oh no don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t go down that hole

Don’t go down that hole Mister okay pH oh no we’re both in here no okay F he tried Tred to escape but no you’re not allowed there we go I kind of pushed him out of the way and I’ll just put those underneath him so he

Can’t get up nice and put those there and then we should be able to take these away nice there’s my Alexa everyone I wish I a name tag there we go I blocked him in even more oh my Lord there we go all fixed up that’s really cool so now when I get

Wheat and beetroot I can sell it with my online business with my Alexa that’s really smart or incredibly stupid I’m not sure which I think most of these like really fancy Smart Homes always kind to thread that line anyway I don’t know how there are still chickens cuz I

Have murdered so many I I’m using them to live I should really look for some sort of renewable source of food at this point it’s like yeah I’ll have a smart home but chickens will be extinct was it worth it unfortunately that means I just

Need to hit a lot of grass on the bright side I just thought with those diamonds I can now go to the nether so I can get some lighting for my house I also just found a pumpkin which is great even though I know there’s more around but

Even one is something and another chicken to kill there’s some more basic stuff I can do as well like I’m about to make all the doors in my house smart watch this it’s going to be really annoying which is about right again for a smart house it’s got to be the right

Amount of annoying especially now that mobs can just walk into my house well that’s the price you pay when you want to have a smart house you know a my Alexa keeps making noises I think it needs an update or something ah another one of the villages many great

Resources anyway time to ruin it I want obsidian there we go I ruined what could have been their energy source for the entire Village and I replaced it with a literal portal to hell I hope they like it oh no are they going to attack me oh

God they look pissed off go go go go go go go go go go go go oh I didn’t like that oh Jesus good luck villagers now I’m going to go back and get my gold I’m going to make some like golden hat or something so they’ll like me Alexa I’m

Home they’re still working out some of the Kinks I think where is this beehive because you need to like smoke out the bees to cam them down which actually that’s pretty cool I like that little little detail in the game but I’m going to have to put that down to cam them

Down and then steal some of their honeycomb to make my own beehives I think just have to find the bloody thing oh it’s there it was right on the ground I think that’ll do I think that’s enough smoke oh the bee came out are you all

Like cool now or like can I take I don’t know if it’s just like not ready yeah I didn’t get any man hurry up come on stupid bee oh well I got hedges for my house I wanted them anyway and I think we got some wheat a little bit anyway

Okay I only got five but it’s enough to get the cows to follow me and then I’ll get them into a small little space and then when I feed them they’ll suffocate on themselves and they’ll be like a smart feeder like like for me after the

Cows they’ll be dying but I won’t have to do the killing I I’m like a pacifist I’m the good guy come on Lads there’s plenty of wheat now over here by the house come on follow me the Irish just have a way with cows you know oh Jesus

There’s loads of them great except for that one apparently he does not want to follow me I think they just forget about it sometimes look no wheat guys wheat yeah come on follow me come on Lads everyone in come on drop in oh no come on cows stop showing off your skills now

This last one’s really good trying to do loops but he won’t fall for it come on get in there how is he doing this all right that’s it I’m not afraid to let my violence side out now now that I’ve trapped you stupid smart door H get stuck on it

Okay I added some cows I want to add some hedging as well that’ll make the place look all modern I like how I’m like yeah I’ll add some hedging that I’ll make it look modern I’ve just got huge gaping holes randomly around my house I think I have enough cows for now

Over there they look comfortable so I’m just killing the last few just for a bit of food and I think we’ll go to hell in order to get smart lights that’s what I’d usually say if I had to go out to the shop to get some smart lights but here’s same

Thing Alexa set an alarm for oh wait no this is going to do it for everyone watching sorry all right I’ll just wake up whenever then okay awesome now let’s go to hell there some blingy shoes and I think we’re good to go to hell I’ll have

Respect in these bad boys damn it they’re still not ready to be snipped all right off to hell I didn’t want to carry honeycomb in my pockets through hell anyway we got all sticky I hope those villagers appreciate that I opened an entire new dimension for them like

This really opens a whole unlim limited possibilities when it comes to travel for them none of them good mind you but still lots of possibilities okay they didn’t all charge me this time I need glow stone which is up there and I need quartz for daylight sensors to be honest

The fact that gold shoes is all that it takes to fit in around here is lucky imagine if someone came to our Dimension just appeared out of nowhere instead it’s stealing all our oil I’m sure that would go over well these are something I’m actually really excited about cuz

I’ve never made uh daylight since in Minecraft and it sounds really cool to me I’m actually kind of amazed it’s just a thing in the game it sounds like a mod okay 47 nether quartz plenty of Glowstone Dust I think I can get out of here not that I don’t love it here

Pigman really love what you’ve done with the place love the color scheme anyway I’m going home feel free to stop on by any time those villagers don’t wear any gold by the way it pisses me off and another beach has to be destroyed so that I can have Smart lights it is what

It is okay so now I got to replace these with glow stone for my lights okay that ought to do it I think that’ll be bright enough here we go daylight detector so what do I need more of I need a bit more glass and more slabs I’m so low on all

Resources cuz I just immediately invest them into the smart home hello how are you oh he’s not happy he’s lost his job he’s going on strike might I have to return the damn thing nah don’t worry I’ll never return you oh it’s it’s becoming it’s becoming night time

Fantastic I think they have to be blue so when it’s night time they come on okay I got all of them up here now we got to see how this looks hey leave me alone I’m admiring my smart lamps God damn it now I have to

Eat underwater because of you oh look at that shiny I love how there’s just a lump in the side of the house for my smart assistant I’ll call it I’m so curious how it look like to see it click on I’m very very curious on that and

Then that’s that’s off right it’s kind of hard to tell because it’s daytime but yet looks off I’m stealing a chunk of this little Bay to make myself a private pool yeah this seems like modern rich people look I’ve got like a little walkway to the house with my pool put

Down some lights there in a while and everything time to give the cow Matic 3000 World it might be too soon for it to work but let’s try it anyway okay everyone eat up eat up no not overcrowded enough soon soon yeah there’s still a little space there in

The middle yeah not much longer now all right I need a little time to pass some of it just grew I need this wheat to grow there’s more wheat up there for my cows and then I’ll have more food and in the meantime I might just try and fix up

Some of this area so yeah let’s take a little break and we’ll be right back no go away I’m trying to give the house tour don’t you dare stand on that pressure blate by the way Mister you stay away God damn it now he’s just chilling in the balcony all right I’ll

Go around the other way the pool is complete well almost complete I left holes and then realized I didn’t have enough glowstone so yeah now it’s just a design we get some windows down there made like a little walkway here and flattened off the grass oh God no no don’t ruin my work

Please please don’t ruin my work he’s got into my house oh I should have installed a smart security system could I rig a shotgun to the door in Minecraft okay I was worried he was going to shoot the creeper and then the creeper would blow up and I’d have to

Fix the whole mess hey man um leave my leave my smart device alone I hope he didn’t order anything I need to get some sort of table so this thing will have a job I also think since I covered up the ground that there are zombies spawning underneath my house oh

My God this is security is a problem okay I have a plan for that as well I’ll need some magma though that is the one problem with this style of video when you’re like trying to do stuff you’re kind of relying on a little bit of lock

But I do enjoy the process like it wouldn’t be very fun to just come in and do everything in creative mode and I don’t know what it is but there’s something really satisfying about the game playay Loop in early Minecraft here we go I’m going to make some note blocks

But they’re going to just be doorbells the biggest doorbells known to man it’s like I’m trying to make a smart home too early like the technology just isn’t there yet but I insist it also opens the door and it’s the most Bassy sound oh yeah that’s that’s my doorbell

I don’t like being frightened if there’s visitors so I like it that low I can’t open my box I mean who has a back doorbell we only need one right that’s yeah that that I actually want it this way so this this is better oh my Lord

That’s my basement okay let’s just cover that up again it’s a smart rug when I get up in the morning it does a little ding it’s like a good morning ding it’s really helpful actually it really brightens my mornings you may not rest now there are monsters nearby whether

It’s a smart or stupid house I don’t know but there’s one thing for certain it is A Haunted House going into the basement as dangerous as that seem yeah this is awful why wouldn’t I light down here the thing is I have done nothing that warrants having this big basement

So far I thought i’ need it okay great my bed is usable it’s great view you got to say it’s a great view whatever you think about the house Jesus Christ there’s so many things going wrong how is my wheat doing oh actually pretty good but is it enough let’s see it is

Starting to get pretty crowded in there no not quite enough yet but it’s getting there yet there’s no real space left it’s a genius idea really I’m going to try and painon that one I need to make some sort of Hopper system then underneath this so it’ll like dispense

The meat so I don’t have to get in there and get it cuz that’s a bit gross isn’t it it’s all crowded in there I don’t want to be in there that would be cruel and unusual punishment I was just staring at some of the villagers and the

Horizon there and thinking I wonder if they missed the Villager I took and then I was thinking no they’d reproduce and they’d have another one anyway and then I thought oh wait I blocked access to their farm so they could never reproduce it’s just an interesting thought really

I’ll take a quick look around me I haven’t left this area much so like there could be magma right at the bottom of some of these massive massive underwater Caverns good Lord in fact I even see some light down there okay I don’t know what’s causing that light I’m

Getting kind of scared though I don’t know if I want to explore that bad like don’t they say go into the light like when when they want someone to die right like I don’t want to go into the light aha kelp this will be good I want to

Make a kelp Farm you know renewable source of cooking and all that again destroying an entire ecosystem at what cost but you can dry this out and use it to cook stuff so we’re going to make pretty cool smart Farm out of this aha pumpkins I knew they were around here

Somewhere even though these aren’t the ones I saw but you know I’m still right if you think about it oh I think I’m starting to see some magma this is the coolest world I swear this is the coolest one I’ve seen in a while real

Question is is how am I going to get all of this like can I get all of this and actually not kill myself oh okay maybe I shouldn’t have been cutting it that close but yeah yep okay we’re fine I’m guessing this is the perfect biome to

Find this stuff cuz I have never found this amount in one place still kind of freaks me out but I think I have enough I I should have like 30 something 26 yeah that’s enough that one was just a little bit too close that last one it

Kind of spooked me God I really wish I knew the way I came here I’m looking back like oh man I don’t recognize any of this oh wait no that’s where I got the pumpkins we’re safe okay the house is starting to grow on me I’m starting

To kind of dig it I think it looks better from the other side but yeah yeah I get it now better ring the oh wait hold on this hold on one second hold better ring the doorbell in case someone’s home don’t want to spook them yeah okay let’s try

Putting this on the floor instead oh God I’m getting attacked by some sort of smart device but like a zombified one maybe I can trap it somehow I grab this boat and then I’m going to bring it inside oh yeah he can let himself in I

Forgot oh no don’t kill me don’t kill me oh my God Jesus Christ that one’s definitely defective anyway that one needs an update okay I don’t know how to cure him so for now I guess my roommate’s partner okay so if I put the kelp here that should grow up but I

Should have the water higher so I can Harvest it easier I guess I was just trying to make myself a doorbell and I got attacked yeah that works I like it we got there eventually right I definitely need to set up those defenses but before

I do that let me go check on the honey because I’m pretty sure that should be ready by now yep they don’t mind they’re nice and cam nice I got three okay I can make a beehive okay so beehive and we’re going to put that like onto the side of the

House I think there that’s going to look a little bit odd but I think it’s going to be cool maybe I can put it a bit closer okay yeah that that kind of works or what if I put it here and it’s like it’s like it’s a mailbox oh that’s perfect okay

Bees the post man comes go to put your letter in and a lot of bees just swarm him now I just have to trick that other bee into loving me come with me I have a daisy it’s the best Daisy there’s no other Daisy like this one just uh use

The use the thing stupid be use the pressure plate it’s a smart home you never seen technology before Oh my god you’re an idiot oh wait it’s using it nice cool okay all right you just got to like chill here for the rest of the day pretty much you’re not allowed leave so

Now when it goes to night time I think the bee who was just trapped inside my house smashing into the windows uh should go into that beehive and then should live there from then on we got plenty of flowers for it to pollinate it with here and it’s it’s just going to be

A great thing a renewable source of honey uh the the bee got into the boat is that well I guess if they’re not fighting I guess they should leave them to it but that that is an interesting problem because now I have to get one of

Them out of the boat and that would imply I have to get the other out of the boat all right great okay I have to absolutely ruin what I’ve made but I can I can make this kelp thingy Work okay now I should have kelp growing up to this block cuz it grows up to one underneath the surface and then I can just Harvest it and keep all the celp for myself I have to figure out how to deal with this zombie problem now because it’s becoming nighttime which

Means it’s uh becoming a Now problem okay night time here we go I’ve got an idea so I’m going to destroy the boat and then the zombie should chase me and the bee should just well go inside the Beehive ideally where is he why why

Don’t you want me anymore am I not tasty enough or something my self-esteem has never been lower did it lose me how did I nearly die to this guy he’s so so stupid and I nearly died to him there you go oh God maybe he was

Just thinking you know what I went out of this I’m just I I just want to leave but then he got a whiff of me again okay I think the bee has gone inside which is great can use the flowers here to pollinate that’s going to be awesome

Yeah the place is coming together now I just realized I can never use my bed now because this guy is chilling in here with me for God’s sake all right well I’ve set up at the start of my little defense but we need to make it a bit

More creative so they’ll actually die on it nice the be thing worked that is Awesome right I’ve done some improvements I’ve installed my security system which looks ugly right now but as soon as I get some Moss carpet you won’t even notice it’s there and of course now that I have it there are no monsters inze whatsoever I got this music disc

When a skeleton just killed a creeper I don’t know if that’s normal or not but that’s good cuz I wanted to make a juke box for my house okay that Arrow just missed where the hell oh no my C Farm is broken this is the new basement this is uh-oh um

This is where I was keeping the prisoner I don’t know where he’s gone do they despawn I didn’t even go that oh I built that whole room for him and dropped the boat down and everything I even moved my bed up here so I could sleep and then my

Roommate just moves out can you believe this he’s like God I wish that other guy were me oh well it’s good to have a dungeon I mean Rehabilitation Center oh and what’s this some must carpet that I found in my own house what are the odds

I just wanted to show you this so I can cover these up here make it look all Nice aha but it does in fact kill he’s just more confused by anything he’s like why does this moss in dirt hurt me what has this wizard done oh I feel so lonely sleeping in this house now without my roommate let’s see how my kelp Farm is

Doing pretty good seven kelp all right my kelp Farm sort of works it’s a little bit broken but whatever I’ll just move these logs and it’ll look like it was meant to look like this and you can still break it under there oh someone mailed me honey again poor mailman but

Look I can just take the honey straight out of there and eat it on up it gets rid of poison too I believe so it’s fantastic I might have been able to heal my roommate but his loss he moved out clearly just not smart enough to live in

A smart home like this I wanted to build a farm like myself and Anna made on our multiplayer server like this which looks just like a normal farm with a villager tending to it but when you go underground there’s a cart that’s collecting all of the wheat that gets

Dropped so that goes back and forth with a hopper and dumps it into this chest where all the wheat goes but I think I’m happy enough with how my limited smart home came out and most importantly my Smart Cow machine works I love a happy ending so we will

Leave it there for now but thank you very much for watching and I hope to see you next time bye for now

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Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios. In Minecraft, players explore a blocky, procedurally generated 3D world with virtually infinite terrain and may discover and extract raw materials, craft tools and items, and build structures, earthworks, and simple machines. Depending on their chosen game mode, players can fight hostile mobs, as well as cooperate with or compete against other players in the same world. Game modes include a survival mode and a creative mode. There is also a wide variety of user-generated content, such as modifications, servers, skins, texture packs, and custom maps, which add new game mechanics and possibilities.

Call Me Kevin

I built the most cursed smart home in Minecraft
#CallMeKevin #Gaming #Minecraft


  1. Kevin wanting to be able to eat everything, from horses to villagers, makes me wonder why he hasn't played Rimworld yet!!! He could so easily play Jim Pickens and make a cult, and do all sorts of wacky stuff! Honestly its a game that feels like its made for Kevin's antics, its wild that he hasn't played it yet.

  2. Black turtleneck Kevin is my fav. Something about turtlenecks on kevin makes him look like a professional interior designer. His home designs are really good tbh. Just imagine the power he will hold when he master the art of redstones and other stuff used to make things automatic(idk, i don't play minecraft)

  3. There is this "cheat" I learned back in Pewdiepie's Minecraft era – if you place the door under a water surface it creates a pocket of air, might save you from drowning. Maybe you already knew this but oh well, what you gonna do? Sue me? Toodles!

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