Stardew Valley but I go The Desert – Part 22

H no way I haven’t done my intro I will go to the desert but first Pierre is here hello there tail so your first year in sty value is almost over huh if you keep buying seeds from me you’ll be twice as productive next year and I have some exciting news I’ll be

Selling new seed varieties in my shop next year I should have one new variety per season well that’s all I wanted to say have a good one you know I wouldn’t even bother trying my competitors’s seeds Pierre’s seeds are the highest quality seeds you’ll find anywhere that’s a Promise okay what do you want the state is instr on how to make that cool tomorrow gathering in front of monies for the the Festival of ice it’s a celebration of winter there’ll be snowmen ice sculptures and ice fishing cool I’ll be there that’s not

What we were planning to do today as I said tomorrow these should be grown right so then I can sell them and I’ll get enough money to repair the bus and I can go to the desert which is good but also someone has informed me that the

Quarry has a cave I just didn’t see it I want to go to the Quarry cave right if it’s a golden quality cave then I’ll probably like want that it’s also time to take all of my many there as well now where is It oh it’s there okay okay okay I’m not scared of no cave no cave can even hope to be strong enough for me yes these things are aggressive this is not what I signed up for oh what the hell yo I’m being attacked by flying skulls it’s like I’m playing Doom

Luckily I’ve beat Doom and the original Doom I know all the cheat codes luckily I was a table tennis God what Roy to 55 damage I mean if it is better I also seem to not know where my tortillas are that is that is not ideal this must be the right

Way is that a boss oh never mind what’s this huh okay guess I could bring some stuff to sell that I’ve just been hoarding I don’t need that anymore I’ve got a cool Scythe that’s more powerful but like it already takes no energy what’s the point

Does it just like get rid of all the hay instantly also someone said that I need to put this in here to make a cooler wine H 220 God damn who knew cheese was this powerful how much does it sell for I mean I’m already here I might as well

Try to find the final the the thingy artifact you know what I’m talking about yes you do it sure does Scythe it do be sihing I can’t deny that it would be so cool if if that final Dwarven scroll just showed up not going

To lie I knew it was too good to hope I just need to get rid of all my dreams Honestly huh the I too would be concerned St what happened yeah tail you know I have been practicing my swordmanship for a while well I decided today would be the day I Venture into the caves but I got scared I couldn’t do it I guess I’m not as tough as I Thought H as a clear empath that I am this is the one to make happy I guess when you have something to lose it’s normal to be Afraid tail I I really like you not just as a friend you know that right I can’t believe I’m actually saying this but I can’t keep it anymore I felt this way for a long time you don’t have to say anything right now let’s just stay here for a

While yo I just kiss the girl everyone who said that wouldn’t happen can shut up now anyways now that it’s night time I’ve been given some very great news huh it said I have five people but I only have four was I once friends with Sam and

Then he got B of me oh no but anyway in here in the corner The Skeleton Key apparently this thing is way also junimo car Okay ah oh no oh those are not floors another time honestly I just don’t feel like it right it’s money time today yes look at all of these C wait what why only some of them that’s a pretty good hul oh my God shut up dashans what do you want

Okay how am I way let’s just do what I wanted to m H all of the SE yeah that works actually this just uh let’s create a 15 more 50 more 50 cuz these 50 saplings will get they better push me over the edge if they don’t I will be very

Sad the Festival of ice has begun can I enter these oh No Begin oh Woody’s got nothing on me I know maybe Willie does have something on me as long as I maintain This ferocious speed I’m almost like that guy that did River Monsters that had to stop the show cuz he basically caught all the fish oh God I heard

That oh no I pulled out it’s a it’s a common problem of mine I wish it didn’t happen but sometimes we get too excited at this point that might happen cuz like the lead on This fishing rod I was in the lead but I think this just pushed me

Over the edge the sick fish come on wow that’s a lot of fish the smell now for the winner of this year’s ice fishing competition this freaking go no one can outfish me what do I want a hat that’s it for this year’s Festival of ice thanks for giving now

Let’s release these poor fish should have given them to me don’t believe I won well time to head home great it’s 10 :00 already well that was a short day that is fine for we don’t care about the length of days anymore we’re not on a timer what we care about [Laughter]

Is yeah I have enough oh look at that number I mean white algae I who once white algae not anyone that I know I’m selling it your birthday is coming up though oh and yours was y I’m just at this point what do them Ruby fine at

This point what do like the birthdays need make people feel happy please I want to go I’m want a quest the desert is where that Quest lies okay I like cake I like lightning rods I do like quality fertilizer and the last one crystarium I can make new

Gems we’re happy to help it’s not our house after all oh look at this bus attired outfit Place go on put that star there I know you want to M that feels good first things first though we we will check out here so much trash in the water first however you

Open up my o ooh that’s cool Fairy Stone this is old so it goes with the old things this is not old so it goes with the not old things it’s as easy as that to organize really Technology you don’t say what’s a prismatic sh Shard oh whatever the legendary fish oh this is the thing that the book The Legend is based off of and there are five of them frogs eggs how do I get frogs eggs I’ll find out eventually I already have that diamond oh I

Can m not here though how dare you run away from me where are you I’m not in here ah yes you’re doing weird aerobics yo very Good oh oh no it’s winter so that thing is frozen over what about the puns on my farm those have never given me anything good oh I can’t believe I used the big bait and lost it immediately know I could go to my traps and just collect the trash from there

But this is just so much easier if I take the Joo Community huh page from M Jasper’s books the creatures known by some as Forest Spirits or junimos are said to appear in abandoned buildings after they’ve gone to seed as a general rule when humans leave and nature begins to reclaim her

Territory the jumos will undoubtedly appear folk wisdom holds that junimos display some kind of resonant Affinity with gemstones that are placed inside their little Huts gemstones I need to go put a gem in their Hut another one star drop Saloon special order mayor Lewis Autumn

Bounty oh this is what he likes so mayor Lewis likes Autumn Bounty Mary likes pumpkin pie the mutus likes beans on you I couldn’t trust biches and Caroline likes fish taco make this and I can make that if I need to to get someone to like me more now I know the

Way I’m not sure how many secret notes can be found by fishing but like this is a an easy way to get them okay that’s tomorrow’s problem I must go to sleep now yes welome them my Slaves oh come on oh good morning Mr Tail I came by to ask you a favor since you’re such a kind neighbor you see I’m trying to train my ghost to [Laughter] say hello but they simply won’t pay attention to me unless I have their favorite treats cave carrots since I’m

Scar than nine I thought well maybe you could bring me a cave carrot when you have the chance there’s no pressure but if you want to just swing by my house between 9:00 a.m. and 500 p. with a carrot I can do that I guess what do you

Want dear neighbor when I’m taking care of animals like to EXP experiment pale broth cool very cool and good and great the bus works I can now go do the bus thing but first the starving creatures must be fed right I think I’ll go to the train tracks

First so I can dispose of all of this then I can head to well wherever I want technically this is probably not the fastest way through the mines but it is a Way yay epic come on open up I’ll do that another time I wanted to go to the desert I want to see where my key will finally be of use and also complete the the fish Community bundle I need to get that fish I will find where the fish thing belongs oh it

Cost when the but do I have to the you doing here did you hear about the old bus yep I’m back on oh she’s the bus driver excellent this is exciting I’m hitting the road and I see worms already now who are you ah why does everything cost Omni desert these are

Some interesting prices I will say coconut yo and a ritual I don’t know what needs to be planted there I’m not going to find out first I must catch my fish this aggression this absolute passion it might be what I’m looking for hey you son of a this is what the key is

For let’s go floor one a I’ll be honest my luck today is not good I’m going to I’m going to explore the rest of the Desert Oasis new person a customer hi welcome to santi’s Oasis hey you look just like the new farmer that Emily wrote to me

About then the bus line to St Valley is back in service oh I’m so happy double happy what you sell oh she sells the good seeds who is the Shady man oh come on why can’t I get past the bouncer members only give me a membership I’ll Attack

You that didn’t work can I buy a membership from you I pr not how do I get a membership what the hell is that I am very scared I would like to leave and not return it’s also Sebastian’s birthday but I’m not Sure it is I shall find him do I know what Sebastian likes though I’m sure he’ll love a coconut it is time let’s go so many wonderful bundles thank you thank you there’s no fish in it though let’s go all right let’s find Sebastian where is your child ah

Oh hey give me one sec okay sorry about that I just needed to finish what I was working on I do like the decor decorations oh yeah I’ve been sticking poses on the walls for years I guess it’s kind of cluttered there was an instant message

From Sam I guess he wants to hang out I don’t really feel like going out today oh hi tail sebie I know you don’t like it when I come in here but I ran into abigal the store and she said she was looking for you did you tell her I’m

Working I did but she said she’s probably stop by anyway no one takes my job seriously no one ever bothers Mar when she’s working at the clinic does everyone think I’m just surfing the web all day I mean what are you doing well I’m

Trying to save up so I can move out of here probably to the city or something you know if I’d gone to college I’d probably be making six figures right now but I just don’t want to be part of that corporate Rat Race you know well and I guess I just feel more

Comfortable hidden behind the computer than dealing with people face to face well I should get back to work I need to get this module finished by tomorrow he’s just like me for real working on his birthday I did that I hope you like golden coconut hope that means he does hate it

She said bring it to her between 9 and 6 but she’s over there so like it’ll still count right oh you I guess I have to give it to her her in store I don’t know where that word came from I guess it was just my um Natural Instinct now jumos should be

Removing the Boulder and dogas loves me let’s go I’ve changed my mind I’ll go fishing today and like one of the books I read had like all the fishes no listen back SC fish that can only be caught in Winter squid and lingard cool hi tail thanks for help fiber seeds

Yes oh what else uh skull cabern well done I’ve got a bit of chance make it at at least 25 levels amount who the freak is Qi Mr que maybe I do that and then I get membership into whatever the hell is happening in the the the restaurant not the restaurant The Oasis

Oh and also if you want to know what the part I enjoy the least about star do is it’s just this morning routine it’s just so tedious you know a mix seeds a I need to be saving up for them then I will head to the library so I can check

Up on that book cuz the glittering Boulder probably means that the cool fish have shown Up and I need these now for my Fiber everyone knows that fiber is good for a healthy diet Oh what Now oh you brought the cave C oh it’s this one thanks so much Mr Tail this looks great I almost want to eat it myself almost I hope it wasn’t too much trouble I really do appreciate it oh my God there’s so much to read Goblin sure void me mayonnaise how the hell do I make void Mayonnaise oh it’s just a no from Gun yba I recognized that word so I need to learn dwarvish so I can speak It this one something weird in the tunnel leading out of pedan Town I think he’s talking about the thing that I just open in the desert unless he’s actually talking about like the tunnel hold on wait no in the tunnel I need to go into the tunnel what but first I must read this which one was in win the glacier fish appears

In Winter southern tip of Arad Island in Cinder Cinder sap Forest near where the river meets the ocean well I’m going to go to the tunnel first then I’ll go to here I Guess I can enter here yo what there it is there’s no battery God damn I know I can only get batteries in summer see that’s what I like that’s the mystery that’s the progression of something is there not spending the first 3 hours of every day mining nevertheless I shall head to town

Well not the town to the specific part to catch fish for the town see I’m basically doing a Service like right here this should be the spot unless is the other side actually closer to the ocean yeah this is not a glacier fish it’s not sporadic enough what if I actually need to stand on that spot I mean the thing said they need to be caught on whatever island

This is basically an island can’t wait for people in the comments to tell me that stardew Valley is actually located on the island and I’m being big stupid what if I actually have to stand on this spot and fish this way I’ll never know what the freak is That I need a different Bower I will hit head to woolies and I’ll be back here tomorrow cuz I definitely don’t have time for today I can actually just make it to the farm let me actually test out this thing oh that’s sick this might be good actually and in case it is

Not I’m also going to take with one of these I guess I shall be working into the depths of the night hold on I borrowed a necklace from Mom but lost it somewhere near the bath house never mind I shall go to the bath house oh yeah I never actually checked this

Out hi tail it’s odd I’m not sure what caused this Boulder to disappear the stream flowing from deep within the mountains it’s very shiny I’ll say that hey do you see that glistening in the water yes that’s quality ore the flow of water must be carrying out to the

Mountain you know what this means right honestly don’t it means we can start panning for ore yeah I’ve got an extra pan in my backpack why don’t you take it if you ever see Ora glistening in the water use a pan and see what you find I’ll be honest I completely forgot

That voice I did for him so you get this one lus ah that feels good the water’s never been cleaner and the same goes for me cool somewhere near the bath house so I will just hit every near the bath house lus have you seen a necklace why do some spots just not

Allow to be like told unrealistic it’s behind here isn’t it I know where it is it’s hidden in the tree it was not so it’s not on the outside what if it’s hiding in here but then I can’t get it because uh I have to wait for summer

Someone reminded me in summer to go dig in [Laughter] there unless it’s actually inside it’s either inside or in there or just like hidden there and I don’t know probably not I hope not right can I give you some ore but the note said I can give you ore

Maybe they just don’t like emeralds I guess I mean each to their own next episode I will go fishing for the glacier fish and probably do other stuff cheers

I made a 30 minute episode cause I can. Gotta pump up those watch hours somehow. This time I do explore the desert… and the ice festival, glittering boulder, and skull cavern. A lot of things can occur within 32 minutes ngl


  1. When teying to catch the glacier fish i recomend the trap bobber and also for you to eat the dish o the sea, you got a couple dish o the seas from compleating the fishing bundle.

    Also the book talking about junimo huts is made for later when you have your own huts, but i won't tell you how or why.

  2. Tips of the day
    -Pick up a battery 🔋 and place it Ina box in the tunnel this will activate a special mission.
    -u can plant fiber in winter
    – use crystalarium to duplicate geodes my advice is focus on amethyst diamonds and Jade, this last one can be traded for stairs only in Sundays in the merchant of the desert this way I can buy 100 stairs to go to level 100 of the mine of the desert.
    – all villagers love rabbits foot and all fruits from trees to help you increase the hearts with all villagers, ladies in pelican town love diamonds in their majority.
    -neckles can be fished in the small exterior water pond of the spa but it is frozen in winter.
    Very nice vid as always lot of events 🎉

  3. turn your pumpkins into pumpkin soup! you can get the recipe from robin after so many friendship hearts, and it's great for mine foods

  4. A 30 minute video my beloved!

    Yes, the routine with the animals gets tedious – but there is a solution for both feeding, and providing love and affection!
    You'll find them in upgrading the barn/coop, and within the Desert Mine (with a bit of luck) respectively.


  5. Dup the jade (get atleast 99) then go to the desert on a ???day ill let you figure it out from there also check both shopkeepers in the desert they have a rotating stock (not all items)

  6. Wow, what an episode! So many accomplishments!
    From kissing a girl to finishing 2 whole rooms in the commuity center AND just causually winning then ice fishing competition? NICE!

  7. Welcome to the Skull Caverns!!
    They're like the mines but harder, and with more payoff.
    Keep in mind there's no elevator to save your level progress.. I'd recommend bringing lots of food and being quite careful.
    Good luck!

  8. Didnt began watching yet BUT there is free game on Epic Games called Sail forth. It's easy its funny not violent and I for example deep in progresion just after two hours. You can take it for free or for yourself or video. Just recomending. Idk i will stick to the chanel. Peace, Tale.

    And now to the video

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