Hey guys I’ve been playing terrara for many many years of my life and after many many years the game gets kind of stale you know using the same weapons fighting the same bosses it it can all get very very boring so that’s why I play with mods but even with mods my

Favorite class never seems to get much appreciation the Summoner class and all the super Grand overhaul mods like Calamity the Summoner class always has significantly fewer weapons than the rest so I got to thinking what would tra be like if my favorite class was beefed out of proportion so I grabbed every

Summar related mod I could find and became Terraria or ultimate Summoner since I was using so many mods that added summons I started off by mining trees fully noting that I would be able to make my first summon out of something like dirt and wood while

Mining the wood I also cleared out an area to start a house I ended up crafting mildew armor out of wooden mushrooms and made the acorn staff a summon weapon that summons a winged Acorn as soon as I made my first summon a new menu appeared out of absolutely

Nowhere kind of to the left of the mini map and apparently one of the mods I added allows me to choose how my minions are coordinated and how they attack like I can put them into two separate groups and make one group attack the strongest enemy while the other group attacks the

Closest enemy it was all super duper cool I then went Min to get all the boring stuff out of the way and ended up finding my second summon the shepherd staff it summons a tumbling sheep and this guy could do some work I stayed underground for quite some

Time and found a third summon weapon the rod of the rack keeper it summons a horde of rats that ignore 10 enemy defense and they were super duper good but eventually I died and when I respawned I got to work on my house I wanted to make something that I had

Never thought of before so I made a sky base this time around once the outline of my gorgeous sky base was done and I was protected from all the elements I made a whole bunch of Summoner stuff I made the shield staff it summons a shield to protect me obviously and it

Provides me with extra defense but the main reason I made it was because it was considered a complimentary minion staff which meant that I could use this summon and it wouldn’t take up a minion slot I made a Platinum combat pet emblem which increases damage movement speed and

Attack range of any combat pet that I end up finding at at some point eventually hopefully I made the melal staff it summons a melal mage I made some wooden braces to increase my whip damage by 4% and I made a chain whip it has three summon tag damage which means

That if I whip an enemy all my Mains will deal an extra three damage to that set enemy once all my crafting was done and I was feeling like a beast I spent like a day and a half making the best house I have actually ever made in this game Bro are you kidding Me all right done with the house look good looking good after the construction of my area of the house was done I went mining again to make sure I was fully stocked up on all the ores I would ever ever need when I got back I upgraded my

Chain whip to the flaming whip and went right back down to find the remaining Life Crystals that I needed at this point my health was full my Arsenal was fire and I was feeling super duper good so I got back to work on my house for

Another another chunk of time I ended up adding a total of 12 rooms to my base and my artistic abilities were flowing like a waterfall before I could finish the rooms the I cthulu spawned I got super duper close to beating it but I died cuz I’m just way too slow at this

Point once it was morning I made a whip called the iron tip and then upgraded that to the molten tip which happened to be slightly more powerful than my chain whip that I was currently using and it could sit enemies on fire so it was the obvious choice to go with I then

Finished up the rooms and gathered up all the materials to make myself some Hermes boots just before night arrived with my new Whip and my new kicks I was able to defeat the eye of ctha yeah me and my sewer rats me and my New York

City sewer rats we got him we got him he’s done me and my New York city sewer rats we got him check us out check us out check us out me and my New York city sewer rats ready ready ready I’m gonna put a torch on me and my New York city

Sewer rats we got them look how excited they are me and my New York city sewer rats we got them from the I cthulu I got everything that you usually get but I also got a Mastery Shard that can be used along with any boss trophy to make

The respective Master mode pet and then that Master mode pet would like be the combat pet It also says that only three can drop per world so so I’m just going to hold on to this for just just a little bit just until I defeat like the

Moon Lord since I can now use crimtane I made a handful of new items I upgraded my wooden bracers to the Fortified Knuckles to have 10% increased whip damage I made the crimtan whip it deals 20 damage six summon tag damage and heals upon enemy contact I made the

Unstable Detonator a summon weapon that summons a bomb buddy and I didn’t think this Min was very good at first but I I’ll use it more later on and finally I made the Crimson combat pet emblem to replace my Platinum one despite still not having a combat pet afterwards I

Used my creative prowess to make a beautiful room for my magic storage I also made my base actually touch the ground so that it’s not just floating in the air cuz if if it was the structural Integrity of my base wouldn’t even be possible wouldn’t even be possible I

Then went over to the Crimson made a quick little Arena and managed to defeat the brain of cthulu and when I say this was the easiest brain of cthulu fight I’ve ever fought I I actually mean it like I did not struggle with this whatsoever from the brain I got a new

Whip called the tongue and it was better than my crimtane whip but only because it attacks like twice as fast when I got home I got ambushed by a horde of goblins so after killing a few I went to the top of my base to hide from them

Well I was up there I made a crest of the Crimson it summons a crimson Squire there are a bunch of summons referred to as Squires these squires are Minions that you have to actually guide yourself but because there’s an added level of difficulty when using these guys each of

Them has a special ability to compensate this one being flask of vior I also made a crimson cell staff and this minion just it just sucked it it was it was really bad in an attempt to escape all the Goblins I tried start starting by

Elevator but I had no luck with that it was I was just too overwhelmed so I just decided to feat the Goblins while taking out an endless amount of goblins one by one I learned that the unstable Detonator is actually really good against big crowds of these guys once

The Goblin Army Was Defeated I noticed that all of my rooms were full so I added 12 more and I now live in an H like like the letter H I’m I’m feeling like Handsome Jack right now when the renovations were finished I got to work

On my elevator mainly cuz I wanted to reach lava so that I can get obsidian and make obsidian Armor after lots and lots of Mining and a bit more housework I had finally reached lava and gotten enough obsidian to make the obsidian armor but I didn’t notice that I would

Also need a hell Forge so I just went home for now and made the band of friend ship an equipable that increases my number of complimentary minions by one and an extension cord an equipable that grants me 15% whip range I then summoned and defeated the King Slime all I wanted

From the King Slime was the slimy saddle but he dropped another item called King’s gelatin and it would increase my max number of minions by one King’s gelatin could also be brewed into a potion that grants me the same buff so I spent a long ass time time farming the

King’s slime for 60 King’s gelatin so that I can make an unlimited buff for both the gelatin and the potion during this time I went down and got a health Forge that I can make some obsidian armor and bought 30 summoning potions to get the unlimited buff of that as well

Six rats instead of three six rats slime King feel my wrath with six rats nine rats now now I have nine rats not just three not just six nine rats well brats by the end of all this I had four minion slots and since I was still

Using my beautiful New York city sewer rats I could summon three rats per minion slot so I had a total of 12 beautiful New York city sewer rats along with my two orbiting Shields now that I was basically the ruler of this land with all of my rats I took to the skies

To acquire a pair of wings for myself while getting the wings I found a crest of the sky it sumed a squire called the skywar Centurion and its special ability was pretty bad badass it shot like three or four arrows and each of them did like 100 damage it it was pretty crazy

Towards the end of the night I went over to the dungeon to attempt the Skeletron but since I got there way too late into the night I just started a fight without an arena and I I I it it was a massacre I lost it was a massacre after that

Embarrassing loss I noticed that all my rooms had already filled up so I passed the time by adding a few more rooms once it was nearing night I headed over to the dungeon actually built an arena and defeated the Skeletron put just barely Jesus Christ God I almost lost

Right there at the end I would have been so pissed oh I would have been so pissed he dropped me a rod of Minion guidance that’ll force my minions to hover around like a selected area and as cool as it seemed I never ended up using it I then

Went home and finished up the additional rooms I was making now that I had another 12 rooms for people to move into I got to thinking about what gear I should make next and then I remembered seeing something about a couple of whips that were built the same way you build

The knight’s Edge where you need like four whips to make the better whip but I was was missing like all of the pieces except for the Crimson whip so I headed to the Jungle to gather up a bunch of vines stingers and spores to make the snap Thorn getting the vines stingers

And spars was the easy part the hard part was getting the honeycomb but not because I would have to defeat the queen bee no no no no no no no it was finding a godamn beehive like I searched for so long and I just could not find one

Eventually I gave up and instead want to go get some meteorite to make a different part the meteoric shredder with the meteorite I made quite a few things I made the meteor fist the meteor head staff and the meteor sh the meteor fist was absolutely amazing like it was literally the pure

Embodiment of a perfect minion it was it was it was wonderful the meteor staff sucked really really really bad and meteor Shredder dealt like a lot of damage but it was super slow so it it was all right afterwards I went to go get the next whip the spinal tap so I

Went down into the dungeon to get some bones while I was down there I got this skeleton motorcycle summon that really sucked and once once I was home I completely forgot about making the spinal tap so I spent all of my bones that I knew AR Armor Set The Illusionist

Armor and and may I say I look dapper as hell I also grabbed an alchemy table while I was down in the dungeon so I can now finally make the gelatinous potions but they didn’t give me another buff and honestly I should have known that cuz it

It the potion would have just gave me the same buff as the King gelon was giving me which is kind of weird because if they both do the same thing why would I ever take the King’s gelon and turn it into potions it it it just sounds like a

Lot more work for the same the same thing since the potions didn’t work I decided to go get hellstone with it I upgraded my shield staff to the fiery Shield staff made the tiny Star Striker made me some Obsidian grippers made a lava Crystal staff made a flaming ball

Staff and finally made an infernal animator I bought a bunch of brain of cthulu summons to test out all of my new gear and all of it sucked literally everything other than the firey Shield staff sucked it was very very disappointing oh the the obsidian grippers were good they they just gave

Me like a bunch of whip range and whip damage and whip speed just just stuff like that it was very good after that absolute show I finally went back to the Jungle found a beehive defeated the queen bee and made the snap Thorn from the queen bee I also got my first

Combat pet it was a little be that dumped buckets of honey that summoned honey slimes I think I’m honestly not totally sure what I was seeing I then decided that it was time to start the Hell highway but before that I quickly bought a bunch of potions for their

Unlimited Buffs once I was down in hell I made the entire Hell highway in the shortest amount of time by the way and defeated the Wall of Flesh on my very first try all right there we go oh my God that was I did so much prer oh

Actually my brid is own Stu all right that was good that was good when I got home instead of opening the Wall of Flesh treasure bag I used it to guarantee I got the firecracker I then got some more bones to make the spinal tap and turned all of the whips that I

Had been making into the kns cackle a whip that deals 62 damage eight summon tag damage and spawns additional Shadow flame skulls upon hitting enemies I also actually started using the bone serpent staff a Summoner weapon that dropped from the wall of flesh that summons a skeletal Dragon it’s pretty much just a

Weaker version of the Stardust Dragon staff you know what I’m talking about I tested out all of my new cool on the wall of clut to actually get a treasure bag and it did not stand a chance against me and everything worked out perfectly cuz I ended up getting the

Summoner emblem as well after all this wall of flesh mumbo jumbo I headed over to the Crimson to destroy some Alters I then got to mining the hard mode ores but after a bit I realized that none of these ores make anything that I actually need other than the orac Calcom Anvil

And the titanium Forge so I stopped Mining and got to farm in some spiders for their fangs while I was filling my pocket up with spider teeth one of them dropped a rideable spider Mount and this thing was disgusting as gross as this thing looked it was genuinely the

Coolest Mount I have ever used in terrara it was just so versatile like it could move just as fast as me while I was sprinting and it could climb up walls and stick to ceilings it was it was it was amazing I used my awesome new

Spider Mount to help me gather the rest of the fangs and made myself some spider armor I also made the spider staff but it felt really weird to not be using a moded summon when I’m using all these mods so I ended up using it just for a

Little bit and it also turns out that my sky base was absolutely perfect for my new spider Mount so I removed all of the unnecessary platforms for greater spider Mobility once I was looking like the man spider version of Spider-Man I finished Gathering up the hard mode ores so that

I can make the titanium Forge I also made a titanium Crest that summons a titanium Squire he kind of sucked but he was cute so it’s all right with all the or stuff done and out of the way I went over to the hollow to gather up a

Ton of pixie dust like I gathered up almost 200 pixie dust I then gathered up a bunch of Souls of light and used both the souls and the pixie dust I got to make the draconic magma staff the crystal staff and the ladies light and guess what they all sucked all all of

Them sucked it they all sucked afterwards I gathered up a bunch of Souls of Knight to see what they could make and I ended up making the nuke collar it didn’t summon any sort of Minion it just summoned nukes from this guy that did an unbelievable amount of

Damage once night arrived I felt pretty prepared to fight some mechanical bosses so I started with the twins and these guys were no match for all the nukes that I rained down on them this new weapon is actually insane this this nuke caller is insane I also noticed that my skeleton room guy

Wasn’t really doing anything at all so I needed to replace him ASAP after that glorious dub I was feeling so confident that I summoned the skeleton Prime right after and I smoked this guy as well after yet another glorious dub I was feeling so unbelievably confident that I

Summoned the Destroyer with only like 2 minutes left in the night but I I I got way too CAU to the Destroyer absolutely humbled the out of me once that crazy ass night had passed I made myself some lightning armor using the lightning cord that I got from NIS clouds right

Before the twins fight and this armor summoned an electric orb above my head that dealt quite a bit of damage there was a summon that I wanted to make called the machine gun staff cuz it said it summoned a machine gun that does incredible damage but I need to make a

Mega shark first and to make that I was going to need some shark fins so I spent literally the entire day waiting for sharks to spawn so that I could tear their fin right from their body by the time I had enough shark fins it was night so I summoned the destroyer and

Defeated it I then made the machine gun staff and I I got totally baited this weapon sucks so bad like like like incredible damage my ass anyways I then made the Crystal Fist staff and this was literally just a better version of my meteor fist staff that was the pure

Embodiment of the of the perfect minion and and I could not have been happier with this new summon that I had I it it was it was wonderful says some mechanical bosses had been defeated and were out of the way I made a draxx and got to mining some chlorop FY with the

Chlorop FY I was able to make the true durandal but I didn’t even have the regular Durand doll so I quickly defeated the twins again and made the true Durand doll and this whip was something else entirely it dealt over 100 damage 11 summon tag damage and

Swung two true Durand dolls at the same time it it it was amazing it says it does over 100 damage but it was pretty much doing over 200 damage I also wanted to use the chloride to make the true Turtle battle grips cuz it would increase my whip damage by 25% so I

Summoned a blood moon and got to work on some turtles I spent the entire night doing this and only got one turtle shell but that’s okay because I got a bunch of biomatter and used it to make myself some life Bloom armor this armor allowed

My minions to have a 25% chance to heal me every hit afterwards I fought a couple of frost Elementals and sand Elementals in order to make the Stellar system but if I use this I won’t be able to use my true Durand doll so I just

Gave it up later that night I summoned another Blood Moon and finished getting all the turtle shells that I would need to make the Turtle battle grips but I ran out of chlorop FY so I went back to the Jungle to find some while doing this

I found a planta bulb and figured that I should just give it a go I hadn’t gotten stuck I would have won if I hadn’t gotten stuck I would have won if I hadn’t gotten stuck I would have won this plant ter fight was going

To be easy as hell but I still wanted to prepare so I went home and made the Turtle battle grips they give me 25 increased whip damage 18 increased whip speed and 25 increased whip range the battle grips also grant me 10 defense whenever I hit an enemy and reflect back

Double the damage taken from him once I was fully prepared I made a half F arena in the jungle and defeated the planta in under 30 seconds I ended up getting a new Squire from the overgrown plant and it was adorable I mean just just just

Look at the little guy come on up next was the gll but before I tore him a new ass I wanted to become even more powerful so I got to doing some research and came across the charm of whips now I wouldn’t even be able to make this until

I got an ancient manipulator from The Lunatic cultist after the Golem but I wanted to get everything done that I could right now so that it would be a breeze to make later on for the first part of it I went and found the vine whip cord killed a hollowed mimic for a

Crystal Vine Shard and got some Souls of light I then smooshed all that together to make the crystal whip cord to finish this first part I needed a spectre staff and some Spectre bars from the dungeon so I headed on over there and got to

Farm it I farmed for a long ass time and I got all the ectoplasm that I would need to make the Spectre bars but the rugged Caster the guy that drops a spectre staff never spawned not literally not even once I I I don’t know why it wouldn’t spawn but that was an

Issue for a future oaka so I went home and got started on the next part the spirit shackle the first thing I needed to make was some golden rope but I could only get the parts necessary to make it from the merchant during a party so I

Put that off for now and instead made some x-ray goggles with normal goggles and some emeralds since the party still hadn’t happened yet I moved on to the next part the tribal tip I first made a spikes tip out of some spikes and Bones from the dungeon and wrapped them

Together with some black thread I then combined that spikes tip with a shadow flame knife I got from a goblin sorcerer and some Souls of light to make the shadow flame tip and to finish it up I combined the shadowflame tip with a pygmy staff I got from the planta and

Some vials of Venom to make the tribal tip the rest of the stuff needed for the charm of whips were just some random whips I needed to grab so I made the spinal tap first and put off the other two till after the Golem Was Defeated so

To wrap everything up I still need a spectre staff I still need some golden robe and I still need those two whips the shell Smasher and the dark Harvest before I fought the Golem I wanted to upgrade my true Knights cackle so I summon the solar eclips and farm to moth

Runs until I got a broken hero sword I then combined my true kns kacko with the true durind doll and a broken hero sword to make the coiled serpent you you guys can pause to read all the stats and but just look at her go against the Golem oh my God what a

Whip what an insanely powerful whip holy from the Golem I got a new ore called Sun ore that can be smelted into sun bars and used to make a new armor the rainbow armor in order to make this armor I needed rainbow gems and those only dropped from the Empress of light

So I headed over to the hollow Stomp on a little Prismatic lace wing and defeated the Empress of light and this boss was actually kind of difficult once I was home I made the armor and check me out bro I mean I it looks kind of wonky

But I got two more minion slots from it so it it it’ll be fine I also upgraded my cold mechanical cord to the rainbow cord it just increased all the stats that already had by a little bit oh I also got a little Squire that was honestly more annoying than anything to

Be honest okay now that the Golem Was Defeated and I had some sun bars I made the next part of the charm of whips the sun Smasher it was it was a pretty Cool Whip but I liked my serpent one that I already had way more I then planted some

Pumpkins so that I would be able to summon the Pumpkin mood later in order to get the dark Harvest well those were growing I went back to the dungeon to try getting the Spectre staff again but a rugged Caster just wouldn’t spawn like I stayed down there for the entire day

And not a single one spawned so I went home and checked to see if the Deviant sold a rugged Caster sumon or something and it actually did so I just wasted all of my time trying to F trying trying to farm for one I farmed a couple of

Casters and once I got the Spectre staff I grabbed my pumpkins and some of the pumpkin moon to get the dark Harvest once the event was done I finished making the spectral whip cord now all I needed was the golden rope so while I waited for a party to happen I defeated

The lunatic cultist for the ancient manipulator that was actually needed to craft this thing and this fight was nowhere near Fair whatsoever damn that really sucks for you now I literally only needed to wait for a party to start so I did some research on some other

Accessories to make and came across the whip Master’s Glory that I was definitely going to make the only issue was that it required a bunch of vanilla EX accessories that I usually buy from an NPC called the tinkerer cuz getting them can just be boring as hell and

Annoying but he kind of died while I was getting the dark Harvest so I was just going to have to wait for him to respawn I don’t want to Bor anybody with all the details about the construction of this one so I’m just going to say that

Getting the materials for this one was super easy but waiting for the Tinker to respond was annoying as hell while waiting for this guy to respa I made a new Squire that I had to murder the guide for and took down the Stardust pillar to begin crafting with Stardust I

First used it to make the shining Sextant a new Mount that summoned a bird God and it’s babies or something and this guy was done only fast but he could teleport broen teleport through walls it was awesome I also made the star lash but it just

Wasn’t as cool as my cold serpent so I never used it at this point I now needed to wait for a party to make the charm of whips and I needed to wait for the Tinker to respa to make the whip Master’s Glory so I decided that I would

Start by making another accessory The Amulet of many minions again I’m not going to bore you with this one either but while I was out getting materials for it the Tinker respawned so I headed straight home and finish the whip Masters Glory it provides me with eight defense five summon tag damage

Periodically swings extra whips while using an item increases my Max minions by two and gives me a 20% increase to just about every Summoner stat I wanted to equip all these accessories at the same time so I finished getting the stuff for the amul of many minions and

Made it it increases my Max minions by two and greatly improves minion damage once those two accessories had been made all I needed was a goddamn party so I went over to the party girl and just bought a bunch of different things to try and like conjure up a party does that

Count holy does that count oh my God it counts let’s go let’s go I was now finally able to finish the spirit shackle and make the charm of whips it launches two whips above and below my main whip increases whip range damage and speed by 12% adds five summon

Attack damage and allows my whips to attack through walls yes through walls I equipped all of them and now had 13 minion slots so I tested out everything on the rest of the pillars and it was all just amazing once the pillars were down the moon Lord spawned and he S no

Chance against the ultimate Summoner the moonl Lord had been defeated and I now had luminite so I made the staff of the Sacred sapling and this guy was looking like the great Deco tree from The Legend of Zelda and this guy literally threw trees to attack enemies it was it was

Absolutely nuts I spent the next few days Gathering up a ton of whips in order to upgrade my coiled serpent into its final form the origin this all powerful whip SW with the force of all the whips I had ever come across with this new gear there was only one thing

Left to do defeat the primordials I have one final challenge I have been using the thorium mod for some of these items and I have the primordials to defeat I’ve already made the summon let’s get my guys Out all right everybody’s here all the the gang’s all here we got the rats we got the what the hell are you guys called we got the rats we got the the Char cha we got the the we got the Crystal Fist staff we brought back the old

Molten fist staff or meteor fist staff sorry and then we got the great Deco tree to back everybody up got our legendary origin let’s take these fools to town all right here we go here we Go oh my god oh my God oh my God oh oh oh oh oh oh my oh oh oh my I’m speechless and the primordials are dead just like that it’s over with the primordials the the primordials are dead just like that it’s over it took like 30 seconds to defeat them

Whereas when I did my actual Thum playthrough the the boss fight took me like 13 minutes 30 seconds not even that was insane I got some Inferno Essence from the primordials and used it to make me some pyromancer armor it gave me my 14th minion slot and two Sentry

Slots but can anybody tell me how I can summon 12998 one out of 14 minions it it it just doesn’t add up to me it doesn’t make sense in my head I also made the Ember staff and the promethian staff the Ember staff summons an ember of slag

Fury that deals 421 damage and the Promethean staff summons one of the primordials as a century it was they they were they were both really really good with my new gear I brought forth the primordials once more to show the world that I was now the ultimate Summoner all right

Even faster this time even faster

I became Terraria’s GREATEST Summoner!!! I took all sorts of Summoner related mods and threw them into one MASSIVE playthrough!! I met LOADS of friends and took them into battle alongside myself! I was FINALLY able to play my favorite class to it’s deserved potential and I hope you all enjoyed, see you soon.


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– TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@oklahswag
– Twitter: https://twitter.com/Oklah_Official

MODS USED (1.4.3):
– Better Classes
– Ty’s Simplified Summoning
– Summoner+
– Summoner UI
– Whip Accessories
– Pets Overhaul
– Mount and Journey
– Extra Whips Mod
– Expanded Weapons
– Plentiful Ores
– AlchemistNPC Lite
– Boss Checklist
– Recipe Browser
– Wing Slot
– Fargo’s Mutant Mod
– Magic Storage
– Which Mod Is This From?
– Ore Excavator
– Day Counter

This is Surviving 100 Days in a Terraria Mod. It’s like Surviving 100 Days in Terraria’s Calamity Mod and I Spent 100 Days in Terraria’s The Stars Above Mod Master Mode, but it’s not very similar to Ranking Every Boss In Terraria or I Got Every Achievement in Terraria. This is NOT a guide to any sort of class, BUT can be used as one!!

#terraria #minions #class


  1. Really enjoy theese vids Oklah. I¨ve played every mod thats out there and theres not much else to do, other than watch your vids that is.

  2. I love 2 things about this video
    1. Your favorite class is summoner. It’s simply the greatest
    2. You used the amulet of many minions mod, its my favorite summoner mod
    Also i added magic builder cuz of your videos, its helping me alot in play through’s so ty

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