Minecraft, But Xray Is ALWAYS On…

This is a regular Minecraft world and this is a world with x-ray but in this video me and my friends can’t turn x-ray off meaning we can find plenty of riches but can’t see loads of dangers and we have only got three lives each so once

You lose them you’re out also if you guys enjoy my videos then you should definitely check out my brand new channel kit whst it is for completely new IRL content and we have just uploaded a brand new video that is awesome so if you like watching me on

Here and you want to see see me do way more stuff then go over there the link is in the description and now enjoy the video okay Boys 3 2 one x-rays on oh God this is horrible we can’t see wood I’ve only just realized this so we’re just

Going to have to go get it at these jungle trees cuz we can see the vines yeah if we can see the leaves it’s fine also how do we know if there’s a hole well if we see your mom will’ll know okay that that’s he is gaped okay let’s go get some

Trees yes okay this is actually already terrible I don’t want to cave with this I also don’t want to go to the nether with this oh oh my yeah that’s going to be nuts luckily this one’s got Flo coco beans on it well Billy you can see cocoa

Beans apparently I can’t see cocoa beans well at least finding the stronghold is going to be you can’t see crafting tables boys ah yeah oh you why’ you do that well how the how did I know there was a hole oh yeah Fair Point dude I

Can’t tell what I’ve mined and what I haven’t this sucks yeah how are we going to get out of caves like this we can’t also fair warning boys we only have three lives so you lose all three lives and you’re out of the video I might just

Die three times to together this this is confusing bil Billy come here stop it boys we need these lives and I’ve lost the crafting table already where I found it I found it it’s just here all right well finding mobs is going to be somewhat easy though so at

Least there’s that I’m breaking this crafting table I got it and diamonds and diamonds will be good yeah we’re going to get full diamond easy that’s the good news about all of this easy sorry maybe maybe let’s let’s not say easy quite yet n no no trust me man where’s your

Crafting table I got it’s right standing I oh there we go okay boom I’m getting stone tools now here we go okay so my question is are we going to be able to see the ancient city through the floor could we immediately find Bastion loot not Bastion loot the warden oh my

God that’s actually nuts boys we are forgetting if we do summon the warden how do we run away we can’t see the caves that’s so good this is going to be fun well you getting the iron I’ll get the next to it also we don’t know if

We’re digging down directly on a cave I’ve just realized that oh true we could fall into a ravine okay new new team Rule Do not dig over lava okay okay I agree I agree I just want to kill Billy I just want to do it no yeah look away

Walk away yeah go on yeah s walk away yeah goone yeah yeah yeah little oh no oh my God how did that even happen oh okay you can see the particles in a furnace at least that’s something jgo come put put some coal in these furnaces where are

The I don’t even see the particles why don’t you see the particles there aren’t particles for me okay there are no there are no I’m guessing this is it cuz I’m highlighting it okay BOS there we go you guys go and get food I’m going to get us iron okay

Okay okay stop stop I’m not food I’m not food I’m not food but I’m hungry I’m not really a shadow Apple oh dear that’s the worst thing I’ve ever said yeah it was that was that was bad that was leave a like guys leave a like

Oh my god did we lose these furnaces I didn’t stay there that was your job one of you had to oh I found him I found getting food I found him I found him it’s all good it’s glowberries can we eat glowberries yeah technically yeah I

See them I see them I see them I’m going to get us some glowberries why are there no I see a cow oh wait I see a m down here ooh okay yeah let’s let’s start heading down once we’ve got food that’s actually I got food I’m getting food I’m

Getting food I’m getting food and jgo has lost the food so J’s down alive great okay yeah so I I think I died where where am I oh where are I actually have no idea where you are either wait if we’ve got x-ray let me just turn my render up really high and

Then I’ll just be able to see you th this was a bad idea I came up with this yesterday all right wow these these video ideas have been stretched then aren’t they I see diamonds down there in the M shaft we should go in here that’s

No no please go well it’s almost night time we need we can’t stay up here we probably should go down somewhere anyway I don’t even have wood F can fix that babes I don’t know where any of you guys are I will find you though yeah I’m

Digging down back at the spawn because I see a massive Lake below me so if I fall I’ll land in there and there’s the M shaft here massive Lake oh I think I might know where you are then okay okay I’m just getting a load of ir I’ll come

Meet you guys I might go play on normal Minecraft servers with this this is sick yeah do you want to jump on Hypixel quick yeah let’s go on Hypixel I’m at 2 9010 are you are you down I don’t remember asking yeah I am oh I see you I

See you I see you where me look down no I see you kid no no no the other way look the other way I see I see the other way I’ve just oh my God I’m way again oh my God oh my God I got something for you

Don’t worry about that well I’ve got 10 take some back no no no no no I’ve got nine take some okay no no I have one okay I have a chicken okay fine boys boys boys I’m above you how do I get down be carefully carefully no okay okay I’m not moving

I’m three hearts now I’m not moving I’m not moving I I simply refuse to move every time I take a step I fall go get him I’ll get us iron okay get iron please and do you see the M shaft maybe start digging towards there with like a

Staircase so that we don’t fall and die oh there I see we can see all the chests as well forgot about that can you stand on that c block next to you yeah no a you I’m one and a half hearts you oh my God here here here food at least here

Just dug out from underneath me I’m going to make iron chest plates for all of us there we are boom we need Shields as well oh I should have done Shields that’s on me wait guys we need something to clutch with J go J go just relax

Please calm down it’s just a game mate oh and gold okay an iron pickaxe for you Bill take this oh my God guys look at the diamonds look at the diamonds now where this low oh I can see crafting tables wait J can you see this look up

At me look up look up can you see this oh I I could before you broke it do you know what’s even better than a crafting table though you’re getting some oh yeah why am I getting iron armor this is so dumb I’m digging straight down same oh

God I’m dead J okay all St all your stuff I broke one block and fell to my death just just throwing that out there maybe just stop breaking blocks below you come on this is serious this is Minecraft oh jgo stuff is here are we going diamond mining yeah but be careful

Don’t don’t dig down don’t dig directly down that’s exactly I’m not yeah who would dig down I’m dead oh my God K there’s a cave there do you see my stuff oh my I you’re actually both of you are useless I need to get water before I can go down I’m

Not doing the same thing that you guys have well I didn’t think there would be a cave I told you Billy know you’re taking the water bucket I got it okay I’m getting your stuff boys I’m actually getting it she oh my God I landed a clutch on

Nothing I’m half a heart I’m half a heart I’m half a heart die you die I am half a heart on my last life okay I’m just going to heal up for a bit and then I’m going to do bil I found your stuff I found your stuff let’s go

I’m I’m just going to make a chest you guys need to get to me okay diamonds lovely stuff oh ow I’m on one heart I’m dead don’t die don’t die don’t die I’m here K help me please okay I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming just do not please

Help me oh we even I don’t think we’re actually even going to make it to the nether no no no no don’t be like that please this going to be a solo video just cuz I haven’t lost my life doesn’t mean you guys have to lose yours okay

One two oh yeah we’re going to have full diamond in no time boys there’s three veins right next to each other here yeah I’m getting some too it doesn’t really mean anything though does it yeah I’m still not happy like I don’t I don’t feel fulfilled in my life that’s not

What I was going for there actually I just I’m just so cripplingly oh I sort of more meant like we you know we can still fall in a hole and die oh yeah no that’s what I meant it’s kind of a metaphor for life

Really ooh I think I found oh I may have fallen again I think that’s got to be a village yeah this is a village I found a village I found a village we should do a little diamond mining Montage boys yeah and I’ll be opening and closing a door

In the village ready okay 3 2 1 okay I’m now going to be at 39 diamonds 39 yeah go you I have got I have got 50 okay I have a stack and a half of uh food as well okay I’m just digging up I don’t care anymore I think I’ve came into a cave oh I have’t being

Dead I’m dying do not die you’re on two lives I’ve been dying ah I be dying is this a home have I built a home I don’t know just dig up make some diamond yeah yeah but now I can’t place my Crow I did it okay okay I’ve got my

Armor okay I feel better now o wow I have lots and lots of diamonds full diamond for me oh I see a dungeon I’m going I see two dungeons okay little detour wait wait I see one of you below me who’s oh my got his kit where are you

J I don’t see you oh I do I see you I see okay I’m coming up to give you diamonds okay I’m in the dungeon first chest is nothing good oh I see you building up K I’m almost there brother oh no so many spiders I’m dead I’m dead

I’m done I’m done I’m goodbye have you got diamond armor yeah yeah yeah but I’m dying I’m dying I’m so weak I’m so weak I’m lying I’m on full health but you know shut up okay spiders are dead in this chest I got a god Apple I actually

Got a god Apple oh my God okay let’s go and in this chest did you actually get one yeah we didn’t get the double but I do have one okay that is wait that’s huge for the nether that is a Lifeline for the nether okay I’ve got full armor

Where is lava and why the blocks keep disappearing I mean we could go down and get lava just flowing lava I want to see a pool a pool a pool wait k there’s there’s a wow kid bro are you kidding me I just fell down a hole wait where was

That yeah he was over here somewhere I’m dead I fell in the hole I think I found his stuff I found his stuff I found his stuff I’m trying to put water down wait come down yeah here we are just come in the water you’re

Fine just jump you’ve got to jump to the water where’s my oh my stuff’s here all right it’s fine it’s fine I lost a life but we got it all back I found lava pool yes okay okay I’m going to pray that we can see obsidian I’m dead hold a Oh my

Days I’m oh my God oh my God oh my God I messed up wait I’ve got a diamond pick it’s fine I clutched I clutched what going on oh my God I fell so far I clutched J your might completely cut off so fun was you screaming in the other room okay

Well the good news is I’ve made another portal that’s slightly too big so at least it’s better than too small eh I um I’m seeing a bunch of obsidian above me is that oh that’s kit oh kit you’re like directly above me okay I’m nearly up

There surely not don’t waste that oh my God imagine I just Panic just I’m going to die I’m going to die oh I am I don’t get it it was just J you had to be there man this is like childhood humor you wouldn’t get it cuz you didn’t have a

Childhood your dad’s dead oh okay let’s go you better behave or you’re going to end up like your dad oh my God stay still boys Stay Stay completely still when you come through no what could be what could be wrong this is going to be fine uh this is not

Fine this is terrifying we can’t see Netherrack okay what are we meant to do here bro this is awful wait wait save the quarts wait no no actually no no what we’re going to do we’re going to break the portal and take it with us oh

That scared me okay that scared me okay we need we need gold armor remember we need to stay alive yeah I’m not worried about them right now I don’t have enough blocks for this wait should we not be leaving a trail no cuz we don’t need to

We can just build a portal where we need uh okay I’m seeing a lot of lava we are currently on a one by one bridge I’m just letting you know I’m just I’m going a full Sprint ahead oh my God Billy Billy just broke a block this actually

Sucks why did you just put me in lava I’m burning placing blocks in random places oh wait bous above us I see the uh fences how do you see I see it now I see I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead okay I’m the I’m eting the god Apple no don’t it

Doesn’t matter that was such a waste no it’s fine you used it well wait Billy should be the one to kill the blaze rods how long do you have fire has for uh another 4 minutes yeah get Billy get Billy in there quick I see a spawner

Over here I’m going for it yeah I see the spawner as well I’m a little bit above you oh my God oh my God there’s no blocks in front of me okay yeah they can hit me yeah I got five already yeah do want five come on

Come on this is awful to do right now cuz I don’t know where I’m stood okay six okay I’ve got I’ve got none I’m really helping I got it I got it I got it go on Billy I’m watching go you can do it we love you Billy we do we love

You Billy we I’ve got one I’m helping okay let’s leave how many have you got I got eight I got one as well we’re helping P I did this good job Pooky bear break the spawner Billy can we stick together so we can follow the same path

As well well now we just need to find a Bastion oh I see an Enderman biome okay I think I think we’re on land yeah we are oh hey guys welcome to the biome oh hey bro what’s up I’m just jump sprinting let’s see what happens don’t there’s a hole

What I warned him you really said that at the last then as you just jump Sprint I was sneaking is that oh I see wait I see one of those uh lanterns I think that might be in Bastion you guys need gold armor I almost died oh my god oh

I’m okay wait I’m in I think I’m in the Bas well I’d assume so yeah you’re two blocks away from the gold blocks okay oh gold blocks for days careful there’s pigs on you nice bill you got no fires left have you I’m beefing I’m beefing no

Okay be careful be careful wait don’t we need these to trade though why am I killing them yeah that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine we can kill these ones I’ve got 16 gold blocks and Billy here I’ll take this do you see the chests over there as well yeah take that okay

We have AA okay nothing good looting three sword oh that’s huge is it gold uh no iron there’s a piece of ancient debris wait we don’t need to trade we don’t need to trade because Billy’s got a looting three sword oh just kill Enderman oh we can see them what’s going

On what why are you dying why are you dying why are you dying why are you ding oh my oh my God k k run back run back run back just run and Block Run block oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my days I

Just I just punched I so I just punched a pigman um oh my God he fell past me and I panicked there’s end up here I’m going to start rounding up end for you I think I’ve trapped these guys in I think I’ve done it just

Chuck load of gold on them so guys enjoy this uh Subway servers whil we trade for pearls oh ender pearls I’ve got 14 to be fair we just need to know the direction and we should be able to see it from surface plus worst case we can get one

Like in one of the chests there’s always a chest oh yeah and we can see the chest okay cool yeah we’re doing it right we need to go wa wait wait wait wait wait we’re making a portal no just make a portal don’t don’t I don’t want to be

I’ll get me out of the nether just get me out okay okay okay J come up here come we’re going to do it on this flat bit here there we are guys I got a portal no don’t kill it don’t kill it I got looting oh I got four there let’s go

Okay let’s get out of this place we’ve actually done it we’ve actually done it don’t speak too soon where on Earth are we okay oh I see deep dark below us are you kidding me surely we have to loot it surely we loot it that’s an awful idea

Yeah forget this bu it’s not worth it okay I can’t tell where we are we am I in a tree I’m in a tree okay right I’m making a i vender okay this way all right well we know it’s we know it’s this way we just have to hope that we

Can find it and see it at some point and not die and fall Billy throw another one just to be safe no please okay don’t leave me don’t leave me I’m terrified of being alone can you see it can you see it guys can you see it can you see it can you

See it theing stronghold Bill what do you mean see what no I don’t yeah neither do I I’m asking I see dolphins oh I see no I see it I see it do you see the uh keep going forward do you see the library oh I see the stronghold I see

The portal room yeah yeah yeah me too me too okay I’m going I’m going here we go I’m I’m going to drown oh my God what are you doing of course yeah we’re in oh my God I’m on all my God okay this is actually bad I’m

Going to drown as well I’m drowning you I’m drowning I’m three I’m drowning I’m drowning I’m drowning I’m drowning okay okay I’m actually drowning I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead don’t die oh my God no I’m actually going to die I need help I’m like spamming water

To save me alive yeah I see I’m dropping food I’m dropping food no it’s not food I don’t I like I need you to break me into the portal okay I got my oygen off a bit let I’m in I’m in I’m in oh he’s in he’s

In oh oh my days that was awful okay okay I’m going down I’m going down here we go right how much iron does everyone have right now because we might be able to get some good books quickly books no m i don’t read let’s go okay fair enough

Wait is there an ocean Monument over there I see eight Gold Blocks oh my God yeah ooh nice and sponges oh right Billy just place it wait wait wait spawn SP oh my God all right no let’s go let’s go come on I don’t need a bed set spawn

Billy set spawn we have two lives left Jer has one okay uh okay we’re in a box wait no we’re not in a box all right boys PayPal me 1010 right now as I’m breaking the bed I’m still I’m still here don’t break theed bed okay I’ll send you 10 send you

10 P paper I’ll do it right now wait wait okay pause pause do it right now do it right now I’m waiting for the notification on my phone guys I’m about to break the bed don’t do it don’t do it I’m about to do it I’m doing it I’m

Doing it I’m doing it wait one second did you say 10 10 Great British pounds 10 Sterling you don’t give me 50 [Laughter] or okay J I’ve sent 10 oh my God Billy wait can we see the end crystals oh we I’m hoping we’re just too far away don’t

Break the oh we can see the end crystals okay yeah yeah okay wait how do I get up am I about to fall to my death is that a staircase you guys made okay hurry up we’re taking out the end we’re taking out the Ender Dragon do you want a

Stutter again no go yes okay come on come on come on oh there’s an Ender on me I’m mashing him up I’m mashing him up who did that I’m so sorry but I thought that was oh my God I’m so sorry I just said oh my God no but I already I was

Already charged you still got one live you still got one life all my stuff gone though no no no no no no no it’s not it’s not I I’ll I was about to no one shoot this end Crystal and now an end’s on me I’m going to die this is the

Saddest end of this day Billy do not give me my things give me my things give me my things where are my things Billy I’m placing water you okay I’m dead I’m dead Billy no I’m going to kill him I’m going to kill him I’m going to kill him

Just keep running let me get I’m On One water water water Billy oh my God Billy’s out um okay that was entirely on me I thought you I thought I was a lot higher than I was he’s dead I know I know I know bro this is definitely going

To be all you there’s no chance I Sur fire oh my God okay are you are you bed cycling again well we can we can it’s an option why can’t I hit this got it you got it is that all of them I think that’s all he’s not healing oh she’s

Coming she’s coming okay here we here we go here we go head shot only head shot only oh my God you’re going to kill me K okay I’m getting head shots I’m getting head shot oh I’ve been launched oh my God I clutched that oh my God okay so much damage so much

Damage nice oh it’s a PCH this is it get some bombs and then head shot double head shots double head shot okay oh come on come on double head shots stay St stay down come on come on come on go go go smack smack don’t jump come on yes no

Are you kidding me oh my God please finish her oh the goat come on to your left to your left the goat the goat oh my God oh my God me he canot miss he simply canot Miss oh you messed up I can’t see her

Oh can’t see her left left left oh my God end my suffering yes oh my God finally come on come on sucker come on sucker ow ow oh yes yes

Can You Beat Minecraft with ONLY XRAY?


Twitter – @wispexe
Instagram – @wispexe

Friends: @ShadowApples @MrJagsterS

#MinecraftBut​​​​ #MinecraftChallenge​​​ #Minecraft


  1. This is so unoriginal LOL, how is this even content? It’s like playing call of duty with a mod menu. It’s not interesting and it’s hella boring

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