10 Types Of Players In Stardew Valley (Which One Are You?)

Good day my fellow Farmers there are a lot of stereotypical players in sty Valley from those that decorate nonstop to those that restarted day because they didn’t achieve enough so here are 10 types of players in stardy Valley and a really important question which one are you all righty let’s get started first

Up is the country life player these are the players that are just playing the game more or less the way the game was intended to play a nice slow relaxed play through where there is no rush to complete the community center get married or even become the Valley’s next

Millionaire the country life player is basically doing exactly what your character is attempting to do in the game escaping a corporate world and just living comfortably in the valley planting some crops for some money to get by petting some animals and getting to know the town’s people I usually have

A lot of respect for this type of player because when I play stard Valley I am always trying to achieve all all the things within a certain time or trying to get as much iridium or in a single run as possible and it can be really stressful the country life player has

None of that they just want to chill relax and enjoy the game The Country Life player should not be confused with the well the confused player and I have to admit this used to be me on my first ever play through I played the game for

Three entire years and I had no idea the Comm Center was a thing I have no idea what I actually did on this playthrough but I was not being productive at all I have my small little farm and some upgraded tools but I have never once set

Foot in the skull Cavern because I never completed the Vault bundle I also didn’t know how to feed my animals so they would just starve until I upgraded my farm buildings until the Delux tier yeah I was pretty confused story valy is a game without a tutorial there there is

No basic tutorial phase to the game where the mechanics of the game are being told to you so as a brand new player who has never watched a video or read a guide will be pretty confused and it is to be expected at least this game slowly introduces new mechanics to you

Through the community center so you don’t usually get overwhelmed that much right in the beginning of a new playthrough while some players might look down on these types of players I think this is the best way to learn a game the hard way that way you will

Appreciate all of the mechanics and the quality of life features this game has to offer story Valley is a game where you don’t have to rush to the end so if you fall in this category don’t worry if your farm isn’t where you want it to be

Or if you feel like you’re progressing too slowly take your time and enjoy the world that is sty Valley next up we have the romancer there are many different types of romances some romances only have a single Target on their mind and their main goal in the game is to

Befriend and marry one of their favorite marriage candidates they will then look after their spouse by continuing to give them gifts every single day and giving them a goodbye kiss as they leave to go adventuring for the day these players also tend to take their relationship seriously and they cannot bring it to

Themselves to divorce them to marry someone else to see some of the other players unique marriage cutscenes they would rather start up a brand new new playr and marry another one of the marriage candidates then you have the romances that want to and will marry every single one of the marriage

Candidates within a single playthrough there is a very unique and rare cutscene that will only trigger if you’re currently dating every marriage candidate at the same time not many people have seen this Cuts scene because well who just goes around dating everyone well for this type of romance

That is just the first goal eventually they will marry everyone divorce everyone and erase everyone’s memory to do it all over again and if you are playing on PC you can download the multiple spouse mod that will allow you to marry multiple people at the same

Time either way the romancer has but one goal to conquer the bachelors and bachelorettes of stardy Valley romancers will put much more thought into reing their children instead of just order generated names like I do instead of Bob they might name their children Charles III or something Marty like rain now for

How I play the game the Lona in all of my years of playing stardy Valley I have only married someone recently and it was specifically for a video I don’t know why but I just never really spent the time to befriend the town’s people as I was always too busy being preoccupied

With something else The Loner usually does not have a spouse in the game but they often don’t even have any relationship points with any of the town’s people at all they could be in their fourth or fifth year and still have everyone on zero relationship points when I needed something specific

That can only be obtained by getting a certain friendship level with a villager I would usually just give them the gifts until I get the recipe or item that I needed and then completely forget about the Villager until our relationship slowly deteriorates back to zero Hearts

The Loner can often be seen as a lonely player but do not worry loners are often highly efficient in all of the other aspects of their playr and they are stacked with cash they might not be married with children but they could literally pile their money high enough

To keep them warm during winter The Loner is not to be messed with when it comes to knowing a ton about the game until you ask them what George’s most loved gift is then to the wiki there you go and lastly we have the runer the runer is a player that absolutely loves

Animals and doesn’t just use them for money-making purposes they take Runing seriously and they often have multiple CPS and barns filled up with all of the different types of animals in the game in my current main playthrough I have one CPE filled with rabbits just for the

Rabbit’s feed so that I can easily give them as gifts to the villagers and I have three barns filled with nothing but pigs for money making purposes real runch would be appalled at that because they usually treat all animals equally they have cows goats ducks and even

Sheep even though some of these animals are not profitable at all and it is actually a bit hard to justify having them at all ranches also have a strong work EIC they will never go a day without petting and tending to their animals there will be no excuse for

Leaving your animals unattended and lonely a pet day keeps the vet away runes also tend to carefully name each and every one of their animals instead of the autogenerated names some launchers give their animals unique animal names like popcorn the pig or bubbles for a chicken or they might even

Give all of the animals funny names like drumstick and pork chop did you know that you can actually befriend your pet cat or dog and that you can fill their water ball yeah I didn’t know that but do you know who did the runers did all in all brunchers just take animals a

Little bit more seriously than the other types of players and I am all for it starting off with the hoarder yes sty valelly has hoarders these types of players have tons of chests all absolutely filled with tons of items a true hoarder doesn’t take preference in

The type of items they like to stockpile as long as an item has a use somewhere in the game it is fair game for the hor order a chest full of gold bars Prismatic shards an iridium ore yes please well how about a chest full of Driftwood and sardines while when you

Put some fish in a pond they have a chance of requesting Driftwood So based on that the hoarder will keep all of their drift wood just in case they might need it in the future there are also two types of stardy Valley hoarders you get the organized one that has specific

Chests for specific items and no knows exactly where everything is and then you get the hoarder that just dumps things in the closest chest you can say what you want about the hoarder but when they get a sudden quest for an item or have any need for something you know they

Will have it somewhere in a chest next up we have the M junkie you know who I’m talking about these players can easily have 50 800 or even 200 mods installed if anyone else booted up a new playthrough on their systems you would hardly even recognize the game anymore

The mothers love the creativity and variety of mods and are always on the hunt for another mod some mod junkies only launch the game to test the latest mod that they just installed you truly can get a completely different experience from stardy Valley when you install enough mods at some point the

Mod junkie will have so many mods that do so many things they might even struggle to determine what is a mod and what is actually included in the base game they even have mods that add stuff to other mods if you are playing on PC and haven’t tried out any mods out yet

You should definitely give it a try you can start simple like trying out the Scythe harvesting mod or playing on the expanded mod if you are looking to become a mod junkie here is some advice that any mod user has for you make a backup of your safe file and make

Multiple backups safe files are small so rather be safe than accidentally corrupt your safe file you never know if mod number 346 will be the mod that destroys your safe file be safe mothers now we have the money makers and this is definitely where I fit in best the Money Maker only

Has one goal and they will sacrifice everything to get to it yes I talking about making money the money maker won’t do anything unless it directly makes them money so they often don’t have time to make friends around town they also have no shame in digging through trash

Cans for extra items to sell they will chop down every tree in the game without any care for deforestation it is quite easy to spot a money maker just ask these questions do you have a barn full of pigs is your entire Greenhouse or Ginger Island absolutely filled with

Either star fruit or ancient fruit do you have more cakes then you can count if all of those questions were answered with a yes you know you have a money maker on your your hands I definitely see myself in this category I mean I got married for the first time just this

Week and I’ve played the game for over 400 hours what was I even doing for all of those 400 hours well I was out making money if you are a fellow Money Maker consider checking out my road to a billionaire Challenge and give me some tips and tricks I really need them next

Up we have the Min ma these players are similar to the money M makers but they usually have a set of challenges and goals they try to achieve the money maker has no problem sleeping at 8:00 a.m. to get their wine ready but the Min maxer always sleeps exactly when he

Means to and that is probably just before 2:00 a.m. the men maxer usually employs a certain strategy in sty Valley your game is only saved when you sleep if you quit and enter the game before sleeping you will be effectively restarting that day all over again the the minid maxer has absolutely no

Problem playing out a day and and if it doesn’t go exactly to the plan they will reset that day and try again they will continue to do this until the day ends perfectly the men maxers are the alpha players of story Valley they managed to make millions and millions of gold in

The first year even in the first season they have complete knowledge of the game and have memorized perfect patents for maximum efficiency if you have the dedication to be a Min maxer I will tip my hat off to you I just am not patient enough for that I prefer running around

Not worrying about the time and blowing up stuff with mega bombs the Min maxers manag to do some crazy things like upgrade their pickaxes on day five and unlock the skull Cavern in the first season at some point I would like to try out some of these minmax tactics it

Sounds pretty fun but like a lot of work work now let’s bring the intensity all the way down next up we have the decorators I wish I could be this type of player the decorators take extreme pride in the originality and beauty of their Farms they could spend hours and

Hours decorating a small piece of their Farm until it looks absolutely perfect I’ve seen some amazing farms and decorative spots on Discord and Reddit and it always impresses me sometimes I just sit and stare and wonder how they they even come up with that the true decorators of stardy Valley have planned

Out their Farm layout and design from day one on a new playthrough slowly slowly as they build up their farms and progress through the game their design and vision all come together like a bang and it’s usually a sight to see the decorators can be so dedicated that they

Would spend hours on the stardy valley planner website just perfecting the placement of everything to be symmetrical and just pleasing to the eye I am probably the opposite of the stardy valley decorator I wish I had the patience to create a truly beautiful Farm unfortunately my farm isn’t that

Pretty to look at so check out some of these Farms from the farm of stardy Valley subreddit just look at these Farm layouts they are so incredibly symmetrical and just make sense and those are the five types of St Valley players which do you identify with and

What types are missing from the list I think there’s probably an infinite amount of players like the completionist a player whose goal is to get 100% True Perfection and the speedrunner you also have the allrounder that just wants to have fun with every part of the game

Without going too extreme and many many more and that’s it for the 10 types of players which one are you and also if you enjoyed this video please leave a like and hey why not leave a subscribe too anyways I will see you in the next Video

There are plenty more types of players in Stardew Valley. But here are your typical 10 types of players in Stardew Valley.
I already made these videos but many did not see the first one , so I combined them 🙂

Hope you enjoy the video!

Game Changing SDV Tips: https://youtu.be/KS9tP7So0Pw
Mistakes To Avoid In Stardew Valley: https://youtu.be/KbGrciRpyAM
Strange SDV Tips And Tricks: https://youtu.be/v3rSJbHCUhc
Socials :
💜 – Twitch 💜 : https://www.twitch.tv/ezlilyy
📸 – Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/ezlilyy/
💬 – Discord : https://discord.gg/7aArxRmdaR
♥ – VOD Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2A6WBaFzyP4kJ55z-1-L6Q


  1. I'm a combination of country life, rancher, and organized hoarder. I also become more of a decorator when the game save becomes more mature. I do some of the other stuff too, and work on achievements, but the above are my main three.

  2. im probably a loner/money maker since i dont realy do much with the relationship system and only gift the npc's till i get what i want but i figured i can get into relations when ive completed a bunch of other stuff and im making lots of money so i never have to worry about that.

  3. im just grinder who is just love to play longer with 25% profit marjin with SVE "hard craft" option. Completing the center by the end of the 2nd year is no problem when you can't build a level 3 barn and find truffles due x2 price of barn and 25% earn rate. in the other hand saving money for entire season and think about what will you use your profit for, will you upgrade your tools, build new barn, upgrade your coop, maybe a kitchen for home, or maybe you should not spent it until end of next season for complate vault bundle with 42,5k and you can finally go to desert before end of summer of year 2. Thats was really enjoyable when you not swim in the gold pool. grinding 180h in a run end of 4.years and still not even an obelisk because collecting 1m only for a obelisk is insane

  4. I have a 10 year old farm, on which i am 100% money-maker, and now since your last video about trying to enjoy the game more, now made a farm on which i am strictly country life 💜

  5. I am a romancer at the beginning of every playthrough, even forgetting about my farm XD, but once I date someone I become a money maker, trying to go for the most profitable crops I can sell so I can afford the house expansions. But I mean, I don't get mad if I have a non-productive day every once in a while. Oh and I'm also slowly turning into a mod junkie, but I always look for mods that feel as vanilla as posible.

  6. I would say im number 1. I like to chill and enjoy the game at my pace, no rush on anything. Same with romancing, i take it slow and then decide later who i would like to marry. It feels immersive for me to wait a year or two before marriage in game 🙂

  7. I play as a hoarder, money maker and min-maxer by default. Sometimes I'll play as a decorator just for kicks, but that's rare. Something about breaking games pleases me.

  8. I use to be such a money making hoarder it wasn't even fun. Pushing back friendships a year because it was easier with a complete farm setup. Delaying the community center in favor of getting the farm set up to make easy profits. Never selling crops because the real money was in artisan goods. Desperately farming metals to complete the perfect production layout.

    Then one day I said screw it. I've done it the hard way, why not cheat and make the early farm life easier? Playing [645][279][74] changes everything. Is it better? Is it more fun? Is it less fun? It is different. You still have objectives to chase, but making money just isn't a big deal. Spending more time doing things other than chasing gold become a lot more appealing. I still grind, but the grind is less focused and more interesting. And you spend a lot less time chasing the RNG and more time just wandering around doing stuff because its interesting.

  9. I'm an organized hoarder. That's why I love the Chests Everywhere mod. Being able to reach them just while out isn't the best part for me.

    It's being able to look through an alphabetized list of chests I labeled very clearly for me. I hated having to color code a chest to remember what category of stuff I put in there & keep a clear path to each chest.

    Now I just fill up the tiny room in the fully upgraded house completely with chests then click on any chest I want to access the ones in the back.

    Edit: destroying all that perfectly good honey & beehives at the end made my hoarder heart break 😢😂

  10. I'm a notorious prepper. I usually walk the entire map and check all trash cans and worm spots then restart the day over to streamline every day. Especially the first spring, summer and fall. My main goal for year one is not only finish the CC but also have every building and house upgrade.

  11. I'm a modder/Romancer; not only do I run free love but I also run pretty much every mod that adds more NPCs because ever since I was a kid playing Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life on my Gamecube I've had an obsession with marrying all the characters I can.
    I may have issues but thats nothing another Mermaid pendant won't solve

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