Handgun + Necro armour = A CHEAT code! | Terraria 1.4.4 Ranger Playthrough/Guide (Ep.5)

Hey hey welcome back my friends to another episode of the Terraria Master Ranger playthrough in the last episode we did something truly crazy we took down Skeletron before queen bee and it was all thanks to a combination of the mini shark and the musket both of these things together just absolutely

Obliterated Skeletron like really it is quite remarkable how good these weapons actually are so today’s episode my friends it’s dungeon time we’re going to get ourselves necro armor which is going to serve as our first set of Ranger armor like actually proper Ranger armor and yeah it’s going to be a good time

The thing is though we’ve kind of accidentally skipped straight over fossil armor which is actually a set of armor you can get earlier than the necro armor and it’s also a ranger set of armor but since I’ve already got Shadow Armor and it turns out Shadow Armor is

Actually pretty darn good now in that it gives a flat percentage increase to your Critical Strike chance and a whole bunch of movement Buffs oh it’s a hard one to pass up my friend so the only thing I’ve done since the last episode is another fishing Quest but as a result I got

Myself a couple of bits and Bobs here sadly none of them are double jump I can’t believe we still don’t have double jump in the small jet so ladies and gentlemen it’s off to the dungeon we basically need bones and we need ourselves the cout shield and we need

Ourselves the Phoenix Blaster wait no it’s the handgun first isn’t it and then you upgrade gr it into the Phoenix Blaster which I’m pretty excited to get we’re basically going for a bit of a gunslinger load out at the moment the musket the mini shark and of course

Eventually the Phoenix Blaster I’m so looking forward to seeing what kind of damage they could do so as we’re making our way over into the dungeon of course I do want to say an enormous thank you for all of your lovely support throughout this series so far I really

Appreciate all of the love in the form of the comments and subscriptions and like ratings lately of course keep those likes rolling in if you want to continue supporting this series and this channel here hit the Subscribe button if you’re new around here and you don’t want to

Miss out on my future content and if you do want to go on further with your support of course use code python when ordering any of my Apex gaming PCs for 5% off or for a whopping 15% off if you go for some Terraria merch from Terraria

Do shop so then ladies and gentlemen it’s dungeon time let’s roll on down into it and let’s see how quickly we can get all of the things that we’re looking for bunch of shurikens we can use them but they’re far outdone by other things at this

Particular point in the game I think my friends right what do we got here we got ourselves a trap we got ourselves a chest but we don’t have any keys yet so we’ll have to come back to that one in just a bit what I’m going to do is I’m

Actually going to activate a danger sense potion because what that’ll allow me to do is it will allow me to spot all of the Broken Bricks you know those ones where if you grapple onto it or walk on them you’ll just wind up getting absolutely ruined it’s not something we

Want to be dealing with if I’m being honest so yeah danger sense it’s the way to go yeah look at all those broken cracked up bricks right there oh man is there a lot of them so let’s go through and let’s start getting rid of them shall we see if we can’t

Open up some new avenues ah very good the mechanic is right here hello there how you doing uh we don’t have access to the mechanics fishing rod right now unfortunately but that’s something I imagine we’ll get a little bit later it’s a great thing to go for it really

Is it has a pretty good amount of fishing power oh Snappers here we go my friends dungeon slimes all right we’re about to get ourselves our first key the first chest we’re going to open is just on our right there he’s hoping for a handgun first time rolling boom Oh NOP it’s something

Else we needed the beautiful cobal Shield hell yeah all right bewitching table I mean we’re just got to wind up selling it of course because we’re not allowed to use anything Summoner related in this let’s play here so yeah money that’s all it’s good for wow two locked

Golden chests right next to each other now only I had myself a couple of keys oh look at it another Pathway to open up oh it basically goes nowhere it’s just an alternate path to somewhere where it’s already open aha oh no way an ancient necro helmet that’s kind of awesome all right

Well that’s one piece of the necro armor which I no longer need to make and here it is my friends the jungle chest the only biome chest that contains a Ranger weapon of course it contains the piranha gun but I’m not entirely sure how good it is nowadays so yeah that’ll be

Something to find out a little bit later in the series of course nice a tally counter love to see it ah alchemy table see that my friends that is way more like it in terms of stuff that will actually get some usage another key obtained and another Cobalt

Shield obtained um okay yet another chest what have we got this time Aquis spor it’s a nice Mage weapon don’t get me wrong but we’re not allowed to use it all right the Blue Moon um yeah you know what there has been a surprising lack of

Golden keys he says as he obtains a golden key okay right there we are got the Valor right there if this was a yo-yo play through I’d be pretty excited I don’t care about these Skelly butts I just want to kill this dungeon slime and

Get me a key because like I say I’ve been lacking with them in this little dungeon sesh here right uh I mean there we go got him right now I just need to get out of this freaking Death Pit all right handgun no one of these days my friends one of

These days I will perfect the art of calling what’s in each of the chests that exists in Terraria and on that same day pigs will fly off cliffs and hell will probably freeze over so yeah pretty unlikely ehy once again don’t care about the skellies just want this dungeon slime come on now

Take them out take them out there we are right we’ve got ourselves a slot to be able to pick up the key sadly it’s been guarded by three 115 million skeletons so yeah give me a few years my friends you’ll all be able to retire by the time

I’ve taken all these poor saps out yeah some good news we’ve actually got ourselves two golden keys inadvertedly this one here this one’s going to have a handgun no it’s not it’s going to have a magic Missile oh you know what they say don’t quit your day job ehy my friends I

Wonder maybe if I go into this chest with some reverse psychology maybe that’ll work this one will not have a handgun in it will it and uh it doesn’t ow lamia Riley I really can see this area being an inadvertent excellent mob farm I mean for goodness sake look at

All these guys there’s millions of them again there might be a way to speed this thing up a little bit maybe a couple of banners yes angry bones Banner uh what other banners do we have oh none that’s about it so we got the dark caster and

The angry bones banners yeah that’ll do the job that’ll do the job look at all that damage it’s beautiful isn’t it ah regular chest and a dungeon means only one thing guaranteed key yeah love to see it will it or will it not have a handgun boom it’s another Valor really

Ah so many rubbish things that we just don’t need all right surely we must have a decent chance of getting a handgun now come on there it is I knew it would only be a matter of time I’m pretty sure you’re guaranteed at least one of of

Each of the unique dungeon drops in a single world so yeah like I say only a matter of time my friends to be honest I don’t know what more I need at this point there’s a Merin Mass don’t need that of course all right another magic Missile I think we’re just about running

Out of stuff to loot at this point so yeah it’s not been too bad a dungeon sesh I mean at the end of the day I haven’t died so you know I should take comfort in that I guess and my friend’s on the way out we’ve got our final

Dungeon chest here oh wait a minute I’m not about to freaking leave behind my deathless title here no way Jose all right let’s get up there let’s open this bad boy up and it’s another Mur mastera with an angel statue wow an angel statue but I’ll tell

You what I’m much going to take it because why not so then my friends that is the dungeon explored and looted in its entirety we’ve gotten all the things that that we were looking for namely the handgun the Cobalt shield and the shadow key is definitely a bonus a bonus in the

Way that I completely forgot about it because actually it will grant me access eventually to the hellwing bow won’t it so yeah these three things here these were what I was looking for more than anything and we got them so yeah a successful dungeon sesh by every account

I think all right cobweb and Bones that’s all we need I do believe for the necro armor we don’t need the helmet so let let’s go straight for the breast plate and the Greaves here so a grand total of what was that 15% increase range damage and then a 10% increase to

Our ranged Critical Strike chance that’s not too bad we go from 27 defense and we actually maintain 27 defense not too bad the only thing is we don’t have as much agility anymore but we do have a good amount of damage we have what 34 on the

Musket six with the the mini shark and that increases to 38 and 7even respectively with the necro armor so yeah still not bad my friends not bad at all so then what to do next eh we could probably head on over to the Jungle see if we can’t find ourselves one of those

Queen beehives we’ve got some pretty good Weaponry at this point folks I don’t see a reason why we can’t take down queen bee today so let me go ahead and uh top up here on some spiky balls real quick uh we make sure we’ve got ourselves a whole bunch of little buff

Bits and Bobs and then yeah we should be pretty much good to go now interestingly the handgun only has one less damage than the musket and yet the handgun has very fast speed we could probably do a little bit better than having minus speed on this though what do you guys

Think eh is it time for a little bit of a reforge three gold coins okay uh oh hey yeah I’ll take that okay going from 24% crit chall down to 22 the very much vastly improved speed of this versus the musket I think makes it better than the

Musket so I think at long last the musket is going to be retired which is a shame really because actually it did me Justice for a lot of this series in fact the vast majority of this series oh no way is that blooming it is death weed is

Blooming oh Sound the Alarm Bells the death weed is blooming you know what that means we need to get on over to the corruption biome and start harvesting a bunch of death read so we can get ourselves a bunch of seeds let’s do that real quick and then we’ll get to Queen

Bee don’t worry I’m still going to get it done I just want to take advantage of this opportunity right here because it doesn’t come around all that often believe me if there’s not a great deal to be had on the surface then there is surely going to be a whole bunch of

Death read probably underground so yes either way we should wind up with a good amount there we are there’s another little bit there oh you poor demon ey wow he just had a very bad night ah yes okay so we got one right there oh my word this handgun is gnarly got another

One just over here what have we got any more to the left here oh one right there another one right there beautiful stuff I can see yet another one on my right hell yeah it’s so worth doing this I can’t recommend to you guys enough that

You take take advantage of any full or blood moons that you wind up getting in your world nice and early on because yeah death weed it’s a very very useful thing I would argue it’s probably like the second most useful potion ingredient next to day Bloom so yeah it’s worth it

Trust me so then now my friends now is the time we go for queen bee oh Snappers let’s find ourselves a hive let’s just get this thing done it should be easy street with the weaponry and Loadout we have currently turns out I’ve got quite

A lot of surface chests to loot what do we got here a boomerang um yeah okay one down here armored plant fiber cordage guide thingy a third one this one has a step stool can’t they just have an aglet for once and a fourth one just here once again no

Aget how is it possible man how are we always so unlucky that we never get an aget in our worlds I swear it’s always the case all righty a fifth chest oh there we have it oh thank goodness for that we actually do have an aglet for once terrari you must have

Heard my cries huh oh dear now if our luck could continue by us finding ourselves a nice easy one of those Queen beehive thingies that would be absolutely beautiful what’s this a little chest with a magic mirror can you imagine if that had double jump in it I would have been so

Happy ah beautiful there is indeed a queen bee hive wonderful all we need to do is get ourselves in there place down a little mini Arena and then pretty much just slap queen bee down although I can see a little chest on my bottom left there so bear with me while I have

Another game of is there going to be double jump in that chest all right place your bets folks are we going to get double jump out of this chest yes or no survey says no of course not of course not all righty let’s enter this

Thing there we are the lava is on the right you just got to be nice and careful that we don’t accidentally summon Queen be that would have been quite bad actually I keep forgetting we’ve got meteor shots and they bounce yeah got to be careful now what

We do is we roll in with a bunch of these here platforms and I’m hoping that this will be enough for us to be able to dodge the queen bee’s charging attacks because well they’re kind of nasty aren’t they all righty campfire and another campfire regen Thorns coffee shine iron skin and Ladies

And Gentlemen let’s just do this thing shall we I mean it’s queen bee we’ve already got ourselves the handgun this is supposed to be done before Skeletron largely speaking but yeah here we are going back to creep be all right here we go the handgun look

At it doing the damage isn’t it I do love it I’m very much looking forward to upgrading this thing up to the Phoenix Blaster cuz the Phoenix Blaster next to the star cannon is probably what top three prehard mode Ranger weapons like seriously it’s pretty nasty especially

Against the Wall of Flesh when you got meteorite bullets you know it really does do some serious serious damage all right we’re about half Health with The Queeny here and we just had to use a healing pot right there should I be concerned that that is the

Case there really isn’t a lot of space to dodg in here is there but never mind come on now it’s all about the dodging here yeah ah okay now she’s getting a little bit antsy I feel right 8007 6 5 4 3 two come on now one and ladies and

Gentlemen get out easy street I wasn’t scared you guys were scared and on that note I think it’s time to wrap up today’s episode thank you so much for watching if you guys have enjoyed today’s episode and of course you’re excited to see more do be sure to continue dropping likes on these

Videos i’ very much appreciate it folks hit the Subscribe button and don’t forget to ding that Bell if you don’t want to miss out on my future content but yeah join me in the next episode where it’s going to be deerclops and the Wall of Flesh now bear in mind this is

Only the fifth episode we’ve already down Skeletron and queen bee and on episode six we’re going to be going for the Wall of Flesh like how crazy is that probably the quickest pacing in a series I’ve ever done maybe even quicker than that of my master Warrior playthrough of

Old that’s just ridiculous isn’t it but when you’ve been playing the game as long as I have you sort of figure out easy ways of doing things and it’s just like you know what everything’s just kind of easy now so that is why I’m looking forward to the Terraria 1.4.5

Update in particular because I’m very much looking forward to doing my new seed mixture playthrough where we’re going to be mixing certain secrecies together and yeah that’s the only hint I’ll give it’s going to be a challenge so it’s going to be a case of enjoy it while it lasts python in terms

Of you know being able to slap people down with absolute ease because it won’t be like that forever so thank you for watching have yourselves a great rest of your day thanks for all of your wonderful support and I’ll see you guys in the next one bye-bye

Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide – After a quick dungeon raid, we gain access to one of the most powerful loadouts in pre-hardmode Terraria… the Handgun with Necro Armour! It’s INSANE!
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This is Episode 5 of my Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide on Terraria 1.4.4!
#terraria #terrarialetsplay #terrariaplaythrough


    Finally i can continue my recepy cuz birds can eat icecream while counting oranges on the side walking like dogs in iceland

  2. Gunslinger is an awesome subclass, but if you want to take chances, I'd suggest switching over to rockets post Plantera. They aren't as overpowered, but very fun to use. 🙂

  3. Python is the cloud recipe calamity only? Idk try getting to some clouds and guiding up the clouds (recipes)

    Anyways you should shimmer the angel statue

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