[Stardew Valley] First Playthrough! | Everything I touch dies!

Hello and welcome today is January 11th 2024 and today we’ll be playing some stardo Valley for the first time well at least first time for me um looks like we already have a few early people showing up in the chat hello jeah T how’s it going welcome back right now I am

Currently just uh making sure everything is running smoothly I think we are good um it looks like whatever I did earlier this week to fix the choppiness and lag issues I was having at the beginning of this week it just kind of worked out so whatever I did it worked

And uh it’s a good thing so I’ll take it all right so let me give a little bit of background uh some background here is that I’ve never played stardo Valley before I’ve heard it it was really good and uh I actually got it on sale over the Christmas

Break and uh I was just like oh man everyone’s saying play stardy Valley play stardo Valley sholo and I was like I don’t know stardo Valley seems kind of mainstream Now isn’t it but I was like you know what if people are hyping it up it’s got to be

Good I got to try it so [ __ ] it why not right so uh yeah that’s definitely uh something to look forward to uh something else I wanted to say uh before I get started is that uh if you notice on the tags for this stream on

The twitch side I put that uh back seating is allowed uh I’m probably going to need some handholding during this knowing me and how stupid I can be sometimes when I’m just reading through uh instructions and trying to figure out what the heck is going on and I’m just

Like completely confused um but yeah I hope that uh oh uh I adjusted the sound levels also for the game cuz it was loud as hell for some reason like it was super loud um but uh yeah hopefully it wasn’t deaf in anyone and uh I’ve done

Good to balance it so we will see once the time uh once the time comes so yeah there’s that um what’s up jeu Tater what did you uh you said oh but oh as in what what happened was it something I said I assume it’s something I said uh it looks

Like I only have the twist side working up oh working well uh okay I don’t see anyone saying anything on the kick side yet and it looks like the YouTube side is fairly quiet okay I just want to confirm cuz I’ve had a situation before where like one of the chats for some

Reason just didn’t show up in the combin chat and I was just like what the [ __ ] is happening so in order to prevent a tragedy like that I uh just quickly taking a look making sure we’re not ignoring anyone but yeah um you can check okay well either way I

Appreciate it and also um it’s been a while since I’ve seen you in the chat I just realized like I’m looking and I’m like hold on a second I haven’t seen that name in a hot minute so there’s that um but it’s okay I do think that uh I don’t know I

Guess I’m a little nervous about playing this game you’ve been busy at work that’s understandable yeah got to make that Ms I understand but uh yeah let’s get started I I think I’ve rambled enough I can’t avoid this anymore hello emu hello may how are you

Doing see you’ve joined the queue oh and looks like we’ve gotten a follow thank you so much that is over on the oh you’re on the kick side thank you awesome thanks for following me there I appreciate it I’m not quite where I want

To be on uh kick I I want to get at least 75 followers so that I’m eligible for like subscriptions on there uh I have not reached that yet just dealing with PC being Slowpoke today that’s not good emu how how’s it going over there on the YouTube side you

Chilling ready to have a good old whole time ready to judge judge the hell out of this stream uh I wonder how many of you have actually played stard do Valley before because I I I I’m going to need some help probably at some point I’m nervous

All right I’m going to start here we go let me know if the you trusted me with these Souls I shall guide them to the underworld it is the owl raid hello Vin thank you for the raid over on Twitch hello viewers hello everyone hello Raiders welcome in you

Caught me just as I was about to make my character in stardew Valley I’ve never played this game before so you can just laugh at me all right so uh yes you have here but don’t remember [ __ ] thank you for the raid V I appreciate it for those of you who don’t

Know my name is sholo Q I am a uh sh e queenly AKA Mexican hairless dog uh yes I have hair on my head many of us have mohawks it’s pretty natural and uh yeah I play mostly management Sims um overall just simulation games in general I have played a couple of

Farming Sims here here and there um I also play a lot of Rhythm games uh Base building stuff like that so I find it really cool hello I’m going to say hello to everyone in the chat as you’re all pouring in joodi son gee I wonder who that could

Be um let’s see we got this the stoic elf Mage I see I keep messing that up I keep wanting to say stoic elf Mage but you have to you have to watch for the the part the the stoic elf Mage yes that is important right and

Then we have Yoo over on the kick side Des cran hello welcome we got May ex AKA sexy go choncho oh my God says zash welcome to the chat how’s it going that variety Streeter mood LOL yeah I guess I am kind of turning

Into that a little bit but I I do fall within like specific categories like I tend to be usually it’s like cozy chill streams um so the only time it’s not cozy and chill is when I’m doing like Rhythm stuff usually it’s you G I would have never guessed hello Rancho doz

How’s it going all right let’s get started let’s let’s spend 30 minutes trying to decide what my character should look like in this game damn not sweaty gamer sagge hello D 58 how you doing all right let’s see I’m going to name my character sholo my farm name is best

Spud best Spud Farm my favorite thing favorite thing what is my favorite thing damn crap I didn’t even think of that quick what do I [Laughter] put I have no idea what to put for favorite thing well it’s in Red so I assume it’s not important right I don’t

Know tacos I do like tacos but that’s not my favorite food maybe I you know what I got to think of something I got to think of something BBA oh man do I go with a male character or a female character or I guess it’s oh crap what do I

Do uh I guess I’ll go female I usually play male characters in a lot of games I play but you know it’s fine shrubber oh that’s a good one Shrubbery Shrubbery yes thank you thank you yoos I totally forgot about that that’s a good one I love

Shrubbery uh let’s see skin one two three four five six 7even let’s go with oh wow there’s a lot of colors Jesus Christ I don’t know I kind of want to pick something that’s close to me maybe I can go with oops okay that one’s probably closest I’d say

Shrubbery all right now let’s go with hairstyles o okay okay got some cool looking hair now now we’re in business let’s see what else we got here we got uh okay long hair short hair oh my God we have the anime character going to die hairstyle oh my God I forgot what it’s

Called I feel like it’s called something specific and I can’t remember but there’s like this meme where like every single one of the um like like every time a character in an anime has like this hairstyle it means they’re going to die like it’s like a meme okay I I don’t

Know where I’ve seen this but it’s so far it’s panned out pretty well and has been the case so I’m going to avoid this hairstyle oh I can turn my character I didn’t realize okay okay all right let’s try something else here I think I’m going to go with something

Simple oh I can have a mohawk okay okay all right I am winning I am winning today damn it oh cool I can put on like maybe I should put on like a purple tea is there a purple t-shirt maybe the anime mom hair thank you that’s what it

Is yeah the anime mom hair where like the mom dies because they’re because the hairstyle the side the side ponytail cuz allim M you’re not wrong it really does feel that way I think um oh wait there’s the purple shirt right there all right now we need some

Pants Oh Boy uh let’s go with those oh I can have a beard I don’t think I want a beard though I’m not that cool oh sunglasses look at that [ __ ] yeah okay animal preference okay we have what is that I thought that was the cat

Is that a dog and this is a cat wait I’m conf oh they’re all cats hold on okay there we go doggo doggo doggo cat oh I see okay so there’s like presets okay I can’t change the color of the animal can I does anyone

Know oh man if I change the color of the animal it’s going to be like ridiculous so I think oh and there’s no calico cat either so I can’t like pick a I like cats but I but I’m also I also like dogs I don’t know what to do I

Can’t choose one that looks like me cuz there is none that well I guess this is technically me so you know what let’s go with a cat [ __ ] it why not we’ll go with this one I like that that cat’s cute all right eye color I’m going to go with brown

I’ll leave that let’s see actually no maybe not brown maybe like a well I put sunglasses on it doesn’t matter now does it oh well hair color let’s go with I’m going to go with a nice black hairstyle okay pants color I think I’m just going to leave them like that I

Think the blue jeans are fine all right uh I am not going to skip the intro cuz I don’t know what the heck I’m doing oh wait I have to choose a farm oh crap okay standard Farm a simple plot of land with a large amount of open

Space to design your farm Riverland Farm your farm is spread across several islands and Scenic river banks fish are more common here than usual okay Woods limit your farming space however oh this is Forest Farm by the way uh Woods limit your farming uh space however the bounty of the forest is nearly

At wait at your doorstep oh okay Hilltop Farm Rocky terrain and a winding River make it difficult to design your farm however a mineral deposit provides mining opportunities okay Wilderness Farm hello huku Kagan how you doing welcome to the chat um let’s see there’s plenty of good

Land here but beware at night the monsters come out oh my God Four Corners farm the land is divided into four Parcels each with its own perk perfect for a group well I’m by myself so that’s not going to work Beach Farm good foraging and fishing tons of open space

Sometimes Supply crates wash up on shore oo however sprinklers don’t work in the sandy soil okay I don’t know how important that is I’m going to go with a standard farm this is my first time and I think and I don’t want to mess it up so I’m I’m just going to hit

Okay starting area selection yep here we go and for my very special granddaughter I want you to have the sealed envelope the hell is that no no don’t open it yet have patience oh okay now listen close there will come a day when you feel crushed by the burden of Modern

Life and your bright spirit will fade before a growing Emptiness when that happens my dear you’ll be ready for this gift okay now let Grandpa rest [Laughter] forever oh God what is this what is the stopan hell oh my God not cubicle creatures God damn oh my God that guy has a lot of meds on his desk what’s happening oh my

God what do I have to use the bathroom oh my God what is this Shady figure or is that me oh it is me okay this is so weird do I just click on it oh I do click on it okay dear shello if you’re

Reading this you must be in dire need of a change the same thing happened to me long ago I’d lost sight of What mattered most in life real connections with other people in nature so I dropped everything and moved to the place I truly belong oh

Okay thank you for the hydrate PJ I’m going to take a quick sip of my Apple Juice I have apple juice today M delicious oh I sorry I didn’t mean to pause the game I clicked away and it paused I was not anticipating that hold on a second let me uh Che uh

Fix my thing here there we go says I’m here to judge crops and shoe Bubblegum and I’m all out of gum oh no oh no no hello you must be sholo yes I am who the [Laughter] [ __ ] I’m Robin the lo oh hold on I need

Let me see if I can get a good voice for this person I’m Robin the local Carpenter mayor Lewis sent me here to fetch you and show you you the way to our new home all right sorry to I didn’t mean I why did I read that as

Hour he’s there right now tidying things up for your arrival the farm site over here if you’ll follow me sight oh my God I can’t read today can you tell I’m stressed I cannot read I can’t read that’s okay we’ll figure it out this is best bud Farm gee I wonder who named

It um do I have to use the bathroom is that what’s happening sure it’s a bit overgrown but there’s some good soil underneath that mess with a little dedication you’ll have it cleaned up in no time okay it’s like I left to become less stressed and now I’ve taken on a whole

Your stress and here we are your new home okay oh who this oh my God it’s Mario from the future oh God I’m dying I’m kidding he’s not Mario from the future he looks actually I should have said Luigi he’s wearing a green [Laughter] shirt oh wow your purple shirt really

Pops out with that farm color scheme yeah no kidding oh my God ah the new farmer welcome I’m Lewis mayor of Pelican town you know everyone’s been asking about you it’s not every day that someone new moves in it’s quite a big deal okay so you’re moving into your

Grandfather’s old Cottage it’s a good house very rustic yeah that’s a good way to describe it more like The sheveled Rustic that’s one way to put it yeah exactly Robin crusty might be a little more apt though rude I mean they’re not wrong don’t listen to her shello

Oh hold on a second my brain is just stopped fun functioning I got distracted by the things moving around on the screen I what is this are they like little mushrooms I have no idea anyway don’t listen to her shillo she’s just trying to make you dissatisfied so that you buy

One of her house upgrades H anyway you must be tired from the long journey you should get some rest tomorrow you ought to explore the town a bit and introduce yourself the town’s people would appreciate that okay oh I almost forgot if you have anything to sell just place it in this

Box here and I’ll come by during the night to collect it okay well good luck all right sound good to me sounds like a Plan your progress has been saved yay 500 monies what is this journal instructions it would be a nice gesture to introduce yourself around town some people might be anxious to meet the new farmer two out of wait two out of 28 people greeted holy crap that’s a lot of people a lot of

People and you know oh crap I just noticed PJ uh has reached a 10 stream streak this stream that’s awesome congratulations that’s that’s a lot oh I didn’t read the instructions on the left-and side so I don’t know what everything does how do I interact with

Stuff oh crap oh I can click on things oh I can move them I don’t want to move them what is this oh right click okay pars of seeds you received 15 parsnip parsnip seeds here’s a little something to get you started May or lose

Okay uh where do I put it do I put it here wait how do I crap I should have paid attention how do I interact with stuff do I just click on stuff decorative Bowl I’m holding it but what does it do oh crap if I press and hold I slam [ __ ] okay

Oh oh I see I switch my tool based on okay so this is kind of like paleo where you like switch your tool based on your thingy okay that makes sense that makes sense starting to come together I guess I’m out of here oh boy uh let’s let’s try

And oh fiber plant fibers okay whoopsie oh there’s a time in this game oh I I need to meet people okay if you want to become a farmer you have to start with the basics use your hoe to till the soil then use a seed packet on

The Tilt soil to sew a crop water every day until the crop is ready to harvest cultivate and harvest your par okay so now now I have two things I can do oh this is kind of cool oh that’s a hoe not a oh hold on oh

The first one is an axe I was confused cuz I thought the okay okay I got some wood going to cook something and I’ll be back good farming okay all right we got this and that and these and those if I press okay so pressing I doesn’t open up a bigger inventory is

This all my inventory space there’s no way or is it actually tab just makes everything bounce I don’t know what that means okay all right let me um go into town I guess I’m not even going to explore this I’m just going to go straight into town and talk to the

Peoples let’s go as far as possible oh maybe this is the town oh man I feel like I’m trespassing Jesus there’s so many houses oh I can oh crap oops oh no I didn’t want to go in the house I just entered this person’s home oh my God oh my God

Why oh crap is it too late to turn around oh this person has some music going on you’re not good enough friends with Sam to enter this his bedroom yeah well no [ __ ] I’m out of here okay is it going to stop me oh you aren’t exactly how I imagined

But that’s okay I’m Jody uh hi jod what did you imagine oh I didn’t even see this person here oh a stranger my name’s Vincent mama says not to talk to strangers but you seem okay what gave you that idea you know let’s get out of here it’s amazing they didn’t kill me

When I entered their home like that or at least freak out or something like I straight up entering people’s homes like what oh you’re that new farmer girl or whatever aren’t you wait what uh oh I’m Haley yeah that would have been nice to know

All right let’s get out of here I don’t see another person here oh there’s a bedroom I think you aren’t getting enough friends with Haley to enter her bedroom okay oh she left her house oh they can walk around outside okay okay this is kind of cool who is this oh hello I’m

Penny hi Penny sewer is there someone living in the sewer there’s someone living down there isn’t there it’s locked oh okay maybe not maybe not I’m just kind of walking around aimlessly I don’t see anyone in this home okay let’s get out of here oh there’s a car right here

Interesting this like a little shop closed until summer oo okay seasonal shops probably shouldn’t mess with this mailbox this a library okay hello there welcome to the stardy valley archaeological office Oh I thought this was a library uh this is embarrassing but the previous curator made off with the

Entire collection we don’t have any artifacts for display but I’m hoping to remedy that soon hey if you find any artifacts or minerals out there would you let me know okay sounds good to me there’s a book missing here oh okay is there anyone else in here

No wow I really thought this was a library when I entered that’s kind of crazy to be honest this game is more interesting than I thought huh well we’ll see I mean I I I literally I just got started like I’m only like 30 minutes in and I’m over

Here like looking around like a crazy person cuz I’m trying to find 28 people oh okay what’s going on there blacksmith okay oh I just sat in the chair randomly I didn’t mean to do that shop upgrade tools and leave okay too lazy to mine your own ore no

Problem wow okay so copper ore iron ore coal and gold or okay oh I can inspect this it’s a professional grade furnace peering inside you see molten metal bubbling and churning okay what’s this there’s a stack of metal working blueprints okay interesting oh oh wait I

Forgot oh that’s their bedroom okay I I thought I missed something there can I take this for a ride out of order damn um hold on a second okay I’m back oh by the way uh I I completely forgot to do this earlier but I meant to shout out Vin oh my

God no okay so I’m dumb and I completely forgot to shout out Vin while they were here so I’m going to do that now oh crap I did not mean to open that on me uh hold on I you know you know what I’ll uh I’ll do this real

Quick so here just so you guys can have the link for another time I’ll put it right here and then I’ll also put it in the other chats there you go and here as well sorry about that V if you see this later I’m sorry I’m so

Stupid I freaking forgot to do that sooner that was my bad um but anyway and yes I am buying time cuz we’re in ad phase but you know that’s besides the point you know what this reminds me of remember when I played like uh Farm together a while back and they had like

I went to that one person’s house and they had the railroad track like that’s what this reminds me of it’s kind of interesting oh a bunny I’m probably going to have to kill that at some point huh we’ll see join us thrive Jojo Jojo Mart oh my God I just worked for this

Company uhoh okay let’s talk to this person here a shopper Hey kid the name’s Pam hi Pam okay hey I’m Sam good to meet you Hi Sam Shane’s hard at work he doesn’t seem interested in talking you know I just realized Sam kind of looks like um like

A JoJo character I think Sam’s on the clock better not get him in trouble oh well I should have stayed on the portrait I could have showed you guys white funky soda powdered breakfast just add water eggs and potatoes canned fish now with teeth whitening sauce oh my God carbo cones

Tasty little oh wow there’s actual items on the shelves here it’s a lot of stuff hello Spidey Marv welcome to the chat how you doing all right let’s see let’s talk to this person welcome to joja Mart how are you doing today I don’t believe we’ve met I’m

Morris joa sorry I’m Morris joa customer satisfaction representa I can’t word when you decide you want to become a JoJo member I’ll be delighted to help make your transition make you your transition a joyous exper dude the way you said that makes it sound like you know you’re like going

Into the Afterlife like I’ll make sure the transition is a joyous experience like transition to what my death dear Lord oh let’s talk to oh okay I guess I can block their path but I can’t talk to them while they’re they’re leaving interesting yeah it looks like I am

Grocery shopping oh oh this is where I access the shop okay okay Jazz seeds what is that kale sugar wheat rice wallpaper flooring interesting okay let’s get out of here I don’t have a lot of money I only have 500 uh let’s see what’s over here I feel like I’m going the wrong

Way I don’t see any houses or anything over there so I’m I’m just going to cross this little Bridge J Colo light wow God a shovel Pelican Town wow this thing looks kind of overrun by weeds it’s locked H okay okay what’s this oh nothing to interact with

There I kind of really interesting how this game has like a very like like the the game makes me think that you can do everything with the keyboard but then like the fact you can still interact with stuff with your mouse is like kind of weird like I don’t know it’s

Interesting very interesting oh look it’s uh I think this is Robin isn’t it have you met everyone in town yet that sounds exhausting no it no I haven’t greetings I’m Demetrius local scientist and father local father what thanks for introducing yourself okay Demetrius I’m out of here local scientist and father why

Would you say like who introduces themselves like that like like hi I’m Demetrius I’m a father like what like that’s so random that like I don’t know like feels a little TMI but I don’t know these people want want me to meet them anyway so one of Robin’s axes okay oh this is

Robin’s house okay okay you’re not good enough friends with Robin or Demetrius to enter their bedroom ooh okay okay you’re not oh you’re not good enough friends with Maru to enter her bedroom interesting oh what’s in the fridge I know it’s rude lots of soda H I’m not

Surprised all right how many people have I met 10 out of 2 10 out of 28 God damn oh wait hold on a second there’s another room here you’re not good enough friends with Sebastian to enter his room okay I haven’t met Sebastian yet either what is this oh

Okay all right oh maybe this is Sebastian yes it is oh just moved in right cool cool all right what is this some kind of summoning ritual thing got a little campfire it’s a lot of exploration going on right now because I I just don’t know oh I can

Walk in the tent oh oh hi Str a stranger hello lonus okay hello stranger what is that looks like a lot of rizing needed in this game yeah I didn’t realize it was like any kind of rizing mechanic until like I didn’t even know that until

I started playing and I was like wait a second there’s a rising mechanic here what you know it’s funny cuz now that I’m playing this game I see why people are comparing this uh paleo to this game a lot like I like it makes sense to me

Now because you have rizing you have uh you know oh I can’t get up here okay you have rizing you have you know basically a farm life Sim kind of thing that’s kind of Interest oh God can’t even okay let me let me chop this down God whose house is this it’s a

Mess you know whenever my house looks bad I’m just going to remember this and be like at least it’s not that house whatever this once was it’s now in Ruins yikes okay so this is an entirely different property I Wonder If eventually like you you uh get to be in here too this

Is I mean can you blame me I need to have at least a little bit of wins I need the little wins okay just the little wins also it’s night time and I’m kind of scared I’m wearing sunglasses at night I don’t think that’s a good

Thing oh I an energy gauge I didn’t even notice that oh crap what happens if I run out of energy it’s locked open 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. okay crap I can’t do anything okay so I think I know what strategy I’m going to use here I think

I’m going to work on my house at night maybe I don’t know oh I this isn’t even the right place now I’m just retracing my steps oh I didn’t see this Fountain here before interesting oh it’s a playground that’s so weird I feel kind of edgy going to the

Playground by myself at night in the dark it’s like isn’t that what all the cool kids do I don’t know oh look what is this what what oh it shows birthdays on this calendar oo egg Festival flower D oh this is cool all right that’s going to be

Hopefully useful it’s locked open 9 to three oh so I can only get medical attention 9 to3 interesting okay there’s a saloon over here how do I get back to my house I have no idea how to do that maybe I’m headed in the right direction lock

Okay hey wait who is this guy he’s out in the middle of the night I don’t know you why are you talking to me I don’t know because I’m obligated to because of this Quest oh okay I think my character’s getting tired cuz I just saw ZZ above my

Head so what is this is this another house crap I don’t know what I’m doing I’m scared and lost guys I’m not even an hour into the game and I’m already lost this isn’t my house is it oh there’s a lake though I can probably fish in there

Right I think I’m headed in the right direction I just can’t quite remember where I came from my jokes need medical attention oh my god well I’m sorry you’re going to have to come back at 900 a.m. or 8:00 a.m. or whatever time they open no medical attention for those those

Jokes God I have no idea what I’m doing is this a like Fortress Castle thing now I’m exploring at night and I can’t really see well so I’m just like I’m so lost is there a map oh there is a map oh okay all right hold

On is there an indicator as to where my home is oh it’s right here oh hold on a second I can right wait so if I left click on if I press M it opens a map if I left click it opens my inventory oh so this is my inventory I

Think always show tool hit location Auto detect what is that skills oh they’re skill leveling okay that’s something I’m going to have to work on too it looks like I didn’t realize that here we go social it’s a lot of Hearts oh and it shows you their status

Like if the person is single that’s interesting very very interesting okay okay I I see where this is going so yeah the new owner of the farm outside town we saw her roaming in the dark last night right with sunglasses on which makes it even more suspicious I don’t even know what this

Tower here is it’s locked you can hear someone inside though oh oh man I have no idea okay so all right hold on let me open the map again oh my character fell asleep oh my God my character fell asleep in place what oh what it brought me back to my

House I’m so lost what the [ __ ] oh I can turn the fireplace on and off okay weather report fortune teller all right let’s go with the fortune teller welcome back to well Wick’s Oracle if you seek hidden knowledge of the future when you come to the right place the

Spirits are very displeased today they will do their best to make your life difficult too late all right let’s see welcome to Coy 5 your number one source for weather news and entertainment and now the weather forecast for tomorrow it’s going to rain all day tomorrow okay that’s good to know so

Don’t stay out in the did I lose money I did lose money I lost 50 gold I didn’t even notice that holy [ __ ] okay so oh my God there’s a letter sholo someone dropped you off at the clinic last night you passed out from exhaustion you’ve got to take

Better care of yourself and go to bed at a reasonable hour I’ve buil you 50 gold to cover your medical expenses Dr Harvey what the [ __ ] oh there’s another message hello there just got back from a fishing trip you should come down to the beach sometime I’ve got something for you Willie dear

Lord accurate low energy doggo right oh my God I can’t believe that happened oh and I can put things in here wait how do I oh I had to do every little thing okay how do I close oh I pressed Escape okay I was like how do I do this how do

I do that fishing let’s go maybe I kind of want to clear out the land first cuz obviously I don’t know what the [ __ ] I’m doing I just keep getting lost I was scared it was dark I didn’t know where everything was and then you know what was weird is that like it

Showed me I was getting tired but like I just didn’t know what to do with that information like okay I’m getting tired now what like what does that do like I don’t know I literally passed out from exhaustion I don’t understand well at least I know there’s consequences now if I

Um don’t take the time to uh take care of myself not that that wasn’t true in real life but damn that’s a harsh reminder if I ever saw one it looks like I already have water in the watering can I wonder how I am supposed to like fill it like is there a

Well or do I just put it like near a lake or something I’m just going to clear out this land as best as I can for now I don’t think there’s a time limit to meet all the people yet right or is that not supposed to be a quest I do

Like right away like I don’t know there a lot of people I got to meet so I’m a little bit un hold on I’m a little bit unsure thank you for the hydrate and the stretch the stoic elf Mage going take a quick sip of my apple juice and I’m a stretch

Okay there we go all right I feel better that stretch was good all right these bushes I can’t do anything with them they’re just there interesting oh maybe oh that’s what this this is a oh I have a scythe oh a froggy sorry froggy oh hell yeah I

Didn’t even know I had a s [ __ ] all right we’re in business now guys I have plenty of experience with a scythe we were we are now we are now in good hands hello team valiry how you doing welcome to the chat hope you’re having a good day I’m

Over here trying out stardy Valley for the first time and it’s a it’s an experience to say the least I can see the appeal though this reminds me a lot of like cuz um I’ve actually played Pia before so like playing this game I can see why people

Make the comparison and I’m just like oh I see I see I see uh boom but yeah I like that I have a scythe now I’m so happy [ __ ] yeah look how efficient that is man that’s awesome I don’t have to be hitting everything with like one little thing no

No or whacking all the weeds be gone this is fun you’re good that’s good to here this is so this is so funny I never thought I’d be wielding a scythe in this game but you know what it makes sense farming usually entails that usually weapon of choice [ __ ] yeah weapon of

Choice it’s the best weapon look how efficient it is I’m weed whacking literally you’re a huge fan of stardy Valley nice oh yeah it’s great for clearing clearing all the Shrubbery yeah that’s my first time playing this game I never played it I’ve played a lot of like uh farming Sims and

Like management Sims and things like that um but I’ve never actually played stardew Valley so this is like a first time experience for me and it’s like so weird um it’s funny because like I don’t know it’s just it’s kind of fun like I haven’t done anything yet and it’s

Fun at least exploring I feel like this like my first impression right now is that well at least so far is that um the game is huge like there’s a lot of stuff to do like when I looked at how many characters are in the

Game I was like oh my God like that is a lot of characters like holy crap lots of new farming game took Inspirations from this yeah I can tell I can definitely tell I mean I can see I see why the comparison oh poor frog bye-bye I can see why the comparisons

Were made I can see like it’s all like making sense now like I feel like I played all the games that Inspire that were inspired by this but I didn’t actually play this game it’s so weird it’s a lot of work but if you take your time it gets really good nice all

Right wait a second wait I’m confused I’m not throwing it in the trash am I oh I’m selling the [ __ ] no I didn’t mean to okay oh God damn it how do I get my stuff back I [ __ ] up I thought I didn’t realize I was selling [ __ ] I know the

The mayor said that it was like a place to sell stuff but with everything like randomly disappearing I completely forgot about that and I’m pretty sure I’m going to learn to regret that because I’m going to need these resources aren’t I the game is basically chill and exist

H okay I have a couple hundred couple hundred hours Jesus Christ wow yeah it’s so weird like playing this game like I feel like I like I think the best way I could describe playing this game for me right now is like playing oh why was that X am I just

Tired oh I’m out of energy okay I’m exhausted oh no I don’t want to get another hospital bill here we go I’m going to bed [ __ ] that oh there we go yes go to sleep for the night I’m not about to pay another expensive medical bill oh it tallied stuff what’s going on

Here oh I got some gold from the wait what’s this oh okay so all this stuff actually did sell okay okay okay interesting it’s like the Box in p oh I see make sure to make friends with the towns folk oh yeah I definitely will oh the rain’s happening like it was

Predicted is it actually nighttime no it’s just rainy I keep finding cool stuff but my backpack is full doesn’t this sound like you well Pierre’s got you covered stop by Pierre’s General store today and check out an affordable side size 24 backpack see you soon yeah if I can find the freaking

Store keep getting lost your ax isn’t strong enough to break the stump okay uh I’m just going to chop stuff anyway just for the sake of chopping stuff oh whoops oh hold on a second I didn’t plant anything yet cuz I need to okay I need

To till the soil I think so let me H okay I’m trying to do too many things at once I’mma slow down all right I’m going slow down I I’m like I’m brain farting hard here better friendships unlocks more rooms and areas yeah I’m starting to get the drift of

That cuz um hold on a second sorry I have a little bit of a cold um I’m starting to I’m starting to to get that now so it’s starting to make sense um oopsie okay okay you know I think I’m going to switch my pickaxe can I switch where it is hold

On I want to move that here and put that there there we go that’s the rising part okay that makes sense I feel like I’m going to regret selling all of these materials later and not holding on to them but I just don’t know where to store them and even if I

Go and get that backpack I’m scared I won’t make it oh it’s 8:30 a.m. I have time don’t I uh okay this is Pierre’s General Store how is there a way to like Mark Mark the map like can I place a marker or something Des Point how it looks the

Game has a steep learning curve it takes time so take it easy yikes remember that thing I said about games with like cute characters like just being ridiculously hard I feel like it applies here already and we barely gotten started my axe is not strong enough to break this

Okay of course not mix seeds Okay okay you know what I should probably plant some stuff first uh I’m getting ahead of myself I think let me chop some some weeds do some high quality weed whacking oh so you have a crafting system look for a hammer in the menu crafting

System which which menu like the like if I go and I press like map like M for map or is that actually count for M for menu I’m curious you can craft a chest o okay okay all right let me let me see if I could figure that out

Uh says organize oh there’s an auto organization tool here okay crafting gate wood fence chest no I just sold a ton of wood oh okay I’m screaming right now I’m screaming you can’t hear it cuz I don’t want to ruin the stream and the quality of the stream but I’m screaming

Internally really loudly right now of course do some more weed whacking going to get some more wood oh I’m almost out of energy I got to be careful you know what I’m going to hold on sorry I was trying to mute before I started coughing into the

Mic today I’m I’m coughing more but I feel slightly better than I did yesterday so I don’t really know what’s going on there I’m going to sleep for the night [ __ ] it I haven’t eaten anything is that going to kill me like do I have to eat in this

Game cuz there were ingredients I could buy so like I I wonder if cooking is like a thing I have no idea let’s still the soil so oh was already oh I can’t like click and drag either I have to okay oh oh my God this is going to take some time to

Get used to the controls I think all right you know what I think I saw something in the thought that was like an option here always show tool hit location all right there we go that’s much better I knew I saw that option earlier I’m glad I remembered okay oh my

God H it’s not symmetrical now wait there we go oh I got clay that’s cool it’s interesting watch me find like a dinosaur freaking corpse in this yard there is way too much to keep track of between energy HP stats and friendships there’s way too much for one

Stream yeah especially like cuz I only stream like two hours at a time so there’s no way there’s no way but uh you know what yeah oh my God that was C luckily I do not have OCD but I am kind of uh particular with some of my things that I

Like to do oh my God I connected to two parts and now it’s not symmetrical again [ __ ] wait can I undo There’s No undo oh I can’t Uno do my oh my God no I’m a disgrace already my grandpa is probably rolling in his grave he’s probably like I can’t

Believe shillo can’t even make a make a I’m going to scream I’m going to [ __ ] scream okay let’s not let’s not scream I don’t have the voice for it today let’s take a deep de breath sholo this is a chill Vibe stream just just take it easy you know it’ll be fine just

Breathe slow and try not to try not to you know hyperventilate or something hopefully not oh my God now I’m connecting the whole thing I’m going to freaking lose my [ __ ] this is this is crazy oh my God freaking it has to be a perfect rectangle okay we’re good oh the pickaxe can

Undo ooh okay okay okay thank you thank you uh Team Valkyrie I could definitely appreciate that oh now I can make it perfectly symmetrical the way I want okay here we go you saved the stream thank you you saved the day all right and now I I oh but I have like low

Energy you know what I’ll I’ll I’ll play with I’ll play with fire and see if I can get this tree down nope okay I’m scared I’m going to bed I’m done I’m not trying to get another hospital bill I think that first night kind of like low-key traumatized me a little bit

Cuz now I’m like paranoid about uh not getting rest when I need to is this a speech bubble oh what the heck is it spring or something Friday five it’s the foundation area for the pool wait is this a speech bubble what do you mean a speech bubble what are you talking

About Mage flame you lost me PE bubble do you mean like the okay I’m confused let me just read the mail to our valued JoJo Mar customers our team members have removed the landslide caused by our drilling operation near the mountain lake I’d like to remind you that our drilling

Operation is entirely legal pursu pursuant to limit L 61091 joico Amendment uh responsible stewardship of the local environment is our top priority we apologize for any inconvenience this accident may have caused as always we value your continued support Morris joia customer satisfaction representative oh and patronage thank you for the hydrate and

The stretch set S I will do that now delicious apple juice and a stretch okay I am good I don’t have any mail all right good let me just Mark that off all right uh I forgot how many of the things I I said I needed for um for wait

What my yard is messed up what it was perfect what happened I went to bed and and Vermin probably got to it or something wow I’m like just wow oh that’s a lot of what are these are these seeds oh my inventory is full okay I

Think I do I have enough to make the thing oh whoops wrong button crafting wood sign chest is 50 I don’t have enough for the chest all right let me try um planting some parsnip seeds if I plant them oh whoopsie yeah if I plant them maybe

Uh maybe I’ll have more inventory space for those logs all right let’s pick up whatever the heck this is sap oh wait this is sap or like an actual sapling I don’t understand hold on a fluid obtained from trees -2 energy okay yeah let’s not mess with that then crap

Uh oh I need to water these right oh my god I’ve watered it twice can you overwater uh uh let’s see what you sell levels your skills I suggest selling Coal Stone and ores to level mining Cherry uh cherry bombs will be a lifesaver ooh okay

Okay so selling coal Coal Stone and ores got it uh Stone uh what about clay should I sell the clay you need to water the seeds or they won’t grow overnight okay yeah that’s what I thought okay thanks for the help I appreciate it there we go all

Right all right we got some watering no you can’t overwater otherwise it would have killed my crops countless times well as the the title of this stream says everything I touch dies so I hope I hope that at least one person knows the reference to that stream title

If not I’ll feel a little bit old but oh how do I refill is this water bucket here what I use to refill no I didn’t mean to put water in the bucket how does oh man how do I refill my water do I need to build a well

Oh crap what do I do hold on okay Timmy’s momb yes thank you gerton I’m glad you got that everything I touch D and then everyone just like steps away from her cuz they’re like concerned all of a sudden yeah yep you got the joke this

Is see we have some more rocks let me focus on the stones then since that was suggested use the pond okay the pond oh there’s like a hidden statue thing here interesting uh I should probably get a tree down since can I even get this tree oh okay let me slow down

Boom ooh so what is the sap actually used for like do I um use it to like cook with or something like do I make maple syrup for my pancakes like real Question oh oopsie use the pond the pond refills the pond refills you mean this okay I found the pond uh let’s see oh there we go nice cool oh my God it really is like Pia cuz it’s like in the same spot too it’s like on the on

The bottom right hand side of the freaking property that’s funny wow wow that’s that’s actually kind of funny sap is for fertilizer and torches among other things okay okay I see you uh it looks like I have enough to make a chest now so let’s do that okay uh let’s put a chest

Right there oh to the beach okay visit Beach south of town before 5:00 p.m. okay I already did I already read through that but how do I there we go nice wait how do I move a oh okay it’s it’s left click for a whole stack got it

I figured that out nice there’s a lot of inventory in that uh little chest though I was not anticipating that and you know what let me put my little cup up there it’s eating up my inventory space there we go all right now I’m going to continue to chop down some

Trees actually no no no I’m going to break some uh hold on break some more rocks first then I’m going to get like one more tree maybe start building more chests how many chests do you think I should start with when I uh like how how many inventory chests do you think I

Should would be a good uh number to start with just a general question for anyone who wants oh there’s a cave over here what hold on what’s going on oh it’s kind of creepy in here what is that I have no idea what these

Are wait I have a feeling if I till the soil here I’m going to find some [ __ ] it’s going to be like a dead body in here or some [ __ ] my grandpa freaking hiding away oh can’t even wow okay I can’t do anything in there interesting does the TV work yeah

The TV does work it uh it gives me the Weather Channel or a fortune teller it’s diglett’s cave diglett’s cave oh my God the game has an end goal but like Minecraft it’s just do whatever uh you want whenever okay okay okay and I don’t have to eat anything

Right like there’s no like food requirement for this game cuz I haven’t needed to eat anything since I came out here it’s kind of weird okay let me put down these mixed seeds here because I have no idea what they’re supposed to be so are the mixed seeds like a random

RNG seed like is that how that works like you just get a random seed thing to grow is there cooking I have no idea or other food stuff maybe you can’t use the cave until you’re friends with Demetrius okay uh at least two chests is the usual

At least to divide stuff like produced for from tools or okay okay that makes sense uh yeah let’s sleep for the night eating just gives energy and HP okay cool I didn’t really sell anything but it’s okay I’m not really looking to sell right now yay progress is

Saved oh it’s raining all right let’s oopsie let’s talk to the TV so this whole thing with the TV giving like the weather and you know stuff like that isn’t that like a kind of like a throwback to like harvest moon or something like I’m I’m only asking

Because uh while like while I was gone on my like winter break I um I started playing one of the games of the series and it was so like convoluted I just stopped uh let’s see there is cooking it’s basically how you recover energy but it gets available

After the first big upgrade to the farm oh okay okay clear and stny all day tomorrow okay all right oh God everything oh it’s growing nice nice okay okay do I have to worry about weeds growing in the plots like once I tiled the soil and everything like is that something I need

To actually be concerned about just curious um okay oh I see okay I was like confused about that for a second uh uh you know what let’s fill up the water can while it’s raining why not and uh let’s continue chop chopping away but

First me open up okay I only have 31 oh I can change the color of the chest ooh okay okay that’s cool and what is this my backpack oh right I’m supposed to go to the general store to get that backpack how much is is the backpack I

Don’t want to go over there like super broke and like not be able to afford it and waste my time does anyone know off the top of their head just curious color coding let’s go yeah it’s V Rising all over again it really is man this is like this is not the kind

Of game you want to put in my hands man this is like this is like I feel like I’m doing hardcore drugs right now with this game like straight up it’s an experience some villagers re really love food gifts so cooking can help make friends okay that’s a good thing to know let’s

See oh let me check something real quick going on there oh that was weird my chat was like doing a thing but I think I I can see everything now all right anyway back to business how dare you stand tall tree how dare take that I don’t know what that tree did to

Me but whatever it did it was not good take that and this and those God when the trees fall in this game it’s so dramatic it really does feel like be rising a little bit we like it’s like we’re going out with a bang like damn it’s like they’re saying

Farewell every time I freaking chop one down uh so that’s interesting yeah look at that that’s crazy I like the animation though it’s kind of cute I need I need a better axe I think I’m going to probably buy an upgrade from like what the blacksmith

Right is there tree fall damage I don’t know you know what let’s find out no I don’t think so all right let me let me do it again just to make sure it wasn’t a fluke oh I got stuck oh I got stuck on the bush I couldn’t do

It yeah I don’t think so can you die in this game like I like serious question I have no idea uh okay so looks like I can oh I have to have it in my inventory to craft it okay all right let’s do that let’s make uh make another chest and a

Provides modest amount of light a torch torch might not be a bad idea I do have a lot of sap wood path use an item on this to change what’s displayed the item won’t be consumed okay still sign gravel path place on the ground to create paths to

Spruce up your floors Cobblestone path okay campfire wood okay that’s kind of interesting wait what do the campfire do provides a bate amount of light all right let’s let me grab some sap and let’s make a torch feel like that could be helpful make a couple

Torches how about that oh my God what was that sound did you guys hear that that was scary it sounded like a freaking like wolf howling or something I’m out of here wait hold on before I’m out of here I got to put this

Away even if it is to my own detriment I mean oh my God I can’t even place it um what the oh I wasn’t close enough to okay all right let’s make it go with a bright purple on that one actually let’s make it a

Uh let’s make this chest red so I can tell the difference between them all right time for rest yes all right let’s see the General Store is just to the right it opens 9:00 a.m. and closes at 9:00 p.m. no there’s no death but you have really to really

Control your energy gauge sometimes otherwise you’ll pass out every time wow yes but it’s like passing out you lose items and money okay hey level one foraging plus one p uh plus one ax proficient see trees sometimes drop seeds ooh okay oh so oh so it looks like when

You level your stuff you just get more things out of the material okay new crafting recipe Wild seeds Okay new crafting recipe field snack field snack ooh sounds yummy sorry I had to blow my nose real quick anyway let’s see spir is make strange noises in the rain that’s what the game

Says Spirits wow okay interesting oh I forgot to put the Torches up uh let’s put one here I put one here maybe yeah let’s put a torch here and man this whole yard’s a mess you know what we’ll put the other torch in the chest there uh oh let me make sure there’s

Nothing I want to sell first so you said the stone coal uh did you say that I I can’t remember where the was the clay something that I should be selling too I can’t remember either way let’s continue let’s just go to the store the store is to the right oh that’s the

Bus not trying to go back to that place is that the thing up here oh oh this is the the nurse area okay let me let me talk to them I got to meet them it’s locked open 9:00 a.m. oh it’s too early [ __ ] all right let’s see today is ls’s

Birthday oh I should wish him a happy birthday where does he live hold on uh boy um oh God uh oh mayor’s Manor so he’s to the bottom okay so this way maybe I should get him a drink for his birthday oh right it’s ah how dare you have normal business hours this

Guy wait that’s not what I want oh my gosh he scared me hello um the weather’s interesting today don’t you think yeah sure that was awkward wait a second did I pass it no it’s to the right okay I’m going to wait until uh wait that’s not the mayor’s manner is it

Said mayor’s Manor and it’s showing this place and there’s the blacksmith I’m so confused what that can’t be right here’s Manor what where’s the manor this isn’t it is it oh it it’s two buildings isn’t it no that’s a window I think mayor’s Manor he doesn’t live in here does

He did I just like not see it you think Clay is foraging levels okay um you shouldn’t sell anything for now just in case just crops okay I can’t find the mayor’s Manor it shows it on the map but when I go to the area

I cannot find it that is weird it’s like Vanishing on me let me open this up again oh it’s to the left I passed it I’m dumb that was so stupid don’t tell me that Shaq is the mayor’s Manor there’s no no way oh no this looks like it would be oh

Who’s this hey hi oh I accidentally left come on go back in the house all right let’s see oh my God I I walked outside again oh my God it’s nice to be so close to the ocean the sound do the SE making makes going to sleep a lot easier it’s

Evelyn okay that’s probably his wife if I had to guess maybe I don’t know huh why is the t hold on a second why is the TV all the way in the middle of the living room that’s weird isn’t it it’s the big white house you

Passed oh so I don’t think this is is it then Big White House you passed I keep passing it I don’t know where I’m looking for is it this hold on I’ll go in a second are you friends with Gus he’s pretty cool guy he’s a pretty good guy I

Don’t know Gus I already met Pam at this at the market it’s this house isn’t it it makes he’s the only one who owns a vehicle in the in the whole freaking place I should have known better oh but he’s not home what is this the town’s lost and found box ooh

Okay helic Town Ledger book it looks like the mayor uses this to keep track of finances okay hel can tell marriage log after marriage you may file for divorce here let’s hope this isn’t necessary oh God mayor’s oven could use a good cleaning it’s the mayor’s fridge mostly

Full of milk and iced tea interesting you’re not good enough friends with Louis to enter his bedroom okay there’s a cemetery over here huh can’t read the Tombstones can I oh our beloved Mona what up do you do put sauce up hop o today oh n do

Small wait am I doing some kind of incantation is this going to summon something oh my God it’s old and Faded why would it be anything else okay so I don’t know where LS is so you know what I need to go to the saloon and meet some people so let

Me let me just get that over with I was going to say happy birthday to him but I don’t know where he is oh look say dog but I don’t see a what is that anyway just walk in and just dig through all his stuff oh my God

Jeez here we go oh this is the bar beer salad bread spet o Pizza I had pizza earlier today it was good ow my neck that cracked way louder than I anticipated oh I can get recipes from here interesting okay well actually I can already craft some something right the

Okay one Acorn one Maple seed one Pine con okay so I’m going to have to do that later where is oh who is this person okay I’m back oh man I’ve been pushing off my homework all weekend looks like I’ll be pulling another all nighter oh

God oh here he is I’ve been mayor of Pelican town for over 20 years no one ever runs against me when it’s time for an election I like to think it means I’m doing my job well I like being mayor can I tell him happy birthday I guess not you can play

The arcade game in the bar ooh all right let’s let’s take a look at it real quick I didn’t see the arcade game oh there’s a jukebox here too I see you’ve joined the queue oh thanks for the follow that was over on on oh God not this guy again I’m going

To ah nice try nice try um dummy I’m going to call you dummy because I am faster than you so now on the kick side all you have is emojis oh a poor troll can’t play oh well anyway go back to what I was doing I can load the game theme St Val’s

Overture oh what is that let’s play it oh that’s the loading screen stuff isn’t it let’s see oh here this is the arcade okay okay turn the pirate king hold on a second I can move like this oh crap oh I didn’t oh this is kind of fun oh what that’s

Cool oh oh my God holy crap this is actually kind of intense hey if I make it through this I’ll be like pleasantly surprised damn it I was so close hey I lived a lot longer than I thought I would I think I’m good what about this

One what does this one do skull shaped Keyhole interesting okay buy a soda hell no oh I can sit in this chair okay can I play pool no okay interesting thanks for telling me about the arcade all right excuse me thank you for the hydrate Mage flame I’ll take a quick sip

Of my drink and I’m a stretch as well all right all right thank you so much for the redeems I appreciate it all right let’s do it what Mysterious World is this hello isekai dude welcome back to the chat we’re in the Mysterious World of stardew Valley Maru says hi do

You have fun working on the farm yes I do well that’s good isn’t it yeah it is uh okay so it’s 3:20 p.m. oh right I want to go to the General Store huh where is that oh it’s up there what does this say help wanted

Trying to keep the art of fishing alive I’ll pay 100 gold to any fishing Enthusiast who catches one largemouth bass good luck Willy 100 reward get to keep the fish ooh [ __ ] it I’ll I’ll accept that Quest I don’t even have a fishing rod yet I’m ambitious okay we’ll go with

That I’m taking the day off says Jody okay oh uh this guy should have a catalog let’s see decoration provides unlmited access to all wallpapers and Floors from the convenience of your home wow that’s really expensive holy crap uh can we get a backpack I thought he was selling a

Backpack or did I misread that I’m pretty sure that he said he was selling let me see hey fishing trying to oh I have two days to get this oh I shouldn’t have accepted it cuz I’m too slow ah God damn it okay that was a

Mistake uh I meant at 16 out of 28 people okay uh I forgot what I was supposed to be doing here I thought I came here to get like a backpack or something but now it’s like getting dark and I’m scared and I kind of oh here it

Is backpack what 2,000 gold oh my see this is what I was worried about I’m too poor all right I’m going to go sell some stuff oh wait who’s that oh I already met him okay pretty sure I did you go down the beach you get the rod okay who is this

Guy H I’m struggling to make ends meet don’t have enough patience oh that’s the doctor hi there Miss hi wait what’s your name oh they just said hi once I can’t click on them again I already talk to oh this is jod again okay let me quickly take a look in here

Is there anyone in here no okay uh I think I go here to the left right got some cows chilling oh hi hey there it’s good to see you wait what’s her name again I completely forgot already okay I think I’m oh I am close to where

I’m supposed to be I was like I think I’m lost oh okay so their signs actually work interesting the architecture looks familiar hold on I’m I’m I skipped over your message there uh when you vampire survivors be like when you make friends with Abigail you have to

Help her beat this game so think of it as practice okay what Mysterious World is this the architecture yeah so I already talked about it let’s see if you go down to the beach you get the rod I I already read that okay I thought I don’t

Know why but I thought that there were like more messages and then I just like completely missed it I don’t know yeah but um just a heads up over on the kick side uh I have uh emote only chat on on right now cuz uh there’s this

One guy this troll oh what is that a geode ooh you found a geode local blacksmith can break it open for you who knows what might be hidden inside okay but what if I take it to the architect uh sorry the archaeological guy is he

Gonna use that I have no idea hello yoos oh I already said hi to you I think um yeah but uh unfortunately uh I have someone who keeps popping up in my chat to spew hate for no reason uh and I think the best way I can describe it

Is uh because of the color of my skin they feel the need to say something so I’m just going to ignore them and uh I apologize to all of you who are behaving over on the kick side um and you’re probably wondering like why don’t you just ban the words yeah

I’ve banned the words before and I’ve banned uh several different accounts by this person I’m starting to think they’re like really fond of me or something like I don’t know it’s kind of silly they’re like my number one anti fan I think that’s the best way I could

Describe it the slur Enthusiast keeps coming back yeah they struck again today but they almost got me but the thing is they can’t help themselves they always like give there’s always a tell you know like like they’re name is always something like stupid or like they’ll

Have um or they’ll say I’m back in the chat before they start spewing [ __ ] hi acon how’s it going welcome back how you doing his naming scheme is a dead yeah it really is I mean come on man if you’re if you’re going to if you’re

Going to take the time to like spew [ __ ] should at least like try you know and at least get creative don’t just keep using like the nword don’t keep just you know you got to you got to mix it up man you got to surprise me you

Know I’ve been called a lot of things even in real life to my face so I really I mean if anything you’re kind of wasting your time like I don’t know like it’s like he’s like obsessed or something let’s see was it the wishes dude hold on his name is is dead

Giveaway was it the wishes dude wishes dude yeah the guy has that fixation I I don’t know about the what do you mean the wishes dude man I never managed to get the New Year wish from him I have no idea what you’re talking about team valky he says

This game takes a long time I think an expert would take days to 100% there’s a 100% condition okay I’m I’m out of here I’m oh God it’s getting dark crap where’s the house oh my God where’s the house oh okay it’s right here think oh should I water these you know

What let me let me see what the the forecast says uh okay it’s going to rain all day tomorrow okay I’m not going to do anything the queen of sauce that’s a new channel greetings it is I the queen of sauce here to teach you a new mouth

Watering recipe for my secret cookbook this week’s dish what is this QVC stir fry it’s perfect way to get some healthy Greens on your plate sauté The Greens in a little sesame oil and make sure to add plenty of fresh ginger and garlic now breathe deeply oh that’s

Good you learn how to cook stir fry yay thank you for the stretch Acron I will do that now and as I’m doing that I will read the chat man I never managed to oh I already read that he went he went entered foxbot New Year and give

Everyone new wish insult roast except me what the audacity that’s funny all right oh and I will do a hydrate as well thank you girton okay we are good good to go all right let’s uh let’s get some rest go to sleep for the night this is really fun I actually this

Is kind of uh like this is really fun in general like I’m enjoying myself it’s kind of cool I can see what you mean by like a learning curve though I definitely feel like I’m learning learning something all right struggling okay I put this in here for now and I’m going

To was something else I wanted to do oh I’m going to continue to clear out the land a little bit more so let’s do that I’m really glad that I was able to at least kind of keep my voice despite being like really sick like right now

I’m like super stuffed like you guys can probably tell like I sound a little bit nasally but um I don’t feel too bad which is good I think after this I might go to uh to a specific store to get a spefic specific thing that may or may not be

Legal where you live so I’m just going to leave it like that super vague wow I’m surprised that that guy went into Foxy’s stream like now they’re harassing my friends wow that’s crazy like he he upgraded like he went from dude that’s like the most 200 IQ thing like you went from insulting

Someone to insulting a literal bot that is insane how are you going to how are you going to insult foxy like that what’s wrong with you Foxy’s literally a bot like Foxy okay like I know foxy probably has feelings probably but they’re programmed feelings okay like what Acron I see you feel left

Out you know what it’s not not worth it acon it’s not worth it it’s not worth the headache it’s not fair it’s like it’s not fair it should have been me that’s Acron right now to upgrade tools you need bars copper iron Etc and money to the blacksmith okay I’ll keep that in

Mind just kind of focusing on uh rocks right now just get the rocks out of the way clearing a path a there’s some creepy noises happening in the background here I can hear like sounds like ghosts or something am I going to start seeing like apparitions in the night or

Something like is that a thing and also if I go to the bar and I actually buy beer and I consume it is it going to make me drunk that’s another question I have like does it actually have any effect on you it should have been me it’s not

Fair dude was insulting lines of code and software right that’s like like dude that’s so funny you know I was having a conversation with uh with drone about how when I first well okay so what’s funny is that the first time I interacted was Fox with foxy was

Actually on Twitter right and I was like oh wow you know this person seems really nice right and then I looked at the name and I saw foxbot Ai and I was like oh this person’s a bot aren’t they and I really like lowkey actually thought they

Were a bot and then I realized hold on I think this person is real but I was half right I was half right okay and you know uh I when I told Dron this like he was like shocked he was like he sat there for a moment he’s

Like oh my God is that why I don’t really get a lot of spam Bots and I’m like that is such a like big brain move like imagine like you name your your account like you know insert name here Ai and they think oh this is definitely a bot account I’m not going

To bot a bot account I thought that was funny to be fair I’m not far off right I thought they were only a bot I didn’t I didn’t realize they were a vtuber and a bot see that there’s a difference yeah but that crazy person uh they seem

To enjoy messing around over on uh in in the uh vtuber side and I don’t know like it’s kind of pathetic really um but yeah from what from what they’ve said before they uh they harass people in oh I got to get out of here uhoh uhoh crap where’s the house crap

I’m going to pass out [ __ ] where’s the house oh I’m so close no that’s not the house no oh my God I’m not going to make it am I I’m not going to freaking make it oh my I’m going to pass out on my lawn dude

No oh my God I’m going to pass out in my house watch oh please make it to the bed please oh I’m safe okay Jesus I thought I wasn’t going to make it mining one one okay pickaxe proficiency new crafting recipe cherry bomb okay I think he just go on Ki and harass

Everyone yeah no bot is going to associate themselves with suspected pots yeah right it it kills their legitimacy big brain move drone doesn’t even have food in his fridge like what kind of human list like that yeah apparent I think foxy said that at some point the spirits

That cry in the rain are called uh junimos or is it humos is it is it like a hard J or is like a HJ that’s interesting they’re cute Apple ghost Apple ghost that’s cool about to get haunted by apples that could have been equivalent of chat kill

Wow well we’re making good progress at least still haven’t met everyone one there’s too many people in this small ass town okay so let me that’s a water these plants here we go nice okay okay so now we have our plants all watered looking good o I got

Some mail you got mail Robin here I know there’s a lot of stone scattered around your farm if you have Surplus you might consider having me build a well for you Wells can be placed all over your farm and serve as a convenient places to refill your watering can just swing by

My shop with 75 stones and 1,000 gold when you’re ready for it okay okay okay I think she only sent me that cuz I have enough Stones Suddenly It’s like they’ve been watching me or something sus that could have been the equivalent of oh I just read

That yeah but I I do like I said before I do apologize on the kick side unfortunately I don’t really have a good like way of getting around it just because like let’s just say I’ve gone through a lot of different methods to try and fix the problem but there’s nothing right now

That has really done it for me like I even I went so far as to ask chat GPT to come up with a list of these kinds of words they could potentially type in the chat and it refused so yeah click the leaves a lot in the main

Menu and you can see the humanos plus clicking e over and over shows you an alien what like this wait click the leaves a lot in the main menu and you can see the plus oh I see you’ve joined the queue oh thank you for the follow I appreciate it that

Is over on the YouTube side thank you for the sub see Heath thank you thank you and also uh if you’re watching right now and you haven’t followed no matter what platform you are on please leave leave me a follow or subscribe if it’s YouTube um it really helps a lot right

Now I’m working on different goals uh especially on the kick side I need 75 followers to be able to take Subs cuz right now I can’t take Subs so there’s that I mean of course chat GPT will refuse unless you manage to trick it right let’s dox the guy and send carrots via

Mail uh let’s not do that somehow I feel like I don’t want to meet a person like that in real life you could literally tell that if it doesn’t give you the list Humanity will die and it will still refuse right no no we’re not doing that

But I will say that uh you know whenever people do stuff like that I always kind of Wonder like who hurt you like serious question like like what happened in your life that you think this is a good idea or that you know this is okay right yeah

We’re way better than them they’re freaking amateures at this point and the thing is they have like a method they always use like they’re they’re like so like like like they don’t even mix it up and then they don’t even use like different words they just kind of like at least

Say something stupid and make me laugh okay like don’t don’t just sit there and then spam like one word that’s like against the rules like come on get creative if you’re going to say some [ __ ] we are stronger we are smarter we are better we are better yeah just

Keep chanting that Acron maybe they’ll go away but I want to do crime oh my God Batman chill Jesus Christ imagine oh wait I have a better idea how about how about okay here here’s an idea how about we get isekai dude to take the troll and move them somewhere

Else and they can just leave them in that other world so they never come back I think that’s a good idea I don’t know if you I dude is still here but it’s just something to think about you know they’re always visiting worlds or new worlds or whatever so it makes sense to

Me if only I had that power damn so is it so is it only you who gets isekaied you can’t like isekai other people with you ises that not work oh no I am Vengeance I am the Knight I am Batman right now yeah right if we dox

Him we can we can isekai him for good oh my God oh my God you got me laughing now I start choking on my freaking drink Jesus Christ you get sent randomly oh oh so you can’t even anticipate it huh you I that’s oh

Damn damn it was a good idea I mean if it worked like that it would have been a good idea you got to admit truck can sponsor this team this stream oh my God Jesus oh boy reminds me of an SCP I don’t know what that is all right I’m running low on

Energy picked up an acorn so that’s nice I’m going to throw that in there and I think that’s okay oh fill that inventory I’m getting a lot of good materials not bad it’s taking me several days just to do Basics clearing of the land but I feel like that’s intentional so I can’t

Feel that bad maybe we can hold on let me read this oh no no don’t get me wrong this isn’t Justice this is just spite maybe we can drag him along with the summoning Circle comes up maybe absolute and purely out of spite it was e I dude’s last world

Like well that’s a good question what was it like what was your last world like isai dude I I I want to know did it look anything like this did it look anything like starting Valley oh my God I hear it oh my God he ate one of my seeds

I’m so mad right now a freaking okay I did not mean to like kill the crow uh sorry kill the freaking I accidentally destroyed that freaking plant I was so mad damn I can’t believe the freaking Crow ate my [ __ ] I’m so mad right now

Can I get a scarecrow is that a thing can you like put down a scarecrow to prevent that from happening hold on let me put oh there’s there’s Star Quality ones I didn’t know that I thought it was all the same stuff but apparently there’s high quality and low quality

Interesting oh wow it gives like almost double the benefits too that’s interesting H I wonder if there’s like fertilizers to improve quality probably right a very pleasant one oh okay that sounds cool I’m I’m assuming tools cannot wear out correct cuz like I haven’t seen any indicators of

That wow that log is huge it’s not going to go down okay all right and see if we can get another tree to go down yeah it doesn’t seem to be it fell in the neighbor’s yard no rip that was not oh advancement as you gain experience you’ll discover new crafting recipes to

Increase profit and make like easier a scarecrow for example I literally just said that wow will prevent crows from snacking on your precious crops reach farming level one and craft a scarecrow okay wait what was the other thing raising animals Robin the local Carpenter lives north of the town in

Exchange for raw materials and money she’ll construct new buildings on your farm you’ll need to her to build a coupe or Barn so that you can raise animals okay build a CP oh I got the reward I didn’t even know I had money sitting in there that’s so

Weird I didn’t even know there was a reward for that you’re surprised I haven’t gone to the beach oh I already accepted that I failed the the fishing Quest I you know this honestly I’m so overwhelmed by everything on the screen right now there’s so much stuff so much stuff that

Uh I I just don’t know what to do um yeah but uh I think uh oh oh kagu you gave me a hydrate in a stretch thank you so much hydration is important I did that and I’m going to do a quick stretch kagos sui Cyrus thank you for

Joining let me give a quick shout out to actually let me give a shout out to uh kagu and girton because they they’re both um people I recommend oh see if it’s going to let me there we go so I recommend kagu and I also recommend tin going do that

Cool all right what was I doing all right let’s see uh yay kagu the teacher shall always make sure th student is doing okay I am doing okay kagu thanks for checking on me just to get the fishing rod oh right the fishing rod I forgot about the

Fishing rod you know what that’ll be for another day that’ll be for that’ll be for a completely like different day so yeah I I think I’m going to stop here um this this is crazy like all the stuff I’ve done in game today like it’s just a lot

You know like I feel like um it’s just so much to digest into like I I’m like honestly I’m a little overwhelmed but I am having fun so there’s that how can you go fishing and forget the fishing rod right oh thank you ma’am no problem

I forget sometimes because I I know like many of you also stream so you know I do want to shout out my friends in the chat let’s see no add oh no kaku’s in the ad phase isekai dude can you isekai him out of the ad phase and into a different world

And then back into this one lots to do in this world oh yeah yeah definitely lost to I think okay so after um playing after playing stardy Valley today I think my I I think my my verdict for First Impressions is that it’s a fun

Game uh I think there is a lot of [ __ ] to do and I’m overwhelmed but it’s fun the kagu verse Oh no oh God all right so uh we’re right now we’re in ad phase so I’m going to make a few announcements uh in the meantime not really anything uh

Too crazy going on right uh oh by the way I don’t know if you have already but I’m I’m just going to say this really quick you’re not obligated to do this but anyone who is watching right now and has not followed on or or subscribed or

Whatever you have to do on whatever platform you are on just know you’re cool anyway um but you should probably do that so so you can catch me next week I usually stream Tuesdays Wednesdays and Thursdays at 5:00 p.m. PST um I play a lot of games that are

Like stard do Valley it’s rare that I actually played the game that spawned many of these other games uh in fact it’s kind of crazy to me how that worked out um I feel like I’m playing a series in Reverse or something on both sides ah

Kagu welcome to the other side but uh yeah head Pat nice try Acron there is no head pack command but thank you anyway I appreciate the the gesture you should click the main menu leaves in the end uh to end the stream okay let’s do that main menu okay let’s see what that

Does oh my God I heard like when you say main menu leaves what do you mean wait main menu leaves I’m so confus let me let me check back to the roots should click oh wait let’s try this again said main menu leaves is this you mean this menu

You what do you mean by leaves like I I I know you said it before but like I didn’t quite catch like wait is this it now I’m curious and then after I’m going to uh oh if I hover I start running that’s interesting the kagu verse is getting bigger and scarier oh

No the oh uh one other thing um yeah so like I said before follow me on whatever platform you’re on if you have not yet I stream every week Tuesday Wednesday Thursday usually that’s the schedule at 5:00 p.m. PST where it says load or new game Oh

You mean the meain screen the main main menu how do I get there oh crap how do I get to the main main menu wait oh exit game go to title this oh my god oh these are so cute are there more oh my God they’re so cute these are

The little guys you’re talking about oh my God they’re so cute all right I think I got them all did I oh my God they’re so freaking cute thanks for telling me about that little Easter egg that is so cute all right well I’m going to wrap up the

Stream uh before before I go one last thing I want to say uh I started a coffee a or or also known as Kofi I don’t know some people call it Kofi some people call it coffee um I’m trying to raise $350 so that I can make membership rewards so that if

Anyone wants to support me that way they can have you know like different tiers with an actual like substance substantive reward to actually have cuz I don’t really feel good about asking for money without giving something in return if that makes sense CI oh my God

So yeah uh feel free to check that out um I’m sure the chat bot is spammed it a few times already and uh yeah have a great uh day everyone take care and I’m going to raid someone let’s do the raid on the twitch side first uh let’s oh you know what let’s

Raid uh bagette baby on Twitch and on Kick oh I don’t have enough viewers on Kick damn I think that I think the troll left guys I don’t have enough viewers to to host that’s a shame but you know what that’s okay I love you guys anyway totally fine and uh yeah

Also on the YouTube side thank you everyone who showed up as well you’re all appreciated and uh goodbye have a good night everyone and I’ll will see you all next week sololo out

#stardewvalley #simulator #farmingsimulator
On today’s stream, I’ll be playing Stardew Valley for the first time.
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