Speedrunner VS MIKEY and JJ (Maizen) Hunters in Minecraft

These are our friends Mikey and JJ and today they are hunting me and my brother Milo can we speedrun Minecraft and beat the game or will Mikey and JJ hunt us down Milo go the time starts now I’m running look they’re coming after us Miler we’ve got to run into the forest

I’ve got something special planned inside really oh what is it going to be oh I can’t tell you now Mikey and JJ will hear us what oh goodness all right I’m running as fast as I can ch Milo don’t go in between those poppies because there’s a trap inside come here

Mikey and JJ yes they fell down I can’t believe you had that trap they’re ready for them yeah I set up that cobweb trap like an absolute Pro now we have a bunch of time we need to get going with this speedrun bye Mikey bye JJ come on Milo

Let’s go bye losers yeah bye loses Milo we made it to a village thank goodness this is a village where there’s no Mikey and JJ yeah for now Milo we’ve got to get as much supplies and food as we can before they show up and get us yep I’m

Trying to get as much as I can I’ve gotten a whole trees worth of logs look I already have four now I’m going to craft them into a crafting table so I can make a bunch of tools I just crafted mine into some sticks oh Milo that’s so

Bad H I wonder if we can find any food around this Village to eat before we run out of hunger yeah cuz I’m getting pretty hungry not going to lie yeah I can’t even Sprint anymore and look there’s hay bales Milo let’s go turn them into bread amazing all right come

On Hay Bales get in my inventory oh we’re going to get so many of these Milo yeah I’m going to make really great bread amazing all right give me all your hay bals I’ll craft them into bread for us hey but you have to promise to give

Me some bread once you crafted it okay I will all right I’ve got a stack of Wheat and three more okay we have 24 bread I’ll give you 12 12 that doesn’t seem right to me Milo half of 24 is 12 you’re so bad at math oh yeah I’m pretty bad at

Math oopsie Daisy now let’s make a pickaxe so that we can mine the stone at the bottom of these village houses whoops I almost made a bunch of Oak slabs that would have been really bad hey would you looking here I found some beds for us oh good idea Milo you

Collect the beds while I turn this Cobblestone into a stone pickaxe yep now I’m going to have a little nap oh Milo what no you can’t sleep now we’re being hunted by Mikey and JJ remember oh yeah I guess it’s not really time time for a

Nap maybe I should get making some tools yeah I’ve got a sword so I’m going to take out that Iron Golem and make some iron tools hey Iron Golem come here I got exactly what you want all right Milo I’m leaning it over to us so that I can

Take it on awesome I’ve got a sword ready to go wait Milo no don’t you hit it if you hit it it will attack you and we will lose this challenge okay chip I won’t hit it but he’s looking pretty angry I’ll handle all of the damage to

This Iron Golem for us Milo all right you have to promise to share some of the iron with me okay I will don’t worry because if we both get the iron then we both have amazing tools to survive I will make an iron sword and you can get

An iron pickaxe okay that sounds amazing I’m going to mine so many cool materials yeah you are okay here’s the pickaxe Milo you have to promise to use it well I will I’m going to go mine some copper oh Milo we don’t need copper right now

We need Iron Stone and wood to beat the game before Mikey and JJ kill us oh okay I really keep forgetting let’s get some more stars I think I’ve actually got enough I’ll just mine three more and then I think I’m ready to leave this Village okay we’re good to go yeah I

Think we are Milo I say we need to go this way but wait a minute Milo look it’s Mikey and JJ oh no they’re right on our tail that’s terrible they’re crafting something but wait a minute look it’s a pillage of Captain maybe we can use this guy as a destrction I have

An idea come on let’s take him down yeah get out of here Village Captain all right I got the bad Omen effect I think if we go into the center of this Village yep that’s it a raid should start what a raid starting oh look Mikey and JJ have

Noticed hey guys do you see the raid you should come take it on Y what are you doing they’re going to come kill us no Milo this is part of my plan when they come try to kill us they’re going to get distracted by The Raid let’s lead them

Right into the middle of it all right boy that’s kind of Genius I like this idea oh no look The Raid mobs are here ah Mikey and JJ are going to start chasing us at first but I think after a couple rounds they should lose Us in the

Raid let’s kill all these mobs to make sure the more powerful ones appear that’s a great idea but oh chip I think Mikey and JJ are trying to get me oh no they are they’re trying to get me too oh gosh what are we going to do we need to

Get the pillagers they’re behind them but I think if we sneak around we can get them there’s only one left okay let’s get them and then we can get the stronger ones but oh no chip oh gosh look the villagers are ringing the bell this is so much chaos I hardly know what

To do me neither oh no they’re coming to get us Milo CH I don’t think your plan is working not yet come on Milo we just have to stick it out eventually this has to work but where are the raiding Villages hurry up raiding Villages you’re meant to be a distraction look

Milo here they are I see one they’re coming from this direction okay chip this is our chance to run for it yeah okay look Mikey and JJ are distracted fighting the pillages let’s go in this direction Milo I’m right behind you let’s do it oh gosh that Vindicator is

Chasing us but no look it’s got Mikey come on Milo we need to go someplace safer than this thank goodness those pillages are going to get Mikey and JJ so they can’t kill us fast yeah that raid should keep them distracted for a while that’s for sure hey chip check it

Out we got some iron a great Milo I only have a wooden pickaxe can I borrow the iron pickaxe you had earlier um yeah I guess so here you go all right I’ll trade you for the iron sword I’m going to get all this iron so that we can both

Have iron tools but wait do you hear that oh no chip there’s so many different monsters oh gosh there’s zombies and creepers what and a skeleton too come on Milo help me take them out we better get them quickly before they take us down yeah oh goodness hey guys

Come on this is not helping us take down Mikey and JJ wow that was really really intense but look Milo the Creeper explosion unlocked even more iron this is kind of a good thing yeah we’re so rich now hey chip there’s some more over here but I can’t mine it yet all right

Here we go I’m actually going to start crafting a furnace all right I’ve made the furnace Milo do you have any coal or anything to smelt this iron well I have some wood that can be pretty handy come on give me the wood so I can smell the

Iron into ingots I did it’s in your inventory bzo oh thanks Milo sorry I did not see that all right hopefully this is enough wow this cave is really big and look there’s even a lush cave ow another skeleton hey boo come here what they’re still coming out of this stupid cave I

Hope there’s no more of them yeah that would be terrible I don’t see any more down there which is really lucky but I wonder how many ingots have smelted by now oh we already have two Milo I can already craft a second iron sword for me

To have one again hey I want an iron sword oh wait you gave yours to me already oh Milo you’re so silly but now once those final few ingots actually smelt you’ll be able to have an iron pickaxe of your very own we’re going to be mining diamonds in no time look

There’s even an amethyst geode this is going pretty well for us I hope Mikey and JJ don’t appear yeah that would really cramp our style yeah our Style’s too good to be cramped and look we already have three iron ingots let me crft it into a pickaxe for you actually

First I need some more sticks I’ll do that and now I will make it into an iron pickaxe here you go Milo you can use that one amazing all right well I guess it’s time to go looking for diamonds then once this final iron or smelts I’m

Going to take it and pick up the whole furnace all right we did it now thank you furnace and I’ll bring this crafting table too ow my axe just broke all right it’s time to head down here I wonder when we’ll get low enough to find some diamonds all right just around this

Corner I bet we’ll find some yeah totally look Milo there’s a diamond right there amazing we’re so successful already let’s mine it oh wow I got one and look there’s a hidden extra Diamond behind it and two more behind that there’s so many in this vein of diamonds

It’s insane Mikey and JJ could never yeah exactly I wonder if there are any more diamonds down this cave yeah I’m going to run ahead cuz I bet I can sniff the mat yeah probably I think you’ll do a great job at that Milo but wait look

Out W that really hurt chip oh goodness gracious you better come down here and help me okay I need to eat some bread first Milo otherwise the fall damage will kill me I’ll go down here first and then onto that ledge oh goodness this is

Scary ah I’m on half a heart Milo I can’t believe it you better read our a chip look around us Milo we’re in the deep dark this is terrible what the oh things couldn’t get any worse could they we need to find a way out without waking

Up the the warden oh the warden is my worst nightmare ship we got to stay sneaking otherwise he’s going to find us yeah totally I really need to eat I’m losing health and look Milo we’re already so far away from the hole we came down here in and wait what’s that

Noise I can hear Mikey and JJ are here uh-oh this is bad come on Milo we’ve got to get out of here oh no chip I’m sneaking as fast as I can so am I but I don’t know how much faster we can even go while sneaking me too wait chip I

Don’t think we should be going that way let’s actually go back quickly yeah look Milo there’s an amethyst geode and a lush forest biome over there I think if we go there but Milo we’ve got to run Mikey’s right there quick run past him what the Mikey you’re so close we need

To sneak but we can’t run oh gosh I’m taking so much damage every time I jump off what Chim you need to stop jumping off Milo if I don’t jump off they’re going to get us and wait how do we even get past this right I need to jump okay

I’m right behind you oh no we got to stay sneaked for real Milo it’s a dead end where can we even go from here I don’t know but they’re sneaking up on us real quick chip we need to activate the warden for real to distract them activate the warden that’s the worst

Idea ever yeah but it’s all we have hey Warden come out come out wherever you are oh look there he is Milo oh no he’s trying to get them look he’s trying to get Mikey that’s a good thing and JJ’s attacking him as well but look he’s

Trying to get us too look there’s JJ but I think JJ is distracted by trying to get the warden this is good this means we can run away yeah good I think we totally should let’s get out of here Milo all right up there laders we can

Watch from above yeah I think we definitely can look the warden’s attacking JJ he got him yeah nice the warden’s really having our back oh no Milo the warden’s starting to attack me now we’ve got to get to an escape tunnel somehow this is it the warden defeated

Our enemy but now we got to run away yeah we definitely do but where can we even go I have no idea chip we might be lost down here forever oh I can still hear it hotbeat this is terrible but wao hey Milo look there’s a cave here all

Right we better run I don’t know where the W is but I don’t want to know where he is I can hear him over in the distance come on let’s get out of here Milo we need to get to the nether and get our Blaze Rod so we can quickly beat

The Ender Dragon and win the speedrunner challenge look Milo the ne we finally made it I hate it in the nether don’t worry Milo we won’t have to be here for long we just have to find a fortress get blaze rods and then we can beat the game

Did you just say Fortress uh yeah why Milo I think there’s one right here oh that’s awesome perfect let’s go down into it just going to have a snack okay you have the snack Milo I’m going to go down and get these blaze rods all right

Right behind you chip cuz you know who the number one Blaze defeater is yeah it’s me oh no it’s not it’s me you liar no I’m not lying let me clear up this lava though why is it flowing everywhere G the nether is so annoying speed

Running is so boring I just want to build a castle or something Milo we can build the castle after we beat the game but first we need to stop Mikey and JJ from destroying us oh yeah I forgot they were trying to get us goodness gracious

Oh I didn’t get any blaze rods from that Blaze let’s keep fighting these ones to see if they give us any hey barer give me a blaze ride oh no Milo these blazes are trying to attack attack us but what I didn’t get any blaze rods from that

One either this is so annoying how dare they yeah how dare they these Blaze suck I’m going to block off this area so when they spawn they can’t escape from here good idea Milo I’m going to do the same thing but up here with my Cobblestone

Yeah I’m a pretty smart little bird I’m also going to block off this cuz all the blaze were escaping this way and I also don’t want to get burned wait I hear Blaze there’s a blaze here and he shoo him right at me Milo I got a blaze rod

This is perfect we only need six more six more this is going to take us weeks no Milo it can’t take us weeks Mikey and JJ will definitely find us by then wow that’s a good point I really hope they don’t come through that portal we made

Come on Blaze why can’t they spawn before Mikey and JJ show up look there’s another one hey I’m getting this guy I really know he’s going to give me a blaze rod wow I got three Miler we only need four more now my health is really

Low just going to charge up while I’m down here okay I’ll handle any blades that come through the spawner on my own Milo some just spawned right on me what they nearly got you hey they did get me but don’t worry Milo I got another Blaze

Rod all right then how many are we at we’re at four we only need three more now I wonder if there are any other Blaze Spawners somewhere in this Fortress Yeah that probably is but I don’t think we should venture too far just in case there’s any sneaky Mikey

And JJ is waiting around for us oh you’re right yeah we don’t only have to watch out for blazes and skeletons in this Fortress we have to watch out for a turtle and a guy in a red jumper as well that’s why speed running is so dangerous

Yeah completely okay I only need two more blaze rods we’re getting really lucky with these blazes now I’m going to try and manifest some more blazes okay manifest real hard and wow I can’t believe that worked yeah I’m pretty good at manifestation I even got a blaze rod

Wo that means combined we have six here Milo I’ll hold it for you all right there you go thanks Milo okay we only need one more oh yeah come on come on do you have any Blaze RS for us please Blazers you better what they didn’t ow

I’m taking lots of fire damage all right there’s got to be more hurry up we only need one more come on this is so annoying they’re wasting so much of our time you’re right Milo a I don’t even want to think about how overpowered Mikey and JJ will be now they probably

Already have diamonds or something yeah or netherite but hey if they had netherite then they’d probably be in the Nether and they’re not so I think we’re good on that front at least but hey Blaze you get inside give us your blaze rods now but he’s all the way up there

How we ever going to get his blaze rods I’m going to reach out and try to hit him all right chip you can do it ah I don’t know if I can ouch he just shot Blaze balls at me all right come on if I

Hit him like this what I have to bridge out more oh no I don’t know if I can make it chip don’t die we have to stay alive for the challenge don’t worry Milo I’m going to come over to your Blaze I’ll help you out with these ones

There’s so many now oh my gosh I can’t even see if we got Blaze RS but hey we got some I got one as well that’s perfect now we can get out of this crazy Nether and beat the dragon all right let’s go chip we got this all right we

Do Milo I think we can do this all right come on Milo let’s go over to the portal and go through back to the overwhel wow the Portal’s right there wait a minute I see someone behind that is that Mikey and JJ chip run oh no get away get away

Quick we can lose them in the Fortress jump down Milo oh but look we’re going to take so much damage oh gosh a quick Milo in here I have a plan okay let’s hide and be really quiet I think we can lose them look they’re going the other

Way that’s amazing they totally lost us Milo this is perfect let’s head back to the portal now while they’re distracted and wo we’re the skeletons I did not plan for these guys where did they come from come on we’re the skeletons let’s take you down so we can get back to our

Home okay let’s do this hey I just got him wow Milo did you get any with the skeleton skulls from that I did wao that’s awesome let’s get the rest of them that gives me an idea what’s your idea chip my idea is to take down all

These with the skeletons and then summon a Wither oh my gosh chip that’s genius Milo I just got two Wither Skeleton skulls and there’s a third one we just need to spawn in the Wither to kill Mikey and JJ so we can escape where are we going to build the wither that’s a

Really good question we’ll have to find the perfect spot but first before we kill the Wither I need to find some Soul Sand so we can make the Wither’s Body Chip I found it look oh good job Milo this is the Soul Sand Farm let’s quickly

Grab as much of this stuff as possible I think we need four to summon the wither but I’ll grab two more just to be safe yeah maybe we can even use it to slow down Mikey and JJ oh no look there they are oh no we got to running I’m really

Hungry do I have time to eat oh come on on all right let’s head back this way no it’s a dead end what oh goodness this Fortress is like a maze tip I think we’re going to need to use that weather soon yeah let me place these blocks to

Block them off and grabbing the Soul Sand all right I’ll place the Wither just like this I hope they don’t attack me while I’m making it I’m holding them up all right Milo come on come on we have to block them in with it all right

Thank goodness you got some blocks oh my goodness they managed to do some damage to us I hope the Wither targets them but oh gosh JJ’s coming for us Milo we’ve got to run no I thought they were going to fight the Wither oh wait look they

Are they’re heading towards it but I think the Wither is leading them towards us oh goodness gracious that stinky wither I knew he would do something to betray us come on Miler let’s get out of here and look the Wither it’s attacking Mikey and JJ yes they’re finally

Distracted this is awesome oh wow it looks like it’s about to kill them great Chip he just launched at me uh-oh we better get out of here before we start getting targeted my Lord the way out of is this way oh goodness I nearly forgot

All right we got to bridge up and not get knocked off we just need to get out of the nether find the stronghold and go to the end and beat this game get me out of this horrible horrible Place ah I fell in lava oh no Milo I might die

Quick chip come here I’m going to do it I’m going to make it out of this horrible Dimension before I burn come on come on come on we have to do this we did it Milo oh lucky us I can’t believe we survived that yeah I’m feeling pretty

Shaken but chip you know what we have to do now yes I do Milo we have to find the stronghold and go to the end let’s go get some more diamonds for better armor and then we can get going sounds good to me Milo we made it to the end Dimension

Oh my gosh and the dragon’s already shooting at us oh no Milo quick Bridge up don’t let the dragon’s breath get you H that gives me an idea if this platform can become dangerous to us then it can become dangerous to JJ and Mikey let’s make a giant TNT trap on this platform

So that when they spawn in the end they totally get pummeled to bits that is really really smart thanks Milo I’ve got a bunch of TNT so this should work really well now that I’ve done that we just have to place a pressure plate right in the middle of it and let’s

Bridge out of here all right we better scram come on Milo let’s get over here now we can start attacking the dragon oh yeah let’s get him I’ll take down these crystals using my bow I’ll start getting ready with my sword in the middle so when he punches I I’ll attack him with

The Milo attack yeah good idea hey dragon come down here Milo I’m going to go check on the TNT trap to make sure JJ and Mikey aren’t here all right I’ll keep fending off the dragon I really hope they don’t appear I cannot handle fighting the dragon and Mikey and JJ at

The same time okay I don’t see them yet that’s a really good sign uh-oh um never mind Milo they just appeared what the oh my gosh I’m on my way and they just broke the pressure plate oh gosh if they they start bridging over here we’re

Totally over we need to activate the TNT remotely I’m going to shoot it with my flame Arrow ready yeah go Milo go let’s go there so to yeah oh look at that this is awesome they both totally died bye JJ enjoy the void come on Milo while

They’re recovering we need to take down the dragon as much as we can we totally got this as strats a genius yeah we’re too intelligent look I totally just sniped that Crystal from so far away I’m going to try and get one oh my gosh yeah

You can do it Milo I believe in you hey I got one I’m all usually really bad yeah you are but I heard that explosion you’re doing great thanks chip I me to get the one on top of that really tall tower really really really really wait I

Don’t think I’ve hidden it but I did it all right hey Dragon back off Milo’s trying to get that Crystal yeah I’m going to bridge up and get this one yeah you totally do unless I can somehow shoot it through this hole hey I got it

Wow good job Milo you didn’t even need my help all right there’s only one more Crystal we need to get then we can start attacking the dragon itself let’s totally do this all right I think I can shoot this one through the hole and I

Did it Milo I did it all right we totally got all of them let’s shoot this Dragon down yeah come here Ender Dragon we’re about to end the dragon yeah that’s right we’re going to be the best speedr Runners of all time mkey and JJ are going to be embarrassed after this

Yeah definitely will wow we’re doing so much damage against it CH he’s ping I’m going to get him from under the KNE um Milo we forgot a crystal I need to take it out it’s still healing I just landed on the Flames oh no don’t let it do that to you Milo ah

Dragon’s breath does a lot of damage yeah I’m really in a lot of pain but luckily I got my golden carrots that I made Alia oh wow yeah me too thank you for making those by the way they’ve been really helpful in keeping us alive yeah

I’m a pretty good cook what can I say yeah you can say bunti hey this lazy dragon’s dodging my arrow well it’s flying right into mine this dragon’s not very smart yeah you can say that again I’m not going to say it again Milo because the dragon won’t be here for

Much longer once we take it down hopefully Mikey and JJ don’t reappear you think he’s going to punch again I’m ready and waiting yeah I’ve got so many arrows I’m basically never going to run out Milo it’s perching and I’m doing so much damage I got my diamond sword ready

Come here stupid Dragon you want a piece of my sword yeah come on Dragon wow we’re so close to getting it but oh gosh it hit me away but I just did a water bucket clutch wait Milo where are you I’ve never seen you do one of those

Before I was so awesome I got thrown up by the dragon and I did a 360 water bucket clutch wow that’s amazing okay only a couple more hits and then the dragon is taken out where’s our Dragon uh-oh Milo it’s Mikey and JJ what they’re here they’re shooting us with

Arrows hey guys stop oh Milo I don’t know if I can take this I’m going to have to go and attack them all by myself come here miky you’re going to take a piece of my sword yeah and JJ you’re going to take a piece of mine that’s

Right I’m going to even use my flying ball yeah good idea oh gosh they have really good armor ow that did so much in my health hey stop JJ no no no oh goodness Milo I need to focus on on taking out the dragon if we get the

Dragon to zero Health before they kill us that means we’ve won the game all right I’m going to distract them quickly oh no oh no I couldn’t do this hey the dragon’s attacking JJ this is perfect what yeah get him Dragon wait now I’m on the dragon side oh yeah me too dragon

Come back oh gosh JJ’s doing lots of damage to me right now oh Dragon I’m going to take you down hey JJ leave chip Alone look Miler we did it we did it we defeated the dragon yes we beat you JJ and Mikey we won yeah take that Mikey

And JJ best day ever

Maizen are Hunting Milo and Chip in today Speedrunner vs Hunter! But what happens when Mikey and JJ turn on each other??

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


  1. Chippppppppppp is the best person ♥ ❤❤😂😂😂😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😂😂❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  2. Bro this is fake how did they get TNT and skip to wear they are in the end I con litterly solo both of them talk about trash bro, I look for real speed runs not fake ones,when you spawn you can't make 5hat trap bro , dudes using creative bro😒😒😒

  3. You are so good at minecraft. Because I am a big fan of you.👽🙈💩😈👹😹😸😺😽😻 . bird human blue orange.😻😽😺😸😹🍨🍧.

  4. Omg do you video let’s go can you make more new videos chip in my life that would mean a lot to me because I’m a big big big big big big big big big big big fan

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