Minecraft but I Open a Restaurant!

This is Minecraft but I open a restaurant today I’m opening my own restaurant and trying to grow it to be the biggest around from selling Basic Foods to expanding to a buffet to even sabotaging my competition my goal is to own a restaurant Monopoly but the competition is ruthless so who’s my

Biggest restaurant competitor stay tuned to find out so these are all the restaurants of Minecraft all the way down there and those are the customers we’re try to get but right now we don’t even have a store but this one right here is for sale for $5 bye the broke

Chef don’t worry buddy I got you $5 to you oh we got it and so now we’re a chef with our own little restaurant so we can go inside of it and we have a nice kitchen without equipment so yeah first step is to buy equipment in the

Restaurant store and so with $5 we got to go to the restaurant store right here where when we go inside we can buy things like a large stove why not let’s buy this a large freezer cash register sounds very vital and finally the open sign there we go all right $0 Sur name

But now we can put the open sign the very large stove there we go can’t forget the large freezer and finally how we make our money the cash register nice and the only only thing we’re missing now is the menu as you can see on the

Screen right now we got to craft that which it might be handy if we put a crafting table right there I mean it might not be much but sooner or later guys all these restaurants are going to be mine we’re going to be making the greatest Monopoly but first we need

Paper there we go some paper right there and I just realized behind our competitors’s building there’s a chest oh ew rotten beetroot that’s disgusting and eack all I needed was right here perfect so now thanks to the competition which I think is a grocery store the car

Grocery store we can go ahead and make the first menu for our store which is going to be the mini board let’s go ahead and place it right about here and we’re ready for business yes do customers want to come this way anyone anyone uh they they’re not coming this

Way we’re out of money yeah I knew that so I’m guessing because we don’t have anything on the menu we got to go rob the grocery store for something okay how could I sneak in here should I just go in the front hello um how’s it going sir

Good day we’re having here and it looks like all they really have is bread is this what I’m supposed to take from my menu all right don’t mind me just going to grab a couple of these okay hey oh hey okay okay U the restaurant owner is

SP I just got your toe okay how can I sneak inside then wait what the heck is this thing it’s a garbage can can I right click it oh try burning head oh that’s how we distract our competition all right this isn’t the name of becoming the number one restaurants look

At all those customers we need them I know how to get a flint steel though so that’s the gold restaurant so does the Iron Restaurant have iron oh it does okay so low key while the customers are distracting over there I can go to this corner real quick borrow one of these

Real quick there we go and that’s how we get the iron for the flint and steel I will take down this restaurant at some point so I’m just going to run away and now just great gravel the old fashioned way there we go one flint and steel and

So all we got to do is real quick set fire to that and did it work oh yep yep it worked oh he’s coming we got to make it run for it okay while he’s over there we can go ahead and go inside and get

The rest of the bread got to be quick got to be quick got to be quick let me grab this real quick sorry about that grocery store owner but we’re trying to become the best restaurant and now with this bread acquired we got to figure out

A recipe okay so we got to add one thing to that I have one craft available to me by the admins and it’s this you guys are about to see something very confusing but it’s bread made out out of bread this is the bread sandwich what what is this okay I assume

As a chef I should probably try this thing out first all right let’s see what it is oh gosh I didn’t even have particles it’s the greatest thing I’ve ever eaten oh and now that we’ve eaten it we get a recipe item wait do I just

Add this to the menu let’s put you on here oh it got added the bread sandwich so now with that being done can we get customers oh I guess we can’t yet we got to build a storage room under the restaurant I mean that makes sense we

Have one menu item we have all the equipment and I guess for storage room room we can make it right around here so here’s what we’ll do we’ll add a quick big area don’t mind me then we’ll do the floor let’s fill all this in you know what we’re going to do mismash

Blocks and a ladder perfect and for storage what we really need is a bunch of chests this will be the storage right there perfect and this should be the storage room done oh storage room complete nice all right the restaurant should almost be done now someone

Outside is looking for a job wait is there someone over here oh wait it might be this guy hello hello and an unemployed villager oh is this going to be a resume oh it is and it has nothing on it okay so this is the best we got I

Guess yeah sure why not you’re hired come with me buddy okay he’s following me around okay so do I just put him somewhere okay this guy doesn’t work here but he’s just been walking around here go away oh oh oh oh sorry about that uh we don’t do that to customers

Usually but come straight back here buddy let me show you around so Mr unemployed villager this right here is the kitchen and you will be in charge of doing our one menu item the bread sandwich it’s a very simple recipe you get bread and you make bread out of it

So you go three pieces of bread you can try making your own bread sandwich but am I supposed to like right click you or something I guess he’ll be behind the cash register do I just right click him oh he turned into an employed villager

Yo and so now we got our first employee hired the restaurant is ready to open finally wait so do I like right click the open sign guys my chef dreams are about to begin all right here goes nothing open yo and now the restaurant is open the customers are coming are

They oh wait they’re coming this way our first customers and so now they’re just going to go inside and make their first purchases and canot get money this way okay okay looks happy oh we got Hearts so did we get our first dollar we did we

Have $12 now and as we get more customers coming we’re going to get more money wait find popular food to expend the menu oh do I got to find something else what about that guy hello sir it looks like you have a good idea here do

I right click him or something uh steal hot dog recipe visit the restaurant store you didn’t hear a single thing I said so our next menu item is going to be from this guy which will expand our Empire that being said let me real quick check if I haven’t made any more money

Oh my gosh wait we’ve made good money $63 but with their $63 we need to buy Shady disguise tools oh wow we have a lot of stuff here but we can’t afford a lot of this oh wait we can buy these hold up the Rope a giant bag and a fake

Mustache oh my gosh okay let me use the disguise real quick oh and now this guy even has a line all right here’s a plan we got to trick the hot dog guy what we can do real quick is uh plan a we’re

Just going to go talk to him do I get in line or I’m I’m just going to be right here don’t mind me definitely not your competitor over there how’s it going man I’m ready to get a hot dog no samples get lost huh new plan kidnapped the hot

Dog guy what the I mean maybe that’s why they wanted us to get a giant bag all right get in here all right don’t mind me guys we are just collaborating and we can grab his C too nice in asro restaurant we now get to expand it with

Him welcome to the team buddy he’s totally not roped in right there and so now with that we can upgrade the menu with the hot dog nice so now we have the bread sandwich and the hot dog that should make us some more money I mean

It’s not much but we are expanding the store nicely oh wait and now the grocery storees for sale oh 5050 emeralds hold up I need to get some money quick from the cash register let me grab that real quick and we definitely have more than enough now so without further Ado let’s

Real quick buy the grocery store and it’s upgraded restaurant expanded so now when we go inside we still have the hot dog guy right there helping us have a bigger menu of course oh and even this got expanded chickens required oh I think that’s what we’re going to do for

The competition now and have we made a lot more money holy $241 that being said this looks to be where we get the chickens and we got to get them beyor belts from the restaurant store so this is how we take down the coal Level Restaurant so first we we’re going to

Need a lot of these like a lot of them that should be enough and so if we’re going to steal all these chickens from the competition I think I have an idea we might need a better shovel for this grab one of these and so what we can do

Is just do a straight line hole all the way in here where we can dig straight over here and place down all the conveyor belts and I think this should be good oh it is all right now to see how this works I think I just got to

Place it like this oh yeah that will work hold on so if I put it like here we can go ahead and do this oh this is the play guys all these chickens are going to go through this one block coal all the way in here and they’re going to end

Up right over here all right chickens you have one job I’m going to open this real quick and are they going to go on oh they’re trying have an idea come this way one sec all we got to do is put this laab here and is that going to make them

Go up yes it’s working we’re stealing the chickens go on my friends and so this should make them go all the way down come on oh yes it worked oh my goodness the chickens have been obtained all right gentlemen go down there and so now with the chickens we’re going to be

Getting one more thing to that many of ours all right let’s go down real quick and with the chickens we got from from the coal restaurant I assume do we just like kill a chicken oh new food unlocked chicken nuggets recipe oh we got it and so now with the chicken nuggets recipe

Can we add this to this thing yet oh nope I got to find the sauce under the coal restaurant that makes sense all right um so the sauce is under here oh all right um doesn’t look like they’re getting much business let me get in from

The back door okay where is the basement oh wait is it in the back of the facility also look how many of the chickens they have left lowy watch this watch this watch this before we go to the basement come with me chickens yes got to take out the rest of the business

Hey there we go and now for the sauce okay so it’s in the basement of this place and what the heck is that oh my gosh all right let’s take this guy out oh my gosh oh my gosh okay that does so much damage it’s even giving me hunger

Oh this is nasty okay nope nope nope NOP nope no taking a quick food break all right round number two oh my gosh oh my gosh this better be the greatest sauce ever this is not how you make sauce in real life and we got it oh my gosh okay

We got it we got it we got it I think we’re good oh my gosh hey hey all of you don’t eat at that restaurant we’re trying to be Monopoly but I’m doing it for the better good at this point anyway we now have the bucket of sauce and what

The bucket of sauce do I like combine this with the recipe oh recipe upgrade oh now we get the chicken nuggets with sauce and so now we can upgrade our menu yet again let’s real quick add that and we got chicken nuggets amazing does that mean we put them out of service charcoal

Grill for sale we did oh and we get to upgrade this guy again oh let’s go guys oh 1,000 emeralds huh hopefully we made enough money with all the things we’re selling okay please please be money oh my gosh we’re making so much cash amazing working Point villager you get a

Race all right so that means yet again let’s go to upgrade our restaurant to be even bigger all right waiter and Chef sorry about this but let’s expand yo and it expanded oh and I guess we got to find more workers so obviously everything’s right here we still have

The menu but now we have the brand new expansion to our Farms over there and we have a brand new dining area next up we have two more competitors the Iron Restaurant and the golden restaurant but we definitely got to get some more workers before we do that how’s it going

Sal people I need to get myself some waiters and ooh delivery drivers are expensive let’s do this let’s get one two three waiters and I’ll probably need a manager yep that works and some shs too cuz uh I mean who’s going to make the food all right let’s get that and we

Only have $100 left and now with these contracts I think we hired these unemployed villagers for example would you like to be a chef oh and there he goes go on my new Chef you look like you’d be a good waiter go on good luck buddy you become a chef you become a

Chef you’re lucky day you become a waiter let’s make you into a waiter also and now we just got to get a manager I think I know the best person for manager our first ever employee buddy you’re now going to become a manager yes with the shades and that’s a restaurant upgraded

Again honestly I’m pretty proud of this so far oh and now we got a sabotage the cast iron kitchen the next restaurant on the list guys before we expand again all right so first let’s investigate what we got going on in here looks like a pretty

Standard place it looks like we got to sneak into storage all right and it looks like they have a zombie security guards and normal chefs okay don’t mind me where would the storage room be then oh it’s back there behind that trap door okay so at the top it says find items to

Sneak into that iron storage room room okay let’s go get some items real quick before we go to the store let me real quick check if we got some money oh my gosh definitely happy with that and now back in the store I saw this earlier but

Why don’t we just use some smoke bombs sneak our way in so why not let’s buy a couple right there all right here’s what we’ll do I’m just going to throw one of these in and let’s see if that works oh that is working okay let’s throw two in

Oh and I don’t think anyone can see anything we’re going in okay where’s the door where’s the door oh here it is and let’s go down I think we did it we’re in what the heck is this stuff this a Meat Block huh I don’t know how we’re going

To have this to the menu but once Z let me grab a bit of these 20 meat blocks should be enough is there me in here oh raw beef and raw pork chops okay so I’m pretty much taking their supply oh and that’s the source hold up okay what the

Heck is this is this disappearing meat parkour okay wait let’s make sure it doesn’t disappear on me oh my goodness oh my goodness okay there we go and we made it all right holy cows and pigs literally and right here we have a meat lock requires meat to unlock 10 cooked

Sink and 10 cooked pork chop I can do that I have an idea hold up all of you guys we need to real quick uh cook you up sorry about this yep that’ll it and so this is what you get with a lot of fire there’s only a few more left hold

On let’s real quick one hit you guys and so with all that being done now we have lot of steak and a lot of pork shop oh and I think I unlocked it oh is this the final thing in their inventory the Kebab swordsman hello sir I ready to fight you

Oh here he comes oh oh my gosh he did so much damage okay honestly he doesn’t seem very smart I’m just going to hit him right here oh my gosh okay he barely missed let me just jump around real quick I mean low key do I get to add

Kababs to my menu if I get this guy get over here buddy oh my gosh he just knocked me out oh no no no no no no no okay I should probably make out armor we don’t have time for that okay let me just hit him there oh that that hurts

That hurts okay okay going for the hit run away eat some pork shops let’s go buddy just a couple more hits and we got him oh my gosh and that’s now that restaurant ruined and the great thing about that is we just unlocked our next

Recipe the Kebab oh and we got the Kebab sword six seven attack damage my goodness all right let’s go all the way up and where’s this going to take me oh it was on the hill this whole time lowy I could have just found this first holy that Diamond restaurant in the nether

Restaurant so big we’ll get there later let’s go add this recipe piece real quick though all right employees let’s add the recipe and it’s there the Kebab so now we can sell four things does this mean though that we can now buy the restaurant oh we can the catar kitchen

Is now for sale oh my gosh wait look at all those customers coming yo we’re popular well with popularity that means we need some expansion so uh all of you over there sorry about this here it goes something oh wait we don’t have enough money let me see real quick if we got

Some more money from that oh my gosh we’re making so much money from all these customers all right now we have enough money yes it has expanded yet again holy expansion oh this is beautiful and as you can see we got to sabotage the next restaurant introducing

The golden apple which is The Gold Store and I’m going to guess they won’t let us in after seeing how much we’ve expanded okay so what if we do this let me put on the fake mustache again there we go all right so all we got to do is go up here

And gentlemen I’m just going to walk in oh okay never mind I guess that doesn’t work what do I do now oh find new disguise to get into Golden Apple oh that clearly didn’t work it might be time we go check out the store again and

What could we do to get in oh wait golden statue disguise that’s a little convenient let me real quick grab this there we go and now we got to pretend to be a statue in front of the golden apple all right gentlemen let me real quick go

Down here and we’re made of gold now all right so do I just like stand still here uh just standing still do I walk in oh wait that Go’s coming hold up what’s going to happen now oh he picked me up he’s taking me inside no no no one no

One no one find me I’m not moving my mouse guys I’m just going to stand still and let’s see where he takes me oh this is where working is this the kitchen oh gosh oh gosh oh there’s a door right there no entry am I going to get put in

There oh wait no I just got put in here is iron go going to walk away oh it’s leaving okay I’m going to move and the customer should just be chill right we’re in now we got to steal a golden card from an employee all right we need

The key card to go into that room where’s an employee though oh that’s a waiter hold up let me stand still don’t mind me and a chef came too he’s looking straight at me oh my gosh they passed by okay okay okay can’t get caught can’t

Get caught okay wait’s going to pass by oh gosh I right clicked them and they dropped something let me grab that oh we got the golden car don’t mind me guys just walking around oh gosh don’t turn around don’t turn around oh my gosh okay I cannot move while they’re looking at

Me okay okay okay I have the golden car in my inventory guys let me go up here and we’re in steal everything in touch with diamonds only is that King meus is that really how to get the golden apple food hold up is there stuff I can steal

Here uh nothing in the barrels oh okay we got gold TNT why do they have TNT in here diamonds which we’ll definitely need and Cake guess I’ll steal some cake why not all right whatever I got to do to sabotage the competition that being said if we got to touch with diamonds

Only oh wait new craft unlock diamond shears hold on so can we just do this oh there they are use on meus touch villagers hello sir it looks like the Flory touch is even going to be made of uh gold so let me just take those and we

Can use it on our restaurant grab those oh no what’s going on I think I just s it off alarm Okay the the guards are coming and I’m locked in okay hold up so we got the meus touch villager hands which oh my gosh it sets everything to

Gold blocks and the golden apple cake recipe okay that’s a crap we got to make on the screen quick cuz oh my gosh I feel like we don’t have that much time oh here it is the TNT cake do I eat this do I jump on it oh oh my gosh well

That’s one way to exit let’s get back down oh yes oh my gosh we did it all right and now with the new recipe let’s just blend in and go ahead and add this to our menu there’s so many customers now don’t worry customers we have hot

Dogs we have chicken nuggets we have kebabs can’t forget about the bread sandwich but now we got the golden apple cake oh man and the customer already pouring in oh and just on time looks like we sabotaged the golden Apple enough oh here it is guys buy the Golden

Apple for sale for 10,000 emeralds that’s what happens when you get the me as touch so to get 10K I think we need to get back to the cash register oh my goodness we have 12K now holy and now for the best part let’s right click you

And it expanded yo amazing and that only leaves now two Rivals the steakhouse oh man let me scout out the competition before I go to the store oh man okay this is like a mall it has multiple floors don’t mind me just a friendly Chef uh scouting out the competition

Where is the kitchen though oh is this one of the kitchens oh there’s three oh I think there might be one on each floor oh and inside egg storage that might give me an idea what we need to get from the store let’s real quick run all the

Way back admire the new expansion part of our own restaurant I can just walk in let’s real quick get to the cash register oh my gosh we have so much money yo okay let’s get back to the store then and that’s what we need zombie eggs let’s just buy a lot of them

Oh oh uh spawn one in oh oh gosh uh sorry about this that was a waste of money let’s just buy a few zombie eggs 10 should be enough and now I got the message to disguise as a delivery driver well I think that’s a good sign to get

This perfect now to become delivery driver oh wait is that the delivery truck oh yo the X food storo eat food ear car oh this is amazing don’t mind me everyone my loyal customers I will not run you over okay okay please get out of

The way though get out of the way get out of the way okay okay so here’s the plan guys we’re going to get all the way to the front of the building and we’re going to see if we can get their attention convince Diamond manager you’re making a delivery all right I’m

At the front where’s the manager though oh is it maybe that guy let me just get out the car hello sir I have a delivery oh wait the message went away oh find secret recipe and sabotage am I good oh they’re leading me in yes okay okay just

Got a blend in guys don’t mind me we’re going to go in okay I can’t lose track of the manager I’m going to guess he’s going to take me to the kitchen for inventory oh don’t mind me I got the inventory ready let me just go back here

To the egg storage like we saw oh my and so what we can do is let’s put in three zombie eggs here and we’re going to remove the rest of the eggs hey don’t need any of these that’s right all right I think that’s the job all done I’m

Going to guess the manager’s already upstairs let’s go up here all right hello everyone I’m I am just refilling the inventory here too let’s just get this one again put in some more zombie eggs and again let’s make sure they don’t have any more eggs there we go

Burn that perfect all right only one more floor to go oh and this is it all right hello sir how’s it going let’s go to the egg storage again we’re going to burn all this put some fake eggs in there and let’s burn that too beautiful

Did we do it I think we did it and with that being done it looks like now we got to escape the diamond Steakhouse okay let’s just get out of here oh they’ve turned into zombies yo oh oh okay okay we’re not deing with that let’s EMG

Water and it looks like the customers are running away that’s how you deal with the competition oh and what is this oh we got the next recipe the diamond stew all right well Diamond steak house sorry about that this will be the second to last menu item and let’s go and add

It there it is now we got the diamond stew and I’m going to guess now it might be time we buy the steakhouse yep it’s time before we do that let’s real quick see if we got any more money oh my gosh we did we have over $100,000 now and how

Big is my restaurant going to be after this oh yeah there it is$ 100,000 and it looks like it’s pretty empty now oh let’s expand again right click you and oh my gosh how big is this oh what happened oh I think it expanded yes that will be a restaurant fully expanded we

Got all of this oh and now I’m invited to a competition it’s at the netherite cafe okay everyone watching it might be time this is the netherite chef Cafe and now we just got to enter and I guess get into a competition it’s kind of empty is

This like exclusive oh my gosh we have a green yellow and is this mine right here oh Gordon Ramsay villager huh all right so what do we have in my station bread all right what the heck all this stuff gunpowder grotten beetroot ew Sher spawn eggs more of this blue ice oh wait

There’s a timer are we going cook wind competition Fair Square okay Lally the only recipe I have is bread oh my gosh wait they’re going they’re going okay here here’s what I do literally the only craft I can make guys and the only thing I feel like is fair for Mr Ramsay is

Going to be the bread sandwich yes it says fair and square though but the only other items I have are these things gunpowder Shuler spawn egg blue ice I guess we can take the wrong carots why not okay we do have time what I’m going

To do is I’m going to sneak in and put this stuff in there I’m going to put gunpowder here here we go is that going to work oh and did he grab it oh that’s one way to go about it okay let’s wait for this guy to pass by don’t mind me

Don’t mind me let’s goad and put some Shuler spawn eggs right there don’t know what that’s going to do but oh he’s going for it oh he’s levitating yo sorry buddy have a great life up there oh and this guy’s just like vibing over here okay while he looks wait I’m just going

To go ahead and add in one rotten carrot okay what is that one going to do oh oh oh he’s going to grab it I think he grabbed it what happens now ew that’s disgusting okay let me just walk away oh the other Chef left the area okay put in

All the ice there we go last competitor oh come on is he going to grab it oh and he’s Frozen guys I think we’re going to win this Spar and square I just need the chef to like it now competition over stop cooking uh I guess I kind of made

Bread but it seems like the competition’s kind of gone so Mr Ramsay I’m ready for you did I walk up to this Podium up here there press the button oh my gosh he literally just teleported straight at me okay well I present you the bread sandwich enjoy hey trying it

And I won yes I mean I didn’t have any competition but we did it um so what do I get oh I received the ultimate recipe what’s this ultimate recipe doesn’t tell me what it is all right and now for the ultimate restaurant I just add it to my

Menu well because we have completed that challenge let’s now go back to the restaurant all right hello customers I know all of you love the food but we’re about to get a great new menu item oh my gosh it is filled up to the brim here all right time for the ultimate recipe

There it is oh it’s sushi nice so with that guys look how many customers we have time to advertise apparently with this many customers already oh my gosh okay before we go to the store to get advertising things let me check how much money we have oh my gosh we have

$500,000 what the heck there’s so many people my frames are lagging all right you know what let’s go over here waiter yeah I need you to go back there all right this is what we can get first we can finally get our restaurant sign let’s grab that real quick a blimp oh my

Gosh that’s going to be great advertising and the flavor Blaster all right I guess that’s going to be aggressive campaigning looks like we can get one more thing what have we not bought oh delivery driver sure why not still got a lot of money though and so

First up we got to place the restaurant sign oh my gosh there’s way too many customers oh this is getting crazy okay restaurant sign right there hey looks great X food storo eat food here yes and now we got to place the blimp in the village all right more advertising got

To get aggressive let’s place it right here oh my gosh look at a go that is amazing and finally hire a delivery driver where do y’all even live what is this I’m going to guess this is the last unemployed guy all right here you go oh

And now we got a million dollar in sales reached y no let me get to that cash register okay oh my gosh there’s so many people in here oh but we got it $1 million yes that is success wait the end portal was open huh oh no the Dragon

Restaurant that’s just a Dragon Chef hello have you come to take my customers uh FR closing soon oh Dragon Chef has arrived do do do you want some food I can give you some bread Dragon Chef challenges you to cook off oh we’re doing that okay where do I do the Cook

Off is it at your restaurant oh okay we’re going that way I guess all right don’t worry team I will be right back bring the best dish to the End Cafe guys there’s only one dish them we can bring that’s going to be the bread sandwich

It’s probably a little St by now but I’m feeling confident about this one villager Gordon Ramsey liked it so let’s just go up in here and I haven’t checked out this place yet oh yep it’s him I’m ready buddy what are we doing here oh wait he just brought some villagers so

Do we just give it to them introducing the the bread it’s it’s amazing the bread out of made out of bread come on you guys must have eaten it before right oh wait got picked up do they like it oh we got Hearts hey let’s go all right

You’re up Mr Dragon Chef what do you got about to give us oh what the heck is that they’re going to pick it up oh no no no one wants to even eat it can I check it out what is this raw End Soup uh yeah no we’re we’re we’re not doing

That Mr Chef I think I won the game oh where’s he going uh Chef uh he’s flying that way customers be careful there’s a dragon out here Dragon Chef is angry where is he oh no it’s a boss now the Angry Dragon Chef okay this is going to

Ruin business we got to bring out the flavor Blaster go on Flavor Blaster get him is that going to do damage I got to get a direct shot come on get back here oh gosh I missed so guys I just got to hit him with the ray oh and we got him

We turned him into a pig ohow and that’s Victory yes we did it and now we’re the ultimate Chef well hope you guys all enjoyed it have a great one and go ahead and click this video right here to watch another one bye Guys

I Opened a Restaurant in Minecraft!
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#Minecraft #But


  1. Get your early tickets!
    They go offsale 37 days after the vid was created!
    They only cost 1 like!

    Also, I came under an hour :>

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