Limmy Plays | Stardew Valley (2) – The Spud Man Commeth [2024-01-09]

That’s one for the blooper Roth how’s everybody keeping today good morning good morning everybody Chris thanks the sub can I get a blam for Kate please because she hates them and it creeps her out here Kate Nero Fe thanks the sub hello everybody uh so I’ve played a bit of Stu

Valley off stream kind of scunnered myself got be a bit sick so I’m going to be playing dead by daylight for the rest of the week I’m joking this will be joke this be about ban it’s called Banner hello everybody you I’m going a um that that’s good morning

Everybody do you know what I looked up uh last night new like ear monitors basically [ __ ] earphones were biger but it’s ridiculous um look up sure s e something and I looked it up and and the only difference is really see instead like kind of rubber stuff this

Is some cheap shake for Amazon um instead of like rubber usual earphones it’s like form you know like um uh you know like earplugs you sort of like squeeze it a we bit put it in and it sort of expands block and you know out the the sound

That’s what it is and it’s got things like um I don’t know better sound and all but I kind I can’t really tell the difference between Shake sound and bad sound because of got a tenus sort of thing I’ve not got a sort of tenis i’ [ __ ]

Got it my ears ring i’ kind of get high frequencies too well so it doesn’t really make much of a difference if it’s [ __ ] 18 khz or 17 khz or you know one of these right up high ones it’s wasted on me CH craigy the basil Echo Thum

Thanks for the subs thank you very much um Absolut hate ten don’t think about it that’s what the NHS say that’s the advice well I’ve seen it in a few sites cures for it how to get help try know you think about it apply there’s nothing that can get

Done how’d you get it well I don’t know you get it with like hearing damage just I don’t know listening to loud stuff too much for too long or you just have it simple as that Age part you get it when you get possibly genetic I remember my D

Um quite a bit with sometimes what uh M than my M anybody else ever did and I’m like that [ __ ] constantly what what what what what what what but um not quite enough a hearing I don’t think but it’s [ __ ] subtes constantly Josh and ju thanks for Subs reaching out holding Hands be thanks for sub reaching now holding hands relive in Memories you may have what’s that some sort of men’s disease I probably got no no no me let’s just go for guess I’ve got it Welling why me I mean I don’t even know if you’re serious mind you I don’t know what that is I have it then I’ve got it you’ve got

It then I’ve got it [ __ ] it worth checking that’s all son no it’s not that’s not it’s not worth it you really think I’m going to go like that I’d like to make an appointment with the doctor um it’s to do my hearing um have you got uh anything that’s like

Maybe 2:00 or half two or or after but a we um was coming back for school about time a Wednesday 4:00 um uh well what was the first time you said uh Thursday 11 um right right all right thanks yeah thanks and then I say you can I make it

On uh Thursday morning I should be back in time and then a go Miss a [ __ ] stream and hi um my hearing and be again is this still the third time you’ve come um talk about your [ __ ] hearing there’s nothing wrong with your [ __ ] eardrums you’ve

Just got it it’s just the way is there’s no wax I’ve looked see I think I’ve got many many years many many years many years diseases and what’s that I don’t know but somebody on on uh twitch has it on what is a streaming platform similar to YouTube but more geared

Towards streaming and gaming rather than recorded videos that you get in YouTube but this person are they a doctor or do they um anyway could you check that I’ve got it you tell me what it is and I’ll tell you if you got it many many’s man man

Man right I I’ll I’ll check I’ll look in your ears right I’ve looked in your ears you’ve not got it right what is it you do Mr lament for what yeah well uh stream right when do you usually stream I should actually be streaming out so this is

You losing an income is this affecting your work it’s affecting my work coming here the hearing the bad hearing that’s not affect work the coming here is affecting my work my work that is the people who support me on Twitch are affecting my work and then the doctor would say you need

To start stoning up for yourself my hearing has always been shited terrible chaos cadavis iki Lee Jimmy Roy galao or galao cook beef Josh ju thanks to Subs I’m going to really enjoy I didn’t play it I didn’t play it last night it was [ __ ] tempting but I played I was actually playing

Um Ai and Willer wisps um which um it’s [ __ ] big I think I’m about 50% through cuz of then we side missions not it’s [ __ ] big there’s a lot in it does only coverage of the W season have you looking uh longingly at your Scottish basts wishing you could have won a real

Award I won a real award be kind of hard in your horns like a piece of [ __ ] metal or plastic I won the hearts of my fans and that’s all I need somebody in the street the other day shouted to let me right in front of me and I shot it that’s my

Word that’s my word Dylan thinks he sub glad to have yes Spite and bonel cler thanks for Subs can’t beat some [ __ ] hearing no all the best part comes with [ __ ] hearing you what all right I thought you said they bought an elephant and then you know you’re picturing them buying an elephant

Was that an ornamental elephant you you thought what and then you take a note it you write it in your phone or whatever you take a note and then you turn it into a a great sketch spe jism underne blood later any part I can use

Say uh whatever it is a paint or something a paint that’s half an hand or whatever it is Hancock’s half hour you’ll be you should be familiar with that terrible chaos canavas thanks again thanks for Subs thanks for R your limit TV license this is your your liit every

Year is my year every year is your year every year is our year it’s ab’s year thank you for being you grinding on The Daily I don’t know what else today myself to be honest with you um that makes the perfect position that’s that’s that’s a make perfect position there um

How’s the mic everybody is it all right how’s the mic too high too high is in your face is it is that why why did multiple people say too high like it’s a meme cuz it does look a bit Kinder like that doesn’t it maybe maybe do a bit me

Like that it’s just um see the D side is if I put it away we but I’m happy with that I’m I’m fine with that I’m happy with that the only problem is you’re going to pick up a wee bit M of the room I’m going to be a we bit

Quiet which means you might start to put the volume up then I get loud and then you go out for [ __ ] sake but see if I’m constant like that I’m constantly almost at maximum volume and see if I start shouting I’m still at maximum volume there’s no difference so it’s better

Um but uh just leave it and [ __ ] up well [ __ ] said D well [ __ ] said well said now before we get started uh would you mind terribly have I popped here and just quickly did my herles if if I look here that’s I mean if I I

Should really put that there my God what is it me this [ __ ] mic can it be the M it must be other things it’s not B the make it’s obviously bit something else it’s obviously something [Applause] else uh and she was by Talking Heads I’m a Genius call to action for earthlings retired NASA astronaut Nicole start on her Revelations from orbit [ __ ] this [ __ ] planet and [ __ ] every [ __ ] in it now where was I batan kill jooy thanks the sub Chloe thanks for the sub and three quids thank you very much you’re more reliable than my

Bells blood Holly cookies Fortune time Raider glenjamin elasto thanks he subs and bits po bum we nice one farts and flaps nice one glenjamin can you call my good friend and mod of the chat or Tambo an old [ __ ] pleas 35 going on 80 is a sad State of

Affairs thank you very much for the bits here tble um you’re an old [ __ ] thank you for your work by your service NAD and Raj GB kov kov UK Monster Mash thanks the subs have happy New Year by the way and I hope you get what you deserve I like to see you

[ __ ] give me what I deserve and you’ll get what you deserve St thanks the sub I’ve seen Joker by the way I know you I know you improves must return they’ll return When I want them to return and not a minute before Davidson thinks a sub does it get any better than peanut

Butter and crumpets oh I don’t know about that Carla thanks for sub you have a great day as well saled peanut butter what what like crumpets like toasted lovely yellow light coming in there look a lovely son the son our our son God it’s the same

Son it’s not really the same Sun cuz it’s like constantly sort of burning so you’re not really looking at the same thing the moon though that’s the same Moon G up on the sun worship and turn towards the moon like now I just wa I lost a [ __ ] day didn’t I a

Minute I lost a bastard in [ __ ] day because I was um it only saves at nighttime correct s s s me S me so the people have SP and the people have said let we don’t care about the mic getting a bit quiet then getting dead loud when you shout we care about

Being able to see your beautiful face is that right I people fing listening make God fuz as [ __ ] I need to get maybe um sell tape on it and you know like um like a lint roller effect [ __ ] that’s cat that’s cat Hills that’s

Cats H wee bit quiet I can see that is a wee bit quiet uh I’m I’m not see it’s a bit quiet turn it up then for the loud bits it’s called dynamic range and it’s coming back the audio fail Community are wanting the return of dynamic

Range ja Havoc or javic Ben to Gar bubble Carla thanks for Subs how many times a day do you hope an asteroid hits the Earth never kick the PG thanks for the sub glad you like Star Valley I’m enjoying it so I was thinking to myself um oh well that’s not a good

Sign so I was thinking oh oh well first team for everything um what was I actually thinking did it hot nice one nice one did it Hur nice one um happy trail says when are we getting able to and unreal back in the rotation I’m playing this [ __ ] game

And I know that if I put able to on within an hour you’d be saying when we’re getting some dbd and if I put on dbd when you’re going to get back into subnotica what happened to that hardcore mode always something else be happy with what you’ve got here we go

No I’m [ __ ] skin so this is the way I see it this is the way I see the world here this is way I see the world I need just like in real life you need money without money nothing happens I need money money money money money money

Money money money money money money and all that means is simply take the money that I’ve got and reinvest in see and then they’ll grow H make a profit and I reinvest in seeds and we keep [ __ ] going until this whole [ __ ] place is nothing but money until Mother Nature

Changes and says listen how’s about I just grow you a money tree and cut out the middleman here that’s how evolution um work so what I’m going to do is I’m going to go in here was that just [ __ ] about was that no oh wait a minute sounds was that was

That look how familiar I’m the place now see I know I know where the Town Square is uh let’s go right in here I still me it’s locked open at nine oh [ __ ] that’s right um you’re introducing yourself I’ve done enough introducing meet the wizard craft a scarecrow oh that’s right

Um how I do that escape scarecrow I need coal right I’ll did they make this did they make the uh ah go that’s right you make a fertilizer then you right right so ignore that well you know I’m going to do I’m going to we look a bit P we’ve spoken

Before I don’t know if I I’ve not spoken to you Alex no maybe I have I don’t know did you know I was an old star quarterb in high school it’s true no must have spoken to him before well who who who um um introductions right another another

Um one go You Can Count what do you have to add to 22 to make 28 I saw something um on Twitter ages ago about a year ago about asking people how do you D meal arithmetic and I don’t I don’t know if it gave an example but it was something like

Imagine like how do you get for like let’s say 27 to 84 would you need to how would you work out 84 minus 27 let’s say uh in your heat and it gave like different examples and I was like oh [ __ ] so we’re all kind of different because of us SP to this

CL Shane’s hard at work he doesn’t seem interested in talking [ __ ] you in um like see me to get for wait a minute how did they get to that time already did H for not pass me me just walking through the [ __ ] door uh where am I right like see see you get

To say 27 to 84 to get for 27 to 84 or or or 84 minus 27 the way I did it I don’t know but the way you do it but um I first of all get the 20 seven up to a four I get the seven up to a four that’s what I

Did this is this is way I did in my head 27 yeah that’s the way I did it so let’s say uh what’s 84 minus 27 I just actually try and see what I need to add to 27 to make it 84 so I got I got 27 I add three to make

It 30 uh and then and add another four to make it uh 34 right so then I remembered that I added seven now I’ve got 34 30 plus what to get to 80 uh 50 uh 57 is that even right is that even [ __ ] right right

Because it’s slow as [ __ ] I know but um that’s probably why I take so [ __ ] long day things but um 27 to 30 like three then 30 up to 80 to get uh 50 and then the 80 to the 87 says doia I gave all these we examples do you do

This it was exactly the number 2784 it was something like that right I think it gave exam examples I did get examples cuz it’s like do you do this then that then that then that or do you do that and that that or maybe it was lots of people

Replying I was like look at that everybody’s got their eny daed [ __ ] ways of D it Malamar and Mr Goodman milky kid Ludwig thanks for subs thank you very much Ross thanks the sub the months end on the 28th don’t [ __ ] up your PL planting schedule

Um what like uh you got to do something in Spring I’ve not even thought about it I’m all right with [ __ ] things up wait a minute what do you mean RG says don’t worry too much that’s good good Park boy meaningless Clump bad thinks of Subs any opinion on the ban

Keen no no not really got to be a bit sick of hearing Somewhere Only We Know whatever it’s called thought he had quite Rosy Cheeks they went away for a bit came back s they’ lost quite a bit of weight um and he said something today we

Being alcoholic like and drinking a lot of cherry that’s so know really ano James and B thanks of Subs listen to your autobiography at the moment how did you get so much shaging done I did they if you if you if you listen to it it’s actually know that much at all hey

Illustrated goat mlen thanks for the subs r one day in you’re in we’re a day two here hobo thanks for the sub thank you very much um I didn’t lose my virginity tell I was [ __ ] T2 I I had sexual experiences I sort of had my [ __ ] and V very very slightly didn’t

Quite get a [ __ ] hard on certain times it was all bit shy sort of fumbling and things like That um but no actual hard erection or or are we in an actual shagging you know kind of like you know like like if you imagine this cuz you know it’s kind of scared um so it wasn’t it until I was 22 actually lost my virginity and then after that I don’t

Know there was a a flurry but you’re talking about five or something five different women not talk not even talk about like 10 20 nothing like that nothing like people who go out and you know every week or two weeks or [ __ ] every night or whatever at once no no no no

No stop bragging no I mean that’s that that was me in my what was that 20s I look at people who actually um Sher B I’ve never actually quite got it there was a um never I don’t know I’ve got a funny relationship to uh sex and my head what’s up helpl

Line Ms Joe the corn y King thanks to Subs what’s your thoughts on a broccoli crocodile hybrid conveniently known as a brodil um is that a thing you’ve just made up or is that a is that a thing like that um that cake you getting Marx and Spencers the caterpillar

Thing Ro thanks the the tenner thank you very much Joe thanks the sub or chaha Cafe oh glad glad you liked it I mean obviously I don’t [ __ ] run it but J Bar says sex is too intimate for me always weirds me out that it’s always

It always prior to uh lose my virginity for real it always felt that way and then after it I’d always be like I’d always have a bit of drink in me to begin with it’s always felt a bit too um my intimate or something takes a bit of [ __ ] effort

I’ve always been a bit um don’t know previously sort of inhibited and things like that self-conscious there was a we there was a we period where in my 20s having a drink and all that and sort of felt very confident didn’t really care about anything and

That was all right but then just sort of kind of comes back in a way always been a we bit weird uh Weir just the way is G uh gizer you said exactly what I was thinking nothing better than a good oldfashioned wank that’s it Jacko thanks

For three quid you could only B one for the rest of your life fish and chips or but wait minute is a CL gun no fish and chips or butter chicken butter chicken robob thanks the sub thank you very much Ros thanks again for the tner Old Faithful um why right so

Go in invest reinvest reinvest reinvest reinvest hello um passing up seeds anything something’s better than nothing yep that’s it let’s go back let’s get planting just keep it up so I’ve got an entire [ __ ] field here I’m not too low down I’m not P like too load

In get done in the main oh that’s right forgot about that you know can of that’s [ __ ] right well I’ll um stick that there and stick that there I don’t care about things being that tidy get away oh [ __ ] I no water to [ __ ] thing no water anything yet Get down on

It get it remember when you’re thinking about cool in the gang cool is the singer Cool’s a Bas player keep on mind when you’re out there don’t one any is making an N cell this is co enter don’t forget that right let’s get these [ __ ]

Mes wait a minute what happens if I go there nothing is it [ __ ] main Again is that it there Mains that is I remember in Primary School a fellow pupil said something to the teacher something like oh it’s it’s just put something to say yeah there you go H said something it’s Mains and teacher corrected them cuz you should say oh I’ve not seen this

Yet oh it’s so cute can I swing can I swing game’s [ __ ] game [ __ ] can I claim this no can I go in that n [ __ ] not B yeah yeah I have skimped skimped scried wait Phoenix the subs I hope 2024 is a year you finally

Tell us to all get [ __ ] and do you want to do I’m doing it right now I did it last year but I’m doing it even more this year 20 24 I’m doing it more um a teacher said something like mins I don’t know what mins is mins are something it said something

Like they made a we joke about how Ms or something like you um you you put in the water to blow up a [ __ ] ship or something like right as if there is no that you don’t say mins Ms are like like Minds you put in

In in the in the sea or something war-minded man it’s a woman um and looking back I’m like but because it said Minds that’s Minds incorrectly you’d say that’s mine no that’s Ms but I don’t know why she said something today we like ridiculed himself Minds

What those things in they see to blow up [ __ ] submarines or something because if if if if the fellow people correctly said mine that’s also a main that’s also a mean I’m a way bit too late to correct them though Mar helps me out in the lab right

Good kids right wait a minute wait a minute um where’s the [ __ ] Ms up here keep an eye keep your eye on that keep your ey of time don’t worry that you’re getting lost you will be able that this a war go into your mind eventually here we [ __ ] go then that’s is

It h so this is me meeting him for the first time again because I didn’t save it yesterday I’ve been PE in this m shaft it’s been abandoned for decades but he said yesterday probably good or down there but a dark place I’m afraid um she says it’s a bit a scary and

Dangerous place to here take this Rusty sword and it is name’s Marin by the way he runs adventurers Guild outside if I do well he’ll make me a member by the way I signed up for that twitch thing um that put that there can I put that

There can I hold on can I no not right I did that um that thing OBS thing better um video quality or something I I couldn’t quite didn’t quite understand what it was saying we have partnered with OBS and Nvidia Something Something video quality improve video quality something something something something

Av1 something something something something something and I’m just like what what what is it what is it you’re actually saying are you saying that with the same bit rate you can get a higher video quality where new codec called av1 is that what you’re saying what’s that av1 going to use

Video card chips for faster encoding and Sh I don’t know I’m not there says flash Express so it’s just basically um oh your computer will be able to do it kind of faster so it won only affect your computer as much is that it but it showed an actual video sort of

Side by side thing where a screenshot as if look that’s better quality than that so that wouldn’t really um have anything to do with the you know the how efficient it is or the um well it does in a way but that’s me to do with what you can do

With the same bit rate or same quality but lower bit rate if it’s the same bit rate it must be with the quality otherwise would to [ __ ] show the screen uh grab so oh well better call it with 6,000 oh well B Ryan Ro thinks of subs and

Bits I was sure that you would be my girl we rent uh let me world have a let me girl thank you very much I’ll get a we off and Bezos um I don’t know what that is it obviously doesn’t work in my accent

That you would be my girl we Dr a world have a li girl I don’t know what that is they calling for a ban didn’t read the first part of the [ __ ] message says Ro um 2024 I was sure that you would be my Geral We R A

Li world have a li Geral right I is it TW before I’ve read it the [ __ ] start of your [ __ ] message and it still makes no [ __ ] sense know that I [ __ ] R [ __ ] start your [ __ ] message ah 2024 all makes all makes sense now what is it what’s it

Uh a song four to the floor four to the floor it’s not that [ __ ] it’s still that [ __ ] um oh what who star sale it’s not that is it I [ __ ] hate that song and I hate them I mean nothing personal against them I just it was just they remind me I don’t

Know a top loader or something like that that was sort of there in the background star uh cduk or smtv or something like that they’d be there something it might be that song I’m thinking about there was a way that he sings in it it does my [ __ ]

Nothing it’s kind of like a it’s kind of like this it’s it’s like um if you’re if you’re familiar with synthesizers it’s like putting the attack up kind of kind of slow attack so it’s like yeah yeah yeah but put a vibr on it as

Well let’s see if I’m right let’s see if I’ve just imagined it I can’t maybe it’s a different bit there if any the star Sailer boys are tuning in um it’s nothing personal it’s not you it’s me this is is my father’s favorite song Until We died thank you oh [ __ ] here I

Was on what was I listen to um was it a CO was it a [ __ ] to twins song I don’t know if I was look through YouTube or I clicked on some on uh Twitter I met cocktail twins oh ah I know what it was ended up in that song

Um something to be mortal coil the one that um thingy sampled for you know did I dream you dreamed about me this m coil right um who Who’s Who simple that Templar Templar dreams is it Templar Dreams by kind of late ’90s dance so early ’90s

Messiah I um anyway it said in the [ __ ] comments this this C to twins song that’s all kind of it’s not got the whole guitar thing and all rever by Echo stuff it’s kind of like hard singing We don’t know if you know what [ __ ] first to top comment was

Um uh that’s going to sound sad to begin with but just hold this going to sound sad to start halfway but just wait someone said uh my younger brother older brother ER to basically talk to uh with an overdose of something um he was wearing H ear phones listening

To some sort of Music um the this is like a posted two two years two years ago uh was listening to some music he had created um a playlist of only six songs uh on YouTube and and this is one of them and this is his uh YouTube account uh I always miss

You uh and it was like Darius the name right I was like [ __ ] me top comment lots of thumbs up no I lots of thumbs up so sorry to [ __ ] hear that well better place and so sorry tragically I lost somebody to that and all these sorts of

Things it said something like they said the method that he this is the person who made the comment the method that he used it would have taken about 15 minutes for him to lose Consciousness he was listening to some music I think he was listening to this he made a playlist

Of six songs including this one so Sor to hear that my God that’s tragic that’s terrible that’s tragic and I was like this is and this this is the YouTube they said they said this is this is their YouTube channel this one I’m listening to the song on and I looked at

It and I went like two years ago was a comment checked out the videos there were more than six [ __ ] videos there’s no playlist with just six songs and there have been videos posted to that account since like less than a year ago could have been that that the brother there

Took over the account could have been possible scroll down the comments the replies said that you know people go like oh my God that’s terrible that’s tragic so we go like that um this is fake you posted the same thing and another [ __ ] to twins thing where your

Brother’s a different name your brother was called George this is not cool man let just gone about so just gone about unless it’s two brothers or no sometimes a come D sometimes he it was called George Darius Davey Stevie Paul Smith all right depending on what how I think

About depending on the song I’m Listening I called him a different name if he was happy I call him George if he was sad i’ call him um uh Stevie so they go about um by looks at posting that comment everywhere oh well gets attention does

It grief farming oh I like it undering Jo Steve David hakes disco flame Kate adrick Johnny corid Mari SK think of Subs no I don’t do that SK you stop what did you just say what did God do I might just I might cut out the what

Did you just say but and just go as usual straight to the what did go do stop Hammer Time Jordie F gentleman thanks to Subs but you see that comment on YouTube you would want to actually say anything in case you got it wrong right you said the same

Thing somewhere else except it wasn’t Darius it was George you shouldn’t go about lying like this about suicide it’s not cool man cuz my [ __ ] brother George talk to H I’m sorry I’m sorry I I thought you don’t know you saw WR didn’t you I take it the same goes for your

Your sister Sarah that you’ve mentioned on another video I don’t know sorry I I’ve been looking at some other comments I mean how many brothers and sisters you have the people who have 20 brothers sisters there’s people out there I I know one them uh right here we

Go are you calling me a liar that’s the big okay that’s decision time is it when somebody says that what you calling me a liar de what day what day wait a minute hold on right I’m doing the big scary M wait what’s this explore the main reach level five in the

MS might be dangerous right so am I going to end up hitting something here and then get attacked right here’s what I’m going to do here’s what I’m going to do I’m going to very quickly go here and get myself all [ __ ] toed up and ready right one is the sword

One there it is right let’s go pickaxe um oh another [ __ ] look did I H did I strike it [ __ ] lucky there aha [Applause] Inventory F well that’s a shame that’s a crying shame There Um uh well you know what there’s no [ __ ] point in h going D here because I’m going to lose a lot of this stuff leave the [ __ ] M what time is it I’ll go do I’ll get wait a minute what can I get Stone I could get stone [ __ ] anywhere

You know what just just go back just now right don’t [ __ ] about go back leave the main leave leave leave you could drop the stone you could do that maybe I could maybe I should what you going to do time’s ticking head back you do not want to

Fall asleep you just don’t you just don’t I wonder if people in the chat who know the game very well are going what you what are you where are you got what are you just ignore them right you play the game your way picture on Jordi thanks for Subs 18

Months of ubu oh I forgot to dat ubu in the [ __ ] H game title just actually going to put in the game uh the the stream title I mean um tornac man plays ubu classic or something and I thought wait a minute torn Face the People know what that

Means and I looked it up and apparently it’s just a Scottish thing it means like kind of miserable miserable faced if you know what I mean to look all kind of miserable [ __ ] sick of that [ __ ] Tor face bastard walking over [ __ ] do the face this is the

Face you know how I look um they kind of miserable it even when I’m no um are you going to take the the the fishing rodway no you’re going to do some sing No you’re going to chop down some trees there might be something down there there won’t be

That’s a ho anyway so put that there axe you know what you need didn’t you you need money for the bigger backpack well that comes later we’re reinvesting right now and anyway if I get one copper ore I want it just be one there and then another one copper ore and another one

And that’s all it’ll be like it be stack them up like that it’s fine uh um keep the watering can on you because you going to some water in the next day go to sleep Bast up too early that’s fine that’s all right um that’s it you just do your thing [ __ ] that’s

It well done what is that what is that the [ __ ] is that is it too ear to sleep 10:00 oh [ __ ] I just I just didn’t oh it’s a it’s a right a baby seal oh how edgy a baby seal how edgy GB kuk look at wavy seal in the chat there

Well done you happy wavy SE think Who’s this getting doorste by Clint this is a new person I notic that you’ve been breaking some rocks open finding or that’s good I’m I’m about to get patronized if I might have actually already be been patronized I noticed that you’ve been breaking some rocks open and find it all

And that’s good that’s great good good for you can I ask you though you know it’s that that kind of thing is it and that’s great that’s great I I I love doing that as well that’s great good for you can I ask though if you want to get the most out

Of the ORS you find you need a furnace okay just so happens I had an extra set of blueprints lying around here I want you to have them thank you very very much sorry were you watching me Le out craft a F this [ __ ] get in the furnace allows you to smell metal

Bars the bars can be used for crafting construction and Tool upgrades when you’ve smelted a few copper bars consider having me upgrade one of your tools it can make your work a lot easier sounds good to me take it easy and you bye for now take it

Easy God bless fortun ahead craft a furnace maybe I will maybe I [ __ ] will right fness copper o and stone oh yeah dancer very nice keep the Scarecrow in mind though and gra a pass um cuz you get something for that right wait a minute here we

Go I’ll have that I’ll have that remember you’re [ __ ] skin you’re skant so get one of them in there but keep the other one on you just now why just there your told because see when you’re doing their minds you might forget that you are [ __ ] knackered and you need some extra

Food you see how even though i’ I’m not used to this game everybody my Survival game knowledge is coming into play that’s it lovely stuff right here’s what I want you to do you’re going to go up here and you’re going to go to this we box and you’re

Going to put away the water and can you’re going to put away the wood you’re going to put away the stone the axe keep hold the axe just in case on way back you need to chop in a tree to get get through stay it just there what you by the way

Nothing Chuck the ax in no I’m keeping axe just in case just in case benry thanks a sub forgot to do the prime manual resub so have lost my streak no I I can see it says 19 remember to do the manual re sub everyone that’s right everybody you can

Subscribe for free with Amazon Prime ET Etc so on and so Forth this CERN outside these we fart tent have you come to ridicule me you heard me does it pick up the mic I’m just mind them own business he’s got something to hate no I don’t like we don’t like him he’s up to something I don’t like

Him do or do we not no we don’t what if I like him then you can join him and you don’t want to join him cuz we’re going to crucify him Literally we’re thinking they’re crucifying them excuse me wait a minute is it patched up the um it’s random each time oh right oh [ __ ] so was lucky then uh you know what that’s sh just St that stone went [ __ ] Stone what you oh there we go morning bug

Me right so far was that lucky again was that Quite I like to know that I was lucky I was lucky he’s going to jump oh it jumps forward right how’s your health you’re fine it’s Mele an energy thing you you want to worry about what you copper oil lovely stuff what are you quartz remember copper is what you want

Copper see that thing I just got there is that the only thing that you get copper for because the thing that I hit before Miss like three copper oh did I is that copper that’s just Stone um oh that right right ah there we go right wa sell me to this thing

No you don’t don’t know if I should bother with that slime but nice got Nine co or that’s decent so I’m at level two up the top left it says level two it’s worth killing them um Frosty James thanks for Subs how much back seating do you want I

Go g a bit go g a We better back seat for the mes please uh get to get to level five I activate the oh activate the left I see I see I see right right so don’t like don’t [ __ ] about is another [ __ ] bastard is that bit down there is that

A is this another random than me Bob look he’s coming to get you don’t to you use assault on the bottels is that right everybody use use the sword in the barrels hit the crates mix seats very nice cave car everybody um see this Stone piss

Off um can I drop stuff oh they B right I get up bent wait a minute get rid the S the slam’s kind of useless is it right [ __ ] seeds keep slim ditch slime need that backpack I keep the Slime right see the um the sap I can get

That [ __ ] anywhere really I can get that right outside my front door door um saire can go what [ __ ] saile got quartz 3:20 p.m. um same is useless get rid of the sap and the seeds well get rid of the sap I’ll get rid of

The seeds when I need to um my question is focus on all minerals they make the money right um wait wait wait how do you sh [ __ ] did that come down fa is that that’s fa um is this another case of finding um another um set lers

Right I know what it is it’s right here think I’ll just get I’ll just get that copper while here so if I don’t get it uh it’s here it’s right here I mean there geod you found a geod the local blacksmith can break open for you oh O inventory fill what is it just Stone don’t want that mix seeds um probably [ __ ] bollocks what’s what’s a lot of [ __ ] do you know what I should just eat that carrot now then that pass snip uh what they escape and then what did they eat it how I eat the [ __ ] thing

Um [ __ ] I Stone you [ __ ] off four right click eat it please there we go so close to B is it not even [ __ ] nearly close to B the biggest concern with this game is that I’m only going to want to play this for the rest of the [ __ ]

Year bberry who thinks the subs right look the stairs gone down this is it here they sorry sorry there sorry there there there there there it is is there a is there a limit to how many is is it a bit like a then do it go like that it’ll be no more

Than five no you could you could do a whole [ __ ] lot and still never find it right then we go level four oh how the [ __ ] that happen how did that Happen that’s it that’s your shortcut oh I’m this is level five right s me right I’m these thing any pauses he got to charge I don’t want the Slime no no I I’ll keep the Slime right where’s the where’s the [ __ ] copper health and energy is all right

When minute was that deeper in the main reach level [ __ ] 40 any uh okayy do okay you piss off you you can do it don’t just don’t let it close right don’t waste your time with that [ __ ] how how’s it looking 8:00 you still unlock shortcut h

Every five levels have we go got one I’ll have that thank you do we have a problem how’s your health be careful be care um your hopeway get get that copper get as much copper as you can just keep going ignore 9:00 I would head back I would

Head back or you will lose everything that you’ve worked for everything play safe trust me play it safe past n you play safe you get back home safe and sound scared I’m just cautious absolutely shatter I’m just very right very sensible KY blueberry thanks to the subs I’m playing it safe cautious

Wise see these see this this is got this is coming in see this like bump at this [ __ ] tree so you’re coming down unless unless it’s going to leave a tree St is it oh well I can pick anything up sing me um come here and you need lots of

Stone put your copper in hey wait a minute there’s a geod I put that away H wait a minute actually there’s that cave car that somebody wanted put the Slime away the quartz away wait a minute I might keep the what should I what should I put in the

Um time is it what should they put in the box there go back in give the go to Clint who wanted that uh why am I here again get the water in can oh you forgot to put the oh wait have I planted it yet I [ __ ] PL I should I should have

Put the [ __ ] um fertilizer in forgot I forgot everybody I did I I’m going to keep a of the quarts for the I archaeological I hear that Clint is tough to find sometimes did you hear that I’ve been hearing I’ll um I’ll keep a h the wood

And the bug me I don’t know what I’m going to do with but um keep a hard to that and I want a [ __ ] payday I can’t remember how long it takes for the Tories I think it’s quite a while but I want my [ __ ] payday give me all that wood that I

Dropped I know you’re sleepy but we’ve got what to get on me get moving get moving put the stone away and remain with him much is it to make this uh fun this 20 copper 25 stone you’ve got what it takes you’ve got 20 [ __ ] copper let’s go

I’ I’ve earned a wee B of money your progress has been Saved they should get me and do voice over for these games like for that there every time it saves your progress has been saved and that’s the only voice um line only voice acting I would cut off I cut my ears off says flash express it wouldn’t make any

Difference cut that off it might affect being able to pick up some extra sounds but it’s the ear hole it’s the eardrum inside it’s like me cutting my nose off I’m sick of the smell of something so I cut my nose off so in fact wait a minute it’s in the

Nose where’s your smell um where’s your sense of smell Beyond like see if your nose is completely cut off is it in here the brain where’s the the the the nve endings or whatever that that deal with smell is it in the beak

Itself is it in the beak or is it a bit further in in the face so sub is right then drum Club Dave thanks to the subs happy New Year all to the snakes in the chat B thanks for gifting that sub thank you very much it’s me cvd thanks for the sub

Mr alas thanks for the sub remember old days the days of underage drinking if you did when you only drinking [ __ ] Sipes or whatever it is you drank if you didn’t like it ho in the nose cuz you’re not drinking cuz you like it drink to get drunk super tenants

There was times I was up for it other times even just um what what did I used to get used I remember I used to get for quite a while [ __ ] diamond white what was diamond white diamond white Bes side I remember looking up cuz I always thought it was

Some sort of that uh cider and like white wine mix but it’s just cider simple as that um I’d get that and just some days you’re just no in mport just some days you’re no [ __ ] up for it everybody’s getting a drink you like it’s just I don’t [ __ ] want to

Drink booze I want to [ __ ] drink booze I want to have a drink and get drunk like everybody else but the like super tants it’s weird some some nights it’d be all right and some like so wouldn’t it you’d be sensitive to the taste it in

An all night um You’ be fine that’s why Spirits exist um right right now deep Fortune ahead craft a furnace I [ __ ] will crafting F this copper or and stone let’s go to my we box um I’m going to keep I’m going to do some visiting going to visit some people uh copper

Or and stone and where would I [ __ ] put this furnace I wonder it feels like an outside thing but maybe I can just uh stick it out here oh got a new L it’s going to be this wizard p in there I see you’ve been exploring the

Old M you’ve got the adventure spit that much I can tell if you could slay 10 slimes you have earned your place of my Adventures Guild I can do that I can do that no bother initiation easy right Fortune ahead so that’s all getting rained on so that’s hunky

Dory and need seeds give me that past it and that potato and we will [ __ ] Chuck that in there right now before I forget one t0 sellent uh keep 100 not past I see I see your emergency pnip don’t you have a potato Quest that was ages ago potato Quest than so de

No that’s gone the person who wanted a potato get going click Arrow what what oh that’s that’s introductions I see I was getting confused I know what’s just happened we’re getting to the point now that my knowledge is exceeding yours I was like but but I checked one of the tasks and

It was like oh thingy needs a potato and then I went the next day or was something like that I went the next day and it was no longer there it was no somebody else want something else and you are like remember the potato the potato that was another so I

Know more about this game than I use Tokyo Gman KY fix up made your Harvest be bountiful plenty thank you very much that was very very kindy here’s what I’ll do then I’m going to take the little money that I’ve got no no wait wait wait wait

Make a F this first because I think I might get some money for it just simply by completing it maybe so I got to put that there in and then uh right I’ll plun it there just plunk it there go plunk it there and you go there it be confident

Right go go up to it and then click on it all right nothing happens um smelting now that you built a furnace you can smelt some metal according to Clint’s instructions if you place five copper ore and one piece of coal in the furnace it should produce a copper bar

Should right I thought I was going to get some sort of we reward for that but no no one we thing no know that quartz and the geode and and we’ll see how I get on I and take that cave car just in case somebody wants that as well right let’s

See I said take the SW we take the ax a lovely rainy day Rainy Night in Georgia just know raining night Georgia by for a minute is it glest night in the Pips or is it is it candy starting for saying it [ __ ] yeah well which one I think glad is night and the Pips run the Crawford you a [ __ ] bastard that’s a sort of thing you’d

Hear on a Sunday night you’re like lying in ly in the [ __ ] Darkness or something like that years ago and that comes on the radio and you’re like oh that’s just what I [ __ ] needed Enter hi it feels like it’s raining away the world I you don’t even really think about it that much just I that’s just saved my [ __ ] life that song I don’t know how absolute reprobate thanks to sub thank you very much I’ll pass that on you [ __ ]

Off Shane don’t have time to chat time to [ __ ] chat with you dick kid never a [ __ ] shave disgraceful facial here and by the way you got we bits sticking out for your your coat what that all about we bits you look like my mic microphone am I right

Everybody got me didn’t oh wait a minute got wait for the shop to say and we go no no wait wait wait wait wait wait did go in go way you [ __ ] bastard right where’s this archaeological Place Community Center uh wait a minute so is it actually hard to find the

Um uh the blacksmith you know have you got to sort like kick a no he’s the GE below Georgia right um blacksmith he’s [ __ ] there it’s hard to find him who said that it was something the chat like I I heard that is is hard to find completely like you know absolve

Themselves a responsibility I didn’t I didn’t say he’s hard to find I said I heard I’ve been told he’s hard to find and if you read what I said next let me I said and I I don’t believe the person who told me that yeah wait a minute uh what’s closed until summer

Wait a minute this this is you here is it who are you Penny and right you got going to say you want a quiet moment um this is something this is something else G ISS abysmal not a single piece in the entire collection well is it bits and pieces cuz I’ve got

Quartz what’s this you found Yes remarkable it’s very old I’d love to study this in Greater detail but it is Yours H I’ve got a favor to ask you would you consider donating any new artifacts or minerals that you find um what do I get to well the museum is free entry so it’s not really much money they give you well there is because people do leave

Donations so there is some money yes but that’s for the upkeep of the place and what about you you get money why just earn wages just to be here and there’s actually some volunteers so you to get money and the volunteers get to say that the

Volunteers they get to go about they get to wielder powered within the community by going like that yes I am a volunteer at the arch iCal something something there’s something in it for them right what do I get you just get something you just get what you want you

Get to walk there doing something that you like you get something it might be a bit kind of abstract and you know hard to sort of put you put your fingers on but it’s something it’s real it’s a feeling now I’m have no feeling anything when I hor this [ __ ] quart here so

What do I get that’s going to make me feel good what what do you want I want [ __ ] money is that all you care about money I don’t care about the money it’s not the money I don’t just hold the money in my H and look at it and go oh good there’s

Precious [ __ ] pound notes I spend the money to get the things that are [ __ ] make me feel good the way you feel good but walking here for your [ __ ] cowboy hat on your stupid beard and stupid Mustache might want to get myself a nice C on a on a Wednesday night that’s my business no yours mine I’m all right everybody is M all you care about all right in all right in I’ll tell you what I care about um I want to watch a nice

Film uh I want to watch I want a selection of films are you going to get that for me you’re going to find me a selection of nice films or programs I could watch so I can spend my time relaxing and just sort of watching the

Tell you would know where to look you would know what I want you have to ask me questions is it what is it you want Netflix or prime or um what is it you’re on about right you don’t have to do any that work you just give me the money and

I will decide what I’m gting my [ __ ] subscription money right you just give me the money that you’re earning for these [ __ ] donations or you can get to [ __ ] cuz they can’t be paying you any money where you not got any quarts I keep this [ __ ] place running I went

Paid I didn’t make up the [ __ ] system the system’s here and I’m working within the system and I want my [ __ ] money I I’m not paying you what what are you going to do with the quartz now it’s useless to you how [ __ ] dump it back down the m and I’ll bury

It you’re really that petty yes I [ __ ] um do you only care about money do you only care about no gain me money is cares about the money M nobody else gives a [ __ ] you’ve got something to give somebody to give you a bit of money they go to somebody else somebody

Gives them money it’s you that [ __ ] cares about the money they just H water mode how much you want for It t Grand that’s me I don’t know what the going rate is for a lump of quartz so I’m just I’m chaning T gr Jak lab thanks the sub thank you very much frankly thank thank you very much for the sub I want £10,000 I can give you $10,000 pounds

Please do me dollars are not Pounds excuse me we could make a groundbreaking discovery together oh I know collaborate I will we [ __ ] collaborate what they I [ __ ] get out of this collaboration I know what you get you get to work with me what the [ __ ] did I get keep in mind it

Was you who came to me no me who came to you don’t make me say it don’t make me say It oh and who knows if you keep donating I might come across some interesting items to send you away thank you no we get the Agee old tradition that goes back thousands of years of trade I’ve got something to give you you’ve got something to give me it’s trade a simple trade

Trade I may when you say Mate mate come across them right well all right then when you might come across these interesting items I might give you the quarts you tell me when this pops up this thing here when this turns to true you know what I’m cuz I think like

A Cod my coder when this turns to true the condition here is true then you getting the quartz equals [ __ ] True gun [ __ ] cter me like it I’m sorry what that’s actually very offensive here in America well I’m Scottish and it’s not that offensive well you’re in the United States I’m in me mate I’m not in the United States I’m in me see wherever I go I’m in me I’m

Know in Scotland I’m know in America I’m in me marus marus don’t worry whenever I die could be the M could be 50 years then you get the place to yourself it’s all yours the whole planet do as you please but until then see this see this this is mine me

Am all right everybody you can do when I’m ly dud you can do what you want you can pump pump the cops till your your [ __ ] cock’s red raw until then this here is mine M Ollie Michael Hugh W scotch mist thanks to Subs the tossa pal EK Grand

Frankl J do thanks sub shove the quarts up your eyes the jaggy bits thank you very Much and you better St give me the [ __ ] side eye like I’m a [ __ ] clown with a raised eyebrow excuse me think about it while you think about it if you decide to donate just bring the objects to the front desk you bring it to the front desk they’ll have to do

Everything you’re here take it off but you take it to the front [ __ ] Desk you’re making it really hard to like You right front desk here we go here we go he gets this one courtesy and then we start behaving like adults after this point but we get this one courtesy after this let’s start behaving like adults let’s let’s see how that goes [ __ ] unbelievable that’s [ __ ] he’s [ __ ] say double Dam triple D

It’s got a dam hat donate to museum look see I’m a nice person I donate I choose to donate there there you go there you go g can tell you more about this if you donate to the museum I hope what it tells me is what I get out

It place it [ __ ] anywhere go place it there Journal updated let’s Okay that I’m ready not a word of thanks it doesn’t seem like you have anything to donate to the museum better get out there and do something treasure hunting huh quadruple Dam he’s got a dam jacket

Or shot Dam truers jeans he’s got a dam hat that’s three that’s your triple he’s got Dam Specks cuz you can see through them it’s only for look and air you know like gone like that sort of done like you know like Prank what’s this Ste there a big messing Here Let’s look at the the be Teddy no no no that there that there that something else in here that’s a quartz wait if I go to that does that actually quartz yeah oh wait archaeology yeah there we oh oh you [ __ ] Dancer compensate by occasional R Goods [ __ ] gold all day nicely let’s get [ __ ] planting thank you very much G have a nice day okay I’m going head do the mains you’re good man bye for now so that’s uh what this this is Wednesday shot Wednesdays that’s all right good

Man G’s all right it was just a breakdown in communication Clint what about Clint the blacksmith oh that’s why I’m here that’s right so must be just Slightly North is a good man it’s a break down communication HS wires Crossing all that there um process GS

Please uh have a g for you the price is 25 gold per geod oh it costs me that right right on your Go Sandstone I got you get a stra behind me everybody it says here Sandstone that’s it so that’s cost me what have you got to buy coal too lazy to m not uh to your own or no problem uh no I’m not buying coal no not D not in look

Box it’s not that I’m lazy I’ve just got other priorities what’s that met working blueprints I’ll get it [ __ ] St can I use the Anvil thank you check his bin ooh [ __ ] all hey wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute um 140 see if I go to the oh wait where

Am I go up to the Town Square check what you got did well it just tell me there Sandstone I can denate that to the [ __ ] music Museum wait m [ __ ] money oh this is Magic I’m in place I’m a is it no it’s not G uh-huh yeah oh I see it’s only for that first one oh lovely stuff um me and you have got a problem I’ll speak to you later I don’t want to talk about it just now but I’ve got a new enemy now um where is

It did I stick it in the banard Box more I think I did Big Brother Cav enemy so thought I had that in the ban box but obviously no oh is it’s there it’s there right there it is there and like delete that right so Perez don’t worry I’ve got a new

Enemy now it’s not you it’s him your enemy trust me you are and you’ll see it tomorrow good night a bad drunk you get people who are a bad drunk a mean drunk eye hey’s he’s off he’s off the boo now but you get people you’re a bad drunk

There he is back in the day I wonder if he saw himself um 20 years later or whatever it was uh 10 15 years later g Keith CH on a hard time I’ve got a new enemy now thank you it’s not you it’s [Applause] him Keith chlin getting

I I need to watch that I I really kind of remember I was asking ly about it I was like I kind of remember what what he was like I don’t think I really watched that that one is that the one that Michael bore was in in um um

Pete thingy no it wasn’t he what one was that wait a minute Pete bonss that was about 10 years later what one was that oh that’s I did [ __ ] watched I remember making Vines about it um um uh Perez I [ __ ] um what’s his name was Alexander

Reil [ __ ] that’s right I remember the whole I remember the whole lot I don’t remember he was like I was asking Lyn I was like I don’t wait a minute was this wait a sec second I’ve not been here ever I I don’t remember what Keith chuin did

To annoy him and Lyn couldn’t remember either she H Cav was P quiet like pure quiet during the day you never [ __ ] heard anything F him um and then he’d get a drink in him and he’d be like that J I don’t think we’ve met I do not think we’ve met wait a

Minute 24 or 28 people met and you h m Manley you look like you’re socked you P thing have we met another another three people I’m going to I’m going to check the bins hold on can I Rob them so it’s almost the end of another day there’s nothing I can buy

Yet no much I can actually buy I should go done the [ __ ] main wait a minute I it gave me that it gave me that one um 250 whatever the [ __ ] it was um as a we you know it sort of bottom me up a we bit um wait a

Second this is let is Go two ridiculous this is ridiculous I need or or and M or St this form is this all M it [ __ ] is I’ll get that cleared out um in the meantime I don’t need this emergency pnip so let’s let’s [ __ ] Chuck it in he no don’t eat

It [ __ ] wait a minute wait a minute did I mean that that that’s good right emergency put a fiber in uh [ __ ] it check Chuck your sap in no don’t keep the sap for the uh the fertilizer the gwood is that another gwood is that another one or the he

You just found one is that really right I’ll go out to him I’ll do that and that’ll be me for the night I got it for the rocks oh really he’s closed oh for [ __ ] sake cuz it’s late right too late for the blacksmith sad go and Amy thinks of subs and

Bits can we get you Christopher Maloney face for all time sake Sandos H me Irish rebel thanks for Subs Mor Drew tenacious thanks for Subs I want to apologize for last year’s chat morning and dbd slander your Stu play through has reminded me of why I’m

Here I GL GL to hear it tweet on ched Maverick thanks for the subs thank you very much every game I play is not for everyone wait a minute get that toy Sold get the T in um cave car somebody might ask for that cave card so I’m just going to ignore it for now is there anything anything I’ve put in here I’d like to shove in the old box of bug meat got [ __ ] tons of sap dbd is actual dog [ __ ] says

Anti um can I go to sleep no listen I don’t why I go to sleep I’ve got [ __ ] things to go in with let’s get this place [ __ ] cleared out it’s a tip absolute [ __ ] tip get the rock set cool everybody I got [ __ ] Coal is it are other particular or um no no Lo Co see are a particular kind of rocks I can hit that are probably the cold ones or more likely to be the coold ones see these ones are like a stone and two underneath is that are they more likely

Or less likely than these ones are just in fact is that a rock is that a bush I can’t even [ __ ] see that it’s random just right right chopped in all the [ __ ] trees it’s all the same right that’s place [ __ ] wait a minute sap and wood um

Right right I’m going to see everything that’s underneath this let’s get [ __ ] tidy away get my Scythe Scythe Scythe Davey get me my Scythe Scythe do get my don’t don’t start a fight with him he’ll kill you I’m not having him every [ __ ] time right I better go back um right let’s go let’s go yeah sleepy t a Say wait a minute what’s that oh ah right right right I got [ __ ] 80 gold for the toties man reinvest reinvest reinvest reinvest reinvest reinvest um go here shove that [ __ ] away and the stone away and the sap away and see the coal put that away and see the

Wood stick that away see the cave car and the geod keep that on you just now I’ll tell you why in a we minute in fact put the cave car away um put the Scythe away and put the water don’t keep the water can on you scarecrow that’s right what was this

What was um oh hold on missing all my favorite ax if you find it please return to ASAP 250 right let see if I can oh I didn’t mean to accept that well I’ve done it now uh we are now [ __ ] raking it in let’s see see gim me that’s your

Tties that’s your [ __ ] torties there is that is that I’ve destroyed the bean thing I I had when I I hit something there and I thought IED right click it right well I’ve just lost that that’s that’s gone reload do you know what I [ __ ] should by the way here hold

On Yes Man safe scum oh god I’ve I’ve lost my progress for today oh no I did that the other day you know what I’m like you just know what I’m like that’s the sort of thing I do anybody that again accept the quest right right right click right click right

Click that’s that’s it right now go to that right click on it if you’re going to do something see it’s not that now you know what you’re going to do you’re going to go here don’t do anything just yet just in case you want to come back and hold on just hold

On Robin’s lost ax she was cut with south of M’s Ranch M’s ranch right probably down there then uh what like in that all the way in here or this Cottage would it be but don’t say sou le le Cottage if it was that or does it actually mean between that and

That well first things first Roots wors what they called wors wors dig wors in front of you oh right uh dig um dig what way by the way you need the hmer right that’s not how it works that’s not how the game works Mate prevents crows from attacking your crops right I get a reward for that scarecrow so I’m going to I’m going to make that when I get I get back you the hole look look at how I’ve had to uh mute the word ho because you kind of

Behave see what you have brought upon yourselves or did that go across where’s a [ __ ] oh that this [ __ ] whats another axe see just for now just in case I forget cuz I can be forgetful wait a minute that is a potato where star next

It does that mean it’s some sort of ey better quality right thought so um I don’t touch anything and remember before you plant the new stuff get the fertilizer done let’s check out see if there’s any we tasks and then we can think about the main later but first things first right

Let’s just see us a we job to get done a hering to drive for next one um um makes p happy listen the only [ __ ] pal I’m interested in keeping happy is that one right there he O A thanks to Subs see they Wonder just kind of behave

In here I’m leading by example sorry um a hering I’ve not got I’ve not got the no I don’t accept it I don’t accept it it’s locked open at [ __ ] N I just let it then wait oh the ones the ons um right hold on let’s go

Back I was going to go down to the what you call it the uh blacksmith or whatever it is a lost [ __ ] book the library take that to the library Stone pish said say [ __ ] I disagree I think you got something to say plan spending a lot of time in my telescope this

Summer old stars out it’s amazing you think all right right let’s go in now I we just kind of rock floating Space hi there um I would like to spend a considerable save up for the backpack Um I think you find I see two grand no no no no no no no no no no no no we reinvest reinvest reinvest a minute can I sell potatoes to somebody right here and there right is it not as much they not get as much as what I

Would have I put them in the box nice trials as not as much same price I think same price it’s the same price same really so as the Box just it’s just convenient just to just got just Chuck everything in there same price I think I’ve got a

Feeling that you don’t actually know I remember when I was playing Dark Souls 3 most I maybe exaggerating here but a lot of people maybe M than half said that when you sell your your your sort of big souls to the what’s her name The Old Maid or whatever she’s

Called you get less for it than if you just consume them right there and then like if you sell soul of a Great Hero or soul of a hero or something like that you’ll get like imagine 10,000 Souls if you consume it you sell it you’ll get

Eight many people if not most in the chat thought that was true it’s the exact same whether you sell it to her or consume them it’s the exact same but most people just thought you just Ryan Dracula Eva hepp thanks again thanks for subs thank you very much you’re Ry Okay right so can anybody remember what I got for a potato was it 80 8 went it right so here’s here’s a [ __ ] test um does this person did they buy here we go here we go I they go 8 * 8 6 640 we laughing I can get my money right here no don’t have to wait till tomorrow

I can get my [ __ ] money right here now and this 100 right here we go [ __ ] gme gme gme is that 25 going to get up reinvest every last penny and the toies again no no no save up for the backpack no no and no again reinvest reinvest reinvest cauliflower

Time oh right 12 days so D I get the the highest return on investment by the cauliflowers uh cauliflowers right takes longer to grow all but we just we plant them and we forget about them plant these in the spring right plant them in the spring make sure there’s enough season

Left to grow them um well you know what that’s misleading because it saying you can plant them in the spring didn’t they say anything about make sure you also then Harvest them in the spring how do I know wait a minute this is this is th of the

11th of what how I how’ I find all that wait a minute that’s the how I know the crop dies at beginning next season right so how do I know that um there’s only 12 days or five days or whatever left in a season the 11th of spring

Oh oh is it like is it like kind of like like four months really Four Seasons all right we’re all right then 28 days you say oh we laughing then I was asked to get some [ __ ] work done I swear if [ __ ] I was your boss I’d suck you once suck you twice

And suck you three [ __ ] times why is n what getting done I’m I’m busy I’m sorry but I’m getting a we bit carried the way it’s just I’m watching Li stream and I try to keep getting misinformation and I joke sort of way it’s kind of obvious that

You know I’m just making up as a go ly right that’s that’s good you’re sacked But but so you know what am I going to do that’s your problem ask ly maybe he will have you sitting next to him you give there double act where

You go like that right what my do you’re not doing anything you’re you’re not doing anything might might use the axe no you got use it got use the sword make my bosses out and I’m sat here being a proud VI assistant a man need do you know what I’m actually sorry

About not sorry I just I L at people without I think people are all against me Captain parallel Dave Benson Phillips for f thanks for Subs um right anybody where was we right here we [ __ ] go right well it’s um callif fls all the way give me everything and give me a [ __ ]

Toy and give me a pnip every [ __ ] penny oh [ __ ] now I don’t have the money for the um the blacksmith for the for the what’s its name the gwood that’s all right we’re re investing it cost 25 to open the jwood right now be careful here be

Careful be careful right here’s what you’re going to do you’re going to come in here and you’re going to go there and you’re going to put away your W geod and your stone and and your cave carrot for now right you’re going to make the right you going to get the

Sap and you’re going to make as much fertilizer as you [ __ ] can crafting I as much as you can there we are going to come down here and how many have I got of what uh uh how many oh right so you got 13 the room I

One two three four five don’t don’t bother [ __ ] count NE gives a [ __ ] about that you know what just do it anyway all right go go go go oh got I got clay everybody I got clay right now put the fertilizer done first do you know what do another way do another way

Go yes right doesn’t matter it [ __ ] does matter it does liar absolute liar um hold on how is your H and block don’t don’t try and make it all even just Relax like fertilizer is that fertilizer yeah one uh two a three a four a five 6 7 8 9 10 11 I know we do this look do that and uh that to make it 13 cuz got 13 uh uh what’s it names there we go lovely We R them lovely stuff and

Then we’ll come up here and stick down that there and we put uh what’s that a Tor there and we put that there and we put a pass there and it’s water in time everybody great stuff before you know what I’m going to be absolutely [ __ ] rolling in

It what do we do how do we earn the money we got to get down the mes we’ll go down the mes but see with this sit and wait simply relax relax D something actually ruins it um is that right are they weeds there and I’ve got to um great

Stuff and I should get rid of them I should get them to [ __ ] like that there what are you are you beat you kind of look it go right I can do that as well just for just for the h um clay right ignore that is that us all all hunky dor everything’s

Fine everything is swimming swimmingly going swimmingly right what what do I want to do right the Scarecrow scarecrow um thing advancement reach F level one and craft a scarecrow right uh right craft a scarecrow then let’s craft a [ __ ] scarecrow one coal right tons of fiber and wood right

I’ve got that I’ve got that um what’s there it scarecrow One Call tons of wood and and and fiber that should wood that should coal that sh fiber I think one shot of is it is it 20 25 okay that need B take two second I want to take one at all that’s

It that’s it done let’s get a we bit more anyway where the B H well so prevents crows from attacking your crops has a limited radius about 8 tiles I should have put the [ __ ] tties in a square then to protect them the most Robin’s ax gets you

250 did I accept it advancement 100 thank you 8,000 and oh in all dire of course of course right so one two what so if I was to put that where did you put the Scarecrow I mean the um can it be on top or something no now that’s on something right I

See I see a radius of eight tails is it eight tails and a in a square it’s not like a some sort of Daft [ __ ] Circle it’s not something stupid like that it’s not [ __ ] eight in each Direction says Jack minute let me see uh a limited radius of eight tails that’s um

Jack Jack says radius mate Jack mate it says radius mate that’s the dist that’s the distance from the center of a circle to the the outside now the next question is is it a circle or is it a nice big Square so it’s not an actual radius

Radius it’s it’s a a big square like eight that way eight up all the way the middle of a square or what it is a circle it’s a circle oh [ __ ] does it show me can I move it can I stick it done it’s a squal can I

Stick it done and go actually I need to move it I need to move it why would it be a circle it’s got to be something is it a kind of square looking Circle you can move it right good so for now then I’ll uh I’s just plank it here then Rodney you

Planker oh here not got much energy it’s getting a we bit late let me check out the map have I got time to try and get this [ __ ] um this this is getting cleaned up [ __ ] me look at it absolute [ __ ] bomb s disgraceful you know what there well all

Right said just moing I’m actually doing something said just [ __ ] morning about it but [ __ ] cleaning up and see thingy a they’re not still getting it see I’ve got if I’ve got a time limit of today to get that axe to find the axe for her I’m not getting it all right I

Will not be rushed I’ve got my own [ __ ] things to get on me then you should they all [ __ ] lost it am all right but you said you were going to find it why I said anyway it’s your axe I I I know I would have looked for it but you

Said you were going to help me find it and I did some other Task it’s not it’s not myx at this P went to arches and he said going to get his uh see if you don’t think he had any pills and he said see if you see if you um find anybody that’s got any pills going to get us one or some or something

And then I went away there was there was a group here there was a big group is and I then I I managed to get some but it was like one or something like that um and then I bumped in my bit later and

I was ached by that point I think he was as well but he didn’t have uh he wented another one and he sort of took the halfways sort of sitting down he’s like you said you were going to get his pills and we were at the kind of tail

End of [ __ ] friendship it was starting to get cheeky you said you were going to get his pills and in my niceness I was like oh I know I just I was trying I could all get the one or something but inside I was thinking [ __ ] get them

Yourself who the [ __ ] are you talking to thumble wind Dean a part check thanks for Subs this is epic plasted humming humbucker Captain Dave thanks of Subs better make two of them I [ __ ] miss what you’re talking about plid you said you you said you were going to get [ __ ] still sitting in

The same place you said it was at the end wait a minute is there anything I can just I don’t need to Chuck anything in in there um to sell B byy by time I think there well don’t need to see what on a

Tell ell to bed LA to rise let’s no [ __ ] about see that H or that that can go away see the fertilizer just the clay right um that g would have going to take that with me all that would put that away water and can this will be it’s a new

Sunny day by look it oh look mly hello hi there that’s funny I’m looking at how she reminds me of somebody that I met I was thinking about that just the other [ __ ] day she kind of looks like a there was a last that I got off of and

I was about [ __ ] 17 or something and caragi uh near Central Station like kind of downstairs sort of Pub Club sort of sh sort of place played things like [ __ ] please don’t go by S what it called please don’t go please don’t go you know that sort of [ __ ]

Music gway I don’t know if you what you call it kissing kws that was it French Kiss French kiss um snog um I French cast and there was a lassie in kis that I french kissed it’s [ __ ] disgusting say like that is It we decided that we would engage in French kissing um I got saw somewhere before no no no what happened what happened I don’t know it’s weird we’re talking and then we got after each other and then all a sudden she just sort of stopped and then walked away

Just kind of stopped and walked she must have just went that that’s mean n not into this at all I don’t know you know she didn’t like she just kind of stopped and walked away as if um I don’t know I no in a pure rude way but in the way

That you wouldn’t even day if you going to the toilet you know You’ go I’m heading to the toilet I was just going away just kind of walked away but then you know she’s still there it’s not like she left Jake and [ __ ] out away just

Kind of like then there just that was that done um and then did I either get talk to was it was I talking to before did I know feel like 3 months before or did I then bump again 3 months after it was something like there was something the other side of

That where we just sort of chatting I can’t remember I think it was after it but anyway she reminds me of her there in a funny way because her eyes this is going to sound bad but it’s not as bad as you think our eyes were kind of like Miss Piggy they might

Think um I’ve just said something horrible Miss Piggy Miss Piggy what I mean is now she had nice size this what she nice eyes bit rise well right no them no them no them right I think right do you see how I sort of come down at the side

And really big lashes and the irises are kind of up quite far in the the eyes you know kind of like that know some people some people’s eyes depend on some some people’s eyeses are kind of naturally the the eyelid is just sort of just the bottom it’s like the bottom

Hof and the iris the iris is showing some other people the eyes a bit more open some people look kind of constantly sort of a bit like sleepy or something because you just see just the bottom she was a bit like that I got came down the side I think her eyeliner

Was kind of like that and she had big lashes and I think her head was like that other than that no she didn’t look like [ __ ] Miss Piggy but I remember her eyes and I’ve seen two or three people like that it’s an almost kind of uh s uh 60s 7

Look I’ve seen like numerous sort of films in the 6 60s and 70s maybe like [ __ ] um Beyond de Valley the dolls or something like that and a lot people have got that it’s in fact hold on I’ve got it I can I can show this because some bits are Beyond the Valley

Of the Dolls um this say they may but the S like tons of people kind of look like n it’s not it no it’s not it no that’s not it that’s the what um but it’s funny I and then I I said a weird [ __ ] thing I said a weird thing

You know man for um uh it’s [ __ ] ridiculous what I [ __ ] said doesn’t even look like her or anything like that you know man if um lady Tron Twiggy I Twiggy looks is that I I eyes were they like Twiggy right but you know that that that kind

Of there’s a you know how the sort of eyes are coming down kind of coming down to the side and it’s a it’s a direction of the lashes as well I think sort of like that I know you’re looking going what you [ __ ] on about do you see any kind of

Similarity what I’m talking about do you see you sort of see but if if you to take the eyes and and turn them down a we bit at the side basically [ __ ] eyes like mine eyes like mine really I’m saying her eyes like mine have you made her eyes M

Like mine you know sort of like down my brow sort goes down the way at the side um and it [ __ ] M you know lady Tron is it lady Tron man for that um I think she um I don’t know tweeted to she tweeted me ages ago

Ages ago H man ages ago something like 10 years ago or something and I said I saw the name man and I couldn’t quite remember what she looked like that last if ages ago but I’m I’m some I sometimes get faces all [ __ ] mixed up and I go

That person looks like that person didn’t they and all you nothing like them do you know see though do you know see the that you don’t didn’t know like nothing like them and I was looking I was like that’s not hard is it no it’s not her name’s M though how many people

See the Lassie that I knew for Caris her name is man and I was actually talking to her for quite a bit she said her name is man and I must have mentioned [ __ ] um Marley Alfred Hitchcock and she said she was named

After like a d on Mo was a fan of that [ __ ] film which is mad considering what actually happens in the film but um maybe she made that bit up I don’t know but um uh and I said I tweeted that [ __ ] uh Helen mney and said this is a tough

Question this is a really tough question but did you just to go like maybe like Cari you know they they come right and go did we get off each other [ __ ] like mental I said did you used to go to I said something like that about

[ __ ] man 10 years ago and she’s like no I said is your name your name’s Mary she said my second name’s Mary I went oh right I can’t remember what I said but why I was like oh I don’t know I just thought M you thought met you that’s a mad phone

M I think at that point she is saying something that is sampled in a Ronny SI song There’s a Ronny size song on Ronny size H what’s it called new forms what I think she says something like what I see is beyond your dreams is that right is that sound familiar to

Anybody is it before like beatbox or something no I think it’s that paper bag is is it were you just chucking out names anyway it’s hard that says it at that moment in that film I just saw her there and I just remembered I think I think she says it

Then she’s a big big character she’s just there see I kind of play that can’t of play the video because it looks like she’s got maybe a black top when she’s know she’s naked it’s just all kind of painted on it anyway you see this cat here why was

A Robbie G vsb thanks for Subs in 3 quid thank you very much you’re welcome to the laughs I man that’s it and she kind of looks like that M Milo did a track called valer dolls but it’s no um I that’s beyond the valy of dolls Val the dolls with

Um sh and Tate has nothing today with beyond the valid dos and the funny thing is the writer of Beyond the Valley of the Dolls that I just showed you there was Roger is it E I don’t know how you [ __ ] I’ve never known how you say his name and Roger

Eel just a year or two before dying read some article that i’ had written for the guardian talking about how I’m I troll when I enjoy trolling people online and he read it and like quote retweeted it saying something like my point still stands about how trolls are mentally ill or

Something like that so I’ve got a connection everybody to beyond the Val the dolls and you have got by by being here you are connected to me you are connected to what you just saw there you are connected to Roger E know that there you are you’re not really connected to

Me don’t come don’t don’t don’t come up to me H good for Robbie thanks the subs no you can come up to me but no within you know a 1 M radius of where I stay do you have a favorite video in the banter box pel Color Care

Okay I’ll tell you why I use new personal color care this dress we’ve had some good times some very good times and um some Fab times new personal Color Care keeps it really clean and cuz there’s no bleach in it the colors stay really bright this dress is my favorite

Favorite why would I use anything less new personal Color Care 1997 the year that I left uni after being three four years in college in uni and sat Master nothing for a year picture if you will how much [ __ ] tell I was watching during that period s Mars just

Signning on then [ __ ] all for a year picture how much I watched the [ __ ] t I watched the DDS based on me watching the TL like [ __ ] and picture how many times that advert came on I I I loved it and hated it you see this cat here

Yeah I found it sitting oh the cat that I picked I think it’s a stra little thing I think it likes this place hey um don’t you think this Farm could use a good cat that’s actually do I have the option of just go

No not for me are you going to go and tell everybody I’m a monster remember you brought the cat to me she’s got she got milk there she’s been drinking a uh saucer sweet butter no glass will you adopt this c h no no okay F Bye no no no I was asked I was asked not told asked would you like to adopt this cat would you like to take care of this carat I can barely look after myself that cat would get neglected and forgotten about I would forget to

[ __ ] feed it that cat would be in a better [ __ ] home if it didn’t have one than being in my home Bobby she’s fine this this C and this I’m just getting my [ __ ] foot in the ladder in life I can barely look after myself um best to go to look see these

See these other people they’re all up and running in the Life they’re looking after [ __ ] archaeological things in libraries and they’ve got get the [ __ ] blacksmith look at that s that’s is oh I’ve got look I’ve got 108 gold in the [ __ ] bank I’ve got nothing so I made

The right decision and I went I can’t no I can he that looks like I’ve got a cape look the we red rug behind me look there there there Liam Gilroy Gus thanks for the subs thanks again hydrate homelander luk and [ __ ] when’s the boys out when’s the next

Series of when’s the next series of homelander coming out Dear L tomorrow we’re holding the egg Festival in the Town Square you should arrive between 9:00 a.m. and 2: p.m. if you’d like to attend you would want to miss an annual egg H oh all right um

April just random people just chuing at random [ __ ] wait wait wait wait wait um wait a second wait what the the the oh that’s all right that’s all right all right it’s all right um oh I’ve no I’ve no right I was forgetting for some reason I thought that was

Wet the next series of homelander cuz let’s just call it that well not I don’t know about you I don’t give a [ __ ] about [ __ ] what’s his name b i I’ve said that M things before that [ __ ] homelander [ __ ] what’s his name again uh where two FS oh hu’s listening to to Billy Joel he’s got a Billy Joel t-shirt I love that he’s got his own we thing going on ha no no no no no oh Hond Starlight fell out again oh oh and and what about the little relationship between singi and singi what’s the names again

Monu I’ll protect you I’ll look after you what they called it’s all you [ __ ] Frenchie and Kimo is that how you you say her name it’s just the two of them I like you get this we moment and it’s like I don’t know like almost like

They’re in a weird room or under a table or something and they’re like I’ll look after you I’ll look after you I’ll look after you and I’ll look after you after me run away for the world it’s all like that you know so so what exactly so what like [ __ ] say

Something it’s nice it’s modern how the [ __ ] is that what modern solid frame what’s modern M what what do you what do you think that I’m saying right now it’s just the same bastard and thing every [ __ ] time you see them and then something happens and has to get all

Violent and then the back to they just don’t seem to be doing any kind of boring ordinary things you know like uh like having a Laugh do you know what I mean just never seem be having a [ __ ] laugh neither you I’m having a [ __ ] whale of a Time launch I’ll be watching the same show um whereas um see like uh h and starlight there’s some lovey Duffy stuff and there’s some argument stuff and a

Bit of tension and fallouts and uh friction and Peril for the relationship and things like that that too that P yeah [ __ ] this something I love a but Peril uh and every time [ __ ] homelander appears I’m right that’s what I’m here for this is what I’m here for

What’s he going to do now homelanders here what’s he going to say or day now read the comic books first Dy says a flash Express The Flash Express you’ve got a habit of saying that you say something pure like pish and then you say dafty at the end like I’ve done something daft

I had a look at the comic uh after uh people saying the comic the original that this is based on is actually far [ __ ] um I don’t know worse or better or you know um and I looked at it it looked [ __ ] see the style I’m not into the

Style I like I’m not into Comics at all I’ve never been into Comics I’m into um it’s got like kind of airbrushed but airbrushed in you know sort of Photoshop kind of like at the dawn of noticing you can sort of get a a we airbrush sort of

Thing Photoshop it’s no I’ll show you and it’s not see some of the stuff I looked at I thought it’s it’s all it’s all right but um the boys comic I’ll show you if I can get a we bit of the I like see this style

Here let me see if there to dodgy on the screen looks all right like see see that style there I don’t like that no no I don’t mean the lines I mean the kind of the way it’s all you know that kind of blurry you know the sort of fading thing it’s still

My I’m not pure against I like I like kind of start sort of things as there spoilers is I don’t know I can see any but um that it there I mean look look at this look at that there is that it I’m the that style um but I don’t like Comics anyway

Not I can’t really [ __ ] say you’re iritated by liting I I right enough aot and Tam thanks for Subs what was your best film of 2023 I think the best that my favorite that I saw was I don’t know if it was made in t23 was um um s mod I

Think barie no I like Barbie I I like Barbie Lo me what I thought I would but um was it s mod did I see s mod that was the year before P lives oh I pass lives I saw that just at the end of the I think was it I like pass

Slaves my favorite that last year but right where am I heading right here we go right so go that stupid [ __ ] egg hunt okay I’m here oh wait oh it’s the mor it’s the mor well um right here’s what I’m going to do I’ve got 108 gold I’m going to go

Down to the um blacksmith and I’m going to say wait minute is that that’s the no it’s the wait minute that is the blacksmith is it no what’s this what the [ __ ] is this wait a minute what’s that question mark what’s that the time’s lost and found box um I

Have lost um I’ve lost some money again has anybody handed in some money how much I can’t remember I can’t remember now it’s a lot if you can tell us how much it will help us I can’t a lot what have you got1 15 that was

It actually 50 we’ve got oh that’s what I thought you said and we go no oh wait a minute wait a minute are you Vincent oh you [ __ ] off just I don’t know well said well said who are You if you dig in the dot you can find some interesting things right is that metaphorical it’s about by m um like to be p every day and prefer eat grass Outdoors than dry hay they don’t like being outside in the rain though right that’s that’s a we Tip oh tips to F use fertilizer to prove quality reduce workload or Hast and crop growth uh fruit trees take a whole season to grow but they require very main keep the directly around your new sapling clear or else it not right yeah crops will die as soon as the season

Ends unless they grow in multiple seasons for example corn some K we need to be harvested with the side I’ll keep that in mind I don’t have any just now Caroline I don’t remember you right Jackie thanks for sub we sent mod the year before we’re going on there we are that’s it

There hi there um I’d like you process this geod for me Please copper or um thank you I’m going to keep that they he they they don’t accept this did it he doesn’t accept that I didn’t think didn’t think so I just thought i’ see right um I Saw You rabbit must I try um so there’s the main to get more stuff I

Want to make I want to put stuff um in the the smelter uh it’s called smelter furnace um I feel that I’ve missed some right that is that axe still available or is that lost axe C south of M’s L I’ll get that a be second no I’ll get that right

Now right that’s here this is man’s Ranch go see the wizard all in good time here possibly is it a what’s that is it a set place oh there’s a fence there like I wonder if um oh thank you thank you very much it should really if it was trying to be accurate

Say south of Lee’s place not just south of M’s um Branch wa Robin where’ you stay blacksmith M graveyard s Emin Haley there there there who was that again what name am I looking for again I can’t [ __ ] remember Robin carpenter shop 9 to5 oh

You bastard on the one uh um I’ll check I’ll I’ll check her at theor Robin I’ll check her at the what’s that what’s that free veg go back how’s my energy we all right maybe I want to keep the [ __ ] axe this free veg did you see something

Is this is there really such a thing as a free lunch oh my God this is all mine somebody planted it but unfortunately it’s mine now this is mine now I hope I don’t get in any trouble for it but um just deny it I’ll just uh I’ll just dalvo the

Absolute [ __ ] at them you know what I mean I’ll dalvo the absolute [ __ ] at them it’s a deny um um attack um reverse uh um uh uh um Dara verse victim thing they they’ll blame me and I’ll deny it and then attack them and say that you know they’re they’re

Horrible for for for accusing me and you know that whole [ __ ] something I saw in the last year ones well I see you I see you Palm fossil where they go don’t get distracted you’re on a very strict Mission see the spring onions getting [ __ ]

Sold um where the [ __ ] am I they go Up I didn’t they steal your spring onions why are you accusing me of this why do you persistently accuse me of things that I have done and your evidence is you just think it was me right I think I know what this is all about no

No no I think I know what this is all about can I plant these can I plant them and get M of them or course you can be there’s got to be seeds I get them [ __ ] sold that’s it get a lot in um get one of

Them G can tell a bit more about this if you Don to resum I will I will do that um I [ __ ] laughing hold on remember don’t don’t minut left click does the thing right click just pulls out like right we’re all right by Bye by time or that’s spare energy you’re [ __ ]

Right get us place cleaned up get it all cleaned up Stone that’s it get right in the middle it that’s fine keep your eyes in the time that’s just coold there That’s essential essential stuff loads are time bags are time uh um let’s chop let’s chop some

Things then or that’s a that’s a stump right infantry F right let’s go back we’ve done we’ve done enough it’s midnight ice cooler think is sub 28 months and I still think this community is wrong we’d be rying thinking that left J D roock got to go back in

Anyway B the bye-byes wait wait wait there’s know something I could a it’s gone forget it it’s gone oh look extra pickaxe proficiency you crafting re a cherry bomb cherry blossom girl I saw the darkhaired guy for a in Paris on the Metro I still can’t believe it but I did I

Did couldn’t believe it is a an an electronic music band from Paris called air or E kind of I can of believe that it’s amazing that people don’t know who they are Amazing so a sort of big in what what the when was the [ __ ] Heyday 99 or something 98 Min Safari and all that so me talking about something that I saw in Paris and when the [ __ ] was that 2022 or something all sexy boy it’s him it’s him who sings

That was on the Metro uh or well I don’t know if it’s a Metro it’s a [ __ ] train anyway coming back for Jim Morrison’s grave and this other place we went to back to where we were staying uh and he got off at this um I was I was looking behind Lynn and

There was a guy that looked exactly like that guy for air I was like wait a minute where [ __ ] man is Him H that’s I’m a bit younger B younger can you [ __ ] see B younger B younger H H um like that about a stubble I think same hair a lot and I was looking him I was like this is that [ __ ] him and it was him it was he just a guy

Who had the same style as him kind of looked a bit like him same [ __ ] hair it was him I was like that’s that [ __ ] cir [ __ ] I’ve been to see them in glasgo and he’s like one seat like done the way behind Lynn and a kind

Of half empty train I was looking I was like wa a minute he’s like looking at his phone or whatever I don’t know but he got half just about station later um he didn’t clock me looking at him so it’s not like he looked at him oh [ __ ]

Here we go got to get his [ __ ] coming up to me going like that oh hello do you speak English um he got I said a train station I can’t remember the name it reminded me of something like multi media it was like the station

Name was like it was like a wood um you know like a then it just sound like a location it sounded like an actual was it mon Mar no it wasn’t it that wasn’t it that it it sounded wasn’t it that wasn’t it that no um can’t remember the name of

It but when he got off I thought oh is that is that a studio there it almost looked like the name of the place the name of the station was almost like um it was like it wasn’t one no no it it didn’t it actually looked like it’s

A a strange sort of word very normal you know like um it looked like the word I don’t know they had like about maybe four syllables or something was the M for [ __ ] sake it didn’t look like a location look like s something you know was it that get a m

Up [ __ ] it Paris um oh get to [ __ ] I’m not going to bother it let me you’d love Paris I’m looking forward to getting a shot what’s the name of the [ __ ] thing does the matter right it’s the next day 10 6 it’s the egg Festival Commerce it’s honestly it was

It’s like something like that the station was called something like Commerce wait hold on Paris Metro um watch this Jim Morrison I think I think that was um right this is probably absolute [ __ ] [ __ ] this but right let me just see if that I think that was to the east

Or where we were staying I right so I’m going to look to the East Paris Metro this is nothing you want to be interesting this but I’m um I can’t stop now I’m I’m human yeah yeah right here we go this is it this is

It this this will be it this will be it zoom in please I’m regretting this for [ __ ] sake I’m regretting this please just pop out at me please just go there it is that’s the one you know it’s it was something like noisy the sick I’m sure we’ve had

Neighbors before and some flats that we’ve stayed in would have had they’ been a bit too noisy L sex they see like that Telegraph you know it’s like that it’s kind of like that it looks like it’s just a what I’m never going to get it I don’t know like

Republic you know something like that it’s not that one no I’m not going to get it I’m not going to get it remember tweeting it but that’s all deleted is a nation ah ah forget it forget it could have been K come remember what I said it was quite an interesting sound in

Place not S I can speak French it is the most visited place in the world Paris is it I think it is it wasn’t a [ __ ] m m I was staying there I think it is most visited tourist uh destination I’ll try that um I don’t remember France number one is

France wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute International 7 79.4 million 13 see M than America uh cities please it’s not part says it ignore ignore ignore remember this is an American website they they near offense to Americans but they think this is the world you know like if

Something happens in America they go the entire world is in morning [ __ ] 34 of the world doesn’t even know it’s halfen happened whatever it is the entire world can they [ __ ] um no so that to them this is the world this is the this is the world right

Three Central Park right it’s not bollocks each year Central Park attracts an estimated 42 million visitors um [ __ ] Rome right this is all lies what some [ __ ] Marketplace in Boston this is typical [ __ ] anti French American sort of thing the Americans have got it in for the French um all right this is

Um all this is all made up there there you go oh yeah there you go doesn’t land Paris there you go there it is I went in there I was in there you know I could feel you old I look Top to the image of Christ and I said you’ve got one

Chance to Give Me A Sign one chance don’t blow it and go n nothing chance one chance did I count to everything Cru cross thing two one wait for it nothing and that is all the proof that I need president beffy probably fine thanks for Subs you’re very welcome at open

Signs they’re still doing very well Punk H Post Punk thank you very much for the sub you’re the only Jesus I need to believe in thank you very much for saying that Raz says I’ll I’ll give you I’ll give your sign everybody it’s the egg Festival [ __ ] yes there we are look at

That inventory F you say okie doie right yeah all right I admit I’ve been a we bit DED so we’re going to go back in go here we’re going to put away the stones the pal fossil stays with me the coal the copper goes away the axe stays with

Me um keep these tools on you for now because oh actually don’t know take this put the Scythe away the axe away you might need that for um oh [ __ ] um if I see any ones emergency pnip do you know what I’m going to take a huge risk and go without the pass

It I huge risk no no wait wait wait actually take the axe maybe part of the finding these [ __ ] eggs or whatever requires that put the pass away no no your F just go go go go go go no no wait wait wait pick up the parsnips toties the [ __ ] torties I’m

Going to be [ __ ] rolling in it I’m going to be [ __ ] in the pink two two uh star toys I’m absolutely tickled pink by the way before before I get on these things I I I’ll come back water that later right I’ve got some things to go on with

Oh the festival’s getting set up okay well in that case um what are you are you saying that I can are you saying I kind of go to that whole area is that what you’re telling me can I go up here and go to Robin’s bit

Wait a minute hold on Robin where are you uh 9 till 5 most days well I be able to get up so I don’t waste my time is this was everything shut after me please hydrate John just the turn center right right right G me a second right I’m just

I need to need to go to the bog SM phonics thanks the sub Jesus is real though promise surely that’s enough proof I was just playing with him what I’m I I got to the door on my way out and I turned her around and I said to

The Cross Jesus crucifix I said I know what you’re about to say the proof the sign is all around me the proof for the pudding I heard somebody walk past and they went like that lot of [ __ ] all this and I said listen I’m an atheist but the proof of the pudding’s

In the tasting and I’m going to leave you over does that mean I have to have my legs in the air all night I don’t have a vas do I I was a right right good wash my I head there baby thanks for the sub I just um what is it that um Basilica whatever it’s called is it no I’m got the wrong place is it eight habits that will drastically improve your energy levels waking up

Already feeling what cut down your sugar everybody get a we a we we moderate bit exercise if you can a we walk anything that’s all you need um the man who destroys $3,000 handbags on internet there he is um what’s it called again Paris s is it [ __ ] cold that that there is

Uh any pictures of the insect side got right interior fancy why I saying inside just the inside I was in there and I looked about it was at nighttime and I got up I said can I say a few words people sort of coming and going some people like sort of like crouching

Didn’t sort did a we a prayer or something like that then was just s of coming and going and taking pictures and I looked up and I said to the um priest I said can I get up and say a few words and I wait oh hundreds of people coming and going

Just here and there and I said can I have your attention please guys all these people feel all in the world and I said I’ll come right out where I’m an atheist I don’t believe in God or Jesus or spirits and souls and afterlife and all these sorts of

Things I’m no militant with it I’m just it’s just no it’s just no just not my thing but being in here being in here I have to say that although I still had through in my beliefs the the proof of the pudd in the tasting thank you and it was like [ __ ]

Silence and then [Laughter] this and then the clamp stopped but then I was thank you but then I heard when I clap stopped he this sun just clap like that when it stop didn’t they stop I turn was a priest like that the next part of that story I will

Tell tell you in exactly one year for now right here live it’s Jake thanks for the bits isn’t Jesus giving you a tiny [ __ ] a big enough sign bro you’re projecting you want my [ __ ] to be tiny so it makes your tiny one look a we bit

Bigger but I’m afraid to say it’s actually quite average I’ve looked it up Cosmo thanks the sub oh sounds sorry I miss that funny sub message Cosmo maybe another time I feel sorry for all the all the uh people that looked up the [ __ ] size at some point

Hoping I got like oh look and there’s like a number and it’s like oh it’s not that we then and then they’ve actually read it it said inches and they thought it was centimet you know that’s happened I think something similar happened to me no not quite that bad but

Something like that like Oh Oh that’s oh no was Ines right it’s good in secondary skill uh everybody had to go in PE everybody had to go into the showers all [ __ ] naked all at the same time and you know now and again I remember the first time I had to

Do it I did think to myself something along the lines I was part about having like a maybe a I can’t I don’t know if I’ve got a we [ __ ] or no part about it but at least I know him and obviously somebody was probably looking at me thinking the same thing about Me right here are oh look at This PL bunny strawberry seeds H plant these in Spring 8 days and keeps producing strawberries after That that sounds good now it says plant in Spring Spring only um right so I’m coming up I’m I’m I’m halfway through a spring it will after spring to die um I mean I could Uh well we in summer still worth it really how right [ __ ] it I I U should I get Two I don’t know it’s not much an investment because I’m no I I’m by the time this matures which is in 8 days which um uh I’ve only got a few days after that until it’s Bust a [ __ ] it okay wa wait wait wait Wait I want no [ __ ] money for the Torties I minut save it for next year see even if I just buy a whole lot and I just get something Back I’ve got the to money right then I’m going to [ __ ] it I’m going to I’m going to UT it minute this is my chance to meet some people that kid is there any more food all right right you’re talking about that uh if we

If you met oh it’s you it’s you yeah you put something in the punch very good right you You’ we’ve no met Gus fried eggs been eating uh been been preparing the food good good good uh does this count towards my my meeting people Harvey I think I’ve met you I

Think I’ve met you there’s you there’s you you’re up There um you two kind of look similar all right your Thingy right you you you I don’t think I’ve met you oh you M for [ __ ] sake who you I’ve met you right all use oh there’s the goth lot right get them all met like that’s four down there right four haly right yeah yeah 5 six right I already I to meet you

Right met you let’s get them on M does it show in the social tab um all right that’s that’s that exhausted good H not yet not yet not yet Emily have we met Jord you think we’ve met right you two have met met you but I’m just going

To double check now I have spok to you Palm you again right right it’s at Demetrius Robin Robin Robin I’ve got your wa there’s More where’s the um social what’s that what’s this penny Wait wait wait Wait does this mean oh the [ __ ] wizard does that mean ever spoken to them because I’ve spok to well even know but know right so there’s Penny I can see Penny right I’m going to go to Penny Penny have we [ __ ] met just just today right so the Wizards um if the Wizard’s

Not [ __ ] here I’m no uh Maru and Shane I’m not going to be able to remember these [ __ ] faces not a million years it’s the question mark uh oh right cuz I don’t know anything about them I’ve never all that right kind of blonde with specs and The Wizard blonde with specs

And The Wizard um [ __ ] seeing them I’ll go up here and then come around I’ll come around the Levy at the store oh it’s it’s you [ __ ] no no I actually want to speak to You [ __ ] [ __ ] I can’t speak to him or whoever it is That’s all right I’ll keep that in mind enjoy yourself no one really talks to me I just come from for the deviled eggs bye for now Conrad and sandwich dot dog thanks of Subs hopefully I don’t die before a second have a no no no you want to die

And I want to die and you’re going to heat it’s going to be Amazing uh the other day I said you were on the spec for wearing a t-shirt I am on the Spectrum myself I didn’t mean to offend you no I just just I don’t know who’s saying what and why I can’t even remember Anyway no it’s so it doesn’t it offend me I just wonder if you’re dodgy who’s saying that if they’re saying it for a dodgy reason if you been asked to host it on award show Um no that there might there might have been something something really really we I mean I mean like a kind of [ __ ] X Factor clone and [ __ ] Paisley 12 years Ago you know just a local thing no one a tell nothing like that local swimming Gall it was along the lines that did you say swimming Not right here we Go minut there need time good does need time I’m not against the clock oh look hold On all right let’s go H [ __ ] and um minut wait wait wait wait wait right so buy this while I can then two please please I it b i it done bad decision well it’s done now it is done now you know you should have kept some money for the Thingy um who are you again sometimes I’ll hide an egg too well and no one finds it well until someone rolls around then hot air starts to bring up the rotten smell he’s a funny one okay [ __ ] yep let’s start let’s see how this works sorry

The right it’s time for the highlight of today’s festivities the annual spring egg hunt calm down now kiddos you’re going to need all your energy if you hope to find the most eggs and take for the exclusive priz now is everyone ready let the egg hunt begin um um how do I find

Them that just go a bit I just I missed one wait wait is that one is that One oh can you actually see them wait is that one excuse Me oh right you got to [ __ ] click on them right there we go right oh [ __ ] Sharp [ __ ] Off here’s your priz oh F4 restart I could have got that easily well that’s it for this year’s egg Festival thanks for coming everyone unless you want to live with me and see my bitter face for the next year you’ll [ __ ] run this again now

That I know that I have to click on it now that I know what the eggs look like cuz you all know I’ve never done it before so let’s do the festival again thank you I’m not really going to do It 10:00 everybody I knew I should have wanted before I left oh wait wait wait wait wait hey what that what that and that and and that and that eh can I [ __ ] see a thing can of see our [ __ ] Thing get it wob and that right get up here very quickly go in here uh see the toys get them put in the [ __ ] taking the B and the pop and the Pop um keep it hold of that come up come here get your fertilizer get that come down here

And why do won’t you just put it uh there and there and put your strawber there and there and don’t forget water that’s it did you want that I think that’s us two whole strawberry seeds laugh as much as you [ __ ] want I’m going to be rolling in it

Rolling rolling rolling rolling right level two fan water and C proficiency whole proficiency your crafting Stone Fence your craf mayonnaise machine your crafting recipe sprinkler that’s the one day 133 so I’ll get eight days for the strawberries take my the 21st if it’s 28 days seven days

Or whatever that brings look at that [ __ ] money no that’s it right here’s what we’re going to do we’re going to go work and before we do anything else I’m going to fill this up because this must be done it is never an option to no that you’re going to get this all

W there’s no point in delaying it because it must be done it must be it’s never a question I’ll I’ll do it later why later it needs to get done did you know it actually takes more effort to think about the order of things should I do that no should I do

Lat the quickest [ __ ] thing you can do is just getting it done the most efficient thing you can do is just getting it done don’t think when’s this going to [ __ ] grow is it 20 days or something wait a minute these these weeds right here are uh just get it

Done get it done then you don’t have to think about it and what was it going to do right we’ve got a lot to [ __ ] get on me now a lot Zed Miller Z Miller thanks for sub all time prospec impression for the lads in the back oh get out of

Here con do the boy needs therapy some thanks to Subs thanks again charm offensive thank you very much thank you very much for the sub it’s not how NASA plans NASA made a [ __ ] a say am I right the moon thing they [ __ ] up is

That what I just saw in the news this morning did I see that or would I talking about something else I wasn’t it NASA oh that’s right it was something else no chance of Landing oh dear private company totally [ __ ] it maybody get a [ __ ] but gone into

Space what you want to do is uh commercial flights to the Moon that’s what you wanted to do it must be very underwhelming I know you get I know you William shner went up came down and he’s like I’m depressed as [ __ ] no but um think you’re a Bard

Billionaire all it’s already going up and going oh my god look you can see the cve you can you can see and then done you come right away know even [ __ ] OD but nothing what imagine you could step foot on the [ __ ] Moon and go I’m on the

Moon the Moon that has been looked at this very same moon is all these people in history have looked up at that very same moon and the same side that they saw cuz the same side that faces us all the time I’m here I’m on the [ __ ]

Moon all and then you would go up well but that’s where it all happens ear there I we could see the Earth then you go right going to going to take me back now so I’m getting excited take me back now I want to go back to where all all

The [ __ ] all go done you better off just [ __ ] a drug or some didn’t you get the same get the same thing right you go away emergency parip you stay with me pal fossil you stay with me what can you’re away and all this money reinvestment no [ __ ] B there no [ __ ] about

There the moon I see you right it’s not 9:00 yet so what we do is head up here up this way oh that’s we community center right it’s 9:00 just now I’m going to pop down to the shop and I’m going to get done the

Things that need to be done first of all is there any missions no let’s see what’s for sale it’s Farm Li uhhuh yep hello I’d be nice to speak to you just as a person oh there we go turn updated how win friends giv gift a great way to build

Friendships learn each person’s individual taste and you’ll be popular to give someone a gift Um what is it what is it they all [ __ ] want wait wait wait wait no no no no no no no no no does it take a bit of time to they sort of tell you you just get them things and it tells you what the favorite is or I can give them

Anything give the pass they getting the pass emergency pnip um any any strawberries no is that big te why do the ttis cost 80 oh because that’s like buying them back or something the backpack um no everybody we not there yet please get the bag uh I’m not there yet it’s too

Grand where am I going to get that money for go visit the wizard well here’s what I’ll do alone you need the [ __ ] money to come for somewhere I about fishing ey of course we got the rod on midd but um but can it’s the other blacksmith and

The museum I’ll go over there I’ll give him this stupid thing might get a reward might get pmed off of some pish about uh giving as the reward or um you know giving to the community as the reward I think I’ve went the wrong way is there no I have doed myself again

Down here completely revealed nice one well done well done across here here we are oh Robin’s lost ax of course um okay [ __ ] I have something for You anything from me nope okay bye I’m grateful that guy join us Thrive start to F start to think this uh town or whatever it is is full of [ __ ] [ __ ] and users um adventur Guild to go in there and kill some people right let’s go to Robin hopefully shops

Open isn’t everywhere well well said to boy what is Hydra thanks of Subs I can’t yeah I can’t wait until I’m [ __ ] raking it in it always happens that boy needs therapy thinks a sub it’s all the matter time with all these games I’ve got so much [ __ ] D I

Don’t know what to do with feels like cheating yet I’ve no cheated I hit that point I’m like I really don’t know what to do with this money was just so much it um go to the West don’t dare [ __ ] push him in F someone was throwing rocks at my tent

Last night I just had to wait it out right not I have got my own problems I know yep look at me everything’s on nice about me but I do still have problems what’s that it is it just grass it’s here right here um got to go left we but is that it

There has to be science place or something or no I know I’m here Community Center 925 better [ __ ] hurry up is it to the I think it’s just in here is this it Robin who the [ __ ] Robin again um where the [ __ ] is it was that it she has dring

I just thought I would see an option there we are hey you find my axe what a relief I almost chopped my toe off with the other one I was using thank you you need a proper axe you get a cheap axe you’ll end up chopping your [ __ ] toe off did I get

Paid hipster Cassi door keys thanks for Subs cheers for all the chuckles you feel like a brother to me after all this time hey could call you a giggle sibling I like it chle brother all right make thanks to sub Alie Bob a we clap glad you like the Prince William

Tweet it’s funny the things I used to [ __ ] say I would I just I would even I would even think I [ __ ] say Robin’s lost axe thank you I have my 250 thank you very much stuff like if I said it these days I would just expect the P to come to the

[ __ ] door I’m surprised didn’t get it PA for that one it came for the the PO came my door for that [ __ ] tweet about let’s all lock arms and buyer Road and know let the the the Olympic [ __ ] torch past I shouldn’t have tweeted that I was wasting Precious Precious police time

Everybody for real I to came my door it was like kind of C idea whatever they were you know kind of like plain clothes sort of s you know smelling After Shave and all That cuz I said I said it’s a waste of T I should have what was that was that still in the [ __ ] tailing up Point what was that 2014 2012 was it Commonwealth Games it was in glasgo was it passing through Glasgow no it was the it was the Olympics 2012 and

And it’s gone all through the UK you know like that and there was something glasa with and I tweeted here why don’t we all go down to B’s road cuz it’s going to be going up B’s road we lock Elms and all let them P right I just meant it as a

Joke but the thing is [ __ ] could actually go and [ __ ] did that um cuz you know I have before um I’ll get you all at the bot of sui Hall Street at Driftwood and we’ll all together the night let’s St naked H she’s turned the wins against his walk

For drift at the b m Hall Street all the way up to like uh uh Royal concert hall and [ __ ] actually were tweeting me whenever that was 10 years ago saying we’re here where are you and I was like you’re not really there are you and I were like sending

Pictures and they were there and they took a [ __ ] video didn’t get naked but um it’s [ __ ] true a group of uh people walked up saki Hall Street since she th the winds against us uh turned the wayes Sak Hall Street I don’t know if it’s still there is it no no

Um is real honestly it’s a video there like like walking for I don’t know 10 [ __ ] minutes you hear some guy going like that there’s like a few of them you hear guy go she’s turned to wins against us she’s turned to wins against us she’s turned to wins against

Us and then there was a a woman near the end I couldn’t see her but you he G That against us against us like can of hi then I was like what was she in she was like kind of gone high at the end like um and they were up at the concert hall up at the steps kind of that that was a destination and I felt [ __ ] bad

Because obviously I wasn’t going to do a naked [ __ ] walk but um I thought you know me saying let’s dat naked was all obviously I’m joking I didn’t just mean uh I was joking about the naked thing but I would going to be there we going to do the

Walk no they they they they did it um so some people can take things like that seriously but anyway the polus I tweeted that thing about let’s all lock GS in B’s Road and no let the [ __ ] Olympic torch ped haa and uh got a cha in the door was

It was it Lynn that was in at the time I think I I think cuz I think I got told CH the door and I was in and Lynn was in during the daytime and H we were in Gardener Street at the time and

Partic the cor near B Road um I I it must have been cuz I don’t remember an on the door you know just there’s a CH on the door and open the door an autobiographer said like so I’m like sitting in say the kitchen and uh like is the door door go

She goes away comes back uh Brian it’s a uh it’s the police what you don’t want to [ __ ] hear that you don’t want to hear that you don’t even want to hear that if you’ve actually phed a [ __ ] poce for something I uh my motor got knocked or

My bike got knocked or something uh we can come around and visit you uh I right uhhuh uhhuh boom boom CH the door who’s that is a there a it’s a a police what what for the you said cuz it come to talk about the bite G Right I’ve got a feeling they’re going to come in about the bike but then will they’re here look at me and go you actually look like a bit a criminal if you don’t mind me saying we’re going to take you in for question just to just double check um but I was like

What what done what I done what have I done what have I done what have I done what have I done I got it all um and it was like a kind of sort of older guy and a kind of younger guy maybe one had a sort of rain coat on I

Have a feeling they had the suits on and a kind of like a one had a longer thing when hi there uh I don’t know if just it said hi I’m uh detective thingy can we come in speak something something something uh uh um I uh I I don’t know

If I asked him at the door what’s what’s this about I um I I yeah I mhm setting in smell kind after shave with one of them and um detective thingy this is thing detective some Chief thingy um Brian L responsible for the account is D Li is

It is that right I’ve got I uh investigating got a report that you said on social media Twitter I think it is uh you said uh you know encouraging people to go and lock arms and not let Olympic torch pass and we had to as s duty to something something investigate

Something something something something something something like that um because that sounds familiar was that you that I went oh right I went oh um that’s um cuz I like you know we got to check this out can I be bit serious I went um oh it’s

Just a it was just a kind of H joke um you know it’s just a joke well I mean we’ve got to check I said cuz that is a sort of people things some people could do and I can’t remember what they said exactly I said all right I says well I

Will you know uh I said that I can I can I can see that but I mean honestly that you on Twitter yourself I I mean I talk a lot of rubbish on TW I say a lot of stuff that’s obvious I don’t mean it you know

All the time you on Twitter yourself I can’t remember why I said that but it went the older one I think got a bit kind of felt started to feel a we bit out his depth you know um um I’m not I’m not um on um myself but you know um

I say honestly I just it’s just a place the people who follow me who read my stuff they know I come up with nonsense I’m not really trying to say anybody something it right uhhuh right uh uhhuh all right right I said that there was a

There was a slight sort of back foot white it because I’d say this I think cuz I asked the older one are you on Twitter yourself and because maybe he felt a bit out the loop with social media and stuff like that he thought I’m about to say

Something [ __ ] D here so I think he went a bit in the kind of not it begin it wasn’t C to begin with he was like cuz we’ve got to check this out because you know this could be a serious threat here this is the sort

Of thing that people do I need to check uh this out and then I mean I say a lot of sh to it all the time are you on it yourself I mean you don’t have to I’m I’m personally not on I don’t

Know if if if if you on it I um so I I just come out a lot of [ __ ] all the time and N needs to be taken serious I always try to make it quite obvious but I can see and I can’t remember what I said

Next but it was this kind of part you know but no definitely uh I think say you know if if you don’t mind removing it at all it could save us a lot of hassle you know I says no I’ll remove that I I’ll I’ll get rid of that and uh

I sorry I mean it is obvious I talk a lot of [ __ ] on there but you know delete that and there sorry for you know wasting your time but know no thank you um I just thank thanks thanks a lot I sorry for wasting wasting your time

There I just I just all right I’ll just I’ll get that deleted I sorry but I we got to check these things out no I know I’ve got check that out I’ll get that deleted now sorry to check I know sorry just get I’ll get out deleted sorry to

Waste your time I know we got to check these things I know I know just he’s do safe joury home boys Jour home I’ll get that deleted I shouldn’t have done it I everybody knows I’m talking shap I should have done you got like real

Criminals to catch got MERS to C got you must hear that all the time M us to cratch that’s one for the blooper wheel you must hear that all the time we’ll see you later boys couple of you boys tried to get me done for something day in shans I

Smashed the windy I kicked in the the lawyer’s windy but I wasn’t trying to break in and you said I’d smashed it right next to the keyhole bit in order to try and help myself to get in you know we lock but but there was there’s a

Big bit of metal there it was down there but they hard feelings boys I’m a criminal you got to catch criminals that’s the game that’s the game they hard feel it’s like heat it was like heat I was Robert DeNiro they were the AL Pino I was like listen I’m a

Criminal just catch criminals that’s the game we’re in I choose my S I choose my sight so that’s the game and they turned around and he said to his we had a good time talking to you here today Mr Lemon but see if I walk around the corner and it’s a choice

Between putting you done or me getting put Down brother they said then brother you are going down that’s what they said to me oh here H wait a minute I need to get the I kind of just [ __ ] off everybody I need to get this this done he said brother you are going down

Wait a minute the game’s still on hold on he brother you’re gone down this is what the Paul said him on the way up brother you are going down that’s what the Paul said to me after the kind of you know the polite chatchat I bet the locks by ro and I went

That hey in the vent what was that about L you don’t like To hey where the [ __ ] am I get I’m getting mixed up right I’ve got all that money I’m no ending the [ __ ] day with that money in my pocket out the way what am I [ __ ] thinking you [ __ ] off you right come on uh Square let’s go Jesus 10

5 serious [ __ ] pessing happening just keep checking let’s go oh [ __ ] Bastard I’ve missed a [ __ ] solid day click the door what click the door go to Jojo oh wait uh to the right I’m nearly 2,000 oh fishing oh for [ __ ] sake I’m I’m not I’m not going to spend a penny but there’s no point and click the

Shop Door Shop door does they [ __ ] look what what what might bad nothing I can buy anything let me you clict the same um wait what is it what is it you’re saying it said the Shop’s closed on Wednesday this is Sunday no the main thing I was thinking was it was past

5:00 you’re being daed that’s all it was past 5:00 there no shut in the at 5: it’s 7 or is it [ __ ] no read the comic Dy exactly Sam’s going T the bits what’s a ke& p sketch you like um I like the sort of b b shop sort of band

Thing and he’s talking about the the white guys as the he comes in he’s like the only black guy in the the the we sort of white kind of band um there’s another one another one another one another one Ian Palace thanks for subs thank you much

It’s actually one Lim if you don’t mind K thanks sub big soft know tedi thanks for sub I love this community youve made thank you I’m glad to be a part glad to I’m a part of it you’re very welcome b b i one he’s on he’s on um

You’re very welcome but if I’m welcome to take I’m happy to take credit for the community that I’ve made and unless it goes bad and some sort of way and then I’ll just say I’ve not put together a community some people happen to all come together in the

Same place to to see me it’s not Community some people in the same place at the same [ __ ] time a shopping center it’s not Community schin thanks for the sub the banard base oh I like it right have I made a [ __ ] of this what

Have I actually done to day in the game that is not my real life I’ve done some things in I was it egg hunt today the ax cuz I’ve wasted a [ __ ] day I I right we about to fishing let’s just say in terms of buying uh crops and

Planting them I’ve blown it for the day right I should I should have taken my fishing rod now if I you I really need to [ __ ] reinvest I really do it would be very [ __ ] shortterm very short sighted to me for me to just go out right I’ve got two grand by the

[ __ ] um uh what’s the name of the [ __ ] thing backpack be very shortsighted look for seeds in the trees that’ be farsighted you think the bag the bag is plant more stuff because um I get the bag and then right I can carry more stuff how what does a what

Does a bag give me an extra roll or what an extra Row one row right so then I can have all the tools on me and then I can go out and get M gear H go mining um and all that just just take that we step uh forward backwards and

Then I right [ __ ] it kind of believe then I want to I want need to do things like leave my [ __ ] rod behind 750 can I get done is this near the beaches that way this is panic fishing everybody you went Panic fishing it’s a real problem oh

Look these D needs to be done as [ __ ] comes out G sounds like those raccoons are back again filthy varmints ah you’ve turned up at the right moment son could you do an old man a favor could you go around the corner and scare off those Rec for me they been causing a

Real mess thanks make sure you give him a good scale okay and then I go in and say you’re going to live with me now it was me I’m sorry don’t be sorry don’t be sorry I wonder if this ends with like him having like a kind of clean shave

And all that and he’s got a suit on and thank you for getting me that job in the office I find a lot of hot fresh food these can stuff don’t go waste I will [ __ ] check them out thank you very much don’t you think there’s something

Wrong with what I’m doing do you think um yes it’s disgusting no it’s a shame yes it’s illegal no but you should get a job and stop bleaching off oh my imagine I [ __ ] said that no this is this is a good good playr everybody no Evil thanks Li and you an open-minded person I feel I’m good about what I’m doing I’m not harming anyone you can go on home I promise I won’t R me George’s can you do what you [ __ ] want you could tell him you scared off the K so good but I hope you no

Oh wa I’m sorry I’m sorry no no he’s going to say wait I’m sorry you will be sorry because you’re got to be in a lot of pain by the time I’m finished we oh no your Bell’s going to be in pain because your Bell’s

Going to be full because I’d like you to come in and have dinner with me and my family here in the pub it’s going to be that kind of thing ain’t it you know can of I didn’t like it I loved it that type of thing I know what you were doing

Lonus he’s taking a message if you need food just ask I don’t want anyone in Pelican to say I [ __ ] told you here got a basket of zucchini fritts for you just make sure you dip them in my space in marada Mar he Gus is all right go and take it no what

If I actually don’t want that am I permitted to say that I don’t want that I know what you’re going to say cuz you’re going to say oh you’re [ __ ] spoiled bastard beggar can of be choosers and things like that but I know I’m no L I am [ __ ] role player I’m

Also no me I also know that [ __ ] character that I actually did [ __ ] play I’m me unfledged to lotes so peasant chippy Jack growley thanks to Subs death taxes and let me right here on thank you very much hurry the [ __ ] up it’s 10 8 everybody I need to do some fishing

Get just a wee bit of money and spend a wee bit of time doing my thing and um uh try not to die exhaustion or no die you know what I mean fish on the bridge really fish here can I fish right here let’s try here wait for that hey a

Bream oh [ __ ] didn’t mean not don’t mean not either Neil bream it’s half n draa oh whs a daisy didn’t mean that you don’t need to why did why would you put the bar up like that anyway what what’s the what difference does it make cast further

And does anything to get better stuff or anything right it’s all [ __ ] 10 I’m out of here I’m out of here oh I’m stuck that’s enough money oh I’m stuck in the graveyard the game’s trying to catch me not a single gen done yeah not a sing you hear the new the new

Changes that are coming to um dead by daylight that you’ll be interested to hear you already know if you’re interested if you know you only want to hear it if you don’t know it’s cuz you’re the interested um right is that me wait a minute wait a minute is it a we extra

Thing is a we thing I’m forgetting about I don’t think so but I mean I mean while I’m here I may as well um I just got go go to bed go to bed that’s it go to bed and end your day wa minutes or something put the fish

In so I get the fishing bang bang yes And that surely that’s it that’s it saved I’ve no gotten enough for the backpack and I will be getting the backpack uh tomorrow it saved it saved um I did by daily what is it again something today with Killers can know well the changes are going to bring in Killers can only

Like kick a gen each gen eight times Alan wck teas I don’t give a [ __ ] about Alan wck um I might I might turn out alen Wick uh to too but they’ve actually this Alan Wick all these all these other people I’m like oh it’s um Alan Shay all

Right Alan wake’s going to be in dbd like [ __ ] [ __ ] man I don’t know I don’t even know in B it really I played a bit of the first one a bit I went right I’ll leave it there um I I kind of liked it but it sort of

Moved on to something else I think it was actually Daniel’s maybe my son’s Daniel thanks the sub generational fishing Talent thank you very much Barnacles unfledged thanks the sub fishing tal um I so apparently the they’re going to bring in these changes in dead by daylight that the killer can only knock

Back a gen regress it kick it that kind of thing eight times and that you’ll actually get to a point where the uh where the killer can no longer regress the Gen so I think I think if I read it correctly you can only just sort out it

They brought it in they’re saying so that there that the games don’t go on forever and to compensate for that the survivors you know how like if a Jen’s get if a Jen’s regressing if a Jen’s like maybe almost done or something and the the killer

Comes up and kicks it it starts to regress and then a Survivor might kind of run past and get a we tap on it like they for a we second and then keep running just so it doesn’t keep regressing and then I don’t know something like if you do that it will

When you come off it it will keep regressing you’ve got to advance it by something like 5% of its progress for it to know for it to know regress something like that which I can remember it’s a s thing you can imagine going right now that

We’re doing that we’ve got to balance it by doing that and then you go like that wait a minute has a changed has a [ __ ] changed but um I can imagine it it sort of gets it would it would make the game speed up a little bit I

Think cuz if the survivors have got a gen to say 80% imagine it’s a three gen at the end three gen left the kill’s just go like I’m going to go to that one and that one and that one and that one and that one and that one that one your

Three gen right next to each other I’m just going to go here here here then all survivor needs to do like if if if the killer kicks it more than eight times or eight times that’s it they can’t do anything to regress it unless H hex ruins there but if you’re not

Interested in dbd this as boring as [ __ ] but um so or or our survival needs today is run up to one of the gens and date by about 5% in order to to advance it but anything less than that it will just regress by itself but then um I wonder I

Wonder if um Imagine A J’s at 80% right and it’s regress and The Killers kicked and a Survivor runs up and manages today by 3% a killer runs up and interrupts him so it starts to regress again without the killer needing to kick it because the Survivor needs to have progressed it by

5% see when that the Survivor comes back do they need to I wonder if I wonder if they only then need to get an extra 2% before it will stop going back or if it’s got to be 5% for the last time that they touched it or I [ __ ] knows be interesting to

See it’ll be interesting to see I know a lot a lot you don’t get a [ __ ] but might be interesting to see I’m interested um thank you very much every thanks for the subs re Subs the bits and tips mods thank you very much for the mod uh everybody thanks for watching um

And I will be back the morrow we um uh the backpack we’re getting the backpack tomorrow I’ll send you to Scruffy Fox one of my mods until then I’ll will [ __ ] see you tomorrow have a great rest of your day you got this

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00:00 Intro & chat
00:16:00 Stardew Valley


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