The zombies that entered the city began to attack people. People were in a difficult situation. Don’t come close. Go! Don’t come! Zombie sound Take this. No! I can’t be. You get this too. Go. Coming! Finally! I took care of these zombies. This place is clean. No! These will break the door. Help.

I can’t be! Quick! Help me. Arda, my son. Hold the glass! OK. I will neutralize the zombies that enter from here. No. Don’t come close! Take this! Take this! Arda, my son. I can’t hold this door any longer. Help me! I can’t be! They come from here. Help.

As a subscriber. Show your support by giving a like! We will save these zombies because of you. Remember! If you have subscribed and left a like, we continue from where we left off! Heydar, bro. Hold them! I can’t leave this place. Or they will get in. Take this! go. Don’t come!

There are more zombies out there. They’re coming! I can’t be! They are too many in number. What will we do? No! They’re coming this way. We have to escape! They’re going in! Quick! Come behind me. We’re going up. Come on! Come on! Enter that room. Don’t go out. These will kill us all!

What will we do? All the zombies in the city went crazy. Fire! Where did these come from! I can’t be! They’re coming this way. Zombies come out of the safe. What are these? Impossible! There is chaos everywhere in the city! Zombies attack people. What am I going to do?

Find the Zombie Gang. I have to go to them immediately. Come on! Urgent. That’s it! I’ll go now. The area seems clean. We need to come up with a plan and throw these zombies out of the city. Beautiful! There are no police around here. Let me find the Zombie Gang right away.

Most likely they are at home now! I’ll go home right now. What will we do? Zombies went crazy. They attack people. We have to think of something! Yes. Kerem Commissioner is very angry with us! Kerem said the Commissioner. We didn’t listen to him! Zombie Gang, I’m here! I told you. Is not it?

What happened now? Did you see! Zombie King! Kerem Commissioner, yes. Whatever you say is right! What are we gonna do! Kerem Commissioner, do you have a plan? Yes. I have a plan. We’re going to split the city in 2. What! How come? As you know, we will divide the city into 2.

Zombies will remain on 1 side. people on 1 side. But how do we rally the zombies to one side? Here you will help me. We will lure all zombies towards this side of the city. OK. At that time, we will build a wall in the middle of the city.

Thanks to this, the zombies are on the right side of the city. People will be left on the left. It will be just like that. Come on! Let’s do this thing. Kerem Commissioner, stop! Let’s make a plan. Suddenly leave the house! What a plan! We have to be fast.

Kerem Commissioner, at least you can tell us what to do! Please! Yes. I think so too! Well okay! Look now. The City of Minecraft Parodies is right in the middle. We divide the city in half. On the one hand, people remain. There are zombies on one side! Kerem Commissioner, okay. Easy to say!

How do we get the zombies this way? I do not know. Just lie! There are people over there. Tell him to come quickly. Tell a lie! Lying is a bad thing! Okay then. Let them take over our city. Let’s just watch it. OK. Don’t be angry! Let’s do this thing!

Guys, come on. I trust you. You can do it! Okay let’s go! Wait for me! I am coming. Lets go. I will inform Rich and Fakir. Let them pull people to the left side of the city! Come on! Open that phone. My phone is ringing. 1 second! Hello! Kerem Commissioner!

Fakir, listen to me carefully. Pull all the people in the city towards the left side of the city! Take Rich with you. It helps! Kerem Commissioner, why? Don’t ask questions. Do as I say! Good. OK! Fakir, come on. Now the zombies will come! Let’s go from here.

Come on! Let’s do this right now. Be quick! There, there are 2 zombies! Let me pull these right away. We need to lure the zombies to this side of the city. People will stay on this side of town. Zombies, follow me. People went to that side of town. Follow me! Zombie President!

Come on! Come this way. People are on that side of town. Quick! Be quick. Zombies, come on! All the people are here! Follow me. Come on quickly! Zombies, follow me. I’m taking you to the people. Be quick! Zombies, come on! We’re going to the people! That’s it! We’ve collected all the zombies!

Zombie King, where are the people? Follow me. Come behind me. Come on! We’re going this way. Zombies, be quick! Let’s go now. Quick! Attention! Attention! Attention all people in the city! Get out of your homes quickly! Gather towards the left side of the city! We divide the city into 2 halves.

This is the only way to get rid of zombies. Zombie King! You lied to us. Yes. I lied! TRUE. We rounded up all the zombies on this side of the city. The city was divided in two. Zombies on the right, humans on the left. Zombie King, why did you lie to us!

Zombie President, is it bad! So now it has a city of zombies! So this part of the city belongs to us! Think so! Yes. Actually, you’re right! Kerem Commissioner, what you’re doing is not nice! What is unpleasant? Kerem Commissioner, you gave half of our city to the zombies.

Police Station, mosque, city hall, aqua park remained on that side. Yes. At least we got rid of the zombies. Kerem, Commissioner, this is our city. Are we going to live in half the city from now on! Kerem Commissioner, yes. Actually, Arda is telling the truth.

It would make more sense if we kicked them out of the city. What can I do? I got this. Let’s take back our city. I think so too. Let’s take back our city! Zombies! Maybe we’ll take over other parts of the city in the future! Say what?

Zombie President, you didn’t come here to take over this city! You were going to stay for a few days! What happened? Zombie King, are you one of us? Or from them? I am of course one of you, but I have friends among them! Kerem Commissioner, go talk to them!

Let them leave this city now. OK. Calm down! I will go and talk. Do not worry! Kerem Commissioner, my love. Be careful! Just in case! Kerem Commissioner, I’ll come with you if you want! I protect you. No. Do not worry! Zombie Gang is also there. They protect me.

I’m going to talk to the zombies. I’m here now. Zombie President! Look here! What! What do you want? come up. We need to talk to you! Only you and me. There is no one else. According to that. Laughing OK. Zombie President, please don’t do anything to him. We will just talk.

Commissioner, I’m coming. I’m here now. Commissioner, what do you want? Like this! Tell me! Zombie President, look at me. Listen to me carefully. Yes. That’s why I came here! We had to divide the city into 2 because of your ridiculous behavior. You promised us. How would you go? We gave up.

Either you take all the zombies and leave this city! Zombie President or you suffer the consequences. What are you going to do? Are you going to attack me with what you have? No. We have very powerful weapons. Now we have guns! Did you forget? The Police Station is on our side.

You will pay for this! Part of this city now belongs to us! Pray we didn’t get them all. I will show you! Subject to. Lieutenant, I’m always welcome. I’m going. I can’t be! They’re not officially leaving half of our city! They took possession. Kerem Commissioner, what happened?

No. Unfortunately! I spoke, but they say this side of the city belongs to us. How! Is that what happens! They would stay for a few days and go! Yes. What can I do? They’re not going! We have only one solution. Fight back our city! Yes. Let’s fight! I am in too.

Let’s take back our city. Let’s show them who people are! Friends, every like you throw will be a support for us to get rid of these zombies. Latest video Next video

Bu videoda Zombiler şehirde büyük bir kaos çıkarıyor. Kerem Komiser’in acilen Zombileri durdurması gerek. Tek Çare Şehri ortadan ikiye bölmek..

#zenginfakir dizimizi kaçırma ilk yorumu sen at. #Minecraft kanalıma Abone ol! Bildirimleri açmayı da unutma 🙂
Bölüm : 1590

Bu Minecraft videosunda çok eğleneceksiniz. Bu Minecraft parodisi kesinlikle eğlendirecek ve size Minecraft hakkında bir iki şey öğretebilir. Bu yüzden bir çay alın ve Zombilerle Aksiyon dolu bir savaşa hazır olun!

#oyun benim işim 🙂

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  1. 💙😭😅😈🎁😄😅😅👸😰🤬🎬🧗‍♀️🤭🤭♥️🪴🖕👋😰😠😃😅🤟😈🎁👋😄🎁💩🎁🤟🤣🤣🤣😚🤪🤣😎😂😂😏😎🤩😚🙂😝🤣🤣😒😞🤣🤪😎🥸😇🤨😜🥵🥺😥😢😳😢😥😢😐😨😢😬🤯🫤🫠🤭🤬😑😧🤡😈👿😪👻😪🤠😪😹😽🤡💩🤤🤖😻🙀☠️💩✌🏼😹😻🫰😾😾✌🏼🦾✋✌🏼🖐🏻👋🫰🙏🫁🫂💄👶💄👧👩‍🦰🦿👧🦿

  2. 💪💪💪🏆🤜🤛♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💯💯💯💯💯😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😍🥇🥇🥇🥇🤑🤓👌👌👌👌👌🏋️

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  4. Çok komik. Yayyayayayayayayayayayayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaww aaaaaaaaaahaahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahbahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahshahahhsshhahahahhahahahhahaha

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