The Most Ridiculous Fake Minecraft Speedruns EVER

Ha haate a oh my God people who cheat in their speedruns are hilarious because they’re terrible at hiding the fact that they cheated these are the funniest fake Minecraft speedruns this speedrun this one’s going to be a doozy we can see four worlds they’ve made in the past the

World record new world and world record the only problem is it clearly says cheats also I don’t know if you noticed but I think the speedrunner is just a little bit excited for the new GTA considering they got this GTA meme in the top left corner there World creation

Literally happens in .1 milliseconds but if I go frame by frame you can very clearly see them turn the cheats on not very subtle buddy so the speedrunner starts speed running if you can even call it that and of course another red flag is they are using a cursed text to

Speech let me get some dirt what is with cheating speedrunners and text to speech voices I just don’t get it so the speedrunner immediately digs down getting one dirt block then breaking a tree and getting one Oak log so they make a crafting table put it down they

Put the dirt in the middle of the crafting table and they build the notorious wand I has anyone seen this before what’s the wand do I want to know well it does 100,000 And1 attack damage and I love how as soon as they pick up this new item they actually get the

Achievement it’s a new update he’s good at covering his tracks Han shider would never be able to figure this one out immediately after the speedrunner just explodes with items I’m not really sure what happened here did they jump did they use the wand did they eat too much

For lunch I don’t know and among those items are eyes ofender netherite armor a bookshelf an enchantment table Yeah despite this being a speedrun they actually take the time to build the bookshelves and the enchantment table and enchant their armor okay so the speedrunner throws an i of Ender to

Determine the stronghold location and honestly this next part I I really can’t say much about it they really put the speed in speedrunner let me just show you look at this amazing speed to the end portal yeah in the matter of 2 seconds they found their way to the

Stronghold that was very very impressive so they fill the end portal with eyes entering the end and this goofy goober really thought this would go over our heads the next few moments go at hypers speed but if I go frame by frame it’s very clear that they are giving

Themselves ender pearls enchanted golden apples and a stack of diamond blocks now if you asked a non- gamer if there was anything wrong with this sequence of events it would truly go right over their heads but me I’m a gamer and I’m not going to let this goober fool me the

Speedrunner proceeds to break the End Crystals at hypers speed thrown in a little creative mode thinking we’re not going to notice that come on buddy do you think we just blew in from stupid Town well they go back into survival mode and they one tap the dragon with

The mysterious wand and you know what it looks like this guy had a lot of fun speedrunning Minecraft way more fun than I had forcing myself to play the Gollum video game the beginning of the speedrun seems legitimate but I know this is not your first rodeo we’ve watched millions

Of fake speedruns together and I know you can see that they’re already level 66 and of course this is my video so of course this is a fake speedrun except for that one time I reviewed dream speedrun it wasn’t fake he just cheated the speedrunner looks around and they

See a mysteriously cut off tree I don’t know what that’s about I just find it weird but directly behind them is a village which is a fantastic spawn so they start breaking this tree getting eight planks and then they enter this village house and inside the village

House they open a chest getting pretty good items this all looks legitim except for the stack of cooked meat come on man I wasn’t born yesterday so after taking these items from the chest they walk outside and things just get worse immediately in front of them is what

Appears to be the Obelisk from 2001 of Space Odyssey with a chest in front of it that says gift from the village and wow I I wish I got gifts like this truly heartwarming that the village would do this for the speedrunner so the speedrunner leaves the village walking

In the desert and they come across this suspicious looking hole in front of them they fall down the hole into a pit of water wow this totally isn’t orchestrated this has really got me on the edge of my seat further into the cavern it’s it’s just Diamond paloa I

Love how the speedrunner isn’t even phased by The Diamonds they just keep on moving on into the cave system and it appears as if they found an amethyst room inside the room is the notch nether portal I don’t understand why these fake speed Runners have such an obsession

With Notch I get that he created the game but he sold it to Microsoft and has had nothing to do with it for a very long time why don’t we start calling them the Microsoft NE portal I don’t know so the speed Runner enters the notch nether portal which brings them to

The notch house this guy should collaborate with Martin Scorsese he is a plot writing genius inside the house is exactly what you’d expect just a large lump of random rare items they exit the house and there is a hole with a sign in front of it that says nether fortress so

They go down the hole and wow would you look at that it’s the nether fortress I am on the edge of my seat watching this and while exploring the nether fortress instead of finding a blaze spawner they just find a chest with one sec I got to

Do some math here 320 blaze rods in it this is painful so the speedrunner builds a nether portal returning to the Overworld and as soon as they look up they find whatever this is have you seen this before because I haven’t oh how convenient it’s it’s an Enderman Farm

Well G Wickers how did that get there so I guess the speedrunner has ender pearls now the speedrun footage cuts to the player just being in a jungle now and I don’t know if you noticed but they suddenly have a telescope or whatever it’s called a can’t remember a watch

Glass in their inventory again the speed Runner encounters another mysterious hole the plot thickens oh I was wrong it’s called a spy glass I’m an idiot well they use their spy glass to look down this mysterious hole and you’re never going to guess what’s down there holy cow the stronghold must be down

There so the speedrunner jumps down this hole wow he’s Brave and would you look at that the end portal is completely filled that truly has a 1 in a million chance of happening I think this guy is on track to get the world record I don’t

Know so I think when the speedrunner was falling their momentum carried over into the end because as soon as they enter the end they actually die using their totem of undying so they get this achievement called postmortal which actually reveals that their username is space cheese one which has kind of got

Me thinking what is space cheese and should I send cheese to space for a video anyways that doesn’t matter the speedrunner goes towards the center of the end Island and they engage in a gruesome and wild fight with the Ender Dragon Mark III and I

Don’t know if you know this but I love how the endgame portal is already filled this speedrunner could just jump in there and end the game but their commitment to the bit here really made me chuckle after the speedrunner covers the End Dragon with TNT lighting it and

Running away listen to the fear and excitement in their voice as they run away yeah that was that was pretty anticlimactic I think this guy might actually have more energy in his voice than I do and yeah just like that the speedrunner kills the Ender Dragon in a

Truly inspiring battle just like that they beat the game world record and they enter the portal ending the game or so I thought the speedrunner mysteriously returns to the notch house and you’re never going to guess who’s to blame is that Minecraft stone yeah honestly I’m not really sure what’s going on here

There’s just a very dramatic and cinematic scene where the speedrunner is brought back to the notch house and they’re forced to fight the Wither and they die trying I don’t really know what any of this means but maybe this is the beginning of the fake speedrun low Minecraft stove the peee trador slowly

But surely I’m I’m putting the pieces together anyways as soon as the speedrunner realizes he’s about to face his imminent death you’d imagine he’s going to be very very scared well listen to what he says um this guy has such little energy to his voice he sounds like he has a lot

More excitement than I do that’s for sure and again no guys I’m not depressed I think I was just tired when I recorded the last few videos oh man it’s w Junior’s Minecraft survival world this is such a moving moment in the TV show Walt junior is is truly The speedrun

Prodigy my God it son that’s wonderful you know it is wonderful this next speedrun is really something else they actually start on the pause menu but they are selecting the third slot in their inventory which come on buddy that is a rookie mistake they start the speedrun and they immediately start

Breaking the wood of this tree but as soon as the block breaks it reveals a chest not very original I’ve seen this trick a thousand times and the speedrunner is pretty excited about this chest saying OMG so so lucky in the chat but you know what I I think I’m

Convinced inside this chest is about what you’d expect from a chest hiding underneath a tree you know some wood some obsidian some flint and steel an end portal frame is ofender grass seed after the speedrunner takes their Spoils of War they start typing in the chat

Again saying don’t look at chat guys hey you know what he didn’t say please but I’ll give him some respect here I’m going to play the rest of the speedrun and I’m going to look away for a moment you know what I’m actually pretty curious SL SL slash

Command I cannot believe him and to think I trusted this guy for a moment yeah I’m just messing around he he gives himself a netherite axe this is very goofy regardless I’m not really sure when we’re supposed to start looking at the speedrun again it doesn’t matter he

Starts running away with this goofy little netherite axe but then the speedrunner takes a pause and they zoom in far away I don’t know what he’s doing he’s looking at some trees and from there the speedrunner types in chat OMG modifi Jun Edge so lucky one one now

Genuinely I don’t know if this is like a Minecraft nerd kind of thing is a modified jungle Edge is that is that something special and cool I don’t know and I’m not really sure why he pointed that out anyways because after saying that he breaks this wood block digging

Down revealing the legendary Overworld end portal spawn holy canoli I never thought I’d live to see this day this is more iconic than the time I forced myself to play the Gollum video game and yeah the speedrunner starts typing in chat again a bunch of lame Mumbo jumbo

OMG so lucky so he fills the end portal with eyes going into the over not again going into to the end and of course this guy was so clever that he forgot to give himself a pickaxe or build a pickaxe or really do anything to help his

Progression in the speedrun so with no shame left he just goes into creative all right so we’re really the bar is that low huh so the speedrunner is in creative mode and before they start breaking the end crystals they go right back to the chat typing a/ kill command

Come on dude really but I don’t think they know how the SL kill command works because they hover over all entities and then they realize h no no that’s that’s going to kill me I don’t think I should do that but then they hover over all

Players and they go I think that’s going to kill me too well this is a speedrun and they don’t have time to look this up on the Internet so they end up just killing everything including themselves but it’s okay because the clock is still ticking even though they don’t actually

Have an official timer on the screen so they go back to their end portal returning to the end putting themselves back in a survival mode sorry this guy sucks at spelling survival survival mode and even though time is of the essence the speeder goes right back to the chat

Box saying OMGs beat it one hit oh man I don’t got the patience for this anymore this speedrun there is just so much happening and I think like me you’re going to find it really goofy and silly and towards the end you’re going to find it really annoying and irritating now if

You couldn’t tell this speedrun was clearly made by Hayden games because they slapped a ginormous Watermark right on the front of the video and it also says connecting to the server the speedrun it’s not real but they do have a timer so plus 10 points for that they

Also have some sort of weird keyboard mod right in the middle of their screen which is extremely distracting I I don’t know why they have it there and in the first 3 seconds there is a ginormous structure coming from the ground on top of that their friend Zachy also asks

Them bro you recording now and yeah the speedrunner has a microphone big warning to the headphone users here uh this guy’s voice is earpiercing oh my God the new so according to the sign in front of them the speedrunner gets Enchanted netherite axes is that the plural of Axe

I don’t know axei I don’t know from God they also find a ruined nether portal a netherite village house with just an amalgamation of random items I I don’t know what this is supposed to mean I have never in my entire life seen a speedrunner so excited about dried kelp

Let’s go dried kelp oh my God oh my God oh my God and next to this miraculous village house is a large hay structure with signs on it that say dig in here please new 1.18 feature but you get with the times 1.18 is old news the newest update is 1.20

And Mojang has added a few types of wood this is old news the entrance to this large haast structure is blocked off by Bedrock so listen to what the speedrunnner saying in their microphone hly dude dude it’s a bed Ro quickly quickly quickly break it break it dig in

Here please very clearly whispering to their friend their friend slightly replaces the Bedrock with dirt and what they find inside is going to shock you listen guys unfortunately I’m going to have to cut this segment short I really can’t afford to get demonetized especially after spending all my money

On playing the gollum game all jokes aside this is the point where I just start to get irritated by the speedrun so I’m just going to quickly skim through all the irritating stuff the speedrunner finds Jesus literally which is fantastic for them then they encounter the newest one .18 feature the

The corner Knight whatever that is supposed to be I don’t know then they go outside and they find an emerald pathway that leads to a ruined nether portal and you could see what I’m getting at here this speedrun ends up just being a Showcase with this guy’s very abrasive screaming

Voice oh my God I just realized the nether portal so they enter the nether there’s command blocks there’s more gifts from God there is so much going on that their game actually glitches then when when the you know what I know I usually call them speedrunners but I’m

Not calling this guy speedrunner this guy’s just a goofball he returns to the Overworld types in a SL locate command to find the stronghold teleports himself to the stronghold has another wild freak out while he’s falling down a hole that leads to the stronghold the stronghold and he also

Expresses his deep love and Fascination for dried kelp dried kelp I love you oh my God I be just as done with the speedrun as you do right now I’m so sorry we’re this far in we’ve already committed and when the speedrunner finds the portal room they discover that God

Already did to portal and big warning to the headphone users you can imagine how excited this guy is I’m going to give you a second to lower your volume here you go oh my God no Way so when the speedrunner enters the end in front of them is the Ender Dragon ready to battle wow and just like that the speedrunner kills the Ender Dragon enters the portal and beats the game in a world record 4 minutes and 12 seconds and now I’m going to go massage my ears

Because this guy’s scream voice was like nails on a chalkboard for me this next speedrun is truly a breath of fresh air because instead of a very loud microphone they’re just putting text on the screen so I personally am very excited especially after the last guy and yeah the speedrunner is very excited

About finding a village but it’s clearly fake level seven they’re selecting the six slot in their inventory you know that whole baloney I’ve said it a billion times now they pick up some hay casually getting a lot more hay than you’d expect they get a bed and they

Find all all netherite gear this is pretty unoriginal but I’ll keep on watching what’s unusual about this speedrun is that the sun is actually setting clearly shows that they were in this world prior to the Run wasting tons of time setting up all these ridiculous Shenanigans so the speedrunner proceeds

To say bro I want day so they type in a command to change the day to morning saying nobody will be upset if I change it question mark you know what I’m actually really upset well the speedrunner finds a ruined nether portal in the distance and inside the chest is

Flint and steel the Portal’s complete so all they do is light it and they actually tell us and I quote I’m so lucky today I’m really lucky guys it’s just luck I’m so lucky LOL yeah right tell it to the judge well immediately after they say oh no what an unlucky

Spawn there is no Fortress maybe behind this wall well GE I wonder what’s going to behind this wall well gee I I wonder what’s going well gee I I wonder what’s going to behind why can’t I speak well gee I wonder what’s going to be behind

This wall H Blaze spawner why am I not surprised is that Blaze spawner ore oh my goodness wow he truly is extremely lucky so yeah the speedrunner finds what they are dubing Blaze spawner ore that’s a new one and then they proceed to change their game mode from peaceful to

Easy which I’m not actually sure can you speedrun Minecraft in peaceful difficulty it doesn’t matter the speedrunner shows off their innate skill at killing blazes by just knocking them back and out of frustration they change their game mode back to Peaceful with a sudden cut that says okay guys I killed

All the blazes they did some off camera killing that does not sound right um they did some off camera blazing that doesn’t sound right either they they they cut the footage that’s all I mean and he actually clarifies saying I just did cut to not waste your time this guy

Really is a saint I’m hereby awarding him the nicest speedrunner award well anyways yada yada yada the speedrunner gets 64 blaze rods they return to the Overworld and in the distance there is something in the sky the speedrunner is very surprised by this if you can

Already tell by the text on the screen saying what is dot dot dot what is that yeah they found the end portal tree so the speedrunner enters the end portal tree entering the end having a bunch of strange commands in the Chat lock I can’t actually see what it is because

They cut off their screen but it doesn’t matter this speedrunner is so close to the world record because only the enter drean is left yeah that’s right you heard what he said well the speedrunner got a trick up his sleeve a magic trick so I guess he puts the enchanted golden

Apple in the endgame portal with flint and steel a single blaze rod and just like that he beat the game and the speed runner’s last words before he achieves this fantastic world record is 7.2 Bob bucks I don’t even know what that means I’m going to go take a nap hey a and

Here if you enjoyed this video click on my channel and check out some of my other very funny videos thanks for watching and have a good day

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Speedrun Credits:


More Fake Minecraft Speedruns ►


  1. Btw, spawning on a village is rare, but it is possible, my friend on Minecraft PS4 edition once created a world and spawned on a tree that's next to a village, but literally. If you jumped of the tree, you are in the village

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