“Ridgeside Village” | Stardew Valley [1]

It’s uh it’s it’s been a little bit I I had an itch to play stard Valley and I’ve been kind of fighting myself to make YouTube videos again feels good to be back I don’t want to talk too much on the title screen so let’s get right into

It ah all right so when I first started watching YouTube as a kid the first type of content I was really drawn into and a type of content that was really popular then was playthroughs or or walkthroughs if you will so people posted like their gameplay and just walkthroughs of games

I loved that type of content recently I’ve just had the itch to do that again I used to try my best to play through games on my channel and have only done it like successfully once I played through the entirety of Bioshock I’ve started Minecraft playthroughs countless

Amounts of times and I have just just never committed myself to finishing it I had an itch to play stardo Valley again and so I was like all right well might as well make it into something productive and record it I also decided to install some mods one of the bigger

Mods I installed was stardo expanded and as you can see if I look at the map here first of all you can see all the icons of the NPCs to make it a little easier to locate them because I’m going to have to eventually talk to every single NPC

Top left here you can see ridgeside Valley go ahead and click that it’s another town for us to explore more than likely a ton of new dialogue and quests and whatnot all right so we have 50 wood let’s make ourselves a chest and without further Ado let’s get in into

Town sheesh Lenny not too loud now what if someone heard you they might find out about me and chill Lulu no one cares anyways I got to go still got lots of paperwork left real nice of you to saddle me with all that by the way stop calling me

That and it’s your own fault for procrastinating all the time no can do Lulu it’s my right as your big sister anyways got to go got to catch the cable car before it fills up take care Now Hunter oh nice seeing you so how much of that did you hear ah Lenny I didn’t hear any of it mayor Lewis I swear that was lenie my older sister sister she came by to give me richs side richs side Villages financial report from last year God why was that a tongue

Twister for me Rich ride Village why is that so hard to say rside Village oh your grandpa never told you there are neighbors in the mountains to the West you can use the cable carard to head up there if you’d like to visit that cable car is a Marvel of

Engineering who knows how they paid for it I I did hear that someone in the village has close ties to the governor anyway do go visit when you have the time a part of their tour tourism Revenue goes to pelicant town you know oh okay better get back to town all right

Goodbye now Hunter goodbye Lulu weirdo anyway ridgeside Village huh I should visit sometime soon definitely though right off the bat if you guys have played vanilla you can already tell this area is a lot different you used to be able to go up here sure look at the bus

Yes you could forage which I’m going to do real quick no I would not like to eat that uh is that everything oh oh a person Kenneth you’re the new Resident of the valley Lenny said you’d likely stop by nice to meet you I’m Kenneth bridgeside Village’s own electrician

Electrician eh hope you’re doing well hope you’re doing well as as well who are you Yuma uh I don’t know you oh you’re the new farmer I’m Yuma Shiro is my big brother well I need to go bye all right um so introductions there is a whopping

67 people we have to talk to as you can see here this is a new little area oh my Lord there’s new people new people new people come here no no no no no I have to take my chance to talk to everybody I can chiro wait a minute we just heard

About you oh hey I haven’t seen you around before are you new here sorry I don’t get out to socialize much name’s Shiro nice to meet you yo pleasure excuse me a book sweet uh I found a lost book The Li’s collection has expanded would you

Look at that tried to talk to you real quick philli hello sir I haven’t seen you around before nice to meet you I’m Phillip I work as a physical therapist for some individuals in the area I’ll see you around it’s a pleasure to meet you I’m Harvey the local doctor yeah all

Right nice to meet you I perform regular checkups and medical procedures for all of the residents of Pelican town it’s rewarding work well that’s good to hear uh I can still talk to you um I hope you’ll find your own work equally rewarding in time oh definitely put

Enough work towards our our farm I wanted to show you wait no okay priorities priorities people Pierre’s shop oh Caroline hello you must be Hunter the new farmer I’m Caroline my husband runs the General Store here and have you met my daughter Abigail she’s the pale one with the purple hair I have

Not who are you you’re a new face oh my aren’t you a cutie welcome to Welcome to the valley dear Olivia so exciting when someone new moves in have you met my son Victor Victor no I have not a lot of faces uh a lot of people we have to talk

To Leah that’s a familiar face though you your Sprite looks different well not your Sprite your well yeah your art and your character looks slightly different um you picked a good time to move here the spring is lovely I can see that okay Pierre business time I need to throw all

My money into let’s see here parsnips um takes 4 days to mature okay 12 days to produce a large cauliflower so we could go the cheap route we could go the expensive route get the most out of it or we can go middle ground and just do

Potatoes I think potatoes might be a good start to be honest with you I kind of want one of each and I will show you why later I think we can definitely make the most out of Springtime if we buy at least we already have parsnips try to

Get our hands on as many potatoes and cauliflowers as possible we want to spend nearly everything on Fresh Produce early on so we can make more money later so that didn’t count for talking to Pierre hey it’s Mr Hunter the new farmer I’m Pierre owner of the local General

Store you’re looking for seeds my shop is the place to go I’ll also buy produce from you for a good price I’ve always wondered if you sell produce to here instead of throwing it in the Box to give to Lewis does it give you more what

Is this box if you throw produce in here you get something in return I don’t know what this box is what is this box it seems like I can throw stuff in there I I don’t know if I want to okay so what I meant by priorities is we want to get

Back to our farm and plant our plants as soon as possible just making sure it’s done by today before we go to bed meaning we have time to look at this so this part of the map comes with stard valy expanded mod seems like this building is blocked off by two large

Pieces of wood and as we can see my ax isn’t strong enough to break this log it’s could to be a very long and tedious process but we need to up upgrade our tools to eventually get into that building we can also go north here this is new whoa

Hello Kenneth robot buzzz zap pain Buzz zap oh my God Kenneth was the the electrician right it seems like Kenneth has made a robot and it seems like who what was that oh H yes taking the cable car up to ridgeside Village okay interesting so it seems like we’re

Far up in the clouds which is lovely oh my God look at that we are hanging over Pelican town that is wow that is dangerous okay so let’s have a look around real quick we won’t spend too much time here because I wanted to come back in a later episode to truly

Have a look around oh seems like there’s a person out Ian hi you’re the new farmer who just moved in right I’m Ian it’s good to meet you I live over in r Side village generally I just work for whoever asks and can pay a good fee that can include you of

Course I’ll keep you in mind Ian ah all right I don’t like this tree being here deforestation so we have a letter it seems like hello there I just got back from a fishing trip you should come down to the beach sometime I’ve got something

For you we seems like we got a new Quest log here visit the beach south of town before 5:00 p.m. so I’ve played stard Valley before and I’ve only gotten so far into it I’ve never truly played late game stard Valley so I’m I’m going to

Get to a point where I don’t know what I’m doing and it’ll be a learning experience for both of us I’m hoping to get some longevity out of the series I want to push myself to post something weekly my excuse mainly is like oh I don’t know what to post and another

Excuse is I’m too lazy to edit I’m kind of hitting two birds with one stone here in the fact of this is the easiest thing to edit if I don’t have anything else to post I can post stard to Valley because the longevity of this game is wild we

Can keep this going for a while and I’m hoping to push this series as far and long as possible and honestly just have a good time but my ulterior motives are to push myself to do better in my hobbies and my interests and who are you mister come back here just running down

This person hey hey there you’re that new owner of Faith Farm my manager held a meeting about you Martin I work parttime at JoJo Mart held a meeting about me why would they hold a meeting about me I’ll keep I’ll keep my eye on you Martin that’s even your real name who are

You hey where did you come from I’ve never seen you before come visit my dad’s restaurant sometime okay okay who are you Carmen H my name’s Carmen if you need any fishing stuff I have your back okay that’s good to know yeah so today

We will try our best to talk to as many people as possible oh aren’t you the one who just moved in I’m Maru I’ve been looking forward to meeting you you know with a small town like this a new face can really to the community Dynamic it’s exciting who are

You Flor Flor interesting name oh hello I don’t know everyone in the valley but she’s that like shy cute uh character oh hey so you’re the new guy huh cool hey Alex I’ll see you around all right maybe we’ll play ball sometime okay so Willie wanted me to meet them at the beach

We’ll do that here in a second chess is that your name Jess Jess all right well I’m assuming that was an introduction all right Willie aoy there son I heard there was a newcomer in town good to finally meet you ah I’m still trying to unwind a month

Out on the salty Seas looking for the one piece not it was a big haul I sold a lot of good fish finally saved enough to buy me a new Rod here I want you to have my old fishing rod it’s important to me that the art of fishing stays alive and hey

Maybe you’ll buy something from the shop once in a while sure will Willie you received a bamboo pole there’s good water here in the valley all kinds of fish oh yeah my Shop’s back open now so come by if you need supplies I’ll also buy anything you can catch if it smells it sells that’s what my old pet you used to say

Anyway okay new item bamboo pole we’ll go fishing later if you take a look at the water as you can see you can see the fish in the water not only that you can see my reflection it’s just to add that little touch you know it’s it’s little

Things that really pull the game together Blue Moon Vineyard hello who must you be a stranger oh right okay quick little story time so I’ve tried playing this mod before I I didn’t record it or anything I tried my hardest to get anime profile pictures for like the characters

The only person I managed to download was Sophia’s so Sophia is like the one and only anime character in the town so we can make that a little inside joke now wait aren’t you Hunter the new farmer sorry I get a little little nervous around people I haven’t met

Before my name is Sophia I’m the owner of the Blue Moon Vineyard well I’ll see you around I guess yeah uh let me take a look inside your Vineyard uh this is your house let me step out of your house also I would think you’d be a little like

Stereotypical to go for the anime girl so I might not do that might I’m going to keep it a secret for who I’m rooting for and what I mean by rooting for is if you didn’t know if you go to the social tab up here in stardew you can date and

Marry whoever is single on this list yeah it’s going to be uh it’s going to be interesting so I’m going to keep that a secret from you guys until I decide to not keep it a secret anyway Fair Haven Farm who’s up in here hello it doesn’t seem like this place is

In good shape I wonder who runs it I guess we’ll find out some other day let’s get out of here I guess we could go run up to oh puppy dog hello Dusty you give Dusty many pets that is adorable it seems like that might be the neighborhood dog or that

Might be Alex’s dog I’m not too sure uh Dimitri right yeah greetings I’m Dimitri local scientist and farmer thanks for introducing yourself yeah I’m studying the local plants and animals from my home laboratory have you met my daughter Maru she’s in interested to meet you I

Have met her can I step in for a second Robin’s not home but Robin also has a a son named Sebastian oh you just moved in right cool um out of all the places you could live you chose Pelican Town another new face lius a stranger hello hi don’t mind

Me I just live out here alone oh that’s kind of sad isn’t it let’s not try to judge lonus okay so if we also navigate up here oh there’s Ian again seems like this man is working clearing out this Boulder so we can get past here I wonder

What lies past that boulder oh I forgot we can Sprint made sure to install a sprinting mod because we move way too slow all right oh who are you Pam Hey kid name’s Pam don’t be a jerk and we’ll get get along just fine all right sounds good oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh so many new faces okay Haley oh you’re that new Farmer Boy aren’t you oh uh I’m Haley if it weren’t for those horrendous clothes you might actually be cute all right how messed up triny um hi aren’t you new here you’re definitely a new face my

Name’s triny t r i n n i e okay not Trina not tiny triny got that I I hope I’m pronouncing that right that was a new oh my speak of new faces who whoa definitely the most interesting fella so far I heard that someone new

Moved to the valley I assume it’s you Hunter was it I cannot afford to waste time with pleasantries and you are wasting my time okay he’s a he’s mean got it good day I didn’t even bother to learn his name he was being mean ah yes the bar let’s go introduce

Ourselves Gus well hello there I’m Gus chef and owner of stardrop saloon hi please relax and enjoy yourself Emily oh I could read it on your face you’re going to love it here in pelicant town if you’re ever looking for something to do in the evening stop

By the saloon that’s where I work we caught her at work so the saloon is uh somewhere we can see plenty of new faces Shane what what do you want go away so Shane was the first Bachelor I went for in like my first um stardy

Valley playthrough it it was it wasn’t a solo run and it wasn’t recorded it was I was playing with two other people um Zach and Delilah and I decided to marry Shane and honestly very interesting dialogue honestly I I was I was happy to marry Shane it was it was a

Good time uh this playthrough to give you a little hint we will not be going for Shane I want to see other dialogue pH I think that’s everything done for today and even earlier than I had planned I guess I could use the extra time to walk to the mountains I haven’t really

Seen that part of the valley yet wow the view from up here is beautiful maybe someday we could bring onisan here for a walk hello there aren’t any bears living up here right what all right I think this is plenty of fir word for the rest of the night h

Um are you all right young man yeah I thought you were something coming to eat me I didn’t mean to scare you I’m not used to seeing many people around here here why don’t you take some of the berries I picked earlier thank you my name’s Yuma what’s

Yours lightness I live in a tent not not far by a tent do you not have a home to live in well that tent is my home some people may judge me for it but I prefer to live this way how do you get your food

Then I get it from the land if you know the proper way to search for it the Earth provides many forms of food and Medicine would you like me to teach you how to a forge mhm well first off the most important part is knowing exactly what you can and cannot

Eat oh sounds like it’s raining outside well seems like we don’t have to water our plants today that’s a kind of a relief ah the relaxing sound of rain I love it you know it it’s kind of sad nowadays YouTube well media I should say

Media has kind of changed what I mean by this is everybody’s attention span has kind of shortened because of the media being pushed out on to the viewers and that would be like I mean Tik Tok YouTube shorts Instagram reals people’s attention spans are getting shorter and

Shorter by the day so me posting content like this I feel like won’t get me anywhere that’s okay I’m not looking for it to get me anywhere I’m simply challenging myself having fun with it it it doesn’t matter if it gets me anything in the end in the end I’m having fun so

That’s all that really matters but yeah either way it is a shame to see content change so drastically especially with how it’s so different from what I grew up with I grew up with Minecraft playthroughs and long-term video series and I loved it that’s what I I thrived

For ah first fish of the series Sunfish common River fish well uh I’ll be damned that this is not a river it’s one of my dreams to post long-term series like walkthroughs and whatnot seems like a fun time and it’s the content I grew up on that definitely influenced me to want

To post long-term series walkthroughs and whatnot oh what’s also very disheartening is uh there’s many other people going for like YouTube careers and whatnot so there’s many many many people trying to do exactly what I’m doing now it’s also time to figure out how I could do it differently and appeal

To my audience now that’s very difficult to do speaking of very difficult to do I want this treasure and the fish that was difficult all right what was in the treasure chest honestly that’s pretty good iron ore that’s something we wouldn’t have got our hands on for a little while all

Right let’s let’s head back home but yeah this is the content I strive to post playthroughs of games I love long-term series because that’s what I grew up watching and still to this day I watch like I I watch the game grumps religiously it’s such a fun time but

Apart from the game grumps I most recent series that I watched was uh Persona 5 I could never see myself playing a turn-based fighting game like Persona 5 for some reason I loved watching someone else play it and it was just so interesting to watch so I just kept

Watching and honestly with every going episode it kept me on the edge of my seat so I kind of catch inspiration to do that myself play games for the fun of it and whoever comes by to watch I appreciate you you know how about we try

To step into town I’m assuming town is this way whoa whoa whoa whoa what is this it’s some kind of Crystal upon looking closer you can vaguely see what seems to be small islands and waterfalls now you got you got me real pumped to figure out what that Crystal

Does cuz my imagination is going wild of what it could possibly be what’s up here what is this there’s a faded text engraved in the Tomb the words can barely be read here lies someone’s name what is this stargazing guide for cookie the stars are most visible after 11:00 p.m. on a

Clear Night Don’t Stray too far from the house okay hey man the lore like it’s it’s crazy it makes me want to like well oh oh man that looks pretty okay new stuff to forage interesting notes left in the forest like what what is going on oh

Think we might be here yeah would you look at that excuse me Maddie h haven’t seen you around here before oh that’s right a new farmer just moved in huh I assume that’s you welcome to the valley uh my name is Maddie I have a lot of I have a lot on

My plate so if you’ll excuse me uh sure thing I just walked in on someone’s house all right um oh yeah let me take a seat um hello can I oh here we go Bert hello there just moved here didn’t you my name’s Bert my family and I live on

The south side of ride Village the house we’re standing in right now welcome yeah it’s a pleasure to meet you Olga oh you’re the new farmer right my name is Olga have you met Bert or triny um that’s my husband and our daughter my niece Alyssa lives with us

As well Alysa a name starting with an a h oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh hey little guy Tor Li turtle lips oh it’s a little tortoise that is so precious I love that you are my new favorite animal in the valley cute little makeshift Pet house a

Sign it is attached to it it reads Tor Little Tor a that is so precious I love Turtles Pika Aloha you must have followed your nose I’m Pika I own pika’s an outdoor restaurant in the heart of the village I’m from Ember Island in the fern Islands perhaps I’ll teach you some

Of our language okay all right ah pikas there it is oh I haven’t got to talk to you yet uh Lenny hello again Hunter didn’t scare you off with that little tour did I glad to see you again make sure you visit often so she was talking

About a little tour I made the mistake of skipping the intro so I want to think she gave us a tour in the intro I’m not too sure though this kitchen is so clean better not touch anything we got a stage in the middle of town this place is so cool wow

Huh Sunny hello you must be Mr Hunter welcome to the valley my name is sunny I am the methan family Butler it’s always a pleasure when a new face comes to the region I have errands to attend to now may Yoba bless your journey young Hunter thank

You Albert I mean Sunny um oh hello Sunny tells me you’re the new one in town people call me Madame ma Madam mave now excuse me I still have business to attend to okay I don’t see me talking to you often hello there I heard your name

Is Hunter if you wish to know more about Law’s history and art I could be of assistant I’d like to practice the theories of my pre-law for youth course whenever I can otherwise please don’t bother me I have tons of work to do now if you’ll excuse me oh my okay you Lou

Hello you must be the one Sunny keeps blabbering about he said a new farmer would venture into town well I’m Louie nice place you got here fairly big got an indoor pool in your house this place is huge all right well it’s getting late and we’ve seen a majority of ridgeside

Village so let’s hurry on back all right well I hope you guys enjoyed the first episode of stardo Valley I didn’t want to play vanilla I felt like I would have been bored playing vanilla stardo Valley so I hope you guys are enjoying the modded stardew I hope to see you guys next [Applause] Time

It ain’t much, but it’s honest work.

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