I Reached 100% Perfection in Stardew Valley!

I already have 10 million gold and I’m literally going to buy the golden clock the second I open my game next hello wizard I am not here for you you guys right there what huh is that cuz I didn’t talk to him for like a year I finally reached 100% perfection

In stardy Valley hello everyone my name is Audie and welcome to my little corner of the internet here’s a little context about 2 years ago I reached 100% perfection in stardew valley during my playthrough on Twitch however shortly after that external circumstances caused me to take in extended break from twitch

When I finally felt ready to come back it just kind of felt like a given that I would come back and play stardew Valley so 6 months ago I started a journey to reach 100% perfection in stardy Valley and just to say it one more time this is

Only my second ever playthrough of stard Valley so there are going to be some rough patches okay for those of you who haven’t reached 100% Perfection before or may not know there are 11 requirements that a person has to complete in order for the game to say

That they have reached 100% the 11 requirements are ship all produce and foraged items build all four obelisks build the golden clock complete all monster slaying goals reach maximum friendship with everyone maximize all skills find every stardrop cook all recipes craft every item catch all fish

And find every golden Walnut if you want more info on that I will link the 100% Perfection article from the gamer.com down below it was a really helpful resource for me during the end of this playthrough this video is not going to be a comprehensive day-by-day breakdown

Of each season and what I did to reach 100% however I have already made a day-to-day breakdown of this series so I will link the stardy valley Perfection run playlist Down Below in the description I have spent a significant chunk of this last year working on this Perfection run and making videos for

This series to be honest it doesn’t feel real that it’s actually over and I want to clarify I purposely sped through the last portion of this playthrough because I specifically wanted to get this run done before the 1.6 update came out I wasn’t sure if new 100% content was

Going to be in the update and I didn’t want to have to try and find new content and do new things in the middle of my perfection run anyway what I really want to do in this video is talk about my experience coming back to stardo Valley

And playing this game with the sole goal of reaching 100% what I’m going to do is separate this video into three different chapters the community center Ginger Island and Perfection really quick before we get into part one please subscribe and like the video it really helps me as a creator also please go

Over and follow me on Twitch my next project is going to be in The Sims and I’m going to be starting it over on my twitch shortly all right with that out of the way let’s get into it okay so like I mentioned when I started this 100% playthrough I was

Coming back to stardy Valley and to content creation after almost 2 years off I remembered really liking my last 100% playthrough so I felt comfortable coming back to stardy Valley after a long break this Comfort did not last long going into this run I did some research about good tactics and good

Pacings for 100% runs I didn’t want it to be like a speedrun speedrun because let’s be honest I don’t know enough about this game to do that even if I have reached 100% Perfection before I did want to be my previous time but I figured that was a given because

Obviously in my last playthrough I had never played the game before actually it’s really funny in the very first video I did for this series I mentioned how my first playthrough took like 7 to8 in-game years or about 80 hours is what I said something like that um what I

Meant to say was it took me about 180 hours but nobody ever called me out or said anything about it so anyway I’m trying to beat my goal of 180 hours okay let’s talk year one one major resource for me during the beginning of this run was the Salman stardy Valley

Guide videos I’m so sorry if I said your name wrong by the way I will link all of the year one guide videos down below but basically I use those videos to plan what I wanted to do and what I wanted to accomplish in each season thank you for

These videos seriously I think I didn’t complete the community center until like year three in my first playthrough also I need to mention the elephant in the room I am so sorry that the game is so zoomed in for like half the playthrough I didn’t realize how much of a

Difference it would make I was playing on a smaller resolution because it made it easier for me to monitor My Stream but just it’s going to be okay we’re just going to ignore it for me year 1 was all about completing the community center I broke each season down into

Each week and then I decided what I needed to do each week in order to complete what I needed to do for each season year one spring is always super high pressure basically my idea was that I was going to complete complete the spring bundles as quickly as possible so

I could make more spring seeds for money and then use the fertilizer from the spring crops bundle on strawberry seeds from the festival well this is where my confidence broke and I actually considered restarting this run on my second stream I did not find a leak

Until day 15 that was like Soul crushing I knew that spring seeds were a great way to make money early on and I knew that I wanted to make as much money as I could so by not finding leak I couldn’t complete the spring foraging bundle and

I was missing out on a lot of money I really thought about restarting and I do think that if I hadn’t found one on day 15 I probably would have restarted if I do a 100% run again hopefully I have better luck with baks spring was also my

Time to get reintroduced to all the characters after not seeing them or anything about this game for almost 2 years in my first playthrough I married Shane which huh what oh okay to be honest I wasn’t really sure who to marry in this playthrough I ended up letting chat decide because I’m

Indecisive and chat decided that I should marry Elliot year One Summer was rough but I made a lot of progress I built a chicken CE and a barn finished the mines got a dinosaur named lopert and made quite a bit of money however despite what you may think I am a human

And I do make mistakes and this one was a fatal mistake I did not collect five golden melons for the community center I also didn’t collect five gold parsnips for the community center meaning I could not complete the quest quality crops bundle in year 1 and therefore could not

Complete the community center in year 1 I learned later on in this playthrough that I should be a hoarder and keep a ton of absolutely everything so I would definitely focus more on that in another run despite knowing I wasn’t going to be able to complete the community center in

Year 1 I spent the rest of fall and winter working to try to get everything else done so that I could complete the community center as soon as possible I completed every other bundle with only two left incomplete by the end of year 1 I only needed a rabbit’s foot and then I

Needed five five gold par Snips in order to finish the quality crops bundle I got two star drops in year one also the stardy Valley Fair star drop and the one from old master canoli in the woods I also finished the mines and reached level 100 of skull Cavern super early on

In year 2 on day five actually I got super lucky and I was able to complete the community center it happened just on pure luck I harvested five gold parsnips that morning but I still didn’t have a rabbit’s foot by some miracle I was able to find one at the traveling cart that

Same day and completed the community Center my biggest struggles for the community center were mostly due to my own inexperience and bad RNG but I think for my second playthrough completing the community center on year 2 day five is pretty good if I were to change my

Strategy for another run I would focus more on growing crops and keeping like four or five of everything in the game also I would actually take birthdays and relationships with other villagers more seriously in the early game it wasn’t too long after I entered the rabbit’s foot into the enchanters

Bundle and completed the community center that I paid a visit to Willie and he asked me to follow him into the back room if you all didn’t know I care very deeply about Willie in fact I see him as my dearest friend therefore when he showed me the broken down boat in the

Back of his shop fixing it up became my first priority Ginger island is probably my favorite area in the game I really love how challenging finding all the golden walnuts is and once you unlock the Cher room you can directly measure and see your progress towards 100% which

Is really helpful anyway I was able to fix up the boat and unlock Ginger Island in year to Spring but I didn’t really feel like I had the resources to take it on just yet I did remember the location of a couple of the golden walnuts off

The top of my head so I did what I could but it wasn’t really until a year or two fall that I actually took time to complete stuff on Ginger Island I unlocked Professor snail early on and I answered his questions and spent a good amount of time working on his quester

Fossils to be honest I had to look up how to find all the fossils because I always forget that panning exists I was walking around wondering where the spine and tail fossils were only to realize I needed to fish and pan I finished this Quest earlier in another run because cuz

Well I know what to do that time around hopefully other than the volcano I love every single part of Ginger Island the frogs Quest is really fun cuz it teaches you that you can grow any type of crop on Ginger Island plus I just like the

Frog also I love the Pirates Cove the darts game isn’t hard but it’s also not easy do you know what I mean the only thing on Ginger Island that I actually really struggle with is the gem memory game I actually had to have chat cheat

For me in order to beat it oh and another thing I didn’t like was the bird gem quest thing I didn’t realize that you could just put a gem in and it didn’t actually have to be from the bird so I would probably finish that one a

Lot faster in my next playthrough that would have saved me a lot of time and frustration all right so I have not been quiet about the fact that I hate the volcano it’s not that I think it’s bad or not fun it’s just I’m bad at combat

So I have an aversion to places like the mines and skull Cavern and the volcano because I’m just not good at it and really I’m afraid I’m going to die but I reached level 10 of the volcano pretty quickly although I had to spend a lot

Lot more time in there than I wanted because I had to kill 50 magma Sprites for the Monster Hunter Quest but I also had to collect like 15 Dragon Teeth for crafting and building the island Obelisk I’m not going to lie collecting the Dragon Teeth was super annoying and I

Really hate the volcano and of course a major part of Ginger island is the second Farm I ended up using it as a starf fruit and ancient fruit farm and I also used it for the CH Bean Quest I had a pretty good amount of kegs scattered

Around too some of which I didn’t even use before I reached 10 million gold and got 100% if I were to give future me some advice I think I would have actually used the greenhouse on the original Farm to grow coffee and then Ginger Island to grow star fruit and

Ancient fruit I wasted so much money on coffee and bombs in this playthrough it’s not even funny not just in the volcano but like everywhere and I wish I would have just grown coffee in the greenhouse so I would have had an endless source and I wouldn’t have to

Pay for it every day there is one more thing I do want to mention I wish that areas that you had already completed had more to do for example even after reaching level 10 of the volcano or level 100 of the school Cavern there is a constant need to go back for more

Resources or to collect geod or whatever it becomes a consistent part of playing the game however the Pirates Cove or the community center or the iin resort once completed you can literally ignore them forever I just wish there was something to do I know you can go back and play

Darts in the Pirates Cove but there’s not really a reason to do that in the bar in pelicant town you can play Journey of the prairie king and junimo Kart both of these mini games are seen in different parts of the game with journey of the prairie king being in a

Cut scene that you have with Abigail and reaching a score of 50,000 in jimal car is one of the che quests Maybe I’m Wrong like I said I don’t really know that much about this game but what I do know is that my favorite parts of the game revolve around developing and

Understanding characters and finishing challenges I like the Pirates Cove and I like the community center I wish I had a reason to go back there especially the community center because I spent like the entire first chunk of this playthrough working to complete it and then you have no reason to be there at

All if the 1.6 update comes out before this and there’s a change to the community center I’m I’m [Applause] sorry I have a couple of things that I want to talk about before we get to the last chunk of this playthrough this playthrough has seriously gotten me

Through a lot over the course of this playthrough I got a new job finished my Master’s Degree and I’m finishing out 2023 with this video I just want to express my gratitude for this game and my gratitude for the support of every body who has been with me through this

Playthrough I am genuinely grateful to have been able to play this game reach 100% and make this YouTube Project I also want to talk about Elliot I married Shane in my first playthrough and wow compared to Shane Elliot’s storyline is way more romantic also his room that

Gets added to the house is a million times better than Shane’s Shane’s was so gross and ugly this really made me want to explore all of the romance story lines so maybe I’ll look into doing that in the future I also want to remind you

Before we get into the last part of this that I was playing this with the sole goal of reaching 100% I had no interest in anything outside of that goal the reason I’m saying that is that the footage of the last chunk of this playthrough you’re going to see my farm

Get more and more unorganized and terrible as time goes on I’m an organizer at heart and it was driving me nuts too but listen I really did not want to devote any extra time to just cleaning up the farm so we’re going to ignore it okay cool

I don’t really want to sit here and go over every single Perfection goal and talk about what I liked and what I didn’t like I actually already did that so go check out my 99% Perfection video but I do want to talk about my experience with stardy Valley’s endgame

In my second playthrough and just like my thoughts about it outside of other goals like finishing the community center and completing Ginger Island I remembered really enjoying specifically the endgame portion of stardy Valley in my first playthrough I had remembered a couple of things in particular that I

Struggled with like killing the pepper rexes and completing cooking and crafting recipes but I tried to make sure I was working on those constantly throughout this entire playthrough because I was trying to do everything all at once I didn’t want to leave anything to the end I have to admit I

Spent a lot of time focused on recipes and relationships I wish I had paid more attention to birthdays and made sure to actually collect a lot of love gifts in the beginning so that I could have finished relationships more quickly actually right when I went to go finish

100% in by the golden clock I realized that I had ignored my husband for like literally an entire year so he was depressed and hated me I didn’t realize that because I didn’t talk to him our relationship would go down looking back obviously that makes sense but your relationship with everyone else stays

The same no matter whether you talk to them or not at least my son God didn’t care whether or not I talked to him of course God doesn’t care he’s perfect my opinion this time around okay so part of this was my fault because I gave myself

A time limit I knew that the 1.6 update for sty was coming out like soon and I was really worried it was going to come out on Christmas so I decided that I was going to finish this run the week before Christmas so that I didn’t have have to

Worry about the update coming out and adding any new content during my playthrough however I felt that the end challenge bit was very tedious obviously it’s not supposed to be quick or easy and I’m sure if I used different strategies I could have completed this in a completely different way

Specifically in a way that didn’t cause me burnout but by the end frankly I was bored I truly absolutely adore this game but I did find myself ready to move on like halfway through this playthrough I hope 1.6 adds some amazing new content I’m sure I’ll play it event

Would I recommend doing a 100% run absolutely I think reaching 100% in stardy Valley is a great way to make sure that you experience everything that stardy Valley has to offer it helps to prove to yourself that you can accomplish hard things that you set out

To do and and I do think that it is an aspect of the game that every study Valley enjoyer should do at least once I find it hard to put my feelings about this game into words to be honest it kind of feels like when you’re a senior

In high school or college and the end is in sight and you’re like so close but you still have a few things that you have to do before you’re done and all of the things you have to do before you’re you’re done suck it is kind of fitting

That I was working on this project while finishing my Master’s Degree stardo Valley I love you but oh boy am I excited to take a break for a while so let’s seriously take a second to talk about what I would do differently if I were going to do another stard Valley

Perfection run once again advice is completely welcome in the comments I really don’t know that much about this game and what strategies and tactics work best so please leave comments down below but here’s what I think I would do differently next time I would grow coffee in the greenhouse and then do

Star fruit and ancient fruit on Ginger Island like I said earlier I wasted literally so much money that I didn’t need to I just wish I would have made coffee and I wish I would have started using coffee way earlier because I was slow walking for like half this

Playthrough also I would use another Farm type I ended up going with a standard Farm in this run because I was familiar with it however I think I would pick the forest Farm next time also I think in another run I would look up different ways to make more money

Earlier on in the game oh and obviously I would want to finish the community center in year one thank thank you all so much for watching this series like I said this project has been very special to me and I genuinely want to thank each and every

One of you for taking the time to watch my videos I am going to start working on some new projects soon though hopefully not as intense as this one please like this video And subscribe to support me as a Creator I really appreciate you being here I will see all of you next

Time hello good here we go oh I’m really glad we didn’t have to get all the way up to 14 Hearts hey Audie hi Elliot I’m really good hi Raven you guys came at the perfect time it’s so beautiful up here we just reached 100% just

Now I was just thinking about the Last 5 Years look um we’ve been through a lot that’s what you know what that’s a good way to put it that’s a good way to put it called you ads my bad oh no worries the ups and downs yeah literally cuz I

Didn’t talked to him for like a whole year I’m sorry Elliot but look how far we’ve come yes look how far I’ve come I had to postpone this to year five was going to be done in year four but now it’s year five because if you huh it

Just dawned on me we’ve reached the summit but not just physically metaphorically as well sorry my camera is right in front of it how poetic heart a the bird carrying cromis along the top

Hello everyone! Welcome to the FINAL video in my Stardew Valley Perfection Run series. Thank you to everyone, old and new, who has supported me during this run! Happy New Year and here’s to 2024!

Disclaimer: I am not a professional Stardew player so there are probably parts of this that are incorrect or I give bad advice, I’m sorry, please correct it nicely in the comments and I’ll pin your comment!

Stardew Valley Perfection Run Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLat1E_7LwmQT0i0vdJTZG2d_hQ7YdEiUy

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ottiedottie

The Gamer 100% Requirements article: https://www.thegamer.com/stardew-valley-100-percent-perfection-completion/
Spring Year 1 Guide (Salmence) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stbDkRzMKSk&t=1216s
Summer Year 1 Guide (Salmence) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nN1-2GM9ss0
Fall Year 1 Guide (Salmence) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LLre4mJNuE
Winter Year 1 Guide (Salmence) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eq6V2LIoH8k&t=729s


  1. Ottie!! Congrats on reaching 100%. Its so fun to watch this journey and I cannot wait for more of your content! Happy New Year!!

  2. Congrats on your second 100% or perfection. i am casually going on my way to my second.. after doing a cc and joja run. i just got back into it trying to re familiarize myself with it before the 1.6 update etc.. i am just general hoarder at heart and have chest full of pretty much anything and everything. once you have the green house unlocked as long as you have the side maker getting golden veggies is pretty much easy you could pick up parsnips and melons during the winter market and with the right fertilizer could have grown your five no problem in the green house.. there is also an option to make the game guarantee you complete the cc in the first year.

  3. This is so cool!!! Congratulations on a 100%!! I loved watching this video, I'm just a casual player, don't know if i will ever finish the game "properly" but this was such a fun video to watch for tips if i ever picked it up in the future. Happy New Year's and good luck in your future endeavors!❤

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