JJ and Mikey Climbing on THE TALLEST WITCH HUT in Minecraft Maizen!

H wo wo huh wo huh incredible what is that what is it huh huh this is the tallest witch house in Minecraft you’re right what’s that about is there something up there all right okay Mikey let’s start climbing wo wow JJ H why are we climbing this well Mikey there’s an incredible

Treasure hidden at the top of this witch house I want to find it wait treasure yeah I can’t wait let’s hurry to the top yep we need to give it our all a few inches later this place is huge after all yeah let’s do it what’s over here H

Why don’t we start by checking out this room on the left okay let’s see what’s behind these doors taada it’s the bathroom is that a toilet yep an absolutely massive one not that there’s anything wrong with that it’s ginormous how extravagant H what’s this a lever H check this out

Mikey someone pulled the lever and now there’s a secret passage this lever must be the switch that reveals it oh I’ve got a bad feeling I’m not so sure we should go down there oh we have to I’m worried about Grandma and just plain curious okay we can check it out but

Proceed with caution what’s this great question oh it’s Grandma what she’s in some kind of prison cell and she’s not alone what’s she doing uh I’m not sure maybe they’re having a chat she just no huh no no no no no what this can’t be happening I can’t believe it it’s worse

Than I ever could have imagined Mikey yeah what our grandma is a witch and she just ate a villager why this can’t be real this isn’t a dream is it or some kind of Illusion yeah Mikey she spotted us run run let’s get out of here come on to the front

Door what is it oh no it’s blocked off quick this way GJ follow me who’ have guessed that Grandma was a werewolf I know hang on there’s a chest up there let’s go yeah parkour oh a lever it must be a key let’s make a run for the restricted area okay yeah

Run go Mikey the door’s open I’m going hurry JJ get in all right I’m in she’s coming don’t look back just keep running she stopped following us I guess she can’t climb up here let’s take a breather then oh there she is I need to refuel

I still can’t believe it me neither to think that Grandma is a werewolf I knew something was off but this oh hey Mikey look up there huh it’s a chest want to open it yeah oh it’s another lever H let’s see what’s at the other end of this vent great

Idea ah there’s some slime let’s hop to the top of this bookcase come on Mikey Coming now we’ll put this lever here and see what it Does huh oh Grandma’s right below us let’s hope this lever opens up this door and leads us somewhere safe yeah come on let’s hurry we’re underground again Grandma’s not following us is she I don’t think so hopefully this secret passage is our ticket out of here let’s find

Out H this is going well what is this place huh where are we for now I’d like to get over there there’s a door but these iron bars are in our way what do we do H so we’re locked inside this cell what now well we

Need to find a way to escape huh we’re in a cursed videotape so don’t let your your guard down hold on I figured out how to escape what if we can pull these levers in the right order I’m sure we’ll be able to escape H let’s try different

Combinations mhm maybe this you’ve got this Mikey how’s this mhm weird uh need help maybe this way oh this way or this H like this H H Strange huh hold up this huh H Mikey uh um uh this Wall’s coloring is different here oh could there be a secret door hidden did I try this combination already this is hard it is a secret door isn’t it it opened there really was a door hidden here

Mikey H Mikey stop this is tough H Mikey look over here what look huh there was a door I found a secret door oh let’s go I want to escape from this cursed videotape yeah we found the secret door so let’s move on okay huh

Wo oh we made it out of the cell he hey yay all right Let’s Escape from this cursed videotape World Mikey okay open up what do you see huh oh huh wow zombies mhm and lava below them Mikey this looks like oh there’s a door on the other side it looks like we

Need to parkour across but we also have to beat the zombies along the way okay be careful nice I knocked it off wao lava’s pretty scary yep we have to cross yeah yes awesome good job hey be careful sheesh that was close I almost fell good work

Huh wo check it out huh there’s tons of zombies no kidding but I can handle it I’ll knock them all out with one punch 3 2 1 that caught me off guard let’s keep going Mikey what now take him out Mikey look oh no oh more zombies we

Can’t get through Oh They’ll swarm us if we try to hit them again now what I got it h i can take them all out how destroy their platform like this cool yeah amazing awesome now we can jump across all right sweet okay all right uh nice huh what’s

This hm there’s a button on this device H should we push it go ahead try something Mikey here I go 3 2 1 what’s it going to do no what’s this woah huh cool a golden apple awesome is that diamond equipment oh good luck M equipped there wo awesome

This is great mhm now that we have equipment Let’s Escape mhm H let’s go through this door what’s behind it hm oh open huh yeah Mikey Grandma caught up to us for real yeah but the good news is there’s a chest over there maybe it has something useful inside fingers crossed let’s

Go Grandma’s chasing after us she’s moving at werewolf speed it’s like she doesn’t even recognize us I’m just going to open it hurry oh it’s a key now run for it Mikey she’s coming guess what buddy it’s the master key huh it should unlock any door in the

House where to next then uh oh I know let’s try getting into that restricted area over there come on oh no Grandma’s back hurry hurry get in here I’m trying but she’s blocking away that was a close close one yeah but you made it and that’s all that matters

Now let’s take a look C JJ we’re not outside why yeah you’re right we’re inside plus it looks like we’re surrounded by Bedrock which happens to be the strongest block in Minecraft it’s impossible to break so we’re trapped what’s this sand for sand huh wait a sec

There’s a chest over here sand is useless hopefully there’s something good in that chest we can use open oh huh is that a diamond shovel a lever gunpowder we’ll never escape with that stuff H is there anything else we can use huh huh look over here Mikey what

Look huh this wall is the only part of the entire room that’s made out of cobblestone instead of Bedrock really yeah crazy hang on I think I figured it out I think I know what we can craft to bust out of here what first we need to dig up all this sand

Great all right that’s enough sand now let’s use the crafting table mhm I just need to arrange it like this okay oh I just made five blocks of TNT nice and Then do you know what happens when we pull this lever Mikey it’ll activate the TNT wait don’t we need blint or steel it’s okay ready oh wow Huh the way out I can finally go outside well we definitely haven’t broken out of the prison yet but I feel like we must be getting close I wonder how the world’s changed out there I checked but it’s too dark to see outside the bars what’s in the chest let’s open it oh

What’s that this is no way it’s a flamethrower huh wao it’s powerful it’s practically Unstoppable so strong I can’t believe we found our own flamethrowers nice nice nice wow cool Mikey let’s move on we might find our way out of here if we go through

This door I bet you’re right I want to get out 3 2 1 open what wait a sec huh what’s going on here help me are these enemies maybe ouch oh they’re attacking ouchy let’s take him down nice job use the flamethrower wao go away keep fighting this is amazing oops

I set you on fire it burns this is bad that was a close one I almost burned up my dad all right one left nice attack yes we got him we won huh wow Victory awesome what now we’re finished we beat the final boss really that was the boss

Of the prison hang on a sec right an exit an exit it’s our way out for real this time is it we’ll find out in 3 2 1 are we free wao maybe not what’s this we’re still not outside yet huh huh that’s it up there huh it looks like some kind of

Door that’s the exit right let’s go let’s go what are we going to find up there are we free okay we’re escaping here we go let’s go there’s more signs oh danger do not enter Mikey there’s got to be something through there now what is it dangerous where’s it lead oh there’s

Something up there this must be an emergency escape oh we can use it to blast ourselves up there let’s go mhm eat a golden apple okay once your defense is up push the button be careful okay what’s up there we’re going to find out cool I made it come on up Mikey I’m

Coming oh good luck wo wo hey huh is this the top floor mhm this huh yeah it’s the top floor H there’s someone there no kidding I feel like I’ve seen them before they look familiar you think so I’m just glad we aren’t the only ones here let’s ask

How to escape uh this doesn’t feel quite right hm let’s ask something’s wrong thank goodness h Huh wait oh I recognize him that guy is from the video he was on the C video yeah that’s right Mikey I knew it ouch get him JJ wake up please JJ huh H where where am I hold on oh oh wait I remember we were abducted by that witch that’s right and if we stay here only our bones will be Left see oh no oh if we can’t find a way to escape the witch steal out there how can we escape Huh the witch left a this is our chance we need to escape but the door is locked we have to get out of here right away uh wait Mikey look huh right here there’s a hole huh maybe if I if I get down on my hands and knees

Maybe I can fit through H okay let’s give it a try can you fit I’m out I made it awesome now get me out of here please nope help me wait I see a key huh I can’t let the ghost see me it’s gone right I’ll grab the key I got it Mikey

I’ll open the door oh good okay yes it unlocked the door come on Mikey oh thank you I’m out that’s better yeah Mike miy run it’s behind you what was that oh man sheesh we made it now we can take it easy that was a close call

Seriously but at least it’s trapped now mhm what’s this it looks like a parkour course I think we need to hop on the platforms who wants to go first I good luck good job huh there are two choices we need to decide which way looks easiest to clear left looks too

Hard soda’s right oh well now what I think you need to ride the wind generator oh wow cool come on up wo I’m fllying this is wild don’t let your guard down sweet yes I get it now wow that went really well y beat it in one try I have a

Feeling something dangerous is waiting for us on the other side of these doors what are those what it’s behind me watch out oh no no just keep running faster you okay it’s fast it’s coming wait that’s poison watch out careful the ghost it’s coming around no it’s coming

Run run come on hurry go it’ll catch us this leads back to the surface go go go hurry hey that’s our house come on Mikey faster get inside the door yes that was closed hang on what it’s following our movements really yes are you hiding I knew it Mikey huh this place is Haunted it’s morning huh where is it the witch has gone somewhere that’s good I’ve been holding the door all night I didn’t sleep hold on it might still be outside H it’s gone right Open wow what a relief that’s better you were up all night holding the door but I was too scared to sleep yeah I’m exhausted you saved us but our vacation is over yeah the two of us are going to secure this place and deal with that Spectre let’s get Him huh oh it’s dark out we overslept a man wake up Mikey Mikey huh oh what’s wrong The Witch uh Mikey it’s night time we need to check outside oops I fell okay let’s take a look let’s go all right are you ready 3 2 1 open it’s

There in the same spot as last night can it see you I’ll lead it over Mikey okay got to get closer hey you go no it’s fast but I’m okay go Mikey in get in close it right in its face nice I see it let’s drop in the pit okay

If it’s in the right spot it’ll fall down once we pull the lever I hope so it should be standing right in front of our door care to do the honors really please do 3 2 1 ha got it it fell right into our trap let’s lock it in yes

Wow got him we caught it yeah now I’ll push the button wo it’s working if the lava Works wow really we actually beat it yep we won that was easy totally all right the resort should be peaceful again wow nice awesome yay what’s wrong wait no

Way no no I see them it’s not just me it’s not a hallucination how how is this real uh the they it can’t be wait where’s the Man wait are we completely trapped in here what do we do I thought there was only one is this the end for us no it can’t be why is there anything we can do what else is there search the house for anything we can use beds fireplace uh crafting table uh furnace

Huh H hang on I think I found something what is it there’s a lever huh look I’m going to pull it do it ready yep okay here goes bummer no no look behind you w what is that no way it opened up a secret passage that looks dangerous I don’t

Trust it what if there are more specters hold on Mikey this might be our last chance to escape otherwise we’re doomed I guess there’s no way we can fight them but what’s down there I’ll take my chances careful I’ll be okay I promise let’s see oh is it safe huh mushrooms

What is all of this oh wow look full sets of diamond armor can you believe it Awesome check it out huh I think it’s a rocket launcher wo no way awesome plus there’s a pickaxe oh some bread and ammo for the rocket launcher I think we’re ready to take on these specters let’s get them yep wait Su you can’t leave through the front door that’s what they’re expecting

That’s true they’re out there waiting for us we can’t go this way is there any other way out I don’t know oh hold on huh I have an idea the chimney oh we could make it to the roof through the chimney really careful yeah there’s even a ladder in

Here huh I’m climbing up all right oh yeah come on up okay here I come good you made it now what where are they what oh I see them ohike there are so many look I’m going to blast them with a rocket really of course I’m going to slay them all

Here I go wish me luck Mikey look at the crowd following me I don’t want to blow up the house though I’ll aim here careful ready launch wa I got blasted too oh wow only a few left W nice yeah almost done oops keep firing SI woohoo yes we got him we

Really did

in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: JJ and Mikey Climbing on THE TALLEST WITCH HUT in Minecraft Maizen!

👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial

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