Stardew Valley: Mobile VS PC

Hello friends and welcome back!  Today we are going to be talking   about and comparing Stardew Valley on Mobile Vs PC The game is ALSO available on  switch, and other consoles,   however I have never played it on Switch, but  maybe we will save that for a future video!

Just recently the new 1.5 update  came out and though there are still   a few minor bugs in the game, overall the  story, the game, the artwork, the music,   is all IDENTICAL. I really appreciated that the  feel of playing on mobile is so similar to what  

It is on PC. I was worried that the screen and  controls would feel too small, but I would say   for ease of gameplay I found it EASIER to play on  mobile, or perhaps that it was more user friendly.

I say this because I think the controls for mobile  were quite simplified. I was worried switching   between tools would be a hassle trying to click a  tiny axe or watering can but when you walk up to   something, on mobile it automatically picks which  tool for you to use. No scrolling through tools  

And accidentally chopping down a crop. (or in my  case, accidentally blowing up my presses and kegs) Moving around in the game is also quite  simple. You can simply tap where you want   your farmer to walk, and they will walk to  that square, or you can press and hold and  

Drag your finger across your phone  to direct your farmer where to go. Your backpack sits on the left side bar, instead  of on the bottom of your screen. And to open your   menu, instead of hitting escape, there are  three little bars you can tap to open it.

Fishing is also fairly simple, however  I suck at fishing in general so I still   fail some bites but let’s just disregard that.  To fish you simply tap and/or hold the  screen to hook your fish and adjust your   green bar on the fishing pole, similar  to how you can with your mouse on PC.

The thing I was most concerned about  though, was the mines. How do I flip   between a bomb and a sword and a pickaxe and  food without dying? The screen is so small,   I was worried I would die no matter what I tried. But on MOBILE, it was much different. When you  

First enter the mines and meet marlon,  you are given a choice to AUTOMATICALLY   ATTACK enemies as they get near you.  You have the option to NOT have this on,   but I hate the mines so I turned the auto attack  on and wanted to test and see how well it worked.

And it is not foolproof. You CAN still  take damage from enemies even with the   auto attack on, however on a small  scale screen, I’ll still take it.  So while in the mines, your game can auto  pick an ax, or sword, and you can just tap,  

Tap, tap around and collect items. I have yet to  test the deeper levels of the mines, and bombs. There was another feature that I WISH was  available on PC, and that’s the option to   pick a quantity of things while shopping. You  don’t have to sit and click forever to get 10,  

20, or 100s of an item. You can just enter  your quantity right as you purchase it. So while there are still some bugs to  work out, if you’re new to stardew,   and want to play from the comfort of,  well really anywhere, the mobile option  

Is honestly fantastic in my opinion, and it’s  even more simplified than the PC version,   which to me, is nice. If I want to be super  relaxed and not care and snuggle in bed,   I can just pull out my phone and essentially go  head empty since the automations make doing things  

So easy. If I want to be more involved  with my gameplay, I can play on my PC,   and have a big monitor, and also, hang  out with you guys in my twitch chat 🙂 So now that Stardew is  available on MULTIPLE devices,   some of you may ask, is it cross platform?

I’ve looked into it, and unfortunately,  it seems the answer is no.  To open a co-op farm, your friends  must be on the same consoles. Though   it sounds like ConernedApe would like  to make it cross platform someday still. Another thing that may help you make a decision on  

Which platform you’d like  to play on, is the price. On steam, switch, xbox, and numerous other  consoles, Stardew Valley is $15, while the   mobile version is only $5. For a game that you  can get hours of game play in and such a variety  

Of different storylines to follow, the price is a  steal for any platform you decide to play it on. That’s it, I hope you guys enjoyed my little  review. If you have questions, or you have   played stardew on numerous platforms, tell me what  your experiences were like in the comments below!

If you enjoyed this video and you are watching  this on youtube, please be sure to like, comment,   and subscribe! And if you’re not watching on  twitch, well then what are you waiting for!   Come join us on twitch for live stardew  playing, I’m  

Live almost every night and every  friday night is community night! Thank you all so much for watching,  and have a good rest of your night 🙂

Have you played on different platforms? Tell me your thoughts and opinions in the comments below!




  1. Personally think that PC is better than Swicth, switch drift drives me CRAZY on Stardew! But these features on mobile were pretty interesting and I might have to check it out for myself.

  2. I have around ~200hrs of play time on phone. and I'd say the controls is horrible. the best controls you can get is joystick & buttons + tap to move it helps a bit but still has room for improvement. I just wish I can hold to harvest and plant

  3. I discovered Stardew Valley this week and I love it! But I don't always have my PC with me, so I can't go very far… So I was thinking that with the mobile version, I could play on the bus, for example, to get ahead faster… So what do you think?
    (your videos are awesome !)

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