STILL a very viable Terraria ranger weapon! | Terraria 1.4.4 Ranger Playthrough/Guide (Ep.4)

Hey hey welcome back my friends to the master Ranger playthrough today is the day we get revenge on the Eater of world we’ve got ourselves a worm food Summoner I’ve got myself some grenades and spiky balls both of which I’d quite like to top up on before I head back over to the

Corruption and yeah as a result of taking down the E of Worlds we might just be able to upgrade our tools finally we still have wooden and copper tools how ridiculous is that but yeah a lot of you guys were correctly pointing out that we do have grenades we do have

Spiky balls both of which do range damage and in the case of these spiky balls they don’t go through platforms so you can just have like a whole load of spiky balls on each of the platforms and then the E of Worlds will just find getting absolutely wrecked so then we

Pretty much just got to grab ourselves some Buffs here and we’re going to get ourselves over to the corruption and we’re going to do this thing probably be a good idea here to actually put on the band of regem this time I think we will

Swap out the Royal jel I mean at the end of the day you don’t really get any prehard mode corruption slimes in the corruption do yeah so I think we’ll be perfectly okay to take that off in favor of a slightly better amount of Life

Regen so then as far as I can remember spiky balls are purchased from the goblin tinkerer yep there they are 88 copper each we’ll go ahead and buy maybe a couple hundred or so yep that’ll do and finally we pop on up here to grab ourselves a bunch of grenades coming in

At a 97 copper value okay get ourselves a bunch of these bad boys as well all right I think we’re just about ready to do this thing let me just check on this guy see what he’s got uh basically a whole load of nothing so let’s get on

Over to the corruption and while we do so I do of course want to say a massive thank you for all of the wonderful support you guys have been sharing this series especially in the last episode with my shortcomings and bad luck I really do appreciate the love in the

Form of the comments likes and subscriptions lately of course if you want to continue supporting this series by far the easiest way to show your support is simply by dropping a like hit the Subscribe button and don’t forget to ding that Bell of course if you don’t

Want to miss out on my future content and if you do want to go one further with your support use cod python when ordering any of my Apex gaming PCs for 5% off or for whopping 15% off if you decide to go for some Terraria merch from terrari shop all righty let’s get

Rid of some of these poor saps we’re going to buff on up and we’re going to do this we’re going to start off with the spiky balls and just hope that we do an absolute ridiculous ton of damage I mean literally this is what we’re going

To do this is the way this is the way somehow I need to try and get like a bit of Rhythm here uh ah there’s so much going on it’s kind of ridiculous oh my word why did I not think of doing this before seriously this absolutely is the

Way to go with the ether of world doesn’t it we haven’t even used the grenades yet oh ridiculous ridiculous we just got to make sure we’re not in the vicinity when the grenades go off because they will do damage to us so we got to be super careful of that don’t we

Look at that damage though 6,000 Health remaining make that 5,000 oh Throne weapons how do I always forget about the existence of Throne weapons seriously there is one thing I’m noticing the grenade damage is sort of spread amongst the different sections it’s not doing like 60 damage to each segment it’s doing maybe 60 total damage spread out among a whole bunch of

Segments that’s actually quite a nice balancing feature right there because otherwise I think the grenades might have been quite overpowered hey my friend so yeah anyway way ah come on then we’re going to have this on the back my friends we’re going to have this

In the back oh my goodness me we’re so close 300 health if we could just get this guy to come along come on now come on come up and try and kill me come on I’ll give you a nice sporting chance here come on and ladies and gentlemen

Any second now come on and he is done there we go we got our revenge and I’m feeling pretty good about that right now to pick up all of the goodies that are on the floor we’ll get ourselves back to base upgrade our tools maybe a little

Bit and then uh yeah we’re going to be looking like an absolute Champion yeah there we are we got all of the goodies on us obviously we’ll get ourselves a few more out of the treasure bag here 153 Demonite Ore the worm scarf is going to be particularly useful as

Well ah absolutely fantastic I’m very very happy that we managed to do that and do that well as well I’m CH a bit the worm scarf can go on in place of H I don’t know Tak it off the Horseshoe means we have to contend with fall damage again Shield cthulu mag

Luminesence eh maybe we’ll just keep it in reserve for now up until we maybe get ourselves access to double jump and thus be able to oh I don’t know make ourselves a horseshoe balloon that would be kind of cool to do in today’s episode

Ehy but it’s a goal that relies on RNG I believe although now maybe a different way we could do this is by fishing for a double jump we get ourselves the shark run balloon then we should be pretty much good to go right all righty let’s

Do this thing shall we of course we don’t need to worry about making ourselves Shadow Armor because of course that is a melee set of armor isn’t it wait is it not wait hang on a minute since when did this only give crit chance I thought it

Used to give melee Buffs yeah wa wa wait I need to check the wiki for this one all right very good so it turns out this armor was completely reworked in the 1.4.4 update it’s no longer a melee specific set of armor but more so a Critical Strike chance movement set of

Armor rather similar to The Ninja armor we’ve got here just it’s got more defense and more crit chance it’s basically a direct upgrade to it that is absolutely fantastic and I’m absolutely here for it but unfortunately we have got absolutely nowhere near enough Demonite bars to be able to make

Everything so here’s what I’m going to go and do nightmare Pickaxe we’ll get that going in terms of the axe and the hammer my thinking is we wait for a meteor to strike our world now it can because the E of WS has been taken down

And that is the criteria that and taking down some Shadow orbs and yeah we can make ourselves the meteor hammock right so I figured that’s the way to go now in terms of the Shadow Armor we’ve got 15 bars here 25 so that’s 40 ah already we

Don’t have enough and then a further 20 so we need a grand total of 60 Demonite bars and in terms of the little shadow scales I believe the magic number we’re looking for is 45 so 60 bars 45 scales all right so at the very least we can go

Ahead and make ourselves the helmet and the scale mail all we need to do is get ourselves some more Demonite Ore I wonder if we could get the Demonite Ore we need just sort of naturally say if we were to go down the sort of horizontal section of the corruption here maybe

There’s a whole bunch of Demonite down there and failing all that of course there is one other Shire way of getting ourselves a bunch of Demonite look at it suspicious looking eye what’s the time right now oh we could do this oh this is going to be easy street all right let’s

Take down the AR cthulu son it maybe we can use the spiky balls here as well come on come on you know you want to do it oh look at that he’s taking out all of the servants as well man spiky balls are like the unsung hero for Terraria early game Rangers

Eh I love it I do I absolutely love it the existence of the spiky balls and it’s still doing damage oh my goodness this is so hilarious oh good grief he’s already getting mad and he is done barely even had to move at the end there

There we go 76 Demonite or that should be more than enough of what we need it for 20 bars that’s the magic number 3 * 20 is 60 so yeah we’ve got more than enough there we are going from 14 defense up to 24 that’s an increase of

10 so look at that increased movement speed and acceleration and a grand total of 15% flat increased Critical Strike chance oh look at that I mean I’m just here organizing my inventory and there we have it the meteorite has indeed landed we can now go ahead and get ourselves enough

Meteorite to get ourselves a hammocks yeah ah check it out my friends we can buy the almighty finally the mini shark I mean why would I not do that I mean eventually of course it will be upgraded to become the mega shark so yes this thing definitely will be

Getting some usage if not now then certainly later in fact I’m kind of interested how much does it cost to reforge a Min shark oh my God that is incredibly expensive wow that is some craziness right there 19% crit chance six range damage so that’s six plus seven so so

Long as the enemies don’t have any defense that is a base damage value of what 13 and then if it’s crit then it’s going to be more isn’t it got to love the mini shark my friends one of the alltime great original weapons in this game all right so question where did the

Meteorite right land and more to the point does it even show on the map or do we have to get sort of more nearby it I think we have to get more nearby it I just realized as well we can make meteorite shots can’t we as an alternate

Type of ammo and if my memory is serving me correctly I think that the meteorite shots will not only bounce once but I think they will pierce once as well so you know could wind up being quite handy yeah just shredding the enemies of the night the good old Mini

Shark oh hello there sleeping angler I might actually need you a little bit later maybe I can do a couple quests here and there maybe I can get myself a few little potions and bits of Bobs on that guy all right meet to right not on

The left hand side so let’s go to the right hand side and you know what the dirt fish I think I saw was the quest item maybe we could whip out this worm here and within here there’s a bunch of Fallen Stars I’m sure you guys could put

Two and two together how have I not found the meteorite yet there is only one other place I could think of where it’s landed and that’s got to be a sky island right I mean we are nearly at the edge of the world now what yo are you actually trying to tell

Me that the meteorite landed on a sky island it must have done otherwise where the heck is it like I’m not being stupid right you guys definitely saw that message crop up saying that a meteorite had landed right like I’m not actually being stupid all right let’s see if we can get

Ourselves this dirty fish shall we oh we got it that was easy well I’ll be honest I didn’t think I’d be whipping out my ropes anytime soon but here we are I need to use these to get up to a sky island because I don’t have any graph

Potions left so yeah right I wonder there’s another possibility ah oh sneaky very very sneaky there Terraria burying it in a corruption Chasm that’s how it’s going to be eh all right well at least we found it that’s kind of cool I guess now we need

To pick up a whole bunch of this stuff ah finally I’ve got to the point where there’s no more of those stupid meteorite head dudes spawning in excellent right now I’m just going to pick up the last few straggler bits of meteorite here and then I think we’ll

Just about be good to go this time we really don’t have to worry about the set of armor that comes from this because it’s a mage set of course I wonder I’m still going to pick up this Demonite here and I’m hoping that with this Demonite and pick it up combined with

The Demonite back at base maybe I’ll be able to make myself the fisher of souls fishing rod it will give us a slightly buffed amount of fishing power compared to what we have currently right ancient Shadow Greaves ha that’s pretty cool huh so yeah turns out we

Don’t need the ropes to get up to any Sky Islands uh I still need to see what kind of fishing reward I’m going to get though so I’ll do that in just a minute we seem to be doing a lot of odd jobs at the moment but you know what I am

Totally fine with that only everything we’re doing here is in the pursuit of Epic gear and other bits and blobs so here we are meteorite bars we are able to make ourselves a whopping 107 of them very nice all right and then we’re going to make ourselves a bunch of Demonite

Bars and as a result we can now make the fisher of Souls and here we are with the meteor HX 100% axe power 60% Hammer power and check it out it means that we can free up a hot bar slot and there we have it meteor shots so this does seven

Range damage 90% crit chance this does eight range damage I mean it’s only a one damage increase but it sort of stacks up over time doesn’t it and the fact that this bounces and pierces once I think yeah it makes it pretty good I would say so yeah might be worth always

Keeping a whole bunch of meteorite bars handy so we can refill our meteor shot ammo hey all right fishing quest to be handed in he’s like hiding behind this gal here for some reason but anyways we’ll gloss over that uh we got ourselves a mine cart our first mine

Cart of the series and it comes from fishing you know what just about every Single part of me is saying that what I’m thinking of doing right now is just a terrible idea but you know me I like to go with the terrible ideas and if I

Come out on top then it’s going to be the best feeling in the entire world I am of course talking about Skeletron all right the only thing is we only have about half the night to do it so it’s very possible he may just turn into the dungeon guardian okay boom he’s

Cursed if we could just get ourselves over to to the left hand side here then we have ourselves access to a little bit of land here so you know might not be too bad after all oh why did I decide to do this why why though people why did I

Decide to do this why didn’t you guys stop me from doing this good grief I mean if we manag to somehow get rid of the H oh my God one of the hands is almost death acts before the start I did just see that that is

Hilarious oh no way oh that is hilarious can you imagine if that is the thing that allows me to win this battle that that is just the most brilliant thing in the entire world and clearly this game is just trying to make up for the last episode

Hey ah okay I’ve just realized something I don’t have health potions why do I not have health potions why how is it possible I ran out of health potions though okay right come on come on I mean I feel like we might be able to do this but it’s all about

Time constraints really I would say 10,000 Health to take down before 4:30 a.m. here I don’t know man it could be an interesting one come on come on get rid of that stupid an dude then we can actually start do some bleeding damage there we are

Yeah the classic Mini shark I’m so dead though I’m so dead if I get hit once more I’m dead yep there we go damn it why do I not have health potions I actually would have been able to do that if not for the fact I didn’t have health

Potions I can’t believe I didn’t have health potions of all the things isn’t that like the second time in the series where somehow I don’t have health potions like how is that actually possible I don’t know I don’t know so then yes we can take down skeleton even

With a classic Mini shark there’s just no way we can’t do it aside from if we forget to take health potions and you know have maybe a campfire down or something we didn’t even have Buffs on that’s how crazy that was see the thing is if we do manage to take down

Skeletron then what that means is we can start grinding out for the beauty that is necro armor which is indeed a proper Ranger set so yeah that may have been one of the possible reasons I might have wanted to go for Skeletron there but you

Know it is what it is I mean to be fair I did way better than I thought I would but I think most of that was attributed to the fact that uh falling star what weakened his hand Health you know so then a fresh new daytime is about to

Roll around I guess what we can do is I don’t know maybe I might put up a platform or two maybe some campfires you know the sort of traditional stuff that we do with our boss Arenas and then yeah we should be pretty much good to go I

Just realized I don’t even have 400 Health that is so crazy oh okay my friends let’s get this thing under away shall we I just realized something else we could have probably done with putting the worm scarf on you know taking way less damage that’s probably a good thing right all

Right the old man is back I have a little bit of an arena set down now we have health potions and we have our worb scarf on if that doesn’t secure us a guaranteed Victory against Skeletron this next night then I simply don’t know what will all righty ladies and

Gentlemen Mushroom Man versus Skeletron buffing up and cursing oh Snappers right more than anything we need to get ourselves over to our arena there we are all right ladies and Gentlemen let’s freaking do this thing shall we go on and do you little spinny spin right

Let’s try and focus down the arms shall we my friendos yeah yeah at least we actually have ourselves some health potions this time oh come on that was so close that Fallen star so close hey there we are time to start doing some damage my friends lots and lots of

Damage look at all those skulls though jeez they’re everywhere all right come on side to side to side to side seems to be the way to do this if I’m being honest with you my friends yeah when this guy does a spinny attack his defense literally decreases to zero so

We can do maximized damage with our beautiful mini shark and beautiful I think is just the word cuz this thing is still tearing this guy a new one yeah look at it 7,000 tal I mean come on the OG mini Shar it’s still as great as

Ever isn’t it I absolutely am in love with it I mean don’t get me wrong there’s probably better weapons to do this with but I mean it’s the mini shark I love the mini shark it’s such a great weapon oh God wait our ammo count uh-oh uh ladies and gentlemen we’re in trouble

Here uh maybe I could slow this down a little bit maybe I could slow down our ammo consumption by maybe whipping out the musket here I mean I don’t know I don’t know about the damage output between the musket versus the mini shark but it’s got to be fairly close you got

Fast shooting low damage versus high damage low shooting you know o you know what I think it might be time let’s put down some of these bad boys shall we [Applause] yeah yeah yeah this is how we’re going to roll my friends okay come on come on

When he does a spinny phase that’s when we we can do some damage here come on come on come on come on spinny spinny spinny yeah come on get on it buddy get on it oh my God this is so close are we going

To run out of ammo oh I don’t know 500 health this is looking really close Okay 30 bullets left now we’ve got this oh 27 bullets remaining 27 we got chippy’s couch as well oh absolutely beautiful that’s going to go right out here ah fantastic absolutely fantastic I wasn’t actually intending on

Taking down Skeletron today that was not on my list of objectives I wanted to do today but we did it what else could I say other than thank you so much for watching if you guys have enjoyed today’s action-packed amazing episode do be sure to head down beneath the video

And spend a second to drop a like I mean come on the Eater of Worlds and Skeletron in one fell through that’s surely got to deserve a like beneath the video hit the Subscribe button and don’t forget to ding that Bell if you don’t want to miss out on my future content

But next episode it’s necro armor time I’m so looking forward to that but yeah for now thank you so much for watching I really do hope you guys have a fantastic rest of your day thanks for all of your fantastic lovely continued support throughout this series I really

Appreciate it but yeah have a great rest and I’ll see you guys in the next one bye-bye

Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide – The Minishark… even after all these years, still remains a very viable weapon for any Terraria Ranger! That and spiky balls and grenades of course!
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This is Episode 4 of my Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide on Terraria 1.4.4!
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  1. Something important to know: Each world will have at least three sky islands with chests, and three of them will always have the starfury, shiny red balloon, and lucky horseshoe in them, so it isn't rng dependent

  2. Well I never, I always throw the spiky balls in to a container and forget them now after I seeing this I think I need to add them to the weapons to use list.

  3. If you can get your hands on a Shark tooth necklace it makes the mini shark significantly better, having tungsten or silver bullets greatly improves damage too

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