Minecraft but it’s One Realistic Block

Ah shoot looks like we’ve been one blocked again oh my gosh where’s my face dude all right mr one block what did you do with my realism goodness that’s what a stick looks like okay what is this coal i gotta make some upgrades dude this is just embarrassing what else you

Got oh i got some oak planks hey that’s nice build out a little platform here gosh i gotta get some realistic upgrades as fast as i can there we go hey tutorial blog hey you could right-click me at any time i know i know and you

Help me do stuff or whatever everyone in the comments bow down to our king king what happened to our realism dude you should mind the one block to get more resources we must make this world more realistic all right king tut whatever you say oh hey look at that i got some

Cobblestone it looks like thanks king tut for your gift of cobble i got a realistic tutorial pickaxe can mine any block hit mine the subscribe button okay sorry even mine what the heck is that it’s a circle a realism absorb right click to absorb realism oh it makes the

World a little more realistic okay yeah two by two textures i don’t have a face yet but at least i got my golden cufflink look at the torch man it looks like a pikachu did our one block upgrade as well what the heck is that coal oh my

Gosh that’s not a piece of coal it’s a village block yeah okay it’s going oh my god holy guacamole dude i’m in a village now at least are one block still alive hello boys i’ve been alone for so long i’ve been like 12 minutes dude i naruto

Run now mr king tut what should i do for you next you’ll need to help realistically improve the village village well needs some water well well well looks like i gotta not only make the blocks more realistic but i gotta make the world more realistic how that

Do i realistically get water usually in a well you gotta like dig down to find water right please don’t fall into lava hey well i completed the challenge apparently the stalactites didn’t get the update about the realism i completed your challenge my guy keep mine in the one block

The round ball of justice oh nice i got eyeballs now that’s cool okay so if i do realistic stuff the world gets more realistic i get it i get it now my torches actually look normal oh god villagers look a little odd what’s next okay i’ll keep mine in the one block oh

I got wood now at least i’m no longer getting dirt so i think the one block also upgrades as well one day my beautiful dirt block you will poop me out diamond oh that’s new got ourselves a cave block my tk violet show me what

You got what the heck where did it go oh it must have expanded the cave down here there’s a man down here hello sir what’s up buddy boy hey hey you people have been saying that my mind isn’t profitable i need you to help me prove that it’s profitable okay well uh happy

To help i guess new objectives venture into the mind well before i go there i might need to make myself a sword i shall battle the mobs and smack them in their faces alright dude i’ll go check if your mind is profitable or whatever gosh there’s a lot of mobs down here hey

I did say i wanted to fight things so i’m not disappointed back you derpy looking zombie boy you didn’t say there were scary boys down here profit i get it you want a profit find any gold yet oh god well i found some coal you want some coal dude no all

Right i am one hit from death i gotta be very careful hey found some iron that’s profitable right all right hey found myself some gold that’s got to be profitable right hey return to the minor with what you found well i found a lot of arrows in my face

Goodness guacamole might as well grab all this huh this wasn’t hard to find this guy’s a miner it didn’t walk down in the cave for 10 seconds here you go my good man yes thank you that’s exactly what i needed now people will take my mind seriously thank you so very much

I’ll never forget what you’ve done for me okay well that that was weird i helped the minor at least so that’s good oh man i could use some food all i’ve got is rotten flesh right now and our little tutorial block has given me i thought it was gonna give me like a

Wooden block or something before we make that upgrade i guess i should probably use my hay bale oh thanks dude got myself an achievement don’t walk off the edge be very careful r.i.p dumb jim the og’s know who dumb jim is oh there actually is a full farm here fantastic

Looks like i got my food situation figured out and before we delay too long let’s make ourselves a realism upgrade let’s do it normal textures and more it says oh and finally i look like myself ragdoll physics there’s only one way to test this i’m just kidding wait if i

Break blocks oh my gosh i gotta be careful of falling rocks now he’s looking at me like hey can you stop breaking our town please gosh the one block is gonna go nuts dude look at it how does that one block fit so much stuff in it dude although it does look

Like i have some upgrades i got full logs now sir can you not stand so close all right all right i’ll fix your house or whatever goodness guacamole i don’t know why i’m saying that so much can that be our new catchphrase everybody comment down below goodness guacamole

Hey look at that i got leather armor now too come on block give me some pants dude this is embarrassing don’t judge me it’s not my fault all right i got seven pairs of boots but no pants it’s whatever i’m crafty but now i’m drafty time for some more cows and sheep what

Sound does a car make beep beep beep i’m gonna gather a couple of these wheats here and make myself a nice uh 21 pieces of food feels good to have a full belly my dude and if we need more wheat for the cows i could always get it from our

Farm what are you guys plotting over there stop making fun of me over there guys run away there with the naruto run i am hunkering for some protein though gosh the ragdoll physics make me feel worse than i already do my inventory was getting kind of messy and since i’ll be

Here for a while figured i’d set up shop in one of the houses for now i mined the one block for a while and found out that even swapping items to the offhand is realistic i don’t know it’s funny i got myself full iron and built my good old

Otto smelter frank i do love you frank i don’t have a whole lot of raw iron but he’s doing a great job we got something new oh it’s a little tiny house town block oh guys we might be getting some new town folks let’s oh my word friends meet new friends

Please don’t kill each other okay what’s up boys man i’ll be honest with you guys these houses certainly look uh interesting i wonder if the more progress we make the more upgraded the houses are gonna get and then eventually we’ll be living in the future oh there’s

Coal for emeralds if we can get a coal smite iron swords very cool well these guys have some pretty decent trades honestly i’m excited to pursue some of those i cannot take myself seriously with the naruto run oh you look new you guys mingling okay you guys are standing

Way too close to me i am not your master just kidding i am your king king crafty everyone bow down and you hit that like button speaking of king hey mr king this town is gonna be attacked soon cause that’s realistic oh you need to arm the

Towns people oh gosh sir yes sir i know that it looks peaceful and fun you don’t help me you’re gonna die i’m glad i made these chests earlier i got a bunch of stone swords and i also have a bunch of leather armor gentlemen the town’s going

To be raided you were once a farmer but now you must fight for your way to go guys can you focus up here all right all right take this yes okay we armed one of them oh my gosh he turned like a ninja warrior and you take this everyone gets

Ready for battle yeah yeah okay i need a couple more swords here four swords please oh my gosh what the heck settlers wall oh i see it’s something i can place down to create a fortified wall around the village that’s kind of neat it’s ready what are you doing are you

Standing on his nose anyways fortification wall oh heck yeah man now we’re talking all right one more villager everybody is armed you should see what the tutorial block has to say i have a feeling it’s not gonna be good news mr frank we’re getting rated okay

So uh let’s get your angry eyes out that’s the best i got for an angry face give me the bad news dude reach out just in time too here they come i figured as much boys get ready get ready for action take this off the void you go yes get

Him dude you guys are crushing it get him watch my six gentlemen be careful go fall off the end we lost one ah dang it dude we will always remember jared jeremy jeremiah what was his name again ernest well i was close we will always remember you brave warrior i am so

Narrow to rock i am mourning the loss of our warrior kingdom we saved the village great job defending the village ah feels good to be honored by the king you should keep mining the one block i’m not gonna be rewarded or anything all right whatever i’ve been rewarded got myself a

Realism absorber alright let’s see what’s next realistic mob okay villagers are normal that’s good oh my yeah you guys look quite realistic i like your snoop all righty mr one block oh i thought it was a bucket that’s not a bucket it’s a stone upgrade oh i see i see so this is

Like the wood dirt upgrade then we do the stone upgrade and eventually we shall go to mars let’s see what we’ve got here dude where are you going where are you going oh my goodness that looks awesome look at this dude we have like our own medieval castle or something

They have bed they have dead flowers this place is amazing so i assume the more we upgrade the more advanced our village is gonna get well king tut what do you need my dude now that the town is realistic winter is making people sick what what gather the resources for the

Cure and help the doctor well i gotta help a doctor i guess hey doc you in here oh my goodness look at these sick people hi doc don’t worry my boy i’ll get you the stuff that you need i gotta get a snow block so i can shovel some oh

Wow that’s satisfying goodness i like that a lot be gone cold you’re causing people to be sick hey snow block obtain some of these are gonna be harder though how the heck do i get a diamond dude unless my one block upgraded hold on let’s check that out shall we there’s

Some stone we got hey melon i need some melon to get myself melon seed question is can i get old sweet okay oh easy dude what the heck is that looks like i can make myself an omelet oh no never mind it’s a wolf spawning

I was ready for a cute wolf dude that guy is terrified all right i’m still looking for a diamond yeah yes we got a pumpkin and i shall turn pumpkin into seeds boom baby we did it all right doctor i’m coming my boy hello got what

You need my boy we’ll take those and make the cure real quick oh you can just do that save these innocent okay he just yeted the cure at him oh nice they’re cured and covered in broken glass my favorite kind of hospital i got myself an upgrade better physics what happens

If i punch you whoa it turns into two look at it man it just falls to the ground that’s kind of neat it has like actual gravity oh this is cool man look i can push leaves around and stuff wait what happens if i put down sand what the

Heck hello well we still do have some more realism to go and hold on i got myself cat and wolf spawning oh my goodness it no longer looks like a cute puppy this looks like a ravenous wolf dude but he is still kind of cute he

Like tilts his head all sideways i love when things tilt their heads sideways out so i decided to give the villagers some kittens to snuggle and some wolves to uh be terrified of i also decided to get a puppy of my very own which thankfully the villagers did not try to

Kill no no i tried to get a name tag but the villager that gives name tags was turned into a warrior and apparently no longer trades anymore i named the dog poncho anyways i also bred some more of those realistic animals i then got some of the

Grass blocks from the one block i got earlier to fill in the holes in the island falling from the sky is not realistic oh man this place is really starting to look like a whole civilization dude oh and of course i had to fix frank’s angry face sorry frank

All right i guess it’s time to hop into the one block here hey look at that it’s a library looking at holy guacamole dude they’re not great enchantments but goodness nice job we really are making some upgrades oh my word looks like we got ourselves a school block an entire

School well that does make sense i was getting myself a bunch of books which i hold realistically that’s cool man and i got some bookshelves so i guess it seems fitting hope i also oh where’d it go if you wish upon a crafty whoa we have school why is no one cheering

Hello guys we gotta advance our civilization it’s for the betterment of everyone well i guess it is realistic everyone’s trying to dodge school so i guess it’ll have to be me going this time oh this is cool man all right before i go in it’s like a dentist you

Got to brush your teeth a bunch before you go just got to read all these books before i go into class yo what up teach can i sit down oh i can sit down only the bride is mine blah blah blah can we skip past all this

Take the quiz oh gosh i should have been paying attention oh gosh i did oh gosh what does this mean the molecular weight of glucose what the heck is glucose man is it when you close the glue lid okay okay we’re fine focus up here we’re just

Gonna make an estimated guess of twelve point five per gram square inch ah that can’t be right okay okay question question two spherical balloon what happens if i get them wrong okay we’re just gonna we’re gonna say this one is pineapple nope that can’t be right question three history recite

Plato’s poetics cannot write poetry because pluto is not a planet done okay please please be right don’t fail me wow you answered all the questions but are they correct i have no idea education isn’t quite that advanced yet you have no idea yeah but he did give me a

Realism absorber thanks buddy hey that gave us a realistic animation upgrade is it night time dude how long was i in school man zombie what are you doing here dude oh look at him walk around your nice animated movement how cute wait a minute no no no no

That’s a lot of zombies oh there’s a lot of zombies all right villagers get inside zombies our village’s worst nightmare get inside for the sake of civilization yeah dude how they fall apart though is kind of satisfying i’m not going to lie okay i think that was

All of them tutorial block what happened man the last of the zombies and other mobs have been removed from the world the world is getting more realistic heck yeah man did i just cure the world of zombie all right tutorial block i took that quiz what’s next good job taking

That quiz you want to guess what you should do next uh probably subscribe right mind the one block what do you got for me now gold gold dude i’m out of your mind in full blocks ago are you gold yellow concrete how dare you so clearly our one block has made some

Upgrades holy cow a city block yeah we’re upgrading boy i shall place the city right next to the school okay well i tried whoa dude hello business boy a guy with low and green stuff on him either he’s got a task or he smells really bad what’s up

Dude would you mind assisting my team and i with our latest invention i’m happy too man i have to work on various machines to get their parts ready if you do a good enough job we’ll even let you test the thing hey all right right click

Smell raw alloy goodness i might be over my head there is green stuff to follow i like following green stuff the chest that must be my mission hey there it is raw special alloy it gave us yes that’s what i need to do what do i do with oh

Wait wait i can smell the alloy here right all right i smelt the alloy i’m crushing it don’t worry boys you trusted the right man for the job honestly i have no idea what i’m doing hey there’s a section up here and then there’s two areas i put you here okay that did

Nothing well i can put it in this hopper here and then the energizer is not power gotta go find some power power okay probably shouldn’t hit random buttons that i see hey that’s a button i can smack yeah dude look at this man it’s moving it’s moving the gears are

Turning okay now that the gears are turned on boom baby oh gosh what did i do the dispenser dispensed it got myself some energized special alloying hey buddy i got this for you i made it myself and i only broke five things in the process thanks for your help you’ve

Completed the realistic industrial the realistic industrial suit why don’t i give it a try yes yes yes yes yeah dude oh my goodness dude look at me i am industrial crafty gosh man what am i made out of bow down to me hey villagers

Check it out dude i got a new suit look at how small they are now i’m able to lift heavy objects when worn do i get myself a yes i do let’s go hey we got shaders dude goodness the world is beautiful i mean it always was beautiful

With you in it king tut but it’s a whole new batch of beautiful now look at the way the sun reflects off the leaves i break blocks beautifully i squat beautifully i pet pancho beautifully i stare at the sun pewter all right all right back to mining the

One block we go get a bunch of diamonds now that’s nice making upgrades excuse me i’m mining here thank you oh whoa we got a business block we already have our industrial block i guess our business is a whole different thing look at him staring off into the distance one day

Businesses will be here how about today my boy oh my word magnificent we got a city dude check this out there’s a secret entrance just for me but never mind i think it’s just the sewer gosh it’s a little spooky in here i’m underneath the city itself i hope i

Discover some secret ninja turtles found a ledar look at me i climbed the ladder all realistically too hello city hello new village folks look at this man it’s a fully flushed out business we have elevators we have broken elevators oh it looks like this building might need some help

Hello sir uh this guy’s apparently been working here his whole life whoever can assemble my office building for me can be the ceo of the entire company you’re telling me i can be your cheese eating ostrich all right all right all right i’ll build your office my dude how do i

Do that right click to interact assemble you must be in the real oh oh time for haha now i shall assemble you so it looks like my suits come in handy right about now can’t quite fit up the stairs though assemble oh this feels good man look at

This world we’re building together robot crafting coming to build that was cool i like how it all exploded all right do i get to be your cheese eating ostrich or whatever you’ve done it great work good good good now you’re the ceo i’m off to my yacht okay apparently ceo stands for something

Else he gave me a ceo’s gold card oh all right money makes things happen it says requires gold to work all right so i guess uh hold on let me uh there we go i do have some gold from the one block from earlier not sure where to use our

Ceo gold card could i use this on villagers no okay i just flexed on him i’m like yo check out my credit card i’m a ceo well that was close hi boys how are you doesn’t work on you no their prices are still the same well we’ll keep this

Handy for now i have a feeling it’s gonna come up pretty soon there’s a ball hd textures look at our textures now oh my goodness oh wow frank you look so different dude you’ve made an upgrade proud of you buddy boy all right king tut what’s next

My dude the villagers are gonna need to get even smarter i mean they already have a school with a teacher who doesn’t know the answers so what more could they need oh man it’s gonna be hard to even tell what kind of blocks i’m getting

From the one block now is that a golden apple it is dude it’s so hard to tell what the heck is that blob is that a book dude oh my goodness ooh i do have some blocks of iron there you go boys got ourselves a golem even as eyebrows

Oh i’m angry again i’m confused now i even have like a pillow and a mattress cover now it’s made of space probably should get some more gold oh i already got an upgrade we got a university block king dutt that must have been what you were talking about huh dude hey hey

We started with this measly school and look at us now we’re in so much debt good thing i got my gold card hello beautiful university gosh not so beautiful what’s going on over here boys you’re not done building it yet right click to purchase construction labor oh

I gotta pay for it don’t mind if i do there we go let’s just pay for everything just using credit for all the hard expenses just like college mario block what are you doing that’s kind of cool it’s a choker box i have no idea how much this costs man i

Could owe like 70 000 diamonds at this point i’m just standing at the one block for 40 years oh wait that is pretty realistic actually i got one more i’m looking for yeah university is built looks good welcome to the university here we learn about a circle because circles are different

Than squares got a little dorms and everything our society is advancing you’re a welcome society tutorial blog check it out dude now the villagers are gonna study hard and make the world even more realistic all right what’s that getting ourselves got ourselves a nice old realism upgrade back to the over

World did i do it did i make the world realistic enough tutorial block said looks like the villagers are going to make realism upgrades on their own ah i’m proud of my little buddies proud of the hard work wait a minute ah shoot i left tutorial blog don’t worry buddy i’m coming up

Playing Minecraft while there’s One Realistic Block brings a whole new challenge to the game!

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Welcome to Craftee where we take on different challenges and play Minecraft but strange things always happen. Today we’re playing Minecraft but it’s One Realistic Block! Let us know which part was your favorites and remember to drop your ideas in the comments for future videos that we can make!

Minecraft but it’s One Realistic Block

#Minecraft #But #block


🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
All music used with permission from its creator.


  1. This is the first video of you I ever watched and since then I am such a big fan and I always watch it to remind me of that day when I watched the video and also I started saying goodness guacamole for forever

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