I Built The ULTIMATE BUNDLE FARM In Hardcore Minecraft 1.21! (#7)

Good morning good morning gosh it feels good to be back in the world small bird doesn’t it new little wlon your mayor has returned I’ve been gone away for just a little bit of time now I have the holiday break you know how it goes oh oh please please

Don’t get mad don’t get mad I’m back Hardcore Minecraft 100 days in 1.21 it’s been so long since I’ve been in the world I took a minute away from this for the whole holidays for the festivities of the Season my birthday they there’s a little bit of stuff that I feel like we

Should do right off the bat to get this world back in good shape including this little farm over here let’s clean it Up and that’s it that’s all that I feel like doing now real quick before we get too far into today’s episode a quick thank you for today’s video sponsor the bundle Minecraft’s latest and greatest inventory invention also definitely not something that’s been upcoming for literally 3 years now this is going to

Be the third year this thing was promised to us maybe actually fourth if you want to count Minecraft live yeah it’s been 4 years the bundle has been 4 years and oh baby today we’re going to make a farm for it I can’t wait please kindly give that like button a firm and

Solid tap and let’s go H so over the break while I was away sweet to Bird friend I forgot your name oh no uh this is you know how it goes I took a little bit of a break from the hardcore world over the holiday is I was really hoping

That maybe there would be like magically some kind of snapshot that dropped right before I came back to this world that actually implements like something cool with the trial Chambers maybe like a good loot or something alas however sorrowfully and shamefully we are in the position that we’re positioned in

Currently here today there is nothing cool wait wait wa I take it back I take it back there is something very cool inside of the snapshots the armadilo is beautiful but seeing as we just explored in the last episode I’m kind of ready to crack down into some kind of Farm over

Here back over at the base that’s why today I was thinking maybe a bundle might be the perfect invention to to uh you know give the devs a little bit of time so they can actually update the trial Chambers and give the breeze something worthwhile but at the least at the Bears

Of the bare minimum will be able to set up a bundle Farm easily quickly efficiently and actually be able to rake in every single profit from The Trial Chambers and not have to leave a single thing behind bundle Farm bundle Farm to Farm Sweet smle bundle I’ve been

Thinking about the things that we may need to set a farm up for and there is not one but actually two separate things I was thinking you you despicable disgusting waste of life that you are aha there’s another one I was thinking that we could maybe set up a cave spider

Farm for our twoin one beautiful bundle multiarm string will be ingredient number one that we’re going to need to have a farm for however I feel like probably realistically before I do any of that I should probably take a quick look around at the area around us and

See if we maybe have aha anything oh another one over there oh these M shafts are beautiful my friend I love them so much realistically though I mean I guess I just really need a spider SP and a spider SP it’s what I got baby 3 2 1 it’s time lapse

Time holidays holidays H I know it’s in January now but this is like the first episode of the series back that I’m recording since after the holidays how were your holidays did they go as your dreams dream did they well look that’s the only reality that we’re going to

Have here I hope your holidays went exactly specifically as your dreams dreamed that cool new Lego Porsche set that you wanted well I got that for my birthday I got that it was amazing that brand new guitar and for those guitar tunes and aesthetic Vibes that I like to

Play from time to time specifically for my cat doy all in all my holidays were so nice I took like probably the longest amount of of time that I’ve taken off of like content creation since I’ve literally started doing daily uploading like four or five years ago it helped me

Feel like super Reen well I’ll tell you it didn’t help me learn how to speak English any better but it did help me learn how to feel a little bit more like relaxed energized revitalized for this new year the series and really everything to come I’ve got a new vision

We’re going to build this bundle Farm today then after we set up the bundle Farm which I think will be really really easy maybe we’ll either said back out in search of a brand new armadillo and farm those things up too or maybe it’s time to find a trial chamber first over my

Time off from the craft recording videos everything like that I had extra time on my hands so I knew exactly what to do it was horror game time horror game time and even more horror game time I played insomnic that was on my like intrigued

To-do list for a while it was okay game then I played Madison I loved that one that was so good and terrifying really really good game then after that I don’t back into layers of fear except like this is like the original version but then also like the newer versions as

Well I had finished the original one like years ago and it stck with me I just love it it’s kind of like almost borderline too sad for me though but I love it it’s still a nice game no matter what but yeah so that’s what I basically

Been up to doing how was your holiday let me know about it down below what did you do do you like horror games in general do you have recommendation for me next up call it all down below and let’s get back to what this beautiful had the handsome one was building and it

Looks like he made some progress so uh clearly my raw inade challenge my eye for beautiful builds has not left me since I stopped playing this game this room I got a combination a varied variation of everything here I found a little bit of granite while I

Was digging this room out so I decided hey why not make some of the walls Granite it’s like an earthy warm feel I found Di and I hate that block I don’t want it in my inventory so I decided to you know slap it back on the wall so I’m

Not holding it or anything like that little bit of antide in here to like the iconic Trio Tiny Stone Cobblestone PLS and I mean look gosh you don’t got to you don’t got to flatter me so much I know it’s beautiful water butter water butter I love a cave spider farm because

They are one of the easiest Farms to make by far like there’s no elevators or nothing like that you really just dump the water down and move the spiders over to the front of the room ah even a fool could do it even a fool who seemingly thinks

That’s a looking build could pull it off but the only problem here that I’m having right now is a little bit of water you see I don’t really want to go all the way back up to the surface to find one single bucket of water I definitely hear flowing water but I feel

Like that’s a good chance that’s literally the uh the the water I placed ahot water guarded by the skeleton so I thought I could do it I knew in my wildest dreams if I was the termin I’d be able to find a tiny bit of water

Inside of this Cave System tiny bit of water you come back with me and Cave System I hate you I will never be back over to you and so would you take a look at that just like that I’m the proud owner of not only one water bucket but actually

An infinite amount of water buckets all at the same time with two water sources place right there like that I think very easily I’m going to be able to move all of the spiders over to this side of the room and then set up a simple little

Area where I can take the spiders out aesthetically here for this build I don’t care about it that much I kind of hate to break the news but I just want a a simple spider farm you know I feel like this giant Central room right here that I’m hearing spiders suspiciously

All around from might be actually like hiky the perfect spot to set up almost like a miniature base camp maybe to get ease of aess for the spider farm I’ll try and set up a staircase going right out of this room or right into it when it comes to iron I’m not exactly

Thriving at least not down here right now when it comes to beautiful M shafty looking wood blocks oh I got it I got it good I think I need to actually maybe set it up a little bit differently than how I set it up before but yeah I got it

I think if we turn the staircases like that maybe experience will maybe it’ll reach me look I don’t know you know what actually let me try something a little bit different I don’t know if this is going to work a little bit of farm science right here but maybe

If I leave this hole right there uh the experience will like flow right against this flat edge of the staircases and flow out that hole is definitely way too small for the poison spider so I think it’ll probably be fine if I like trap doors right there and slabs right up

Here I think that should trap literally every spider there’s only one way to find out hopper Hopper I think if I put one hopper right there all of the items should be funneled into that Hopper so that should be good then like I was saying the slabs all over this spot

Right here this might be a little bit on the shallow side for this part of the farm but with that essentially all there’s left to do is place a couple trap doors right there that looks like it should be good move into here and quickly quickly we removing very quickly

Champions is a race against the clock here as soon as I start to take out all these Tores as soon as I do with the second it happens spiders they pop into existence me though oh I’m too quick and Nimble I’m gone and out of here the spider quickly moves over here it

Attempts to get me but y you poor fool you poor fool you know not what you do and if I stand oh I just right here live on camera improved the spider farm the design is better and more efficient than ever I think that’s going to be beautiful oh

That’s going to be beautiful but also that’s going to be a little bit ugly looking to me right now to be honest real quick right here before I ditch and abandon this thing well not really ditch and abandon but move away from it to do

The other Farm we need to do I need to spice it up a little bit now in order to do our little bit of spicing down here I went ahead and brought over a bunch of bamboo planks but I have decided already that I’m going to actually change my

Plan completely because this room over here it’s not really like right on top of the spider thing I might be better off just carving out a small singular room over here here that I could like manage a little bit better make it look like decently okay I mean look you know

How it goes maybe make it look like at least slightly better I could like open this up and that could be really cool looking almost like a fireplace except just spiders this time look what I’m saying here is you give me 3 more seconds exactly and I might be able to

Cook something up oh boy and so just a tiny bit of time later and you’re not going to believe what I’ve cooked up lades it’s beautiful looking take a seat a sneaky view of the spider spawner itself and check overflowing obnoxious spiders that are worthless check a bed

For rest yeah you been a moody yellow stripe because why the flip not an easy Inn out to the whole M shaft and most importantly of all a much improved reinvented spider farm this beauty is a literal beautiful Beauty all I need to do is stand over here Out Of Reach of

The spiders and swing at them I take them all out it’s no problem it’s relatively quick then I stand over here get close to the staircase the spiders can’t see me they can’t get me and just like this I soar all the way way up to level

Thir a come on I thought I piled him up level 30 for the first time I thought oh man it was going to be a beautiful moment anyways this thing seems to pick up all the drops too which is pretty beautiful I really like how this thing

Turned out I mean it’s simple it’s quaint and small but it’s also like exactly what I needed inside of this room got a little bit of simple archw workk going on up there I think it looks nice and all in all the simple small perfect I’ll put it on the to-do list

Once I have a little bit of carpet I’ll come back in here put a line of that and that’ll look really really good now last but not least for this little part of the farm here today what I need to do is build an easy way in and out easy way in

And out I would love a bubble column but that’s like big expensive energy instead what I was kind of thinking is maybe I’ll just make a ladder going from the farm right over there on that wall all the way back up to the surface after all

After all how hard could it be it’s a straight line in a straight direction we’re underneath the desert it can’t take too long right hey maybe along the way I could find a little a little bit more coal too I could always use more coal hey wait I I didn’t even click I

Didn’t even click I was about to take a sip of water oh level 30 baby it’s all up from here and now uh the sand is going to drop on me consistently and persistently please just go away come on I already finished the job come

On just like that I have finished it oh no flipping way oh oh no flipping way it’s right underneath the town too oh that’s crazy oh well put it on the to-do list we’re going to come back over and and build a proper building for that I

Didn’t even know that I thought I was million trillion miles away oh this is the best day of my life I I love my life all righty so for operation Farm the bundle phase number one is now solidly and fully complete even better from phase number one I have

So much more bamboo than I was planning on having I don’t know what I was thinking um I I guess initially was planning on building a green spider farm that would have that would have been a farm of all time oh my I must have left

You to fight the nighttime to fight the night time alone I’m sorry sir friend I salute you physically saluting you in real life right now I don’t know if you could see it I salute you we your duties thank you I hope none of our poor souls

Have been lost and defeated Oh no you’re looking a little lonely no okay well you’re all good the important ones are there but why is there only one villager two villagers in my town oh this used to be bustling with life H I might be missing some anyways

Rabbits I know somewhere Yes somewhere right around here I have a little bit of carrots first things first we’re going to need to harvest the carrots that I have second thing second find a plot of land uh maybe this spot right here this might be fine it’s time for the green

Wood the green logs themselves are going to come out here what I was thinking is maybe a raised up platform I’ve never really actually done a proper rabbit farm but maybe like a like a raised up platform or something like that then I could have like I don’t know like a pit

In there the rabbits like to stand on yellow they said so maybe they could stand on like yellow blocks and then somewhere attached to this Farm I was thinking maybe a carrot Farm as well feel like that might be a nice thing to have nearby already and initially after

Placing like three blocks down my indecisiveness got to me or should I say decisiveness immediately I decided no no no no it’s not time for a shift in the shape I think maybe a better shape for this Farm it might be extending down this way the yellow will still be the

Rabbit’s ground that’ll be pretty cool then maybe around the side of this Farm I will build it up a little bit with like a block I don’t care about stay same after that once one has built said Farm up substantially will come back in with even more green blocks green blocks

With the rabbits I mean I don’t know I feel like it just kind of makes sense for the vibe after after that because rabbits can’t really jump up too high maybe what I do is I come in with a little bit of dirt I’m looks like I’m

Going to need to go out and scavenge scour a little bit more dirt than I have right now but maybe like a ring of dirt around this Farm I’ll of course have to incorporate water into the farm somehow as well oh that is tragic I thought I heard

That um well that’s great that’s one last rabbit nearby for me to find I’m not nervous about that all right so here we out here but this is what I was thinking maybe in the corner of this Farm every corner we could do a little bit of water I think by my

Calculation just should be able to hydrate every single Farmland block inside of this Farm every single Farmland block inside of this Farm is going to be dirt every single piece of dirt all over the thing there should be more than enough carrots bundle production bundle production I don’t

Know exactly how much bundles I will need but maybe we’ll do a lad so we can get up and down with the ladder right there I think I’ll easily be able to yeah jump in and out but the rabbits they probably shouldn’t be able to I

Hope I think and speaking of the rabbits the rabbits the rabbits with a little bit of carrots in hand it’s time we set out on an adventure I really hope gosh that I could find some rabbits please not all I’ve jumped off of a cliff I need to find rabbits literally anywhere come

On rabbit oh I almost missed you you’re tiny rabbit friend poor sweet wonderful friend come with me I’m going to give you a great and Beautiful Life your great and beautiful life is just going to be like right over this way past like someone my most beautiful Farms that I

Built in this world we’re just going to go ahead and maybe hop right through the bamboo keep following me I need you to to maintain life okay I just maintain life for a little bit and come with me little buddy right this way the rabbit is a sweet creature a very very adorable

Timid small creature that will live inside of that hole forever I’m sorry buddy look I really hate to do it I don’t like to be that guy but I am that guy uh you’re going to live in that hole now before I go off and go too far away

Just in case it’s not that I don’t trust you or nothing like like that I I fully trust you every single ounce of me trust you but I’m going to go ahead and put some fences on this you see I figured just in case just to be safe with a

Couple fences all around this thing and the rabbits down there bouncing around fruitfully that should probably be good forever hopefully all righty so for rabbit number two I figured maybe instead of going in that same direction that really didn’t work out very well we’ll go ahead and go in a different

Direction hopefully I see you already if I had op thei I would Zoom right in on your little tiny bound big bouncing ears I love you so much oh oh this is awkward I’m not found but one but two wild rabbits right here two of them oh you’re

Going to love where I’m going to take you literally you’re going to love it oh come with me come on buddies come on all right so a little bit of time later painfully and not only does rabbit model need to be updated it’s so out ofd looking but also their AI is terrible

They are like one of these least smart things in all time not very bright at all let’s see if you go oh yeah mm yeah what I say not very bright at all okay rabbit number one rabbit number two make the baby that’s going to go good and do

Its thing then in the meantime I’m going to go ahead and plant these carrots all that I really need to do is wait for the carrots to be able to grow up a little bit higher wait for the rabbit friends inside of the pen to grow up a little

Bit faster and then you know basically repeat the process take the rabbits breed the rabbits and then eventually end up with sweet sweet rabbit H after that all just a little bit of time there is sweet sweet bundle time okay maybe second smartest idea maybe the smartest idea would would have

Been to bring like carrots with me or something so I can hit these guys but maybe what I could do in search of five total rabbit hide is run around inside of the desert over here and take out some of the wild population of course of course you know how Minecraft mob

Spawning will work naturally if I take these rabbits out the game will just just inherently refill the rabbit population in the wild as long as I find these rabbits and they’re stuck on the blocks and can’t jump like the genius as they are if they just keep that kind of

Smart moves up I’ll have the rabbit hide that I need all of it for the first bundle and a lucky foot too in no time so I think it’s a five I think I said five but I think I meant to say six I think it’s six rabbit hide for the first

Bundle I’m remembering that correctly please friend come back here really quick I just need your help I’m not going to hurt you I’m not going to hurt you I promise if I can ever hit this rabbit just one little smack one quick Little Slice buddy come on please come

Back here you’re so annoying I really hate you I I hate you you deserve it I I’m pretty sure that’s a recipe and I think we’re good now let’s go back home back over at home sweet home headed down to the deepest depths of the newest Farm all right second newest second newest

Farm at it over at our base if I grab a little bit of string throw that in the inventory slide over to here he can do it he can absolutely and wholeheartedly do the do the Bundle crying it’s all blue and I’m crying this is the most beautiful moment of my life or one of them after all these years knowing a little bit about the trial chamber Loot and what it looks like this bundle is going to be one of the most essential things of all time to

Have on hand when trying to take on the trial Chambers even better having an accomplished automatic farm simply yet beautiful for infinite bundles anytime my inventory fills up well you call that even more beautiful Minecraft Hardcore episode number seven the episode where we expanded the base with like a bunch

Of new useful Farms the patron gang thank you for all of your support the big tiny pixie Phantom clay s Nix C Arlo AKA Bobby Bobby Minecraft mojo.com stev M and Skelly Wampus thank you until next time it’s been me your one and only thanks for watching I’ll see you tomorrow goodbye He

Hardcore Minecraft survival returns and is better than ever with not one but two farms that combine to make a brand new BUNDLE FARM!

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In this Hardcore Minecraft series we are limited to 100 days In Minecraft 1.21 Survival. In these 100 Days we will have to do as much as we possibly can. This series is technically played in hardcore minecraft 1.20 with experimental 1.21 features, experimental villagers, and the bundle enabled!! This is played on Minecraft Java Edition but Minecraft Bedrock edition is pretty much the same.

if you read this comment “bndle bndle”


  1. it would be perfect if the accessories needed blocks of ore to craft so they will super endgame and rare items, for example: using blocks of oxidized copper the player will give extra 0.5 block reach, for gold 1 block, for iron 1.5 blocks up until netherite which will upgrade the progression system minecraft has.

  2. I would love to see the bundle added but I would also love it if

    They added a purpose to the fletching table

    The structure in the ancient city had a purpose

    And archeology to be useful and not just for pots/useless mob egg😂

  3. Wattles a good horror game you should check out it Alan Wake, and the new sequal Alan Wake 2, they aren't the scariest in the world but they are a little bit and they are really fun!

  4. My holidays went very good this year actually! Im not sure if anyone else has this CURSE, but every holiday season, i end up crying. Thanksgiving? Crying. Birthday? Crying. Christmas? Crying. New Years? Crying and alone.

    This year though? It was the first year that i can say i genuinely had an amazing holiday season thanks to the awesome people i got to meet. I couldnt be happier 😊

    Edit: You should try out the game "Ib". I dont remember the full name of it, but if you look it up, youll find it right away.

  5. Man I feel so ashamed when I watch your farm tutorials, you just have great eyes for design and details!
    my farms looks like trash lol 🤣 coz i use and recycle any spare blocks

    I think for me , efficiency is the key lol

    great video again Wattles!

  6. I was playing Minecraft Java solo and Bedrock with my 8 years old niece during the holiday. I found and made a double poison spider spawner xp room in my java solo game. I also found a zombie spawner in the bedrock game that I plan to transform into a xp farm.

  7. Wattles when he finds multiple cave spider spawners: This mineshaft is beautiful!
    Me when I see even 1 cave spider spawner: NOPE NOPE NOPE (breaks spawner without a second thought)

  8. @wattlesplays. (Not trying to rip off your name bro) did Mojang put and end to iron farms on bedrock edition? I’ve built every single style I could find and tried all of the tricks to make them work and nothing is working.

  9. Why do they not update the preview on bedrock edition why do they not add shaders to xbox Addition I mean we don't even have the attribute command Mojang what are you doing?😭😠😡😠

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