Minecraft PE : FORBIDDEN CREATURES MOD in Minecraft Pocket Edition

What’s up guys welcome back to another video today we have another creatures mod so we have a bunch of brand new animals so if you guys enjoy this video smash the like button right now let’s aim for something insane 10 likes please uh also if you’re new to the channel hit

That subscribe button and turn on those notifications so you don’t miss a video I already see um one of the new animals actually don’t even know what that is but we’ll find out very soon but look at this we have the whole whole entire chest filled and even a second chest

Here which is pretty much like half filled so we have a lot of animals so we’re going to have to go through this um kind of quick or as quick as we can so we got a tadpole um yeah yep make your way to water buddy

Come on buddy let me help you let me help you out oh it just died why did it just turn big that was kind of weird uh we got a camel ooh we can ride the camel guys oh my my goodness yes that is so

Cool a okay uh what else have we got hammerhead shark uh I feel like we should spawn this in in the water yeah let’s do that oh okay is there is there like a baby version or like a a bigger version or is it just one seems like

Just one but dude look how many sharks we spawned in so if I was to go into survival real quick will it attack me cuz sharks are kind of dangerous um yeah yep they definitely do they are very mad uh okay we got a turkey okay what does the turkey look

Like ooh I like the model of that it would be cool if like this thing moved as well but I mean hey it’s Minecraft so it’s not realistic but hey it’s still very very cool uh we got an eagle oo okay an American Eagle I’m I mean I’m

From Australia so we don’t really have Eagles here but yeah uh does it fly or does it just oh oh it’s actually it might fly there we go we got a little bit of some air come on fly eagle fly there you go uh we got this the Iguana does it

Change color or is that something else I’m thinking of a different animal I’m pretty sure uh we got a zebra or zebra however you want to say it um very very cool I like that we got a giraffe ooh can we ride the giraffe no we can’t but

Hey the giraffe is you know what I actually thought it would be a little bit taller I mean it is obviously much taller than me but yeah okay uh do we get any baby ones I don’t think so uh what is this we got another bird type

Okay oh we got like different variety at least these guys fly what oh the Eagle’s kind of flying I I guess it might be trying to get some fish I I don’t know oh it is actually flying now perfect okay all right so that is the first wave

Let’s clear the inventory let’s see what else we have have all right let’s see oh this looks like yeah Flamingo as soon as I saw like a whole entire like spawn egg pink I was like yep that’s a flamingo uh we got a swordfish okay I like that uh we got

Some more birds ooh some different color beaks as well uh oh oh you you’re massive yeah I would not want to get in the water of that one dude okay yeah so that’s a a white shark uh that’s kind of creepy I’m actually surprised that Mojang haven’t

Added like sharks in the game yet like what are they doing add sharks in the game that’ll be so cool imagine swimming and like you have to like try to do swim away from a shark that’s trying to eat you I mean it does sound a little bit

Insane but it would be pretty cool to have uh next one we have a snake do we have different varieties no okay just seems like the one type we got some seagulls all right we got the flamingos yeah look at the flamingos very very cool uh yeah okay you you just run over

There buddy uh we got some shrimp okay oh the snakes are the slivering way uh we got a squirrel surely there’s something bigger than that yeah there we go um for some reason the squirrel kind of reminds me of like a bear for some reason like the face of

A bear but the body of a squirrel if that makes sense so uh we got a white tiger oh oh what’s he after oh it’s after the zebra no oh poor zebra didn’t even do anything bad tiger bad so for the next one we have a vulture oh these things look kind of

Scary I mean Minecraft one doesn’t look as scary but real life yeah the these things uh I’ve seen some pictures of it and it just looks very weird uh we got some more birds we got a stalk I like the look of a stalk very very cool uh we

Got a village wait what the oh where did the ostrich just come from or was that a emu no that’s ostrich okay we got a ice village we got a kill a whale I’m guessing this thing is going to be massive uh actually no I think the the shark was

Actually uh about the same kind of I think the tail just makes it a little bit longer but okay oh we got a rat we got a disgusting rat uh oh we got different variety oh little baby rats okay we got a normal tiger cuz the last one was oh my

Goodness why is this one big compared to the white tiger oh my goodness so would this one get rid of a uh zebra we can do zebra skin that’s kind of weird but yeah poor zebra how did I spawn in two I swear I only spawn in one okay we got a

Wild ball which I’m that’s what I saw over there okay and then we got a tiger shark interesting so far not too bad next one is a stingray ooh okay we got a snow leopard which kind of looks like the tiger a little bit just little uh retexture uh a king

Snake Okay yep we can definitely uh see the difference if we uh where’s the other snakes where did they go oh they’re in in the water jumping up and down but yeah you can definitely tell with the uh the size difference it is definitely a king snake I wonder if it’s

Like an anaconda that would be actually pretty cool uh okay next one is a penguin okay that kind of reminds me of something from like Happy Feet we got some penguins and little baby penguins um don’t we have oh we got like different variety of penguins but

I’m I’m guessing that’s going to be all in the uh the chest over there so all right we got some more snakes okay we got a normal shark okay not as big as the the great white shark got a leopard and we got a duck is it different

Varieties no just one duck okay very very very cool um hm I don’t know which one’s my favorite yet I still feel like we have uh a lot to go over because I mean look at this we still got that and this so oh my goodness there is so many

Animals I’m like I’m making a zoo right now all right so we have this one okay these guys are cute we’ got the African penguin okay that doesn’t really remind me of something from Happy Feet maybe a little bit but the other one definitely uh we got a gorilla

Oh okay oh the gorilla’s going are you mad why do you keep looking at me like you’re mad at at me I I didn’t do anything uh we got a hedgehog okay that that thing’s small there we go we got a bigger version of it but dude that that

Gorilla is going off at me um okay we got some oh jellyfish and it’s actually like transparent too wow yeah that looks cool now will it sting me the same way okay I mean I guess it just hits you it it doesn’t do like a sting thing but all

Right next one is the Kiwi okay this is like a New Zealand bird is it not I’m pretty sure it is uh we’ve got a Latin fish all right it’s got the little the light light thing on its head very cool we got a pink dolphin why do we have a

Pink dolphin oh my goodness it’s actually huge what and then we got a rhino oh the Rhino looks cool too yeah wow okay I don’t know what’s cool guys I mean the pink the pink dolphin is uh it’s up there cuz I mean I’ve never

Seen a pink one before I mean if we kind of like compare it to a like the normal dolphin that’s already in the game I mean look at the difference that’s insane and the size difference too is actually crazy so now we have a seal oh

The seal looks cute look at it oh it reminds me of that emoji of the uh the puppy eye emoji just a little bit uh we got another penguin okay yeah I like the look of these penguins definitely much better than the other one uh we got a mammoth this thing’s

Going to be large yeah look at it wait can we ride it no oh we can’t ride it that’ll be cool though dude this thing’s massive y you’re from Ice Age uh we got some crabs uh o different colors we got red and blue nice uh we

Got some hyenas okay do they make that yeah they make that noise yeah okay I thought maybe they do that laugh thing but okay we got a red panda we got a dragon okay um we got a panther ooh dude look at my Zoo guys and for some reason I’m actually surprised

That the whale and like the shark and stuff like usually they should be dying on land because they need water obviously so it seems like it’s not like coded in in this mod but uh we got a kangaroo we got a kangaroo oh yes can we ride it

Oh we can’t cuz I am Australian and everything and we finally got a kangaroo now does it hop the same way as a kangaroo I don’t know it’s just kind of looking at me what if I wait wait I was going to jump into survival and hit it

So it can like kind of Chase me all right let’s do that let’s hit it there we go oh it kind of uh it kind of pops not the same way I feel like it needs to be like a little bit higher you know like bouncing like

That kind of reminds me of the same thing of like a rabbit but in a big form of a kangaroo if that made any sense uh but anyways okay we made it through the whole chest already and now the second one we got a land turtle ooh okay I

Actually like that is there a big one no is there a smaller one no it doesn’t look like it okay we got a platypus we got a lion surely there’s a bigger yeah there we go we got the adult version of the uh the lion very cool definitely

Don’t want to mess with you you look very angry uh we got some fireflies okay oh there is the ostrich from before when when we spawn in the uh this guy I don’t even who are you meant to be oh it’s actually attached to it

Oh yeah I don’t know why can we trade with it oh we can so we can oh the elephant saddle well we haven’t even spawned in an elephant yet so not yet uh we got some snails okay we got a pelican oo I like the look of that we got some

Deers there we go bigger version of it yeah see that moves a little bit better uh we got a crocodile yeah definitely don’t want to mess with you buddy all right so far I’m actually going to give this mod a 10 out of 10 there is so many varieties of like

Different animals and I’m guessing where’s the elephant unless we have it here somewhere where elephant elephant where is the elephant what so we just have an elephant saddle oh it’s this one the African elephant okay so I’m guessing we can actually like ride that which is sounds pretty

Cool all right so we got to clam all right we got I don’t even know what is I’ve never seen this before okay and the elephants all right now give me that saddle all right can we how do we how do we hop on it how do what’s the saddle

For if I can’t even use it what unless you meant to like tame it somehow but that I have no idea uh okay we got some ants okay they’re very small I mean that makes sense ants are small we got a whale okay there we go a bigger version of a

Whale much better than the killer whale oh my goodness uh we got a bear we got a buffalo there we go bigger version there a little small baby buffalo uh we got some butterflies dude the butterflies are massive what the I thought they would be a little bit smaller but

Apparently not oh we got a blue penguin okay those those ones are cute and then the lucky last guys what do we have here let’s see we’ got a monkey okay is there a bigger version of it no I guess that’s the size of them we

Got what is this is this the one we can ride maybe no it’s not letting me um okay we got a cougar got a chimpanzee which doesn’t spawn in what okay it must be broken or something uh what is this oh a type of bird all right

And then we got a black bear so guys look how many animals we have in this world there is so many imagine if like Mojang just added Us in the game or Microsoft whatever um that would be very cool that would be very very cool but if you guys enjoyed this video definitely

Go ahead smash the like button right now subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already and uh yeah I will see you guys in the next one peace see you

✔️FORBIDDEN ANIMAL in MCPE! Hopefully you guys enjoy this kind of video leave a rating down below 🙂
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  1. Hey fusion when i was 6 yrs old i loved watching your vids and then my phone broke and now after 3 years i saw your vid i was like damn the nostalgia and then i saw it was posted 10 hours ago i was like FUSION IS STILL ALIVE i saw nothing change with you just the way i like…….

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