Today me and my friends are having a Manhunt in Minecraft but we have elemental powers oh my gosh I look so cool the way to win this Manhunt is by collecting all four of these elemental powers that are hidden around the map but don’t worry this is going to be

Super easy since I have awesome powers hey guys are you ready to have this Elemental Manhunt Jeffy you’re going down wait Jeffy why do you have fire all over your body because Daddy I have the elemental power of fire oh my God that’s so cool but wait that’s going

To be overpowered wait Daddy what elemental power do you have uh let me see oh I there wait what oh my God that’s so cool Daddy what power do you have if you have air wao check this out Jeffy I have feather spikes ah they’re air wa oh my goodness okay that seems

Overpowered wait Daisy what elemental power are you supposed to be I have the element Al power of Earth wow Earth wait what powers do you have well I can make a stone wall appear wo oh my goodness okay that is literally hacks it’s not hacks Jeffy it’s just my elemental power

Well guys I have three different fire abilities but I’m not showing them to you yet why not because daddy we haven’t started the man hunt yet so I don’t want to spoil them well Jeffy have fun trying to find all four elemental gems because me and Daisy have hidden them all across

The map well Daddy I’m going to easily be able to find them because you’re never going to be able to track where I am well you see we have trackers on you Jeffy what hey Daddy it’s following me that’s actually not fair so we know where you’re at well guess what we have

Proximity chat on as well so the further I get away from you the less you can hear me I can still hear you well guess what guys the challenge Starts Now h no I need to run I need to run I don’t have much time oh gosh they’re already

Chasing me ooh I should go up here yes yes yes I need to get on top of this mountain I’m going to shoot another Fireball at him hey Daddy ah take that ow you’re on fire oh God Shield worked oh God I fell I fell I fell I fell he

Behind us he’s back on the ground bye losers I’ll see you guys later I’m going to get you Jeffy you’re actually not oh gosh this does not seem safe what are we doing on a tree right now come on I know you want to get me

A take that ow come here Daddy Jeffy stop it come here get out there daddy uhoh uh-oh I almost died me too I only have four Hearts left only four Hearts um I can make that zero if you want Daisy no thank you all right I’m just

Going to climb back up on this mountain ooh I should get some wood while I have the chance come on come on come on what are you guys doing down there trying to get up well Daddy I’ll see you later no I see you Jeffy no you don’t my I need to

Run o what I need to do is make a boat yes and then I could just go in the water and they’ll never be able to chase me all right let’s do that make a crafting bench I just need one more piece oh God oh God my daddy’s coming

Jeffy where are you what’s up daddy a give your fire away come here Daddy ow oh God half a heart half a heart oh my gosh oh my gosh how do you shot my Fireball back at me I didn’t know my arrows could do that oh my gosh that is

So overpowered oh I need to seriously be careful here oh gosh counter I can carry you wait where’d you go where are you Daddy ah and he keep shooting Fireballs at him yes I can’t hear him anymore if I can’t hear him that means he’s far

Enough away from me oh my gosh I need to make a boat quick I only have a half a heart how am I surviving right now oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh I need to move I need to move yes water swim down swim down hopefully there’s nothing down here that will kill

Me cuz that would not be good where’s my daddy at I don’t see him okay give me another piece of wood don’t me I see you oh God I need to keep going wait what is this this is a big tunnel whoa o is there a chest over here yes chest chest

Chest oh my gosh I got so much cool stuff run run run away from there no Daddy get away from me you almost killed me well I accidentally tried killing you daddy where are you oh a sheep yes kill it kill it I just got in the bo yes yes

Yes we got some food all right let me just start doing this oh my gosh my daddy’s right there oh my gosh oh my gosh I need to run I need to run at least I have a golden pickaxe now so I can kill and get a

Bunch of food I think before I even start looking for these elemental gems to win the game I need to get some basic things like iron maybe some diamond and definitely some food wait maybe I could just use this Inferno ability yes Jeffy where’d You Go nowh Daddy you need some

Food I got some food for you oh gosh I got to get out of here Daddy I’m nowhere just leave leave me alone I have a nice warm bed for you to seep in yeah Daddy you like that why’d you do that wait daddy hold on truce truce

Truce truce I want to show you something really cool what are you going to show me hold on let me just eat this pork chop and get a lot of Health all right thanks Daddy wait hold on look at this a I can light the piggy on fire and then I

Can get cooked pork chops wa that’s pretty cool too I got to kill you now wait hold on Daddy don’t kill me we could be friends what do you mean we could be friends that’s not how this works come on Daddy don’t kill me yes I

Got cooked pork chops and I stole my daddy all right daddy do you seriously not want to be friends no I don’t want to be friends oh God I’m bleeding oh God I’m back on a heart and a half I need to get out of here oh God I hear skeletons look at

This I found a cave now I could see everything yes I already have an amazing pickaxe too so I could already start mining stuff let’s go this is so overpowered oh my goodness if I can find iron right now this will actually be the fastest speedrun ever come on give me

Some iron give me some iron also I think I’m going to make myself a quick sword and it’s going to be a golden sword let’s go I’m so freaking good at speed running Minecraft that chest was actually clutch oh God skeleton skeleton

No no no no no no no no no that was bad he just did like two hearts oh God there’s another one I need to use my elemental powers ah take that yeah you’re on fire now Mr skeleton ah ow okay he did the same amount of damage

As the other skeleton that is not fair all right we’re just going to use this to get up come on give me some iron yes iron yes yes yes yes yes wait what no oh God there’s a creeper over there oh God we need to run we need to run I didn’t

Know I couldn’t break iron with a gold pickaxe that makes no sense all right don’t worry I could just make a stone pickaxe I guess I also am losing Health very quickly so I need to get a lot more more food let’s just make sure that creeper doesn’t creep up onto

Me cuz that would be bad yes we’re already getting iron let’s go and now it’s going to get a bunch more Stone because we need that to make a furnace so let me just destroy all this all right that should be enough for a furnace um any more iron this way ooh I

Should definitely get more coal too guys I think fire is the best elemental power ever because I could just burn my food and it’s instantly cooked if I see another skeleton I might be dead so I need to be careful but on the bright side I think I lost my daddy and Daisy

They have no clue where I went ooh look this is the way out is it daytime no it’s night time oh gosh I hear zombies where are you Mr zombie man I need to find food oh oh God there’s a bunch of zombies quickly get to the

Trees all right I’m safe up here so now if I look at my map you could see where all of the Hidden gems are hidden so now if I just pull up my map you can see where all of the Hidden gems are far so over here we have the water gem the

Earth gem the Fire Gem and the air gem but I’m super far from any of those yes I found a bunch of this rotten flesh that I could eat I Could Just Kill the Zombies and then I get food I mean it’s definitely not the best food but at

Least it’s food right so I think while I’m waiting until it turns daytime so I can get some actual food I’m going to start cooking up my iron I just need to be super careful this all place is a death trap but I don’t hear Daisy or my

Daddy anywhere so I think I bought myself some time all right there we go now I’m going to make myself an iron sword let’s go I going to be able to mess up my daddy he’s not even ready all right we just cooked the rest of my iron

Now let’s make a pickaxe and boom we have an iron pickaxe now let’s go all right I think we have enough resources to start heading over to the first gem I bet they’re mining for their own Iron right now so they’re never never going to expect me to go after the first gem

Right now ooh it sounds like it’s daytime too nope not daytime at all okay which way do I need to go I need to go this way ow I’m being shot at what the heck hey back up bro ow I really need to build myself a shield wait I think I can

Make myself a shield how do you make a shield again oh gosh I don’t even know any animals no it’s night time and it’s snowing so I’m definitely not going to find any animals whatsoever all right let’s see if I can make a shield real

Quick I think all I need to do is that no dang it I don’t know the shield recipe oh wait a minute I think I need more wood I think it’s one piece of iron and a bunch of wood yep that’s definitely what it is wa oh my gosh I

Found a big Ravine with iron in it oh my gosh yes we need to do it and it’s turning daytime let’s go wait a minute is this an Enderman down here is it worth trying to kill it for an ender pearl okay I think it is come here come

Here run run run run ah ah take that oh yeah you like like that Mr Enderman messing your day up oh God oh God he is scary ah die you haven’t even hit me once you suck bro ow okay I shouldn’t have spoke dang it no ender

Pearl no fair yes but there’s a bunch of iron down here I just need to be careful for all these creepers oh God here’s one now take that oh God I missed Inferno oh God I need help I need help get away get away I ran out of arrows no oh gosh this

Isn’t good this isn’t good this isn’t good Fireball I’m going to die I’m actually going to die I’m actually going to die half a heart I’m on half a heart oh God there’s a creeper no way no way no way no way it sees me no way it sees

Me I need food oh I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m dead I need to get out of this cave right now oh water wao there’s a water cave uh-oh this is not safe this is not safe I’m going to die go back down go back down I need air two

Hearts oh that was a close one there was literally two bubbles all right let’s try going up this way hopefully my daddy and Daisy aren’t trying to track me right now cuz I cannot fight I should just get some food and head over to the first gem I think that’s a better idea

Or do I get food and try to get a full set of armor oh I don’t know oh God no it’s an Enderman nope don’t look at it don’t look at it don’t look at it don’t look at it why is an Enderman outside right now that makes no sense all right

We need to get food right now wait where are we on the map oh my gosh we’re going the opposite direction opposite direction we cannot be doing that we need to go this direction okay perfect it looks like there’s a plane over here so maybe there will be some Piggies I

Literally have half a heart this is so terrible this is really bad oh my goodness ooh chickens chickens chickens chickens and die chickens die um why is he not dying yeah take that yeah and just like that I got myself some cooked chicken uh-huh ah take that give me more

Chicken thank you very much all right let’s just do this a few more times hello Mr Chicken guys this is actually overpowered I definitely think that I have the best elemental power here it’s the most useful ooh we got a bunch of animals over here all right I’ll just

Kill these with the sword because it’s faster but I think the chickens are super useful to burn there we go give me this piece of chicken and give me this piece of chicken okay never mind we’re going into the cave now that we have

Food we need to get a full set of iron armor it’s the only way I know my daddy and I know he has iron armor right now oh gosh this is a terrible cave though any iron in this direction this looks a little bit better oh gosh is it a dead

End it might just be a dead end ooh iron there we go oh only two pieces though that kind of sucks oh no please don’t be a dead end please don’t be a dead end ooh maybe not wait it still goes a little bit further come on come on give

Me more iron yes this cave is opening up oh God Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper ah hi creeper stupid idiot ooh look at this cave this actually looks really good I’m also going to collect a bunch of stone because I need blocks to build away from

My daddy ooh more iron let’s go and what I’m going to start doing is cooking this iron up right now I can get a chest plate with all that iron oo look at all this iron we got all right perfect now we can make a chest plate the most

Important piece of armor now I won’t die from stuff like creepers all right now we’s got to find some more oh God speaking of the devil there’s a creeper die die come on creeper wait no no no no no no oh my gosh it almost blew

Up all my furnaces and stuff that could have been really bad oh God oh God what the heck why is there so many skeletons skeleton if I were you I would not want to mess with me cuz I have elemental powers ow what is wrong with this skeleton

Hey bro these skeletons are way too good in this game they’re actually overpowered if the creators of Minecraft are listening to me they need to make these skeletons less overpowered ow it just shot back my Fireball I’m going to die I’m going to die a skeleton is going

To take me out I’m just trying to get some iron I’m just trying to get some iron oh my gosh I don’t like this game I don’t want to play this game anymore uh-uh wait what I need to do is attack him by his feet that’s the best way to

Kill him ah like that oh God he can see me ah yes it’s working yes please tell me no more spawn oh God okay just zombies and creepers that’s fine I’m taking so much damage right now this is not even fun for one piece of iron oh wait there’s more down here yes

And there’s more over there yes yes yes this could be a full set of iron right here I just got to make sure there’s no creepers near me cuz that would not be a good thing okay we got some more iron I’m surprised Daisy and my daddy aren’t

Tracking me unless they’re at the surface right now I don’t think their trackers show how deep I am in the world I bet they’re above me right now I need to hurry up oh no more skeletons nope I’m out see you later skeletons ooh look

At this way there’s like a little p no more skeletons nope I’m gone see you ow this cave is actually the biggest cave in Minecraft this thing is huge ooh I see more iron but I need to make sure I know my way out yes yes yes iron oh my

Gosh I was not joking when I said this is the biggest cave in Minecraft holy smokes come on how much iron do I have um nine more pieces is that good I don’t know I see more iron give me see it o there’s a nice chunk of iron I have 14 I

Think that might be enough for a full set I think I need a couple more pieces ooh I see more iron down there okay I’m going for it I’m going I’m going I’m going oh my God look at all the monsters oh my gosh stay hidden and no one will

See you Jeffy don’t worry ooh more iron yes yes yes there’s so much iron down here this is actually the best area to get iron okay I think that’s enough let’s go back up okay let’s just build up here o i I missed a piece what the

Heck 21 pieces that is more than enough surely has to be more than enough Okay jump up here oh I hear a skeleton I’m just going to run past them run past run past run past all right go back over here and boom we made it back perfect

I’m amazing okay let’s get this full set and then we need to go for the first gem let’s see ooh the water gem is the closest okay we could easily go to the water Jam all right let me make some boots now we got some shoes there there

We go um is there anything else I can make ooh if I get some Flint I can make some extra arrows is there any gravel around gravel gravel gravel no I’m not seeing any oh God I hear zombies though ooh and I found the way out oh God it’s

Night time well hopefully when this iron’s done cooking it’ll turn into daytime all right now we’re going to make my helmet there we go and now all we need is some pants but I think I’m going to let all of this cook so while we’re doing that let’s go outside and

See see if we can get some wood to make this shieldz we need a shield that’s very important I need to hurry though I know my daddy and Daisy are on their way all right let’s just go out here real quick oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m so

Scared come on come on come on get the wood get the wood I’m waiting to hear my daddy’s voice from any direction right now and that’s enough wood go back in go back in go back in all right now let’s go check in on how the iron’s doing

There we go now we have pants all right now we just need to make the shield I think you make it by doing something like this and then boom no dang it how do you make it wait a minute I messed it up there we go and then I’m also going

To make a boat yes now we have a shield to block stuff that is very important all right let’s take all of our stuff ooh also I’m going to make a quick axxe that would have been useful to get the wood all right it’s time to move towards

The first Gem and I think we’re going to go for the water gem first since you know it’s the closest and it’s turning daytime perfect let’s see which way do I need to go I need to go this way we got this I have everything I need to get all

These gems I just got to make sure not to die from something stupid ooh I see a beacon in the sky too really far away maybe that’s where the water is oh wait let me just kill this chicken real quick come here go on fire no come here Mr

Chicken I need to put you on fire okay guys we are getting super close to the water yes yes yes I think my daddy and Daisy just died they’re not even trying to get me they’re actually so bad this game all right here we go

Going in the boat it looks like it’s in some like underwater cave no sign of my daddy and Daisy all right I’m going to keep this boat uhoh oh oh my gosh my daddy and Daisy are looking at me oh my gosh oh my gosh okay we need to go quick

Go go go go go go go oh my gosh that just scared me wait where do I need to go oh there’s a cave there’s a cave oh no I’m going to take some massive damage right now I only have two bubbles one bubble I’m going to die I’m

Going to die no I’m not ah woo that was a close one wo and there’s the first gem the water gem it looks so cool all right give it to me wa I got it I got the gem guys that’s one out of four done oh gosh my inventory space is getting really

Clever though so let me empty some of this stuff keep going Daisy Jey whoa whoa whoa what are you guys doing here we saw you on your little boat um daddy how do you have full diamond armor found a really big cave and I was able to just

See all the Diamonds oh my goodness well I think you guys are cheating oh we are not cheating well guess what I got in my hand the water gem you know what I got in my hand what a whole lot of spells I can use on you

Oh yeah a take that we’re in water Jeffy Jeffy Jeff come here Daddy you’re not going to catch me come on I need to dig up he’s digging up morvin hurry get him D see you guys later I don’t know which way he went swim to the top hurry go

Okay okay okay I’m going to going to meet him on the top daddy you’re not going to meet me anywhere you suck at this game Where’s My Boat where’s my boat hey you guys destroyed my bow oh wait no I see it I see it oh my gosh oh my gosh I

Need to hurry up swim swim swim swim swim I go faster when I swim give I’m here hey guys a take that you can’t shoot me underwater Daddy no but I can hit you Fireball oh God super speed ah ah no my boat

Ow oh gosh I need to get out of here I need to get out of here ow Daddy stop your powers aren’t working Jeffy yes they are daddy working better than you ow how are you able to hit me on that because you can hit people in a boat oh

God I need to swim yes I’m almost to my boat no Jeffy you’re not getting your boat no oh God ow ow no I just crashed oh my gosh oh gosh I’m about to die you boats for you there’s a boat over here I got my boat

They don’t even know stupid you guys are so stupid no we have to get in bye bye losers I’ll see you later Jeffy I have infinite arrows wait how it’s my air arrows what okay Daddy that’s actually a little unfair you should not be allowed

To use those I can’t use them in a boat yeah me neither yeah that fireball is so overpowered I have speed wait what how do you have speed cuz I have air daddy that’s unfair no it’s not it’s a little unfair I can catch up to you oo I’m

Right next to you ah oh gosh daddy this isn’t fair get away from me you get back here you like that I got a bunch of fire for you I didn’t do anything ow that did something da almost died barely oh my goodness this is actually unfair daddy you’re faster than me

There’s no way I can outrun you faster I’m better looking I got better armor you’re fatter you eat more food than us oh wait you’re Boulder hey T one same te sorry got I got to eat this chicken I’m going to die all right let me just go up here

Where go I can’t tell you Daddy I got this oh she’s breaking trees with her abilities you like that ah ow yes yes yes we’re just going to keep putting you guys on fire ow Daddy what the heck my arrows are infinite oh God I don’t even

Know where I’m going I need to be going to the next gem can you guys just leave me alone not get to the next gem I am get get to the next gem okay scroll the speed what D you can’t be using Scroll of speed that’s actually unfair hey it’s

Being for air so I’m using it come on come on come on I need to get out of here Jey you can’t out run us yes I can daddy you actually did no damage to me that was crazy which way am I going it prevents you from building up ooh air

Ooh I see the air parkour all right I’m going to go to there no no no no no no you’re not allowed oh yeah I am Daddy I bet there’s a gem at the end of that parkour right there no there’s not yeah we didn’t put one up there ooh I have

The perfect idea oh my gosh this is definitely going to work yeah me too hey Daddy stop it ah ow I got no food yeah Daddy I hope you die cuz you have no food I can’t run anymore yes you guys didn’t get enough

Food you’re so dumb I got to beat him up there I got to beat him up there yes yes yes let me eat a piece of chicken real quick up Daddy no you like that a fish that wasn’t good ow Daddy stop swinging at me that’s actually unfair Daddy stop stop why you

Hitting me with fish daddy that’s actually so dumb I’m hungry I need to eat it leave me alone Daddy stop hitting me hold on let me eat my food real quick D go get him oh gosh I’m running yes yes yes the parkour I found it

Noy no I just blocked her off that was so funny all right daddy will you have fun with your air Shield I’m going up on top of here oh God here come back here don’t mess up this parkour yes I did it oh yeah and we got the air gem all right

I’ll just collect this real quick hya let’s go now I got the air gem that’s two out of the four that I need to collect daddy check it out I don’t care want to kill you Daddy you’re not going to kill me good luck killing me if there’s no

Blocks that you can parkour on oh I missed what was that oh no the phantom No wait what oh my gosh wait daddy hold on I missed that did my daddy just die from Phantoms oh God they’re really car waa whoa whoa wo wo wo ow ow

Ow hey back up bro oh God they’re swarming down on me ow ow oh my gosh my daddy died he has none of his armor I got to beat him down there I can get all of his armor oh my gosh oh my gosh I can

Get all of his armor what Daddy what are you doing back I just saw you die from these Phantoms you suck de I’m here to kick your Bot ddy what your Armor’s on the floor I’m going to beat you too it oh I’m got to get that I’m going to get

Free Diamond Armor Daddy no you’re not oh my gosh oh my gosh I didn’t even realize but there’s elytras up here here oh my gosh let me put these on ow ow that means that I’ll be able to fly we oh yeah up Daddy what are you doing

No come here Daddy give armor no no yeah this little skeleton real quick what’s up skeleton oh yeah check it out I got diamond armor now let’s go oh God these things are is still chasing me hi yes this is actually amazing and now I got a helmet daddy did I hear your

Voice up daddy a stop hitting me with a pickaxe what is wrong with you I’m going to get you Daddy you’re literally dead let’s go why did my daddy have so much good loot all right well it looks like I got all the loot over here so now what

I’m going to do is just blow the rest up so my Daddy doesn’t have anything no hey Daddy what are you doing Daddy give my stuff I’m chasing you now daddy look how the tables have turned no they haven’t the Turning Tables haven’t turn my butt cheek come here Daddy I got

A Diamond Sword for you D it’s mine give it back I’m going to eat that butt I’m going to have to go to my secret chest with all my other Diamond gear wait what you have a secret chest okay Daddy that’s actually not fair I knew I would

Die come here daddy where’s Daisy shouldn’t she be here trying to save you I don’t know what she’s doing she left me to die a fireball oh no oh no oh no oh no come on Daddy come here there’s boats oh my gosh really Daddy go go go go go all right Daddy

I’ll just see you later I don’t care bye loser wait how do I have speed right now I have like unlimited speed and unlimited haste I think my daddy was cheating unless it’s these gems unless it’s like one of these gems that I have in my inventory I have no clue da attack

Let’s get him what are you guys doing what the heck hey we set you off wait no you didn’t hey Dad Daddy hey what you can’t do that uh Daddy I just did it ow Fireball no oh gosh I need to make sure I have food hold on let me just get my

Salmon out yeah take your time all right so I think I need to get the fire element still and the Earth element you’re never going to find them Jeffy what Daisy I already know where both of them are you’re not supposed to know um you could just look at the map and you

See where they are oh I forgot about that up Daisy ah no wall oh okay that wall is terrible let me just kill you real quick no you like that overpowered let me just put you on fire real quick ah Jey ow yep you’re on fire now oh

Gosh take that oh yeah oh no Daisy oh gosh I’m going to get you Jeffy how do you have more diamond armor this was for my spare chest what a spare chest okay that is not fair you’re not allowed to have spare chests why not because I

Don’t know that’s cheating and you have too much stuff oh God I ran out of food uh-oh someone’s going to die soon DD you’re not going to be able to kill me oh I’m going to run out of food no I’m going to horsey real quick how

About that can’t do that oh gosh ow ow ow hey no you can’t do that flying away daddy you’re not going to be able to get me oo yes some sheep I need food I need food eat that see you later Daddy okay I’m going to switch this out with my

Diamond chest plate because I need more armor and it’s annoying me every time I jump I’m flying I can smell that butt that stinky butt daddy you can’t smell nothing he where’d you go I went up your butt Daddy hey no potty language yes yes

Yes get me out of here get me out of here I think the Earth element is somewhere in this mountain to my right but I need more food I’m going to freaking die I think I’m outr running my daddy though he’s actually so slow and

Fat all right this is what I’m going to do I have a genius idea go down here go down here was not good I got no food and boom yes Jeffy where’d You Go Daddy I legit cannot tell you uh Jeffy make a trade I got food Daddy I don’t want your

Food where are you this actually like Mak yes he has no clue where I’m at I’m just cooking food underground real quick all right let’s see where we are wait a second are you on the floor no I’m not Daddy whatever you do though don’t dig

Down oh you’re here you’re the floor no I’m not okay now we can just dig back out this way a need help where are you he’s in the floor in the floor he’s a little mole what are you guys doing I see you oh God run run run run run oh

God there’s zombies a take the zombies Daddy all right we need to head in that direction so we’re going to do a big loop-de-loop oh Jeffy got to wait from me Daisy you’re not going to be able to kill me well where are you um I’m at

Your mom’s house right now you’re not at my mom’s house how do you know because she doesn’t live here oo I have an idea oh my gosh I’m a genius hey guys what are you doing I was just you know want to get some fresh air

That’s stupid come down here you want me to come down yeah all right I’ll see you guys later oh yeah let’s go and now I’m really far from them and that brought me so much time let’s go I’m a freaking genius all right now we need to go this

Direction because this is where the next element is I think it’s somewhere in this mountain unless it’s on top of the mountain I don’t know we need to check oo let me just put this guy on fire real quick a take that come on I need your

Pork chop thank you okay how close are we wait we went past it what since it’s an Earth element I have a feeling that it’s going to be in here somewhere so I have a perfect idea let’s just dig dig dig and now let’s just close it behind

Us so Daisy and my daddy have no clue where I went you’re definitely in the floor no I’m not why would you even think that Daddy I’m on top of the mountain no you’re not because you know why why that green Gem’s down there what

I knew it Daddy I knew it was in the mountain freaking genius wait are you digging down no Daddy I’m digging up obviously that makes no sense you would only a you only dig down daddy where are you I’m digging in the floor well Daddy

I wouldn’t do that cuz I’m going to mess you up my fire element Jey I will One Tap you with my air what come on come on yes ow what the heck Oh Daddy oh gosh daddy how’d you get here faster I need to run away I need to run

Away how did my daddy go faster to me that makes no sense he’s probably protecting the gem right now this is so annoying what if I go in for from the top it could be an aerial attack all right what I’m going to do real quick is

Just mute my mic now he can’t hear me he’s actually so stupid I’m going to be able to go right in collect the gem and then go to the next gem okay here he is here he is go up go up Jeffy where are

You oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I hear lava this is not good if I run into lava I might die oh here somewhere you’re not going to get me Daddy all right let’s see how close we are oh God we’re still really far away hi oh God

Daisy’s down here too there defending the gem he’s somewhere around here this isn’t good he’s defending the gem he’s this way oh God yeah he’s this way but then it bounces back the other way I’m going to stop mining I’m going to stop mining so they can’t hear me oh my gosh

Wait that means he’s not underground yet oh wait you’re telling me he’s up he’s above us yeah wait what oh cuz I swear I heard him before how do they know Jeffy this is actually ridiculous how do they know Jeffy just want to say hi uh

Oh wait I hear him breaking blocks no what you hear him breaking blocks this is unfair yeah I heard blocks breaking this is actually unfair on second there’s Cobblestone over here oh gosh oh gosh they’re on to me wait has he already been here wait a second he might

Have I have to check wait where’s Daisy going I think she’s going to the gem go up oh my Daddy’s on to me my daddy’s on to me he’s got a tunnel up Dy daddy you’re never going to get meie I’m in your tunnel go down go down uh

Bye daddy hey Daisy what’s up oh God Fireball no no no no no get in there get in the lava no you get in the lava Marvin help me all right let me just build this up oh my God I got to do parkour yes I got the next Gem and it’s

The Earth gem all right I’ll just collect that real quick yes I got the Earth gem easy if I trap him in here he can’t get out he can dig out oh yeah that was probably the stupidest thing you ever said Daisy hey I’m trying here

All right I’ll see you guys later I got what I came for I got everything I needed from that place so I’ll see you guys later I’m going to beat them up daddy do you have a diamond pickaxe maybe that’s actually not fair that’s how you’re beating me everywhere no I’m

Just digging faster how oh Jeffy it’s not like I have a pre-existing hole I can just build through what you planned for this oh of course course I did oh my gosh my daddy’s actually cheating up I’m up I have to get to the fire wait what

Did my daddy say something about fire they’re going to probably defend the last gem they’re probably scared oh my gosh I did it I did it I think it ran that way wait where does it say I need to go on my map home oh God I hear you

Daisy I hear you now that Daisy’s all alone I’m just going to mess her up real quick you don’t even know where I am um the thing is I know exactly where you are you’re in this wall in what wall the wall that you’re talking from unless the

Wall is just talking to me the Wall’s talking to you Daisy where are you nowhere you’re getting closer your voice is getting closer no it’s not oh my gosh all right you know what whatever I’m just going to leave you bye I’m in your head Jeffy I’ll see you later oh I’m

Just going to burn some of these guys go on fire no I need to kill these things with fire so I can get the better food take that wo wo wo whoa w w wo W oh God I’m going to mess you up Daisy no you’re not okay maybe you are you’re

Being shot Dro by skeletons I don’t even need to do anything oh God oh my God oh my God there’s so many skeletons get out of here get out of here quick pop this off pop this on and we have fun with all those skeletons yes

Yes yes back up uhoh Daddy I hear you how are you underneath um because I’m cool like that where are you Daddy what the heck are you doing up there get him he’s going to kill me you don’t want to do this ow you really do not want to do

This I will actually mess you up what are you doing I’m trying to put a stone wall in front of you oh gotcha do you have any food I really just need some food ow these things do so much damage who’s chasing me hey D what are you

Doing Daisy you’re not going to be able to kill me you literally have nothing I have gravel ow I’m burning no no no no no Marvin help me all right let me just destroy some more your loot wow wow look at all this loot that I’m destroying can’t get you have this

Sword all right all right let me just build up here hi ow Jey you don’t even have the fire one yet all right let me just clear my inventory real quick get rid of all this garbage and now I’m going to put three of my four gems into their spots

So I could do this one I could do this one and I could do that one I’m just missing the Fire Gem and then I win Jeff you are not going to win Daddy what if I do though I got this Fire Gem locked

Down oh yeah Daddy do you I do oh yeah how about this there nothing dang it I thought that was going to work well what about this ah ow wait what I need to go into The Nether to get the fire element daddy Jeffy you don’t have flint and steel and

You don’t have obsidian oh my gosh I don’t even have a diamond pickaxe how am I going to get obsidian wait a minute do you guys have any obs obsidian no I have obsidian wait really where no you don’t in my test over there oh my gosh well

That will make it a lot easier let me just go over here I you have to kill him oh ooh look at this I got some obsidian o I got some Flint no jeffie get back here Daisy thanks for all this free obsidian that’s really cool of You

Marvin I don’t have any food I can’t run well then you’re by she’s also dead daddy I can see that what are you doing Daisy I’m trying to stop you you literally can’t stop me you’re terrible ow okay okay stop but your daddy’s not helping me Su

Daddy Let me just place these down real quick ow okay okay okay this is going to be a little harder ow why am on fire um because I put you on fire Daisy why are you putting fire everywhere because then you can’t get through what you realize

His power is fire right well then what else am I supposed to do we got to block it off I’ll just go in from the top this is going to be a lot easier than I thought cuz you guys are trash at this game hey no hey no no yes wait a minute

Maybe I could use my Fireball element power to light the nether portal all right let’s see if it works I don’t think you do that no come on work work work work work I’m going to give it one more chance ah no Daisy you got my way that’s

My job all right one more time ah no oh gosh I’m going to have to make a flint and steel daddy you want to stop chasing me mess you up Daddy what are you doing you’re actually terrible at this game I am amazing hit me again see what happens all

Right Daddy what are you doing I have a shield wait you have an air Shield right now air Shield all right daddy wait let me hit you one more time just stay right there all right just don’t move okay there we go oh thanks forgive me time

Daddy ow yep thank you Daddy come on come on sup Daisy hi Jeffy oh God come on come on let me light it power weapon yes make a wall come here Daddy I did but it’s oh God oh God it’s hot it’s hot my bunions they’re burning

Off ow ow oh gosh water water water water you’re so lucky you have water right there where’d he go um I don’t know oh oh found him hey ah get in there daddy you know this is making it harder for you right no it’s not Shield your Shield is actually so

Annoying let me just block off all this water real quick so you guys can’t get out of he he hey hey hey hey no no don’t touch my water come on guys just let me win you’re making this harder for yourselves not me I’m trying to win

You’re not going to win Daddy I just got to kill you once ow ow oh come here Daddy ah ah ah you’re not going to kill me yes yes I’m doing damage Daddy hey Jeffy you’re going the wrong way I’m just getting you guys a little bit further

Out don’t worry but it’s all blocked off you can’t even get in oh yeah well you’re on fire so I think you should figure out that issue first water easy no D great we can’t get back in he can’t even get in ah block this

Off block this off go go go go go this my chance go yes I did it oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I need to set up and attack come on Daisy walk into it yeah ow ah ah ah how are you up there ah die

Daisy die yeah there’s one dead all right let me just burn all of our loot real quick this game is so much fun now where’s my dead daddy at he’s taking too long oh yes I found the element of fire all right let me just get this oh God I

Have too many things in my inventory don’t need that don’t need that and boom yes let’s go I got the Fire Gem I got all the gems oh gosh my daddy’s here oh I’m fire hey Daddy what are you doing ah you like all that fire Daddy no I don’t I hate it

I don’t like it at all why why don’t you like it because it’s burning my butt I’m just going to go put this gem into the world no bye daddy yes I made it oh God what is this did get him fire again he can’t get up here what

The heck Daisy what are you doing I’m hiding oh my goodness Daisy I’m coming up there right now you know once I put this Fire Gem in its little case it’s over and I win no Jeffy come here yeah but you can’t even get up here to the

Case oh the thing is I’m already kind of doing it no you’re not o there’s two right here so I just got to get to the other side DIY where are you come fight me I’m nowhere oh my gosh if I do this quick enough I could

Probably get it in its case Jeffy come here yeah Daddy what’s up oh God I just want to say hi hi Jeffy ow okay okay okay Daddy can you please just get away from me ah bye daddy Daisy stop protecting it you know you’re GNA die good job oh gosh my

Pickaxe is about to break Fireball it’s a shame you know what fine Daisy you could just sit in there let me just I’ll just put you on fire you like that Daisy why can your fire go through blocks because it’s fire Daisy it’s over just let me in no ow

Deie you’re burning me I know no because I’m too overpowered for you freaking Earth sucks yeah you like that oh God you don’t even have a sword um I do have a sword and I’m going to hit you with it right now yeah yes yes yes any

Last words guys Marvin why are you not up there I’m building how to get resources hey Daddy check this out a I win I’m the winner yeah no let’s go a take that Daddy yeah yeah yeah I’m the winner you were supposed to help me let’s go daddy you’re actually not

Going to be able to kill me what are you doing yes I am daddy you’re actually terrible at this game and Daisy you’re terrible at this game ah you’re worse oh you like that you’re on fire not F Joy ah ah and Fireball ah ow ow ow woohoo I’m the winner that didn’t

Kill me I don’t even care I already won yay I’m dead well guys it looks like you weren’t able to stop me and I got all four hidden gems well dang it we stick Daisy whose idea was it to put an elytra on the air thing it was God’s

Idea God gave me the power to win I guess he doesn’t like being Daisy but if you guys enjoyed watching this Minecraft video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now bye everyone

Today, Jeffy has to complete a MINECRAFT CHALLENGE but Jeffy can CHEAT using ELEMENTAL POWERS! Will Jeffy be able to complete the game and CAPTURE all 4 elemental gems?!?! Or will Daisy and Marvin kill Jeffy?! Watch to find out!

#jeffy #minecraft #minecraftmod


  1. Take a video about this , The world is now ruled by one community of people, the world Satanic elite, you can also call them the committee to meet the Antichrist and prevent the 2nd coming of Jesus, Trump called them the deep state, at the moment it consists of about 10,000 people, the main ones there are Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Windsors, Baruchs, they, their ancestors, descendants and other people who enter there have the mark of Lucifer, which, if they bring the antichrist and do not allow the 2nd coming, they will receive eternal life after the x hour, and the rest of humanity, for all the time that they have lived, they won't get anything, so all people should know about the existence of a world government (Jesus who was a The Prophet of God, not God.God will send Jesus as a reward to humanity, if humanity deserves it, for this it is necessary to fight Lucifer and his elite)

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