Minecraft, But Villagers Trade OP Items…

Okay i’ve finished mining it is time to explore this world oh a village yes i can finally trade with villagers hello buddy what do you have this is minecraft but villager trades are opie oh this is gonna get really weird in this video i have made it so that every villager has

Op trades they can trade absolutely anything from emeralds to custom potions the question is whether i can beat the game with the help of villagers can i do it stay tuned to find out and apparently only a small percentage of people who watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you do

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And there is only one thing we actually need and that is a village it doesn’t even have to be a good village it can be a terrible village with one villager for all i care oh i see that that’s stone brick grab kane as well i’m pretty sure some villagers trade

Paper for emeralds so we’ll keep that and we’ll check here oh yes there’s a chest and two gold blocks what oh yes golden apple perfect okay let’s just grab our stone tools e z p z village village village that is all i’m looking for oh no we’ve spawned on an island there

Is a shipwreck though oh acacia biome yes that’s good they have a good chance of giving us something that we need and it’s a terrible ship okay oh don’t tell me it’s another island you know what forget running i’m getting a dolphin help me find a village dolphin

Oh this looks promising i love acacias we need food as well okay i should be collecting this cane as well i need everything i can trade with we don’t need to get flint we’ve already got that for the fletching table these islands keep oh village i was

About to moan about the islands but then we find a village oh and another village yes oh that’s actually a dream come true now we’re gonna have plenty of food let’s make our fletching table as well boom and so much food that i just don’t have to worry perfect

Oh hello do you trade oh you are useless okay great right iron golem i don’t need you right now but i’ll come back i should need to find one villager you’re a baby you’re useless what about you anyone yes come on oh oh my goodness we can get netherrite for four emeralds

I’m gonna set my spawn and i’m gonna kill this guy come here come on big boy what you giving me three okay that’s terrible so i need the quickest way to get emeralds and that from what i’m aware is with a fletching table wait did these guys trade you

Gonna change for me okay you are literally just useless should be another guy yep there’s one right here you trade okay good please yes fletcher oh okay good it’s not much but it’s something and you know what i have a plan i can trap this guy he’s gone inside the house

Hello buddy i’m placing it here you turn into a fletcher please yes okay good now we trap him in boom we just need sticks come here now i don’t actually know what every villager trades but we just make a ton of sticks yes you are my man good

Please all these emeralds how many four okay we’ll let him regenerate first what do you give if we keep looking oh flint for an emerald yes please we’ll take two of them oh we trapped him yes you know what i don’t care about anything right now

I know it’s a waste but i don’t care we’re gonna make an axe because wood is key right now wood and flint are getting me so much just get more emeralds from this guy and now i go back to my other friend right here and we can already get

Another right ingot wait we can get two netherright ingots oh my goodness wait wait he’s about to regenerate what do you give oh what do you got come on oh are you kidding me bedrock oh okay wait you cannot leave this building i’m sorry you are now mine forever hopefully

You’re okay with this because i’m gonna make you rich my friend but you know what whilst i collect some wood i’m gonna check out this other village as well cause there might be a blacksmith yep oh blast furnace that’s what i’m talking about we know that we can make

An armor smith now that’s so good wait a second let’s see what they trade what do you give me it’s an armorer oh my goodness wait we can literally get four emeralds straight away because of coal oh my goodness come on buddy what do you give oh my we

Can get so much from this i’m gonna level him up i’m gonna do it it’s useless armor but i don’t care it’s better than nothing trapping him in come on yes we got him as well oh my we have somehow successfully trapped an armorer a cartographer over there and the

Fletcher as well the one that gets us the emeralds oh what you got five iron let’s go oh and a cleric too you know what i’m gonna take this and we’re gonna make another cleric thank you oh wait a second we can already buy bedrock

I’m gonna do it wait am i no no i gotta save my emeralds i’ll do it when i know i can afford it for now we’re just gonna make loads and loads of sticks where’s my best friend he’s right here hello buddy hope you didn’t miss me too much

Give me some more emeralds please yes 17 and he’s about to level up again come on what are you giving me man please three emeralds for a crossbow two emeralds for a bow oh yeah let’s buy a crossbow and a stack of flint wait wait wait wait these two i’m so stupid i

Need gravel i can literally get a stack of flint which turns into more emeralds oh my we have found a loophole i repeat we have found a loophole oh my goodness this is too good to be true okay give me a stack of flint for now and how many emeralds can i buy

Oh a stack wait oh my i’m buying four stacks wait a second and then if i do that oh wait how many times can i do oh i have five stacks of emeralds oh my goodness what else do you give me what else do you get

Oh punch 10. he’s leveling up again what else oh oh we don’t need this crossbow anymore get out of here i can buy this crossbow which has multi shot 10. oh my goodness we can get weakness hours we can get 16 blocks of ammo oh wait okay wait a second how to craft

Tripwire minecraft okay come on how do you do it oh that’s so easy oh my goodness we already have five iron as well wait a second so like that oh my how many does it make we have ten and for eight we can get block of emerald oh my goodness

So how many animals do we have oh wow and we can get arrows wait let’s do that now i want to test this multi shot multi shot 10. oh with all of these emeralds we can now go down to the cartographer hello my old friend come

Here right okay let’s buy a stack of obsidian why not you know what let’s buy a stack of bedrock we’ll let him regenerate come on boy oh oh my goodness we can make punch 20. instant health 3 yes please i’ll take a couple of them that’s great

A haste 3 yep thank you wait how quick is this i can literally waste it come on what are you oh my goodness let’s sleep this night away i don’t want any of the villagers dying i’ve got to protect them okay buddy woody oh wait six emeralds gives you blocks of

Emeralds oh my wait what it’s the infinite trading again come on no no let me do more please give me as many emerald blocks as i can get oh we have a stack of emerald blocks and if i go boom like that we’ve got just stacks on stacks of emeralds oh

Enchanted golden apple wait health boost potion what is this oh my goodness boosts health by two hearts until you die wait so if i drink this we have two extra hearts wait a second how many of them can i drink if i buy another one can i do it again does this

Add another two hearts oh are you kidding me this is amazing okay i’ll take some notch apples yes please chuck out all this useless stuff i don’t need buy a load of health boost potions thank you wait a second drink this one and this one my heart is just going up and up

Come on i accidentally drunk my instant health but it doesn’t matter i just keep going and just like that i have got three rows of hearts are you kidding me okay if we eat a notch apple we should just heal up all the way yep are you kidding me come here

Give me these diamonds okay i’ll take three diamond blocks that’s great you know what i’ll take another one and we’ll make our full diamond armor and of course tools two boom and boom we are full diamond with full diamond tools and more emeralds than i can count how

Many enchanted gold apples can i get uh 25. could this just be my regular food should i get a stack i’ve got a stack of uncharted golden apples and i can still just get more blocks of emeralds just like that he’s so op that he never stops trading

I can just keep going okay we’re gonna turn them into regular emeralds and i’m gonna go buy a load of arrows right now oh oh my i need to go make a cleric right now how many ender poles am i gonna be able to get from the cleric at this rate yeah

Let’s just casually get five stacks of arrows that’ll do and then we can turn them into weakness arrows how many can i get come on oh all of them all of my arrows are now weakness arrows i no longer need this guy okay i’m done i’m out of here i’m

Leaving we’re going straight to the other village and we’re gonna make a cleric and then i might as well just check what the other villagers just have because now we can fully max out an armorer but first oh my goodness yeah i’ll take those another right ingots thank you

And let you regenerate then yep we’ll just get some more bedrock and enchantment table xp bottles oh wow yep we’re grabbing all of this two stacks of xp bottles an enchantment table an anvil regenerate my friend come on what else do you give strength do i even need at this point no

I’m just going for iron blocks i don’t even know if i need them keep giving me stuff please what else more diamond blocks efficiency 10 yep we’re doing oh i need a book okay i can get a book yes he’s doing it and oh sharpness 10. i need books though okay

So that’s our next thing we need to get leather straight away right as much as i love you buddy you are not allowed to leave this building before we get leather let’s try out this guy let’s max it out get rid of all of this don’t need any of it

Yes regenerate and what else oh my one diamond for 64 emeralds this is insane now actually doesn’t make any sense i don’t even need shields that’s how useless they are i’m full diamond with three rows of hearts okay yep we’re full diamond protection 10 oh my goodness we’ve done it we’re

Full diamond protection 10 are you kidding me and we’ve got iron so make a crafting table and a smithing table wait a second no way protection ten nether right leggings two chest plate and helmet oh my goodness now i just need books but because i’ve already got kane

We just need the leather come on cow oh or horses yep they’ll do i’m so sorry it’s for a greater cause i promise yes thank you and just like that we’ve got three books oh come here my friend sharpness 10 efficiency 10. we’ll save the other book for later

Sharpness 10 and efficiency 10. no no no xp i’ve got so much of it it doesn’t matter we’ve got it and i just need a load of netherright from you thank you so that i can make another right sword pickaxe axe and shovel i’m gonna start blocking around with bedrock just to flex

I have to now i want to know if clerics can give ender pearls because there’s always a chance that they don’t give them that guy might have just not given them i’ve gotta check but first i gotta sleep i can’t let any of them die

So you will become a cleric do it okay fine maybe not you you will become a cleric yes okay let’s do this yes good thank you give me loads of bedrock just blocking material great again punch 10 blocks of gold okay we’ve got 15 blocks of gold are you kidding me

So even if he doesn’t give end of polls we’ve got enough to trade with piglens he gives interpols oh my goodness i knew it i knew it come here how many can i get 16 another 16 another 16 another 16. i don’t even need them okay fine oh my goodness i’m building this

Portal right now and we are going to make it a wide boy i never thought this was possible no get out of the way you can’t be there let’s do this buddy white boy it looks like a plasma screen tv and through we go and we’re here hello

I just need a fortress please you know you want to give me one nearby minecraft please do you really want to mess with me dude i promise you don’t i told you they pearl everywhere because we’ve got so many oh no i mean i’m full netherright so it

Doesn’t matter if i can’t find a fortress straight away but this is going too well for it to fail now okay this is getting ridiculous now there’s absolutely nothing two seconds later oh yes hello my friend you are dead or if only we had looting it’ll be too powerful

Okay i’m gonna eat a golden apple because then i have fire resistance oh my goodness this is too op i have made this ridiculous i didn’t even realize it would be this stupid oh that’s a spawner though hello hello my friend you ready to give me your best stuff come on boom

Yes there’s one come here buddy thank you grab you two boom oh that’s three blaze rods already i can get so many like it’s nothing hello yes that’s four there’s just bedrock everywhere this is so stupid five you’re gonna give me the six yes and boom oh that’s seven wait a second

That’s enough i’m doing it fourteen we are going to make a long boy portal yes just like that huh yes boom long boy portal oh living the dream oh wait what i’ve never seen diamonds and cared less we’re in some underwater ravine it’s fine now we are gonna find the stronghold come

Here it’s this way oh it broke dang it but on my way there i’m gonna find another village i can’t give up on trading that easily i might be full netherright and have sharpness 10 but i’m not as stacked as i can be oh we got a dolphin yes come on buddy

Help me find a village please stronghold still this way we’ve even found a sea temple don’t need it finally land yes no it’s an island this is not going my way there are too many islands i hate it but at least i can kill everything in one hit and oh

What is that this is the weirdest stronghold i’ve ever found okay and we’re literally above the library are you kidding me all right that’s fine we’re gonna enter we’re gonna take the books but i’m not gonna go to the end just yet i just have to find the portal where is

It this is the weirdest stronghold ever it just keeps going down you know i’m just getting lost at this point i’m gonna go out and have a look from the outside it doesn’t make any sense this thing is huge oh are you kidding me there’s an entrance to it on surface okay fine

Break the spawner and there are no eye vendors okay you know what we’re gonna do we’re gonna fill this in with every eye except for one place bedrock down here and we’re gonna save these coordinates there we are we’ve got them saved i’m gonna go find a

Village now i don’t feel like i’ve lived up to my villager trading expertise i need more one eternity later oh come on village show yourself i don’t want a ruined portal oh yes oh my goodness oh we’ve actually done it yes please let that be villagers oh

Hello my friend what do we have to trade with them i have nothing okay it’s a good start i’m gonna make a lectern i want a librarian because i want books i don’t know what books i’ll get but it should be something good oh hello cleric wait what this is this

Guy’s a scammer i love it i’m gonna support him yeah you know what i’m not supporting this guy anymore he’s just a scammer instead i am going to make one of these bad boys boom wait no oh that’s how you do it electron boom hello mr villager

You ready to become a librarian or you can just okay i’m so lonely why would you leave me what about you guys come on you what yes oh i love you oh my oh you know what all my bookshelves i’m getting bookshelves i don’t need the fortune

I’ve got enough diamonds i really don’t need it silk touch 10 i don’t need it oh we can get books for emeralds though oh giving i’m breaking ten oh yeah this is good let’s get ourselves a load of books and turn these books into emeralds like it’s nothing i’m gonna be rich

I already am but i’m gonna be richer in minecraft that’s everybody’s dream okay friendo let’s do this come on give me yep lots of emeralds thank you and you regenerate to give me oh are you kidding me i could have got looting it’s fine what do you get when

You regenerate come here a name really a name tag for 20 i mean well that’s just a great deal if ever i’ve seen one just a brilliant deal isn’t it when you agree jeb oh my goodness this is just the worst why would i do this

I’m going back to the scammer come on scammer just tell me what else you get please jump boost three yeah i’ll take it anything weird you’ve got i want it i’ll take two thank you again what else five emeralds for emerald blocks yeah that’s a bargain if ever i’ve seen one

Efficiency 10 oh yes oh my goodness instant health 10 or isn’t health 9 i don’t even know i should check a generic trader like a leather worker come on buddy if i give you this and this are you gonna become a leather worker surely one of you is please yes hello

Leatherworker i’ll take another right ingots that’s fine whatever you need to get the best items you can keep regenerating come on buddy instant health three okay i don’t need it but i’ll just take them and throw them on the floor i’ve got instant health nines dude do better what else

Emerald blocks yes great deal again lovely jubbly potion oh my goodness speed three and slow falling two oh my that is my potion and now we have to go all the way back it’s okay it will take us no time okay i lied it took me ages

We’re here yes get off this boat i’m done no that pearl just sunk all the way down what that is so useless it’s fine i’m here home sweet home boom let’s do this no i didn’t send my spawn oh no okay it’s fine i’m full protection 10 nether

Right i should be okay oh i’m an idiot come here bertha let’s do this i’m drinking my speed three lovely jubbly potion whoa let’s do it up we go come on i can’t die yes oh my goodness this is so good for just jumping up huh

Jump up again do it again yes we’re here boom okay we fire all them down got one got another come on guys boom and again we’re getting them all yes yes got it again no no okay now we just have to fly over here oh my goodness

Pulling come on come on come on yes hasn’t done a single heart of damage baby again attack boom up we go i’m here this is the final one if i hit it now oh yes it hit the dragon come on big boy you want to do this

Oh i ran out of slow falling okay it’s fine i’ll drink another lovely jobly potion let’s do this eat a god apple and now we win come here bertha the dragon is doomed wait a second let’s be smart about this punch 10. yes no not punch 10 multi-shot 10.

Yes there’s one oh she’s coming down oh that’s a bad idea but trust me you’re not gonna want to do that yes come here come here i think you can kill me i literally have slow falling you’re done you’re done come here i will stand underneath you oh i’m fine she’s so bad

Come on let’s do this oh my weakness arrows as well so i don’t know if she does less damage to me oh multi shot working like a charm she’s coming down again this is it come here come on literally i’m kissing you right now whoa okay it’s fine it doesn’t even

Matter i oh no no no it’s fine come here yes yes come on why can’t i hit him yes no this is it this is it the final shot boom yes oh my goodness we did it we actually did it are you kidding me i don’t know i said we actually did it

Look at me i have three rows of hearts and i haven’t lost a single one of them geronimo

Minecraft, But Villagers Trade OP Items… (Challenge)

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This is a Minecraft (1.16) challenge in which I am trying to speedrun Minecraft and beat the enderdragon, however, you Villagers trade OP ITEMS! This is not a Minecraft Speedrunner VS Hunter, but a ‘Minecraft but’ challenge… This was absolutely insane.

#MinecraftBut​​​​ #MinecraftChallenge​​​ #Minecraft


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