How to QUICKLY Find Stardew Valley Romance in 2024!

I think Haley loves Peppers right cuz I saw in the bulletin board before that he was asking for a hot pepper hi Haley oh she’s working in the kitchen I don’t know you cook well let’s see oh that’s such a stupid gifts I’m so sorry Haley

Hey good day guys welcome back to our farm so you can see we’re harvesting Our tomato and uh one hot pepper some hops as well you know what I should prioritize the animals right next time before harvesting or watering some plants hello there nuggets forgot their names we also have Chick-fil-A and uh

Fried Chicken what a beautiful name all right let’s set them out you should have fun outside and also hey there thank you if you notice guys uh the Aesthetics has been changed hey my boy come here I’ve actually installed the some Aesthetics mods from Ellie there you go especially

The the color color of the ground and the whole thing it’s closer not to the vanilla which is cool hey there you are there’s one chicken here went out let me just go ahead and water the these plants as you can see at the upper left hand

Corner we have a to-do list we’ve already upgraded our axe you can see below and then uh next is we need to get five star melon for the bundle and oh my gosh I just killed our plant here no cuz I see below the ax is actually highlighted please such a bad

Farmer at this oh boy anyway uh I can’t sleep tonight any who thanks again guys for hanging out and uh if you’re new here feel free to like and subscribe to help me out at least we going to reach 1,000 subscribers hopefully this year and also to let people know how

Beautiful start the valley is by hitting that like button to help or to tell YouTube that uh this game is good for everyone especially for the kids also for parents and also literally everyone I got to say although there are some uh elements of this game that may be kind

Of controversial but it’s just part of life it’s a life Sim after all but I can say that this is the one of the most awesome game I’ve ever played and I could I I’m feel so bad about the hoop that we just murdered oh man ah okay let

Me see what to do next so I storing some a bunch of um golden produce here not really sure why but I just feel like uh I want to store all of them and then sell him if I need to if I have like this huge project going on also I am

Doing some I’m storing some strawberry jams I think they sell like to 90 gold each wow that’s expensive nice and now these hoops is going to the shipping bin also these potato or tomatoes let’s see I think I have a tomato here that we could give if in case someone will need

It and today I’m recording at uh in the morning or afternoon which is really nice cuz I feel energized unlike the usual recording time we have it’s always like uh at 1:00 p.m. or 1 a.m. or to 3 a.m. in the morning yes you heard that right so might be a bit talkative

Compared to my other videos hope you don’t mind so we have this Jade just give it to Gunther all right this uh winter foraging is going to our bundle also this winter root and this River catfish okay let’s do that and um let’s see the thing is I’m not really good at

Farming games I don’t know what to do next after watering the plant and feeding the chickens so uh let’s see uh hold on um the thing that we have we have I think uh I’ll go ahead with uh crafting more serve JS right as you can

See I have a lot of fruits here grapes 49 salmon berries oh I know I know um since we have chickens already uh we have some eggs let’s make some mayonnaise right okay let’s buy chicken first to Marne so let going to go to our to-do list so this upgrade axe is done

Good job to us done done okay I’ll just manually erase yeah and then uh mayonnaise I don’t know the spelling forgive me guys mayonnaise make okay looking good so now we’re off to minus place by our fourth chicken we also have some wigglies here some clay for the

Mayonnaise I think you need uh let’s see mayonnaise maker so we need uh wood Stone oh we need an Earth crystal that means um we need to go down the mines and also I’m thinking of crafting a quality sprinkler so we need a refined quartz looks like uh going to go ahead

And focus on the mines this time so we could progress a bit look at these Scout this is also from Ellie mod so cute cutie all right uh chickens go in here grasco uh what a what a man name but I like to name our chicken H I actually

Recommend guys but for now I’ll name our chicken I know okay guess what what’s the name two of chicken and then feet chicken feet and yes in our home country we do love chicken feet Delicacies we have here Abigail hi do you ever get an urge to go exploring snack okay pretend you

Just w a free vacation where would you go in a dark cave yeah that sounds wonderful let’s see what we could give to nothing now that we’ve bought our fourth chicken it’s already 3:00 p.m. I was thinking I’m going to the mines but uh we won’t be able to maximize our time

So let’s see what we could do to prepare in the mines we have some food uh let’s just go D dumpster diving guys oh look at that we have a field snack nice we have Maru here I bet you’re growing some interesting crops right now yep that

Sets a lot of exotic plants grow in the valley this time of year Emily hello hello Emily how are you doing more Wes oh we got a rusty spoon oh okay uh let’s go to Gunther let’s hurry up I think uh Gunther is going to be closing at 600

P.m. if I’m not mistaken hi there guys awesome we have this uh spoon all right let’s uh go and check it out it’s a rusty spoon a plain old spoon probably 10 years old not very interesting all right how come it has its place in the

Museum it’s like a normal spoon and it’s also Rusty right now let’s head straight to the community center and uh offer these items that we have all right let’s go all right we also have here Caroline today I’m just going to relax and think positively you’re awesome you’re an

Awesome sauce do ever take your day off not really I’m working hard to farm all so I have a lot of projects going on although I enjoy what I’m doing it’s good to take a break from work every now and then yeah you’re all right Demetri

Say should be right I guess that’s kind of difficult when you live in a farm though hey at least it’s the winter you don’t have to worry about crops mhm it’s winter no it’s summer yeah I’m kind of busy I’m working currently on theise maker well it’s fun though cuz it’s

Going to be worth it unlike my previous job before at the office it’s just this one is way too satisfying and more productive CU it keeps my my budy and mental health healthy okay here is a winter bundle this winter rout is going here there you go okay we have two more

For the winter foraging bundle now um we’ll go ahead for this catfish River fish bundle I think it’s here right aha there you go ahuh now we need a Shad and uh tiger trout so now we are at 700 p.m. let’s just head straight to the valley

And let’s see what we could find hey Robin oh my husband almost set the house on fire last night with his science experiment one of the most of his Breakers exploded and sent a fireball into the Raptors thank yoa I used fire assistance liquer when I built the place

M nice so this just reminds reminded me that someone actually told us to um it would be very beneficial for us to be friend Robin K she she knows a lot of things aside from being friends with her so one of our priori is to be friend

Robin as well in the meantime say had to Sebastian I usually only go outside after dark does that sound weird to you oh well there are people who likes the moon I like both Moon and Sun I find it I find it uh relaxing and calming for me

All right so since we still have this um 60% of our energy let’s see what I could gather for our mayonnaise machine so wood Stone we have that and copper okay let’s see if we could craft more copper bars and also I have to decide where where I’m going to put the mayonnaise

Machine I am thinking of uh putting it near uh the chicken coou like uh in front of it like here cuz if I want to go outside I’ll just go straight out here and uh to uh put the eggs in the mayonnaise machine so this one this Jade

I think I’m going to be giving it to uh Abigail okay uh let’s see it’s 10: p.m. I was thinking I were going to the saloon but it’s too late oh I forgot I said that we’re going to get some materials right cuz we still have 60%

Energy left let’s get some wood oh okay there you go wait hold on I just noticed that we could actually break now uh this Tamp with an with an axe with a oh we have an hard hardwood and a mahogany seed nice with a bronze axe nice

So we could take this and plant seeds here this part uh let me just nice we now have this part here that we could use to close up with the fence all righty looking good it looks like we got the 50 wood from that uh run and

Also three hard wood and then a whole seed nice what a productive day and I almost forgot we need to craft uh more copper cuz I’m thinking of crafting a bunch of mayonnaise machine which requires copper bars good night thank you all right we got like around 700

Gold from the these crops here and some foraging clamps nice and now we are on the 22nd day of summer it always makes me smile every time I wake up here in this Valley like Lally cuz you know I live in a city and I don’t hear often

The chicken waking me up and the music is well so relaxing looks like our plants are ready look at that oh so pretty and then uh yeah nice we have our pepper bars and before we say hi to our plants let’s send our chickens hello

Hello cuz we need them to be happy as soon as possible so they produce better eggs and also I want them to be happy live the best of their life here in our farm look at that guys and then of course let’s say hi to our buddy thank

You I forgot actually uh let’s see nice we have some mushrooms here red and common mushroom now let’s say hi to our plants oh we have now melons no not yet three more days but we have Peppers ready to be harvested there you go I think Haley loves Peppers right CU I saw

In the bulletin board before that he was asking for a hot pepper that should be delivered by a handsome man that was such a special request they just order these plants guys and also it’s the dwarf’s birthday if you look at the upper right hand corner maybe he likes

The Jade yeah we’ll see we’ll experiment and give him the Jade later hopefully I won’t forget as usual oh no this reminds me again of the prop that we just asked I should replace it with something else to redeem myself it oh boy I’m really hoping that these melons is enough for

Us to get at least five golden star melons for the community bundle that would be an awesome sauce all right thanks thank you finally done with the inventory which I totally love is the the best thing I that thing the most favorite thing that I do in the game is

Inventory actually makes me feel like I’ve conquered Mount Everest so why I like it all righty now done now I’m now in this place that I don’t know what to do oh maybe I’ll just don’t stop thinking about it and just uh utilize the remaining energy that I have by

Cutting these huge trees get some hardwood and uh like I said earlier uh visit the dwarf in the mines give him this Jade and also maybe try out and give a I want to see if hold on I want to see if Haley really likes uh hot

Peppers hot pepper there you go no strawberry jams are ready nice let’s go ahead and refill it we all now have like five remaining strawberry jams well the normal price is only 132 if you sell him raw but if you sell him uh if you craft him into a strawberry jelly let me

Correct myself it’s not a Cham but a jelly it will go up to 290 gold which is a lot nice investment okay now that we’ve done our due diligence in the farm we could head straight to the mines and say hi to the dwarf and maybe uh oh

Let’s just check the cave nope head to the mine and then uh say hi to the D and then hopefully he likes the Jade this Jade that we’ll be giving to him since he is a dwarf maybe he likes minerals right and then say hi to Haley let going

To test if Haley really loves hot peppers oh we have a lost bu it looks like this place is finally open aha look at that guys oh we have someone here Abigail hello Abigail my pet going to pick David just hates this hot weather he fuzzy nice our hot spring is open

Let’s let’s just take a break M this place looks chill all righty aha nice Soo comforting this place oh I was thinking of it of it uh increasing or help us recovering a little amount of stamina cuz since we’re resting but it’s not okay D that was such a relief so we

Have like 3,000 gold and I’m not really sure where to invest it oh wait that just watered the ground okay we have 3,000 gold I don’t know where to invest it uh we are planning to make a mayonnaise though as of the moment let’s just clean up these hot mess wait hold

On this one looks weird what is this it’s like a shrine with a chicken feet under it and there’s also another part here with the boulder wa can we use our axe to ax it out nope can’t finally we’re done cleaning the weeds that head straight to the the mines and finally we

Can say hi to a dwarf and uh forgot our bu L us here hey bro this is a great gift thank you so he saw the Heron waiting gracefully through the Morning Mist such are Treasures of a quiet life yeah how I wonder how it feels someday

Someday we’ll get there we’ll find peace I so we got four mix seeds from that when we cleared the wheat in the railroad area okay now I don’t understand what the dwarf says actually but uh oh well let’s just give it to him oh he loves it nice so he likes minerals

Like Abigail I think they’re going to be close buddies right if if I maybe I’ll someday I’ll introduce Abigail to this mysterious dwarf look at the fishes in the valley guys there is so abundant I haven’t fished for a while but uh now I’m planning of going to Haley so we

Could give her finally the the hot pepper hey Abigail I met a dwarf I think you you might like him or you get a long well because he also likes minerals like you but I’m not sure if he eats it unlike you which makes you pretty

Awesome I guess all right see you so jod is in need of a quartz do we have a quartz um okay let’s focus and head straight to Haley first that’s our main main goal at this time hi Haley oh she’s working in the kitchen I don’t know you

Cook well let’s see oh that’s such a stupid gifts I’m so sorry haly I roll from her she so pretty man oh now it’s 8:00 p.m. the best place we can be is the guess what the saloon and we have like 3,000 gold I think I’m going to be

Buying a bunch of salad for Leia maybe beer for Pam since she’s always there she’s easy which is very easy to find we have the means to buy it though beer is 400 that’s too much let’s just buy some salad I’ll buy three which means I love

You player it’s so cringe nothing like a sip uh like good stuff to warm these bones good evening going to get you anything yeah sure go but I’m here to give you this bread oh that’s sweet thank you he likes it ay is a picky

Eater it’s so hard to cook for her maybe her taste bud is so sensitive and like unusually sensitive or we don’t really know right I don’t know you who are you talking to me okay I see a bro I was just trying to be friendly as usual for

Shane yep I’m blacksmith okay I was fun meeting people Al the most of the time I want to be alone with myself and think about happy thoughts as much as I can yeah let’s head home pretty much we’ve done some good stuff today we’ve given gift to the dwarf also we’ve bought

Three salads for Leia our girl unfortunately we’ve given a horrible gift for Haley which is the hot pepper which I thought she likes cuz she requested a hot pepper and the Bo in Bard before so I think our next um Quest is or task is to buy a new Rod so we

Could put bait in it let me just take note of that real quick by by no not no it’s by okay so maybe and uh tomorrow this is do this is very doable by and your will go ahead with that and wait hold on hold on our pumpkin is ready not

Yet three more days I’m really hoping that we could find or craft ourselves a gloring so we we don’t have problem walking in the night like this already we’ve gathered like 10 hardwood from that run and also some 16 Wood and six saps I feel good man every time I do

Something here at least in the game I feel good cuz I feel like I am doing something in my life at least all righty good night everyone good night so we’ leveled up our foraging to level six plus one ax proficiency we have a lightning rod recipe I’m kind of

Overwhelmed cuz there’s a lot of recipes we are learning but we haven’t really have the means or I haven’t got the means cuz I’m a newbie to craft those things yet but uh it’s fine let’s just take it step by step we also have new

Wild seeds and a warp toe team to the beach this is one of the things that we might need to prioritize to reduce travel time we have like 800 gold from the Hops and some hot peppers nice and by the way guys for more videos you can

Like check at the um lower left hand corner of your screen thank you so much again for hanging out for watching me enjoy start the valley if you’re new here please don’t forget to like And subscribe and also remember to be patient and kind to one another that is

What love is see you in the next video

Unleash your inner Sigma and woo Haley with unprecedented speed in Stardew Valley! 🤣

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🕊️ Verse of the day!
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. -John 3:16

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