What if Stardew Valley Was a Romantic Otome Game?

There’s no doubt about it farming Z games have become immensely popular with the debut of stardo Valley in 2016 which took a lot of inspiration from an old school farming Sim game that I loved as a child called Harvest Moon like the developer of stardo Valley new farming

Games are also taking inspiration from stardo Valley calling upon old tropes of the genre and creating something entirely new like this new farming inspired at Tomy game hello hello welcome to my humble Bo today we’re going to go ahead and try out the demo for pichle Valley Seeds of Love since

This game is inspired by a lot lot of like Monumental farming Sim games AKA start of Valley Harvest Moon story of seasons and whatnot I’m very curious to see how they’re going to incorporate all these farming Sim tropes like is my grandpa going to die am I going to

Inherit a farm from my grandpa will I be quitting my job because I’m absolutely sick of working in a little cubicle what’s going to happen let’s see I swallow a lump for me in my throat as my boss slowly brings his gaze up to meet mine you’re

Fired you’re fired well what what if this is type of work you deem worthy enough to submit to us after such a lenient deadline that I honestly don’t have much else to say to you oh gosh this seems pretty serious but boss wait I can resubmit a new draft or make any

Change is necessary but um what exactly is wrong with the current proposal I thought that everything everything dude I can’t help but Gul as my boss Narrows his eyes at me slamming his hands on the desk I watch as he coldly Taps on my art proposal before clearing his throat this

Is not the level nor quality of work we expected when we hired you as Elite artist for this project Miss Denise it’s almost as if you deemed this position to be a jok of sorts GE this is Harsh dude sir sir I can assure you that is

Most definitely not the case the urgency in my voice pitches my volume higher and I can’t help but tense up in my chair I would cry on the spot it isn’t like that at all I was beyond an overjoyed and truly honored to be chosen for this

Project I I admit that perhaps my Arts quality has not been the highest as aely but I can change that please allow me to resubmit on you no this is not something to be discussed desperation rises in my chest as I feel Panic settle into my stomach and I unconsciously stand up and

Bow my head sir please I’m begging you I can’t afford to lose this position right now the reason I haven’t been able to concentrate is because I’m in the process of getting evicted my apartment complex suddenly announced their demolition plans and I’ve I’ve been swamped attempting to

Find a new place and finish as a proposal but but I swear to you I can tell me why is it that your excuses are always more creative than your art pieces jeez why is it that your excuses are always more creative than your artpie girl I’ll fight back okay fight

Back with your boss okay this is it’s not acceptable my heart feels like it’s stopped in my chest as I stare at the pair of ice cooled eyes staring back at me no empathy dude no empathy for a moment I feel like a deer appearing to Bright fast approaching headlights

Seconds from a tragic fate I can only watch my boss open his mouth once again grabbing my proposal in the process perhaps you should have become a writer instead if you’re so good at Coming s uh Gob smacked we need an artist not a writer one that can deliver work not excuses I can feel my blood running cold as I watch my boss slowly grab my art proposal the very same proposal I had stayed up working day and night on for the last several

Weeks the very same one that just a few hours ago I was so so proud of this dialogue is so good like whoever wrote this oh Chef’s kiss your proposal was garbage garbage lack of a better word lack of a better word dude I can’t even imagine not even like any critical like

Like helpful criticism it’s just like garbage piece piece of garbage oh God that’s so sad I hope you will come to realize that as an artist he Narrows his eyes as he opens the cover of my proposal one last time before looking back up at me and throwing it in the

Trash piece of can’t say it but you know what I mean you are an easily replaceable asset in such a competitive industry dude I can’t imagine some my boss or my manager just going up like you’re replaceable that’s if you’re going to spend more time fabricating excuses rather than

Meeting a client’s minimal expectations then perhaps you should have considered a different career choice you’re not an artist you’re an amateur no I’m cry and this company is not looking to employ amateurs we are looking to employ professionals one that you have already been replaced with dude that fast that

Was fast like they thought about this I can’t help but rub my temples as what feels like the heaviest longest sigh of My Life Escapes me I watch as all sorts of people stream like ants throughout the city streets each with their own destinations in mind shiak mushrooms what is this jewelry healing

Movie theater cap capway what is that eventually I can’t do much else and opt to stare into a lukewarm cup of coffee in front of me I don’t have a cup of coffee but like uh I got a canteen I’m looking at it fired and getting called garbage right to your

Face huh definitely not how I expected my weekend to start my heart feels heavy as I look up from my drink to gaze out at a clear blue sky that seems to stretch on forever amidst towering skyscrapers and I think of how beautiful a day it is today it almost feels like

The world’s mocking me somehow my attention is diverted when I hear the sound of a child laughing my eyes Trail over to a young boy tugging his mother’s arm with one hand and clutching a small Sketchbook in another as the par sit down at a table near my

Own he opens a Sketchbook flipping to a page of a specific drawing before suddenly jumping up on the chair the mother laughs as she watches her son strike the same pose as a crayon colored character before her oh oh and this is Thunderman I drew him during recess when everyone else was

Outside what he’s so handsome look at all those details oh I’m so proud of you munchkin you’re getting so good at drawing thanks mommy when I grow up I want to become an artist and draw my own superheroes oh gosh you better not you better not unless you want to be like

Her I’m just kidding oh you’re going to be a great artist sweetie I just know it you’re already so talented and you work so hard what else could you need I feel my grip on my coffee cup Titan as I watch the beaming child show his mom

More and more schedules in his notebook I just got fired I don’t want to hear about this the sparkle look of Joy hope and happiness that beams in his eyes it’s one I remember well I can’t help but swallow the forming lump in my throat as I grab my drink and slam it

Into a nearby trash Canam as I walk away from the tables I shake my head sadly as a mother and sons laughter echoes in my ears and don’t be stupid kid as much as we all want it to be that way the truth is hard work doesn’t guarantee anything in

The real world the only thing I’ll earn you is realizing just how stupid those dreams of yours once were oh God this is really depressing for your sake I hope along the path of life you find something else that can make you smile like that because art just isn’t worth

It take it from me somebody who just got fired dude that’s rough without uttering a word I quickly walk away to escape watching a shadow of what I once used to be you too a shadow of a happy dreaming kid who loved what she did more than

Anything a shadow of a person who doesn’t exist anymore oh my God this is when she becomes a farmer I just know it like my feet Carry Me Down familiar city streets as the Evening Sun begins to set and golden Hues illuminate the sky wow

This art is so good like who did it look at this amazing but before I had a moment taking the uplifting sight an email notification on my phone commands my attention dear mise this is an urgent reminder Please be aware that you have 3 Days To vacate the premise at 302 New

Street Lane the demolition of the complex will begin Monday morning at Sunrise all tenants and belongings must be removed by then any and all belongings that still remain in the property by next Monday will be considered garbage and thrown away please act accordingly Monday what what that’s

Impossible I gawk on my phone as I stopped to read the full email earning a few strange glances from other passerby oh my gosh my heart raises in my chest as I frankly dial my landlord’s number after a few moments a voice per picks up hello this is Frank

Speaking I love the voice acting in this game it’s like minimal but just enough right Frank this is Denise from Apartment 302 I just got an email from the complex saying that demolition begins Monday morning how is that possible when barely a week ago you told

Me I had another month to move oh yeah about that uh sorry for the confusion but there’s been a uh slight change in the plan frak how could you do this to me what what are you talking about yeah you see the company that bought that complex wants to start a

Building a a water park on any sa and while the origal agreement said a month the CEO called me yesterday and offered me half a million dollars to startop next can you believe it believe it oh gosh friend what G I know ain’t that something so yeah yeah

Got to get out of there oh gosh Frank are you crazy how am I supposed to find a place to live and move into in 3 days it’s Friday yeah I understand and all that but uh Money Talks baby oh my gosh I I kind of hate and love frank at the same

Time like cuz his his voice is so funny he’s so funny come on he’s so funny Money Talks baby sorry about the short notice but I’ll KN you out Pronto but Frank oh H got another call coming in ain’t much more to discuss sweetheart uh

Deal de oh gosh Frank I love and hate you but this is this is too much my Monday morning I need you out of there no ESN butts okay I scream out in frustration as the call drops and I can only gck into my phone by Monday where the hell am I

Supposed to go I just got laid off for God’s sake taking notice of The Passing Strangers and nearby security guard shooting me curious glances I feel my cheeks flush red in embarrassment I clear my throat as I continue walking forward I need to calm down or I’m going

To risk getting arrested at this point too but hell at least I’ll have a rentree place to stay by Monday just as I attempt to calm myself by heing a few deep breaths my stomach lets out a disturbed growl I rubed my belly as I glance at the

Time and to top it all off I haven’t even been eating properly trying to meet that stupid deadline and what was it even for in the first place maybe I should just grab some food past food go home and try to plan out how exactly I’m going to survive the next 72

Hours as I barely take a step forward a speeding car honks angrily at me causing me to quickly tumble backwards in attempt to dodge it an angryl looking man lowers down his window as he flashes me hey what the hell watch where you’re going lady wait uh sir that’s my line

You jerk where’ you learn to drive the dumpster the dumpster I can’t help but let out a shaky breath as I watch the driver flipped me off again before angrily taking off I looked down to catch a sight of myself on the floor now with a few bleeding scratches adorning my hands and

Knees I glanced up to see my people passing by left and right but no one bothers to help me not so much as even spare me a glance as I look up at the looming buildings on both sides of me I can’t tell what suddenly feels colder the

Concrete of before or the hearts of the people in the city ah what the heck what this why they do this to her my girl I’m here for you I let out what feels like the millionth side of the day as I wrap my arms around my frame from

The chilly night air that’s begun to settle in as my apartment complex finally comes into view I can’t help but stop in place home sweet home huh well not for much longer anyways as I reach out for my keys I catch sight of a wooden sign that seems oddly out of

Place resting against the street light next to me semiannual Farmer Market last sunrise to sundown today only I raised an eyebrow in the direction of the science points at as I tilt my head towards the entrance of a nearby Park Farmers Market I didn’t even know those

Happen in this kind of city but maybe they’ll have something cheap and good that I can grab for lunch tomorrow oh she’s looking on the bright side just about anything’s better than that nasty burger I had for dinner with new found interest I decided to make my way

Towards the park my gosh I feel so sad for her as I walk into the park the realization of what time it is hit me as I watch people finish moving large tents and baskets into trucks damn missed it didn’t realize how late it’s already gotten that sign was probably put up way

Earlier today huh huh yay more expired Ramen for lunch it is what a menu desiging to at least walk off of the 90% GRE 10% Burger packed I grow for dinner I stroll down the venue and spot various folks still packing still backing I don’t know what I’m saying The

Rustic and humble looking Sals of fruits and vegetables being sold gra my attention but what intrigues me more is the people packing them I watch as these vendors most of whom are dressed in simp worn clothes and mismatching colors laugh and joke amongst each other many

Are covered in sweat and dirt from A Hard Day’s work but the looks on their faces is what really captures my attention oh my God don’t do this to yourself don’t look at them they’re too happy stop being happy why do they look so happy despite the visible weariness of

The day almost every face I can spot is graced by an expression of utmost joy as they chat amongst each other and continue packing one would is assumed that perhaps they had the best sales day of their life but the many cards of unsold fruits and vegetables in the back

Of several trucks dictates otherwise they seem so genuinely happy can’t help but feel a little jealous as I smile sadly and continue working forward I almost near the end of the Long Street suddenly out of the corner of my eye a big sign decorated with vibrant flowers catches my

Attention Help Wanted various positions open at Peach L Valley oh Peach L Valley h leave the city life behind and have a fresh new start in the countryside I find my eyes trans fixed on the words written before me and for some reason I just can’t help but read the sign over

And over again almost as if waiting for the words to sing into me leave the city life behind and have a fresh new start in the countryside H I can only blink blankly as I mumble the line out loud but the sudden sound of approaching footsteps

Distracts me I turned to look into the face of a short old man with a funny looking mustache the man shoots me a kind Smile as he places a small crate of flowers down next to him before motioning towards the sign evening there Missy I’m afraid you’re a bit late for the

Market it seems you might have missed all the good deals but well are you interested in hearing more about the valley by chance yes I do sir as if his question snaps me back into reality I find myself instinctively shaking my head as I step back oh oh no

No sorry I was just looking I was just taking a look um I’ll be going now is that so well all right then have yourself a good night young lady oh and here ooh pretty flower I can help but blink twice as the old man holds up a

Pretty flower to my face the same types as the one filling the crates next to him I I’m sorry I don’t really have any money on me on now now gifts are meant to be paid for you know at just warm words and cheerful expression I can’t help but

Smile shyly as I take the vibrant bling flower from his hand thank you it’s it’s very beautiful Ain it now go on and make sure you take an extra blanket to bed with you it’s getting awfully chilly these night around here wouldn’t want you catching the snipples for fun this

Guy is so fun he’s so nice I KN my head as he shoots me a wave before turning around to continue loading more crates in the back of a small truck as I turn around and continue my stroll forward an appreciative smile forms on my lips I

Bring the flower to my nose a sweet gendle scent fills my senses and I can’t help but feel my smile grow you know that’s probably the nicest conversation I’ve had in weeks I secretly glance back at the old man as he weighs over at another vendor while beaming a giant

Smile the sign that I was previously so fixated on seems to Glow as a beam of moonlight reflects off of it I look down at the small flower in my hand as I twirl it huh just leave everything behind and start a brand new life in a little Valley Town huh even just

Thinking about it seems so crazy almost like it’s not even real I just can’t even imagine it my Pace eventually slows down as I stop completely a few moments passed before I hesitant turn around to look at the sign again no it’s it’s beyond crazy it’s more like impossible

Even more with someone like me who’s never left the city before I mean come on like let’s be real I wouldn’t even last a day without proper Wi-Fi probably go insane or something honestly same I probably would I probably would be honest my thoughts oppose my actions as

I find myself standing once again in front of the sign so why do I reach out a hand to touch the words in front of me I can’t help but feel tears begin to prickle in my eyes and as I trace the words fresh new start with my finger I I

Can feel my throat tighten so why does something so ridiculous so absolutely absurd just sound like a dream to me right now but is a small act of kindness from a stranger how me feeling like this all at once feels as if the weight of it

All has finally caught up to me I feel a lump form in my throat as I desperately try to swallow the forming emotions inside of me honestly I’m tired I’m really really tired and it seems nothing ever goes the way I hope it will and I I

Don’t really know what to do anymore more somehow it feels like everything I do is hopeless a little shaky breath as I hear a pair of slow footsteps approach me I don’t even attempt to hide the tears swalling my eyes as I slowly sck up to see the old man’s face from before

He shoots me a warm sympathetic Smile as he points to the flower in my hand you know where I’m from that flower there is usually given to people who leave on a journey it’s a way to hope for prous New Beginnings wherever they might find themselves some might lose

Their way but the flowers SMS remind them that no matter where along the path of Life they may be they can always start again as I stare into the old man’s eyes I can’t help but smile but for only the second time today his words resonate deeply

Within my heart i gaze into the beautiful petals with the flower in my hand for a second it almost feels like they themselves are turning me on I feel a gentle hand Place itself on my shoulder as I look up once again what’s your name Miss name it’s Denise a

Fine name at that now then tell me are you interested in hearing more about the valley it’s never too late to start a brand new adventure ain’t it I chuckle as I wipe a few more straight tears from my eyes and gnaw my head resolutely I am interested can you tell

Me more oh my gosh ah I’m excited it’s incredible how the decisions that have the power to change our lives completely seem to happen in the blink of an eye and from those very decisions the seeds of our future Sprout and Bloom into the very lives set out

Before us oh my gosh that was so good well here we are welcome to the valley to the valley is what I’d originally say but unfortunately our destination lies just beyond this here Trail tricks as I call it I climb out of the passenger seat of

Earl’s truck as I look into a Dusty Mountain trail trail of trucks yep yep this one’s a bugger for folks heading up into the valley gets real slippery due to the rain this time of year however for those CR cross in my foot there’s a short little Forest path

Right through there that’ll get you to the other side in less time then you can say mo will we be going by foot the rest of the way then uh well uh as much as I enjoy nature I’d hate to leave my truck here to it especially filled with all my

Flowers and veggies still on board here’s what we’ll do you go on ahead through that path by foot and I’ll meet you out on the other side once I get this darn truck over this here Trail sound all right um but uh are you sure you can get

The truck up there by yourself Earl Earl lets out a roaring laugh as he places his hands on his small thin waist before patting the back of his truck oh you bet May and old Bessie here have been together for a lot tougher than this I’ll tell you that it just

Gets to be a real bumpy right up there and I’d hate for you to get all green and goobery on me besides gets you warmed up for walking you’ll be doing lots of that where you’re going I can’t help a Chuck glass Earl’s positive demeanor shines

Through my worries I nod my head and grab a small bag as they head towards the opening of the forest path he pointed out well then I’ll take your word for it I’ll head on through and see you in a bit it’ll be a Dar Jiffy make sure you

Stay on the path now you hear can’t be losing you in the forest on your moving day you see I wouldn’t know what to do with all your pink suitcases they don’t match my eyes one bit okay ear earned another laugh out of me as we wave to

Each other before I walk through a small open path between several bushes ooh I’m I’m scared like are we going to get lost like as I walk in through the dead Shrubbery I can make out a visible path heading towards an opening not too far away clutch my back for closer as I

Began my track while panning my head around of taking the sights wow I don’t think I’ve ever seen this much green before in my life even the air Feels So Different Here Feels So Fresh sh I walked toward a few more steps as I Tak in the emerald

Scenery around me trees plants and flowers some of the likes I’ve never seen before all seem to quietly bloom in place I can hear the sounds of leaves rustling in the wind as an incredibly calming sensation seems to rate rate r r okay I can’t say that word I’m sorry

Through the entire area this place feels so soothing almost like it’s my inner monologue is interrupted as I unexpectedly bump into something soft I bring my geese forward only to stare into the greenest pair of eyes I’ve ever seen oh my gosh oh I’m scared I’m

Nervous oh my God is it want to is it a love interest TR oh what oh my gosh she bumps into somebody uh I just know it it’s one of those tropes surprised by the sudden Pro proximity of a stranger peering into my face I quickly step back

Only to a step and fall ungracefully on my butt oh my God he’s beautiful as I mutter a small groan I look up to see The Stranger chuckling softly to [Laughter] himself that’s him that’s him I’m trying to be like dark and mysterious green hair and what’s with his clothes hey man

Don’t shame don’t shame somebody’s clothes The Stranger extends a hand to me with a warm Sil smile I eye it for a few moments before choosing to accept his help with a strange amount of ease the stranger helps me back up to my feet as I shly gaze up at

Him despite his strange looks he’s boast a beautiful almost ethereal vage and somehow it’s as if just standing near him makes me feel incredibly calm I can’t help but catch myself staring as I quickly clear my throat I I’m sorry for mbing into you I probably should have been washing where

I was going H The Stranger tilts his head as he shoots me another warm silent smile my eyes extinct of L widen as he suddenly reaches towards the side of my face before slowly pulling out a fourleaf clover to from th near here you

Go huh a clover was it stuck in my hair or something it tends up as a stranger gently grabs my hand and places it in the center of my palm without a word I can’t help but stare at the small Clover for a few seconds before clearing my throat and looking back

Up um the thank you for the help these usually represent good luck don’t they The Stranger nods at me while flashing me a SL smile at this time I can’t help but flash one of my own so are you from around here or what’s your name hey

Kiddo y over here Earl oh my gosh Earl I love you Earl I turned towards the opening of The Path as the sound of Earl’s voice booms through the quiet Forest several Le seem to russle as few WN creatures scatter about rushing back into the trees and just as I turn around

Again to face the stranger I find the spot he stood in just a second ago to be completely empty oh my God oh my oh my gosh is he magic wh what the where’d he go can you hear me don’t tell me you actually got lost there I love you Earl

No no I’ll be right there my eyes start around the dense Greenery around me an elastic attempt to spot any signs of the young stranger but to no avail he’s gone as if he vanished Into Thin Air and in the place he stood just meere seconds ago small flowers now seem to be

Blooming from the ground oh gosh oh what I shake my head of any strange thoughts as I focus my attention back towards Earl’s voice and head to the end of the trail Gob smacked what my breath hitches as I stare out the magical view that lies before me wow this is

Beautiful like look at this what Gorgeous whoo oh man Rolling Hills all covered in blooming flowers seem to stretch on forever as they all meet the silhouette of a distant town from this elevation I Marvel as both snowy looming mountains and a sparkling ocean also meet near the town to create a breathtaking display of

Nature I can’t help but break down into a genuine laugh as a slight breeze picks up and it seems as if all the flowers begin a dance in the Wind around me this here is my favorite part of the whole trip I look over to see Earl and

His truck now parked beside me as he looks out over the window with a tender loving smile welcome to peachleaf Valley wow I love this it’s so good I 100% think the art is amazing background music is a Bob like come on like right here in this far away land or Valley where the sky sea and land meet a brand new story it’s about to begin oh

Our Su ties Peach Le Valley SE of Loveo MC the heroin o Jude I am I am going for the baker I love the baker he’s a quiet guy Skyler the Aristocrat he’s okay NAD The Traveler he seems cool too I’m like quite curious about him um and who is this guy hunter the Farmer oh this is like this is reminds me like all the like like a shjo anime intros and I kind of love it cuz there is not a lot of female oriented anime nowadays it’s just it’s just all around everything oh I love this vocals Toy R lyrics Ichi Tatu Zaki this is legit oh wow Round of Applause for that intro that was so good oh is that our bedroom it looks really cute very quaint Earl opens the door to a quaint fiz room as he beckons me inside well here we are here we are

This will be your room for the time being oh Earl are you sure about this I feel like I’m imposing on you way too much I’m perfectly fine with staying at the end I’ll find a way to get some money together to pay for the room

Man imposing smile I love you you R you hasn’t enough Peach Lea now so you’re basically part of the family you’ll find there isn’t a whole lot of us down here but we’re tight the community we do our best to help one another and besides and besides after you took the time to

Explain your situation to me ain’t no way I can turn blind I of someone to need I was there once too you know and it’s because someone believed in me and helped me get on my feet that I was able to get where I am today now it’s my turn

Down the line to help I can’t help but Smile shyly as I touch the neatly made bed before me I I just I feel like such a burden already you didn’t charge me anything for the trip and now you’ll let me live in your house without even

Paying rent I I at least want to pay you back that kindness somehow I hope you can understand and you will kiddo you will kiddo but you got to get back on your feet first thank you sir thank you Earl I know this room ain’t the fanciest place

I’m sure you’ll want a home for yourself soon enough but until we can get you settled into your new life here you can at least rest your head at a night worry free a wave of emotion washes over me as I feel tears of overwhelming gratitude

Threaten to fall from my eyes I can’t help but let a shaky laugh as I typically bow my head Earl thank you so much I I don’t even know what to say I I feel a gentle hand ruffle my Earl beams me a warm smile there are a bunch of

Suitors but nobody will replace Earl for me you’re home now kiddo no need for water works like I said before peach part of the peachly family oh God M be crying you’ll why we don’t have a lot of stuff you can find back in that big old

City you came from but we do got a whole lot of this can’t help but gigl herl points his Heart seeing me smile The Old Man chuggles and motions to a nearby Closet in casee you find yourself missing anything you’ll find some clothes and garments that used to belong to my youngest daughter there oh why you so nice she’s terribly outgrown them now but maybe they’ll

Serve you better than they did her this room belonged to your daughter Earl sure did but she’s got her own life far beyond this little Valley now so feel free to make this room your own I can’t help but glance around the small room even though it’s not filled with a lot I

Can tell everything has been taken care of really well I turned towards Earl once more as my heart pings in my chest thank you Earl thank you so much I I really don’t know how to express how appreciative I am to you you know a few

Days ago I well honestly I thought I’d be out homeless on the street by Monday morning I didn’t never think I’d be starting a brand new life in such a beautiful Valley earol Chuckles as he shoots me a two grin before placing his hands on his hips that’s the beauty of

Life D yours took you here now on that note let’s go meet everybody the whole ta got into a r is when I found them we had a new Resident coming in you’ll have plenty of time to unpack later so let’s get a move on okay I’m excited let’s go my eyes

Start around the streets of a lovely bustling town that looks like it came straight out of the pages of a fairy tale book oh gosh the art really is good I watch as shopkeepers sweep the entrances to their stores with wooden brooms and greet each other warmly

Energetic Smiles Adorn the faces of a small child as they run through the streets without a care in the world and everyone absolutely everyone where’s a peaceful smile on their face Earl stops to shoot me a grin as he himself scans the town around him with a proud

Expression this is beautiful what a Charming place oh you ain’t seen nothing yet you ain’t seen nothing yet but aha I know just where to start off our tour how about you meet my wife and Grandson first since you’ll be living with them under the same roof my wife runs the

Best and only Bakery in town so if you ever find yourself craving something sweet you’ll know just where to go a soft bell rings out as I walk into a rustic little shop with a delicious smell wafting in the air can’t help but feel my face light up as I taking the

Sight of beautifully colored P spanning down a glass clowner hello anybody home well well look this it’s back so soon from your trip old man I love dude I want him I want him at the sound of an unfamiliar voice I shyly pick over Earl’s shoulder to spot a young man as

He walks in through a set of kitchen doors small rays of sunlight shining through the window reflect off his amber colored eyes as a kind smile dances on his face yes true true I love him I’m a Fan there you are Jude I was wondering who was running this Bakery yall just can’t just leave the front empty like this relax Gramps jeez you’ve been back for less than a minute and you’re nagging already gr’s got something in the oven and I was just finishing up an ordering

Do you imagine like you married Jude and then your grandpa in-law would be Earl like that’s amazing that’s an amazing family Dynamic cuz I love I love Earl Earl is great and besides you know what always gets kind of empty at this hour no need for

Nags just as Earl open his mouth to say something an old woman walks out through the country doors with an excited smile on her face oh I thought I heard your voice dear you arrived just in time I have a delicious carrot cake with your name on it in a they’re so

Nice oh pumpkin you’re embarrass me in front of the kidos huh kiddos Earl beams a giant Smile as he steps out out of the way to reveal me standing behind him Nina Jude I’d like y’all to meet the newest resident of peachleaf Valley come on no need to be

Shy introduce yourself H right hello I’m Denise I just moved here from the city and I’m very excited to meet everyone thank you for having me what Denise well aren’t you enough absolute Delight let me get a good look at you my dear my nervousness begins to dissipate

As Nina steps out from behind the counter and comes closer beaming a friendly smile my name is Nina as you probably already noticed I’m Earl’s wife and I run this Bakery it’s an absolute pressure to make your acquaintance Denise the pleasure is all mine thank you so much for your hospitality and for

Letting me stay at your home for the time being aren’t you just the sweetest thing you’re very welcome my dear I know such a big move can be awfully nerve-wracking but you’ve got nothing to worry about here you’re already part of the family need to taste my hands and hers

As she says this and I can feel my heart swell with happiness at this level of kindness I’ve never experienced before thank you so much I’m afraid I don’t know what else to say well you start by telling me this do you like sweets there I I do butter pound cake is my

Favorite why what a coincidence that’s my little Jew’s favorite dessert too right dear I glance over at Jude still standing behind the counter but rais an eyebrow when I see him gazing at me with an intense expression oh my gosh oh I am scared I don’t know what’s happening he

Doesn’t even seem to register Nina’s question as he simply stares at my face almost as of desperately trying to decipher something is there something on our face or am I just like super hot and he like likes me you know like come on my character is pretty cute you

Know Drew darling is everything all right dear almost as his grandmother’s worried tone snaps him back to reality Jude tears his gaze away from me for nervous sleep looking back up oh I can’t help but G as his eyes dark frantically between my but his face looks so worried like am

I is something happening like is this not a good reaction like what’s going on sorry I um I have to go I did hear he was kind of like a shy character so maybe that’s why I just I need some air I’ll be back later oh my gosh

W it is a little toasty in here fun intended cuz this is a bakery um with a barely with barely a moment’s notice Jude quickly walks out from behind the counter brushes past me and briskly exit the small shop Jude Jude dear where are you going

Oh my gosh he they’re all like Gob back they’re like what is going on like why because he’s in love with me obviously you know my character is super hot and I mean she’s cute and nice so I mean come on you can’t pass this up his grand

Mother parents calls fall on death ears as Jude quickly exits the shop in a hurry not even glancing back once an awkward silence falls in the shop for a few minutes as Nina and Earl exchange confused glances I guess this has never happened before for him what

The heck was that about I I didn’t say anything weird did I oh Denise please pardon my dudee he’s not usually like this at all I wonder what got him so Flustered I know maybe he just couldn’t handle just how pretty Denise Was I can’t feel my cheeks heat up at Earl’s joke at the image of J’s intense Gaze on me Mak oh there’s the carrot cake just in oh my gosh I feel so good like wow what a rush ear Denise why don’t you both grab

A chair and I’ll bring it out with some War milk just a second not without some help you won’t I can’t let my pumpkin do all the work around here oh they’re so cute like uh I can’t help but giggle at the wholesome bander between Earl and his wife as they

Lovingly take each other’s hands and go towards the back it fills my heart with delightful warmth to see two people love each other so deeply in such old age once the p is out of sight I can’t help but look over my shoulder at the direction Jude abruptly left moments ago

It almost seem like he recognized me or something but that can’t be it I mean I’ve never been here before that was just totally weird hm I hope he’s okay maybe he saw us in his dreams you know like erl and I will walk through the

Gates of a vast Ranch as a clear blue sky shines above us I can hear the cries of chickens and other farm animals in the distance as a farly large sized Barn comes into view your house I can’t help but Smile as I spot s chickens grazing

Washing as they seriously look over at me it’s such a beautiful day out isn’t it animals in this far must be happy with such a good grazing weather now for our next stop welcome to elderberry farm H it’s a little strange though he and HBY are usually out here by this

Hour wait here a second Denise I’m just going to go check and see if they’re home real quick be back in The Jeffy and all my head is ear emotions for me to wait in place I turn around and walk a few pieces over to a small chick and pen

And giggle as a cute little chick curiously looks up at me pew pew a a aren’t you a cutie I wonder what your name is b B h a loud yell in the distance captures my attention spping my head up towards the source of the sound suddenly the ground feel us if it’s starting to start shaking as the nearby chickens all frantically run in the opposite direction what what the Tremors Bessie

Bessie get back here godamn it I turned around at the sound of a loud cry when I catch the sight of a rampaging cow heading straight towards me a lightning speed the cow is quite large in size and its eyes seem to be glowing red as smoke

Comes out of its nose whoa gosh I’m scared what’s going to happen oh what a a a cow how is it so fast I can’t move out of the way at this rate I closed my eyes instinctively as I braced myself for the impact before another voice shouts out

Hey watch out oh gosh I feel a strong force Propel me backwards as they fall to the ground then raged cow cries as she races past when where I said seconds ago dust fluttering in her Trail Oh my oh my gosh oh gosh right FR my face another guy so we’ve already met three guys at this point after a few moments I open my eyes and feel my face turn beat red as I see my hands press against a strong well-defined chest

Hovering over me I can feel my pulse go racing as the feeling of muscular arms wrapped around my waist shock me back into reality oh my oh a little see me in here is it not W sorry about that sorry about that Miss are you okay you’re not hurt anyone are

You I look up into to stare into ocean blue eyes as a Young Man stares back working at me oh my gosh I can imagine like Milly eyelish just singing that song I I can’t remember what the song is but it’s ocean BL something like that I I I am

Fine pH I’m glad to hear it sorry for the tumble let’s get you back on your feet yeah the Cool Breeze flutters against my skin as the young man releases me from his strong grasp pushing me himself up my heart Stam in my chest as I sit ABS mindly on the

Ground for a few seconds trying to process the situation muscles oh s so many Muscles oh my God girl she is genuinely shocked by the muscles on this man my attention is diverted as a hand extends itself towards me I look up to see the young man from a before shooting me a friendly smile H smile there are much better places to

Take a rest than on the ground you know sensing his kindness I shely plac my hand in his and he lifts me to my feet with ease I find myself stammering as he proceeds to kneel down to brush some dirt off from my clothes he flashes another friendly smile afterwards there

We go good as new can I help you oh there big old Dairy Queen oh my gosh Earl is she ah Earl is so freaking funny the sound of Earl’s excited yelling grabs both my and the stranger attention as they turn around to see Earl being smothered in kisses from the previously

Raging cow oh you Dar love bucket you did you miss me Bessie the Young man is next to me tilts his head back in laughter at the affectionate display of course I should have known it was you Earl no one else gets Bessie that riled Up that’s because I’m her one and only true love ain’t that right byy a can’t help but smile it’s early Earl begins to walk over to us with a now team with calm and slightly blushing cow how have you been Hunter my boy taking good care of my sweet innocent little angel here

Right of course Earl although I’m afraid she’s not nearly as innocent as you think you know she nearly ran over this poor young lady over here with a few minutes back as hter looks back at me with a sheepish smile I can’t help but feel my cheeks heat up again thinking

Back to our previous close encounter messie you can’t be running over a new neighbor over here here before I’ve had a chance to introduce y all now then hter where is everyone else mom and Hubie went to the city H I thought it was hubby I was like a hubby

Elderberry Farm’s down to one today I’m afraid oh gotcha well then no matter Denise this is Hunter Hunter this is Denise she’s Peach Leaf’s newest resident and this year’s big Bessie my I want true love ain’t nobody out there can hold a canle to my sweet Bessie what

About his wife though what about his wife oh is that so huh oh I knew it don’t you dare farm boy don’t you dare farm boy I can’t help but chuckle as I wave over to the Large Animal by Earl side hi there Bey nice to

Formally meet you and nice to meet you too Hunter thank you for the help back there my pleasure sorry about Bessie as you can probably tell she uh gets real excited when Earl’s around she probably caught a whiff of him when you guys got here well that’s because she loves me

Ain’t that right Bessie I can’t help but gigle at Earl and Bessie’s enduring exchange a few moments passed before I catch a sight of under’s eyes on me he wipes a hand on his pants before sending it out to me with a smile welcome to the valley I hope your new life here will

Pan out exactly as you hoped it would and if you ever find yourself in need of anything feel free to reach out thank you Hunter I appreciate it truly no worries we’re all a giant crazy family down here i’llbe it maybe a bit dysfunctional too oh by the way I also part work

Parttime of the rest restaurant and do odd jobs around town so you might see me running around often don’t be afraid to ask for directions if you ever get lost okay this place can be a little bit of a maze for newcomers at first right thanks I definitely will sounds good now then

If you’ll excuse me back in the barn Bess big troublemaker you the sound of laughter fills in the air as Bessie hides behind Earl from h a that’s so cute I feel a sense of warmth fill my heart as I get to unravel more and more of the Valley as we approach the entrance of a queen flower shop Earl shoots me a smile while he opens the door for me now I’m sure you’re probably dying to meet someone you can relate to with so I want to take you to meet Miss Amelia she’s a

Real kind girl runs the shop with her nutty old grandma see seems to be about your age too so I’m sure you all be can be great friends as we walk into a beautiful flower shop a sweet scent fills my senses as I can’t help but breathe in I

Look around to see Gorgeous Flowers some of the Lights I’ve never seen before all blooming through even the tiniest cracks in the wood Skyler is that you he the a fusion in Earl’s voice I turned to stare into the profile of a tall foreign looking man the man doesn’t seem to have noticed

Earl as he Paces back and forth seemingly deep in thought H I cannot read that I cannot read French I took Spanish in high school so I’m unfortunately very sorry about that uh The Tall Man the mother to him to himself before Earl approaches him waving his hand Skyler hello you

Listen the foreign man’s attention snaps up at the sound of his name he looks over before shooting Earl a friendly smile ah M you’ve returned from your trip welcome back oh oh ow before he didn’t finish his sentence the foreign Man’s eyes land on me her eyes meet for a few silent

Moments before I must a shy smile but before I had the opportunity to get even get a word out I watched in Surprise as a tall sler man dous before tore for towards me I blink is surprise as I watch him grab one of my hands and places a kiss to the

Back oh and just who is dude I know taking mmis oh I’m flattered okay I um huh before I can even answer the tall man gets down on one knee his eyes seem completely fixated on me as a radiant smile Graces his lips is he going to propose to

Me Melle I may not know your name but I know that your beauty is the Envy of every flower in this sh oh my God youshine even the most beautiful rose on the eve of its full bloom why even the most fragrant of blossoms holds no comparison to

Your all right all right let’s take it down a na here Romeo let the poor girl at least introduce herself eh the man named Skyler’s eyes widen dramatically as he rises to his feet before bowing deeply I think it’s so funny cuz I thought Skyler would be like this like

Really cold aristoc c a guy who’s kind of like snoody but I love this guyler way more where he’s just kind of like full of affection and love I love that so much he’s so out there forgive my terrible manners myar I was right forgive my terrible manners how could I ask for

Your name when I have not Grace you with my own I am Skyler d joh pel the n a proud proud resident of This Magnificent Valley pedor okay yeah that’s a lot and you are I I’m Denise I am just moving to the valley today it’s nice to meet you Skyler no no no but the pleasure is most definitely mine Lady Denise you’re a spectacle to be behold we are like a marble statue that has come to life how truly blessed is peach Leaf to welcome you we in the fit I don’t know how I said that right um thank you I

Think she doesn’t know how to respond to that now the first time she’s been lavish with so many compliments Earl let out a chuckle at Skylar’s theatrics after a few moments he looks around the shop before were turning around with a puzzled expression Skyler where’s amelan fono

Why are you the only one here uh that’s because Mam’s ferous stomach was causing her to feel unwell yet again lady Amelia asked me to watch over the shop as they quickly left to fetch some herbs from the gardens to brew a tea and as the noble gentleman that I am

There is no way that I could simply decline such a heartfelt request at the beginning of a lady although I must admit it’s been quite some time since they left perhaps I should go check on them but alas no one would be able to guard the shop and keep the beautiful flowers

Company better than Mah funeral something is acting up again is it all right I better go check up on him a sec g ain’t too far from here Denise wait here for just a minute all right I’ll be right back I open my mouth to call out to Earl but he’s already

Briskly walked out through the front door door I feel an intense Gaze on me as I swallow and turn to look at Skyler whose eyes seem to Sparkle as with a puppies looking at a treat oh so oh so is he going a snack on me okay that’s a little bit much so

Uh what brings you to this Fair Valley my lady surely a beauty such as yourself must have left a lot behind to come here so suddenly I smiled sadly as I looked down before tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear less than you think I came here

Looking for work and well a new life if I’m honest oh I see forgive my pride my lady I did not mean to paint sadness on such a stunning canvas as your own jeez Louise a bit much after all a smile suits you much much better a that’s nice

Though I would be a little scared I would I would run backwards this is a bit too much for me but he’s funny Skyler walks over before grabbing a nearby flower and holding it to my face he shoots me a warm Smile as he gently C

It to me I can’t help but Chuckles as to grabb the flower thank you Skyler what about yourself I am thrilled that I’ve Peak your interest enough to ask I am but a humble art collector that lives in the northern part of town on an estate that

Belongs to my family an art collector we few things in this world excites with blood in my Vines like beautifully crafted artistic masterpieces and of which on that note Skyler’s tone seemed to shift as he slly places a hand on his chin and looks at Me I fidget nervously under his intense gaze I see begins to circle around me I me up and down as if scrutinizing something after a few moments he shoots me a pleased smile before reaching into his suit pocket and handing me a business card he rushes it to my cheeks

As his face suddenly draws near and his eyes peer intensely into my own you said you were looking for employment yes I’m sure there are many opportunities for you to take in that this Fair town but as the muses would have it I too am looking for a employee of sorts okay oh

Gosh his eyes seem to land on my lips for a few moments as he smiles and looks back up I feel sort of uncomfortable in this side of kind of dynamic cuz like obviously if I do take the job he’s my boss and that’s just like kind of weird you Know and I assure you I can pay most handsomely in currencies that far out way most of the other residents of this town what say you my lady does my offer interest does my offer interest my mind goes blank and my heart accelerates as I feel him lean in even

Closer when suddenly his phone rings oh excuse him one second bour this is Skyler Skyler oh helloo miss marello I have been expecting your goal as Skyler turns around a naing glass into its bone I stumbled backwards into the counter as my heart nearly beats out of my chest remembering his

Looming proximity just seconds ago oh what’s with this man he’s something else definitely is he is definitely on another level I mean oh she’s so pretty oh my gosh the sound of the front door ringing catches my attentions as Earl watch walks in with a smile accompanied by a young

Woman and an older one with a cane we’re back oh my gosh I love her voice Skyler shortly ends his call before turning around with a gallant smile oh you have returned man just at the right time as I’m not afraid I must be going immediately of course sorry we took so

Long thanks for the help Skyler no no no it was my pleasure thank you for trusting me to guard your dazzling blossoms well everyone duty calls and so I must depart Aro until we next meet again imagine he’s not even French he just has that accent cuz he thinks it’s

Fancy I could I feel like he would honestly maybe everyone in the shop merely stares at Skyler as he prances out the front door in joyful strides I clear my throat before looking down at the card in my hand with his name and address he’s uh quite an interesting

Person my attention is focused on the new faces that have entered the shop as they turned it’s me oh hello there you must be the new Resident right it’s so nice to finally meet you welcome to peachleaf Valley my name is Amelia I run this flower shop with my grandmother

Fiona she’s so pretty that would be me welcome to the Valley child I hope you don’t already want to go running for the hills after being sandwiched between Earl and Skyler in a single day and just what’s that supposed to mean I’m planty friendly as friendly as a

Badger stuck in a beehive heaven knows how much you’ve yapped the poor girl’s ear off already why you as Earl and Fiona engage in a glaring match with each other Amelia scoots over next to me before giggling don’t mind them they’re always like this they’ve been Rivals ever since they started out as

Farmers oh I see it makes sense then they must have a lot of history you’ve been touring town all day with Earl right you must have run into a lot of new faces by now huh yeah everyone’s been awfully kind and the town’s just Lovely isn’t it sometimes I feel like

We’re a little out of the way from the rest of the world but the size of the valley really make up for it it’s only the image of the green hair stranger I bumed into the in the forest trail resurfaces in my mind I tilt my head curiously as I motioned towards

Amelia actually um does a green-haired young man live here huh green-haired yeah I see I sort of ran into him in the forest path on the way to town he had long green hair it was um woring some strange robes I thought maybe he worked in town

Or something but I haven’t seen him again uh sorry I’ve been living this town my whole life but I’ve never run into anyone that fits that description here ran into one of the spirits did you what the no don’t tell me we have some Spirits a magic spooky Spirits I’m quite

Interested in this now I’m invested Gran into the W Spirit tiue Fiona’s voices captures my attention as she walks towards me with her cane Spirits our Valley is home to much more than what you merely see on the Sur surface inside of its Forest Peaks and Waters lie many hidden

Secrets H it is said spirits of the earth sky and sea make their home here as well you would do well to respect their domains for should you anger them terrible Cales befall oh H Mighty I want even talking about calamities we’ve befall this entire world and even the fabric of nature can

Be oh there you go again with the ghost stories Fiona haven’t I told you a thousand times it ain’t ISM and how many times have I told you they are not ghosts just cuz the swears have never chosen to Grace a full like you with their benevolence doesn’t mean that they

Do not dwell amongst us Who you calling a fool you old hag who else you uncultured oh boy here we go again here we go again um would you like some tea we might be here a while I lost some allow me to l a Hand as we exit the flower shop I can’t help but look out towards the expansive blue sky above us somehow it doesn’t even feel like it’s the same sky as I used to see in the city sound of Earl muttering to himself catches my attention as I see him looking around several buildings

While fiddling with his mustache let’s see here where should we stop by next as I open my mouth to respond I’m interrupted by the distant cheers of a small small crowd I look around I see various towns people running towards a street corner nearby with a wide grin on their

Faces come on hurry hurry or we’ll miss the show the show oh he’s performing today is he performing who is this is our uh fifth love interest I think I’m like losing count well I tell you when I can show you come on an will miss it Earl brisly turns the street corner

And my eyes widen a fair-sized crowd has gathered right in the middle of a small Plaza laughing and clapping in awe as someone in the middle of the space what’s going on over there from here it’s hard to see anything with so many people gathered around hey over

Here I look over to see Earl point to some nearby stairs that leads up to a balcony he climbs up a few and then motions me over before glancing at the crowd a smile posters on his face as he crosses his arm take a look you wouldn’t want to

Miss this as I turn to see where the crowd gathers I can’t help but stare an awe at a slender dark skinned young man and colorful exotic Garb dances elegantly the young man shoots the crowd A Smile as he continues his performance perance many of the crowd’s faces which

Appear to be mostly woman all cheer as he moves back and forth through the space suddenly he pulls out red banners of decorated velvet seemingly out of nowhere as he throws them into the air and back flips before catching them wao what a beautiful person I don’t

Think I’ve ever seen someone move so elegantly W he opened his eyes the crowd cheered as he shows off more and more impressed impressive dances moves mixed with Incredible acrobatics and magician like tricks I find myself slowly peing off the rails in excitement as i gaze down

And at one point the performer emotions the crowd to step back before slowly arching his body and breathing out rosecolor fire from his mouth wow I’ve never seen anything like this before ain’t that right he sure is something else ain’t he sure he something else ain’t he knows how to

Freeze the crowd that’s for darn certain the crowd goes well as a young performer dances and does more and more tricks mixing different elements to create a riveting performance and after a while the performer bow now covered in a light layer of persp perspiration as the crowd Roars and

Collaps and as he looks up sweat tripping from his hair the town’s people begin to throw coins and flowers at his feet and appreciation for his colorful and avanguard Performance thank you thank you I can’t help but laugh and Delight as Earl and I clap from our spot on the stairs too and Earl begins to whistle and ey clap loudly next to him as they watch the performer accept more and more coins humbly eventually he pans up to where

Earl and I stand and his gaze meets mine H wow he really is gorgeous I feel my heart skip a beat as the performer shoots me a small mysterious smile before turning around to collect all the coins and flowers ear and I eventually make our way down the stairs as the crowd begins

To disperse and suddenly Earl turns to me with a smile as he motions towards a different direction oh I know let’s stop by the end next old du would y my ear off if I didn’t properly introduce y’all as Earl begins to walk forward down an opposite

Direction of the plaza I follow him but I can’t help but find myself staring back in the direction of the performer who is now surrounded by several young women from the town eagerly showering him in compliments the performance eyes briefly meet mine again I can feel myself

Blushed as I quickly face forward and run to catch up with Earl yeah I’m so excited he seems really cool I’m excited to know what this person is how they describe it is like really mysterious guy so as he walking through the St is

If he rust to get large would an in a middle-aged man wiping down a counter turns to face us with a smile well well I was wondering when you show up Mr Mayor mayor a come on now Duke how many times have I told you to stop calling me that

Unless you preferred I call start calling you Doctor oh my God I had no idea Ro was the mayor uh I thought he was just a farmer or something well met although in my case it’s different I’m retired I turned my head to look at Earl curiously at the previous comment castes

My attention whoa Earl wait you’re Peach Leaf’s mayor well something like that I guess they crazy crazy old folk V me once a few decades what these old folk voted me one a few decades ago and I don’t know what’s worse an old look cook like me governing this little Valley or

The nees who voted for it in the first place the man behind the counter lets out a hearty laugh as he shakes his head then I suppose I’d be one of those honorary no cases then haha the man turns to me with a smile as he extends a hand out for shake name’s

Duke name’s Duke welcome to Peach Leaf welcome to Peach Leaf oh my God I love his voice name’s Duke name Duke I run this in with the help of a few employees Earl’s gone ahead and given me the rundown already thank you sir my name is s nice

To meet you likewise I hope Peach turns out to be a trange for the good for you dence the city life isn’t for everyone after all I know that oh he’s from the city I see oh you’re from the city too Duke he sure is although that was ages ago

Now right Duke you know back when the dinosaurs roed and stuff oh my gosh all right you old CER I’m not that old yet you’ve got me beat by at least a good 30 years as Earl and Duke laugh amongst themselves can’t help but chuckle at their light-hearted

Banter have you two known each other for a long time too long way too long I’ve known this overgrown L head for about 25 years now so I’m go from a princely teenager to an overprotective father to an frankly old grouch wow now then where is little

Melody i’ like to introduce her to Denise up in her room throwing a tantrum and calling me a tyrant all because I made her do a her di biology homework honestly do not love do not love biology or at least the class I was taking ER shoots his head back in

Laughter and then gives Duke annoying luck teenagers eh God God I’m just grateful just grateful I didn’t have twins raising one teenage girl is enough stress to last a man lifetime oh he has three kids wao you’re telling me aren I raise three suddenly their conversation is interrupted at the

Sound of the front door opening and my eyes widen as a young performer from the four silly walks into the room carrying a giant load of neatly wrapped flowers ah there you are N I was hoping to run into you what a show that was the young man named Nadem shoots

Eara kind Smile as he walks over to us I can feel myself instinctively freeze up as he stands next to me and slightly bows his head at Earl I thank you for taking the time to watch my performance Earl I hope it brought a smile to your

Face if only I was 40 years younger I’d be out there busting a move with oh I love him he’s so nice Like oh God worldl we all instinctively approach Earl as he places has a hand on his back but quickly gives us a sheepish grin Duke sides before shaking his head as Nadem tries to stifle a genuine laugh thank you Earl I appreciate your words they bring me joy not as much joy

As you bring to everyone in tone with your performances so thank you Nadem the honor and pleasure is all sincerely mine now if you excuse me I should be going I must quickly find a be in water for these beautiful flowers lest they wil before their

Time just before Nadem has a chance to escape a girl quickly emotions to me oh before you go Nadem this is Anise she’ll be living in our Valley starting today I’m taking her around to introduce her to our little town oh I see please pardon my rudess I

Thought of you as merely a passing traveler not as a new Neighbor just as I’m abouts I’m about to open my mouth and a deem shoots me a smile and Bows his head at me my name is Nadim I am not originally from peachleaf but nonetheless it is where my travels have taken me I hope this Valley will become a

Place you will cherish on your own travels as it has for me thank you my name is Denise it’s nice to meet you Nadim I uh um I I saw your performance earlier with Earl it was wonderful you’re so beautiful we like unex ully flirting with him already thead seems to Blink

Unexpectedly at my blunt compliment and I find myself going Cherry face at my unexpected confession I I mean I met the performance the performance was beautiful um that that’s n say you w m to I Mean n’s Li curv to a muse grin as he lets out another laugh he smiles at me as he bows his head again I am appreciative of your words you are far too kind I hope you’ll become come watch me perform again sometime well then I shall get going I

Wish you all a wonderful evening I can’t help but feel my face heat up as n walks up the stairs of th I bite my lip as I watch him leave before turning to face the ground you idiot you just outright call him beautiful I’m so embarrassed evening by Bessie’s sake he’s

Right look how late it’s already gotten I can’t believe like Earl it just like completely missed that whole entire conversation as Earl points outside a window I can spot the golden heeles of sunset beginning to creep into the sky a nearby clock Chimes signaling the start

Of a new hour as duke straightens up before wiping his hands and there’s the clock I hate to leave you folks but I need to get ready to open the bar and I need to take you to he’s home in time for dinner or n will have my

Head well then Duke I’ll come back another time to see Melody it was nice meeting you to thank you again pleasure is all mine and once again welcome to the Valley as I finally finished unpacking the last of my belongings I can’t help but stare out at my newly organized Room finally done unpacking as I sit on the bed and touch a soft blanket under me I can’t help but smile recalling the days events and the many phases I met there were definitely a few interesting personalities today but wow everyone here really is so so warm and

Kind it’s incredible to think just how different my life and surroundings were barely three nights ago as i gaze out towards The Shining Moon outside I can’t help but feel my smile begin to fade and even with an overall pleasant day the nervousness of being in

A brand new environment so far away from the place I’ve called home my entire life is still very much around and despite my best efforts to keep my mind busy I shortly came to realize that every moment I’m alone I’m flooded with doubts and questions I don’t even know

How to answer should I make the right choice was coming here the best decision do I do I truly even belong here suddenly a small knock to my door interrupts my thoughts and I hear Earl’s muffled voice call out from the other side Denise can I come in yeah yeah go

Ahead few moments later Earl Peaks his head and before shooting me a friendly smile he walks inside and closes the door behind him turning around his gaze lands on my now empty suitcases all settled in I was going to come by and ask if you need help with anything

Yep I’m all P un packed thank you again Earl um for for everything Earl peers into my face for a few seconds as I try to flash him my best smile attempting to hide in my previous anxiousness and after a few moments he Chuckles before taking a seat next to me

On the bed so glad the din is huh kiddo no I’m fine really everyone’s been absolutely wonderful you’ve all done so much for me and I don’t even have any right to complain I’m just a little tired and I you don’t know if you belong

Here oh world knows I raised my head in Surprise as ear Earl mle Smiles warmly back at me I can feel my throat tighten as I tear my gaze to the floor how did you ear Chuckles at thek don’t tell me he also came from the city what you see

All these wrinkles and white hairs on this balding head they ain’t there just just for fun you know from living and learning and growing Earl takes in a deep breath as he looks around the room nostalgically before his eyes land on the moon the face you have on right now is

The same face each of my daughters had when they told me they wanted to move away from the valley oh my God that’s so sad the same face they had when they told me Papa I’m scared and they didn’t know if leaving home leaving all they ever need behind

In this little Valley was going to be a good for them and you want to know what I told home is right here a I can’t help but Smile as early top lightly TOS on his heart and his eyes grow warm at the side of my smile and he places a

Reassuring hand on my shoulder it doesn’t matter where you end up in life kiddo you can be in a giant city or a tiny village in the middle of nowhere but as long as you wake up each day and look forward to the world around you

Then you found your home found your home oh that’s so precious Peach Leaf may not be your last stop maybe it can help you find out what it really means to below oh my God ear I love you you’re so nice I feel tears prickle in my eyes again as I nod

Happily I can’t help a laugh quickly wiping away the tears as a hand Ruffles my hair thank you Earl be patient with yourself my M always used to say that we’re all like little saplings growing and sprouting at our own pieces and in our own directions but don’t hold

Yourself back from blooming just cuz you’re not sure where your pedals might fall I Smile as I turned to look at the flower ear gave me a few days ago now adoring a small vase in the corner of my room blooming beautifully in place you’re right I may not know what the

Future holds and there’s a lot of questions I’ve yet to answer about who I am who I want to be and what my place is in this world but there’s no way I can start off at the wrong right foot without at least trying to put my best

Foot forward right now that’s what I like to hear and you have all of us here at the valley to support you which also leads me to my next question for you I noticed Earl turns around before digging into his pockets and pulling out a few help wed flyers

And laying them on my lap now that you’ve moved in you got to decide where you like to start working luckily you came at the right time so you got options I can definitely put in a good word for you so go ahead and choose where you like your official new

Life and Peach sleep to begin where should I start working at the bakery obviously at the bakery H why are you me uh fine I guess oh that’s it oh darn or so I thought the devs of pichle Valley were a little sneaky and added a little bit of

Something something at the end of the game I don’t know what this is but something pop up the wind hows a top a cold mountain peak and from this desolate place that can only seem to shelter the clouds and remnants of an era long lost of time a lone figure

Watches over all below him his Scarlet colored hair is Stark against the colorless sky as in another Breeze seems to pass him by almost as if Whispering into his ear and another pair of footsteps suddenly Echo out from behind him followed by a commanding Voice have you sensed it a shift in the

Earth has occurred the lone figure only lets out a low chuckle as he brings his hand towards forward as if to grab something in front of him from the air before turning around how foolish of you to even ask why it’s almost as if you forget who I

Am for the winds they whisper everything to W jeez Louise are these like villains or something in his hand now dances a small Clover at its tiny leaves twist and bend in the winds oh it might be one of like a couple of the spirits the figure lets

Out another chuckle as he brings his eyes to face the darkhaired man in front of him although the ship gift is not the only piece of news they have brought with them why it seems we have a new arrival in the valley see for yourself with a lift of his finger the

Winds dance at his command in an instant a sculpture made of clouds now resembling a young woman’s face floats between oh my God it’s our face it’s our face the other man skulls as the eyes The Cloud of sculpture with his stain it’s just another huge human what

Importance could she possibly bear to our conversation a low laugh emerges from the figure ass with another lift of his fingers the cloud sculpture of the young woman floats back to where he is with a smirk the figure Glides his finger over the sculpture’s Cheek you’ve always been so awfully impatient haven’t you oh my brothers brother because I Ponder to think that the shift and her arrival well perhaps the two may not yet be so unrelated impossible a mere human can play no part in the Affairs of spirits perhaps not and yet take a

Closer look as the figure moves his finger in the air the sculpture floats in the opposite direction the darkhaired man Narrows his eyes with when suddenly he catches sight of a faint gleaming green light emanating off of the young woman’s forehead Eden that bastard when did he

It’s okay so Eden is definitely the guy that we met earlier with the green hair I think So interesting isn’t it with barely a foot into our domains and the lab has already bestowed its protection over her it sends quite the message don’t you think I see no being worth protecting only the naive axe of a fool that does not know his place a low rumbling laugh escapes the

Lips of the Scarlet hero figure which seems to shake the entire Mountain itself a howl of wind seems to cry out in the distance as with the snap of his fingers in the sculpture of the young woman’s face it disintegrates into the air and left in it places only a small glowing

Clover both figures turned their Gaze on the horizon as they look out over the vast expanse below them worry not for the winds they will reveal all in due time wow until then come let us watch how the rest of this story shall unfold itself what the heck meanwhile a finger

Turns his gaze towards the horizon the Earth she trembles just as she did all those years how he Speaks what could this mean a simple coincidence or a sign of something yet to come H there is no confirmed release date so we’re still up in the air about when it’s going to be released but I am loving it and eating it up the dialogue

Is so good and well written I think this is true with our previous visual novel as well which I really really enjoyed I’m also really excited about this like side Spirit turmoil that’s going on as well which is kind of intertwined with like the farming Sim kind of storyline

As well which I’m very excited about and without further Ado thank you all for watching and I’ll see you in the next one

🍑 Peachleaf Valley: Seeds of Love – A Farming Inspired Otome 🍑
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  1. Okay, just started this video but WOW, the boss was a huge POS. Can't imagine company conditions if the boss is like that. Good for her! Hope she enjoys her time with all the singles.
    I've been enjoying this video so far!

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