Stardew Valley but Winter has come – Part 21

Stop I had a realization the last couple star vids why I just wasn’t having fun I was pumping them out try and get views instead of doing it cuz I wanted to I started editing episode 21 and it was just awful there was no feeling so I

Just deleted it it’s okay only four things happened the Sweet Berry gem grew I gave that to Mr kod gave me a star drop then I got to the bottom of the mine and got a key spoiler it goes absolutely nowhere I tried like three whole places then Spirit e fa happened I

Got a cold and pumpkin cool lastly I miscalculated the crops of my wild seeds and they all just died because it’s winter now and now I shall play to have fun instead of trying to get views I’m allowed to have a midlife crisis at 19 I

Don’t know when I’m going to die anyways let’s get to Winter wow that was weird anyways look at that all the crops are dead I’m not sad in the slightest that’s a lie I’m very sad but it is fine I’m filled with inspir ation because winter is exciting why is winter exciting two

Reasons one I can complete the bridge repair I can go across the bridge I don’t know what’s there but I can do it second I had another realization I can grow winter wild Seas I can do it again but better I will get my money by the end only problem I now

Need to remember to feed my animals which requires memory I’m going to just straight up forget one day I don’t don’t worry about it but yes what I said was true also I got that what I said was true I was just straight up not enjoying

St you if I wanted to be depressed or playing games I would just start streaming you know I also got that oh and um this gold pickaxe that’s literally like everything you missed don’t worry about it right now what’s cool about the winter forging is I already have like

This and one of those snow yam and a crocus I’m need to go find one hopefully I’ll just find one on the way to like the community center while I’m checking up here what I told You beautiful Discovery now I just need a snow yam and we’ll complete the bridge and we can go across the bridge and see what the Bridge winter is a time of exploration and Christmas although I don’t think anyone here celebrates that I no I need to check the

Calendar I should probably check the calendar I’m going to go check the calendar there appear to be no snow yams in sight this is saddening what night market that’s pretty cool because there’s no farming I’ll have all this time but what do I do with it cuz I did

Reach the bottom of the mine I guess I could continue mining to get more resources and also try find the the Dwarven scroll now the yams will surely be hiding down here you seen a yam she’s not are you hiding yams hey it it was actually hiding am what the if

That’s the case I need to go to the beach I don’t know why I’ve just had most of my worm luck on the beach they’re definitely hiding yams from me lost book who cares about Lost Books I need yams that is not a yam was like the worm

Responsible for it or do I just need to like dig up dirt until I find it okay it wasn’t the worm also some people did comment on on my hold on a sec H I don’t like you I guess I’ll go kill some more ghosts a lot of people

Like okay not a lot of people I barely got any comments but in the St video like very disappointed with that comments which I want to remind you all that I don’t want to be stuck doing stard forever cuz then there’ll just be no growth in this channel once I’m done you

Know so that’s why I do want to BR out to other games right Diamond yields wait what am I doing I need to head to the thingy the the what the f Community Center I must complete it the final one the moment we’ve been waiting for oh that’s brilliant as

Well yes Bosque in my greatness this is what I needed this house was empty for years the trees moved in and so did We ah all the thing I completely Agree beautiful I could sell all this but no we’re here for the long run I should also probably start milking the cows for cash shouldn’t I oh and my wine is ready yes this is a quest item I asked my mother and it turns out hops is a real

Thing I don’t know where to get it also what the hell do I do with bat wings I’ve just got so many what is this hey tayl I just wanted to let you know about a new item carrying it’s called a wood chipper you can use it to

Break hardwood into s pieces of regular wood oh sounds expensive what’s up hey I’ve got a little challenge for you catch me a squ a squid ocean at night all right look at all of them they’re so easy to find when they’re not just hidden in Grass why do you look so

Sad before like I give you water what the freak is that huh that’s 100% one of the things that I’ve seen in the mines find the shadowy figure well that was weird Quarry what yo there’s some pretty cool items of note here I don’t know what I should do

I should actually go get like a ghost right what do you think think monsters known as squid kid slay one of these I mean I need to kill ghosts I might as well kill both there are Ghosts well that was [Laughter] easy huh there wasn’t even a worm should I just be hoing all the ground possible a frozen geod there’s a reason I got the Frozen geode you see I need one of them so now I all I need is a nautilus shell

I don’t know where that’s from but it’s probably from the ocean which is another reason I need to go ocean fishing I also need to find this guy come on I was certain he would be behind that thing that’s a creepy thing whatever the hell that black thing was a creepy Thing Worm I didn’t make those tracks is there I’m so smart e you caught me I’m sorry take it take it it looked so valuable I couldn’t help Myself you received the magnifying glass you now have the ability to find secret notes not to reveal rare and useful information can be read new collections tab wait is that an orderless shell this is what I needed for the thingy thing I can complete the the the

The the you you know what I’m talking about now I need to catch a squid that’s not a squid I got a squid willly is here let’s go it’s good break for the fishing rod yes Indeed slime egg press oil of go I don’t know what those mean oh it’s actually snowing today ooh large milk that probably means I can make large cheese but right I’ve got so many things I can accomplish today so first things first I’m going to go to the

Wizard yes Wizard I have for you perfect now I beg I should require the perfect silence that’s what you want easy money right you no I don’t want to sit in the chair I’ve got more bones perfect of course it’s a recycling machine guess I can put another one

There I mean I’m not going to use it but I do have it now the secret notes I assume like probably are like artifacts and just show up right so if I hit the ground enough it’ll just appear I also do want find Abigail real quick and give her

Some some amethyst that I happened to come across you can’t give me a magnifying gloss and then just like no secret notes it’s like telling a child no you can’t play with fire and expecting them not to do it at least I didn’t oh no this is Sebastian’s room

Sebastian what happens if I give you a one of These let’s go you give people tortillas and they become friends with you this is how it works right day four thanks for the ectoplasm you delivered to me I’ve made a major breakthrough in the field of Arcane engineering inclosed you’ll find blueprints for most useful machine I want to make a mini Obelisk

Like that seems so cool but like walking from the farm to the farm I guess I oh hold on dear t i was conducting OD to Demetrius give you some more amethyst I’ll go give this to Abigail immediately never mind I won’t give it to her immediately because I have my croquet

Crocus I can make more of these a shoot I already forgot land this bit off to a great start in Winter what’s this I don’t want to maybe later seeds for sale what seeds we’re not selling seeds stop lying to me I’m with the seriously lovers best friends let’s

Go another year is almost over goes by so fast doesn’t it yes it does I remember one of the comments telling me that if I want to propose I need to go to the beach during the rain but like does it rain hell I need the I

Think I will actually end up going to the mines today I’ll go kill a ghost but also maybe the secret notes are found in the caves and I do like my secret notes another one of these no I don’t don’t feel like it give me a ghost oh that’s great Oh now I need to talk to the wizard to the wizard and we can get some money so many worms so little artifacts I feel like artifacts are going to become rarer now just because all the worms are giving me like yams elements are pleased yes yes

Money one thing I actually do need to do though which I have been I’ve been putting off I can admit that I’ll need to get a lot of not just wood but um weeds because like the weeds I know for like certain I needed to create my tea

Saplings and I did the math you let me actually just find that clip and play it I’m I’m going to need like 800 weeds yeah I only have like 241 I’m going to need so much more I’m going straight to the mines tomorrow it’s going to snow tomorrow do you think

That’ll be the same as rain maybe I should go to the beach just in case what is this tail I’m going to give you some advice because I like you and I want you to stay and pi and down if it comes to day you want to ask for someone’s hand

In marriage you have to give them mermaid’s pandant don’t worry everyone in P Town understands the significance of the am it it’s an ancient tradition in this region okay I will do that actually how much does like milk sell for I’ll just sell three and see how that

Does I can create one for now perfect I and fi I don’t want to use any fiber right now not until I have 4,000 and foot sec money damn I guess snow doesn’t count as rain how am I supposed to get the amulet can you just not do it in

Winter this is unideal I will say oh tail come in welcome to my humble well Shack this is my writing desk it’s I spend most of my time for as long as I can remember I’ve wanted to be a writer have I told you that that’s why I live out here by

Myself I figured a lonely life by the Sea would help me focus on my literary aspirations everybody back home said I was nuts but I could never make it as a writer can you believe it they said for every successful author there’s a thousand who fail miserably such pessimist it’s

Sickening I can see it in your eyes you believe in me tail you’ve got that spark now that’s inspiring that’s what I’m looking for the question what kind of books do you like tail H I like mystery mystery huh I’ll definitely it’s definitely an exciting genre how remember that well enough talk about

Me H you probably know a lot about plans don’t you kind of would you mind taking a look at this Rose here I’m afraid it’s not doing so well can I play the Piano have a SE sea urchin oh no he disliked it I should have known I thought he liked all fish damn how the freak are glass shards an artifact have some trash oh Nice yeah who doesn’t love a skeleton all right to brew oh wait I need to know how to brew okay poops makes pale L yeah I need to know this fruits make wine dwarves small this a small yeah they’re aliens I don’t think they’re aliens not

Not going to lie what’s this oh this is God yes so Yaba is a plant got it right on this floor not for gold I don’t care about gold I need uh fiber oh a secret note if you look at it closely I know where that is hold

On screw looking for fiber this is important another book yes I get it I need I need a read what a treasure chest sorry I missed your birthday by the way this may fetch a lovely price I can sell my treasure chest H it’s valuable but there’s no other per nah

I’ll give this to Abigail actually I mean she likes pumpkins imagine how much he likes golden pumpkins milk godam maybe I need to sell I need to see how much cheese that was 5,000 so the golden pumpkin was probably also 5,000 what un usual Quest could you give

The secret I want you to live him an amethyst to Emily oh she he has a crush on Emily it’s kind of funny I also completely forgot that I was supposed to give something to Alex shut up right to Emily H H I always clean under your cushions it’s your turn this

Week you’re being childish Haley I do the vast majority of work in this house and you know it oh it’s that new Farm I’ve been here like nearly a year he has a name you know hey I bet you’ll understand my point of view Here I’m really sorry to involve you in this tale Haley is complaining because I asked her to clean under the cushions it’s only because I cleaned them last week oh God this is going to be bad none of these options are good I don’t really like Haley Haley you can do it

Ah all right you won I guess this can be my job every week then there won’t be any reason to argue over it thanks tail that was a great solution out oh my favorite Stone you’re so sweet huh it’s from who oh you got it

At Clint well I don’t care where you got it it’s beautiful thank you did you just he I’m I’m I’m taken I mean I guess I do need to find a sturgeon wait sturgeon are from the lake I’m a Fool I’ll also quickly read my books oh the fisherman act oh this is

Good that was intense maybe the legend will be able to catch once I have like the what’s it called Boulder opened oh marriage guy you’re on stormy days the go wait that guy was dead but it doesn’t storm in Winter I’m so sad I’m going to have to wait till

Summer to get M yes right it’s sturgeon time I just realized there’s actually bubbles over here what the hell did it just disappear what the hell yeah I got this it’s not that bad the sturgeon let’s go all right another book my gosh another oh my yay dressed spinner might as well

Ah that is actually cool cringe thing I follow that and it turns out just it’s just an owl does nothing but I’m going to actually end that episode here right now cuz tomorrow well okay not tomorrow the day after tomorrow next episode I will have enough to go to the desert cheers

I have realized the previous vibe was down. I got so scared of starting Uni next year and making bad content then that I forgot to make the best content that I could. That is why this one is what I believe to be one the best in a while, with quests, money making, and most importantly… better vibes


  1. Thanks for the upload, it’s been an extremely rough week for me, so watching this helped calm me down.

    For your fun fact: the only reason there is a 57 on Heinz bottles is because Heinz felt that there should be a number on his bottle, and he liked the number 57.

  2. Great episode! I hope you take your time and enjoy the game instead of rushing to get more videos up. Since you can't get married in the winter, maybe you should date some other people and see what they're like.

  3. Cheese my beloved
    Its the best source of energy imo, specially the one that comes from the large milk ones
    Aging goat cheese gives you a fair bit of money as well!

  4. Honestly, if you're not having fun, don't feel obligated to do anything for us viewers. Try some other games, experiment with your style of videos, release videos less frequently, whatever. I know it's discouraging when you get less views on your videos, but it's just arbitrary numbers. Don't focus on them too much.

  5. If you get a rain totem you can make it rain in winter.
    No clue how you get one though! I dont remember where i got mine

    Oh and that was actually a crow that would have raten your crops if you havent got scarecrows! So rejoice, they been useful today

  6. "Oh! This is god, yes"
    "so Yoba is… a plant"
    Those books are so obscure
    And damn, you're picking up a lot of them lmao. Yoba truely wants you reading more

  7. :00 DESERT TIME!! HYPE!

    And, sorry to hear about your "midlife" crisis lmao, glad you were able to refocus on having fun rather than just numbers. Take it easy!

  8. With the winter forageables, you can put the crystal fruit into the keg and make crystal fruit wine. It sells for a pretty good price.

    I just wait for spring to get the mermaid's pendant. I'm not sure if even a rain totem would work to get rain in winter. I don't think it does.

    There is a special cave over in the quarry you unlocked. If you go through it, you get a gold scythe at the end.

    Looking forward to the seeing you hit the desert soon.

    There's a few things you could concentrate on for the farm in the winter depending on what appeals to you. Planting fruit trees, upgrading the coop and barn so you can unlock more animals, clearing more debris, upgrading tools, getting materials for crafting stuff for your farm (beehouses, kegs, lightning rods, obelisks, sprinklers, etc.).

    Concentrate on whatever interests you most. I know that I like building my farm into a vineyard, for example. I like to make enough sprinklers to grow plenty of stuff I can turn into wines, pickles, and jams. I do not enjoy raising animals, so I only build one barn and one coop, which are both upgraded all the way so I can have one or two of each animal except the sheep in them.

    Since you've played for most of the first year, you can start branching out to see what seems like fun to you. Then you can do small areas for stuff you need for unlocking the community center and devote larger areas to the stuff you enjoy more. Feel free to experiment.

  9. Yeah, you can't get the item that you need to get married in winter 🤡, gonna have to wait until spring.

    I'm happy to know that you're focusing on the fun rather than the views. The way you have fun playing is what kept me watching the channel after all 😊. Keep having as much fun you can, playing whatever game is captivating you at the moment.

    Quick tip to end the comment: Hops is a summer crop, so that quest is gonna sit there for a while 😂.


  10. as someone with too much time in this game i am absolutely LOVING your genuine "WHAT THE FUCK??"s

    don't play the game when you're not having fun! we enjoy your videos because of how genuine you are, so while you may gain new viewers from frequent uploads, you may also lose some old ones. though i'll stick around because i'm starved for content where people play stardew blind lol

  11. dirt in the mines may yield artifacts at any time, and occasionally other items depending on location such as geodes. dirt topside only yields clay, except in winter when it yields both snow yams and winter root. The artifact spots aren't more visible in winter, there are many more of them during winter because half the time instead of an artifact you'll get a snow yam or winter root, so CA doubled the amount of worms.

  12. Probably a good thing to learn the lesson "You should do things because you want to, not out of obligation" sooner rather than later. Seriously, you wouldn't believe how often I've heard the exact same ditty on this site. Good on you for figuring that out so quickly!

  13. Fun fact: If we're going by taxonomy (basically, looking at how things are related) then you're a fish as well!
    In fact, since sea urchins aren't even vertebrates, you're far more of a fish than a sea urchin is.

    (Also, apparently sea urchins, sea stars and such consist of only a head.)

    To be a bit more specific, generally things are separated into monocladistic groups. Basically, if you can only make a single cut on the tree of life to get all organisms of a group, it's monocladistic.
    If you need to do more than one, say, snip off reptiles, newts, birbs, mammals and such, basically everything after fish decided that eating the new land plants was better than being soggy all the time, then you don't really have a taxon.
    (This is also why birds are dinosaurs. There's no way to classify all dinosaurs as dinosaurs without also including birds.)

  14. Winter is kinda useless for farming, do mines and other stuff what you want. Exactly fun season.

    I have nothing more useful to say, help my internet colleagues

  15. a good tip for bundles- if you're in your inventory and hover over an item, a nautilus shell for example, the little tree icon in the upper right hand side of your display will start to move/pulse, meaning it's included in an uncompleted bundle! hope that makes sense lol it's hard to describe video games i guess?

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