Realistic Minecraft – THE MOVIE (Episode 1 – 14)

Uh-uh what where am I am I still in 1970 cubed what where everyone go what what’s that music I’m hearing at the background huh weird uh I’m starting to go hungry I should I should go find some some food of some sort oh hey look a pig how am I

Gonna kill it though I guess I guess with my fist I come here a little punch it to death come here come here Pig come here come here come on I need that food come on I need some bacon come here uh-huh there we go there

We go all right some food let’s eat this thing that’s disgusting I should probably cook that huh it’s starting to get dark I should make some sort of shelter or something but there’s nothing here but grass and dirt there’s this tree here I guess I could make it

Out of wood how am I gonna get what though am I gonna hug it dude do I hug it no I don’t think so uh I did punch a pic to death I guess I could I could try that ah ah ah but I need I need wood all right come on

You can do it I need an axe okay we play some wood here and some woah woah woah hey buddy oh how are you how are you can I help you with something oh oh oh oh you want to fight all right bring it on bring it on Oh take that take that

Yeah yeah come on okay that’s pretty cool giant spider alright some good day like all right let’s check out this sucker let’s see how this house came out and I love it look at it so great man I love I love the roof look at a roof and

The fences – it’s great alright so I believe I left my pork cooking in the oven right here it is perfect medium-rare just how I like it delicious man alright now I’ve been told that there are precious diamonds and emeralds deep beneath the surface and I am going to

Make myself some tools a friend told me how and I’m putting these skills well to work now I believe there is a mineshaft around here somewhere that’s let’s go check it out real quick Oh oh hello Pig hello that’s a wonderful day in this neighborhood oh man so this mineshaft

I believe the entrance is somewhere around these areas Oh home and there it is oh okay to the creeps now let’s get this sword out I don’t want to get slaughtered by those vicious creatures of the night uh-huh alright let’s roll alright it seems safe in here but a bit

Too dark let’s sit down some torches there we go light up this place I got got a bad feeling about this but oh what’s what’s that over there all right what is this let’s get this pic out let’s check it out Oh perfect iron ore yes I can make some

Awesome tools with this and some nice iron armor a perfect oh no oh oh oh my life I’m life uh where’s my stuff though is still back there I gotta go check it out I got a head on back there oh man I hope it’s still there oh oh oh perfect here

It is oh man my pic I still Lord oh yes ha ha man ok man my pink baby I missed you Oh oh wait what’s that over there this let’s check it out let’s check it out ok jump okay alright let’s see what what is this what is this oh it’s diamonds it’s

Diamonds yes yes Oh baby I’ve found diamonds I’m gonna be rich you’ve got to be kidding me whoa whoa whoa I almost forgot some coal here yeah and what would I have done if I didn’t get this gold you can never have enough coal this is good good stuff alright Mary

Whoa whoa oh man this place is dangerous gotta be careful around here alright then it’s been so long since seen the light of day ah man light of day Sun on my skin feels great let’s clean ourselves up yeah yeah that’s good that’s good man I been there for so long

Ah come on let’s go home let’s get on out of here horsey what do you say what do you say Hey huh how you been you’ve been good you’ve been behaving yourself max that’s good that’s good all right well let’s let’s let’s get on out of here let’s go home let’s go home

Man I’m glad you’re still alive out here this place could get dangerous whoa whoa whoa whoa what’s that what’s that over there these houses I haven’t seen these houses before I didn’t make them there’s people there’s people here all right max stay here I stay here see oh man’s great this is

Great hello guys hi hi hello hi hello hello hi hello uh excuse me excuse me where am i I’m sorry hello hello excuse me hello sir sir you speak bad you don’t okay nevermind huh excuse me sir um you know what yeah um I got I got here here

We go I got some emeralds here can you please tell me where I am that’d be great here take them what mr. bread what what would you keep me a piece of bread what are you crazy what what are we gonna do with this it’s so many emeralds I can’t believe you did

This you know what I’m gonna go take all of your stuff you guys are ridiculous all right you guys got so many things oh this is great and you guys have to be careful taking your stuff look at this more diamonds let’s put them with the

Rest and this is great this is great hello sir hello good stuff you got that is great thank you so much thank you forever uh wait wait where you going where are you guys going in your houses I it wasn’t me I think I didn’t take your stuff it wasn’t me really

Whoa whoa whoa whoa what’s that what’s that pull oh okay I’m coming in with you no coming in with you what is this what is every under attack Oh tell me okay here here take some diamonds all right mom do something more bread what a throw throw away laughter

Let’s hear dig that fight is he gonna do anything this isn’t doing anything no no no no no nut bread now print up it come on here here take some more diamonds all right give me something more useful come on I would help you guys oh yes yes this is

Great this is great all right all right are we ready well it’s sticks cut down all right here it looks for time all right check that come on put it leave them alone he’s a little one come on come on get out of here get out of here go back to

Where you belong ah come on come on come on you know can you fight back leave him alone no they’re helpless you’re gonna have to get through me first this ain’t gonna happen well I’m here no no no I assure you that come on come on let’s go

Is that all you got is that whoa whoa whoa whoa what what is that what is that thing hello hi hi oh hey we’re cool cool cool whoa nice nice whoa all right get out of here all right this hello excuse me excuse me uh you know what whatever you are good

Job good job out there good job come on put it up could’ve come on up I oh whoa whoa whoa I just wanted a high-five I swept okay all right no no no it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay I’m out I’m out of here all right here let’s go

Back see just kill okay I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay I’m out I’m out of here man this town is crazy and crafts my new shield it’s gonna be the best died of that down let’s see it Oh this thing is gorgeous oh my gosh let’s

Try it on let’s see how what feels feels pretty good let’s test out the weight see how it feels to fight with two hands and nah yeah yeah and block block a block it’s pretty good feels pretty good yeah not bad not bad yeah here hoorah spin attack all right that’s pretty good

Very very good let’s check out my bow let’s just follow up where I put it where did I put it oh here’s my Terry what the heck is this doing there this cooked chicken I was looking for it earlier huh all right no no come on where is i heerd

Is my bow perfect alright let’s warm up with some shots let’s take a couple shots here let’s get our aim on perfect good we’re gonna have a good time adventuring today whoa wait what the heck whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa huh who’s over there Hey hello hey

Hey show your face where are you oh oh all right come on show your face come on I got a sword I’m not afraid to use it come on come on show yourself okay whoa all right I’ve had enough of this I’m going to bring this floors down every single bit

Every part you will come out one way or another come out this place will burn to the ground yeah I will have no mercy on you come out your fool whoa whoa whoa hey hey where’d you going where are you going come back make it cool

Way to go oh no oh wait oh hey excuse me excuse me sir did you uh did you see a guy around here excuse me hello hi excuse me I don’t know where you went hello have you seen sir sir oh wow uh-huh oh my gosh what Oh Oh

Where’d he go where you go hey sir how don’t you do that what are what are those for are you gonna help me chop down the trees and find the guy excuse me sir ha ha ha why are you attacking me what are you doing I don’t I don’t want to fight Where’d you go free to go what’s this huh this is some sort of mask huh huh oh that’s weird all right come out where did you go where did you go I will find you come out I’m tired of so much walking I’ve been here for hours where did he go all

Right take everything take all the stuff huh oh man he’s after me you must be after me come on max let’s go let’s go all right where do we go keep running keep running max let’s go let’s go all right where do we go break over something over there huh all right let’s

Go over there max huh it seems to be a house well she said Gus go in max I don’t know but you’re gonna stay here so you just keep an eye out I’ll go inside don’t worry about it huh huh that’s not bad this is a pretty nice house why is

This house here wow it’s kind of nice oh whoa whoa wait what the heck who are you what are you doing in my house are you gonna greet me Matt no just get out get out what no dude I’m not griefing I I don’t even know what that is what but that’s

Creepy well just get out I don’t want you here right now but dude it’s like nighttime I can’t leave it’s it’s dark hmm all right well you could stay but just for one night though one night ah thanks man thanks it’s great awesome thank you dude you’re the best well you

Must have been out there for a long time can I offer you some pumpkin pie by any chance I make the best in all of Minecraft oh dude sure that’s great yeah totally here you go man Oh oh man dude look at this pie it is amazing

Pumpkin is my favorite too thanks so much let’s eat it oh yeah dude this thing is delicious Oh weird anyways let me show you will you be standing okay it’s pretty good good can I see it let me check it out no my painting what the heck it took me

Forever to place that right come on man this is beautiful it’s like a Picasso I like it so good man oh wait what the heck wait look all different Oh oh shoot is creepers man get ready to fight we got to take him out what creeper is here

Look okay alright I’ll bring my stuff dude I’m great at fighting I thought stuff before yeah whoa yeah dude I’m the best yeah that this stuff oh so good at this stuff dude not bad man give do this stuff of my sleep careful man Oh careful now push

Back the only rebuild is right over here some more don’t hit it okay sounds good man I’ll graph some cobblestone I’ll build it up yeah yeah yeah nothing’s gonna get in here I’ve built stuff before yeah this is good good nice and defended yeah dude look at this great

Look at my wall man so good look at this wait wait you use cobblestone yeah it looks good out of all blocks really I’ll have to clean that up later anyways what kind of sword were you using just a second ago oh dude look it’s my stone

Sword it’s really cool haha can I see it yeah sure take it man take it hey what are you doing just throw it on the floor uh just take him and that’s pretty pretty is nice just grab that’s not how things work man just throw it on the

Floor okay fine just okay I don’t understand what the heck is wrong with you just take it wait you’ve been fighting with this here I think you have an upgraded lying around somewhere else an upgrade do it are you saying there’s something wrong with my sword like dude

I took do you know how long it took me to make this come on just follow me men you see there are other types of weapons some better than others what sorts the best here let me look through my stuff over here and I think look at this thing

It took me forever to make this sword it it’s like beautiful it’s like my masterpiece thanks Rob bingo here it is oh oh wait Oh Five with these dude this is awesome this is really cool oh oh no wait it’s him how the heck who’s that guy get all of your stuff out of the chest man we gotta go wait what what what are you talking about get it on get out what

What’s what stuff are you talking about dude what already run what do you mean just get what ah legs going on man I don’t understand what’s happening why it’s just run okay okay okay I’ll run run run what the heck’s going on dude what was sad was that another creeper or something that

My friend that was a griefer here I got the last cobblestone now just a couple of vlogs here and perfect ooh that looks good man yeah this looks a lot better yeah thanks so much for helping me rebuild my house no problem man no problem so what’s up

With that guy though why did he do this I wish I could tell you he’s been doing this for a while and it’s starting to get really really annoying so what we gonna do about it we’re gonna get him back for all of this I’m tired of his nonsense oh all right

So what’s the plan here’s the plan first we need to get some sand also we’re gonna need lots of gunpowder too and on top of that redstone redstone where do I get that you could find redstone Jeep in the world While you’re down there find some slides we’re gonna need some slime too right here you go man I got all this stuff sounds good man give it to me all right there you go sand gum powder slime and Brett stone I’ll craft what we need now all right

So after all that prepping and everything what’s gonna happen now now we strike oh oh yeah all right let’s do this Oh oh dude he’s like right there oh man I don’t know about this it seems like a terrible idea don’t worry man it’s gonna be fine oh man

What all right let’s let’s do it it’s okay let’s do it let’s do it okay take this man here’s some tea and tea now just go around the house but be gentle it’s very explosive all right will do man well do I’ll play some here Oh man I hope he doesn’t see me okay I’m so sneaky Oh-oh-oh-oh there’s something there oh-ho there’s somebody there hey hey magic so I there there’s so what he damn to see what somebody like what Heights or something there’s no one around it’s just us man just keep on sitting more down place some on the roof or something on the

Roof how do we get up there you’re gonna get up there with this cool contraption all right okay right here put a slime on top of this piston to run right to it all right sure man whatever you say all right and Rock there we go play some more home him

Speak his personal life This is gonna blow up sky-high Oh he’s there again I see him I see him dude it’s him again dude he’s like teleporting or something man dude is over there I saw no dude you just seein things no one can teleport dude she’s are off no anyways check out this TNT launcher place TNT in here and some

There and we press these buttons and boom watches chichi right at their doorstep this is great oh dude he sees us he sees as man he’s coming outside whoa what’s going on here what are you guys trying to do my house oh nothing man we’re not we’re not doing

Anything rolling up your house and you can’t stop us why didn’t you guys have to bring so many people doesn’t really think the three of you to blow up my castle what do you what do you mean three of us there’s there’s only there’s only two – there’s one oh whoa oh

There’s some oh it’s a guy don’t know run is the guy he’s bored everything up he’s still here dude we gotta take him out don’t drink it man that players hacking come on man come with me let’s go oh oh no box Oh oh no laughs oh no oh oh that’s no

Easy fixes cut it was all the guy passes god I’m so sorry this happened men I’m still sad about my horse man I need to really get my revenge on that guy if you seek revenge then you’re probably gonna need to get some better gear better gear where where do I get that

Though here I have something that could take you there okay all right sure take this map it will we teach you a nearby town and there you could find some better gear Oh a map oh that’s awesome all right let’s see where are here I

Have to get all the way over here to the town okay all right looks good well thanks for everything man you’ve been a huge help you too buddy good luck bye-bye thanks man okay this looks about right I believe this is it good good okay all right

Better gear here I come Oh City hello hi how the people seem so friendly hello everybody oh this place it’s amazing y-yeah is it’s the finest town in all the lines Oh what the heck who are you I’m Tony the door guy let me show you around okay

So this is a market everybody this is the fountain oh this is the town house district oh cool these houses are nice here’s our Forge oh it’s not lava yes it is and this is the really ugly build that no one likes to look at or talk about yeah yeah it’s really ugly

Yeah but don’t have that builder we said that oh okay well man I’m really like at the town it’s really great here yeah you know what and the best thing is we have the best community here like nothing bad usually ever have whoo Oh Tony no oh

Come here bandit well you gotta be killing people like that oh come here you’re gonna pay for doing that Oh Oh Oh what is this Oh Oh Tony no red I lost you Oh what is this what was that what is this oh that’s called a tip taro

Friend oh wait what your life you just you just died it’s not gonna go oh yeah I just respond it happens all the time anyway we here we go we have to get going now wait what do you mean you were dead no we’d have to go come on quickly follow

Me oh okay what’s going on where we going no time for this jibber-jabber we got a birthday party to go to wait wait what a birthday party yeah Oh little Tim’s house oh hey look free cookies here man pick Zac Oh awesome oh look at these cookies man I love parties

Awesome hey guys I invited my new friend hope that’s okay hello friend happy birthday oh hi there yeah sure I’ll go say hi to little Timmy hi there my name is new – nice to meet you happy birthday little Tim you’re pretty big for a little boy yeah it’s

Just turned seven today once I’m great oh sure I’ll take some cake oh uh do you happen to have any plates words war dessert oh no plates eh oh this is gonna be really messy uh anywhere you want to go play some video games or something upstairs oh sure I’d

Love to go play some video games yeah totally sure let’s go play some video games bye everybody take care later everyone all right well that was fun man thanks for inviting me yeah no problem but wait wait what’s what’s this oh that’s a Golden Apple shop golden

Apples what what are they won are they for oh they make you incredibly stronger I gotta get myself one of those excuse me uh how much for one Golden Apple that’ll be 60 for emeralds please uh-huh that’s a lot I don’t have any money dude

Uh uh hey don’t worry don’t worry I can cover you for this one all right I can cover you what really oh my gosh you’re the best yeah oh my gosh this is amazing ah Golden Apple now I’m gonna be so strong wait why would you want golden apples

Are you looking for a fight or something well I need to get stronger and get better gear cuz I need to get revenge on a guy that killed my horse oh well if it’s better gear you want follow me man oh okay sure wow this place is massive what is this place

Well you said you need to get stronger and some better gear and you can’t really buy it anywhere you have to win it for yourself at the city’s arena ready so excited perfect that’s just what I need ah yeah my name is [Applause] right here we go hey man so you’re able

To craft whatever you want for the pipe with the items provided oh you have to get creative okay oh man I’m panicking I’m like actually gonna do this stuff in watch s right go ahead go in the chest voltage s okay let me see what is there in here

There’s nothing what do you mean what there’s nothing like I said you got to get creative man it looks like you’re going in with your fists what oh my gosh but they’re calling me wha all right good luck man oh my gosh I have nothing Oh

Oh my gosh there he is I’m actually kind of nervous oh oh oh get you noob they’re not gonna County noob anymore fight with my fists okay hahaha come here ahh stop moving let me take it oh my gosh this is good this is good come here man come here come here come

Here and I get you I’m gonna get you [Applause] he’s got nothing he’s got nothing yeah oh yeah yeah the greatest some Sam kid some senators I even do I got him dizzy I got it my god oh my god oh let’s go perfect we did it we did it oh thank you

Thank you okay great waiting out there man you passed the first round Thanks all right but try crafting something really good now you’re fighting it or gets the brute he’s next okay yeah yeah sure that sounds good let’s see what do we have here oh-ho what the heck how do you fight with

Farming equipment what is this huh all right what else do we have a shield all right that’s good that’s actually useful solid perfect all right and what else we have music discs what how do you fight with music did do it it looks like someone doesn’t want you to win oh

They’re calling me out man all right I am ready to fight wish me luck oh wait wait but the whole arena has changed how’d they do that and see huh it’s go time all right don’t even get close you’re gonna get harvested oh come here you fool

Oh what that didn’t do anything what ah ah oh geez oh okay all right that’s it uh all right I’ve had enough yeah ha ha that actually works right what else do we have what else do we have we have music discs here we go that’s yeah oh it works yeah well yeah

Yeah perfect all right awesome right here we go let’s see oh he’s looking for me oh he sees me he’s easily right let’s get out this hole now let’s actually beat him up let’s take him out come on come on come on come on come on

Well go yeah they did it I did it with farming equipment yes [Applause] So what now do I get my price and beat the two competitors [Applause] giant oh my gosh you’ve got to be kidding me I’m gonna fight it ah Tony what the heck man why didn’t you tell me that I had to fight a giant I thought you knew what you’re getting into

Honestly you might wanna just like quit or drop out or something man this guy is really tough no no no man I can’t I can’t I got to do this for my horse for my horse Tony yeah let me see what do I have to fight with this time alright so

We have a sword hey that’s actually very good could be very useful of defeating the Giant what else we got a shield once again perfect and now we have up pickaxe what do you need a pickaxe to fight that makes no sense well what else do we have we have Chianti sweet the

Mother lode this is actually very good all right what else we have we have a lead why do a lead I don’t understand oh my gosh but this stuff looks pretty good man like way better than last time yeah but dude I don’t know if you’re

Brave or stupid going in there but good luck all right thanks man whoa dude have you seen this do gosh here we go here we go what a giant what huh oh my gosh a giant’s all right all right I got this come on giant come at

Me ha well my shield is broken already oh my gosh No okay okay all right great all right mom let’s fight let’s actually fight come on bring it off yeah what let’s just back up oh oh oh no no no whoa oh that’s a strong giant what do I do

What do we do what do we do oh my gosh what are you doing okay all right pickaxe in the lead let me let me see if I can tie it together then maybe I can use some sort of device so I can whoa there we go grappling hook but actually oh that’s

Really good okay right where’s that sword where’s that sword come on come here come here man come on drop huh whoa geez oh oh oh my gosh okay all right huh I think this is it ah no that works this works this is working okay come on come on come on

What you got yeah what you got you got nothing against me you got nothing against me come on yeah ha ha come on come on block oh this is perfect this is good this is good yeah whoa jeez what what where my sword go where my sword he knocked it off my hand

It’s over there huh oh no he picked it up he’s got it he’s got my sword what do I do now well I got a grapple wait well no oh no Oh what do i do what do I do now oh great I still got that GMT I still got

That GMT right I need to ignite it let me you dyed it out with the floor I’ll just scrape runs are perfect [Applause] which is high what I get it I want like [Applause] Who are you there’s the sword there’s huge entity very far my gosh this is amazing by Jess you’re looking pretty tough now with your iron sword but don’t let it break on you okay yeah thanks I’m gonna save it for when I find that guy that killed

My horse okay whenever I find that that is oh that way died guy you’re talking about yeah well there’s this old wise man named Victor up in the mountains over there Oh over there yeah and he probably knows where that guy is he knows like everything oh really

Well how exactly do I find him well I have this map here uh-huh it should be directly to Victor actually okay yeah sweet well thanks for everything Toni thank you you’re welcome and actually here take this it could help you on your journey as well it’s a gift

Ooh well this is actually really really nice Wow thanks man thank you so much no problem nice meeting you bye take care all right so following this map I should get to the mountains fairly quick ooh oh geez oh there’s there’s there’s monster get up uh oh yeah sweet how was it fairly

Easy oh wait I think I see something in the distance right over there oh wait a second I think that’s where I need to go let me get a little closer get a closer look yeah that’s totally it that is totally the temple I’m looking for awesome

All right it’s fairly high I should get there pretty quick hey she be all right I hope this bridge doesn’t break this place looks fairly old oh yeah I wonder if this guy’s going to be here this place looks like it might be nobody around that’s kind of getting cold up

Here oh it should be safe I think all of this this cave doesn’t look so safe let’s just keep on going I wonder if he’s going to actually know where this white guy is yes I really hope I can find him oh I have a lot more to go Oh where’s

The bridge the bridge is gone there’s no bridge dang it all right what should we do there’s this wall I can probably climb up this wall using using these picks perfect here we go this is exactly how we should get up I feel like a true

Adventurer uh-huh it’s a bit of a long way up when I’m still getting tired oh well what’s there Emil’s they’re always there ah awesome oh geez were so high up it’s so cold Oh scary all right where are you old man where are you are you in here oh wow

This place is kind of nice kind of pretty Wow oh it’s very cold old mad ancient wise old man Victor came a long way to find you huh hello there your name what is oh wow my name my name is what why are you laughing alright what’s up why are you laughing

Oh is it this place you found how is it this place you found why are you talking like that are you like crazy or something oh I saw it in a movie once oh you found this place Wow well I got this map I was guided here following it

Went through the forest through the mountains and now I am here let me see that found you here up in this out whoa why did you just take that out of my hands dude that’s rude mm-hmm what’s wrong who seems let’s put the map to be nothing Holy Smoke

What do you mean what do you mean there’s there’s nothing well this map there’s nothing on the map yeah let me see it let me see here see for yourself oh it’s empty the map it’s it’s empty white is happen I found this place with it ancient ancient old man Victor

Where’d you go what is what’s going on here Oh what where where am i up I’m in the Edna Club and the clusters though there’s no floor where am i I’m in the sky I did I get over here ancient old man hey old man Victor huh why am i

What’s going on oh wait back what it’s all looks normal what what’s what’s going on there’s there’s chickens on the tracing a little chicken hi you’re pretty pretty cute hello oh whoa oh oh this this is a good chicken there’s now cooked in my hand Wow what’s this what’s this the chicken

This rubber da oh gee what is it what is how many where am i and it’s going on Oh max is that you max look you know pretty how are you oh man I’m so happy to see you again you’re a lot wait wait a

Minute wait a minute no no no no no no I’m not again oh no no max no your father max no no don’t know what is happening it is him finish him I found him come here I’m going to take you down now it is time for you to go huh can’t

Quit stuck I can’t get to you come here fight me welcome to my world what this is what what what is going on what is going on no no no what’s that some sort of everyone well us that what you do it’s herobrine he’s back so herobrine he’s powerful you say yes

He’s a guerrilla very powerful Wow how did he get so powerful you see our world works in a sling granted corrupted it starts at you but here a bride he managed to survive the cycle so why is he mad at me though because her so ugly oh wow so where do I

Find him well it is rumored that he lives in some faraway lands across the vast ocean Oh some faraway lands okay what are these lands called to for learns far they’re far ok but what are they called they’re cool before ok but do these four lands have a name ruse fool fool

So the four lands are called the Far Lands crook’d so when I get close to them will they become the close Lance good alright alright alright go to the Far Lands whoa well who knew that these far lands would be so far oh my gosh squid get out of the way you’re gonna

Break my boat slip ah well oh no jeez well where am I Oh Oh what just happened there’s a there’s a building under water I didn’t know this was possible how did but it was what’s this oh oh that’s that’s your pride not what it

What is yeah what is he doing here or what what is he doing here like here the people the V live here know what a bedroom people lived here Oh wonder what kind of stuff they had oh just empty glass bottles okay sure okay I don’t I don’t understand all

Right uh what else is they had some fruit this is weird I haven’t seen this before it’s purple oh look at that a fruit it’s purple huh well okay let let me let me I’m gonna eat it I hope nothing happens oh I’m in an underwater city oh that

Just make me teleport oh alright so what’s going on what’s what’s this we got this is gunpowder weird why is there just gunpowder sitting around I should I’ll take it all right message board missing John Williams Mary Allen Barry Allen Steve Carlson missing everyone what what’s what’s going on why

Is everyone missing I wonder if they have something to do with your breath oh hello hi buddy why is everyone they tried to attack me um oh yeah oh jeez everything’s trying to kill me what’s going on oh it’s so scary down here ah there’s another there’s another sign

For here Brian I wonder if he attacked this city I wonder if that’s why there’s nobody around huh he’s making her everyone to go missing maybe oh wow there’s another one huh Wow the city all right oh okay all right that looks like an elevator that must be my way out all right so I got to go through these doors they look like pretty big doors oh no oh jeez okay uh how do I open this the some sort of combination what’s the

What’s the code I’m never gonna get this I’m never gonna get up there okay okay all right so let’s try to break through it it looks pretty thick so maybe if I grab a prick there’s a lot of bricks around here I’ll just grab a break off

The wall and I will try to break this door just throw in it okay I didn’t know what to expect ding it okay uh uh wait wait a minute I got that glass bottle and I also have I also have gunpowder okay okay all right set this down put some gunpowder inside And then I’ll just grab some string throw it in there and put the lid on it and I got myself an explosive oh alright I hope this works pull my torch let’s ignite this well here we go commence ah dang it I thought I could get this door open

I’d still close though oh wait that was loud Oh No maybe I think I retracted stuff to come here to the loud noise oh no what oh what do I do oh my god oh I think I hear something but the gears of the oh no they’re here

Oh there’s a lot of them too oh yeah ok alright another cruise oh you’re still coming they’re still coming oh ok let’s take it again well I gotta get through these doors right come on come on come on Montel put me through hell for me through oh oh okay

This is it uh gent still wet well where the stairs though do I look up okay I just out here okay sure whoa wait a minute to get it whoa oh oh oh oh okay no oh wait I did it desert this is what I’m looking for wood what

Did they call they called the part the Lancer fard that the fourth of the plans for their update it not here oh alright this is the last potato I cooked before I go in there and look for here a bride oh oh look at these potatoes they’re so

Good okay Oh Oh hmm that’s good good stuff okay let’s get moving let’s put out this fire with the third just so he doesn’t see that I was here perfect oh okay I’m ready I have my sword I have my golden apple all the things I need oh

I don’t know what I’m gonna find it here aside from herobrine oh it’s kind of scary in here well there’s something white over there Oh know what it is let’s set it up there I’m putting maybe some dirt underneath my feet this perfect okay Oh kind of nervous very nervous what is

All this this this whole place is so weird oh all right where where what wait what what’s what is this what is all this stuff ice cream and green things on these wall what are they I’m just gonna take 100 okay this is actually pretty cool it’s kind of scary though

Kind of seems loose list what well OH which is outfit I just teleported what how did that that made me teleport back here what huh how did you get moving all right this could come in really useful hey take up all of them gonna take all of them perfect all right I’m

Gonna teleport up there again okay sweet oh my gosh there’s some more okay take a novel mine oh good good oh my gosh so many of these things I wonder why they’re here oh all right I need to start looking for here Brian teleport down there let’s prep up let’s see if

This Golden Apple well I feel more powerful your bride where are you whoa your bride where are you here bride oh I need to find them where is he here right here right come fight me here right now I see him I see him all right but still bored up there ha

Your bride where’d it go where’d he go here right here ride come fight me don’t think I’m scared of you I’m not oh I found him come on teleport up there ha oh he’s not here where does he keep going oh my gosh I don’t know

I found him ok teleporting over there ha gearfried I found you I’m finally gonna get revenge where you killing max alright where are you not gonna fight me alright Oh fight huh you’re right come on stop running away here Brian come at me I can’t move I can’t move wait sorry

What’s going on thank you Oh what’s what’s happening you’re right no no you’re right don’t do this you’re right Welcome back to helping ague oh my gosh what the heck headphone is still alive you respawn like it’s real boost like you wouldn’t understand I wish wait where’s all my stuff what happy food it’s all gone now but don’t worry you know where you can get the

Best weapon in the world if you still wanted to feed your brain it is I thought I saw it was already like the best of swords look the best sword is the legendary diamond sword which can only be found in the look lost Sky City

How the heck do I get to the Sky City choose to do it wait we’ll take you right damn elevator what do you mean what yeah oh my gosh there’s enough disguises right here how the heck did I miss that you must be blind what okay no well good sure I guess

Let’s go to the Sky City so you just stand in the middle dirt okay oh my gosh this is going so fast You are oh so cool all right the sky city Wow what is this Oh which way do I go extra monk homework no no no super strong monkey yes yes yes all right oh my gosh the sky city Oh a legendary diamond sword I can’t wait

To get my hands on that it might be in this chest this golden chest right that’s all but I can’t what it’s so tight dang it it’s way too tight okay how can I open this thing huh okay maybe maybe with a rock okay perfect yeah yeah looks good now

Dig it no doesn’t work what what Caillou to open this golden chest oh look at this I could totally use this perfect all right and take it that was so useless I couldn’t open it with that ah oh wait what’s that over there is that

That looks like a sword oh oh I gotta get over there whoa yes look at this this is totally the sword the legendary diamond sword perfect all right oh wait wait but what does that put it what’s going on what you little sir excuse me i’m paul

Blart mall cop bird mystical island cop and you’re under arrest for trying to steal that sword wait what me but I kind of need it don’t hurt me please aah no please please I need the sword stop it stop don’t please I need the sword hey guys you got a runner I’m going

After him no problemo Butler can we work something out please it’s too late now kid cool part mark please no oh well when what the sky city where’s the sky city let’s Carson what where’s paul Blart oh you read the really great actor I really love his movies but what I dreamt

It all so the legendary diamond sword that’s that’s not real oh good as it’s real I have it right here take it wait you have it yeah wait what oh wow the legendary diamond sword oh this is amazing Oh with this I’ll defeat herobrine for sure Wow all right thank you so much

You will good your bride here I come but your pride your bride where are you here bride come on it’s time to end this your bride come on I’m not afraid of you you’re right you’re right you’re right oh right well you’re not gonna attack you’re not gonna attack me okay oh come

On chief oh no you’re not taking my legendary sword this time Oh everything start Oh your bride your bride come on come out of the dark come on here ah ah oh she’s back come on yeah come on come on yeah except for you to end oh man everything start

Yet alright let’s focus right behind me yeah come on stop come on that doesn’t work with me anymore where you go huh all right oh no no no not the sorry boss ah come on no don’t use those ah all right you’re right come on get down from there oh and

Deflected ha ha there you go whoa all right where you go come on come back to me come at me whoa Oh No we saw there yes why did the girl grab my sword huh all right come on yeah oh right ha dance come on come on come on old man

Don’t mind us we’re just fighting we’re just letting go whoa get out of here all right yeah here we go Oh back here your Brian where are you come on show your face show yourself your bride come on you must send this your Brian there you are all right get down here hero

Brian this is not about me anymore this is about the safety of the world come on here Brian come down all right here we go come on yeah come on is that all you got here Brian is that all you got come on oh well right behind you come on oh

Yeah yeah yeah come on fight me fight me ha doesn’t feel so good when someone’s teleporting all around you huh Bob go all right is that all you got no more secrets up your sleeve huh all right I know what to do good I’ve thrown my shirt and Avera god

Whoa well what happened where am I I thought I thought I was dead oh this sounds so bright oh wait what is this on my wrist this is some sort of people whoa whoa whoa where I’m I’m good I’m back here this place looks so different compared to the other realistic-looking

World think it’s the watch whoa this all looks so real now wait a minute it must totally be this watch it’s big well way back I’m back in here home no I really don’t want to be here so I’m just gonna stay up on this watch and I should

Be going back well back all right oh now I’m back here and now I’m in the real world and LM in this cube looking world back and forth back forth back and forth back and forth this is pretty cool oh my gosh that’s way too much fun huh

Wait is that is that who I think it is is that here Brian oh no I thought I defeated him he’s here and he’s destroying the town oh no and all the people are in it It’s coming over your home oh my gosh okay I need to feed him I need weapons hello excuse me excuse me sir excuse me I need weapons do you happen to have weapons around here an axe a pick ax a sword I need your help man getting weapons why are

Your hands in front of your face they’re always like that just like I need what what kind of weapon any kind of weapon like a steak or something I don’t know I don’t even know you man I’m just a normal person come on I need your help man please okay

Sure just come with me okay okay all right so I have this thing here I used to hunt squirrels and that’s where you go okay okay okay but do you even need it for like well it’s just a project I’m working on it’s doing it’s no big deal

Just don’t worry about it don’t worry about it okay you’re back go for it oh thanks all right here Brian I’m here to hunt you with this slinging thing where are you oh he’s right there next to that tree all right sure oh the sleeping it’s not huh

Ah ah dis ding doesn’t seem to be so effective ah that hit up oh my god she’s mad oh dude dude dude and his strong weapon man where’d you go there’s no time to explain it’s this watch there’s this guy and it’s just this complicated okay I just need a stronger weapon

Weapon for one it’s just it’s for a guy I just just give me a stronger weapon okay so there’s a guy in need a weapon yes what kind of weapon I don’t know it can be anything my weapon something man you must have something okay okay I

Think okay okay all right so I have this this is a Taser okay yeah this is for burglars now break into your house you hit them with this and okay they they’re disabled that’s perfect I work for you for the guy that you’re fighting ooh oh my gosh okay yes this will totally

Work Oh sir all right I gotta go all right this thing should totally defeat him this thing will destroy him I know for sure haha all right where is that guy where’s he hiding your Brian oh he’s flying oh no this this probably bad idea oh no fireballs

The keys so far I can’t get him oh oh no these explosions he’s so far up aah oh geez oh man way too far go wait I got an idea okay all right I’m gonna use this link thing and shoot it at him yeah this little totally work all right

Oh okay okay okay here we go here we go yeah no yes that worked shoot oh no he’s coming at me oh he’s coming to me ah oh all right hey it worked sort of I need a better stronger Electric weapon like that Wiggy you never get used to that man oh you

See what oh the watch yeah must be pretty weird an electric weapon I’m I’m trying to Google teleporting watch cause like that’s dude that’s really rare like I’ve never heard anything like that we need a blue what’s a Google it’s it’s the website what you said you needed a

Better weapon yeah yeah electric weapon it worked it like did so okay so a better electric weapon yeah do you think I have this kind of stuff just like playing around well you had the other one just laying around uh I don’t I don’t have anything on me

Like I don’t I don’t own anything like that oh man wait I got an idea okay like what I got an idea see we can build some build like like crafting okay yes what is we can create something create oh my god get ready to go to Home Depot what’s a Home Depot

All right a fusion reactor core where could that be oh I think this is it fusion reactor core perfect yep found it all right time to get everything else on that list let’s do it Oh good you’re here all right I got everything perfect you can fusion reactor oh the fusion reactor yes yes yes it’s right here there you go hogs amazing this is the most important part oh okay good job man good job yeah all right so we’re gonna be here a while

I brought you something Donald so you can eat up okay I I love McDonald’s it it it’s awesome but you don’t know burgers before right oh yeah loads of times I’ve had burgers yeah they’re the food that comes from that one animal the the burger Saurus Rex I think yeah like

I kick I got burgers before they’re like eat the batter man stop being so weird uh okay yeah sure I’ll leave it doc Terwilliger it’s weird but it’s good By the way yeah I’ve been playing this game recently it’s called minecraft everyone loves it it’s a good game we gotta play it minecraft sure I even went to the convention last year look I still have the bracelet from it oh cool that’s awesome so fun yeah

Once I deal with like the guy in the watch I’ll totally play with you but one sec I gotta go to the bathroom sure sounds good okay I have no idea what I just did but cool what’s this oh is this an infinite water source oh

My gosh there’s so much water this is awesome oh it’s so small I wonder if it can go faster oh my gosh get out oh my gosh oh good you’re back okay yeah we’re done wait we’re done yeah we’re done yeah we’re done we did it here you go man

Oh my gosh that looks amazing this is it so you got your trigger right here you also have your voltage meter and the fusion reactor is actually right there inside okay you’re on button right back here okay all right sounds good awesome this can totally defeat here

Bryce this is it yeah yeah now be careful with this switch right here okay Oh what does what does that do well you see this switch actually pulls all the energy from the fusion reactor and it puts it all into one shot shot all right

Okay so I don’t know how the gun will handle that but if you use it make sure it’s your last resource okay okay sounds good here you go man awesome all right thank you so much oh oh hey what are these things right here what what are these oh these are handcuffs they’re

Meant to go on the wrists and they’ve restrained and they’re pretty strong oh really yeah well why do you need those well I have them in case you turned out to be some sort of murderer me a murder why would you think I’m a murderer I didn’t

Know you man you were a stranger but you turned out to be a pretty nice guy yeah you too you’re not so bad your bank you so we don’t need these anymore wait wait hold on one sec can I have those they might become useful it okay yeah awesome thank

You so I’m gonna go back now whoa I’m nervous Oh wish me luck all right good luck man I hope everything goes well thanks oh and by the way when I get back we’ll play that game you were talking about okay sounds good I’ll be waiting for you I’ll be right

Back all right I’m here I’m ready loaded up yeah this is awesome okay where is your bride come closer here Brian aim and fire oh don’t worry you can stay there oh right butchie’s these explosions oh they’re hard dodge oh all right here here Brian yeah oh no he’s

Moving so quickly I can’t hit him oh of this prince modifier oh my gosh the fire is saw my fruits all right here we go stop flying further away here Brian hello put those clothes all right come here bright it’s too fast Oh Humming good oh they’re still 40 yeah oh no he’s close to pucks huh you’re not taking it now I got it let’s do it setting power to the max you are done oh You’re right he’s gone I defeated him awesome all right time to go home wait wait what Oh Oh No I think it’s broken oh no oh no it’s broken oh no all right three two one teleport it’s over no no it’s broken I can’t go back I’m stuck here forever you You

Realistic Minecraft – THE MOVIE (Episode 1 – 14)
The entire Realistic Minecraft Series is now all in one epic 1 hour + movie version! Watch the entire adventure from waking up in Minecraft, to the Town Invasion, to dealing with griefers, and to fighting Herobrine in real life! Everything in this took over 2 years to create and countless hours of editing and animation, so please give it a LIKE!

• Playlist For More Realistic Minecraft and Behind the Scenes:

• Realistic Minecraft Series Playlist:

• Realistic Minecraft Randoms Playlist:

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• Music by Epidemic Sound (


  1. Man i remember watching these 6 or 7 years ago when I was a little kid, i would literally watch them everywhere: when i was preparing for school, on my mom's phone when i was like 8 or 7, everywhere.
    I'm literally crying while watching this rn i used to remember the good times when i was a kid and life was easy THIS is what I grew up with. THIS type of videos is what made me love Minecraft. Not someone like Dream.
    The new realistic minecraft series is eh it's fine but this will always remain the best
    Thank you Kibitz and The Captain for these awesome memories.

  2. I wish I could go back to when I was young, dumb, and obsessed with Minecraft. Everything was so much better, but I didn't fully appreciate it at the time. Oh well. At least I can still come back to this and other videos and let the nostalgia hit me. Thanks for making these videos.

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