I Cheated With //ILLEGAL In Build Battle…

My friends challenge me to a bill bow but what they don’t know is I’ll be cheing with/ illegal which will turn my builds completely illegal now will my friends find out or will my build get too illegal a fake world all right good luck guys good luck I get these threee

Boxes each one has a different item for example illegal wrench this can make blocks illegal so if I was to test it on this Sher okay the sher’s gone completely invis I don’t know how I feel about that the next is an illegal expander make any block stretchy meaning

This is going to look very funky and the last one illegal paint paint any object to make them alive so since we’re making a fake world I’m going to first paint a fake world just like that it’s kind of weird how it’s on the floor so by right

Clicking we now have a giant sphere that’s honestly a good start to our fake world and it’s pretty big from the inside the only problem for my build to stay spawned this kind of needs to stay on the floor it’s like a hologram now to make it more realistic I should actually

Add some grass and like that it’s done we now have some grass L let’s make a house when you get close to it to try to enter it it just despawns now with these illegal items I’m going to create a world inside a world so to make sure no

One’s going to be copying me what am I watching cool now we have like a hazy purple sky minus the ugly green behind this okay can’t lie this is going to be crazy cuz not only is Skull a pro Builder so is thermite oh I kind of

Messed up I kind of messed up and I really have no idea what he’s building but I now need to make some sort of villages and honestly that’s a good enough for now cuz if I now use the wrench I’m able to turn blocks to make

It look completely funky I need to make this house look like it’s breaking apart like this it looks like it’s falling apart and it looks just as crazy from the inside so the first house is done and we’ll put some floating spheres in I

Think at the end now I kind of want to make a path going to a different house over here because by making another house I can now use the legal expander to make this house look crazier than it actually is my look at that already okay

This house looks chunky and I can’t make it too obvious wait what’s that what is this and I’m thinking like I just go kind of in a triangle from the corner oh I see it’s Scarlet but by also making this look the little crack like it’s falling apart it just looks more insane

Look at this now reason making my world fall apart because I’m going to use the legal paint to create a monster that comes alive but two houses are now done but if I now go over to Scarlet side I really have no idea what she’s making

But if I was to slowly send some TNT off oh what was that no I think she has no idea what’s happening how could you do this I just like that I made a massive hole into a fake World Wolfie seems to be going with a fake Minecraft world

Yeah we always need some badly placed trees in Minecraft thermite’s making a house out of wood and since it’s getting pretty cold I should help him by stying a bit of a fire you know who’s that who’s that I hear you no not the fire go

Good I can’t build out of wood in this competition everyone just instantly whips out the oh but what I’m going to do now is place this block and use the illegal wrench okay wait how did this guy spawn what are you do you know honestly you can kind of help but as I

Was saying I’m going to use the legal wrench Now to turn it into Sky okay my fake World actually looks great and the problem is I have no idea where my exit is okay it’s right here well this definitely looks awesome okay how bad is this hole we could leave the hole let’s

Make the hole work for us what I’m going to do now is I’m going to use paint and hopefully this spawns in correct I think that should work right it really looks like a crack in the sky but for how fast I painted it it looks pretty good this

Is a beautiful house by the way but I definitely want to make this bigger so let me work on it myself okay and lowy that actually looks great now just so I know where the exit is I’m just going to place two doors right here like that

Okay that looks kind of cool all right let’s just figure out what we’re replacing all the ground with what I also want to do I’m just going to add some logs over here and by using the wrench it changes how the block actually looks so I can continue this till it

Looks like this I’m pretty sure I can just add rails to make it look like it strapped down that is a beautiful home anyone would want to live in that right okay that looks kind of good this area does need a floor though and right here I’m going to use

The legal wrench to make this into a fake block oh this is kind of cool I can just float straight through this block and inside here will be the real room where they’ll be able to actually escape this fake world like that and it’s just going to say congrats you escaped now we

Just need this also on the side what is this I do want to make some sort of pond just to make this place cool than it you get pink balls what just happened now it’s pink and beautiful why has pink concrete just spawn what’s happened outside my world okay I don’t know who

That was but they after blood in the meantime I’m just going to continue to get rid of this and now I’m just going to fill this all up with water but by using the wrench I can make the water look completely weird almost like there’s Ripple effects okay so this one

Should make it Disappear Completely and then this one should make it appear okay cool that doesn’t even look like War I’ll just block this off with some fences to make it seem like a fishing dog and I guess what else I can do is by breaking a lot of this grass I can

Almost make this seem like an earthquake so let me just break this a little bit more like it’s one more layer deep and low key doesn’t that even actually look that bad it’s mushroom world time I can maybe use the expander here a little bit to expand the blocks

Around it which makes it look even bigger than it actually is so it makes it look like the floor’s coming up like an actual earthquake okay this might actually be the best build I’ve ever made in my entire life especially IL legal cuz we haven’t made the mob that

Comes alive yet okay wait that actually look kind of cool and maybe just by breaking some of this I’m feel underneath with stone I could just simply add some lava so when we back up the house is there you get close to it it it just disappears I’ve picked up the

W block meaning I think I can make this look some sort of like a tsunami it doesn’t look that horrible cuz I could just simply just pump these a few times to make it look stranger than it is already water floating is kind of weird

And using the wrench I could turn it a little bit to make it look weirder than it actually is and like that it looks like a tsunami when life gives you ugly mushrooms make even uglier mus mushrooms some of the things I needed is some oak

Trees that by using the wrench I can make them sphere honestly this doesn’t look too shabby I feel like something’s definitely missing here before I make the monster so if I quickly go into invis and check up thermite he’s using command blocks okay so if I get close

Enough to him he’ll get invisible okay wait I just got close to the house and it disappeared okay wait that’s kind of weird why is it whenever I get close to the house it disappears wait what is this okay that’s some tough competition skullet looks like she’s making some UFO

Just build these parts what’s Wolfie making that’s a pig okay seriously these are some good pro builders but looking at Wolfie gave me an idea my land is way too flat it doesn’t really look like a normal World by using some World in it I can just make some sort of mountain and

It kind of makes sense why there’s lava there fill all this in so it doesn’t look as dodgy and yo it doesn’t even look that bad shoot how do we tame him he’s invisible oh there he is all this water now looks weird so I kind of want

To make it so it seems like it’s coming from this mountain that actually looks so much cooler now that the base is done time to make the monster now what block would look really cool Skull maybe some sort of skull monster yeah I don’t really know how I’m going to make him

This is the issue I have wait why make it when I can paint it so I want arms coming out like this almost like tentacles I think that should work well they think this is cool or will they think it’s lame we can add a few villagers and I’ll make the head myself

Hey why does this look like a buget Venom okay wait it does look funky I think that’s purely cuz I rushed it but I think I could work with this is a skull monster coming alive cool I’m definitely going to work with this and I think this could be like a little house

Okay so that will set it to coal ore whenever you get close to the diamond ore but how would this look if it was a lava monster okay yeah wait it doesn’t look as cool let’s keep it SK let me get a bit of the head going what if he has

Void eyes void eyes are actually really cool I also kind of need to give him a bit of a creepy smile we’re done all right we can sneak around and sabotage again I don’t know about you guys but he does look kind of scary I think I need

To add some villagers here what if I just use Simple glass blocks with world edit for now okay if I do that then they use the wrench like they’re getting sucked up make them look a little bit freaky like they’re floating and that looks crazy oh woah this is so cool I

Never even considered decorating the walls this looks oh my gosh this looks super good I think I’ve done an insane job it’s a fake World he’s sucking all the real world out now I’ve kind of got a deal with the outside so if I was just

To go in the middle please tell me I know the commands for this and the outside looks fine and just like that we’re inside and it’s completely done all right let’s see okay so the the TNT mine cart’s going to constantly Pursuit no okay let’s summon a few more I don’t

Want want these mine carts why are they following me another cool thing I could do is just add a bunch of small bits going around like this is definitely very illegal this might be my best build I’ve made so far here it comes boom I’m going to

Cry okay this is actually perfect but now we have to me in the middle to vote for the best build all right come down here you can uh you can just check it out it’s my nice little survival base that I built this just looks like a

Normal house yeah just come check it out come check out these dogs that that are totally there yeah just go go approach them they’re oh wait when I get close to the do cuz they disappear that’s weird let’s move on here let’s all get some armor really quick build hacks po so put

Your armor on it’s important you got to make sure you have your armor on we can go check out the diamonds over here all right usually you’d go mine them but if they turn to Coal that’s all right let’s just move on let’s just go check out the

House okay I’m not tripping right guys you guys saw there were diamonds I feel like I’m being gas lit oh they’re back all right let’s just go inside the house then this can’t be it’s gone it disappeared this is insane and that’s pretty much it but uh if you check your

Armor you were never actually wearing netherite you were wearing a leather tunic with cursive binding this is a 10 I agree 10 me Peppa got a y 30 okay so we had some difficulties with TNT that definitely wasn’t intentional wait okay so is this like a mushroom land this is

Where one of you guys decided to blow a hole in the ground the mushroom looks really good I was going to make this be a house with no boys allowed and then you guys couldn’t see it but uh I ran out of time just from like the walls and

Everything and even the mushrooms are really complex and just the terraforming this easily gets eight I think I’m going to go with a nine the walls are like really cool to look at and I like the twist you took everyone went with like I think we all went with like illegal

Builds or something but this is more like a fake fantasy world which is cool I’m go with an eight Skol got 25 out 30 so my uh whole build idea was of a containment chamber where everyone is being watched okay wait this already just looks like I’m being watched I love

This it reminds me of one of those one by one texture packs that’s I was just thinking like the start menu texture pack Villers are watching yeah those are the scientists that always watching it looks like an experiment and I really like this is a 9 out of 10 I’m going to

Give it a 10 too I agree I would give it a 10 Wolfie got 29 out 30 oh my gosh Earth yeah so I I decided to create a fake World cuz if you go inside here are you guys ready oh gosh what is this oh

What did you do this is the fake world what is with these trees why are they bowled up that a monster is coming through the sky and he’s sucking everything up causing natural disasters why are the blocks at a angle it’s cuz they’re being they’re being sucked up by

This monster I’m surprised you noticed that but not the water floor oh my what I think um 1 million out of 10 I mean I got to give that an 11 that’s crazy meaning My Illegal build was the best and they had no idea I was cheating

Sanctum we have the three boxes with the paint the expander and the wrench now before I do anything think I first need to make a circle for sanctum that kind of works and then I’ll make someone that extends like this I’m thinking it’s a

Padded room what do we do for S this is actually going to be a small Throne so I need to make sure it elevates up one time and so far it actually doesn’t look that bad but I will be adding some defense around here just to make it look

Extra cool and you know it already looks insane the throne itself needs to be kind of big enough to have someone cool sitting on it so if I fill this all in we are making something for the warden I I think we now have a throne I do need to

Make it look more cooler so what if I add two little iron bars let me kind of make how he’s going to sit as a king he’ll be wearing red his hands are going to overhang like he’s just relaxing and he looks completely nonchalant how long

Does it take Scarlet to make a box let’s see his eyes will look like that I kind of want to give him white hair to show that he’s old but I don’t want to give him a bold patch cuz that’s just that’s just mean ooh that does look fancy now

What I think I’ll do is lowy let me break his eyes a little bit what if I just use the pump to indent them like this honestly he doesn’t look that bad he does look kind of weird but he looks pretty awesome so far we’re making the

Back rooms that’s the king done I do want to give him some diamonds on his wrists cuz he’s rich and since he’s a king he’s going to have diamonds on his actual crown now I need to extend this a little bit out cuz this is going to be

Where people are going to be worshiping him and just for this I can make it completely red but if I was the Spy pom pepper he’s building the sanctum first and Scarlet’s making a box this brings me such joy and just like that at least this area is done and this is the

Entrance now one thing I didn’t really think about which I wonder if it worked okay this might surprisingly work so good he’s got a bit of a chain if I make that legal paint yellow this guy is going to be fully blinged out okay yo wait that actually looks crazy do this P

Today I should first change the floor to smooth red standstone actually works but just like that I’ve made two cylinders that will honestly be connected by a chain I’ve kind of made this look super crazy there we go at least we can walk a little bit in here just kind of need to

Add some detail here if I just copy this what block would I want to make it crying obsidian could look super nice so if I do that it kind of matches each other what kind of want to do is just by using some simple command act like

There’s energy coming out yeah it looks like this is solely being corrupted and he’s the king of corruption I want I want it to be like a crystal in the air okay we should make a secret snow Hideout one thing I want to do is if I

Put that there and use the expander oh is this actually going to work I really don’t know if this is going to work or if it’s going to look completely stupid but we’ll find out okay I think it’s wor working I think I’m expanding I love it

So much okay I’ve somehow made a diamond crystal and we now have two Giant Crystals holding this entire thing together I guess this is the ceiling so if I was to just do this to this corner and make it black concrete okay it just looks just as good I think I’ll just

Mess these blocks up slightly if I was to make the walls completely black with the illegal paint what would happen well first of all that looks extremely cool but second of all what has it D it’s made it into void that honestly hurts my eyes but it looks super cool okay what

Should we have in here we should have have a bed I might add the bone spikes over on this side just to maybe make some cool things but there’s still some missing made a pyramid same thing over here pyramid okay honestly two pyramids maybe add some detail here by simply Mak

It complete Black it looks kind of endless and I guess I’ll do the same thing over here yo wait this looks really cool we’ll have a bunch of villagers here lined up and going Ready To Worship the king I’m not going to waste a bunch of time this time on

Anything crazy we’re going to go with what we know we can finish it has to be like a void it’s flowing the lowkey an idea I have is fireplace the load Stone okay honestly this looks insane so far wait that gave me an idea what if I just

Make his hair gray instead of white I think the gray looks a lot better no I want to expand the entrance because only by expanding can I make this look something like stairs and maybe we can make a bubble column so by expanding these blocks we now have some sort of

Stairs which kind of looks cool and over here just mess these about slightly like that and think this is perfect meaning we had to be in the middle to vote for the best build follow me I see you also went with a box nice box 10 out of 10

It’s so much more than a box it’s so much more than that wait guys hear me out what is this it’s a padded room okay this is cursed see don’t you feel relaxed yeah yeah I’m going to kind of go over here cuz this just looks so it’s

Just snow go down there oh wait what this is My Sanctuary this is a very cursed sanctum I can’t lie this room is so weird feeling I don’t like this yes I like it I would I I don’t know what I was expecting coming outside but inside

Insane I’m going to give this a nine I’ll give it an eight I’m going to go with a nine too just cuz of this feeling I get in this room it’s so weird my idea was of like a floating sanctuary I’m thinking of like in danger of species

Ooh yo wait this looks insane from the outside but yo this is like a zoo they’re my frogs now has anyone noticed this guy’s infiltrated maybe he thinks he’s a panda W this this is easily a 10 I’ll give you a 10 yeah I I don’t have

Other scores to give besides 10 now this is a secret area and you can only enter if you decide to enter But it there is a warning I will enter this is the sacred flame it just do not break the sacred flame that is the Only Rule not to break

The sacred flame what happens if I break it I don’t know I’ve never broken it oh no not the stop yo wait yo I’ve been poting I mean survival mode hey no you don’t hear me right I’m just going to oh wa why is he so fast save me

This is insane this is this is a 10 out of 10 I agree 10 out of 10 this is a 10 I love the back rooms now you might have had a warden That Never Dies but this is my sanct we come inside oh my what this

Makes me feel more insane than the padded room how do you have the chain so so so this is the king he’s got a chain he’s blinked out how did you do that and as you can see he’s actually an evil King cuz he has towers of corruption

That are corrupting the world all right well I’m going to go with a tin this is crazy there’s so much cool stuff in here to the surprise of everyone I’m also going to go with 10 same this is tripping me a lot yeah that’s perfect you guys stay in there and you’ll most

Likely die but slash illegal was perfect and they had no idea I was cheating

►I Cheated With //ILLEGAL In Build Battle…
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I Cheated With //ILLEGAL In Build Battle… I Cheated With PRO BUILD HACKS In A Build Battle… Why I Cheated With Build Hack In A Build Battle… How i stole max hearts/infinite hearts on this minecraft smp to get revenge, this was using lifestealing every hearts on this smp using traps on your friends in minecraft, this is similar to the Lifesteal SMP in which we do the Why I Burned The World to get over 100 wardens in full netherite and get revenge on our friends by fooling them with a real life netherite wardens in minecraft

#Minecraft #MinecraftSMP


  1. when you guys blow up each others build it reaminds me of my dum sister who cares
    abut my baby sister more than me
    😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😡😡😡😡😡😡 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

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