Ranking Every Melee Weapon in Terraria 1.4.4 (UPDATED Tier List)

Hey what is up everybody welcome back to another bararia tier list and you may be thinking that uh you’ve done this one already yeah I have but that one is outdated compared to my newer ones it’s a little it’s a little gross it’s a little bad per se so we’re updating it

And then we’re going to go into the ultimate weapons tier list uh so I’m going to go ahead and get straight into it let’s start off with the swords first up we have all of the wooden swords and I mean what can I really say about the

Wooden swords we all know they’re bad had only used at the start of a playthrough for a grand total of like 5 minutes before you find something better we got to throw them in the F tier easily uh next up we have the ore shortswords similar to the wooden swords

The Ore shortswords are actually even more worthless somehow you need harder resources to craft them and let’s just say there’s a reason most people just throw away their copper shortsword F tier again next up we have the or broadswords now I’m going to give the or broadswords the benefit of the doubt

Here they are definitely more usable than the wooden swords and shortswords but you’re still only really using these for a small section of the playthrough and you’ll most likely be using these to take on all of your enemies if there was a d tier i’ put them in that but for now

I’ll rest them into the F tier but like in the middle more so next up the cactus sword F tier zombie sword with a rework prepared for 1.4.5 this weapon might be good but not yet F tier and lion mandible f f f f f f f tier F bad bad f

F tier bad bone sword F tier once again now let me clarify I think a lot of these basic swords are actually somewhat usable against like groups of enemies and stuff but prehard mode only has one event you’re going to need to do and that’s the Goblins which are not very

Hard sorry swords F tier you go the katana the candy cane Sword and the Exotic Scimitar for the sake of time since there are 900 swords I’m shoving these three Al together all these are fine but like the previous explanation just not worth getting if there was a d

Once again I’d put them in that but for now F tier the bladed glove let’s take a break from the F tier for no other reason that nightmare in Elm Street is my favorite of the classic horror Giants yep that’s it also this weapon does attack fast enough to keep enemies away

C tier the Gladius the Falcon Blade the entacle spike purple clubber fish and batbat let’s go back into the F tier with a big group of weapons all the following I don’t think are good enough to make it out of the F tier they are either too slow or don’t do enough

Damage or don’t have enough range to make them worth using phas blades now even though the phase blades all have decent damage and speed they are not any better than the previous group of weapons until they get that upcoming rework which might Skyrocket them up the rankings but that’s for the next updates

Tier list F tier for the phase blades the ice blade finally the first real weapon the ice blade is a very decent sword its damage is worse than some of those true melee weapons from before but it has a projectile and I believe it’s the first weapon you’ll reasonably use

Against the eye of cthulu it’s not much better than that however I’m going to leave it in the C tier the enchanted sword the enchanted sword is the OG goat a high damage weapon with a high damage projectile leaving it both good for groups as well as taking out early

Bosses since it’s just a better ice plade I’m going to give it the B tier because you could probably use this against some harder bosses with some care the star Fury now the star Fury is a fantastic weapon you just get yourself a gravity potion and this will honestly

Be your main sword for a long long time in prehard mode it will carry you through those important early game bosses and events and give you a great steping Stone into the best equipment a tier for the star Fury The Beekeeper now I actually really like The Beekeeper I’m

A big bee girl be are great I just think it’s prehard mode sword melee range is a large hindrance to how powerful it can be I’m going to put it into the B tier b b b get it B tier the lights Bane I don’t think either of the evil swords

Are that great here and while I like the effect of the weapon and its lingering damage slash it’s way too short and the damage is not high enough C tier the blood butcherer the opposite of lights Bane both in evil and downsides while the range of the blood butcher is not

The worst it is a true melee weapon and even though the bleed is rather strong you have to actually hit with the melee strike C here for the blood butcherer the blade of grass now it is a fantastic option even though I find it to be one

Of the more forgettable options in the list of Swords usually only making it when I’m ready for the Night’s Edge but by itself it still has some very solid potential with its projectile and Powerful poison I’m going to put it into the B tier the volcano I really love the

Volcano it was the Saving Grace in my swords only playthrough during prehard mode getting me through Skeletron which is a big hurdle at the time it also just shreds through basic enemies and events a tier for the volcano for sure the mamasa I don’t really know what this

Weapon is used for outside of the Night’s Edge there’s not many bosses left at this point in progression and all the events are done maybe besides the old ones Army but I just don’t think it’s great it has a nice DPS and decent range on the swing so I’m going to put

It into B tier at least cuz it is just as usable as the volcano the knight’s Edge I mean it’s s tier the knight’s Edge is crazy absolutely shreds through the wall of flesh and every boss you could fight in prehard mode and it can cook in the early hard mode stages while

Grabbing your upgrades it’s a fantastic weapon no doubt that it’s s TI the umbrella the tragic umbrella the breathing re the ruler and the stylish scissors all right so all these weapons are gimmick weapons the stylish scissors being a drop from the stylus like the simitar from before but laughably short

With its range and literally all of the others are tools that just happen to have melee attacks F tier for all of them moving on to the Hard Mode swords we’ve got the pearlwood sword I mean if I really need to say anything here F tier The Classy cane similarly do I need

To say much F tier it’s just it’s a joke weapon the slap hand you know as much as I do that I really want to put the slap hand in the F tier but that knockback is kind of crazy though and also just kind of funny and for that c tier the breaker

Blade although I don’t particularly think the breaker blade is the greatest sword I think if you were to get this coming straight into hard mode it can easily fend off the basic enemies for a long time while you spend the time to set up e tier for the breaker Blade the

Phase saers the face Sabers are just straight upgrades from the phase blade as soon as you get into hard mode and while they are decent I think something like the knight’s Edge or the breaker blade are going to be much more useful for you at the beginning of hard mode C

Tier for the Sabres the hamat now despite the H bat’s nice bonus to your life regen it short range is not great to have this far into a playthrough and overall those positives cannot outweigh its negatives F tier the blade tongue the blade tongue is one of the weapons I

Slept on in my first tier list this thing is very solid it has an incredibly low range but against crowds and even bosses like the Destroyer where you can get close easily the ier stream at fires do so much for it I think if it had a

Bit more range it’ be higher but I’m going to give it the B tier the FedEd bog knocks the FedEd bog kns are actually pretty crazy if you’ve never used them before get like a tanky melee Speed Build going and just shred through the enemies at crazy speeds not the

Greatest but I do think it is deserves a spot in the B tier for just how unique the weapon is Cobalt and Palladium swords there is no reason to use these F tier the mithal and orac calcum swords there is no reason to use these F tier Adamantite and titanium swords once

Again no reason F tier the icle basically our first projectile weapon in hard mode and it’s decent I wish the projectile was maybe a bit bigger or lasted longer but it can definitely give you some much needed space against the hardwood bosses B tier for the icicle

The frost brand I think the frost brand is very similar to the icicle and almost everything I said for it I could say for the frost brand I’m just going to stick it into the same tier in B cutless now I know there are some cutless Defenders

Out there and I’m here to say that I am not one of them this thing is a terrible range true melee weapon it can swing fast enough to keep enemies off of you but so can better weapons that are also easier to get no point in ever getting

This thing F tier the beam sword incredibly hard to get it sucks get the frost brand instead F tier the Excalibur Excalibur is a fantastic weapon I think it’s one of one of the best true melee weapons due to its insane reach and fast speed decent option against the

Destroyer and actually decent against Skeletron due to its high damage but getting its upgraded for him so shortly after definitely bumps it down a tier B tier for the Excalibur the Chlor ofy saber now this thing is actually a sleeper I don’t think it’s as good as a

Lot of the higher placed weapons for sure but it swings fast and even with its low range it has its little green Cloud that hits pretty quick B tier for the saber the chlorite Claymore similar to the Excalibur this weapon has a large range but it actually shoots out a

Piercing orb that makes it fantastic against large groups as well as keeping some distance in a boss fight it’s not good enough to solo the bosses right after getting it however so I’m going to put it into the B tier the seedler okay so I may may have been too tough on the

Seedler in the original tier list I also may have been completely wrong this thing is absolutely an a tier weapon the sword itself is nothing crazy but it projectile is one of the best you can get at this stage of the game it’s an amazing weapon against Golem and it

Shoots fast enough that you can easily use it against some harder bosses as well a tier for the seedler the brain brand of The Inferno okay so the brand of The Inferno I was also pretty hard on but I think I was actually right with

This one it’s a true melee weapon with a really fast speed and high enough damage its special gimmick is that you can right click and give yourself a quick defense buff which is fine but I don’t find it that useful overall as a weapon C tier for the brand of The Inferno the

Death sickle now this is an all-time favorite of mine and many people and I think it actually still manages to live up to those standards it has an amazing projectile with high damage available right after the me bosses it’s a great weapon against planta the moon events

And Gollum a tier for the death sickle the true Knight’s Edge so I think I may have rated this a bit too high last time it is a great weapon but its projectile leaves a lot to be desired damage and control- wise and the swing itself isn’t

Fantastic I’m going to put it into the B tier for this list through Excalibur similarly I definitely overrated this one in the last tier list I still do really like this weapon a lot and I like it more than the knight’s Edge but overall I think it’s no more useful than

It B tier as well the terrablade the combination of the last two weapons is still to this day a great weapon all around there’s no real downside to it swings fast does crazy damage and has a fast and piercing projectile this can easily take you to the endgame it goes

In s tier the Horseman’s Blade the Horseman’s blade is definitely the weapon that the most people yelled at me for in the comments of the last list and you know what fine you were all right the Horseman’s blade is great decent against bosses if you’re tanky enough and fantastic against large groups of

Enemies I’ll give it the a tier the keybrand I still hate this one though key brand is terrible it’s a postplan teror true melee weapon that is outclass by every other weapon around it f tier the psycho knife uh the psycho knife is generally one of the greatest weapons in

Terraria that doesn’t mean it’s good though incredibly small range and even it’s high damage and insane attack speed can’t make up for that fun to use though F tier Christmas sword I really enjoy the Christmas sword actually I know it’s kind of crazy what happens when you actually use the weapons its projectiles

Are utterly fantastic allowing you to get consistent damage even if you miss with the OG projectile a tier for the Christmas tree sword the influx waiver okay so I wanted to put this in a tier just because I didn’t want to admit how wrong I really was but this thing with

Its fast projectile that then Auto hits with like three more is so good it swing is terrible for sure but its fast projectile puts it up into s tier it’s just as good as the ter blade easily the Flying Dragon so while I think this weapon is a little boring and could

Definitely use a rework of some kind I have to admit that it is just just as good if not better than the teror blade so for that I have to put it into the S tier the consequences of the teror blade the staright okay fine Starlite isn’t

All that great but I still really love it for being incredibly unique and trying to make a late game shortsword that works well and it does do that still I’m going to put it into the a tier because I like it the star wrath now the starw Wrath is a fantastic sword

Probably the best in the game if we aren’t counting the zenith’s one insanely fast swing speed and a super powerful barrage of stars that can easily deal with any boss or event s tier for sure the meow Meir just like the other s tier weapons this one easily

Deserves the spot I think it’s just as good as the star WTH despite a weaker projectile it gives you more direct accuracy and I really enjoy using it s tier the Zenith a lot of people were really confused by my omitting the Zenith in the last video but it’s

Because they didn’t watch the thing the Zenith is technically classified as an other weapon but just for you I’m going to put it into the S tier in swords and really it deserves its own spot above s due to how insanely open is compared to literally everything else in the game

Let’s go ahead and move out of swords and on to yo-yos the wooden yo-yo there isn’t much to talk about with the wooden yo-yo it’s definitely one of the better melee weapons that you could craft early on as a yo-yo it is definitely not great

F tier the rally now this is a rare drop from certain enemies down in the caves but being able to get it early can give you a much higher boost in your early game and easily get you through the eye King Slime and Goblin Army I’m going to

Put it into the C tier just because I think you could just as easily use the wooden yo-yo to craft yourself a better one than get this one the malaise and the artery the Mala and artery I’m going to group together due to being the world evil weapons but they are both just

Slightly above average good damage yoyos nothing too insane about either of them but perfectly usable I’m going to put them right into the B tier the Amazon all right the Amazon continues to be just an absolutely insane weapon super super easy to craft right out of the

Gate and it has enough raw power to just carry you through a good portion of prehard mode I’m going to keep saying it’s s tier just for how bad the yo-yo power scaling is in Terraria the code one the code one’s only downside is it being tied to the traveling Merchant and

I almost never see this thing if it were more easily obtainable it’ be S tier for sure but that alone has me bumping it down to the a tier otherwise it’s a fantastic weapon pre Skeletron but there is still a better choice okay now the

High5 is based I love this yo-yo Most B weapons are pretty good in Terraria and yo-yos already have an edge on everything else I genely think this is a sleeper s tier weapon so I’m throwing it up in there the Valor okay so the Valor really isn’t terrible things considered

Except that I hate it there’s almost no point in using this yo-yo because at the same time you can get a far better one and even the yo-yos before this one have more use f tier for The Valor it’s probably my least favorite yo-yo the Cascade the Cascade the Cascade is

Definitely the best yo-yo to take with you into hard mode and a decent enough option at wall ofresh to progress you through the game I’m going to put in the a tier just because you do end up replacing it fairly quickly so it does not deserve that eser spot the format C

The format C actually isn’t even bad but the main thing here is that it’s a weapon you have to buy from the skeleton Merchant during a specific moon phase when you can just get a far better yo-yo right away without needing to get lucky F tier for that alone the gradient the

Exact same issues as the format C The increased damage for this one is a lot better but still there are better weapons available that are way easier F tier the Chic the Chic is easily the weakest of the early hard mod Yos but it is super easy to craft and you can use

It to get the better ones even easier I’m going to put it into the C tier easy to get still decently useful the Hellfire the Hellfire is one of the two gamebreaking Yos in in early hard mode and one of the reasons yo-yo’s needs a massive Power Balance it hits fast

Inflicts on fire and has a long reach as well as being attainable straight into hard mode I’m going to put it into the a tier just because the next yo-yo is so much crazier the amarok the amarok is the strongest yo-yo obtainable prech bosses and is super easy to get at that

Plus it has the highest possible damage with its frostburn debuff and a nice speed and range this yo-yo alone practically obliterates the yo-yo progression in the game something definitely needs to be changed but this yo-yo is going into the S tier the code 2 now the code 2 is obtainable after any

Mech boss is defeated but by the traveling Merchant there are very few weapons that can still be worth if they’re locked to the merchant and this is definitely not one of them does nothing better than the previous yo-yos or the later yo-yos F tier for sure the yellets the yot is another yo-yo

Obtainable right after any Mech boss has been defeated but this one you can actually get really easily from any enemy in the jungle and it’s overall a decent upgrade from the yo-yos you’ll have I’m going to put into the B tier just because there are a few other

Yo-yos you could grind out if you wanted the Reds throw and Valkyrie yo-yo these two yo-yos can be obtained at any point in hard mode from Hard Mode boss treasure bags as a part of vanity sets and they are very very good you might not ever see these in a playr but you

Could set yourself up for some easy Mech boss grinding and just go crazy and hope you get one I’m going to put them into the a tier just because there is a decently High chance that you just don’t obtain either of these sets the Kraken the Kraken is a post planta Dungeon Drop

Able to be obtained from any enemy in there and overall it’s really solid I wouldn’t say it’s entirely worth going out and farming for however it does a decent amount of damage but not enough where you would have to go replace your older yo-yo with it especially when you

Only need to take out Golem for the best pre-end game yo-yo after this overall I’m going to put it into the be tier the eye of cthulu the eye cthulu is an incredibly easy yo-yo to get right after Gollum just head over to the solar eclipse realm and farm out some moons

It’s a high high chance to drop so you’re definitely going to get one and it’s a massive damage jump It’s the yo-yo you’re going to take through the rest of the game I’m going to give it the S tier the terrarian the terrarian terrarian whatever hands down the best

Best yo-yo and one of the best melee weapons in all of Terraria actually giving you both the power of the late game yo-yos and it rapidly shoots out these little balls do even more crazy damage definitely one of the goats and a great option against daytime Empress I’m

Going for the S tier easily let’s get out of yo-yos and move on to Spears my favorite melee weapon class the spear the spear is obtainable from basic wooden chest from the start of the game it does carry some use in being able to prevent groups of enemies from hitting

You super easily with its knockback unfortunately you can get two better Spears at the exact same time and one of them just as easily I’ve got to put it into the F tier the Trident similar to the spear in almost every way this weapon is just a slight upgrade better

Damage and slightly faster obtainable just as easily I think you can’t really put it any higher than the spear itself though since they’re almost exactly the same so it goes in the F tier 2 the storm spear now the storm spear is a fantastic early option perfect for

Taking out the early prehard mode bosses getting you a bit of range to work with to keep yourself alive I’m going to put it up into the a tier just for how useful it is early on and you you can honestly use this even further against something like Skeletron the rotted Fork

This weapon is almost exclusively good for something like the brain and the dungeon itself otherwise it’s just a glorified cool looking version of the base sphere it is powerful though so I’m going to put it into the C tier the swordfish this thing is actually bad like it attacks fast and has higher

Damage than everything else but you got to be right on the enemy with it it’s no better than any of the other Spears at dealing with normal enemies either F tier the dark Lance the dark Lance is actually incredible solid obtainable after Skeletron in The Shadow chest it

Has a fast speed and decent range it also in its newest rework inflicts the shadowflame debuff with its little shock wave that actually grows in size based on your melee speed it’s not great enough to be an S tier and maybe not even an a due to where it’s at in the

Game I’m going to put it into the B tier the Cobalt Nakata the padium pike the mithal hird and the oricalcum hird let’s be real who in their right mind is ever crafting and then using these weapons you’re just going to skip to the final set F tier the Adam anti glaive and

Titanium Trident the final set of Spears for the hard mode ore are not much better than the others but the fact that you will probably make these and use these at least bumps them up to the C tier obsidian swordfish literally why does this exist F tier the gungir this

Is the first really great spear in the game crafted with hallowed bars really solid great damage and is what you’ll use to clean up the rest of the mech bosses for sure you could even take it to planta if you wanted I’m going to put it into the a tier the chlorite partisan

The chlorite partisan is pretty pretty decent I don’t think it’s better than the Gung near but I do like the little poison Cloud you get with it giving you some extra range I think this is the perfect weapon for the B tier the mushroom spear I don’t know if it’s just

Me but while testing this weapon I just didn’t see anything that special about it the mushrooms don’t give you any extra range and its damage doesn’t really make up for it I’m just going to put into the C tier since it’s not entirely useless the Gastly glaive much

Like the mushroom spear I don’t really see what’s super special about this one is a very short range and it seems almost made for the event that you get it from in the Old One’s Army like most weapons it does have high damage potential but only against groups of

Enemies C tier just because I don’t see the use for it the North Pole now the North Pole is the one and only s tier spear on the list it gives you a great range projectile that leaves behind a trail of snowflakes and is definitely the weapon you’ll be using to finish out

The game I think it does deserve that s tier spot for that alone but please give us more and better Spears please Terraria and finally the jousting lances I decided to just throw in all the jousting lances of the spear section they are not great they have high damage

Potential but they’re really gimmick weapons more than anything else I’m going to throw them into the C tier all right ending out the spears let’s move on to the boomerangs starting with the wooden boomerang the wooden boomerang is not actually the worst thing ever it has decent knockback but it’s slow and has

Low damage but mainly its biggest downside is that you can easily upgrade it into something way better so I’m going to put it into the F tier the enchanted Boomerang now the enchanted Boomerang is a lot better than the wooden boom rang and all you need is

Some fallen stars you can upgrade that straight into it overall a very solid upgrade that that you will grab anytime you’re using the wooden boomerang so for that I’m going to put it into the C tier the shumang now the shumang is not much different from the enchanted Boomerang

It’s just significantly harder to obtain but it makes up for that with even more damage than the enchanted so I’m just going to throw it in the same spot around C tier the ice Boomerang the ice Boomerang is basically just the enchanted Boomerang with frost burn and

That’s great especially if you’re on a crimson World it can be super useful for marking the real brand of cthulu in the fight I’m going to put it into the B tier the tarang the trar is the Ultimate Upgrade for the last three all combining into this one overall a fantastic

Boomerang and one that you’ll probably use in conjunction with others until the end of pre hard mode I’m going to say for how early you can get it and how far it can take you it has to go into the a tier at least especially with being able

To throw multiple the flamarang the flamarang is probably the closest thing to an S tier boomerang in prehard mode but I just don’t think any of the prehard mode boomerangs deserve that spot the flame rang is made using hellstone and has a crazy high damage number and can be used to just shred

Through Skeletron and it’s a very powerful weapon against the wall while combined with others we’re going to put into the a tier the fruit cake chrum the fruit cake chrum is on a similar power level to the enchanted it’s a bit faster and the Damage per second is very

Similar so despite it being a Christmas time only weapon it is going to grab a spot in C tier The Thorn chakum this Boomerang is definitely one of the best you can grab in the pre-boss portion of the game just head to the jungle and grab some easy materials this thing is

Easily on par with stuff like the ice Boomerang but not quite the triang or flamarang it gets a nice little spot in B tier the bloody machete okay so the bloody machete is available during Halloween and while being a little bit stronger than the fruit cake chalk from

From Christmas this one has a one major downside and that’s if you miss your punishment is way worse because it has to fall until it hits the ground before bouncing back to you I’m not putting it any higher than C tier the combat wrench now the combat wrench is actually a

Fantastic weapon you get it by killing the mechanic NPC and it honestly might be in the top three boomerangs of pre hard mode it’s great for boss fights being able to hit an enemy multiple times and has piercing which is the only pre hard mod boang to do so I believe

I’m going to put it into the a tier but into hard mode we got the flying knife all right so imagine this you finally make it into hard mode you choose to go after some hallowed mimics and when this thing drops you use it for the first

Time you’re like ah okay it’s a decent weapon but you’re wrong because it’s actually a boomerang that literally can’t miss has infinite piercing and infinite airtime this thing is crazy for early hard mode melee letting you keep a far distance from the mech bosses while easily dealing with them s tier for sure

This thing’s so nuts the banana rang the banana rang is a another fantastic early hard mod Boomerang this one is not nearly as insane as the flying knife but it has a ton of extra damage and you can throw like five at a time it’s almost s

Tier but I don’t think it has the craziness factor that the flying knife does a tier for sure though the sergeant United shield now the sergeant United Shield is amazing it’s a boomerang that just homes in on multiple enemies before returning to you and with that it has a

Crazy high damage the only downside this weapon has is being a traveling Merchant weapon and that’s why I’m going to put it into a tier instead of s the light dis the light dis is actually a pretty decent weapon my only issue is that it doesn’t really do much for you at this

Point compared to some of the weapons we’ve already seen the banana rang does the same thing which just slightly worse damage and that’s available at a much better spot for a basic multi-row Boomerang I’m going to put it into the B tier personally but I’ll also accept a

The paladins hammer the Paladin Hammer is a fantastic weapon hitting any enemies in its path twice going back and forth the only thing that could be remotely considered bad about it is it’s pretty short range but I think its power makes up for it especially when you’re

Going to be taking on stuff like the moon events around this time a tier for sure the possessed Hatchet the possessed Hatchet dropped by the lovely gollem is actually his best drop and it’s so good that in the boomerang play through it’s what you’ll be using until you beat the

Game most likely and even if not it’s a great option to grind out some of those crazier melee weapons but overall this weapon is definitely s tier let’s move on over to flails starting with the chain knife while the chain knife can get you some pretty decent early DPS it

Has a very little range compared to even the most basic of flails and you’d be insanely close to the enemy to get that Peak DPS which in the early game can be very very bad F tier the mace the mace is actually really solid for a basic

Chest weapon it’s nothing crazy but it can get some working for for you I’m still going to be putting it into the F tier hover because of the next weapon which uses this as material the Flaming mace the Flaming mace is a direct upgrade to the mace and it only needs

Torches having the same amount of damage but with the added effect of fire which makes it very solid I’m going to move it up to the C tier almost B tier but the range on it holds it back the balla Hur the balla Hur isn’t anything super

Special but it has a fast speed and a lot larger range than the previous flails I think that and its massive damage boost earns it a spot in at least B tier the meatball the meatball is basically the same as the ball of HT very similar damage similar point in the

Game that you get it the only real difference here is that the meatball weirdly needs to be crafted instead of obtained from the shadow orbs and hearts which makes it a lot less useful at this exact point but not enough to take it out of the B tier the Blue Moon the Blue

Moon is actually a great high damage weapon the only issue is that it’s the next flail in the game progression meaning you have to use the last two to beat Skeletron and then you can get this one from the dungeon or you can go get a

Far better one at the same time from Shadow chests it’s high damage does still keep it in the C tier however but it could easily go down an F the sunfury the sunfury is easily the best pre hard mode flail it’s the last one you get

Usually and it’s what you’ll use to wrap it up and even what you’ll use to get yourself deeper into hard mode and grabbing those other flails it has insane damage and the onire debuff is fantastic so I’m going to throw it up into the a tier moving into hard mod we

Got the chain Guillotine so I was definitely pretty tough on the Chain Guillotines in the first list but having used them through the mech boss stage of the game now they are just absolutely fantastic especially when up against the twins I don’t think it’s absolutely game destroying but it definitely deserves to

Up an a tier the anchor so the anchor is definitely a weapon one of the flails of all time I don’t really like this thing unlike the main set of flails it doesn’t have the wind up attack and just flies straight out it also doesn’t Pierce and

Overall is just not that good F tier for me the Dow of pal now the Dow PO is a fantastic fantastic weapon pretty high damage insanely long range and one of the perfect early hardw mod weapons to take on the Destroyer with its piercing

I’m going to put it into the B tier just because it’s not that useful against the other two Mech bosses the Drippler crippler now the Drippler crippler is actually kind of crazy easily obtained from the Blood Moon Blood eals and has the highest damage out of any of these

Early hard modood flails that alone plus its ability to shred through the destroyer and even some of the mid hardwood bosses puts it up in the a tier it’s just not that great against some of the faster ones the flower po so the flower pow dropped by planta is a pretty

Unique flail when you let it drop down you can actually just let it sit there and shoot homing flower petals and that’s super good flails are pretty hard to use normally so being able to have an alternate use that’s just as good is fantastic I’m going to put it into the B

Tier however just because you have to let the flail sit there in place to use it properly the KO Cannon so this is basically the early hard version of the chain knife and it’s terrible it has so little range and there are so many better options that you can use

Especially since this is basically completely useless against any Hard Mode boss F tier for sure the Golem fist unfortunately the same issues that plag the KO Canon plag the Golem fist it has a way larger range but at this point in the game progression you’re mainly fighting fast flying enemies that make

The Golem this incredibly difficult to use especially with its relatively slow fire rate F tier unfortunately the Flareon Flareon is such a good weapon but it’s a little too slow for the modern day Terraria in-game bosses the bubbles do home in but even then they have a pretty slow speed it definitely

Isn’t bad and I’d say it’s probably the best weapon to use to finish out the game but I think flails just have a natural disadvantage that prevents it from going to S and staying right in the a tier let’s move on to the final category other weapons starting with the

Terragrim the terragrim which is the new version of the aralis and prehard mod is obtained out of Enchanted shrines and it is the same weapon pretty solid overall you can use it to get through most bosses in Pre hard mode if you’re careful enough I’m going to throw it in

Be mainly because it’s the only prehard mode other melee weapon the aralis now the aralis is definitely still a prehard mode weapon even though you can now only obtain it in Treasure bags as a part of the dev set in hard mode it just isn’t good I’m sorry to say that we’re going

To have to throw into the F tier the shadow flame knife the shadow flame knife is just okay it doesn’t do anything absolutely crazy but it does give you a nice r weapon to work with it can be pretty good when you get the knife bouncing all around multiple

Enemies overall I’m just going to throw it into the C tier sleepy octopod now the Sleepy octopod is weird it swings around in a short range like a sword would almost but every second or so it charges up if it hits a block it causes this a little mini explosion decent

Against large groups of enemies but overall I just don’t think it’s that useful compared to any other weapons around this point so I’m throwing it down in the F tier the scourge of the corruptor now the scourge of corruptor is one of the sleeper hits of the

Dungeon chest weapons a lot of people nowadays actually do recognize how good this thing is but still it is just fantastic You’ probably use this from the moment you get it to the end of the game very solid I’m throwing in the a tier the vampire knives these things

Used to be the cream of the crop the absolute coolest most epic melee weapon you could get now they aren’t that fantastic but I still really like them and that life region boost is very very good I’m going to throw them up in the a tier with their corruption counterpart

The sky dragon fury the sky dragon fury is a pretty solid weapon it has the same issues I have with the Sleepy octopod but of course this one has its right click ability that launches out spheres of electricity and that is actually super good and can even be useful

Against some of the faster flying bosses as they stay where you fire them I’m going to put it up into the B tier the solar eruption of course the solar eruption is amazing like the solar weapons are both absolutely insane for any melee playthrough and I can’t really

Say much about this one besides it has to go up in the S tier the Daybreak just like it’s brother the Daybreak is a fantastic weapon gives you amazing range for the melee class and comes combined with insane amounts of damage it has to

Go on the S tier as well and this is where the Zenith would go but it’s up in the swords that’s going to wrap up the updated melee Taria tier list the next one will be a massive tier list combining all the classes into one insane weapons tier list so stay tuned for

That and I’d like to give a quick shout out to my members quackenstein cheesecake and grung weaboo thank you guys so much for supporting me if you want to join them up here at the end of videos you can go ahead and hit the join button down below the first 10 members

Become Founders which so you keep all of those benefits even after your membership runs out if you can’t afford to support me anymore thank you guys for watching if you guys hated my tier list dislike the video and comment down below what you hated if you liked it and agree

That my opinions are based and factual um give me a like and make sure to subscribe uh so thank you guys for watching love you guys bye

In this video I will be sitting down and ranking EVERY TERRARIA MELEE WEAPON in 1.4.4 on a tier list (AGAIN). How will my rankings match up with my original tier list? WATCH AND FIND OUT

Like for more terraria tier lists and let me know your thoughts. 😎
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Intro – 0:00
Swords (Pre-Hardmode) – 0:22
Swords (Hardmode) – 5:33
Yoyos – 12:30
Spears – 17:13
Boomerangs – 20:35
Flails – 24:37
Other – 28:22
Final Lists/Outro – 30:25
#terraria #tierlist


  1. I haven't watched this channel in almost half a year and my god I don't know if you're on E or if it's voice training but it's working and you sound incredible!

  2. Another reason why the Cutlass sucks – you have to do the pirates, aka the worst invasion

    The Eye of Cthulhu is post-Plantera, not post-Golem

    You did the Dark Lance dirty, it can get more dps then the Night’s Edge if used right

    Shadowflame Knives in C? Seriously?

  3. I love the leaf blade, the fact that you can technically get this pre-boss and the leaves actually go through blocks is so good, also poison was really buffed on 1.4.4. It melts enemies faster than the fire debuff. Also, the Chlorophyte Saber and Chlorophyte Partisan spore projectiles go through blocks, not many people know that.

    I saw a video of someone doing DPS testings between Dark Lance and Night's Edge, and even tho the Night's Edge is safer to use, the Dark Lance MELTS, the Shadowflame debuff is so good and you can even stack debuffs with a magma stone and a poison flask.

    I would've placed the Bananarang in S Tier, you can farm blood moons with lava and traps to get the clowns at the start of Hardmode (with bloody tears) and since it shoots 10 projectiles with almost no downtime, you almost never miss any hit.

    You need to try out the Shadowflame knife with the Frost Armor, Ichor Flask, and Fire Gauntlet. The amount of debuffs you can add to an enemy on 1 hit is hilarious; Plus compared to literally every other early Hardmode weapon is definitely the easiest to get and really worth getting.

  4. I brushed off the Seedler for years and years, deeming it inferior to the (OG) Terra Blade. Recently, I finally gave it a shot in the T2 Old One's Army, and I can't put it in any better way, it was like putting a slab of butter in a microwave. I've never seen ogres die so quickly to any other weapon at that stage in progression, and this was master mode. On average, they went down perhaps in 10 to 15 seconds? Golem was an even bigger pushover than usual, as well.

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