W e hey hey what’s up y’all welcome to the stream we’re starting up here just a few I’m loading up everything making sure everything’s started everything’s going good the server isn’t on yet server is not on yet I will be posting I mean the IP is technically in chat you can get

Ready but I will it’ll it will be on screen uh for the entire stream uh just letting a few people get in here hopefully making making sure stream’s on make sure everything’s good we’re good so far hope everyone’s having a fantastic day today first stream back and actually first stream here on zachm

Live YouTube channel I see a lot of new faces what’s up MUA Mustafa Fanboy the GU welcome to the stream y’all welcome to the stream I saw Kaden here earlier we’re loading up we’re loading up welcome to the stream welcome to the stream I have this isn’t this isn’t the

Most professionally made thing I think it’s pretty good we’ll see how this goes uh what you asked what the difficulty was Fanboy it’s uh it’s normal ah it’s it’s just Baseline normal we’ll see how this goes I think my friend s’s going to to join too I just I can tell because he

Loaded up Terraria and I can see that he did that on Steam so I’m going to call him out on that right now he’s probably like what the freak what the flip um I’m hoping this start stream video loads blops we’re I’m we’re just going to wait a few and then we’re going

To hop in I know it’s basic it’s not xerom mode it’s not anything crazy I know it could have been but I kind of just want to make it Baseline for everyone I’ll get into more details once I feel like officially switching it it’s now

2:15 I think we’re just going to hop in here in a moment in a moment I’m making sure everything’s golden letting anyone else who wants to be a part of the stream at the beginning hop in if not I’m sure other people will show up later oh I’m going to do that

Right now ohello I can’t play D but I will join tomorrow I appreciate that I can’t wait for you to be a part of the server hope you’re having a fantastic day I’m going to post a short right now actually I’m going to do it right

Now I have like a few I have another YouTube short going out you know I open a t didn’t I lose my stuff when dying no yeah I I kind of want that to be available to anyone but I mean you know it’s it’s a that’s anyone could join

With any character there’s no rules like I said you could do whatever the heck you want to do with any of it so you can play with another character it’s totally up to you um give me a moment y’all I’m going to post a Tik Tok too real quick hopefully the audio is

Not too loud I know my mic’s kind of loud sometimes I I apologize for that I tried fixing it a little bit I’ll just kind of not be close to it um oh shoot how do I change that sorry y’all we’re getting in here we’re getting in

Here just a moment I’m I’m I want to make sure I have the ability to publish this video I guess Tik Tok I don’t really care about that much it’s funny I don’t care about the Tik talk one too much I haven’t seen it that’s that’s that’s that’s epic can’t wait to see

What the heck y’all do well I I’ll do the whole official title announcement like what’s going on here officially in a minute all right I think that’s fine you know what screw it we’re going to hop into it YouTube short is posted we’re going to hop into this game

Here welcome to the Terraria Zack all right here I’ll be I’ll be more official I’ll be more official ladies and ladies and gentlemen welcome to the zachm live Terraria experiment where today we are going to be opening up a server that anyone can join and the server will only be open for one

Week I need my Cactus sword to destroy the Destroyer yeah that’ll do only real ones know what what they’re talking about what’s up y’all welcome to the stream the Hypes been real we got people in here this is great this is this a little what’s the best

Way to cheese a destroyer I don’t freaking know bro I can’t tell you I don’t know the answer Cactus sword come on here’s how this is going to go down I’ve obviously said this in a billion different videos and shorts and [ __ ] all over the cross across the internet so you might

Already be knowing I might also not have grammar it’s okay this server will be open for one week starting today and ending next Sunday we’re doing a stream today with the intro of what y’all do on the server seeing what the initial first few days I

Don’t know how long I’m going to stream for probably at least an hour maybe a couple hours we’ll see and at the end of the week the server shuts off midday kind around the same time I’m G to make a few videos on it maybe one big video on what the heck y’all

Did thanks to y’all we wouldn’t be here we hit 1 th000 Subs that was the that was the um that was the that was the uh the goal for a th000 was well okay the goal was hitting a th000 if we hit 1,000 I’d open a server so that’s what we’re

Doing um you the cactus sword also put Mr John ter painting in my house get Zenith exactly that’s how you do it that is literally I don’t know why anyone would question anything so guys the IP and Port is on screen pick your favorite character the name of the world the

Server is called Zach and lives experiment get it ready because I’m about to open the floodgates if you feel like joining Terraria I just beat this game Kade just beat this game spoilers there’s another episode of the Kade and Zach Saga coming very soon it’s the finale of that Saga

Actually so stay tuned for that here on zag live it’s going be Diablo no dude I’m so done with you all right here we go the server is now on it’s starting the server is now starting ladies and gentlemen the server okay that’s way too loud it’s starting it’s currently starting it’s

Loading there are no rules there are no moderators there is nothing you can join you can play you can do whatever the heck you want welcome welcome go nuts this is it we’re in you can join right now IP is literally on screen that is

It I don’t care what you do I’m leaving open the server open for a week if you want to do nothing you can do nothing if you want to do that you can literally do that literally just have fun build [ __ ] you know if someone decides to build something be nice about it

If you want to fight someone I really don’t care I literally do not care this is this is already off to a great start we we already we already have part of the world destroyed in a matter of a few seconds um I will say this is pretty much what I was

Expecting so if you want to join and indulge in the chaos please do if you haven’t already what do I do literally whatever you want you can go play the game if you want to survival it up you can attempt that you know you might not do well s is attempting

To to break a [Laughter] tree he is not doing that well I will be real he’s not doing that well what’s up Lego with two oos what do I do literally whatever you want to do Sal you know how to play the game come on what what are

You are we new here what you chop down a tree come on come on I got to give s the tutorial what’s up y’all bro that username I don’t even I don’t even know what that is South P live two3 let’s see was anyone anyone have people just chilling hanging

About I’m going to I’m going I’m going to try to progress a little bit you know I F oh my God so you take out the axe and you mine the tree remember Minecraft come on come on it’s like Minecraft but it’s 2D we made a video on

It together what are you new here what’s going [Laughter] on so yeah as I’ve said the server will be open for one week do whatever it is you feel like doing I probably won’t look at the server too much over the next week partly because I also work so

And I’m busy with school stuff so expect me not to maybe be on as much but um whatever comes of this at the end of the week will be fascinating to see like it could be all destroyed it could be it build something feel like I don’t

Know I might build I might build a little house somewhere I might go really far away and try to build something oh thank you bro appreciate that thanks for the wood thanks Poo man like this see this this is exactly what I was hoping for play on mobile by the way oh that’s

Awesome I didn’t know that would work I didn’t actually think that would work I’m surprised that actually does it’s kind of nuts ah yes we love the laser drill such a based item bro bro won’t even let me go up I got to get up parkour out of this

I love it Mustafa what’s going on man what’s chilling what’s up what’s up oh my gosh what’s up sub what’s up what’s up all right I’m actually gonna I’m going to I’m going to head left see what’s going on over here I decided I wanted to start off

With a a vanilla character I didn’t want to I didn’t want to uh cheat initially you guys can by all means if you feel like doing that that’s that’s completely down and up to you so there is the mitigation or not mitigation that’s not even a real that’s

Not even the the actual word that I should be using in this scenario the word is if someone decides to um build something technically you could destroy it but I wouldn’t recommend it I wouldn’t suggest that I’m Christ I’m still alive at this point NPC is STO that’ll happen that’ll

Happen kind of just not going to go into the Crimson right now I’m just not going to do that it’s kind of a little bit of a funny moment funny moment not really funny maybe I don’t know all right I’m building the first I’m building the first I’m building the first house oh

Bro just gave me Zenith thanks for that thanks for the thanks for the Zenith much appreciated I’m bu I’m building the first house I I see that I see that thank you thank you for the Zenith I I much very much appreciate it building the first house this is the

Worst house on the planet but we’re building it we’re building it I’m I’m I wouldn’t be surprised if the house is gone in the next 24 [Laughter] hours but then again you never know there it is and then build the wood wall fild this is

Up look at this look at this wait we’re just building a Bas you can go build your own thing man go build your own thing thanks for the 30 gold oh the frost Legion we love that we love to see this is already off to a great start look

Look we have we have one wood wall up here one one piece of floor that’s just not accurate this is great oh my gosh uke nice skin nice setup you got here looking looking great yeah we’ll put a we’ll put an armor statue it here there we

Go we’ll put that in there it’s looking pretty nice like on one half of the screen Giants came on the other way hash Sunday Giants game on the other oh ashtag Sunday that sounds like a Vibe for sure all right I’m going I’m going to make some torches real

Quick that’s important guys that’s important make the Torches did it just like replant the seed that’s so weird I don’t I don’t I don’t get Terraria I really don’t South thought they could fly all right we’re making the campfire s’s a funny guy s’s been around

Here oh we got the frost Legion all right well time to make a better weapon watch it’ll be easily easily andone got a furnace now I might get I might work on that how do I cheat S I’m not telling you how to cheat you

Can do it though but I ain’t I ain’t I ain’t telling you what is what is this there’s already a elevator going down okay it kind of It kind of stopped they kind of stopped part way I see I see this bloke this bloke’s following me this bloke this bloke is following me

Down here oh I can’t oh I can mine Platinum that’s right I’m not telling you how to cheat you can do it there’s things like this dude Mustafa he’s just watching me you just watching me mine Platinum for for fun thanks man thanks for thanks for mining up the [Laughter]

Platinum thanks for that really beats the world appreciate appreciate the gold oh my God a chest finally we got a weapon even though I have the Zenus BL on me all right we we’ll use we’ll use the Zenus I’m Googling right now s’s s’s getting into it s’s gaming watch I’ll probably

Die why is why is everyone falling to their death guys I will I will admit there is a there is a um there is a giant hole in the floor so be aware of that thanks bad thanks for helping me I’m trying to find a magic mirror that’s

All I care about if anyone can find a magic mirror for me that you don’t have to but if you find one let me know I’m in the glory hole you guys are all falling I feel like downloading stuff never mind I see you s bro bro give me the vortex pickaxe all

Right well we got to let’s see is anyone down in hell right now no no one’s down there we ain’t we ain’t got that we got to kill the wall flesh we got to we got to we got to speedrun this we got to get to Hard

Mode let’s let’s get on it let’s [Laughter] go actually I do need a magic beer first that might be good anything in here oh my God a life Crystal wow I need that I need that thanks for lur on the on the YouTube stream you guys are just out here swinging there’s a

Chest oh thanks man you just you just you just trapped me I’m trying to I’m trying to I’m trying to game over here I’m trying to game right now o anyone finds a magic mirror let me know oh my God it’s my favorite item the breathing

Read I just I just love this item it’s Peak Travel left this is Peak oh Pumpkin Moon oh wow we we just love that didn’t have we defeated the frost Legion yet was that was that finished did any did anyone get to that was that handled I don’t think

So I know I know I know I’m a fan I’m a fan of the the the the breathing re it’s actually helping me in this play through quote unquote playthrough look at me look at me look at look at us go I’m I’m the only guy

Here that has nothing on me and then there’s we’re going down we’re going down yeah let’s go handle the Wall of Flesh I think we’ll be able to do that I’m coming all right well there’s a slight risk of making your way down here slight chance of death Maybe

I’ll use my finest weapon the uh the breathing read to to solve this thanks man glorified armor nice nice Bros is going bro’s gone the frost Legion still up there is anyone is anyone managing the frost Legion is anyone taking care of that you clearly you guys are trying I

Can I can tell based off of the chat very exciting I’m in the whole but I can’t see well that’s that’s just something you have to deal with torch oh I’m well I’m dead well there goes me I dropped my 7,000 Platinum H thankfully I uh thankfully I

Have oh oh great here I’ll hey guys I’ll I’ll handle I’ll handle this I’ve been giving us I’ve been giving Zena don’t worry don’t worry i’ I’ve got this covered guys I’m in the hole okay I don’t I don’t know if that’s going to I don’t know if that’s going to do much

Let’s clear this let’s clear these guys out of here let’s get these guys out of here get these guys out of here hey bro you keep you keep just going down we have a hole already you got to make another hole this clearly worked oh we did it we did we defeated

The frost Legion glad we got that sorted let’s see this is this is just great oh I’m oh I’m dead I’m I’m dead I I dropped another 1,800 Platinum every time I die everyone goes right back up SP they’re like oh we got to get them down here again uh don’t

Worry don’t worry I’m I’m not yeah Pumpkin Moon we love we love love pumpkin moon n we got to we got to take a little bit of a rest break what’s going on over here huh why is there so many why is there so many things what is what is happening beat a

Boss at least yeah that’s the goal to get one boss done well we’re working on it you guys could totally just you know not destroy everything and build something but that’s okay you can you can head that oh there’s five gold down there apparently that’s fun help hey man

I can’t really help you you just got to do what you got to do wait another want another 99,999 Platinum sure I’ll take [Laughter] it I’m [Laughter] dead how many people are online um let’s take a look here there’s currently nine people on right now currently nine players in the game

Game which is pretty sick yeah I’m I’m dealing with the frost mode right now A thank you thank you for the 900 Platinum we love we love [Laughter] that thank you much appreciate it there’s about nine people on right now it’s pretty chaotic at the moment more than I more than I thought

Actually more than I would thought oh my oh my gosh it wasn’t me that time I didn’t okay I didn’t die that time but this time I did let me take a swig all right yeah let’s try to we’ll we’ll maybe I’ll uh I might I might switch I might switch characters instead

Of dying all the time I’m going to do that I’m GNA do that real quick whoops whoops let me get out my uh let me get out this guy all right clear out this pumpkin mode whoever get that whoever brought that in apparently I have no healing I I used

It already when did I when did I ever use it bro I’m I’m taking Health left and right it’s not even funny I can’t even survive with my my best [Laughter] player I can’t even I can’t even do anything with it that’s all right all right I let I’ll let you guys

Handle it I’m going to I’m going to go explore the world a little bit go get a feel for what’s going on over here actually do something bro I take so much health so quickly it’s not even funny difficulty is this it’s normal it’s normal mode it’s it’s it’s Baseline it’s nothing

Exciting I’ll be back with there guy sounds good I didn’t even I didn’t even try why am I dying dude why am I [Laughter] dying I’m not even I I I don’t have damage hey that’s the we’ll clear out this Pumpkin Moon oh is it daytime now uh it’s daytime now

We love it we love it we love to see it want to fight the wall yeah we can go fight the wall let’s go fight the wall wait where was our where was our hole at I don’t remember I found it you got a doll all right let’s

Go honestly this isn’t my best guy technically this is just well this is a character that I used and played and beat the game with but anyone wants to fight the Wall come on down we’re going to we’re going to go we’re going to go kill

It and make this game so much more difficult for the majority of people that don’t have a character who don’t commit to making another character or you know cheating items in or something it’s not hard you can find a way too much loot and bunch of stuff we going

Down I’m going to drown I’m I’m literally I’m literally going to drown never thought I would drown in hell oh Pirates oh we love we love that all right oh my God I just got a of gold I’m ready who has the who has the you have the you have

The you have the D you have the doll you want to drop it in I picked that up no my inventory is oh wait I have some I have a bunch actually I got you we’ll do it I guess not we don’t even is the guy

Dead is he is he dead the guy’s dead I was going to say we ain’t getting him back oh well oh well that’s all right we’ll fight later maybe I’m going to we’re clean up some of this I’m going to I’m going to clean up some of this uh these uh these

Graves up some of this oh there’s Pirates now oh we love that it’s a spooky hook hook hook hook for anyone who wants it just a bunch of free loot bunch of fun stuff we love fun things I’m cleaning up these goddamn to tombs I’m I can’t even headstones I

Don’t know what would you call what are you going to call that not tomb not a tomb bro this dude has Zen where’ you get that at the Horseman’s blue these these guys with wooden armor and then Horsemen and then Zenith like what’s going on here kind of funny excuse me all

Right is this this doesn’t act as an axe oh brother why do I not have this charact did I never had an axe for this character why did I did I get rid of it like what was my deal I don’t even I don’t even I don’t even think correctly sometimes well I

Can always make one which is fine I can I can do that I am a gamer we clear these Pirates these guys are annoying I kind wait I can’t even I can’t even why do I not have an ax with this guy that’s so annoying

I kind of wanted one we going to get plat for mine sounds good main golden bed anyone need a golden bed put it in the house the established house oh my God wait where was oh it’s a cutless it was not a it was not a force

Forceful Cactus pickaxe I will be frank I love how there’s just like snow and stuff it’s like what happened what’s going on here have a good graveyard biome kind of not really I love how there’s just wood here you can mine that all right I kind

Of want to you know I’m going to go I’m going to go I’m I’m I’m going I’m going to map out the world y’all can build a house you can do whatever you feel like doing server’s open for a week we’ll come back and we’ll by the end of the

Week I’ll make a I’ll I’ll showcase off everything everyone has ever done so if you do want to add something that you feel like will be significant it’ll be in the video I mean I’m showing off everything just prepare for that watch eyeballs what we got going on you know a basic ass

World a lot of fun things we’ll see if anyone uh let’s see does YouTube short have any views it has a few has a good 300 views already we’ll like some of those comments we’ll like some of those love snow biome apparently I can do the Pirate Invasion again I’m nowhere

Near every time wa will it oh it might spawn on me you never know like I said you can try to survive you can really try to play the game I won’t I won’t suggest it just per se because it’s probably not doable considering the amount of people on here

But hey you never know welcome back poo man we love poo man yeah what a username take another Swig of water here anybody got jump probably I have I have a credit card oh was a Pirate Invasion I was like what oh oh here’s another see you we love the

Oasis we love we love we love p man dying by [Laughter] Bullet hey we found the dungeon yeah that’s nice it’s John teria what’s up John wait no who’s John the Creator wait is John here is John TR here you yeah you you have to you have to red team for Wormhole

Potions I ain’t joined no team maybe I will yeah maybe I will I’ll do that I’ll join red team I like how my usern name is ow ow I forgot about that it’s me boy welcome to the stream glad to have you here se you seen you around a little bit

We got this ocean this is nice we got this really nice ocean I’m going ocean you love a good ocean what Su boomerangs I’m going down in the ocean there’s nothing exciting here just an ocean I don’t even know why I’m down here it’s just an ocean really what are you swinging

At he wait is John Terraria in here is John is John in the server my parents just come home I don’t know are you guys going to PVP it up right now he moved my leg privileges What free free please free useless stuff to you but amazing and freed hardcore please give me better items please you can have you can have oh I just gave it to [Laughter] him removed my leg BRS gotcha I got a bunch I got a golden door that’s fun anyone want a golden

Door you can have you can have this discount card there you go you can have that you know what I’m gonna I’m going to switch characters again I’m GNA go back to uh little dinky old Zach him live here oh what is this what is this it’s

Me oh my gosh are you stuck down here man do you need help it’s the merchant how do we how did we get that guy how did we get him how’ we how’ we I’d be roll up with the merchant that’s what I want to know all

Right we got the nurse to hey we’re gaming we’re gaming up in here this is this called This is called gaming y’all welcome back you’re really up in this can I craft anything oh my gosh I don’t need to but oh wait I can I have another heart this is

Awesome this is so great this is this is fantastic oh I have silt oh I have so much gold have you ever tried Calamity of course I have tried Calamity some of the earlier trry videos on this channel actually have been Calamity videos with the boys um I’m probably going to do

Calamity again and may even do a a series on it with Cade kind of thing so yeah the guide is taking a little bit it’s kind of annoying so expect some Calamity videos in the future expect some stuff on that dragonfly statue what the what the

Flip am am I not allowed to place that clamy is so fun clamy is awesome I love clamy I agree it’s it’s great it’s it’s it’s great oh oh great John Terraria just spawned in the Goblet Army clim with Fargos thorum with a friend nice yeah I want to do thorium or

However you pronounce it I want to do that too there’s a bit I want to explore more into yeah one big mod yeah it’s great oh my gosh is this an NPC Tower we love that love to see that people are gaming we love we love

Gamers all right I’m going to I’m going to why is the why is the merchant down here why is he down here guys come on give him a give him a break let him up let him have a moment let him do something productive let him

Be what NPCs like the snow I don’t know that answer can’t wait for the Goblin Army to show up again ah yes is great this is just great can I make a hammer yes I can this is just disgusting you don’t put walls outside of the house that’s not where they [Laughter]

Go hate to be that guy but uh it just ain’t it zachm Tower is that is that what this is called is this the zachm tower this is a house let’s see let’s see what are you going to call it surprisingly shorten Stone I do not

Want to mine you don’t want to mine up Stone your shirts are very well made by my homie teria proves appreciate that oh Terraria ter Terraria Terraria the game approves of my shorts I can’t wait till John Terraria gives me the approval thanks John thanks man I do appreciate that I I

Really try it’s been it’s been a little while since I’ve like been wanting to really commit to something like this and trus has been a game a f a favorite game of mine for many years and uh finally we’re back we’re really do we’re really we’re we’re really out here who

Built this house who did this me all right nurse I’m going to I’m going to fix this up for you apparently the merchant who’s just down there we love when who is that that a chef what’s going on is that chef chef John wow wow we love we love we love Chef the

Merchant I just I keep forgetting about it he’s not having a good time down there I think he needs a little bit of a we need to get him out of there no one here oh people are here might not be anyone in stream Wellington welcome to the stream by the way people

Are in game though that is for sure we got a good uh eight players in the game doesn’t mean everyone’s on right now or whoever will in total be on will be on right now English 101 but uh the server will be on for a

Week been very he he haha but I have to sleep so bye-bye farewell meem Boy Thanks for sleeping I mean joining I [Laughter] mean let’s see here I’m going to get this Merchant out of here he’s he’s not having a good time man I’ll fix I’ll fix your problem dude come

On come on let’s let’s get out of here you’re really putting yourself in a pickle get this guy out of here come on you can walk on that you can you can walk on it dude dude go go right no you what this your was this your fun favorite fun area

No you have there’s no reason to keep going back that way dude go right dud dude you’re not allowed over here anymore you wanted to go go up he wanted to go left and up yeah yeah yeah go up in there oh my God he found his way he

Really did it he really found his way thank goodness thank goodness took him a long time look took him long enough Jesus I don’t have any dirt oh I do I’m lying to myself great all right well we got some stuff coming along just a mini house there’s just some

Houses just a mini house see what we’re going on here oh I oh yeah the Goblin Army still here yeah the clock won’t even the clock won’t even fit the clock won’t even fit H that’s great the house isn’t tall enough what is that it’s just a this is this is Companion

Cube we love it welcome to the server everyone welcome this is nice what is this the Tower of all time I just broke through it everyone just hanging out over here just the vibe spot can I hang out with y’all I hope I can defeat mechanical

Bosses yeah you can try it dude go ahead just going to get to Hard Mode I got all the summons damn bro really out here you just drop a Zenith you just drop a Zenith for the new player bro just dropped to Zenith there you go waiting for the guide yeah yeah

That’s or kill Moon Lord 50 times be my guest literally go for it oh finally the galin I’ll be back dropped my zenith yeah cuz you gave it to this dude the guy you’re talking about who has your Zenith is right next to you what do you mean what do you mean I

You can you can probably ask for it back I don’t know wow the shorts going well I did 28 you did 28 that’s crazy here I’m going to I’m going to emote all right I’m goingon to I’m going to go officially map up the rest of the world with this character because I

Haven’t done it yet and I’m I should I thought the Goblin Army was done what what is what is up with this that’s just a zombie Superior harpoon it’s not Superior it’s just it’s just dumb look at me I’m good at parkour back with four Zenus oh

Great this guy’s this dude’s the the Zenith dealer if you guys need a Zenith let let let them know what’s your map look like nothing my previous I used a character but I need uh I need to map out the map the world with this guy or at least the right and

Left you know you know how it is anyone want a free [Laughter] Zenith we love free zeniths guys if you haven’t liked the stream yet please do let more people know that I’m streaming and that there’s more to and we get more people joining the

Server I’ll come to the the tower in a bit oh yeah if you want no never mind sorry if you want free Zenith go to the tower free Zenith fre this at the tower I don’t know the zachum live Tower I don’t know what you guys calling it the gunk Tower that’s a

Reference that only no one will know actually well people will know but no one here probably unless you found a way to go through the the logs of anything and everything who kill all I don’t know it’s someone just some bloke who do you think you got some evil ass tumble weeds

Up in you which Tower I’m F I know you’re not asking me but I have no idea zachm Tower it’s called the zachm tower is that is that what we’re calling it we are we officially calling it The zachm Tower what’s what’s in here uh fun stuff wait oh I need those recall

Potions that might be useful that will that’ll be that’ll definitely be mucho I don’t want no creeper actually I do want the shackle oh I got I got a shell phone I’m on one block what up in I gotta go I got to go back to

Parkouring I don’t know how how am I doing this how am I so good at this where the hell is the guide I honestly don’t know I don’t know if he’ll respawn or not you know I’m going to be real about that one I don’t know don’t know why the guy is not

Spotting back is there enough home is there enough room I’m sure I’m assuming there is you know you guys did a good job setting up the uh the towers wasn’t there a tower there wasn’t there a tower there crackhead oh my gosh use my shell phone which is not the

Best weapon item in the game I’m just kidding it it it you I I probably I can’t really take back a YouTube short now yeah 100% of rooms well calm downam the guy just kind of dumb the ghost in here let me put all my money in here real quick what’s

Up it’s good home slice what’s good uh se sebai you know I completely fumbled that what do the sign say nothing it says nothing you guys are gaming by all means build a house by all means do something I just don’t have wings on this character which is fine that’s okay

Got the dirty block what what’s the dirty block what what’s the dirty block that’s me dying by the way oh the brain of Gulu who’s over here fighting the brain of Gulu it better not be me it’s not it’s not me doing this like it’s a play through you you ain’t

Succeeding I I I I mean you might be able to I don’t know I’m just again no rules no nothing ain’t doable we got the merchant that’s all that matters you sure there’s enough light in these rooms I mean maybe there is I don’t know I’m just just being

Real have a bomb actually I make this my spawn point at least for the moment you’d think a guide would spawn in here right the bra of cthulu has been defeated got any wood oh yeah I got plenty of that sure thing Chief there you go you can have

That thanks bro I got you got you bro I really do don’t worry about it don’t even sweat it I’m going mining I’m I’m going to go mine I’m I’m going to go I’m going to go Minecraft this oh brother the Rope there’s no more rope

I’ve lost the ability to yeah I’m yeah I’m dead brother I think I need to use some rope thank God I have [Laughter] That you know I’m going to I’m going to do a little bit of a safer minor Journey you know not not be as dangerous not sorry I PL a house huh yeah I’m going to go I’m going to go do some we’re going to do some basic

Gaming we got the Arms Dealer but not the guide is that what I heard need some wings you know what no I’m all right unless you really want to give it to me it’s up to you but I’m all right I I’m gaming I I can play through Terraria I can do

That you really want to give me wings you can give me wings but I’m I’m okay just you just gave me your wings is that thanks man much much appreciated graas I got my inventory is kind of full on oh go a golden clock wow yeah

I had a bunch of stone by the way someone asked earlier it’s [Laughter] gone that’s okay cuz I know life crystals are based I found one too but you know excuse me pardon me hope everyone’s having a fantastic day today let me know if you feel like it oh my

God what’s up home slice good what’s going on it’s cooking come to say hello is that what I’m hearing BLS don’t even say a word they just show up just drop money you’re just dropping Platinum for for fun oh yes I love how we got the traveling Merchant before the

Guide and we got the dryad you know the guide is not happening thanks man and everything but the guide yeah we’re we’re doing it’s going really well balls thought they could fly now that is a username and that is a statement let’s see where is everyone doing what’s going on these guys

Boomerang’s only over here cooking crackheads down below me Lego down here balls is falling and probably still dying everyone’s up here cooking I’m going to try and play the game a little bit get some stuff yeah let’s try to try to get all the NPCs that might be it’s a good goal

It’s a fun one you know apparently very difficult for some odd reason I don’t I don’t really get that one I don’t I don’t I don’t really get the fact why the guide is not showing up I’m going to pop open the stream real quick just so I have that going

Sweet what’ you think why’ you say the guide will come this will make the guide come I don’t even know what’s going on I’m I’m not upstairs yeah every MPC but the guide yeah what the hell watch we’ll get the steampunker in preh hard mode they be like

What spawn is death yeah I might fix that you know I might fix that a little bit I’m going to do that I’m going to make it a little bit safer make spawn a little safer cuz cuz yeah only only true only true Terraria players are able to survive this horrendous

Outcome we got the guide hey that’s great we got the guide let’s go that’s Gaming ready to fight the wall I mean I can try it we could try why are there’s so many holes to death yeah we can try we can try to wall let’s go let’s you know what [ __ ] it we’re going to go try the wall Boys Follow me all right I’m following

You let’s go I’m falling we got that Celestial starboard for fun yeah I got that just go down dude I can see you I got you I love this makeshift hel elevator it’s so fun so fun not as fast as the average bloke but you know it’ll

Do watch I’ll D in the way down I have like no health I think we can do this oh that’s nice whoever put that there it’s really nice and definitely thought of that and it definitely didn’t just happen for fun all right bring it in oh I died

Anyway well while fles has been defeated I instantly died to the wall for some fun reason I guess all right Welcome to Hard Mode [Laughter] boys I was not allowed to respawn what is going on up here this is really pretty it’s really nice you guys do I love the pin Wheels

Pin Wheels really add a nice touch got ready for Mech tonight I no I’m you bi means go ahead fight the mechs I ain’t fighting the mech you can go and fight the mech go ahead thank God someone made spawn safe of course I did that that was all

Me nice yeah glad glad we now have some spawn we actually have something here what game is this uh this is Diablo this is this is Diablo 4 by the way I hope you I hope you know that oh wow I free chlorified [Laughter] armor love

That oh I put on some treasure pants maybe yeah that’s nice got some treasure pants Spa is already a graveyard yeah well I’m trying to clean that up a little bit here knew you’d come around yeah no this isn’t coming around from by John pow for

How to Train Your Dragon you know that was a very random musical score reference but um it’s there so it’s I’m I’m noticing a lot of yeah there’s Graves down here the graveyard biome kind of turns into a graveyard biome when I’m down here spawns right next to my house

Nice I have a grapple all right though apparently I have fied armor anything catastrophic happened well you know things are happening nothing too bad so far it’s pretty good so far it’s pretty nice people are people are having we’re having a good time but people keep

Dying and they spawn in I kind of Remedy that a little bit we don’t even have a furnace can we I’m going to get on that I’m I’m I’m going to work on that right now here we are here’s our furnace boys you’re welcome finally finally we have something of

Use I get a better axe up in here nice nice it’s coming together we’re really we’re it’s really coming together What’s this called the zachm tower I didn’t even build it actually I started it it’s partially me sure but uh it’s not me excuse me is is this a j what did I

Just pick up excuse me all right I’m going to I’m going to go mining go mine up some Minecraft again I’m I’m going to go play Minecraft yeah if you guys do something productive up there I’m betting that won’t happen actually I might so far oh do to fish

Who’s fighting uh they’re fighting Duke oh that’s fun we love a we love a good Duke fishron at least I got chlorified that’s that’s all that matters right I love how I just had two of them two parts of the set how many people were currently at um 10 people it’s

Currently 10 here I’ll pop this open so I can see this better yeah there’s currently 10 players on what was that okay guess another guide comes yeah that yeah the guide yeah currently 10 players it’s going pretty good doesn’t really matter how many people are playing per se at the moment

Just curious what people will do by the end of the week I’m sure other players will join too I just published a short as well so we’ll see if anyone oh there’s a life Crystal see if anyone uh joined because of that let me know if you’re here from the

Live stream or you’re from YouTube shorts you might well why would I say that you should sometimes make a server that we do a playthrough in yeah know that that would be an interesting idea I did that with Minecraft a while ago but um it was a bit difficult I mean it

Wasn’t it was actually fine but um it was uh [ __ ] bat swear to God um it was just uh I got tired of Minecraft but Terraria is a bit more uh it’s a lot of setup there’s a lot of setup and I I don’t know if I’m in for the setup part when

It comes to running a server we’ll see Duke has 629 th000 HP that’s a lot they’re all dying by D Duke fish what happened is Duke okay I’ve noticed I’ve noticed a little issue it’s the Duke fish run killed a bunch of y’all at the spawn that’s funny I that’s [Laughter]

Funny bro don’t break the spawn that’s where people are spawning in we’re building we yeah yeah fix it yeah look at this guy fixing it there you go good idea that’s what matters yeah people just try to spawn brid NE time NE time next time the short says not for me to join

Bro the short literally says to join oh yeah what are you talking about what are you talking about yeah I have no idea what you’re talking about get ready all right everyone the Maxs are coming in any seconds I don’t want to know how much Destroyer skeleton from the Twins and the [Laughter]

Destroyer [Laughter] oh damn I died too that’s funny I dropped 36 Platinum oh wait did someone SP oh no that’s just a it switched music oh yes now you can go and defeat who else oh no the twins are back yeah I’ll let you guys handle that I’m going

To take my my guide goody my my goodie bag oh it’s the dist K I don’t know what you’re talking about man I don’t know why I don’t know I have no idea what you’re referring to I have literally no idea what you’re talking about farewell crackhead

You guys could have boss of dragons welcome to the game I I you guys realize that uh this is spawn you could have probably started it elsewhere I’m I’m going to be real with you but uh it’s okay it’s fine you know it’s all part of the video game

Nice can’t wait to make hollowed armor for fun oh yes the mechanical bosses are back I love that I really do it’s just it’s great it’s just awesome I can’t even I can’t even did anyone break any anvils I don’t I don’t know if that been or any not anvils what

Alters I’m going to I’m gonna go do some of that real quick I don’t know if anyone did I didn’t read the chats but I’m I’m G to go do that oh the T keep is just on top he’s just up here why is the corruption

Destroyed going to find a bulb have fun have fun with that where’s the jungle I don’t know actually I’m assuming uh right side I think I yeah to the right I’m going to I’m going to break some of these oh wait why can’t I do that one am I one am

I oh I need the pone Hammer I didn’t even grab that such a fool I think it’s down in the it’s down in the Underworld I’m going to I like how I’m the one to go and break the spawn I’m going to go down and acquire there was a lot of there was

Some Graves and gold here claim my pone Hammer I think Queen beep y’all just zoom in through that jungle I mean that’s what I expected I expected some people to just like to like Zip through the boss progression which is fine that’s like what I like to

See it’s funny also seeing other people deal with that they’re like G not again I didn’t spawn any hard ORS stop want some HP pots want some health BS hey you want some death sticks want to buy some death sticks who put obsidian here who did dead tell me there’s

None wait did I get the pwn Hammer maybe not apparently I didn’t grab it oh someone’s built a little entrance one that’s fun grab some Souls some free SS a lot of hollowed bars just hanging around I can’t even use them we love it we love this

A Zach’s Tower is protected by the the gem with the um with a lot of pin Wheels we love that we love to see that um I kind of want to get shoot cheesy pizza poster what the why do I have two of those here here oh

Thanks thank you I I needed that yes Jo the few hours this for mobile as well uh chicken skin I can’t be for certain apparently some people I think said they’re on mobile and it’s working for them if you’re able to put in an IP and

A port then sure I just can’t confirm that fact cuz I don’t think it would so I do apologize for that you can find a way I’m sure maybe I don’t know I have no idea I’ve yet to really like look into that fully I’m just kind of assuming it’s going to

Be PC only kind of thing guy dead to streamer thank you where is he I’m streamer thank you this is so funny uh all right oh thank you got some terce SP boots now uh well anyone got a pone Hammer well I do play Penguins over that

Cross by check vard my B yeah I can’t really confirm if this is a crossplay or not so I kind of just made it for PC by default um that’s just how it’s it is and that’s how I’m going with it because most players are on PC well I think I don’t

Know I think so I think most players are PC but yeah so that’s just how it is uh you can try but yeah no that’s not no I no I need a pone Hammer no I no do you have a do you have a pone Hammer that’s what I’m asking for

No I don’t need fantasm that’s not it I need more than that I need I need F I need [Laughter] fantasm you guys are so funny I’m GNA make I’m G to make spawn a little nicer actually hey streaming guys version is a as of the latest version it is cross crossplay

Based let’s see I’m going to make this I’m I’m going to clean up this a little bit I I hate to be the guy that ruined this whole thing here but it’s looking kind of mid no you just you know you don’t have to drop off holy arrows I’m I’m all right I’m

Good I’m really okay thank you though does it say my M from other world I can go in server and play with yeah yeah yeah literally that is that is there’s no rules there’s no like I’m not saying like don’t do this like don’t use other characters and stuff yeah you can

Literally do that there’s a lot of people on here who are dropping in with a new character which you can try to do if you feel so inclined to by all means commit to the bit but um um yeah you can do whatever you want you can play whatever you want do whatever

You want we’ve already destroyed most of Spawn so I mean you can if you I like I said there’s no rules you can steal but if I you know if you want to be an like that’s what I’m saying I’m I’m leaving it up to y’all I’m leaving it up

To you guys if you want to not you know break into people’s houses or steal things or you know do whatever go at it it’s your server kind of thing screams are echoing from the dungeon wow yeah with some servers you start with no items yeah and that’s

Something maybe in the future I’ll do and maybe make that little here’s a just a why is it just raining platin um that’s something that maybe in the future I’ll do as another future little fun little fun time I can’t one of my oh go what the why is goll’s health so high

And why is he here why is why is Gollum here well we’ll handle this real quick I’ll bring dynamite dynamite is the least of the problems here Dynamite won’t save you y’ you should make a y’all should make Like A Boss Arena or something that’d be that’d be

Good it’s not expert no it’s not so that’s why I’m like really concerned as confused as to why that is then again I said new rules so someone could plop in a cheat thing you know and make the the boss harder it’s just it’s out of cookie crumbles you

Know I don’t know I don’t know what people are up to in this expect the unexpected yeah make a BOS Arena or something make a little area for that I don’t I don’t want spawn you know you can do it wherever you want really I just spawn is kind of just like

You know spawn spawn we got spawn wait we have spawn whatever no the people are making spawn they want to make spawn nice people are building stuff right now see Boomerang only is making making it look nice be nice about it what’s up epic Sands chicken skins hope to see you

Later appreciate you coming in stream what’s up EP epic Sans what’s up Sans can’t do pillars until Skeletron yeah hey we got the steampunker we were close to not getting steampunker until uh uh do we have CLA theier yet kind of want my kind of want my skin kind of want my familiar

Clothes um my armor set wait where’s the jungles to the right yeah I’m I’m going to head there I’m not I’m not fully kitted out yet to do anything do anything exciting the cultist bloke’s moving on got to get through those bosses bro I me but I have copper sword can [Laughter]

I that’s so funny yeah I’ll fight I’ll fight I’ll fight uh yeah right yeah zenith you get a free Zenith for fun we got ball not balls just one ball is time welcome ball to the game server’s on all week by the way I’ve said a billion times but it’s on

All week so if y’all don’t aren’t able to get on right now and you’re able to get on another time please do don’t worry it’ll be on limited time only though limited time only anyone have a pone Hammer I might go and grab that from somewhere we’ll

See like a different world or server or something might just cheat that in I don’t know bye who’s leaving oh Subs farewell Seb Moon Lord has awoken all right oh that’s that’s game 1 million Health oh my God so can I join yeah yeah IP and portter right there literally anyone can

Join you can join I think there’s like there might be a player limit of like 200 well that’s just not funny but yeah you can join anyone can join it’s PC that’s all I I know for effect only PC yeah I need a pone

Hammer yeah if you got me bro I want to go break some of the ores well after the moon Lord stops killing everyone what’s going on up [Laughter] here one damage get bag does the health scale I don’t I don’t know so I’ll start again because Yes sounds good to me

I don’t know what this scaling it’s kind of weird indefinitely what opens door dead I had to go and do the same thing oh Sans is here and epic Sans finally met that’s fun really out here dropping Platinum coins yo is someone going to kill the moon Lord what are you guys

Doing you left the game the person who probably spawned left the game I was playing with a mobile friend with a vanilla server no okay you might be you might be good then you might be able to do it I can’t even bother going outside anymore just hang out in the spawn

House it’s a graveyard biome bot with the ra sounds good hey you can join yeah there’s already we already got 10 players in the game right now anyone can join it’s up to you epic Sans server is only open for a week so join on in if you feel so

Inclined I’m leaving I can’t even leave the [Laughter] building I literally can’t even leave the building that so funny it’s like hilariously un like I don’t even know like what’s going on oh my God you finally killed him you did it you you finally did it and spawn

Is now a graveyard biome that’s so funny and pending Doom why are you doing it again you don’t even You’ beaten the game already I’m leaving this area oh I love the credits I’m leaving I’m I’m I’m going over here I’m going back to the Jungle I don’t even want not again me

That’s so funny no daylight of BR Moon Lord we can talk this out don’t worry I’m going to watch the credits as you guys deal with the chaos that is the moon Lord yeah anyone and everyone can join the server if you feel so inclined to

Join if at least if it works that is because I can’t confirm if it’ll work on Console or mobile I just kind of said in my shorts and stuff that it wouldn’t but you can try if you want if you have that way if you have if you

Have a way of setting that up be my guest Shadow Master welcome to this welcome to the game I’m glad yall are doing fun stuff I’m ruining everyone else no I’m just kidding you’re not you’re ruining my experience with the game I can’t deal with it I can’t I

Can’t deal with the moon Lord I want chloride that’s what I want guys Moon Lord will pay a visit oh my gosh you made you made ball leave you made ball leave the game oh you made ball join the game why’d you have to do that you has so much [Laughter]

Health I sure yeah I want four pwn hammers I will I will take I’ll join pink team dude I’m gonna join pink team excuse me yeah I’ll take I’ll take I’ll take four pwn hammers I I only really need one to just kind of get the ores spawned

In unless someone else already did that I have yet to find those ores I want to get those in just in case anyone wants to use those oh yeah you guys can go mine it right now yeah there you go just do that yeah just go and do that that’s

Fine yeah good job good job that’s what I was hoping B you guys are so based for that but I need chloride so that’s what I’m going for H thank you yeah I only need one yeah that’s fine yeah yeah I’m I’m I’m all right I’m I’m I’m going to throw them all

Away join now you can join right now thanks man real what it’s it’s him it’s the real [ __ ] Master YouTube Don’t ban me nuh-uh watch John Terraria joins the game yo have John Tera joins this game I’m I’m GNA freak I’m GNA actually I’m GNA be I’m gonna be I’m GNA

Be I’m GNA be mesmerized I have so many fun items I don’t need I don’t need those sure no no I don’t no I don’t need that sure I’ll sure I’ll hang on to that this be the last time damn the game finished just for one day please that me

Welcome the game what did yall do no don’t spawn it again oh my god well I can’t really do anything about it it’s just kind of just kind of how it is oh hey guys look the moon Lord’s back the time I’m going to I’m going to fight the moon

Lord 30 times just for fun because I think that’s a fun idea oh okay yeah I get that I get that not again not again hey guys it’s not me it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s not me don’t don’t blame it on me I know you weren’t but I’m just

Just saying don’t blame it on me keep giving me the goddamn credit music I want to hear the jungle [Laughter] soundtrack I want to I want to know I I technically it shouldn’t Loop but it just apparently is or the credits are so goddamn long I don’t I don’t even I don’t get

It I’m going to make an orchalcum anvil cuz we need that ah the shadow Master’s back we got [ __ ] Master Shadow Master we got the whole grw we got the whole crew up in here that’s how you know we got a good server going we’re really cruising along

Yeah yeah yeah if you if you wouldn’t mind go to the edge go somewhere else and and fight the moon Lord if you really want to fight the moon Lord people are trying to build some stuff I mean like I said there’s no there’s really no rules but I don’t know I’m just

Trying and then again you know just do what you got to do do what you want I can’t really I can’t really say stuff that’s that’s kind of like the whole point of the experiment is there’s no rules so I’m I can’t really do anything about

It but yeah it is a bit annoying I will say then again the server’s on all week they’re not going to be fighting Moon Lord all week made a cuss kiss but y’all Did It For [Laughter] Me Oh someone’s already taken care of the annoying part oh this time I’ll be nice yeah

Exactly just just you and your rural Farmhouse out in the middle of nowhere and all of a sudden what was that oh I don’t know man moon Lord okay sure it’s sure thing what what music am i hearing right now y rip Zack Tower is it gone oh hey I found the moon

Lord guys go go somewhere else and fight the moon Lord oh my God Zach Tower is gone what what are you guys doing you’re you think that’ll you think yeah I’m I’m going to use celebration MK2 to defeat the Moon by act by also destroying Zack

Tower I mean he you got to do what you got to do I like how you’re say rip Zack Tower but you’re also dealing with fighting the you guys going to kill him like you guys are taking a while here what’s going on with that I’ll just be in here with po Bo

Man we’re chilling just hang out in here it’s a nice spot it’s really nice in here at least this house is still alive yeah I’m kind of surprised by that it’s kind of funny don’t worry all right well then you have to shoot the heart oh there goes the Steam

Buker and I’m dead again well you try you know you try the best you do the best you can and you succeed and you know it’s just how it is and let’s make it a yeah yeah yeah yeah well don’t worry yeah the tower the tower the

Tower Tower’s gone I’ll build a new one we’ll build a new one I’ll start building a new one best Terraria gameplay yeah yeah oh my God he’s dead wow all right if you fight the moon Lord again go left or right go do it somewhere else I’m going to build I’m

Going to build I’m going to build Tower I’m going to build Zack Tower to it’s time that’s it I’m building Zack Tower 2 wow that’s a lot of free items that are all now gone because I opened my treasure [Laughter] pack H thank you thank you good idea yes

All right see where Zack Tower one is all right I’m cleaning up these I’m cleaning up these tombstones cuz all you guys do is keep dying which is fine that’s okay but I’m just saying you know how is it how is how is the what’s the Town Theme is still playing I don’t

Get that one join in like half an hour sounds good server is always on or will be flipper potion all right yeah I’m clean I’m going to clean up the deaths looks quite chaotic it is I’m not going to lie about it it’s a little it’s a little terrifying I didn’t

Even what what even happen there I’m me continue being the sponsor yeah go ahead that’s that’s we should do that let’s let build spawn City oh look who died look who fumbled the bag oh cuz there’s a land mine right here you guys are throwing down landmines did you think that would kill

The moon Lord oh yeah I’m going to put down a land mine no that’s that’s not how that works can you fight the twins elsewhere please why do they have so much health please could you fight it somewhere else who’s doing it okay boomerangs oh who who spawned it in oh

It’s it’s this bloke probably Zack Tower two at right ocean is that where we’re going with that all right all right Zack Tower two at right ocean that’s that’s good you can you can build it over there you can start building it here you know what

Oh boss get do get more HP depending on players that’s right I remember that now that makes sense you know yeah Town Hall Town doesn’t have to be uh at spawn doesn’t have to be where you think it needs to be I’m going to we can you can totally move things we can

Definitely do then again I said no rules so some many house sounds good that’s true melee class that’s your username oh I’m [Laughter] dead to make sure backups are actually working for the server I would hope a few hours it says it does a backup I going to make sure it does

That okay it did cool oh wait configure backup slot every um every we’ll do every 10 no no 10 I guess I can only do 40 what hold on y’ I’m setting up backup stuff world the backup scheduled starting today back up sure all right that’ll we’ll do backups now that’s good

This is nice this is nice you’re building a spawn here there’s always going to be a um there’s always going to be a a boss battle happening I’ve noticed I’ve noticed that’s going to be the case so I’m going to destroy zachar a little

Bit kind of a it’s kind of a a lot to deal with here and I’m dead oh Empress of light like wish should I build and spawn next hey it’s up to you man I mean you know just a bunch of little houses and things would be cool I don’t

Know I mean uh what the NPC place is being built by someone on the far right I don’t know if is building it if not it doesn’t really matter going on down here I mean this this area has been destroyed for a little while I don’t know who is someone destroying more of

The world I can’t even look at the map Bean Bean’s in the game I’m going check YouTube shorts real quick just because that’s where I thrive where I rise and grind at almost at a thousand nice my God I just want my plat I just want my plat I’m slowly

Destroying hell boss of dragons there you go you just down here destroying hell I mean you can destroy some stuff leave some room for people to build things too if you feel so inclined spawns being built right now spawns being built stuff’s being built at spawn oh my gosh it’s the Pumpkin

King wow that’s awesome iic go right oh nice that’s a rare drop if only we had an NPC house so I can get the claw of the air so I can get the familiar clothing how many times is the Empress of light awakened what’s going on with

That me pop up the stream again oh I can’t even spawn I might get out my better person we’ll see is the empress here the music just changed yep yep the empress is here oh brother does she have more Health than who’s fighting these bosses who feels

Like who who’s like yeah I really want to do that right now but you can’t defeat her you guys keep spotting bosses but it takes you an hour to do it like and then you you probably regret it every time like oh the boss has more Health

What am I going to do about it what Su Annie yo I hate Moon Lord and Empress of light true so true so based oh there a part oh I’m dead you know I’m going to I’m going to I’m I’m going to bring it I’m going to bring in a more powerful

Character I don’t even think that is my most powerful character guess it technically is sure Wait no that’s single player what am I doing no what am I come on join this game there we go I’m back it’s not really me though it’s my secret account you don’t know it’s me

I don’t even I don’t even have good items Goofy Goobers Inc I love Goofy Goobers I’m going clean up this a little bit my inventory is like filled to the brim with stuff that I’ve had in this account for some random reason excuse me things are at peace at the

Moment never mind I I was wrong all right I shouldn’t I shouldn’t lie to y’all I I I really shouldn’t it’s that’s something I intend to do it just uh you start running over here and there’s nothing left I’m going to go I’m going to go

Visit my pal over here see what’s going on we’re going go take a looky the top layer of the world is is is pretty much gone did the game did something happen y why did everyone leave so quickly or did y’all just click leave at the same

Time was there a did it lag or something let me know if there’s like lag or something I mean it’s I’m I’m I’m I’m running the highest thing unless y’all are just quitting which is totally fine I just it just seemed really really coincidental welome back lost internet for gotcha gotcha just

Says found server okay there might be some internet lag you know it’s not I’m not hosting it someone else is hosting it so you never know there that’ll probably happen it’s still on it’s still functioning just let me know if something really happens oh there might have been a

Network tip we’re good now it’s going back up oh never mind it just it’s kind of fluctuating where link there’s no link brother there’s no link IP is in the is literally on screen Port 720 5020 255 252 133 and the port is 720 that is all you got to

Do that’s is all you got to do why is there Shimmer here how did this get here how did Shimmer get here that’s so [Laughter] funny this is so weird this is so bizarre I’m I wish I had a freaking Hammer an axxe of type sorts

I’m going to be right back I’m going to go and collect I’m going to go get that for this character cuz freak it yeah I’m going on an item server because that’s definitely what I don’t that’s definitely what I not do when I go for things says act and pickax Mar yeah that’s

Fine and then we come on back what up Chumps oh I need a hammer such a such a [Laughter] buffoon such a buffoon This Server This Server is much more calm I I wonder why that is yeah we’ll just get just we’ll just hold on to that there not like I’m getting kicked

Someone okay well there’s not much I can do once the cha chaos kind of dies down um then um then it like it’s working like I’m able to join not because I’m not hosting on any system of mine so like clearly it’s it’s fine it just when a lot of stuff happens

And a lot of players are dealing with that stuff it’ll that’s just how it’s going to be like it’s still working just expect that so here’s how you solve this problem you don’t do anything chaotic oh that makes a lot of sense oh you know I really didn’t think about that Z you

Know you’re so right about that are you’re telling me if I don’t you know lag the server it won’t lag oh wow you make a lot of sense I do apologize for that but there’s not much I can do I got the best well I guess not technically but

There’s only so much I can do think I might be using cheats cuz all a sudden there’s so much missing in the underground well I mean that’s not entirely cheat is um oh I lost connection too well there goes my connection oh you know why there’s only so much

Memory oh and the server’s offline well that’s what I expected it’s starting back up interesting can I do what can I do to fix that it’s it’s you can join again y’all it’s um let’s see here sorry about that there’s only so much I can do um it went down after an hour

Yeah no bro I’m going to purge the plan of the core why are you going to do that huh what’s what’s your purpose I guess you can now the world I meaness I guess it can yeah I mean that’s what I’m that’s what I’m that’s what I’m that’s what I

There’s there’s nothing like I said there’s no rules there’s no moderators no nothing I’m literally curious how this is going to go and already we’re getting into chaotic territory I’m loving it um I would assumed I would have had More I could get more RAM on that but I don’t think I can I’m going to check a few things real quick give me a SE yeah it’s C because underground is back oh is it nwork status it’s so this is so funny um I increase

Anything give me a bit y I’m just mess stuff server still on now so that’s good well people are dying but by the way I’m going through bisect HED which might not they might not have the biggest amount of RAM for anyone but they’re nothing it just worked with my budget kind of

Thing so Ser if I can increase anything now I don’t think so but you know we do what you can uh it’s okay so I mean at the moment it’s only using yeah someone just really was doing something there that was really funny that’ll that’ll that’ll probably happen don’t worry I’m backing

Up stuff I’m making a whole thing this going be great this this is so funny this is already horrendously chaotic back to we got 17 players online right now God damn let’s see what do yall say in the chat rip rip rip here yeah fix the spawn yeah fix this

Up someone clearly is destroying it I we can we can we can see you right you know we can see you guys the chaos is real oh my God it’s blue oh sorry bruh Che the new I want to check out the new tower you know I’m going to do that

Is it on the right side I’m back to destroying hell sounds good I’m going to I’m going to go I’m going to go check I want to check right side I am the embodiment of chaos luckily the surface is not destroyed yet but I’d hope it wouldn’t why is the tree

Gone y’all go up trees and blow them out from the inside what you think that works you think that does you any good when have I [Laughter] joined if you’re in stream type one I want to know who’s in stream right now now type one in the chat in the

Terraria chat do a flip I’ll try Moon Lord’s back be curious to know who’s in the Tero chat and who’s in the twitch chat or not twitch YouTube one one one one sweet at least four of you two five of you six of you welcome back y I mean welcome what am I

Saying what what am I even what why do I even bother I’ll try to do a flip the frost leg someone just shave did a quick shave off of the top of everything watch in a week it’s gone the whole server is gone in a week

Then again people could come in and like start rebuilding you never know I love Frost I I love Frost Legion they’re so fun hey what’s up what’s up hey you got some stuff being built this is nice this is nice I’ll defend it this is the last Haven the last safe

House safe haven for for Terraria players who want to play is Zack to Z Tower 2 we love we love to see it we love to see it love it I’m loving it let’s let’s I you know I’ll help you guys cuz this is where this is where we uh this is where

We’ll Vibe out yeah we yeah I I’ll go I’ll go kill some Frost Legion real quick we kill some of these snowman what anything I can do with this no I guess not layer by layer boss of dragons is this is um Safe Haven this is

Great I’ll make this I’ll make this I’ll make this my spawn as well yeah this is this is this is the safe spot do I have any wood on me no I do not someone got to go clean up that Frost Legion I’ll deal with some of

Them I love summoning Moon Lord of course Jerry of course your name is Jerry it had to be Jerry your name had to be Jerry there’s 21 people on right now God damn is this a wormhole we love we your name had to be Jerry didn’t it it really

Did are they all in the ocean oh my God oh my God Jerry who’s doing it who’s who’s who’s oh my God boohoo damn Jerry you really had to go do that you really had to go and do it didn’t you hey man you really had to

Go what how long have I been live for an now oh I’m been live for two hours all right we’ll see here oh I lost connection to the server again well it’s starting back up um I will say regardless of if it keeps going on and off over the next

Week I’m going to keep making sure it stays online so here’s what you can do to make sure to let me know if it goes off and it doesn’t come back on it should automatically come back on if it crashes like that um it’s that’s just

Just how it’s going to happen there’s no there’s obviously no rules there’s nothing stopping you from doing anything so the server is going to crash I’m doing backups of the world so when I make a video on this it’s going to be really nuts but at the moment um

We’ll see how this goes this is crazy I I I like I said expect a bloke or two to be throwing Dynamite like this like this Jerry [ __ ] who doesn’t have fun playing Terraria no rules right I can insult I’m just kidding um we got a Gove up in you

I’m going to make sure the backups are happening though scheduled at 3 p.m. January 7th oh we already had one and they’re scheduled we’ll do it every it’ll do it every one okay it’ll do every day there’ll be a backup sure sure so just expect this expect this

Kind of uh chaotic nature I may or may not do another stream later this week on it there’s no guarantee I only planned on doing one stream in the in the in the little bit here um we we’ll go to two hours and then I’ll probably get a head off

Because I got some other things I want to do but the server will still be on you can still do this for the infinite amount of times you’d like to do it gollem is we we got to kill this guy oh my God I thought that was a terraformer for a

Second I thought yeah he killed Mr Earl evil Mr evil I thought I read that as Earl evil nator his name is gollem I don’t even think this guy plays Terraria I think he’s unfamiliar who the boss’s names are well lose some win some I guess there’s a lot of y’all out here

Y’all are just and he’s over here just in the corner what happened to this place my God you guys over here mini bukaki y’all are just y’all are just yall just doing your own thing huh the tower is gone that is a rest in

Peace and I will say then again I I did I did mention that like I said no rules meaning risk of someone destroying your stuff I did say that I mentioned that in one YouTube short so the the short that I posted today so oh no I think I posted in the

Last one too so just like I said be aware of that but there’s always a chance for you to fix that guessing there’s no hackers right oh that means there’s hackers I’ll take that I’m the only one here that’s normal yeah pretty much no there were at the start of the stream

Today there were some normal people but hey this is all part of the experiment well I made a few YouTube looking at the world oh that’ll be at the end of the week after Sunday the 14th the server’s going off you should have a look at the

Backups as well I might do that I might do that I’m definitely going to be we’ll see if I feel like we’ll see if I feel like um um looking at the backup sorry my whole brain is shutting off cuz there’s so much stuff to look at this on the

Screen like where’ the lava come from where where’d that come from I’m pre of zenith now yeah it’s so funny um Zenith is the is the this is the worst of your problems I mean zeni is a blade I don’t know I dropped my [Laughter]

Zenith um I yeah I may I may or may not look at the backups to see what went down hey chill with that chill with that even though there’s no rules you can chill with that but is the Zack Tower still here Zack Tower is still here where where where’s

The Zack Tower did you build one somewhere else oh wait the REM oh the remnants of Zack Tower there is this is the Zack Tower one there’s remnants of Zack Tower one but then again you could be smart about this but so yeah your your the the

Things you guys do on the server will be documented and recorded at the end of the week meaning you have a chance to build something and it might stay there and uh when the server goes off everything is there that is is final and I’ll will make a video on it showcasing

Everything that everyone’s done and I’ll reconsider again if I feel like making the server again which may or may not happen we’ll see my revenge he’s coping he’s coping everything is ruined someone came in and destroyed every and left the game let me grab another where we at two hours all right

So that stream for today however the server will still be on like I said a bazillion jillion times I may or may not hop on once in a while we shall see might make a few YouTube shorts stay tuned for that thanks y all for being here at the

Stream thanks y all for hanging out and ruining everything which is what I expected we love it here if you haven’t subscribed already make sure you subscribe to the YouTube channel all bunch of content coming out especially content related to This Server other content as well with Tria

It’s great we’re having a great time be productive try to build a house server is going to bug again that’s just how the cookie going to crumble um in the description you can join my Discord if you want to join the Discord the community Discord server don’t be dumb

On there there’s mods on there there’s rules on there however if you feel like letting me know that the server is not on again or if something’s crashing I’m obviously going to be checking it every day but if there’s something going on with it that like it’s not turning back

On or if there people having issues connecting to it let me know in the Discord you can totally join that again Link in the description of the YouTube channel I am now leaving this game I will be posting a few more things on some socials like Tik Tok and or

Maybe the Tik Tok already went out I’m not sure if it did or didn’t um I’ll have to check that but server’s always up server will we’ll be always up until Sunday um but yeah again let me know or join the Discord if you all need anything regarding the server I

Will say it’s it’s it’s free-for-all it is a pure free-for-all but I think if this goes well which it’s going well by my standard I might have some other ideas in the in the in the nogin for other server ideas for y’all to participate in other zachm live experiments we’re going to get

Through this one first see how it goes um and then uh we’ll see how we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see what I think so thanks for all for being here at the stream much appreciated hope to see you around I again I’m not in the game right now so if anyone who’s listening

Watching type in the in the YouTube chat um there’s lag in the Ser falling lava yeah that’ll that’ll happen um I’ll make sure the server stays on as much as possible it should it automatically restarts so just wait a few and then it should come back on again oh let me see

How many likes did I get on the stream I check that I didn’t check that oh 20 likes thanks y’all appreciate that that’s a lot of likes on that didn’t expect that much um yeah there’s definitely going to be lag so be prepared but if you want to be strategic

You get on what no one else is on and you build a house and uh it’s me Zach towerman welcome to the Discord by the way um whatever your username is I didn’t see it let’s see this is your user be wait no it’s that’s not base Cat 10 welcome

To Discord I yeah y’all can join the Discord y’all can join VC and play with each other on the server if you really want to commit to that by all means it’s totally up to you at some point I think I might also I’m already thinking up the

Oh did the server already just start is that what happened I think the server like just restarted again so that’s just how it’s going to be I’m glad it restarts though that’s that’s good I’m glad that’s that’s a thing okay well I could restart it I’m going

To do a quick restart y’all and then we’re just going to go from there yeah someone was knocked on my door server is restarting then again there’s always there’s a bunch of lag it might fix at some point join the Discord if stuff like this keeps happening I’m going to keep looking at

It you know I might be secretly lurking as a different account on there you never know just to make sure things are running I might check at the end of the week I might check later we’ll see how it goes join the Discord thanks y all for being here seriously means a lot

Hope the chaos ensues let me know how it [Laughter] goes um like I said expect expect nothing expect the unexpected all right thanks y all see you again uh on my socials and everywhere follow me on everything Tik Tok YouTube twitch this is the longest outro I’ve

Ever done I’ll see you in the Discord I’ll see you wherever peace y’all
port: 7020

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MERCH: https://zachmlivemerch.myspreadshop.net
IRL CONTENT: https://www.youtube.com/Mastersoniczachm

I havent streamed here ina while: https://www.twitch.tv/zachmlive


ZachmCLIPS: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIXjRegJfoQ5qroacNgVneg
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#terraria #livestream #playingwithviewers #server


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