Too Many Boyfriends – New Modded Stardew Valley with Twitch Integration

Uh it’s Ice Festival time y’all is that south or South okay when do we have to go there by now now now yeah now Anna we’re it’s the first time we’re playing in over a month and we got a we got business to do can I can I just not do

Business no cuz then we’re all just waiting on trying to do business okay where where am I going south what’s sup SP forgot you guys are a bunch of ninjas this ice statue looks like a pear it does not it looks like the Kool-Aid man what are you talking about this is

Not the Kool-Aid man this is a pear man oh wow my inventory is full it looks like it does look like a pair Ash I tried to talk to you thinking you were an MPC cuz it’s been so long and has been too long in a to it’s been

So long oh this is the ice fishing one that we have to do M yes I mean that you all are going to do I’m not going to do it I’m just going to talk to people and then wait to leave I think you have to

Do it this is what for there’s a turtle break dancing over here just so TS is is it torz Tortuga it looks like they’re just walking him watching him on the back oh he’s making a snow Turtle Angel is what it said I thought he was like stuck on his

Back and they’re just watching him flail be messed up all right are youall going around like talking to people and stuff yeah cuz I want those friendship points boo who cares about friends oh aren’t I dating uh BTS now all right this guy’s dress maybe I don’t remember what his

Name is June June June June I can’t remember your name you’re just BTS exactly look at come look at this guy come look at uh Sebastian he’s dressed like I would dress SL do this is this is just price it’s just me put on that beanie this Sam is

Now Ash it’s just you and Ash oh that’s just me and Ash over there talking yeah there it is I was running around the outskirts oh Mario’s got a cute outfit I do love looking at like talking to them just to look at their outfits right oh

There’s my husband Freddy but who’s not my husband but will Be it’s inter to seeing where the mod makers plac some of the extra characters like um Jasper is talking to lonus um mhm stuff like that makes a snow Turtle angel I love torts right I love torts this Festival is just a waste of time and resources

Yeah the rich people can I love the rich people Shane’s got some uh 5:00 shadow going on Shane Shane Shane’s got a lot going dating jerck too jerck yeah I think I’m dating more than one person at this at this point in time as it should be Jerick sounds like

The name of Like a Star Wars villain totally which is why I’m dating him yeah oh man it was so neat today someone or I mean I did came across my thing today um someone posted a big old thread about Shadows of the Empire and oh yeah

I loved it just because it was like just laying out everything about it and why it’s so cool and I was like yes it’s been forever but I uh I Lov that it was like a Hidden Gem and they sort of talked about how like that point in Star

Wars history was such a good one because it was about all the extended Universe stuff because the prequels hadn’t come out yet and the um uh they weren’t making new movies at that point it was just like the re-release you know so um so yeah it was

Just a lot of fun I would strong suggest people go check out that thread I think I retweeted it okay wait where’s my ninja husband he’s probably hanging out with my he’s in the he’s in the top left top your ninja husband’s in the top left oh I’m going to the right that’s

Why that’s very Anna what happened it go to the top left oh I went to the right yeah okay oh there’s there’s kiwi you’re a vetenary GU down here where is he bottom left oh this is where the Wiis is all the whis is Is yesterday was quiet and peaceful well I’m going to ruin that wasbin not even not even dressed festively I guess he’s purple right is that the difference purple and black where is he he’s down there okay I probably already talked to him not even recognizing who he was so

HB looks like a a diseased orphan Victorian child wait which one sopia young orphan Victorian orphan child she does not look diseased she does look a little Oliver twisty my goodness diseased orphan look and she’s just dressed like mateline list she’s got the tulos and it’s hot oh man sweating

Sickness what did they call was it sweating sickness what what did they call it back in the day consumption consum sweating sickness and consumption that was the word I was looking for it was definitely consumption they thought you could cure it by ping people in like cold temperatures and have them sit

Outside for long periods of time yeah okay well I’m ready y’all ready y let’s do it yeah that’s one of those ones of like correlation causation situation like some people probably did get a little better because you know you took their fever down but most people probably just

Froze also like you just you can’t get better from tuberculosis like once you have it you’re just effed that’s why you should get your vaccines why do we start like in the middle and everybody else gets to start right next to the hole that’s what she said I know yikes I

Uh I’m sure I’ve said this before but back when I very briefly worked at a call center I uh I had to get uh tested for TB because there was an outbreak at my work wow I had to get tested for TV every time I worked in like um in

Healthcare areas like when I worked at a um mhm a dementia Alzheimer’s Ward I had to get tested for TV for that yeah I think in college I had to and then um just cuz you get to that age where they’re like you need to do your

Vaccines again you know then uh my neighbor she didn’t get TB but someone had tested positive like around her and because we used to hang out with her we had to get tested as well right well for me it was like I got a letter from like

Oregon government was like you have to get tested for TV it was like not it’s not like it’s in your best interest it was like no no no if we don’t hear from you in the next couple of days we’re sending someone to your house I’m curious what that’s about like maybe it

Never like that information never made it into like the public record you knowz like I assume that there you know cuz you have to get uh uh vaccine records to like go to public school or something right but I wonder if they just didn’t know if you’ve been vaccinated or

Not well cuz I’ve never been like I had to do it in college but only because it was like I said it was at that age where they’re like you probably need to get vacc like the the next vaccine you did this 20 years ago you’re supposed to

Boost it every like 20 years um I’ll admit I need to look at my own uh vaccine records tuberculosis I thought was one of those where was like I was at the age range where was like just at the edge of like you probably don’t need to

Do this anymore for the population yeah no that it should if you do it once you’re probably fine M um like that works for pretty much everybody but you know it’s like over um over caution cuz you could lose the effectiveness trying cuz what are the

Other ones that you get with that it’s I mean like I know I had to get Hepatitis and uh no I’m trying it’s like the basic ones it’s like measles Ms rebella yeah tuberculosis the MMR yeah hepatitis is one of the early ones I got as a kid as

Well oh are we done mhm we did it we did it yeah we certainly did that’s a lot of fish the smell he says gag the smell but like if it’s this cold out right also like fresh fish doesn’t it doesn’t smell it doesn’t smell plus you live in a

Fishing town like how are you not used to this Louis is a is a fake fisherman hey you did it Ash wait for me price for you oh I did never mind yeah he walked up to Ash but then I won everything cool Ash four it’s interesting cuz I I didn’t count

Six release the poor fish so we just traumatize them that’s all yeah yeah you also make them suffer for no reason oh shoot plus this is fresh water fish this isn’t even saltwater fish right so it shouldn’t even smell like saltwater well I mean fish are only smelling when they

Start decaying right right and that’s the thing is like I think we were saying that like sometimes what you think is fish smell it’s just ocean smell it’s like you’re smelling sea salt holy I didn’t check my mail today Gunther just gave me $40,000 what inclosed a portion of the

Funding we received for being awarded the regional Secretary of artifacts thanks for your generous donations oh it’s because we donated a certain amount of um items to the uh and just Ash gets it cool yeah that’s how it and we all share our own money when you decide to

Buy like $5,000 worth of I don’t know snowmen or something use it from all of us I didn’t even go to the shop I bought a snowman he cost 5K people in chat were talking about how like you and price bought like these big expensive things in the previous session

I can’t even remember what it was but it’s like probably not something that either of you are actually going to ever use I mean I remember andna buying like a food for like 30,000 or something that’s what it was it was some sort of cookie or something right

Yeah of food I bought a bunch of stuff but it was like we needed it I can’t remember what it was it was some kind of seeds or something oh no it was scarves that’s what it was price andna bought scars oh I bought my scarf forever ago

Yeah but they were like $220,000 yeah yeah yeah there was like 15 or 20K yeah for sure I have no sh what was I even doing honestly I think I did it right after Anna spent a bunch of money cuz I was like well screw it if we’re doing it

Yeah um sorry I interrupted you it no I I was just trying to remember what I was doing with these things in my pocket those are probably presents for people how do we open the bag thing both of my husbands are kissing again oh that’s right they they all smooch yeah

Yeah well I mean no no no they’re they’re in bed on top of each other oh full smooch scalo it’s fine I’m bringing popcorn and coming over okay come on we’re watching Barbie why share gold I mean we always played This Way um it’s just easier in

Co-op yeah we’ve done it I think we did it once where we didn’t share and then it just becomes a pain in the ass because you’re wanting to like complete certain goals and you’ve essentially been splitting your um values across everything so it just ends up getting to

That point where it’s like okay well someone has to spend 50,000 to solve this thing but um you know that’s not fair for others all right I’m going to start the crowd control now yall be on your best behavior question why not split money yeah what’s this why would quid

Pro quo because like I just said it ends up being where one person has to spend a shitload too no no no I was I was putting the question back to them ah why would you why wouldn’t you I was like I I just explained

It I get what you mean I get what youan I always like when people ask sort of interesting questions in chat I’m like well why wouldn’t you yeah okay flip it back I need to according to my little to-do here I need to beefriend Gus and befriend silly silly was the Slime

That’s in the adventure skill that’s right you also have to we have to remember when the gem berries pop because that’s the Ninja the Ninja 11 oh yeah we have to gather rubies we need to gather some more rubies how do we get rubies in the

But which level of the mines I think we said like it’s towards the fire levels right where you get like the lava things maybe yeah I think it’s higher frequency down there but I think that was like 60 to 90 something like that I feel like half of half of this

Day is going to be wasted looking at what I have what I need to do y’ oh junor not my boyfriend oh well we need to go fix that what happened to all my wood Den your your husband took it that you which husband yeah okay I got check

Just I have wood in my boxes so check check what I have and take what you need I just wanted to make uh is the furnace going it is British Ice House hio only milky British eyes all right um what was it that silly liked is Robin home today or is Robin

Doing it’s Tuesday I can’t remember if this is one of those Tuesday she’s she’s not there she’s working okay that’s okay silly I’m going to look for wood silly loves apples that’s easy oh jelly boy fusure boyfriend where are you Going I just need wood so I can make even more cakes we don’t have any apples on us yet do we none of our fruit trees have actually started they have um apples was last yeah so let me I can look in my chests need some more

Rocks hold on which one is it I have a couple apples that I stole from Price’s chest you want some apples inna’s in one of enna’s ch chests I was going to say did someone steal a lot of my food no the apples are the apples are on me oh

They’re on you can you put them in one your yeah that’s what I’m doing thank you cuz I need the apples for June he likees if you for one of your romance things no no here I can I put three apples in there I can share okay with that stuff you you made

Me reveal my secret I took the apples oh man there’s some good stuff what are you doing oh that was just a weird transition I thought I was going to get a cut scene but everything just went dark and then and then it’s fine and

Then it’s fine yeah and then it’s F it’s fine and everything’s fine try was doing I have no idea what I was doing you get the out of here here maybe just redesigning the Farms I mean cuz that’s kind of what part of my goal was that’s definitely on the tut list as

Well just cuz that’s the season that’s that’s what winter is for is design what is it is it F9 on people is that the one which one is it F1 oh yeah I was also trying to marry buff Ian yeah yeah don’t forget about buff Ian oh yeah we I am

Dating him oh you’re dating him yeah still almost forgot um let’s see because we have so much money I’m going to double check the community center cuz we’re almost done with the community center too are we yeah I think we got real close we were very close cuz I was on

Top of it yeah like yeah it was one of those ones where you were like we we just need like one or two things and I know oh we need a truffle right I think we just got we just got pigs yeah but they don’t they don’t truffle um they don’t trff winter

Oh my God is that it we justff yeah cuz that was the thing last time is we had found whenever that last little thing was that we needed this is called CH 32 something else so people in chat have noticed that crowd control is updated they added one

To force swimwear but people are informing me that that does not seem to be working oh which is fine with me it’s too cold for swimwear chat you going to make Ash freeze him bum off your hat your hair I wanted it to work too we’ll have

To turn that one off I think the um that one and what is it the speed boost one have just never worked I wonder if it’s just like incompatible with multiplayer or something I wonder if I still have my ninja skills it’s been so long let’s let’s check it

Out okay Sven listen you can’t you got to stay here I can’t afford your death your death yeah how many times I’ve lost Sven myig my beautiful favorite son all right so you you you got the apples you need yes I I have apples yeah yeah I got

I got uh Anna gave me three of the ill gotten apples ill gotten apples I love that sorry that’s what they’re there for what are you saying that my apples were ill gotten I used my goddamn ninja skills to Ste stealthily get listen I’m a word Smith I can I can

Make up words whenever I want to get some apples also the monsters up here are dropping diamonds nice are you up in your yo-kai Forest I am I’m practicing my ninja skills they have all the magical things up there oh yeah Ash are you still befriending Gus so you

Can get the breakfast going I am I’m literally giving him diamonds cuz that’s the only loved gift of his that I have I thought he he need some diamonds I have diamonds all right I feel like I need are those ill gotten as well of course they are

Probably I think I need to finally think about upgrading my home so I can get to the point where I can age things you were saying something and I interrupted you look at your Christmas tree oh golden pumpkin yeah you were saying something oh I accepted a quest

For um reducing the Lin Cod population which is just basically a fish yeah so where do we need a fish I can do that um it’s wherever linot is that I I think that’s a freshwater fish okay heading to the river let me double check that yeah the question I guess is

Like is it river or lake well I haven’t caught that many so I can’t show well yeah exactly so I’m over at the river I’m going to see if I catch one oh I found Clementine’s ooh they’re one of the special new ones new is that from a tree or is it like

You foundables o thank you for those five gifted Subs there Asis drop them theying I think the event’s going on where the gifted Subs are cheap we that’s right so y’all if you have been considering it thank you now would be the time and thank you so much all right

I’m going to do the same thing where I destroy my farm and redecorate yeah it’s the way to go oh how is the greenhouse doing there was some things in there oh yeah I forgot about that place I know Jazzy you’ve been checking on it pretty regularly oh not not since we started

But yeah not today but I mean like through in the past you’ve been keeping a good eye on it a br with a 10 gifted subs thank you so much appreciate you all right we have some star fruit that’ll pop in 5 days and we have some ancient uh SE fruit

That’ll pop in six days and then we have the sweet gem berries that’ll pop in two days nice oh I can probably look at my list my collection to see the fish can’t I mhm I didn’t even think about that I was trying to think where can I look to find

The fish yep okay yeah I’ll look in there Price look inside yourself inside my heart the fish have been there all the true fish was the your heart fish we found way all along the way yes exactly all the fish that we found along the way all right Sven I’ve successfully returned to

You you live again oh looks like I haven’t caught one uh I think they’re winter fish so must have just started yeah yeah right I’m going to look it up on my phone then I just like I like the enna is performing some sort of like necromancy

Type spell on Sven every time and the dead shall rise again it’s true oh my God I forgot I can just put things in in um I just did it all right River and Mountain uh Mountain Lake okay someone uh first time chatter in chat said that the link cot is very

Frustrating uh the other thing is it says that you can get some from kobis sometimes on Wednesdays so it might be worth checking kobus um no no this is a fishing Quest like you have to fish them up you have to specifically fish them it’s not just you need to get them all

Right well I will focus on that cuz like my stuff’s already designed the way I wanted it I uh yeah things are going so I I can just focus on fishing this up yeah it’s a uh population thing you know yeah I got you yeah okay besides like fields of crops I

Want to I want to actually get into some other stuff cuz like I feel like I only ever just like design grids of crops and I never actually build like the fishing ponds or a barn or anything like that little paths and things like actual little like fenes and paths and sitting

Areas and things yeah I mean besides other decorative stuff I never actually built the other functioning things to a farm gotcha you just Farm I just crop you just crop he’s a simple CR you’re very I know that you’re very good at crop crop dusting I am dust the joke was

There the joke was right there Jazz oh man took me a minute look you either bust dust or you crop dust okay that’s those are the only options mhm it’s true get out of here where you at clear my inventory up oh I’m getting some hardwood like I have a bunch of hardwood

And I remember that I needed it for something and I don’t know what I remember giving you some of my my hardwood yep there it is yeah I’m I’m just trying to remember what it was I think I was trying to build something specific was it my house my gosh I don’t

Remember at all maybe I was trying to build a new house upgrade my house pickles oh I have of wood oh goodness Ash was inspired by Mama Ash’s Farm to make make more listen my my Farm’s never going to be like my mom cuz my for for

Anyone that missed stump miss my mom showed off her Farm during St Miss and it’s pretty I beyond anything like design-wise the the biggest most impressive part is that if you just look at how much money my mom had it’s like you could do anything it was like over

10 million 100 million it was some ridiculous number plus she already had all of the expensive things 12 a.m. she’ already bought like the instant teleporters and stuff like that so yeah yeah no that there was legit like late game type stuff and I love like there

Were certain things that your mom’s like Oh yeah no I’m not going to do that that’s a waste of time like going to going to the ginger Isles and getting like that Ultra sword the whatever it is and I remember Jean just being like Oh

Yeah no and I’ll say this like not to not to crap on that farm that my mom showed me but I’m I’m Legit I don’t even think that that’s her most impressive Farm cuz I have this memory of her showing me a farm of hers before I had

Given her all the mods and stuff to play with where she just had like literally the the entire size of the farm was crops plus Barns and that the to do everything to touch everything that she needed to to actually interact with to collect everything in a single

Day was not actually physically possible cuz there was just too much to do mhm I mean that’s how these games often end up is that like even you you can build past Your Capacity very easily and you want to protect yourself from that trap because you never do anything else geologist o

O should I get minor or geologist do you want more gems or do you want more ore yeah I don’t care you probably want gems for your rubies that’s a good idea you could always reset it too like spe know this is fine you make a good point mhm you

Make a compelling argument I’ve been playing so much coral island lately that I’m like I’m like I have to be in bed before 1 because that’s when you die in coral island and when you die in coral island you die in real life yeah and I I don’t want to do

That oh my my husband is so sweet yeah oh he’s like I love you and here’s all the reasons why my hey all this stuff popped yay yeah I need you to do that cuz otherwise I can’t get around Sven a can’t get around yeah all

The oh inventory’s full oh okay so uh canth said he fed all the animals yeah oh that’s great there are they have Auto feeders now so okay well you know you know I think he said that multiple times after after the auto feeders I feel like

He has certainly he like I fed all the animals by doing nothing look at this job I did did you see I did job room was like I vacuumed honey yeah EXA it is exactly what it is I need a vacuum oh my god oh man now that Christmas is over I

Could start contemplating all the things I need to do again mhm like vacuuming yeah vacuuming exactly I um our house is a mess I was like that’s that’s just the the stunt Miss and and Christmas mhm aftermath I was say 24 hours before Thanksgiving our house is the cleanest

It’s been in a year probably and then ever since then it’s been disgusting and then it shifts yeah oh um ooh orange wine and I’ve got peach wine for you ooh I also got you an orange wine Jazz for your birthday you did oh did you Anna

Showed up to our house with the birthday gifts and I was so happy M mhm was very nice orange wine I got Jazz and orange wine and a green wine fancy wi see uh for Christmas um Chrissy uh so Janice got Chrissy these two bottles of wine that they’re

In like a cat bottle you might have seen these before but it’s just it’s a wine bottle that sort of like goes up and is like the shape of a cat um they’re nice and you know you can keep the bottles right uh Janice got her two like a gold

One and a silver one I think Wine’s same on the inside there’s just different colors Chrissy’s sister Kell also got Chrissy two bottles of that wine but in two other colors so they didn’t coordinate or anything but they just happened to get four different colors so

Chissy’s got a nice little set of uh these cat wine bottles oh and and Chrissy already had a black one as well so it’s like five of them anyway just the fact that they picked different colors like all of them there’s not that many colors so worked out it’s pretty

Neat oh my God Harvey’s at his office completely bundled up it’s so cute is he little parka he’s just in his parka all bundled up you know he can turn on the heat he could he could it’s true he could he could but then you know

Why uh and know which chests are yours the ones that are named Anna there’s Anna’s other chest for British Eyes Only okay Ah milkies that’s where I’m going to put the peach wine yeah put it in the milkies oh my God so there’s clearly some um there’s some uh like lag going

On with the Villagers where they just stop and but obviously they’re still going so um they have to catch up to where they are it’s like you know when you stand in front of them and they’re like oh you know I got to where I’m going yeah yeah get where I’m going

Anyways it was so funny I saw Pam slow down to crawl and then and then she like backs up and like you know like you she like winds up and then she just starts running forward it was very cartoonish you know yeah I love imagining Pam bolting you

Got to get that running uh start well yeah of course yeah oh my God it was so cute oh Pam oh Pam oh Pam you’re so silly so silly all right come on give me a link Cod how many do I need to catch uh o

That’s a good question let’s see um 10 okay Ash what are you doing I was looking at what Robin what I could build at Robin’s I want to get some fishing ponds at some point I think and then you should upgrade my house I was looking at upgrading my

House and I was like H I don’t have that much hardwood at the moment I don’t think I did you just did it yeah you buttthe head Jaz I’m I’m putting more seeds in your seed thing thank you cuz I forgot I just went to gunters and he’s like gunters G

G yeah the museum no I know I just like saying G no I was like did I did I get him mixed up with the wizard I had a moment you made me you made me guess second guess myself Jazz sorry I I just

Like saying G no G is good but um and I he’s like you’ve got some here that you need to pick up and I was like oh okay and then I took the seeds and ran you took the seeds and ran I took like

The seeds and a chair and I was like all pick pick up the rest later when I want to nice and then you ran away and then I hopped on I hopped on Sven and I said Sven we’re riding to the sunset like we fly you fool your bike

R s and I are like Aragorn and Aragon’s horse mhm you know does anybody have a bouquet uh you gave me a couple of bouquets so I think I have I I found I found one oh okay I was like I think I have multiple bouquet if you need

One me and Sebastian are dating perfect timing to give you a birthday present hat birth hat birth oh 10 Hearts easy nice I’m at nine with Abigail I went from 8 to 10 hearts and when interaction aren’t you cool I’m very cool super cool so the gem berries Pop tomorrow

It’s can’t wait until we can raise our frog son frog son he they added that like he loves frogs I don’t know if it was in the extended that they added it but basically he um creates like a little frog habitat in our house oh cool yeah

It’s cute so do you need to put a frog in it or he gets that on his own he does on that’s that’s where frog a thing came from oh good old frog ofan oh I was telling for people out there I was telling uh everybody cuz I’ve been

Playing some more wild mender um that in that game you will find in the wild frogs whom you give uh water and something else too um and then you can hug them and befriend them and then they come home with you to the the tree to the

Spring and they are basically like your little helper collectors they go around they’ll pick up seeds and food and everything else that falls and you go up to them and the option is open wide and then you can get all that stuff from them but it’s another game that has

Embraced the Frog Sun mentality games continue to move further and further down the Frog Rabbit Hole oh my go gosh anyway we were talking to somebody and they were talking about how frogs are now the new meta for gaming right now oh yeah yeah they were just like I mean

There’s frogs everywhere in games yeah it’s true there’s just everything right now is just frogs and I was like I love that yeah J all zombies are out frogs are in I can’t be about frogs how about Zombie Frogs yikes let’s do it I still want to make that frog

Game I just don’t know how to do it make it happen just need to start making artwork and then going from there you just need to find a group of people that will make a game with you Anna will you make a game with me I’m getting down one I’ve I’ve told I’ve

Told you I would I’m already there I can I can I can learn game maker I’m already halfway there I can program in that I’m halfway you’re hearing it now y’all stumped stumped games is beginning by the time by the time we figure this all out frogs will

Be out well yeah that’s true that’s true but then it’ll be look forward to our frog game and then but then you get the Retro quality of like oh frogs are so retro yeah oh I got one link Cod all right are they really wiy they are yeah he was bouncing up all

Over the place oh you’re in the fisherman achievement yeah I I found a little fishing spot here I was like you know I might as well I might as well was it a tough one yeah let me see have I caught other I think I only got one but also barely pay

Attention yeah one Link Card okay Jerick has a book called The Farmers fashion guide and I love that for him and for me I love sexy Farmers sexy Farmers sexy Farmers Only Yep I love the idea of that being just a spin-off of Farmers Only my goodness oh so squirrels everywhere thank you so much for gifting those five Subs squir everywhere squirrels everywhere everywhere and everywhere you want to be Jeff and Sweden thank you so much for

The 16 months yay 16 months missed a week of stream since I’m on vacation in the US oh you you have renounced your Swedish ways and you are embracing the US ways I’m so sorry yeah that’s bad choice I’m so excited for your new Pokemon go

Postcards is that what in Pokémon go you can send each other postcards yeah oh okay cool from all the Poké stops and then you get presents I’m having a cut scene me too a what I’m having a I’m of a cut scene with Richard Richard oh that guy him who’s

Richard cuz I cuz I keep ending up at the hotel so I just keep giving Richard presents and you know that’s how you win people over you just keep giving them presents yeah presents that’s how it works in real life too he’s talking about the third floor is off limits cuz

That’s where he lives of my room but he’s like listen you can have the VIP suite and this guest is like no I want the third floor or I’ll call the manager not all listen Karen you’re talking to the owner of the hotel I don’t think you’re going to get far with that

One that’s when you say um never mind we don’t want you here yeah that’s when you said yeah people need to get more comfortable with doing that I think that’s that’s something people need to do more now she’s threatening to write bad reviews and I still love when people

Do that and I’m like go ahead if you if you feel like you need to then you should do that and then they just get flustered and don’t know how to respond well my and my thing is they’re going to write a bad review anyways yeah they’re

The kind of person who’s going to write a bad review so they’re going to do it Dam it Marlin where’d you go yeah but if they’re the type of person that’s going to write a negative review there’s no amount of you like help trying to make the situation better

That will prevent that for a lot of people in my opinion cuz what they’re going to do is they’re going to go in like one star I had to beg to get the room that I wanted and blah blah blah you know Sebastian’s taking me away on his

Motorcycle take me away we’re going to the city L don’t do this to me Richard listen we need to talk to you about you don’t have to take mean people’s monies oh man that’s too this is going to take a while oh Jazz will you check and see that it’s actually counting for

You what I can’t see I’m in a cut scene the link cods yeah yeah whenever you can I mean it you could tell it’s in the uh it’s it’s a shared Quest it’s the Aquatic population yeah two out of 10 okay cool cuz my thing isn’t oh it is flashing it didn’t look

Like it was flashing yeah okay all right heading home gosh oh my God Sebastian this this leather coat and and turtleneck that you’re wearing oh my goodness it’sing for you it’s working for me that’s good uh what was I going to say oh do we

Need to keep the link cods or can I sell them you can sell them I think we just need to catch them just have to do the active catching yeah okay yeah read the quest oh uh I need a local angler to help reduce the numbers it doesn’t say

Anything about keeping them so yeah then yeah it just says catch cuz it would probably say like deliver if they were supposed to be cats all right shipping yeah you know what’s creepy is I’m such good friends with June that I can just walk in his hotel room while

He’s sleeping shirtless uh who took my horse your horse oh my goodness which one got to get to bed well I’m that’s not going to happen sometimes remember sometimes when you go into cut scenes the horses is at the beginning disappear oh God all right that’s fine

Like I don’t know if I going to make it to bed either there wasn’t anything I have like in particular Ash you just ran past a horse run there’s no time there’s no time to get on a horse and get to bed oh pish po just froze

Me that’s how it goes at least I wasn’t the only one hey Anna you weren’t the first no I was listen after I watched uh June sleep shirt listen his b I went to my bed I’ve now reached level 10 fishing I am now an angler fish will be worth

Double I was just in a cut scene for forever nice oh I guess 1.5 huh how upset are you very upset okay this is why I could never do crowd control because I would just rage quit and then never play again I’m so excited to try crowd control with

Lethal company there’s so many weird things you can do oh my gosh it’s going to be hilarious I’m intrig for sure like there’s a lot of terrible things that you can do which we’re going to turn off but then there’s also other things like have another player randomly teleport to

You um oh God that’s going to be horrible if you’re like it’s going to be so fun you’re Tak can play sound effects as if they’re coming from behind you um oh that’s mean and I like it yeah actually I forget how do you move chests again like physically you run into them

I think it’s empty hand and you just keep running into it empty hand okay okay I think is is how it work CU I thought it was something like that oh so Manitoba with the 21 months thank you so much okay I’m going to move some of my

Chest inside my can chest can go on top of flooring right uh I thought so yeah okay this chest won’t move just hit it with an axe well it’s got stuff in it yeah I think you probably need to pick it up yeah I’m going to have to pick it up to

B um okay what should I do to my yard y whatever the hell you want trash that Gunther can tell me more about that uh you can go there price just going full full tree sapling or who you just zoomed along there um yeah man this is my Orchard that’s what

I’ve been focused on I know it’s very cool um how’s mushroom land looking the Mushroom okay what do I want to drop yeah you can go okay oh it’s 11 so all the sweet berries are ready Anna love that wait why I tried to make June my boyfriend last time but you can only we discovered you can only be dating one person at a time until you

Mar you can date as many as you want you can date them all yeah I think I think you can I’m dating Ian and um oh interesting I don’t remember how I messed that up last time then no I think we were kind of talking about that and

Then um people were like no no you can you can I’m like oh okay there was a lot of speculation a lot of confusion I remember it being a whole thing mermaid pendant that’s what I need topaz Jade Frozen tier right mermaid pendant no it’s vuk for mermaid pendant is marriage yes

Married married married now where do I keep my bouquets bucket where do you keep your bouquets I don’t know that’s a very personal question guess that’s true there we go okay June here you go I’m dating June you did it I did a date so proud of Youna all right I got 12 sweet berries um very cool very cool very cool hey and so now we’re missing just one Ruby at this point I think yeah all right then I’m going to Z mines again do spirits are in Good Humor I’ll come join you put these guys

In here too how about That I’m trying to like make things a little bit more streamline on my farm yeah where where are you going Ash floor okay I’ll go to 110 I bought a workstation so that we could like so I can have like you know I could just hit the workstation

Instead of having to like grab things and then put it away oh right right right the workstation that you can umh just pull from yeah but I’m like I know what works best if like all the chests are right next to each other but I’m

Also like I don’t know how to do this properly so yeah you don’t want to have to move them all also I don’t want to accidentally put like a Sea Chest next to it you know and then it takes away all these things so right right

Right the power too much power too much power all right we call this the Jazz with the power power doodoo who do you do who do I saw my baby crying hard movie like only in the80s only in the 80s okay heot come here do it anyways you can do it

Anywhere oh I mean it just like that movie being made I guess it could be made now mhm it can only be made now if there is someone like David Bo it’s also presently alive true trip oh David Bowie it you know what it would be Taylor Swift it’s it would beft they

Flip-flop it um or Bad Bunny he’s so bad he’s the baddest um we’ll call this gear trying to move all my chests around and actually organize them better you know that’s exactly what I’m doing yeah give myself some room so I can make a cute little sitting

Area gear what color will gear be I think a pow blue no I said powder Blue J sing us some Taylor Swift all right I don’t know how I I can’t I don’t know any Taylor Swift you could do it though Ash you’re very good at that twizzle could bust out some Ash is a Swifty Ash is a is someone that

Has watched the arrow tour one and a half times now all right more than me yep that makes you a Swifty Ash don’t you know there’s no denying it don’t you know what’s in this chest oh this is crab pots this one has to stay connected excuse me

Hippo dude I have so much Crab Pot stuff mhm uh let’s see let’s see hold on uh 104 snails 126 Periwinkles 95 crayfish dang I don’t know if anyone wants to start doing stuff with that but uh you definitely can my goodness all right so the question is dude where are

The rubies though like this is just is it a bad luck day no it’s actually conspiracy my thing is just like I feel like we’ve been hunting for this Ruby what is that is that a geod though I feel like we’ve been hunting for this Ruby for like two in-game weeks at this

Point oh it’s a geode but it was red and it’s just like I don’t understand I don’t remember it ever I don’t remember any particular gem ever being this rare it’s cuz we want it that’s why yeah I mean that’s really what it comes down to

It’s when you want it and needing as many as you do I think oh I still need to give um Marlin this stupid uh Kus fruit cactus cactus God now I want to watch Labyrinth such a good movie now I want to watch AAS tour renew be you haven’t seen Labyrinth

Okay be prepared for um fever dream with goblins uh amazing music and probably the biggest um C piece bulge yeah I was gonna say oh my God yeah on David Bowie it’s pretty significant it’s pretty significant all right I no longer want to be in this

Skull room oh no you can also I would look at the content warnings cuz there are there it’s a it’s a it’s a movie from the 80s yeah it’s a uh it’s a Jim Hansen fever dream Jennifer Connelly where did all my pickling you’re still terrified of the guys that

Take off their heads oh God those those guys scare me never again they’re just sweet little Muppets nope they have ruined me for my life where did my chest go with all the blueberries and stuff they are scary yeah I will agree they are probably scary oh it’s up here has anyone passed

Out yet Jazzy and I passed out on the same night I was stuck in in a cut scene with Sebastian which I do not regret and someone in chat froze me all right I think I would made it no Rugrats hippo make a decision either

You’re going to be on my desk or you’re going to be in my lap you can’t be in both places at the same time it’s froing will def yeah hippo will defy such a thinging cat I said sh’s cat all right sher’s lap

Cat all right it made me CH it gave me a little laugh a little goof little giggle slowly moving all these chests around yep the other part is like trying to figure out how you want to organize them like okay what do I what what is a good

Category for a chest that’s not going to have it overfilled too quickly like ores uh fruit or is it just going to be Farm stuff the mine it bogles if we have any rubies already try putting them in the crystarium and see if that counts what does the crystarium

Do again no no the crystarium makes rubies but you specifically have to pick them up that’s the Quest for you right but the question is if you pick it up from the crystalarium will that count it’s a it’s good question I 30 of them over here if you

Want to try it but yeah we we’ve got the stuff so if you got it give it a try there’s no negative I guess is what I’m trying to say okay well I found a topaz it’s not what I need but is what I want just kidding it’s not what you

Want I found like every gem that’s not a ruby right it’s almost midnight so probably try the crystal thing tomorrow um which one of my chests had all the woodwood shwood I had like like 500 wood don’t know where it is all of our wood has vanished it’s gone in different

Directions to the wind to the wall I just wonder if I accidentally combo drop down your Halls mhm back all right where are you actually I’ll just go to Robins I’ll just buy a bunch might as well do it everyone trying to freeze me as I’m trying to go to bed

Monsters you just can’t say it you just got to gosh Dar monties you just got to go to bed oh God I got to use this sleepy time still have time still have time to do things no yeah oh soall so I got through the whole Advent calendar of all the little

Fredy super cute I love them thank yall so much for it mhm now I got to figure out how I’m going to display them there’s a lot of little guys there 24 little dudes it’s interesting like the ratios of the characters that they did apparently Freddy and Foxy are the most

Popular characters for these well yeah I feel like fan favorite I feel like chica would have been the one but I guess foxy is also mhm big one chica I’d assume would be up there too um but yeah I think I only got three CH I understand Freddy being up there

He’s the cover he’s the particular character that makes sense Bonnie and Chica getting getting second level is interesting then there’s a couple little random ones you know what I think there’s more balloon boys I think there’s like four balloon boys more than chica that little

Nightmare oh my God why did I jump into it my doet bounc no I jumped directly into Anna’s bullet God damn it God damn it why do I do that I don’t know but I thank you for it so angry

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