This is one of my WORST Terraria worlds ever! | Terraria 1.4.4 Ranger Playthrough/Guide (Ep.3)

Hey hey welcome back my friends to the master Ranger playthrough we’re hopefully going to be carrying on the boss ponage in today’s episode because among other things today I’d like to take out the Eater of world but there’s a few things that we could do before we

Get started with that goal we could pop on over to our ORS and bars chest and check it out there’s a whole bunch of stuff we can make first of all we’ve got the demon bow going from 11 to 14 damage and with a good one we’ve actually got

15 damage so that’s an increase of four that’s not too bad if you ask me and check it out as well my friends we’ve got access to the magal luminesence a beautiful movement and lighting accessory so we’re going to go ahead and make it we have a spare accessory slot

So why not yeah check out that acceleration though I wanted to quickly check something El some of you folks were saying you can actually make the magic mirror in vanilla Terraria and actually there it is 10 glass eight gold or platinum bars and three diamonds out

Of furnace allows you to make a magic mirror I confess I thought this was a modded only thing I don’t even know when they added this recipe to vanilla but I’m very glad that they did because it means we’ll be able to get back to base

With absolute ease there it is 10 glass eight gold three diamonds thank you so much for all of you guys who pointed my attention to that cuz so far we haven’t been very lucky in terms of a finding underground cabins and B getting any sort of decent

Drops I mean yeah the hermy’s boots that’s nice but if I’m honest that’s about all we’ve managed to get that’s useful maybe in today’s episode we could change that he one of the things I think I’d like to do before I do any boss type

Stuffs is I think I want to go ahead buy myself some planters and get to work on a little bit of a planter SL po ingredients growing room so while I’m doing this my friends I just want to remind you if you are enjoying this series still and you want to continue

Seeing more do be sure to support this series with a big old like beneath the video and a whopping massive thank you to all of you folks who have been supporting this series I really really do appreciate the love in the form of the likes and the comments and

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15% off if you go for some Terraria merch from Terraria do shop instead so here we go nice basic potion ingredients growing room we’ve got 6times 10 plant bays and then we’ve got ourselves like a nice wide one down the bottom for day Bloom because day Bloom is probably the

Most universally useful potion ingredient seed there is you can make ion skin potions regen potions and obviously a whole bunch more aside from that as well so what seeds do we have at the moment we’ve got day Bloom and we’ve got Blinky plant and obviously corrup seeds you can’t place them on these

Boxes so yeah all righty so the day bloom goes down here as I was mentioning and then we’ll assign the Blinky plant to just appear there we are so yeah we need to go ahead and get ourselves five more types of seeds we need fire Blossom shiverthorn death weed Moonglow and

Water Leaf those are the other five all right very good so with that done I think it’s time for us to go and explore our world we have only explored like the central maybe fifth of the world we haven’t done a great deal of exploring

Here have we my friends so let’s see if we can change that in today’s episode maybe we can find ourselves some nice little bits and Bobs on the way ah very good there’s a little bit of Moonglow here but we need to wait for night time

For it to start blooming and thus for us to start getting seeds so yeah looks like we’ve got some stuff to do when the next night rolls around hey folks water Leaf right there but that doesn’t start blooming until it starts raining so we’ll have to wait for that one as well

Ooh a beautiful little chest down here is it let’s have a look we got ourselves a boomerang not allowed to use it all right we’ve got ourselves a blowpipe that is something we can use but it’s kind of trash so we’re not going to and here we are my friends the beautiful

Ocean we got 260 health and we’ve got decent movement what is that going to mean for our ability to go through the ocean and scour it for chests I mean there’s only one way to find out isn’t there let’s roll on down here oh good grief please don’t let there be a bunch

Of sharks come after me please let’s just get ourselves a chest or two let’s try and bypass that jellyfish right there very very thankful for the fact that we have light via the magal luminesence I must say Ah that’s it all right that is the far right hand side of

The world explored oh look at that I didn’t even realize it we picked up some grenades all right more day blooms going down very very good I mean honestly I could not recommend more that you make one of these rooms absolutely ASAP in your world I mean you don’t even

Necessarily have to use planter boxes either you could just use clay pots that still does the job in terms of growing a whole bunch of little potion ingredient resources so yeah like I say get one of these ASAP then you won’t be like me in the old Warrior Master playthrough where

I had absolutely no access to anything all right now’s where the fun times commence my friends the good news though is we are doing a fairly okay amount of damage look at that we’ve got some death readed down there but that only blooms when it is a Blood Moon and when it’s a

Full moon so you’re going to have to wait again so much waiting for the potion ingredients to bloom yeah we’re navigating this biome like an absolute professional haven’t even had anyone come and try and spoil our day which I find pretty staggering all right boom Get Wrecked son anything else for you

Boy is this a proper cave entrance oh it looks like it all right we might actually have to go down there usually when you get like a large cave entrance like that it usually leads to some pretty easy loot so yeah we’ll put that

To the test in just a bit I wonder if we could get ourselves a snowball Cannon only if we can then I absolutely going to go ahead and use it to take down maybe Skeletron later down the line I mean why not right come on now where is

The easy to access loot usually when you find a cave entrance like in one of those giant Mounds it leads to something good eventually come on Terraria don’t make me look foolish on camera like almost every other time I found one of those large Mound cave entrances it

Leads to Treasure of some description maybe it’s not necessarily a cabin maybe it is I don’t know a life Crystal but it’s not happening at the moment is it ah blooming shiverthorn very good all right so that’s three out of seven potion ingredient crops we can now grow

Ah that’s a pretty good find I mean it’s no life Crystal or underground cabin but a heart statue when wired up ah that could be the difference between life and death for a Boss run well my friends clearly I wasn’t meant to find any crystals or easy underground cabins down

In that cave entrance so how’s about we get ourselves back up to the surface and continue our surface exploration oh good grief blizzarding now is it that’s what we’re having to deal with with huh all right not too bad a couple more surface chests for you boy what I’d like to try

And find nice and early on is an aglet I always feel like there is one element of the lightning boots which are more difficult to get than others I think in my melee playthrough it was indeed the aglet what do we got here we’ve got ourselves climbing claws I think I’ve

Already got those yeah I do and in this one what oh god no oh God no oh God no no no no no no no no no I don’t think that guy even despawns either uh right uh this is this this isn’t this isn’t I was I was trying to get out of

There but I don’t know I was in absolute Panic State there why is it spawning deerclops now that is far too early in the game’s progression to be spawning in a deerclops though I don’t think I agree with that I think deerclops should only be allowed to naturally spawn say I

Don’t know after Skeletron which for the most part is when you’re supposed to fight this guy ah excellent fire Blossom that’s four out of seven this is five out of seven with the water Leaf Moonglow 6 out of seven and death readed 7 out of seven we now have every single potion

Ingredient crop we can get in the game that is fantastic and we just got that from two herb bags that’s not bad going if you ask me look at him he’s still there what the hell man you know what I would not normally do this but I think I’m going to have to

Let’s do the relog trick that should make him despawn yes there we have it I’m not having that I simply do not agree with deerclops being able to naturally spawn in now it just doesn’t make any sense annoyingly of course by me Rel logging I did lose the money that

I had on me but let’s just say that was the price to pay for me doing the whole relog trick like it wasn’t totally without consequences all right so check it out my friends we’re actually at the dungeon here what I’d like to do was I’d like to whip out this water candle

Because we can use that for farming purposes anything else in the world not really we are now at the left hand side ocean time for another little ocean trick then we’ll teleport back to base and then we’re explore that little cave entrance that we found before not the

Icy one but the regular one all right looks like we’ got ourselves a couple chests very good so we got a flipper oh a warding flipper out of one of them and then just a whole bunch of tat from the other ah we are so close to being able

To purchase the mini shark although actually no we don’t ah see that’s the only thing about having NPC hotels like this the prices start to hike up a little bit because they’re not overly happy with the fact that they’re all so close to each other you know all righty Pit Stop

Done let’s go explore that massive cave entrance that was on the left all right here we go time to descend maybe we can find ourselves some more chests in here maybe some surface chests more to the point more chances to get an accet I’ll take it I mean oh huh we just winded

Back at the corruption huh ah Terraria really does be doing me dirty today huh I’m just now realizing actually what we could do if we really wanted to we could probably break another Shadow orb uh not that there’s actually overly much that we can get from them that we actually

Need that is anyway I mean I guess we can get ourselves the Shadow or light pet that’ll be kind of cool but aside from that everything else is just kind of me we don’t don’t need the band of star power we don’t need the vilethorn we don’t need ourselves the Ballo H we

Don’t need nothing like that all right what are we going to get it is indeed a shadow orb yeah you know what before I die again I’m going to get the heck out of there all right so that cave also didn’t have much going for us we’ve got a

Gravitation potion I’ve just discovered maybe we could go Sky Island hun real quick what’s the chances e what’s the chances of us getting fledgling Wings here I feel like it’s been an absolute age since I’ve had fledgling Wings well there’s a sky Lake I guess that’s pretty

Okay wow there really is nothing on the left hand side of the world all right I guess it’s going to have to be the right hand side we start finding some proper Islands there we are finally what do we got in this one eh we got ourselves the

Star Yury Island number two this one has got the balloon come on 20 seconds to find the last one there’s three islands that exist on Small World and there we are case in point what do we got it’s another horseshoe ah I think sometimes it would be the horseshoe that is

Replaced by the fledgling Wings right although I could be wrong with that I’m not 100% on that now if only we had a goblin tinkerer and Tinker table we’d be a to start making ourselves some cool accessories I mean we still need double jump before we can make ourselves a

Horseshoe balloon of course but you know that will come inevitably soon as for the star Fury I’m sorry there brosi but your time has come you are going away ah booger I was kind of hoping that maybe we would have picked up a speelunker potion from somewhere but no doesn’t

Seem to be the case eh what about here oh we can make one okay right do we do a little bit of speel oning before we try the eer of Worlds I think it might be worthwhile all right now is as good a time as any mining potion speelunker

Potion yeah now we can see everything oh and look at that there is indeed a chest I really need to upgrade my pickaxe don’t I is it a regular chest or a Dead Man’s Chest it’s a oh no it is indeed a Dead Man’s Chest let’s get rid of that

Explosive all right boom yeah B Regen might my do son oh no way a chain knife unfortunately we can’t use it all right not quite an underground cabin but a life crystal is always good huh marble biome I’m absolutely staggered that even with the usage of a spelunker potion

I’ve not managed to find anything pretty much or at least nowhere near as much as I feel like I would usually find oh hello hello hello hello there underground cabin finally come on we need some double jump in our lives are we going to get it survey says uh no Sho

Spikes bugger oh nice a multi gem cave holy crap look at that oh what was I saying about the Goblins before having a goblin tinkerer etc etc not before I grab all of these beautiful gems out of this gem cave first though I want all of this stuff oh we got a

Fairy where are you going to lead me yet another life Crystal yeah thank you very much indeed 320 Health we need four more crystals okay very good underground mushroom biome usually has treasure don’t make me look stupid again Terraria yeah look at that bottom right there’s a house oh and a half

Yeah baby all right three more my friends three more heart crystals uh what is going to be inside this chest a mushroom outfit ah money 10 gold coins another Diamond gem tree didn’t we find one of those in the last episode wow this game clearly wants

Me to have diamonds ah a chest out in the middle of nowhere doesn’t appear to be a trapped one though so you know we should count our blessings I guess oh very good now wonder I can’t find the bleeding underground houses they’re all hidden look at this one I mean I would

Have just dismissed this if I’d have only explored that part of the cave but no I decided to come around explore another little micro cave here and here we are oh okay never mind it’s got my mortal enemy in it bye all right you know what I think I’m mentally exhausted

With caving today we’ll come back in the next episode and see if we can get ourselves a double jump what we can do for now my friends is we can get ourselves up to the surface and start getting on we’ve taken down these poor saps but of course having taken this

Event down quite a lot of times in the past I’m pretty much just got to skip it all look at that gang of Rangers over there that is incredible come on then you want a range of War I’ll give you a range of War you stupid bunch of Rangers I am the only

Ranger who is allowed to exist on this planet in this world should I say well I guess technically this is a planet right I don’t know are Terraria world’s planets am I just asking random questions to make filler content for this episode probably ah nice the Harpoon technically that’s ranged damage

Isn’t it supp to actually go pick oh can’t pick it up B booger I got a full inventory huh even after all of these years though my friends I’ve never quite understood why the Harpoon is classed as ranged damage but it is so we can use it yeah that’s right your Ranger abilities

Do not match mine you stupid Bowman oh no I’m going to die ah no the Mages the Mages they’re going to be the ones that kill me huh oh oh 18 gold coins as well well ouch literally the slowest Goblin Invasion I think I’ve ever had to take down when you’ve only

Got a musket as an actually decent weapon and it shoots as slow as it does yeah it’s a it’s a bit of a yikes if I’m honest with you oh that’s all right I didn’t want to live anyway living’s overrated in Terraria it really is never thought I’d be doing this

Purchasing a bunch of musk balls in the middle of an invasion because I really have been using that much ammo are we Plumbing done yeah this has lasted for 63,000 ice ages now holy moly I am running out of steam I don’t even think I’ll be able to take down the

E of WS today honestly I’m not frustrated so much at the fact that I died a whole bunch I’m frustrated at how long that took worse still is I don’t have an NPC house location for the Goblin tinkerer which sucks a lot and now I’m going to get

Spawn okay now now I’m getting frustrated at deaths oh go on demolitionist go on demolitionist go on go on sick him sick lad Come On Come On fight your corner you son of a gun god dear I don’t off have some useless NPCs sometimes gee whz now where the devil

Was that Harpoon oh it’s over here there we are superior Harpoon and and yep for some strange reason it still does range damage but do you know what I’m absolutely here for it I’ll use it it’s 28 range damage and it does not require any ammo whatsoever do we go hunt down

The Goblin tinkerer and see if we can’t get ourselves a reforge on this musket before we head on over to see if we can take down the eer of Worlds might be an idea I see you yeah there he is my friends Goblin secer we just sort of hung around the

Same area and well there we are so there we are all right so pretty much the only things we can make are the Spectre boots here which is obviously nice to have and finally of course the tiger climbing gear very very good and it comes with a little bit more defense which is

Beautiful I’m going to save doing reforging for another time because I don’t want to spend all of my money if I’m honest with you and since there’s now a couple of spaces for NPCs to now live since the other guys didn’t hold the fult very well yeah the goblin

Tinker can now live here all right 12 fallen stars should be enough for us to make 120 Jesters arrows or something like that let me just confirm it to myself yep 10 per star it’s going to be useful against the E2 of Worlds of course but is it going to be

Enough I don’t know all I could do is get myself a little bit of a mini Arena sorted out we’ll see if we can make ourselves a Summoner first cuz that would of course be the easier way to do this whole thing uh the answer to that is

Potentially is it 15 rotten chunks you need I think it is right Rotten Chunk yeah and a burger the good news is I don’t have to worry about fall damage anymore the bad news is this doesn’t lead down to the horizontal section ah so have we got the resources for the

Worm food yes we do it is 30 and 15 as I thought okay okay excellent right up to the surface we’ll get ourselves a couple of platforms placed down with a couple campfires maybe we’ll head back to base quickly to get ourselves a couple Buffs

To see if we can secure our Victory and then yeah we’ll be good all right so we’re not doing too bad in terms of Buffs we’ll take the burger for major improvements to all stats we’ got the iron skin regen and archery as well and S it we’ll take some swiftness as well

That lot should pretty much guarantee our victory but the only other thing I’ll do back over at the arena is I’m actually going to add another wood platform because honestly what I feel like you should do with your Arenas in Terraria is think of how many platforms

You think you need and then add another one and especially in the case of the Eater of Worlds where he winds up splitting into multiple segments having more maneuverable room is definitely a good thing indeed my friend so yeah like I said getting this other platform in

And then we’re going to give this thing a rocking good go I want something to go well in today’s episode so let’s see if the eer of Worlds will fulfill that Okie doie Arta chokey buffing up boom worm food demon bow let’s have this thing done shall we oh yeah that’s right I

Forgot we got to take care to avoid all of the disgusting vile spit yes all right so of course goes without that saying just as arrows still very much the way to go so that is what we’re going to be doing for now now oh here we

Go yeah you get them into sort of a horizontal ponage stance and you can do all the damage in the world what the I’m almost dead wow maybe I’m getting a little bit ahead of myself here folks all right I think we’re slowly but surely starting to sort

Of bring this back a little bit lots of viral split around got to be careful of that when these guys do wind up splitting a lot of the time they do drop little regenerative health parts that you can pick up so I’m dead you know what this episode

Has been an out andout failure and I am not happy the Goblin Army lasted 16 years the eat of WS battle there just went appallingly bad I mean granted I only have Ninja armor but I genuinely thought that that might be enough because you get increased movement speed and crit chance

With it I’m not happy I’m not happy I got to be honest with you I don’t like ending on failures but I am just about out of time to record today’s episode who’s hoping that in the next episode we can come back with a bit of a win for

Once because I’ve got to be honest with you my friends the seed for this world this world so far in general has just been appalling this has got to be one of the worst generated worlds I have had for a playthrough in a very very long time so yeah definitely contributing to

My annoyances in this series I do have to admit but I mean to be honest the first two episodes were full of absolute ponage so I guess the law of averages applies and we have to be slapped back down so yeah it’s just one of those

Things L gentlemen time to wrap up the episode thank you so much for watching if you’ve enjoyed today’s episode drop a like I’d really appreciate all the support even despite my shortcomings I would of course appreciate it hit the Subscribe button don’t forget to ding that Bell if you

Don’t want to miss out on my future content next episode we’re coming back and we’re going to bloody win okay that is the attitude we need to have and that is the attitude I do have next episode will be a win episode so tune in for that thanks for watching have a great

Rest of your day and I’ll see you guys in the next episode bye-bye

Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide – So it turns out I have possibly one of the WORST Terraria worlds I’ve had in any of my series… so as you can imagine… the frustrations commence…
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This is Episode 3 of my Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide on Terraria 1.4.4!
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