Minecraft: The Most Secret 1.19 Base Ever!? Part 2

What is the best secret base entrance you might think that thanks to 1.19 the best secret base entrance is powdered snow but really these bases can be found quicker than it takes a band kid to make a conversation awkward instead try using a trap door with a trapdoor you can

Bring your base entrance down to one block but still this entrance is too obvious just like the fact that you’re adopted so with two doors and a painting you can make a secret entrance that seems as old as time but by now everyone knows the secret entrance i mean you

Gotta be helen keller to not find this entrance but there is one secret entrance as old as minecraft this entrance is impossible to just stumble across the secret entrance is so good that you won’t ever use another entrance in your life but this one is really hard

To do so pay attention all you’re going to do is walk up to your base break two dirt blocks and you’re in

Minecraft THE MOST SECRET BASE EVER: Hey it’s Uriahshorts from TikTok! In this video, I played Minecraft but I showed off my most secret base for 1.19. I was told that dream couldn’t even get in, have you tried this?! Who else loves 1.19???.

#Shorts​​ #Minecraft​​ #Hamood​​

TikTok – uriahshorts


  1. this guy is so dumb
    1.19 powdered snow?
    bud it was added in 1.17
    also all the constant self-references of you being adopted are enough (don't need to know more about you)

  2. 1. Once upon a time I was roaming in the minecraft world and I fall in the powder snow and I got free netherite armour of my friend😅😅😅😅

    2. Whenever he left I always go to his house and by mistake my auto clicker broke his painting and I got his secret base 😂😂😅😅.

  3. A underground base blocks covering ladders to get in go to (-49) dig a long hall wayplace doors section it off, add a pit trap and a lava ceiling trap to kill intruders, and at the end a 2×2 red stone door to make it look like an unfinished base with the button behind a block in the wall and that’s the way into the first half, then expand it to where ever, another room with a decoy base. Put things you want stolen then under that by at least 5 and under your wall, your real base and you can get in there with breaking blocks.

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