I built WORKING RAIL CROSSINGS in Minecraft Create Mod!

Last episode I built a huge Factory round it full of machines to make blocks and visited foxy in order to steal some ideas for Delivery Systems today I get my first flatbed truck up and running build working rail crossings do lots and lots of terraforming and even add more

Machines to make more blocks and between episodes I’ve basically just been watching my van because I’ve managed to get all of the stations wired up and it’s just mesmerizing watching this thing go around so yeah it’s going to go around here it’s going to pull into a

System over here that doesn’t exist yet but it will do soon and the good news is also solved the train Problem by ignoring it it turns out this thing can just go straight through the train and it doesn’t cause any issues because they’re actually on different lines and

With how long I’ve been watching it I’m actually yet to see the truck go through the train accidentally I I did literally park it on the tracks to test and it hasn’t been causing any issues so I’m sure it’s fine but although we’ve got the truck going around and doing its

Thing it basically pulls in over there then it reverses out comes past here reverses into this bit and it stops at all these stations it’s not actually collecting anything at the moment because I haven’t hooked this up yet and that’s because I haven’t built the delivery system over here and to be

Honest I think we’re going to do something nice and simple and yes it’s raining of course it’s raining it’s always raining and what I want to do is make use of the fact that we’ve got all these drawers on the back here and pretty much just connect them all up

Into one big long line and we’ll do the same with the ones on that side then we’ll probably just go across the roof or something I don’t really know but either way we’ll connect up both sides underground might make more sense actually but either way we’ll get everything connected up and then we’ll

Just have the truck offloading from here directly into a draw controller and then it will just sort everything out straight away that way we haven’t got to add another bajillion conveyor belts we’ve got enough going on in here as it is and I think setting up that delivery

System is probably what I’m going to do first because once we’ve done that we can do all the terraforming around this area and make it look nice because although this road looks pretty cool the rest of it looks pretty rubbish and you’ll also be pleased to know I’ve

Sorted out my create backpack so everything here is actually locked in place now if we have a look here you can see that all of this has a memory so if I completely empty a slots it will always just go back in the exact same slot no matter what you take out which

Is marvelous the idea being that over time I’ll learn where stuff is in the backpack and it should just be a lot quicker for me to build stuff I swear I spent half my life looking for things and I need to wait for the truck to come

Back over because next time it gets over here I need to basically steal the schedule so that it stays here and then we can get everything linked up as we need it can’t do that without the truck assuming it’s around that corner cuz I can’t see it and I have to say watching

This thing reverse out and drive off is probably one of the most satisfying Parts another one being when it reverses over on this side as well oh love it here it comes drivey drivey so yeah we’re going to make a road that goes all through the middle here pretty much

Follows where that dirt line is it’s not too far off I suppose but for now I’m taking your schedule Mr fly much better than monkeys less violent so let’s grab some bits and Bobs from here we’ll need some shafts some belts storage interface some brass casings to make he look nice

Okay that actually works out quite well cuz what I could do is literally just have a shoot that goes straight into a draw dra down here then it’s just nice and discreet isn’t it yep I think I like that plan let’s do it so we need lots of

Trims we’re going to need some shoots if we literally just stick that there with a Shute on top then we just need to hook up the trim and in the config I have extended the range of my drawers they actually stretch to 75 blocks now

Instead of the standard 25 I think it is so this should reach all the way down I’m going to need a drawer controller as well I wonder how much of this stuff I’ve actually got I think we’re going to need some Stone and I’m probably going

To need to go grab a diamond so we’ve got some diamond in here we’ve got Stone I think we already had everything else yeah look at that perfect and I’ll just put the drawer controller in there so now if I do that that should lock all of the drawers although I should probably

Connect up the ones on the other side first and I might as well just do that underground considering I’ve already dug out a huge chunk so now to see if the locks work all the way to the drawer at the back here hopefully it can reach the

Whole Warehouse it does amazing so now we know that’s working I just need to assign some of those drawers to actually have items so let’s just grab a little bit of everything we’re making and then let’s do some organizing shall we so we’ll have bricks in the first one let’s

Make sure we’re putting all of the filters in where needed then Chuck them in the back and then we’re going to do all the blocks along here I think so in theory that should work now if we just set up all of the funnels and things on

This side and actually Supply some power that might be helpful as well that’s easy enough thanks to our brand new hole we’ve got down here so let’s just add some funnels as well before we turn it all properly so let’s stick that back on and okay looks like it’s doing its thing

Now we just need to do the same on the other side so I think everything is set up correctly hopefully if we restart the schedule on the truck here he’s going to do his little Loop he’ll actually pick stuff up and we should end up with full

Conveyor belts over here I think that’s going to be the easiest way to test if we end up with extra items back here we know that it’s worked so you sir can have your schedule back I’m going to take a Pew in the back here hopefully this is going to work

It seems to be picking everything up just nicely and the funnels here are just set to deposit eight items at a time so we’re probably only picking up about a stack and a half to two stacks each time basically I don’t want to sort of overload everything I just want to

Keep it nice and chill and let this thing go around and do its thing over time I mean it’s only me in the world I don’t need everything to be super fast now do I this side’s working as well excellent and now hopefully this will all work as well that should connect up

Just nicely we should start seeing items come out at least on the tracks that don’t have yeah there we go look at the back there excellent the system’s working so we should get some bricks and brick blocks yep there’s the brick blocks there’s the bricks we’ve already got the

Gold and the quarts brilliant the system works but although it works a lot of the area still looks well just not good not good at all so that’s my next task I think we’re going to do a whole bunch of terraforming we’re going to get all the

Roads in we’re going to get things looking nice and I’m probably going to try and hide some of these stations as well because I suppose now we’ve got these items here we can add them to the beardy delivery Network which means I need to hide these stations somewhere

Get them set up with the Redstone so they activate the right things as and when needed and basically just do what we’ve done on the other Warehouse I sense an incoming Montage Well that was a monster session of block placing but I think everything’s looking a whole lot better around here now so I’ve actually wrapped all the stations over here in the same signal station we have over that side think it just works and makes sense and the stations that

Here I’ve now moved underground so they’re all still linked up but they’re just not visible anymore which is good I’ve also sorted out the road although I haven’t sort of finished off this side of it because I don’t really know what I’m doing there yet I’ve extended the

Road all the way around as you can see and the truck actually follows it now we’ve sorted out this area and now that we have the create Deco mod we also have these which are actually functional vaults but they look like shipping containers and they really do help tie

The area together they look really cool I like those and with a few stacks of logs as well this is kind of like the storage yard area I’ll probably add some more stuff in future but these other big areas that we’ve got here are going to be for buildings and car parks and

Things like that and there will eventually be a giant Blaze Cake Factory here so I’ve just ignored that section for now I’ve also sorted out the sides of the buildings and made the start on the back as well if we take a look around here I’ve just kind of Walled it

All off we’ve got a couple of side entrances now as well I just need to do a bit of detailing around this area really it’s the back so we’ll ignore it for now so with everything set up over here there’s actually something I want to test and that involves these signals

Here here and these Crossings over here because well they’re on different tracks so at the moment the van is driving through the train we could just ignore it but I do wonder if we can maybe do something a bit more fancy it’s time to run some experiments but for that I’m

Going to need my small train and my small train is not over here because I actually hitched a ride on the lava train last time I came by but to be honest it’s probably about time we upgraded that tiny weird little train anyway I mean we’re making cool vehicles

Now maybe we can actually make one to get around on I mean if my recent visit to Fox taught me anything it’s that driving cars on train tracks is really quite fun even if it does result in death but that seems to happen with me regardless so let’s just put a bit of

Rail down to build on grab ourselves some train casings and a station and let’s make ourselves another 50 style vehicle of some kind if we Ed invisible bogey that should give us a bit more freedom as well oh I probably shouldn’t build this here because yeah we’re right

On the road so let’s just do it over here and to be honest we can probably get away with just using one bit of track here and that means we can actually have the wheels come down and so on on well first off it looks like we

Need three bits of track for it to actually allow us to place a bogey there we go one truck I think that should work nicely now to try and glue it all together without getting the track well it looks like I can’t assemble it unless I’ve got at least

Three bits of track means I’m going to need to reglue it so I also don’t get these pieces jeez so hopefully this will work this time and won’t take the rail with it we’ll just call this beardy one for now I think the best way to test

This is going to be to relocate it over here what are we left behind only a tiny bit of the front not bad so let’s just try gluing those again assemble the Train move it over here and nothing left behind and we didn’t take any rail with

Us either this is good so let’s take it for a quick lap this is so much better than that weird little train I’ve been driving around in and the good news is now I can do my testing but first I really need to clean up my inventory this is getting

Out of hand and I guess the best way to do that is going to be just to drive my truck all the way home and I’m instantly realizing when I get there I’m going to put a barrel on this thing and fill it with coal this is Slow so what I want to try and do is have it so that if there is a train in this section here the van will not go through because basically it doesn’t look right if it does go through a train and I’d rather avoid that altogether plus it could look quite cool especially

If we can get working barriers but that’s step two step one is just to check if we can stop this van from crossing the rails when there’s something in here and there’s a couple of ways we can do that I think the first is to use the signals we already have

Here so when there is a train inside that area it literally just gives off a redstone signal and then we can send that to the station to turn off the Redstone signal at the station and just change the schedule on the that goes around so that it will only leave the

Stations in front of the crossings if the station has a redstone signal does that make sense let me just quickly show you so we’ll just stick a couple of redstone torches in there for now and if we go down to this station and we have a

Setup similar to this what this means is currently the station doesn’t have a redstone signal so if we set the schedule right the van shouldn’t drive off however when there’s not a train in that area it will provide this station with a redstone signal allowing the

Truck to go I think that should work but I guess the only way to test is to find the truck oh perfect timing and grab his schedule yoink probably go to sleep too before stuff starts blowing up I have not added any lighting here okay so the

Schedule so this is where we are the drop off currently is just set to wait for 30 seconds but if we also add a redstone signal required so station powered and I’m hoping it will still wait the 30 seconds first but I guess we’re about to find

Out if not we’ll just add a second station just in front if I move this van out of the way that should power the station and let that thing go maybe yep okay there we go so he’s driving around just fine now if I block it again and just wait for

The truck to come all the way back around here we go I’m just going to sit here for a couple of minutes and hope that the truck doesn’t go any further nope the truck has still gone that didn’t work what that means is that the schedule isn’t an endgate it basically

It doesn’t need to meet both those conditions it just needs to meet one of them but not a problem we can solve this by adding a secondary station we’ll just add it directly in front we’ll call it Crossing one and we’ll just move all this over a block and if we grab matey

Boy schedule there we go and add in a new stock call that Crossing one so we’ll still have it wait 30 seconds at drop off and then it will only go past this station if it’s powered in theory let’s give it a go so hopefully this time he should just sit here and

Wait there we go he’s just nudged forward and he should stay there now until I move this train out of the way although we actually have a whole bunch of trains waiting to get past so he might be there for a while because all of these are then going to come in and

Yeah do the same thing and I also need to put a redstone signal thing on this I do Wonder though do they work if I just put them directly on the poles guess we’re about to find out no it would appear not so I am going to need to do

That here as well do the same thing and then we’ll just put another signal over here as well just so once it goes past that point it can carry on and do its thing but yeah we can hide that one underground doesn’t need to be visible

And hopefully as soon as I go past that signal the van should drive off the trains all seem to have gone the other way which is good yes look at that system works so now I just need to hook up the other Crossings here and what I’ll do is I’ll

Set up a different signal for this Crossing and then a third signal for that Crossing there just so we’ve got a bit more control so with a few more tweaks to matey boy schedule over here so once we’ve got the clay blocks it will go to Crossing three then Crossing

Two then drop off then Crossing one and then do the whole Loop again so hopefully I should prevent any collisions now I think I’ve got them all set up correctly the question is will it crash I guess we’re about to find out he’s waiting excellent stuff so if we now

Reverse and then go down here and into this one here it should hopefully stop Again a this is amazing I love it so that’s awesome now we know that that works we can try and figure out if we can actually have some moving barriers as well I don’t see why not we just need to take that Redstone signal and make something activate and I don’t believe

Any trains use this rail here so I can just park my van over here and it should be out of the way for now so if we want moving barriers we’re going to need to make use of some kind of a bearing and I would imagine a mechanical bearing is

Probably the one let’s have a Ponder so that’s not quite what we want that’s just a spinny thing I mean that’s all very cool but not really what we’re after but about 3 hours of messing around later I think I have figured out how to get this working for us so I have

A mechanical bearing here which is attached to this pole and this can of course spin round and round and around but because we just want it to go 90° that way and then 90° back the trick was to use this a sequenced gearshift and this will trigger when it receives a

Redstone pulse so if I push this button it will close this barrier it will then wait there until it receives another Redstone pulse such as this and then it raises again and to trigger that Redstone pulse I have a link receiver here which if we go underneath to the

Station is connected up to this Observer which which is actually watching the other one to see whether there’s a train in that section of track and when there is a train in that area this will emit a pulse and then this just extends it a little bit just to make sure that this

Sender can pick it up which is what makes the barrier go up and down so it all ties together nicely so we actually have a train coming in now so we can see the whole thing in action so let’s just quickly fly over this side you can see

The barriers are up at the moment and this timing might work out well actually we might end up with the truck trapped in here as well so as soon as that train goes off like this here we go the barriers come down these barriers are coming down I do need to speed these

Ones up though and this truck will just sit here while the train goes past then the barriers will come back up and as soon as the truck’s done delivering it can carry on along its way look at that wonderful gives a whole lot more life to this place but that’s

Enough messing around out here I’ve got some more machines to make and for that I think we’re going to utilize the top half of this building here because there’s a lot of space up here there’s not currently a way in though so we should probably make one of those and we

Can do with a bit more flooor in here as well but the important thing is we’ve got lots of space and up here I plan to make diorite granite and a site and of course quartz blocks and things like that that we can make from downstairs

And if we’ve got space we may even filter off some red sand cuz there’s things we can make from that too but because this Cobble gen down here already can’t keep up I’m actually just going to stick another one down this side and that’s what we’re going to use

For the Farms upstairs so we just do the same thing here that we did on the other side got a bunch of Cobble coming in let’s put a floor in so we don’t fall in the lava I’ve now got the floors in I’ve set in the threshold switch for the

Cobble generator and I’ve rooted up some separate power for the rest of the things we need up here and this time because it’s upstairs it’s a bit more hidden away it’s not like down there I’m going to do a lot of the moving around of items using drawers and draw trims

Primarily as leg prevention but also it means everything can be a bit more Compact and I can make more blocks up here than I would have been able to otherwise and for this to work we’re going to need a lot of spruce trims so my thinking is I’m just going to run

This along the back wall here and most of that should be covered by the time we’ve built the machines anyway but we’re also going to run it around this wall as well just so we’ve got full access everywhere and we can always tidy this up as necessary later but for now

I’m sure it’ll be fine and the first thing I want to make up here is diorites and there’s a few different ways we could use flint and cow site and lava but that just sounds complicated I think the simplest one for us is going to be

To make use of the courts we’ve got downstairs cuz we’ve got thousands of it and of course the Cobble that we’re already generating I think the best way to get this to work is maybe we could L head downstairs is to connect this draw here up to the top cuz that means we’ll

Always still have quarts available in the vault and only excess quarts will be taken over to the new place we can just get this connected up there so now we should be able to pull quarts out of this in theory we’re also going to need

Quite a lot of power up here so I think it makes sense just to stretch this all across I think there’s another storm going on so what we’re going to need to make diorite is two quarts and two cobbles so we’ve just hooked up some slave controllers onto some funnels and

Some depos which is going to pull that out of the system for us to make make this work we’re going to need a bunch of mechanical Crafters but that’s not something we actually have in our create backpack cuz well we don’t normally need them but if I grab some wood to get some

Crafting tables we should have everything else we need on us so let’s make a bunch of these look at that we’ve completed some quests oh dear not going to lie I completely forgot about the quest book we should probably check that out we probably got loads of free stuff but

We’ll save that for another time for now let’s figure out this diorite machine if we put some andite funnels on the back there and connect up an AR to do that and another arm to go in the opposite Corners to put in the Cobble think I’ve done that right and

Then just give everything a little bit of power that should make diorite look at that let’s just stop that for a moment while we figure out the storage and I think we should just be able to have it go straight back into the drawer like that and we’ll give that drawer some

Upgrades too excellent well that was easy now how do we make Granite di right in quartz so we can literally do exactly the same machine again but just do it here and in fact while I think of it I should probably put in an off switch as

Well so we’ll stick a clutch in there we’ll put that there and it’s from quartz to diorite that makes sense that’s set to receive and we’ll just stick a threshold switch on the back here so let’s just repeat this setup again for the next one though I appear

To have used drawers at the bottom there not trims that’s better it’s not quite the same machine cuz I only need two panels for this one but it’s doing its job we’re now getting lots of granite let’s make sure we’re locking quantifying and upgrading this as well

Oh this is easy this is next up is and theight which is just di right and Cobble that’s nice and easy as well let’s just do this all over again and there we go we’ve automated andesite we’ve hardly taken up any space at all now is there anything else we can make

Our diorite that’s worth doing up here looks like we could have used basins and mixers to make these things oh well it’s done now huh would you look at that we can turn Granite into red sand safe to say I think that’s fine for now however there’s definitely other things we can

Make with quartz primarily quarts blocks and of course smooth quarts would be nice to make some Rose quarts automatically as well but we haven’t automated redstone yet but we’ll do some automated packing to get blocks of quartz that should be fairly simple there we go there’s our little quartz

Machine going for it having a wonderful time I’d say we’re making some pretty good progress but let’s get some smooth quarts as well while we’re here and there we go now we’re producing smooth quarts as well 16 at a time probably make this whole area look a little bit

Safer let’s get some barriers up well I’d say that’s pretty good going for today that’s another five blocks we’re producing but now I need to figure out how we’re going to get them over to that warehouse I’ve got an idea that may be silly but it may be quite good if it

Works and maybe it’s about time we had an aerial delivery system we could do something fairly simple maybe with some monals and some shipping crates potentially and we could literally just have it pull into here load up on stuff and then go back down again that could

Be quite cool so let’s start by making this hole here a little bit bigger and getting a monoral line in so let’s start just by putting in a straight line over here let’s see where about on this building it’s going to connect I think I’ve got it in line here yep this

Appears to be in line but there’s not a lot of room in here so it I think it’s literally just going to have to be like a hanging shipping container and that’s it but we can probably make that work let’s smash some more holes let’s see if we can make

A tiny shipping container that hangs on a monor raal this may not go well so this is what the shipping container is going to look like from the outside and inside we’ve got a tiny bit of space and I know we need at least three blocks

Because we need one for the seat and one for the controls going each way so it’s a train that give us a tiny bit of space for storage and the storage interfaces and we also need to figure out how it knows what to pick up this one could be

A challenge I’ll bring you back in once I’ve got it figured out so I think I’ve got it all worked out and on the inside here we’ve got our train controls so we can go in both directions and a bit of head room for the driver we’ve then got

A storage interface pointing out that way and we’ve got a toolbox which I’ve indicated what resources to pick up and I’ve just filled the other slots with random stuff for now if we make more blocks up here we can of course swap that out and we’ve also got room for

More tool boxes if needed cuz we can put them on top of the train controls here but the important thing is how does it know what to load up and that is all down to this arm because it will only feed things into here if it has

Somewhere to put it and it has access to all five resources here or at least it will once I build three more of these so in theory it should just pick up the ones it can and put them in there and I’ll leave that on round robin that

Should work fine so let’s just wall up the last bit of this stick it all together now let’s turn it into a train and see if it actually works no no structure attached to Bogey ah okay let’s just stick a block in there for

Now and glue it in okay well it’s made a train let’s see if we can get in and take it for a spin oh I love it yeah I think this could work and we can even bring the walls in a bit it doesn’t need quite as

Much space does it we need to get a roof in though and of course we need to give it a driver it looks like it’s filled up what it can of the quarts and well it didn’t have much smooth quarts available but it’s put in what it had so let’s get

These last three hooks looked up and then we’ll sort out the drop off system over there as well and I’ll bring you back in once that’s all done and a short while later I think we’re all sorted this shipping container is going backwards and forwards and it’s dropping

Off in here and I pretty much just did the same thing I did outside I’ve just got a storage interface with a funnel that goes into a draw controller or a draw controller slave I should say and then there’s draw Trim in here that I’ve just covered to make it look a little

Bit better and that all connects up to this system and once again just feeds into the vaults down the bottom here but while I was doing that I did know is a slight problem with our little delivery van over here and that is that he had

Basically too much Clay on him the clay in here got full up but he was still picking it up over there and it sort of jammed up the shoot and all sorts so I had two options I could have put a void upgrade on the brick box but then we’re

Just making loads of bricks we don’t need so that seemed a bit pointless but the other option was just to have an off switch so we’re now checking the level of bricks in here once it goes over 50% it just turns this on and that is linked

All the way over to here and if we look look at the brick funnel here we can see that’s now locked so bricks are no longer coming out which means this thing isn’t getting full up with bricks and it just keeps everything flowing nicely it was also quite late by the time I

Finished that and I didn’t fancy recording any Clips so I just chilled out and sorted out the little bit of landscaping over there as well ready for our Blaze Factory but sadly that’s going to have to wait for a future episode because I am all out of time for today

But I’m so pleased with how this area is coming together it’s awesome that we’re making load of blocks and there’s still more we can make we’ve still got all the things from red sand and other bits and Bobs but most most importantly we’ve got our Crossings working we’ve got our van

Going around and we’re preventing collisions which is always a good thing but I hope you’ve enjoyed it and I’ll see you on the next one byebye now

I put my lack of knowledge to the test with create mod in Minecraft and eventually work out how to make working rail crossings for my transport network, meaning my trains no longer drive through my delivery trucks! I also make more machines to automate diorite, granite, andesite, quartz and smooth quartz, and have fun with another monorail!

Get the pack on Curseforge – https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/create-perfect-world – and come join us on the community server via discord! https://discord.gg/JWzC94JjUX

A playlist of music used in all my videos over the years! https://tinyurl.com/2ta9uxpw


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Twitter: https://twitter.com/MrBeardstone


#minecraft #createmod #create #letsplay #episode29 #letsplay #survival


  1. you dont need 2 stations for the scedule to work correctly!
    If you add a condition under a condition with the bottom plus then it will function as an and gate.

  2. I wish you could paint a logo on the side of the truck with a custom painting or something…your truck could be branded The Beardstone Delivery Service because it delivers Beardstone place to place…could brand all the trains like that to..maybe even have a rival company with uglier trains that is obviously inferior to The Beardstone Delivery Service…lol

  3. Now you have figured out triggering contraptions from train positions, you could add sliding doors to the monorail portals in the two buildings, that would be pretty epic

  4. Can you make a video in which you, as a passenger on the passenger train, travel the entire route in the VIP carriage but without time-lapse and everything in the first-person perspective and perhaps with someone else so that it appears realistic

  5. you should put a couple iron girder towers to make it look like the monorail rail is being supported between the two buildings

  6. Hi Beardy,
    Quick question, aren’t you scared a bit that you’re gonna maybe use a redstone link combination, that you’ve already used?
    Love your videos

  7. Why did Mr. Beardstone change it so the truck doesn't go around the back of the building anymore? It made so much more sense for the delivery truck to circle around the back of the building as a normal delivery truck would.

  8. I’m pretty sure you can use a train observer with a redstone link into a pulse extender on one track, hooked up to a Train signal on the other track. So when the train observer sees the train pass, it pulses for the time, until the train passes(You’ll have to fiddle with this one) then the train signal goes back to white,allowing the truck to pass. This is only if you want to fine tune it

  9. Beardstone , what do you think about placing your decorative containers on rotation bearings and giving them slight angle ? I believe it vould look super natural

  10. Hello ! Nice video but something's bother me. You are saying that you are using trim to prevent lag but you are using mechanical arms ! I do not know for the latest create but for create in1.16 arm where horrible for tps. I was trying to not use them at all ! Bewared of them !

  11. Love your crossing design. Just wanted to mention that the Thingamajigs mod adds railroad crossings, as well as other nice decorative road signs and furniture pieces. Would highly recommend adding to the pack.

  12. For the air delivery of the new stone types (Diorite, granite, etc), I think you should of used the invisible tracks and boggeys and made a Drone that looks like it is flying thru the air.

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