How Evil Mikey Found and Catch JJ FAMILY ? – Minecraft (Maizen)

Hey what’s that there’s a lever up there huh wa oh I forgot to tell you what it’s a hidden storage room oh that sounds like fun let’s take a look around do you have anything good in here to be honest I don’t think there’s anything in there

I haven’t really used this room in a long time W what is that huh oh yeah JJ what’s to deal with this helmet it’s so cool can I have it please uh hold on that helmet it’s so cool I don’t know Mikey I think there was something really wrong about that

Helmet no way it’s awesome it does look cool but if I remember correctly I think we aren’t supposed to put it on I can’t remember why though fine but can I still have it if I promise that I won’t put it on I guess that would be okay just be

Careful with that thing don’t put it on you got it uh I can’t stop thinking about that helmet I really wish I could remember what was wrong with it maybe I should do some research online H open let’s see here H there I found it go now I

Remember that helmet has a powerful curse apparently Anyone who puts on the helmet will become a completely different person Mikey knows not to put it on so it should be okay but it’s still dangerous maybe I should ask Mikey to give it back H it’s getting dark out

Though I can’t go today I’ll have to go tomorrow morning I’m sure I’ll be safe with it for one night time to get some sleep good night rise and shine if Mikey has been cursed this could be a little dangerous so this is what I’m bringing I’m sure I won’t need all these

Items but it’s better to be safe than sorry I feel like I’m ready for anything now I’m just going to rearrange some stuff first okay I’m ready to go let’s head to Mikey’s house and get that helmet back I’m glad I’m prepared I’ve got a bad feeling about This man I really hope Mikey isn’t wearing the cursed helmet where’s his house again it’s around here somewhere H what’s that hold on something’s wrong it looks completely different is that Mikey’s house no way it’s been totally rebuilt I’ve definitely got a bad feeling about this wao Mikey built the security house in

Just one day no way the last time I was here it was just a dirt house I don’t believe this wait how do I get in the lasers are keeping me out so I guess I’ll just have to climb over the Top there I made it to the top now to get back down like that okay I’m inside the fence I’m starting to get the feeling that Mikey may already have been cursed I need to hurry up and get that helmet back wa this is a pretty impressive lava

Mo I’m not sure I have enough blocks to bridge across what do I do now I’ll try calling out to him to get his attention Mikey hey Mikey it’s me JJ you must be here to take back this helmet huh well yeah I am Mikey did you put the

Helmet on I told you not to that thing is super cursed it’s dangerous you’re too late I’ve already taken over Mikey’s body and I’ll never give it back his eyes they’ve turned red I was too late Mikey has already been cursed well you leave me no choice I’ll have to take the

Helmet off you by force and break the curse I won’t let you oh yeah you’ll never come close thanks to my security system yikes take that Fireballs he’s not messing around he set me on fire how the more at least my shield was able to block some

Of them yikes you’ll never get close now he’s right I’m trapped I’m keeping this body this is bad good thing I brought these golden apples what am I going to do how’d you set up this level of security overnight Mikey for now I’ll stay here where he

Can’t hit me eventually he has to run out of ammo there huh he’s all out of fireballs let’s go what no more ammo all right now’s my chance Mikey give me back the helmet you’re out of ammo so there’s nothing else you can do not a chance I

Still have some tricks up my sleeve wait what when I put this lover my zombies are Unleashed wao I didn’t even notice the zombies yes destroy him there’s so many of them and they’re not burning up in the Sun at all why do they have Mikey’s face they’re my own me they’re really

Creepy get him I’m going to need my shield for this there I’m glad I came prepared or I would have been in some real trouble all right there’s only two left come on yes I did it I slew them all Mikey just give me back the helmet

And we can be friends again fine you win I’ll give it back oh the helmet’s yours thank you you’re not lying right no I’m serious one problem I can’t get there with this lava in the way how am I supposed to get across that’s no problem

I’ll just bring up a bridge for you JJ there’s a bridge watch okay see wow what do you think where did that even come from thank you Mikey I really didn’t think you’d give it up okay then hand it over please you fool I tripped you huh

This helmet is mine no Mikey is gone this body belongs to me now the BRD disappeared how did I fall for that a golden apple should do the trick come on Mikey that was mean thankfully I think my equipment is going to get me out of this one

Alive that was a close call but I’m out of the lava the helmet is mine he has arrows too yikes that’s right just give up you’re not getting the helmet back I can’t give up I need to break Mye curse I guess there’s only one thing left to

Do I’m going to have to use this my secret weapon sorry Mikey but I’m taking that helmet okay let’s get this set up you’ll never get across to Lava never oh yeah we’ll see about that I’ll put some blocks here and some more on the other side just like that then some

Water okay H almost done that should do it f finally I better need another Golden Apple sorry Mikey but I’m breaking that curse and getting back that helmet what are you doing yes I made it no way my plan worked all right Mikey’s in a cell and ready to go I’m

Going to have Mikey attempt to break out yeah I’ll break out in 5 minutes TOS oh really is that so h hm what’s your plan I know what to do there will be something in this room that will help me escape I’m going to find it oh you’re looking pretty

Confident I wonder will Mikey be able to escape and cell I know oh huh oh it must be around here with all this stuff crafting table enchantment table even furnaces it’s suspicious H interesting huh oh huh H well I’ve looked it all over and it seems normal maybe over Here no nothing a it’s just a toilet it doesn’t lead anywhere now what I don’t see any way out of here it’s hopeless any hints H let’s see okay listen up your hint is yeah the enchantment table huh but I just looked through all this stuff really well and there was nothing

There Mikey was there anything behind the enchantment table like gaps or anything wo no way now that I look again there’s a secret lever of course something seemed off about this area I know what to do if I pull the lever the exit will open up let’s see

Mikey huh oh the vent it’s open now see good job finding the lever and opening up the entrance to the ventilation system go ahead and Escape through there oh I wonder where this leads what’s up ah it’s amazze good luck try not to get lost it’s dangerous it’s split which Way this way wo that was close wa be careful not to touch those you could have warned me huh this way has lasers too what now H I guess I could sneak through the laser this way yep be careful got it wa yes I’m on a roll what’s over here a

Door let’s go 3 2 1 what’s this place I hope you’re ready what is this place there’s water and lava but why you have to choose between a pit of water or a pit of lava and dive into one one is the right choice and the other is wrong

What it’s a choice H water or lava I know H I choose water why well JJ I would burn up if I chose lava no matter how how I think of it water is the answer it’s obvious the choice is simple water so here I go no huh there’s cets no there’s

Creepers too uh-oh poor Mikey seriously I’m sorry to say JJ water no was the wrong choice really that’s a slow fall man man too bad no these creepers can I get away there’s no way Out nope Mikey a that means lava is the way to go is it really safe to just dive in if it makes you feel better I promise you’ll be fine if you jump in really I don’t have any other choice hot H I’m fine check it out there’s a layer of

Water right underneath so that’s how it works even your fall damage was taken care of by these slime blocks let’s move on to the next area wo is this lava parkour yep and there’s no water under this lava so be very careful on the course all right good luck

Mikey I’m nervous it’s okay ouch it burns I was so sure I could do it you got this yeah I’ll make it this Time nice that was awesome good job what’s next Mikey do you see a button it should be there can I get it now okay we have push the button to launch into the air I made it you have to walk across the pipe without falling to open the door good work Mikey

Thanks there are two doors in here weird oh on the right you have the cat door on the left the pumpkin door huh you have to choose which one to go into that’s a tough choice pumpkins have a scary face on them there might be a creepy ghost inside but on the other

Hand yeah the cats are adorable I choose the cute kitty door yeah this must be the right choice interesting choice I hope there’s kittens inside 3 2 1 huh that’s no cat there a tune stay away out help me is that not the cat you were hoping

For that was awful dudes are bad I’m sorry there was a kitty behind the cat door but it was a super dangerous one then that means the pumpkin door is the right one but it’s scary trust me it’s okay I hope you’re right 3 2 1 huh oh Snow

Golems up oh behind the pumpkin door is a bunch of snowmen with pumpkins for heads well snow gems are really nice it’s so cute totally all right Mikey let’s keep moving you’re getting very close to breaking out I see something stairs ah the exit must be at the top of

These stairs I can do this sharp thinking Mikey good luck so M stairs what’s up here is that what’s up the exit but yeah there’s a big monster right next to it is that a mutant Zombie H oh Mikey big news JJ big terrible news what what is it there’s been a robbery come I’ll show you no look H this house belongs to the richest man in town and last night he was broken into wo no kidding that’s not all everything in the safe was

Stolen you’re right it’s completely empty the poor man was robbed isn’t it awful huh he’s still passed out H let’s talk to the policeman officer how is the investigation going what you haven’t caught the culprit yet JJ it’s worse than that they don’t know who did it like they have no

Idea not a single lead they have haven’t found any clues huh huh oh hang on huh what’s up wait a sec of course that’s it what is there a clue this house yeah is covered in cameras you’re right that means H if we hack into the security feed we can watch

The footage from last night I’ll get the computer set up hm okay do it all right focus focus I’m in I found last night’s footage awesome but is the richest man in town just staring into space I guess I wonder what’s going to happen weird H

H wait H look by the door there’s someone there or something is it the culprit or he’s coming in you think he’s already inside and the richest man in the village hasn’t even noticed really nope What oh he attacked him for no reason that’s so mean yeah seriously too bad the video quality is so bad we can’t see the cprit’s face now he’s trying to steal his things no Way did he just break into the safe wao if he opened the safe then he must be the one who stole the treasure at least that’s my guess h I was right he’s the robber look what’s he doing now is he leaving yeah he ran off well follow him I switched to a different camera where does he think he’s going with the Millionaire’s precious possessions huh into the garage he wouldn’t unbelievable really he’s stealing the expensive sports

Car wow huh he’s gone does that mean he took the car too yep that’s what happened but the resolution was too poor to see the cprit’s face oh how are we supposed to catch him if we don’t know what he looks like it’s impossible well we can’t give up Mikey

We’ll just have to come up with another way to find him we should start brainstorming Then ah let’s see oh I know I’ve got a plan yeah there we’re ready to roll here’s what we’re going to do break it down for me first we’ll get this police dog to learn the smell of the car come on here boy are you you picking up the scent

Keep trying uh so what’s next then we follow the dog he’ll lead the way seriously is that actually going to work I think so oh he found the scent all right we got a lead let’s go NAB this bad guy Mikey I’m coming if we stick with the dog we should bump right

Into him huh here I doubt we’ll find the robber in this old rundown Place H well this is where the trail leads uhhuh according to this trained police dog our bad guy is right inside you think so I don’t know this Shack does look abandoned but don’t let your

Guard down proceed with caution okay sure here we we go open well H see I told you this isn’t a hideout our bad guy is definitely laying low somewhere but not here this is just an old dump yeah you’re right Mikey hang on why is that lever up there

Huh I wonder what it does I’m in it wao no way wow H what is it it looks like a secret entrance wait Mikey the robber must be nearby after all why would this be here right he must be a very careful criminal yeah keep your eyes peeled for traps

Okay we’ll do now come on let’s NAB this guy moving out what’s that a security camera stay out of view pH yes I don’t think it saw us ready yep let’s find out what’s through this door what is this place h a lava pit this bad guy doesn’t take any

Chances he set up this trap for us falling in would not turn out well for us that’s for sure let’s be careful we’ll move slowly one block at a time nice just like that make sure you don’t fall in okay got it hot that’s hot Mikey make it stop oh no oh

Slowly let’s go coming if we’re prudent enough we’ll definitely be able to get to this criminal I really want to catch him there we go yes I made it up good work Nice now we don’t know what other traps he set up so let’s be extra careful going forward extra extra careful hang on H there’s a door over there let’s go sure come on what just happened we triggered a pitball trap it got us but at least

We’re safe now where are we look out alligator attack we got to bounce run for it get away from these pesky alligators there are so many just keep running we’re totally outnumbered we’ll never beat them stay close and don’t stop moving forward are we safe yet that got really

Hairy I had no idea there were criminals who took these kinds of precautions he’s one prudent crook so we better be on our toes right through the escape hatch stay alert move out okay here we go where are we oh lasers in a place like this he’s crafty we’ll have to

Proceed with caution I mean getting by the security measure isn’t a big deal but ow you okay yeah I’m fine be careful let’s get going through here there made it made it without touching any of the beams I bet you that door leads straight

To our robber all we have to do now is catch him this is going well huh don’t let your guard down oh my guard’s way up huh huh oh way what run back wait the way we came from also got blocked off are we trapped in here come check out this shutter

Quick it’s so sturdy well never be able to get out we can’t turn back or push forward to catch the culprit this Wall’s unbreakable we’re trapped forever hold on Mikey listen to me what’s the point I brought something H I wasn’t sure what to expect so I packed

Some dynamites that is so perfect good thinking this should be able to blast through yeah we’ve been dealing with a super cautious criminal but now this is about to get caught on your toes all right we’re in let’s na our guy security cameras this far in what a pro shall we yeah I’m

Ready let’s bust this door open we’ve got this 3 2 1 open the robber let’s get him there’s the Cari stole he has a knife right be careful you too Mikey it’s sharp ow ow ow that hurt enough we have to take him out he’s tough surrender really really tough but we’ll

Defeat him I know it pH we did it we defeated the bad guy yay sweet Plus look Mikey we retrieved the expensive sports car H I wonder if the other stolen goods are around here too W wao Mikey look inside this chest here it is the stolen gold from

The millionaire safe amazing yeah okay let’s call the police so they can come arrest the culprit good idea bring them [Applause] up We did it sir we caught that lousy Thief for you not bad huh all right let’s get started we’re seeing what prison life is like as inmates I bet it’s way more fun than you’d think let’s go to our cells wow la la so this is my

Cell oh there’s even a bed and bookshelves in here and toilets it’s actually really roomy plus there’s a big window uh how’s yours Mikey well myel he way too small a a there are cobwebs everywhere and no bed either why is my cell so run down you’re kidding well at least this isn’t

Something I’d experience otherwise so I guess it’s fun for what it is yay well then let’s start living the prison Life huh oh I guess it’s meal time let’s go Mikey oh sweet I’m so hungry I could eat anything I just hope it tastes good me too nice my meal is bread and an apple simple but yummy lucky you this is all they gave me wait is that grass Mikey

Seriously yeah they said it’s cuz I’m a turtle and Turtles only eat grass but on the bright side I love eating grass well again but Mikey won’t you be hungry after this yeah probably I have an idea wait right here JJ huh Mikey H one sec

Uh what you can’t go in there what are you doing no one is here right now so they’ll never know here I found them yes Mikey be careful it’s fine I did it yes you GJ look I snuck some cookies I’ll have them for Dinner okay it’s time to shoot some hoops huh oh Mikey huh JJ let’s play some basketball oh I was told I need to run laps around the court huh so tired huh what is it huh no slacking I was just taking a break hey hey hey off the guards have their eye on

Mikey no stop It well it’s time to sleep woohoo first I’m eating the cookies I stole from the kitchen then I’m going right to sleep okay Mikey huh wait he’s here to search us oh that’s going to be a problem hey he knows about the cookies I’m sorry I couldn’t help just cookies he confiscated the

Cookies Wow I didn’t realize we’d be searched all those cookies I snuck we took them all A oh morning already oh hi Mikey morning I couldn’t sleep at all on this hard floor but don’t worry I’m still going to keep trying my best with prison life prison life isn’t easy but it might still be Fun okay Mikey time for prison labor we’re Gathering coal right there’s so much mhm this is super hard I mean it’s pretty dangerous working this close to Lava oo coal mining can be pretty tough now I’m going over to this chest where I’ll take out a pickaxe and TNT and I’ll use them

Efficiently to mine for coal I’ll place the TNT here and light it there we go now I can gather more coal even faster W that was awesome I’ll keep blowing up this TNT so I can collect as much coal as Possible all right that should do it JJ I’m tired from not being able to sleep last last night all right I think I’ll take a little break a break where are you going to do that there’s a bench over there it’s still labor time yeah I’ll be quick well don’t let the guard

Catch you it’s fine I’m so Tired huh what no breaks during work ouch not again oh I’m sorry I’m sorry Mike’s in trouble I’m going to steal some TNT while the guard is isn’t I’ll just take a little bit great I’ve got a plan for when I get back to my cell OU I’m sorry cut it

Out I’m sorry I ever tried prison life I didn’t think it was going to be this hard I feel the same way Mikey that’s why we’re escaping that’ll be impossible how are we supposed to leave ourselves [Applause] JJ huh look what I stole we can use it

To blast open the walls of ourselves and Escape now you’re talking JJ let’s get out of this place right away I never want to deal with prison life again okay I’ll use this TNT mhm to destroy the door sweet all right 3 2 1 go yes stand back

Okay yes yay the door was destroyed nice hurry let’s jump off and Escape come on Mikey I’m coming nice run for it let’s get out of here if the guards get us they’ll drag us back to prison we have to escape before they catch on I can’t go back there don’t get caught

I’m definitely getting out of here just a bit farther okay turn here we’re almost free woohoo yes all right hang on huh wait a second this is a dead end oh that’s no problem huh I still have some TNT we can blast our way through

Yes it blew up hurry Mikey huh hang on JJ the guards are coming what now run away run for your life Mikey they’ve spotted us trying to escape it’s okay up the stairs okay keep going they’re getting on us I don’t want to go back to prison if they catch us

This will all have been for nothing no way we’re closing in uh-oh don’t get caught Mikey I definitely won’t hurry we’re going to be fine once we climb these stairs we’ll be up to the roof will it be safe up there this is how we escape almost there

Yes we made it Mikey yay hang on are we okay we’re on the roof almost spr we’ve come so far run awesome huh what was that oh the guard is shooting at us no the guard Mikey I can’t believe it after all that uh yikes shoot they’re still after me

Uh-oh well it may have taken Mikey down but I can still Escape I got a a hurry Now’s the Time to jump yes I managed to escape safely but the guards still have Mikey hi everybody I’m Mikey nice to meet you anybody have a cookie JJ if you can hear hear this save

Me this is terrible oh Mikey I heard you were in an accident are you okay here an apple a day oh and flowers oh I tripped and hurt myself I can’t walk weird huh what you can’t can’t walk really yeah but I’ll be fine after surgery that’ll fix me up uh Mikey the

Thing is H surgery is expensive oh the cost is $3 million huh no way I don’t have that money what am I going to do oh wait I have an idea really mhm you do mhm what is it what are you doing on the computer well have you ever heard of crowdfunding

What’s that it’s when you collect donations online that’s how I’ll get the money you’re going to use crowdfunding for that it’s that easy it’s easy to raise money like this I’ll just mess around on my phone while I wait Oh Mikey oh I’m here to visit you a thanks I love having my phone oh hey how is your crowdfunding great I should check do I have 3 million yet let’s [Applause] see well H oh hm huh what no what a how much that’s weird I didn’t even raise a penny seriously

I’m doomed $3 million is impossible oh you didn’t raise any money well you can’t give up huh you have to walk again Mikey I’ll look for a part-time job I’ll work for you thank you all right mining is the highest paying job around so that’s what I’ll

Do H rare ores oh there’s one I’ll mine as many as I can if I find enough of these I’ll get a bonus all right reare ores are more common the deeper you go wao oh oh no way it’s a diamond ore wo oh that’s great nice I’ve already found diamonds

And iron I think I’ll try going even deeper down there might be more rare ores down there I’ll just have to be careful not to fall into the Lava huh let’s see wonder if there’s something around here wow looks like no one is M be on this point they handed out Dynamite so I’ll lay out a good amount of TNT a really good amount and then light it run away run away run away wo now any rare ores down there

What huh what really emeralds and diamonds there’s even a lot of gold W this is amazing look there’s even Some Coal too this is unbelievable yes it was pure luck but I found so much look how much I found here I’m going to get a crazy huge bonus this

Job is so easy W all right well then let’s get started all right then I worked hard at my part-time job for one whole week it was tough it was difficult but I searched and found plenty of rare ores it’s time to collect my K okay oh that’s the place I should be

Able to get paid There it’s already dark out oh I should make plans to hang out with Mikey H I think I’ll give him a video call okay here we go oh hey JJ what’s Up this cake is delicious it’s awesome Mikey hey did you want to hang out tomorrow oh sure let’s do something together it’ll be lots of fun huh Mikey what he disappeared where did he go Mikey what Happened who’s that huh was that a ghost seriously what happened could a ghost have attacked Mikey this is bad I have to save him uh I’ll take the computer with me all right I’m off to help Mikey there’s his house that one let’s Go seriously what happened over there I need to hurry over why did he suddenly disappear H the lights are off is nobody home if Mikey is awake the lights should be on I’m going to peek in the Window huh St what huh wao it’s the ghost oh it’s real that’s the one that got Mikey oh man it looks really strong and I’m unarmed if I try to fight that thing now I’ll lose okay I need to make some Diamond equipment then I can beat it I need to

Go mining first I really need to find a cave and Fast all right I found a cave I need to hurry up and find those diamonds without equipment I’ll never beat the ghost where can I find them H oh there I see some if I hop down here okay I’m getting him yes there’s quite a few here but how Many oh wo I found six but that still won’t be enough I need to find a lot more Mikey you’re moving yeah I’ve been wanting to for a while actually this house is so loud it’s driving me crazy I Liv it because the red was so cheap but

I haven’t been able to sleep a week since I’ve been here a w just a second that’s a lot of villagers I know how could there possibly be so many of [Applause] them huh a hang on I could be wrong but it look like your place is completely

Surrounded by one family’s giant house uhhuh I hear the villagers talking from every direction not only that I just realized right in front of your home there’s a farm full of animals that must be so noisy it is it’s so loud it keeps me up at night I totally get

That you can’t keep living here buddy all this racket is clearly taking a toll on you you said it I can’t stay here anymore yep anywhere else would be better could you help me find a new place I just want some peace and quiet sure thing Mikey let’s find you a new

Home today yay to get things started I say we look around for a super quiet house Okay how’s this one buddy W it sounds peaceful and look around it’s all alone in the middle of a forest how calm and relaxing is that mm however there is one downside it’s a bit old it’s so quiet I’m feeling rested already who cares if it’s not brand new

All it needs is a bit of sprucing up I’ve made up my mind I want to live here hold on why don’t we check out the interior oh good idea I wonder what it’s like inside me too oh how do you like it so far it’s okay old but not

Bad I just hope it’s not too messy inside well let’s find out 3 2 1 huh uh did you see the house is crawling with creatures and freaky mushrooms let’s take another look no way this is not happening what is that thing come on Mikey run let’s get out of

Here well that escalated quickly indeed this house needs a lot more than just a little fixing up it looked so promising okay we’ll look for something clearer this time I think that’s a great idea let’s get searching the cleaner the better that one was no good how’s this

H what do you think huh it’s tiny I’m quiet too I could live here H it’s really clean the couch the bed everything this could work however there is one major drawback to this house how could a place this nice have a downside I’m already sold I’m moving in hear me

Out Mikey the truth is well look H taada as you can see the house was built on a cliff notice the Steep drop off ah wao but that’s not all there’s lava underneath it so it’s not exactly the safest location wow that’s seriously dangerous check this out here’s the

Front door right but you have to parkour to get to it huh Can we fine if you can make it across but you have to be really careful not to slip or you’ll fall straight into the lava below who isn’t this a bit treacherous I’ll give it a try sure okay huh huh

Ow no way I can’t live in this dangerous place impossible I would never have enough respawns oh I understand it is extremely hazardous up here JJ let’s find a safer place for me to live some we’re secure you got it we’ll search for a house that won’t put You In Harm’s Way Mikey this home is completely danger-free check it out woo this is it it’s so tall yep wow now buddy the top floor Penthouse is famous for being extremely secure so it’s safe mhm that’s exciting show me all right let’s go wo is this the entrance yeah it’s the front door w

The suite’s on the top floor so we’ll take the elevator yay hop in WoW I’ll press the button click o it’s going to take a little while to get all the way up exciting huh yeah we’re inside such a tall Building oh huh we’re here all right can I open it sure wow this place is so luxurious almost too luxurious this is something else by the way Mikey this Penthouse comes with 24-hour security that means personal around the-clock protection no way I get bodyguards that’s amazing definitely to test things out I’m going

To let some zombies loose you’ll probably get attacked but I’m sure you’ll be fine what there they’re coming wow wow look at them go oh Mikey nice that was something I’m safe that’s right and with these bodyguards protecting you you always will be not only is this Penthouse super secure but it also has a great view true that plus it has a pool and a fireplace too yeah there’s not one thing wrong with this

Place that’s it my decision is made I’m moving in it’s perfect there’s something you should know though what it’s a bit pricey the rent is MHM $3 ,000 a month $30,000 I can’t afford that I need something that costs a lot less of course buddy let’s look for a cheaper place

Yeah Mikey this is the last house I could find okay the rent per month is Only a dollar that’s one Buck a month what that’s it awesome that is so cheap so uh that’s the Highlight go on you see it’s the least popular home available wo it’s at the bottom of everyone’s list that makes me a little nervous but I’ve

Got to check it out we’ve come all this way well the place we’re talking about uhhuh it’s that one H yeah as you can see it’s not the best house it’s made of Dirt all right I like it I think the dirt makes it feel really cozy I’m moving in uh Mikey mhm H this house is pretty old are you sure you want to buy it yep it’s a bit rund down but once we renovate it it’ll be good as

New besides it’s super cheap okay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 all right there you go wo I officially own this house now yippe so this is your new place uh-huh it’s home oh what a deal it was this entire house only cost me 10 measly emeralds

Lucky me well for a place this size it is quite the steel yeah oh it started raining quick let’s take shelter in my new home the outside may look rough but I’m sure it’s nice on the inside come on let’s head in before we get drenched o look at these Vines

Covering the door hurry okay I’m going what I’m stuck spiders hang in there buddy ow help me help me I’m on it this living room is like a giant spider’s Nest they’re attacking me wao yes nice you can I’m fine that was dangerous but we managed to defeat them H oh this

Living room is messed up it really was a spider’s Nest yikes the interior is a lot older and way more run down than I was expecting oh come on oh a fridge this must be the kitchen area it’s pretty dingy is there is there anything in

There H think there might be we could look sure okay here goes H unbelievable it’s full of rotten meat yuck even the fridge has gone bad what a dangerous place it’s awful this space is a mess and there are Holes in the Floor let’s check out the other

Rooms yeah see how they’re fairing where are we um H well there are two beds then it must be a bedroom what do you think it looks pretty ancient too let’s check out the rest of the place h Huh what Mikey where am I what happened you fell down a hole are

You all right I guess what is it let’s see H looks like I can climb out yeah there’s a way up I’m a okay I was scared for a second oh a door might as well go through wa hang on a shower and a toilet I’m coming almost there ah hi you

Made it but that means what if that’s the toilet you were in the sewage tank e seriously gross how did I end up there in the first place at least I’m out now hold on H lucky me a shower just when I needed one I’m going to wash up

And get the stink off me uh Mikey mhm you sure you should use it it looks really old it could be dangerous it’ll be fine I just want to be clean I need to get this Gunk off of me Pronto let me out ow what is that stuff

Good question looks like some kind of ooze I think the water’s gone so bad that it’s turned rancid everything in this place needs an overhaul yeah this is awful I was dirty from falling in the toilet and then the shower made it worse what’s with this house is there anything else we should

Check or have we seen it all it seems like that’s It oh what look carefully there’s a door no kidding I wonder where it leads to let’s find out shall we woohoo JJ there’s a basement wo awesome want to check it out sure I bet it’s fine I can’t imagine it being as grimy and gross as the other

Rooms we’ve been through there’s no way okay ready to take a look yeah let’s go opening Now huh what is this stuff uh uh seriously what is it be careful DJ whatever it is it’s attacking me you don’t know what those creatures are either they’re well they’re disgusting is what they are this basement is so polluted there’s purple slime monsters living in it they’re

Super dangerous Mikey we have to get out of here my basement is disgusting just like the rest of my house how can this hey Mikey all I can say is your home needs a total makeover yeah let’s do it think we can fix it up

How Evil Mikey Found and Catch JJ FAMILY ? – Minecraft (Maizen)

This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a great day!

Maizen –


  1. Assassins creed and the door I'm not a fan of the door I'm not a fan of my name but it looks good for you be safe love it and I can you be careful if I don't see you

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