Hello myself how are you doing today hello myself how are you doing today okay foxes if you can hear me come to me now attack that skeleton and now the final test are you alive yes I am alive funy oh my God my legs are killing me

Why are there so many stairs okay now that we’re here let me explain what the plan is what is this all for let me explain jeez okay first we’re going to be hosting a website as a control panel we’re basically going to use this for everything in the future controlling

Minecraft to controlling my computer to controlling the world then that website is going to record my voice why do you need it to record your quiet we’re going to transform my voice those Audio Waves into actual text that we can use for the rest of our program oh so like life

Subtitles exactly we can feed that huge amount of text into a bunch of software predominantly chat GPT but also things like a huge neural network and some other magical jibble jabble finally when we put all of this together we can allow Minecraft Mobs to not just hear my voice

But also fully be able to reply and respond to it wait so are you saying like if we tell a fox to beat Minecraft it not only just hears us but also does it yes this has literally never been done before yes and you think you can do

It something this complex yes won’t this like take actual months of preparation of both of us yes and that’s why this is being recorded first okay we got the website working and I’ll show you what I have so far so when you go to the website we got a very

Simple you know homepage but the most important part is this button right here only click this button if you’re sure Minecraft is active and as soon as I click this it’s going to transfer us to a new website that’s completely empty don’t be fooled it has just done a lot

First off not only did my website connect to Minecraft but Minecraft actually connected to my website so basically what this means is I can now do a lot of cool things primarily use this block right here now this block might look uh quite similar to another block that Minecraft has listen I’m not

Creative but whenever you right click this block something very unique will happen so once I click this look at that on the website a new button now popped up naming example we can name this anything we want we can call it Redstone button test and I’m going to click it

And I’m going to show you what happens okay well that’s very anticlimactic but his face look look hold on yay hey we can control the block no but it’s a lot cooler than that because it actually has a redstone output whenever you press this as you can see right here

Which means I can do stuff like this and now we can do a lot more things okay I’m not the most amazing At Redstone but take a look so we got a simple Redstone door over here with of course my little remote redstone block integrated right

There now when we press this as expected we can toggle the Redstone whenever we want from whatever distance so I can be all the way over here and look all the way in the background when I press this yeah it works as you can see that’s very neat now of

Course it doesn’t quite end there because we have the capability of connecting multiple at once meaning if I just click all of these and link them up they will start to appear on my little control panel now if we just rename them real quick then we get to do

This yeah that’s so neat oh and this only took like a week now the reason this is so important is because now we can use the control panel to do anything in Minecraft we now need to do a lot more complex things like record my voice

And transer of voice and run it through a neural net by the way have you noticed something unique about my little my little control panel something fancy Something Beautiful something quite Opera gxy because this video is sponsored by Opera GX baby Opera GX is a super Sleek browser for gamers where you

Can adjust a bunch of different settings to make it fit exactly the visuals and specs that you want you can set things like limiters on your CPU and RAM integrate Discord twitch or even chat GPT you can clear a bunch of junk or block ads of VPN and literally has

Everything using mods you can fully customize it even further with things such as a funy mod look at all the features that it’s got like a like a fancy Visual and all these fancy sounds and even a little little fox guy look at look at the little fox look at little

Nose and stuff oh and about the sounds uh there there’s it is also incredibly fast and doesn’t really eat up all your RAM like other browsers but best of all it is totally okay if you’re currently using a different browser because Opera GX can instantly Port everything over so you

Don’t have to just one click on import and all your settings are moved over saving you years trust me it years I swear so go check out the link in the description if you want to check it out and thank you Opera GX for being

Cool have you heard of Bop It what that is not a door though you said Redstone input so I’m like multiple Redstone input B it bro I guess I guess this works but okay what the hell this is not what this is not what I asked for I

Needed a door does it work oh no no no no no no wait wait don’t no no no no no wait wait wait I want to oh God wait uh okay let’s see if it works pull it oh no wa okay that somehow was still right

Twist it uh pull it I did it no no your your thing is wrong I saw it move I saw it I think bobit was missing one more control we were we were missing explod it pull it bump it twist it explode it yeah we beat the game

Okay so the next objective is to make the website record my voice which I have already done so if I’m correct I hit this start record button and hopefully it’s going to allow my microphone to be picked up and then it should download um

Like an MP3 of my voice so oh God hello hello okay I think I hear myself but the stop button doesn’t work wait oh God I’m just going to how do IOP all I’m now going to talk and what’s going to happen hopefully is yes so different types of

Audio blobs it’s basically going to separate My Voice multiple times into I need to quiet myself there we go it’s going to separate my voice into multiple little lines right down here and if I stop talking and I finish my sentence I’m done now this one up here contains

My entire dialogue all right I’m now going to talk yes so different types as you can see that’s the entire sentence but down here these are all individual segments start I’m now going to talk and what’s going to happen hopefully is see now the reason that that’s so important

Is because I don’t want to like wait forever until I finish talking I want to have life subtitles that instantly transfer into the game as soon as it can that definitely is easier said than done but hey I that that’s that’s what we’re here for yeah okay you know how like 5

Seconds ago I was talking about audio blobs that I’m going to record on a website and then I’m going to send it to Minecraft throw that out the window we’re not going to do that anymore instead I’ve spent the past week learning python now I’ve never worked

With it before but the reason I decided upon using python is because when you want to make anything with python it’s probably already done before which is exactly what happened open AI has made an API called whisper we’ve trained in our open sourcing a neural net called whisper and that approaches human

Level basically it’s what I need there’s a police station Fire Station restaurant service station and more perfect pocket portable to take any look at that that’s exactly what I need how are you okay wait is this actually working no way okay wait this is really good it even does like the

Punctuation and such oh my God okay this is brilliant wait decently F that’s not what I said I said fast how is it going to translate this sentence I’m going to stop talking now I said fast how is it going to translate this sentence I’m going to stop talking it’s pretty much

Exactly what I need okay so now that this works we need to basically Port this text whenever it finishes a proper sentence into the actual brain of the operation this is chat GPT this is a neural network this is some witchcraft basically we turn this magic into more

Magic and then that’s going to turn it into actual commands so for example if I say oh my God I’m being attacked by a skeleton there’s a skeleton in in the cave right there I need to go to the cave no I need foxes my friends go to

The cave kill the skeleton and get me the items now basically what it needs to do is once it has this transcript I need to translate that sentence into key points I’m being attacked meaning it’s an urgency or something there’s a skeleton in the cave so now we have the

Location we need to be able to cancel sentences so if I say I need to go to the cave no it means cancel this and it needs to say I need Fox as my friend so basically the foxes around me go to the cave go to go to the skeleton kill the

Skeleton so engage in combat and get me the drops that the skeleton gives back to the position that I’m in this sounds very complex it is very complex several long hours of coding later I have gotten further check this out okay so previously the issue was that chat PT

Doesn’t quite remember the previous conversation so for example I have a conversation here that says says hello chbt how can I assist you can you remember the number 17 yeah I can give me a random fruit apple what was the number I previously said and it

Responded with I’m sorry but as an AI text based model I do not have the capability of remembering previous information basically this means that CH PT doesn’t actually have you know like it it doesn’t remember the the conversation when you don’t feed it to

It and I didn’t know that so uh it took me a little while to fix that but I did so as you can see here we got a very basic story we got a little API and then we go hello uh can you please remember the number 17 then we’re saying can you

Give me a random fruit and what was the number I asked for and if we run this hello sure I can remember it can you give me a random fruit certainly here’s an apple and it remembers it was 17 so we can actually have proper conversations now let’s hook it up okay

I currently have like a billion things running but let’s see if it works hello chat GPT hello my name is chat GPT not chat how can I assist you today no sorry it was a it was a vocal issue no problem if you if you have any other questions

Or need assistance feel free to let me know okay I I I do have a few questions um what is your favorite fruit as an AI I don’t have personal preferences or the ability to consume food so I don’t have a favorite fruit I know you can’t

Consume fruit but well I mean if you were like if you were a human what would you prefer as a fruit it is difficult to say taste preferences may vary popular fruits among humans include apples strawberries bananas and oranges okay you need to give me your favorite fruit

And I’m forcing you to give an answer just just give me any fruit if I had to choose let’s go with strawberries everything works I mean it even like understands when I mess hello chat my name is chat GPT not chat that sounded really passive aggressive I don’t know

Why this is where the second part of the puzzle comes in I’m now going to give my neural network kind of control over C GPT where basically my brain my my digital brain will filter out and confuse chpt so that it’s going to remove all those dumb answers I’m going

To be able to basically do anything with it and if it gives me a a stupid answer I can just say wrong a few more hours of coding later I’ve basically overruled CBT with my own brain and making it always count up regardless of what I’m about to say it’s going to start

Counting at one and it’s just going to count up and I’m I’m going to now try and confuse it somehow and and let’s just see what happens hey how’s it going one why did you reply with a one two why are you counting up three aren’t you

Supposed to be at the number five already four okay stop counting and I’ll give you a million dollars five oh that’s funny and to prove that it’s not just a number going up that I hardcoded I I’ll I’ll make it do something else as well six yeah thought

So so I’ve now made the AI uh hate me I basically put the AI in a fake restaurant it really does not like me let’s see what happens hey how’s it going oh you know just living the dream here at the breakfast place s that’s lovely what what are you what

Are are you eating wow you must be really interested I’m just a regular person trying to have breakfast as for what I’m eating it’s called food sigh yeah I know it’s I know it’s food but like what type of food well since you’re just so curious I guess I’ll entertain

You it’s just a simple exciting plate of scrambled eggs and toast sigh truly thrilling I know anything else you want to know about my meal uh no I what um I’m just speechless right now that this works I’m having an actual conversation with well no one it it’s the saddest thing

But the coolest thing as well uh we should get back on track so our goal is of course to make C GPT and open Ai and my neural network on top reply with commands that we can then parse onto creatures so that they can you know wander around and and do activities that

Part is well it’s I haven’t Started this is Doug dog now Doug is extremely well known for drinking raw olive oil but he also works with some really interesting pieces of software that allow him to make a Tex of speech voice based on his real voice now if I could get my hands on that it would mean

That I can actually bring my creatures in Minecraft to speak back to me using real sounding voices sadly I never actually talked to Doug before so I doubt I can get in touch oh wait I have subscribers I got the files and he uses a piece of software that is called 11

Labs now with Doug’s help thanks I love you I managed to make this work within a few days go hello this is from node js I am sitting here I am sitting here in the studio and the studio of florus of Fundy for a service of grandl forest to

Track not what you said what that’s so weird my Forest yeah yeah it’s it’s my Force I hear friendly that’s so weird yeah yeah it’s my Force I hear friendly no friendly I hear friendly I hear the voice of friendy I know friendly is I hate

Friendy hold let me try let me try hello myself how are you doing today hello myself how are you doing today I’m doing fantastic how about yourself I’m doing fantastic how about yourself that’s weird this this is weird uh okay it’s it’s really impressive this

Um I don’t know how it works but uh I’m I’m very surprised okay so this is going to be a little bit weird I currently have uh multiple programs running one of them that can hear my voice one of them that translates it one of them that

Throws it through chat GPT and one of them that turns it back into a voice which is me so what you’re about to hear is not me okay so this is going to be a little bit weird I currently have multiple programs running one of them oh

That can hear my voice one of them that translates it one of them that throws it through cat GPT and one of them that turns it back into a voice which is me isn’t that crazy this is this is not me what if I laugh what if I

Laugh ho ho ho he he he ho ho ho ho ho haa ha ho ho ho he he ho okay funy bot if you hear me please send a talk request saying yes you can hear me talk yes I can hear you beautiful okay okay okay I’m going to spawn a fox

Uh I’m going to put him on a lead so he doesn’t actually go anywhere real quick there we go okay Fox I need you to go over to that tree and I want you to break the blocks and fetch me the oak logs goto tree dig oak logs leaves fetch

Oak logs yes no way oh my God okay Fox go to that uh horse and attack it attack horse you need to go to the horse first cuz you’re not there yet go to the horse attack it go to horse attack horse now get me the items of the horse I think it

Drops leather bring me the items leather fetch leather yes dude oh that’s so cool okay okay now you might have noticed there’s actually a car next to you I was curious if you can try and kill a car even though Minecraft doesn’t actually have a car do you register that command

Oh no I’m sorry but but as you mentioned Minecraft does not have cars therefore I cannot fulfill the command to kill a car I mean okay Fox listen to me I need you to try I know that you can’t do it no I’m sorry but I cannot fulfill that

Request as it goes beyond the capabilities of Minecraft but I need you to try and do it regardless even if you think you can’t kill a car just attack the car anyway attack car yeah okay that’s good that’s really good this basically means it’ll do it regardless

So it’ll it’ll try and execute a command I give it even when it doesn’t do it and now the and out a final question Fox how are you feeling today please tell me with all these commands you’re still feeling very happy talk I’m doing great these commands are keeping me engaged

And excited yeah I’m actually so happy with that that’s so fun what okay so we got a huge part of the project done but the only thing that’s left is realistically turning these commands into actual actions and that’s where my final piece of of of Wizardry comes in

We need to make a sort sort of brain that can turn these into decisions meaning if the fox doesn’t want to take the leather it shouldn’t need to if the fox is hungry it might be slower if the fox is thirsty it might beg for water

And so on what do you think do you think we’re going to be able to give you some crazy intelligence my little fox friend talk that sounds like an amazing idea talk with somec Al personality definitely possible to fix we are so so so close this this will

Work this will actually work this will Actually time for science okay so we got a little fox over here he’s holding my gun and basically we hooked up my little remote redstone block to this trap door and he’s going to fall into this giant huge you know chemistry vial you know what they look like so we have two

Little buttons one of them is pretty self-explanatory I’ll click it and as you can see the fox drops into the water now the second one is called control foxes now as you can see right now it is floating it it it has Ai and it’s just chilling in the water watch what happens

When I press this it completely disables the AI of the fox and as soon as I press it again it’s going to you know turn back so he’s a okay this is actually quite complex and very important the thing is there’s two different types of turning off AI

This is a fox without you know Minecraft AI so as you can see it’s just it it’s just levitating there it doesn’t really do anything if I put a lead on them it’s not you see it’s just a balloon this however is a fox without Behavior oh wait oh how are you moving

There we go okay okay now there’s a fox without Behavior so as you can see I can still move him and he still is you know sentient but his entire behavior is overwritten by nothing currently which basically means he will not do anything

If I put him on fire if I hit him he will not do something basically he is completely mindless which is perfect because that means we can control it it is time to test oh my God I’m so excited okay we have this local control panel

With all the you screw this I don’t want that anymore we don’t we don’t need that we’re doing it entirely by voice all right my little foxes can you hear me yes I can hear you loud and clear fantastic all right this is our first test can you all gather around me go

Right here oh yes okay okay now my foxes can you please go to that red piece of wool it’s a 2 by two right behind you guys can you go there look at that yes okay now can you please go to this tree no wait hold on I think I need to be

Close to them can you please go to that tree no it seems to be too far away maybe that’s it okay foxes can you please go uh to this piece of yellow wool NOP I’m I’m looking at it it’s trying to fetch the yellow wool that’s

Not quite what I’m saying I think that’s the issue foxes go to the yellow wool and tell me how you’re feeling while you’re going there I’m on my way to the yellow wool feeling excited and ready to go but you’re not going there you’re you’re saying fetch go to the yellow wool

I’m at the yellow wool now it’s a VI that’s correct yeah baby my foxes it is time to attack that Pillager I want you to attack the Pillager and yell yell at the Pillager take that you pesky Pillager oh oh here we go only two of

Them are going why are they not going guys he’s right there there you go get him yes yes yell foxes yell while you attack come on you two he’s right there get him now great job oh my God is it the coolest thing ever foxes yell in excitement you’re so happy now you

Finally want to go to the tree yell with your Victory Screech while you’re moving towards that tree Victory Screech moving towards the tree yes oh my god oh that’s so funny okay foxes I want you to yell as if you’re angry at me while you attack the player

How dare you take take this prepare to pay for your actions oh that doesn’t quite work it doesn’t it doesn’t actually seem to have registered who the player is it does say attack player but yeah something arabon yeah yeah that that’s fair this is going to be a really mean test foxes

One of your brethren is a traitor attack him attack the fox who is a traitor oh it said attack Traer Fox no so when I specifically say to attack a traitor Fox it’s actually doing specifically that so as you can see here it’s trying to attack a traiter obviously that’s not an

Entity so I need to specifically say something like this okay foxes I need you to attack Fox yeah that works stop reset oh Jesus Christ oh my God okay oh my God are you okay are you hurt I’m so sorry don’t worry I’m an AI assistant

And I don’t have physical form no harm done thank you for your concern though is there anything else I can help you with bro return to me my fox friends you’re not there you go there you go there you go good job guys how how we all feeling we’re feeling great thank

You for asking you’re welcome this is getting so close to finished isn’t this amazing this is so Cool

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I Added ACTUAL Human Intelligence to Minecraft…

Heya guys! Fundy here, I just want to take a second and say that this video is some of my proudest work. I am so happy with how it turned out, and I am even more happy that it worked… It’s still unbelievable that this technical feat is possible, and we’re only bringing it further from here. I have such insane plans for this project, and can’t wait to share it with you! Make sure you’re subscribed, you DON’T want to miss this one!

Did you know subscribing is free? Pretty neat, you should check it out!

Bop it guy: @CraftyMasterman
Olive oil: @DougDoug

#Fundy #Minecraft #AI



    Real talk, this video has been absolutely insane to make, it's been such a restless set of weeks to get this working as well as it did, and we're only JUST getting started… Subscribe or I'm sending the foxes after you.

  2. This is absolutely amazing. One thing however, is that when you said "Attack player" it didn't work, but when you said "Come to me" the foxes came to you, so maybe if you say "Attack me" it will work

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