I Cheated with ILLEGAL BLOCKS in Minecraft Build Battle

Today my friends and I are building secret Christmas bases every 5 minutes we’ll get to swap and build on each other’s base make sure you guys watch until the end and vote for who you think had the best secret Christmas base I have a few tricks up my sleeve that I

Think you guys are going to like 5 minutes on the clock go go go let’s do this no no no no no ladies and gentlemen welcome to the first ever secret santa build battle okay we don’t have much time now ladies and gentlemen I got start building wait

But they might see me I got to try to give myself invisibility my plan is simple I’m going to use barrier blocks to build a secret invisible Winter Wonderland okay I need to get past them without them seeing me build but obviously we can see I am building all

The way up in the sky now usually you can only build to a build height of about 255 blocks but today I installed a data pack that lets me build up to 1,000 blocks in the sky okay my first strategy is to elevate my entire surface to be

Very high up this way I can actually go very far down so check this out guys wait why is Adam there I don’t know but he’s about to get swallowed in an avalanche CL ass set SN oh oh my God Oops why am I die wa

Here I go see you sucker now I’m sure all the other noobs are probably building a Santa or a Christmas theme secret base I’m going to have Smart them everybody’s going to expect this to be winter so I’m going to do the exact opposite I’m going summer mode baby I’m

Going to distract them with all the summer stuff they’re going to be so confused they’re going to be like Adam I thought this was a winter challenge are you okay like do you need a therapist and like I told my mom four times this year no I’m

Fine we’re going to place a bunch of sand around here to give that summer feel M I love summer so I’m thinking what we’re going to do is we’re going to fill this entire field with snow first then we’re going to add things like candy canes Rudolph and then I’m going

To figure out a way to hide a secret Minecart somehow with snow cuz with snow you can add uh you can add like mini blocks of snow and then big block blocks of snow so I’m going to try to combine the two first off we need to try to use

World edit SL sphere snow block so I think then we should oh okay perfect so now what we can do is so there’s different um yeah look at that okay so there’s different like sizes for the sphere basically as you guys can see

Right now we are at a y AIS of 360 so when the boys fly up and try to find my base I am going to be so high that they’re going to actually get bored and they’re going to go back down and think that they didn’t find my base but little

Do they know my base is going to be towering above them thousands of blocks in the sky they’re going to have no idea and I think that should do the trick now I need to delete all of the evidence 6 and 1 half hours

Later okay we made it that is a long way down and then if I right click there and do SL SL set air there is no more evidence that my base is 1,000 blocks in the sky okay if I use that command we should be able to teleport up to it and

Now we can start the build so every single Christmas base has at least these three things snowmen reindeer and and Santa Claus and also I guess a giant Christmas tree okay so when you spawn in you’ll come right up here and there’s basically going to be nothing but my

Plan is to make Pathways to different Christmas things that you would see during Christmas time and I think what we could do is make a giant platform over here and then what I can do is SL SL schematic load and we can actually load our first schematic okay I do have

A strategy for today’s build battle it has to do with gingers because gingers are lame no one likes gingers like come on if you’re a ginger you got to grow up so with that being said I will be making myself a gingerbread house okay that’s a pretty good start I

Feel like maybe this color should be a little bit lighter than this dark brown but I don’t know if there’s a better Brown than this brown do you guys make gingerbread houses or is that just me actually I don’t cuz I hate Ginger if you have red air you’re a nerd loser and

As for the secrecy of this space trust me guys I got a crazy crazy good idea for the secret base okay that was supposed to be a Christmas tree ah might need a little bit of work I wish I new world edit this would go way

Faster this isn’t where I’m going to put my secret base but this is going to be the diversion that draws them all in cuz they’re going to be so confused they’re not going to know what hit them all right we got our umbrella now we need

The chairs one right there and one right there this kind of looks like a Beach town everything I do is calculated I have a th000 IQ I’m flipping Spider-Man okay so we really just essentially need to get everything covered up we don’t have a lot of time as well let’s just

Get all the snow in and then try to smooth the land basically so to start off I think we have something pretty good going here it’s not great it looks awful but it’s a start nice okay this is looking a little bit better oh oh no holy crap I think I’m actually

Doing something not too bad this time oh my gosh there it is boys that is one ginormous Christmas tree with a star and now if I TP all the way back down to the ground you have have no idea that that is all the way up in the sky okay I need

To start building something else so that the boys don’t get sus we’re going to grab ourselves a golden shovel and we got to go fast because we are about to run out of time okay let’s see if this works yep that’s exactly what I’m going for boys we’re going to have one more

Minute to build a false secret base so that the boys don’t get sus and I’m thinking what I could do is maybe like build a little version of a snowman you can grab some black stone just like this put the Eyes in and then we can get some

Uh orange Concrete in order to make the giant carrot nose that is my snowman and boys time is up now we’re going to get 5 minutes to swap to the left and build on that person’s base Adam what are you Adam get out of here scram Adam which

Way is left I don’t know which way get out of here is Adam dumb or is he stupid oh we’re going okay one to the left wait Jack which way do I go face towards the middle and go left oh my gosh whose build is this Adam your build is so

Trash there’s not even a secret what is wrong with that build Adam are you serious okay I don’t see any secrets on this build Adam Adam why did you build with sand it’s a snow Christmas steamed build battle what are you doing Christmas in July outsmarted outplayed I

Am just confused at what happens in that brain of yours all right I’m not seeing any secret base on dirt boy build right now I’m seeing absolutely nothing Adam you can’t destroy my build oh you can’t destroy anything no no no yeah you can destroy stuff you can blow stuff up you

Can do whatever you want Adam please please be nice Adam I just deleted your entire build I’m going to start up a fresh one for you what oh don’t take Vengeance on me that wasn’t me put my life in tears into that no I’m taking out on Alec fine I’m

Taking out on Christopher then I got a good thing going here Christopher wait are you at my build yeah uh well I’m just building something I didn’t find the base yet but I think I just found a Christopher secret Bas there’s nothing in here what a do bro there’s something

There there’s something there I don’t know if I mentioned this but at the final 5 minutes you guys have to hide a secret chest filled with cookies and milk and if we find it then we win ooh and then we eat it in the loser’s face

Exactly that’s not fair cuz we all know Adam’s nose is G enormous like the biggest of noses so he’s going to be able to smell those cookies from a mile away that is true that is true that’s how I usually find my cookies I just

Call up Adam and he Snips them out for me you good his secret base is not under his house that’s confirmed Adam can you just tell me did was there a secret base here there’s definitely not a secret base I’ve been looking for it and there’s nothing fo wait Chris do you actually

Have a secret base cuz you are I can’t find it no there there there’s not there’s not just he’s lying don’t listen to him he’s defin lying I know when he’s lying and he’s lying I just built you the best secret base of all time okay I

Hope you could actually find it when you come back oh boys time is up everybody go back to your build I did not find Chris’s base I will admit Adam what is this all right back to our base he haded a little candy cane That’s nice

Everybody go back to your base another 5 minutes is starting in 3 2 [Applause] 1 okay this is perfect Christopher didn’t find my secret base and check it out he even like added in a little candy cane I feel like I could actually use this in my build up there and then we’re going to do our TP all the way up into

The sky about 900 blocks up and B a big bot Boop Check It Out Boys okay the only thing that I did notied is that there were Shadows way down below so I don’t know if I could build anything super big luckily for me these barrier blocks

Don’t make any Shadows so we can just keep building with these to make our Pathways but so far the secret base is working and they have no idea that I’m building in insanely high in the sky I hate Adam I hate him I hate Adam why I

Worked so hard on the space and just destroyed it I didn’t even do anything I didn’t do anything to Adam why is he so mean to me I literally didn’t even do anything oh my gosh no that’s so annoying I have an idea for my second

Base I will make a giant Christmas tree I really got to work on the secret part to these though because my first one there was a really many Secrets it was just a house but I was planning on adding Secrets as we went but that didn’t really work copy because Adam

Destroy the entire thing where is my beach house no he covered it in snow I’m pretty much starting from square one right here I have a plan we have to clear the top of the floor here Snow Golem time as many as we can get I’m Spider-Man we need Max Snow

Golems here where people can’t see in or out or anywhere now the base is going to be in plain sight but the snow golems are going to cover it up okay we’re going to dig straight down here till we get to my oh yes we made it the dirt yes yes yeah

Now we space out now is where I’m going to make the trick so I want to make a mine cart basically we put a rail right here make a mine cart if we cover this up and then if you click right there yes okay perfect okay I I can get in okay so

Now if I open this up right here it’s not too noticeable too cuz they have this whole plot they have to get to okay I feel like this is a good amount of space for the next one we could do SL SL schematic load number two FL paste let’s

See if that does anything oh dude it’s a reindeer okay let’s undo that and I think what I could do is maybe just like paste them in the sky around here that is going to look epic we’re going to have reindeers flying everywhere in this guy this is starting to come together

Dudes I’m thinking too we’re going to go ahead and we’re going to replace all this snow with some barrier blocks that might end up helping out with the Giant Shadow that’s down near my base yep that looks great I think we can maybe have like a really long pathway and I want to

Make a house for the boys maybe like a nice little cabin that’s looking pretty good so far should be able to build up and then we can make walls which is going to be the walls to their giant castle mansion that is looking amazing and we can make a little door for that

Right over here this might take longer than I thought it was going to but here is the plan we will build a secret base inside of the tree that you have to enter at the top of the tree that’s that’s how this is going to work oh yeah

Look at this bro okay hold on we’re making the biggest Christmas tree Minecraft has ever seen taada okay yo oh hold on I don’t know if this going to work but this should hopefully put like little ornaments in the tree okay that’s a little bit bigger than I wanted hold

On but we’re on to something we are on to something oh another one fell they just randomly fall in all right uh yeah we got to continuously patch this up cuz they keep falling in the hole oh maybe we can do some sort of plank or wooded

Door what’s the thing that flaps up oh a trapo when I’m smart I’m smart oh we’ll do an iron trap door cuz that kind of looks like snow that blends right in oh my gosh that is so good they’re never going to know because there’s so many

Snow gols blocking it they’ll think a part of my floor design but really it’s the secret base oh it’s genius yeah look at that can I get in still Yes okay okay this is perfect this is perfect okay I have a cool idea for this Christmas

Build so I’m going to need some wooden blocks I need stuff like um I think Spruce would look really good in here so we get some Spruce going we need to clear up as much space as we possibly can though so let’s get some space the

Problem is that we have snow locks so I don’t want to melt anything so we have to be kind of careful here as well wow we actually have a lot of room in here holy crap of course we’re going to have to add in a little campfire oh my gosh

Time is already up okay I need to get out of the sky and just for fun we’re going to add in just like a couple more of these things yep there we go there we go looks good that way the boys don’t get sus and the time is up ladies and

Gentlemen boys and girls stop building hands are all all right everybody this time is going to go two to their left where am I going you just go diagonal across from you 5 minutes is on the clock Alec Alec what what is Alec doing I finished my secret base I you’ll never

Find it you’ll never find it go go what is this dude okay so I see what Adam did Adam I like the additions you made to Alex Base this definitely looks like Adam’s base to me I’m liking this Christmas tree that looks this looks good thanks bro I really worked hard on

Please don’t explode it cuz Adam exploded my last build and I really really really really liked it so please don’t do that again I mean I’m just looking for your Secret Base if it’s inside of here I might have to explode it Jack need me in the middle who built

A bunch of little snow bit everywhere early Christmas present thank you aleec I really I’m I’ve been looking around that I’m having a really difficult time finding any secrets where is this thing it’s maybe not the biggest base but it’s it’s somewhere right as long as I can

Fit that’s all I care about maybe the Christmas tree is just like to throw me off a little bit oh no guys he’s on to me no I’m on to siren I am all over this guy Jack is your build of giant snowman is that yours that’s one of my builds do

You actually have a hidden base here because I’ve looked every sing I looked at every single block it doesn’t exist you don’t have a hidden base I I have probably the best secret base out of everybody here Alec no no undebatably the best I mean it’s going to be up to

You guys stick till the end and vote but it’s going to be me where is your secret can I have a hint you want me to tell you no I want you to give me a hint dummy uh I’ll give you a riddle my base will reveal itself when you reveal

Yourself to me oh I like the sound of that I’ll be waiting when you reveal your Secret Base to me I’ll reveal my secret base to you wait actually don’t do it Alec it’s a trick no no no no I would never do that Adam shut up shut up

Adam shut up well Jack has revealed himself multiple times to me so I have never done that once in my entire life today also that wasn’t even a riddle you just straight up told me you’ll reveal it if I reveal mine I’m starting to believe whoever this guy is in the back

Corner never even build a base is it Christopher no I actually have a I have a secret base now I actually have one so oh never mind what like there’s no base anywhere oh that’s okay because time is up boys go back to your base Alec I made

Some adjustments to your star oh what I don’t tou my builds better wait Adam how do you find it how wait Adam might have found Christopher’s base dude how did he find it Merry Christmas Christopher Merry Christmas Christopher might have to start all over again oh no bro so far

Ladies and gentlemen this is working super duper well okay I’m going to start adding stuff down here because uh yeah they’re getting real sus that there’s like not actually a secret base so what I’m thinking I can do is just like go in the corner here and kind of do the same

Thing I did for Adam’s base just like add add in something that you could just like fall through we’ll just dig down a little bit and that’s pretty good and then what I’m thinking I can do is literally just like dig out an entire area down here

Place down some campfires just like this and then we’ll select this block right here we’ll select this block and do SL set chest just like that we’ll put a bunch of chest down and I’m just going to fill them up with pretty much nothing so that the boys think they have to look

Around for my secret milk and cookie stash but secretly there’s going to be no milk and cookies all right guys I actually do have a strategy for making my secret base I know that my secret base has kind of been very lackluster thus far but you must bear with me so

You guys know how like awesome Christmas trees have like the the swirlies around them well I will use this as like parkour almost to get to my base huh how do you guys like that like that could be pretty cool except it’s going to be not

As cool as I can make it because I only have 5 minutes to build this gosh tag thing Tada guys tell me how good does this look you know it looks good okay but my plan was to start with it down here okay so the idea here you jump on

Here you jump on here you jump on here and then I’m going to have a secret base where you jump in here and then you go down and now here is where the secret base is finally going to be after about three rounds of not having a secret base

At all I will now commence operation secret base I got to make sure Christopher did not find my base I’m pretty sure that my base is secured this is the smartest thing that I’ve ever done okay we have time now I’m going to put a water bucket down here just so if

We drop down in survival mode we don’t die then we need torches bring this place up now we have to actually build the secret base then we’re going to patch up with wood so they never find it all right this should be perfect let’s

Torch it up a little bit so I can flip and see this is our real secret base ladies and gentlemen so I got to make sure this thing is stacked with diamonds cookies milk and that it’s Christmas themed it’s going to be so secret and I’m going to win now time to decorate

Dang it dude he found my base no all right I have an idea I have an idea we’re going to we’re going to throw atam off this time okay so what we’re going to do this time is a secret base in a secret base so now what we’re going to

Do is we’re going to kind of scramble It Up In Here make it really really messy so it’s not as easy to figure out let’s try to throw them off put paintings everywhere too this is where it’s going to be right here we’ll grab ourselves a

Little Anvil maybe we’ll add in a hint that they could use for later on and then we’ll place it in one of these random chests back to the skies we go boys okay I think what I could do is probably also just like paste these around because they look very very nice

And this will add to our very mag magificent Winter Wonderland okay and now we can go back to their literal Castle over here we’re going to need to make some beds for them orange bed for Alec brown bed for dirt boy and yellow bed for Christopher because I’m pretty

Sure he pees the bed so you’ll never know it’ll just blend right in we can put a nice little fireplace over here I do believe is a little bit of a hazard due to this being snow and it will likely melt but this is Minecraft so it

It doesn’t matter and then over here we can build like a little uh you know kitchen maybe we can make a little kitchen table look at this oh now it’s getting nice and cozy in here I like this effect where we we have the red and then we have like that little shelf

That’s all white yeah this is turning out real nice we’re building a flipping candy can this is awesome I’m almost done my secret base is going to be so good that Santa’s going to come down to my house and hire me to build his real life Santa workshop try to make it like

Right here if I try to sneak there perfect I don’t want it to be too noticeable from up there so we’re going to do it like that and then we’re going to going down now what I’m thinking is if we can clear out some of the area

Right here SL SL set air nice okay perfect this is the base it looks so cool because everything’s like flying around and floating okay and while I’m up here let’s also add in Alex Sister Margaret yes Margaret you could join the party up here and time is up dudes that

5 minutes goes by so fast there’s only a few more rounds until we have to look for each other’s bases hold on and stop your builds boys scared me are you sure 5 minutes is up I don’t make the rules everybody this time around they got to

Go to their right and you get 5 minutes to look for their secret base yes I got Adams yes yes sister yes got mine yes okay I think I think I’m at Christopher’s base yeah I think I’m at Jack’s oh sorry left no no no no everybody go right everybody go one to

The right I think I went the wrong way Adam you’re going to mine I’m about 99% sure I already found dirt boy’s base I mean has anyone found Jack’s base yet I’m at Jack’s base here we’s try to find it you’re supposed to go right oh oh really

Everybody go to the right Adam can you uh on three say Kaboom with me one two three Kaboom did it blow up yeah you you’re going to have to make a new base at him that was terrible I found that instantly bro literally instantly bro literally instantly bro literally

Instantly they ask you how you are just have to say that you’re which way’s left we’re going right oh oh wow this face is really nice Al I like the tree Adam whatever you do just stay away from the snowman’s butthole Adam I’m going to team up with you actually and try to

Find ja with you get away from me bad if you blew up my house it’s only fair that I blew up your house what house you’re going insane that is true I never blew up your house Christopher do you have any like semblance of a base I I feel

Like I keep finding it Adam found the base but then I put another secret there’s a base inside of a base I can’t find this base I’m going to start freaking out blowing stuff up if somebody doesn’t tell me no don’t blow it up dude 10 seconds I don’t find this

Base I’m going to blow up TNT ooh wait a second oh no no no no wait wait wait Jack it’s so easy to find his base I can tell you yeah but there’s a new secret base too Adam so no I’m convinced Jack doesn’t even have a base this is the

Second round I’m trying to find his base cuz I’m cheating well because I already found Adam mad cuz bad you don’t have a base bro it doesn’t exist guys this next round is the last round by the way you have to make sure at the end of the 5

Minutes your chest has milk and cookies oh woo dirt boy was here time’s up boys jack you don’t have a base you’re actually cheating you guys haven’t even looked underground did you but we don’t want to just destroy the ground that’s like stupid well time’s up boys all right

Boys this is it make sure you place down your chest with milk and cookies or else you’re going to be on my naughty list and you guys know what happens to people on my naughty list okay the boys are definitely on to me they I I’m surprised

I didn’t see the Shadow and then look up because it’s pretty evident okay so what I’m thinking that we could do right is we can go ahead and add in a secret button that teleports you all the way up to the sky now where do I add the secret

Button probably in the secret littleit snow block that I added way in the corner that I feel like they should have found it’s pretty obvious okay so you go all the way down here I guess we’ll add in a water block just so like you can

Get in in survival mode and then while we’re down here we can go ahead and obviously we have this that says look to the skies dummy you can also add in another secret message and then I’m thinking what we could do is make something just like a little bit deeper

Right like if they were to keep on going down past the water point if I add in a sign just like a little bit lower so that let’s say they fall down oh wa that actually might not work they might fall like too far so we’re going to have to

Add in another one of these chests and I’m thinking what we could do is maybe add in coordinates to this chest in the middle all right back to my base I would be surprised if krisik didn’t actually find my base cuz I feel like it’s pretty

Obvious to be honest I mean I know it’s supposed to be a secret but you know it’s it is a little bit off it’s not the greatest hold on I wonder hold on wait let me cook real quick let me cook real quick look at this we put a trapo here

We do that boom and now we can crawl our way into our base y oh okay that’s pretty sick now I’m going to put my chest of cookies and milk down but where can I put it that would make it very secretive my entire last round building

It I put down the Jolly Ranchers and the candy cane so it was perfect and he blew it the FP up now he made this real personal he made this flipping personal this is where my real base is going to be and I’m building a another portal Jack’s rulle specifically said that it

Has to be Within These Walls however if I build a portal and I go inside the portal and it teleports me to somewhere else I’m technically still in this portal which is is in my area therefore I am not breaking any rules my brain starts working when people mess with me

And Alex started a war okay we’re in the nether now look at this this is all technically inside of my base because it’s within the portal I’m scrambling right now I only have 3 minutes to figure out this chest blew up the base are you freaking kidding me so you know

Jack might have found the base but I guarantee you that he didn’t find the base in the base what if I just like use this brush to troll like Alec or something like it just we got to do the milk and cookie thing before we run out of time there’s the

Mine car it’s you can get in it’s fine I think we’re good now we go down here we got our chest so from here I think we have to go sltp 875 bada bing bada boom you’ll get teleported all the way up here to the secret Winter Wonderland and then we’ll

Go inside this chest and then we will place this secret note and then once they do that they’ll get teleported all the way up here and now we just need to add in one Finishing Touch we can do slash schematic load number three that looks awesome dudes we have a

Giant snowman that’s literally got Adam’s nose and Alex’s belly and just so I don’t forget we’re going to go right over here make a little hole inside of the ginormous Snowman and we can plop down our chest with tons of cookies and also some glasses of milk and we’ll add

In a little surprise at the end too hold on I have another idea break that block and then we put a chest in there yo what if I break it oh my gosh that’s no one will ever find this no one will literally ever find this ever all

Of the cookies no no that is impossible that is impossible to find you literally can’t find that one thing I got to do though is make this a little bit more Christmasy bro there’s no way anyone look at that bro there’s no way it’s like one pixel big to find it okay I’m

Definitely going to put like a mini Christmas tree over here too okay there we go place the floors this is coming together nicely as long as nobody blows it up we should be fine yes this is turning out nicely saying his Workshop boom now we need a chest one of these is

Going to be a trapo while the other one is going to going to be the real chest and the trap chest will trigger TNT that’ll blow up this entire area let’s fill it up quick we’re running out of time ladies and gentlemen we did it we got sant’s Workshop okay so let’s put

The cookies in the chest get that done then let’s put the milk in the middle I want to try to build like at least some kind of Tree and then if they come all the way around to the side they’ll be able to get right up to these secret milk and cookies it’s genius and time is officially up let’s TP back down and that is it boys time is up oh yeah honestly bro I’m feeling pretty good I

Was really nervous at first that you guys were probably going to be able to fight my milk and cookies pretty quick but now I feel very confident that was a really good last round for me did you eat them uh no there’s a whole entire chest full of cookies all right boys we

Have to find dirt Boy base and it’s going to be up to you guys watching to comment down below for who you think had the best secret santa build battle isn’t it just like right here it’s literally like a hole I’m going to go inside Adam’s base’s hole oh that’s a good idea

I mean that’s a good idea right Adam hey there little Margaret tell me where it is tell me Jack Jack don’t do it do it you don’t have to do that come here come here come here I uh I I think there’s a oh oh maybe this is just a diversion

Adam it’s not outside of the the area right oh no wait Secrets not secret base don’t enter or you get coal Christoper you do it it’s horrible it’s horrible what is it it’s hel bom I’m not going through there Mom I’m coming you guys M well we need to find

The milk and cookie wait I don’t see my mom o I found the milk and cookies T hey yeah it’s all destroyed nobody gets cookies coal for you coal I did get some but that was that was good good job Adam that was yeah no that was decent n let’s

Be honest that was terrible Adam you suck you blew my face before I even had chance that is true Alec blew blew Adam and Adam didn’t stand a chance all right can we do mine next I’m pretty hyped for mine everybody go to Alex’s base now

Said that so mad so Alec can you break it down you know this was this was a rough day for you can you just tell us what happened well I would build something and then someone would blow it up and then I would build something and

Then someone would blow it up and then I would and it was just really annoying how did that make you feel well I think it really affected LeBron’s Legacy in a detrimental way and I’m just not ready to talk about it but I I do feel like I

Feel like no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no we we’re not doing this we’re not doing that we’re not blowing things up my cookies and milk I will let you know

You’re able to find in survival mode I’m seeing something inside this tree right now and I’m I’m going to start going for it was it really that obvious oh no breaking I said oh my gosh guys I found something look at it look at it look at

It it’s a little bunker I like this I bet you there’s something right here where is my milk and cookies boys or is this just one giant distraction you know him better than anybody on planet Earth even his brother and even his mom what is he thinking right now it’s here I

Know it’s here Adam use that nose of yours smell it keep going smells like that’s just Alec Adam get past that find the cookies I’m trying one with the cookie Adam wow that’s strong ah I give up I can start playing the hotter colder game potentially if you like CHR is

Getting real hot over there he’s getting real hot over there no breaking blocks Adam that was not me I literally watched you do it is it in this corner Adam wait you’re at you’re cheating that is not fair all guys I don’t know if it’s in here I

Don’t believe it it’s in here I’ll know it is in here it’s in here I promise I can’t find it Adam’s real hot Adam is cheated Adam just cheated that is so dumb we wish you a Merry Christmas we wish you a Merry Christmas I feel like I should win but

Look look look it was like this right and it was like this and then you get it you can click like one pixel down there find that is that is good I like that that’s crazy Adam did find it though I feel like Adam should get extra

Points goam that’s so dumb all right I think we should do me next all right let’s go to christano all right Adam Alec group up oh I found it it’s right here look there’s little thing can I am I allow to break things do we need an

Elytra to find your base no someone change the block I can’t even get in all right all right screw this oh my gosh this stupid mine cart the classic painting trick I see around yeah I see a lot of holes in the round boys keep in

Mind the trick that he used to get into this base maybe he used it again oh Adam we’re stuck oh no oh Adam oh Adam no oh Jack oh guys guys I’m still going to kick it out milk and cookies are not down there I could confirm that 1,000%

You guys want to hit you guys want to hit I’m I’m tearing down the Walls Boys oh that would if you did that that would have been good if you did that but you’re not smart enough to do that but then you would have found it already

I’ve been in every one of Chris kik’s holes down here and been in I found another secret hole we broke it I’m in I’m in I’m in down we go wa this is it let’s go let’s go good job boys GG I like that that was that was good I like the mine

Cart trick Adam I think you lost your build was terrible like low tier but it’s going to be up to you guys in the comments okay what we’re not going to influence you but Adam yours yours was pretty bad Jack your build I’m going to be honest I

Spent two entire rounds trying to find the entrance to your your base I didn’t find it at all like not even a clue clue your snowman’s leaking out the b I will say you can get in in survival mode you can get in you need survival mode and

You have to use one command what you have to use a command I didn’t I didn’t want to be bothered making a command block so it it’s easier trust me what’s the command well you you got to find the secret I’m getting warm now you’re actually you’re getting you’re getting

Kind of cold actually oh Christopher is the closest right now no he’s getting further away Christoph getting closer Adam is Adam is the Adam Adam is on fire oh my my God what is this what is this oh no wa oh I found the code it’s mad CZ

Bad mad cuz bad dab dab cuz Alec is the closest oh Christopher’s getting Clos no Al Adam Adam is in the lead no Adam’s getting further P has found it wait it says TP somewhere TP that weird squiggly line 875 that weird squiggly line wa welcome my gosh just TP to me the

Winter wonderland oh Alex’s dying go ahead and give yourself a barrier block this is so cool I have been a thousand blocks up in the sky building a winter wonderland oh my God that’s why I didn’t see you that one round Adam you can fly Adam you can fly

Wow th this tree is like only half as good as my tree my tree was way cooler I did like your tree especially when I put TNT at the top wait can we still find it in survival mode or do we have to fly now you can still find it in survival

Mode I mean you can fly if you want you can break I found it I found it I found I found it Oh no I got to get it quick Adam found it no you got exploded help me I have exploded my snowman damn that snowman just busted the cookies and milks I

Found it I won the challenge let’s go Adam is the best Adam found it I found every single base and boys that is it the secret Christmas build battle vote for who you thought had the best build in the comment section down below leave a like if you enjoyed have a happy

Holiday season and we’ll see you guys next time

I Cheated with ILLEGAL BLOCKS in Minecraft Build Battle…

👕 OFFICIAL MERCH – https://beckbrojack.co/

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Today I invited my friends @Sirud @BeckBroAdam @CCrizzic to a build competition in Minecraft! We have to build the best Secret Minecraft House and include Christmas themes like Snowmen, Santa, Christmas Trees, Milk and Cookies! They had no idea that I was going to use cheats to build with illegal Minecraft blocks that were completely invisible! Will my friends be able to find out?

Music: https://www.epidemicsound.com/


  1. Jack i have a question, can you make a video on your old world with bessy, your wolfpack and those dragons because i really loved frostbite inferno ultraviolet and your other Dragons

  2. Jack should do a series of how to train your dragon race to the edge tv show like one episode till the end like one day he did the first episode and then the next day the next episode

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