MIKEY vs JJ Family – NOOB vs PRO: AIRPLANE HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft

Today we are building airplane houses to keep our friends Mikey and JJ and their family safe can we build them in time before the sun goes down and the zombies attack Yip it looks like the sun is in the middle of the sky so we do not have

A lot of time to build these airplanes this is JJ and Mikey’s family Milo and we need to split up and help them I’ll take JJ’s family if you take Mikey’s family zombies are going to attack this airport at nightfall so we need to hurry

We need to build plane so we can get out of here as soon as possible the body of my plane is going to be made out of iron and I’m going to make it pretty high off the ground my plane’s going to be so amazing and I’m pretty much using wood

What wood Milo that’s terrible how will your plane ever fly what wood is really light which means that it can float in the sky yeah it’s also pretty flammable what if your plane gets struck by lightning or something my plane will not get struck by lightning I’m going to

Have to fend is ready to catch the lightning defenses oh Milo I’m really worried about you but my plane I’m pretty confident for your plane looks dumb already I hate this shape what Milo this is what airplanes is shaped like it’s going to fly so fast so that we can

Escape the zombies really quickly the zombies I forgot about them they’re going to be here really soon they definitely will and they’re probably going to attack both of our families so we’ve got to make sure there’s enough space for both of them I’m going to Mikey’s family so safe in my wooden

Plane Milo I don’t know if it’s going to be safe if it can’t fly what if it gets stranded and all the zombies attack it that is not going to happen chip you do not need to worry about it I am a monst plane engineer A muster plane engineer

Milo really where did you learn how to do that at school I learned how to build epic plane um Milo your plane is not looking epic so far it kind of just looks like a chunk of wood hey you just trust the process this plane is going to

Be the best one you’ve ever seen okay I just have to trust you even though I am really really worried all right I really bet JJ and his family are going to love this one I’m even loving it so far yeah well I don’t think they’re going to love

Your plane very much when it falls out of the sky what my plane’s not going to fall out of the sky I’m working so hard to make sure it’s perfect these zombies are going to eat your plane up like it’s brains what what Milo my plane does not

Have brains it’s going to be run by computers which the last time I checked zombies don’t really like eating well that’s true I guess I just hope your plane’s going to keep everyone really safe I’ve been building a lot of cool Windows right now what are you building

I’m building the engine room of my plane where the pilot is going to control the entire flight from you’re already building the engine room what the Yeah I’m going so fast because there is no time to spare when running away from zombies like this all right this airplane window room is looking great

It’s also going to be where the engine is and it’s going to be being piloted by me I feel like I’m missing something though oh let’s extend the roof out a little bit longer yeah this is looking a lot more like a realistic plane right now let’s also tip this down a little

Bit we can’t just have it hanging over that would be ridiculous we do need to replace the front with glass I say white stained glass is perfect it’s the easiest glass to see through because Normal glass has a bunch of weird lines running through it and I cannot have

That ruining my pilot Vision that’ll just make it way harder to steer through the zombies and zombies come at nighttime so it’s already going to be pretty hard to fly okay the sun’s not going down yet but I can feel it’s going to start going down really soon I’ve got

To hurry as much as I can let’s quickly start building the body of the plane really far back so that we can start making the wings my wings are going to be really smooth and sharp so that this thing can fly real good hey Milo what

Are your wings going to be like they’re going to be made out of oak wood and they’re going to be really cool oak wood what Milo oak wood is so flimsy if your wings snap Mikey’s whole family is done when I was in school they told me that

Oakwood is the most aerodynamic material okay I guess if you learned it in school then it must be right yeah it’s really right and look how big These Wings Are My plane’s looking amazing oh Milo you’re just so crazy I’m going to start making my wings as well what are yours

Going to be made out of mine are going to be made out of iron blocks and quartz slabs those are so cool and really good at making super strong buildings oh yeah this is exactly what a plane’s Wing should look like and now we’ll extend

This all the way to the back and we’ll sort of make it go in a little bit wow that’s perfect this plane is already looking really good let’s just do the same on this other side first we need to start building out like this and perfect

Let’s just bring it far back I need to check on the other side to see exactly how far back I should make this thing whoops I’ve made it a little bit too far let’s break these two sections here and now we can actually start adding in the

Quartz slabs again let’s just add them like here and wait uh-oh I think I’ve made them wrong as well oh this is not going good but wait this side actually looks better than this one I’m going to change every single one of these quart slabs to be just like the other side Yep

This way only the best gets to go through for my final plane design oh I’m so excited to see this thing fly and I’m so excited to use it to escape the zombies zombies are so annoying I can’t believe they decided to attack JJ and Mikey’s entire families and us as well

Uh these zombies are really annoying we’re not going to let them get away with this what these zombies don’t know is that we’re really good at building planes and we’re totally going to protect these families exactly I think the zombies are going to know it pretty soon because we’re not exactly going to

Hide it from them we’re going to show it to them by building the most awesome planes to escape the zombies they have ever seen they’re not going to believe their eyes the zombies might even run away very embarrassingly yeah exactly look Milo my wings are complete don’t they look

Amazing hey I just finished my wings as well they’re looking really good I’m almost done with the body of my plane as well soon I’ll be able to stop making the seats and the windows the seats and the windows that’s pretty much where I’m up to as well I’m very excited to get

Building yeah except the seats and windows on mine are going to be way bigger because my plane is huge compared to your plane your plane is ugly I don’t like it one bit what my plane isn’t ugly that’s really rude Milo I’m going to come over and inspect your plane you’re

A plane inspector now Milo really did they teach you that in plain school as well yeah and they taught me that this is really bad hey what what are you doing Milo don’t break my plane your plane is stupid and I don’t like it hey stop breaking my blocks that’s really

Annoying well if you break my plane I’m going to break your wing hey get away from my plane you’re so rude stop that stop that stop that good luck trying to fly now if your wings broken Milo you are the worst Boer in the whole universe

Hey don’t Place wood on my plane okay okay don’t touch my plane and I won’t touch yours all right Milo de oh now I need to fix the damage that you’ve done you’ve totally ruined the front of my plane your plane was already ruin cuz

It’s so ugly no it wasn’t uh now I have to do a bunch of repairs and make sure it looks all nice again okay I think this is definitely the right thing to do and we’ll move this here okay I think this might have been looking better now

Than it was before you almost did me a favor Milo but almost never break my plane again otherwise I’ll be really sad well watch it buddy I might be breaking your plane before you know it just like the zombies are going to bite it to Pieces no Milo that’s right the zombies

Uh-oh I need to make sure my plane is fully done before the zombies arrive otherwise I’m toast I’m just building the back of my plane now Miler your plane looks kind of like a school bus yeah well it’s called the air bus 3000 that’s the name of my plane oh okay I

Guess that makes sense but can the Airbus 3000 fly yes obviously it can fly chip it’s an airplane oh okay wait I thought you said it was an air bus yeah it’s just the name of it silly what does your plane not have a name yet uh yeah

It does it’s called the boang jj8 that is a stupid name and I don’t even know what it means well it’s because JJ and his family are going to be with me on the plane so I wanted to name it after them and do something nice well Mikey

And his family are going to be on my plane and we’re going to have a party what’s a party what are you even going to do celebrate escaping the zombies yeah that’s something good to celebrate don’t you think I guess you’re right but Milo while you’re celebrating escaping

Them I’m actually going to be working really hard to make sure we properly survive well you better hurry along then because the time is ticking oh gosh you’re right even though it pains me to say it you’re completely correct right now I do have to really hurry okay I’ve

Almost made the back end of my plane once I’m done with this we’ll be almost ready to start filling the interior with awesome stuff like seats for us and Survival equipment and the actual engines for the engine room okay we finished the back part of the plane now

I just quickly need to make the tail it should go up like this I think around this many blocks is correct and we’ll just extend it a little bit more this way okay that looks good I’m really confident with how the plane looks right now thany C guess what what is it Mila

Mikey just told me that he doesn’t like your plane what Mikey that’s terrible I really think think it’s good and JJ just told me that he absolutely loves it and thinks it’s totally going to help us survive yeah well JJ clearly doesn’t have taste Milo if we don’t stop

Fighting and get working on these planes the only taste JJ’s going to have is a delicious taste to the zombies when they eat his brains oh goodness all right I guess I’ll stop being so mean I’m sorry I’m just really stressed out right now yeah that’s fair I’m pretty stressed out

Too but look the shape of my plane is finally compl hey Mikey it’s not too late to join me on my plane and Mikey does not want to join your plane he really likes my plane and what totally going to survive not as well as I’m going to survive surviving these zombies

Is going to take skill and that’s exactly what we’ve got right JJ yeah hey JJ I’m going to go sneak over to Milo and try and prank him he ruined my plane that last round and I’m not going to let him get away with it all right wish me

Best of luck I do not want to get caught okay Milo’s around the other side side of his plane so now is the perfect opportunity to run in and ruin things luckily I’ve got this campfire here okay I’m going to sneak inside I hope he doesn’t see me I think I’m going to

Break this block and start putting campfires underneath this way it starts smoking it’s going to look like the plane is about to blow up is the coast clear over this way yeah it is all right I’m going to do the same thing over here with this concrete oh look at that it

Looks like the plane is smoking right under the wing that’s so dangerous and I’m also going to do it over here right next to the wheel and on the back of the wheel as well oh look at this the plane really looks like it’s in trouble now

And now I’m going to wait until Milo goes over to the other side from the back and I’m going to try and steal the wheel on the other side of the front of this plane and look he’s on the other side Now quickly Let’s Take the Wheel

That’s so funny and I think we can put the wheel all the way over here yeah look at that that’s perfect okay I’m going to need to try and sneak over back to my side without Milo seeing and okay I I think he’s going around the back

Again oh no he’s near the wing a Milo go around okay he’s going this is perfect I just need to run back to my side and try to blend in with JJ okay I’ve been here the whole time right JJ yeah yeah we we’ve both been here hey Milo what’s

Wrong with your plane why is it smoking CH what are you talking about and what oh no my plane is falling apart yeah it is why did you do that Milo I didn’t do anything want is happening I’m going to need to fix this good luck Milo oh that works so

Well now I need to get back to building well I’m just going to make my engine room then all right chip I’m going to have to deal with all of these problems yeah good luck first for my engine room I’m going to need some Oak stairs so

That me the awesome pilot can sit down and control everything then I’m going to need a huge control panel full of a bunch a bunch of materials like leas and buttons I’m going to move the Chet back a little bit so that I can have enough

Room for all of the components let’s go to the redstone blocks and see what we can get we need some comparators and of course some sensors yep those are really important for flying we also need some levers and what else is there um oh of course we need some Oak fence gates oh

This is going to look so Technical and futuristic all right we’ll just place the comparators down and we’ll add another one over here and we’ll start adding the levers wow that looks so good let’s replace this with a a couple of wooden fences and W it looks so

Technical let’s stop flipping them on and off wow it’s like we really are a pilot now that we’ve done that it’s time to start building the seats for the family I think the middle floor of the plane needs to be red just like JJ and

His whole family are this way it fits in really nicely with that colors y I’ve been building seats on my plane after dealing with that disaster really what do they look like Milo that blue which is my favorite color ew blue Milo I don’t think Mikey and his family will

Like that they love the color green yeah but there’s no green chest so I’m trying to compromise thank you very much I guess you’re right but you better add something green in your plane Milo otherwise they’re not going to want to get in it oh goor I think you’re right

Okay I’m going to try and put some green stuff around good idea I’m actually done with my floor now it’s time to start adding in all the chairs that I need I’m going to make a section that separates the front pilot room from the rest of the plane because the pilot needs his

Peace and quiet and we’ll start adding in the chairs every single chair can be connected to a window so let’s start making windows all the way back just like this until right about here I’d say yeah perfect now let’s start adding the windows on the other side too we want

Everybody in JJ’s family to have a really good view at all times that’s what’s going to make this flight away from the zombie is actually fun and not just scary although it definitely will be scary too I’m just going to add so many chairs and wait Milo how many

People can you even fit in that tiny little plane of yours let Cat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight that’s lots of people yeah okay I guess eight is a lot of people I guess I just want to build extra room just in case I need to save you and

Mikey’s family with how bad your plane is my plane is awesome you will not need to save us so you might as well not put any extra verm in your plane thank you very much okay Milo you’re so silly I just had an amazing idea I’m going to make a whole

First class section so everybody in it can fly in absolute luxury the seats here are going to be double and Milo if you do end up having to come on this plane to escape you guys are not going to be let In First Class what that’s so

Rude luckily I don’t think we’re going to be needing your stupid ugly Point yeah okay but just in case you are I’m going to start adding in Windows this way no one especially not the babies are going to be able to fall out the side that is pretty important because if they

Do they’re going to land right in the zombies and that would be terrible it would mean we’ve failed to protect Mikey and JJ’s families I will not fail to protect them these zombies are not going to keep up with that plane now at the back of my plane I’m going to build

Bathrooms for everybody to use we’re going to have a girls one here and a boys one on this side I’ve already started building my bathroom catch up buddy oh I will catch up Milo I’m taking that as a challenge this bathroom is going to be so luxurious that even the

People in first class will get to use it all right perfect and now we have to make the doors into the bathrooms and the doors are going to be Iron because they’re the most private of course and everybody needs their privacy all right perfect this one will open that door

This one will open this door and wait a second I’m actually going to replace these levers with Mangrove buttons this way the door won’t stay open the whole time and you can get some peace and quiet while you you use the bathroom there’s also going to be a button on the

Inside to help open it so that people don’t get totally stuck inside that would be terrible here we’re going to have the toilet and here will be the button to flush it and over on the other side we’re going to have the sink where everybody can wash their hands perfect

Now let’s go build the same in the boys bathroom we’ll build a toilet seat like this and a flush button and we’ll also add the sink so that they can wash their hands I really hope everybody actually washes their hands otherwise that would be gross if they didn’t now let’s

Actually sex turn off this part of the plane because I’m going to build something really fun in the back this doesn’t normally go on a plane but I’m actually going to build a bouncy castle it’s going to be right above all the luggage so we can see all of our storage

Materials just by bouncing on this thing and the bounciness will go all the way up the back this is going to be so much fun I bet your plane doesn’t have a bouncy castle Milo um I’m going to build one right now what hey you can’t copy it

That’s my idea well it’s my idea too really you only thought of it cuz I said it no way I was already thinking about it for sure now this bouncy castle definitely needs some good lighting and I think the best kind of lighting is frog lights because frogs are also

Pretty bouncy and we’ll start placing them like this wow they’re so pretty they have all my favorite colors they have orange for me green for the Slime and for Mikey as well and I know this is purple but it kind of looks like red so

I think JJ and his family are going to totally love it let’s start adding them right up the back here as well we need Super Duper brightness if there are any dark spots zombies could spawn which would be absolutely terrible and ruin the flight perfect oh I’m loving this so

Far we have bathrooms and a bouncy castle seating and first class in the plane this is so cool hey Milo what do you have well I have lots of good seats and a bathroom some really nice windows and even if you walk down to the bottom

Of my plane you can get to a bouncy room H Milo I can’t believe you built the bouncy room in the bottom of your plane how is it going to fly if you dug into the ground don’t worry about it I’ll think it through later Milo if you want

To see what a plane really needs to look like if it wants to fly come check out mine I bet you’re going to be really surprised all right I’ll come check out your plane but not because I want to all right here’s the inside if you just step

On this entryway here you’ll see my main cabin W this is pretty fancy thanks Milo it’s important so everyone can sit down and there lot of Running Room in case the zombies get on board here’s the engine room too this is so beautiful there’s so much technology exactly and

At the back we have the bathrooms and the bouncy castle see Milo if you want your plane to fly you have to design it well wellow my plane is designed well and you’re just being rude Milo I don’t know about that the sun is nearly down

We only have 5 more minutes to get these planes finished before the zombies get here every single plane needs a proper engine so that it can fly and mine is going to be made fully out of observers and Redstone lamps this is going to be so cool and Blinky all right okay I

Think this part is done now we need to break the corner ones and replace them with the Redstone lamps just like this now you can see it blinking and doing all of its mechanical functions that’s pretty awesome what are you using to power your plane Milo I’m pretty much

Using magma blocks magma blocks Milo your plane is made out of wood and magma blocks are very flammable don’t you think that’s a bad idea well it’s worked pretty fine so far I guess you’re right but you’re going to need a really good engine to survive the zombies my engine

Is going to fly this plane right to Paradise okay well it’s almost night time Milo when the zombies come it’s going to be pitch black so we need to add lights to our planes or at least I’m adding them to mine oh my goodness I totally forgot about lights thanks for

Reminding me Bozer I’m going to build some now hey don’t me AB bozo I’m helping you okay these lights are really going to help me see and they’re going to help stop us from crashing into any other planes that we might run into I hope we don’t run into any zombie planes

Zombie plane sounds really scary I’m crossing my fingers and my feathers that we don’t find one of those yeah me too all right these lights are looking pretty good and my engine is sort of powerful but I don’t think it’s enough I need to add an even more powerful engine

To my plane to help me go super fast what are you going to yes um that’s a secret Milo I don’t want to tell you and have the zombies find out fine keep your secrets gatekeeper okay okay but I’m not going to keep them for long this type of

Engine is so powerful they use it to go to space to space wait is your plane secretly a rocket ship no but it is going to have a rocket engine mounted to the top so I can go super duper fast I don’t need to go fast as long as I’m up

In the sky and escaping from the those stupid zombies I’m going to be just fine yeah Milo I don’t know if your plane will even be able to take off I’m going to get a bunch of different colored glass to start making the fire for the rocket fuel well I’m putting lots of

Torches around my plane so everyone knows where it is and we don’t get into any plane crushes hey I just added lights you can’t say that like it’s a new idea it’s a pretty much new idea because I’m so smart whatever Milo as long as we both survive I can take you

On later wo this Rocket Fuel is looking pretty awesome the glass is really shooting off the back if I just keep adding a bunch of different colors of glass like this it’ll look so cool okay now it’s time to add the yellow this really is looking like fire but Rocket

Fuel is not normal fire it actually becomes a blue color just like a stove that’s how powerful it is blue fire is twice as hot as normal fire so once this thing turns blue oops I dropped the glass it’ll be really really flaming hot just like a real rocket all right this

Is going so good and now we’ll just keep making it blue perfect wao I cannot wait to see this thing in action look it looks just like a real rocket now let’s take these end rods but instead of using them as lights again we’re going to use

Them as particles floating off the side of the rocket fuel just because of how powerful and boiling hot it is oh this is going to look so awesome I can’t wait to see this Milo how cool does my rocket look I’ve been looking at it and it’s

Really crazy I can’t believe you just built that thanks Milo neither can I I’m a pretty good Builder I should basically work for NASA no they don’t want you what why don’t they want me cuz you’re stupid hey I’m not if I’m so stupid how did I build such an awesome rocket

Engine you didn’t you probably copied it from someone yeah well I definitely didn’t copy it from you I don’t know what you’re doing with the wings but those Redstone torches look so silly no they don’t they’re very very very nice and they give the plane a cozy Vibe yeah

Okay I guess you’re right but I don’t know cozy Vibes aren’t going to stop the zombies okay my rocket engine is now fully done I think I need to add something inside the plane to help protect us from the zombies though like maybe oh I know an Armory room at the

Very front yeah it can be right next to the engine and next to the pilot seat this way if I need to fly the plane in an emergency I can quickly grab armor first let’s put the armor stands over here I’m going to add four this way

There’s one for every single member of JJ’s family and one for me as well I guess it would only be the polite thing to do to make Milo and Mikey’s family for over here this way just in case they need to run over here they have a bunch

Of supplies let’s also get a chest so that we can add a bunch of netherite Swords yeah netherite swords will be perfect and maybe even pickaxes and axes perfect now let’s get bows and I think we need some arrows as well oh perfect let’s get Spectral arrows so we can see

The zombies and normal arrows as well just in case perfect I’m going to put the chest right in the middle of the engine that way it’s kind of hidden into the floor and if a zombie is stupid enough to get into the plane they definitely won’t be smart enough to spot

This perfect I’m going to fill it with a bunch of Swords oh yep that’s definitely enough for everyone we’ll have enough pickaxes for six people and enough axes for six people now we’ll only have two bows and two of each kind of Arrow these are pretty powerful and I especially

Don’t want the kids getting their hands on them that’s why there’s not going to be that many perfect the Armory room is now complete okay I’m feeling pretty confident at this plane’s ability to survive this thing finally in the ceiling I’m going to add a bunch of

Overhead storage lockers this way we can have food and other emergency supplies just in case we need to make a quick escape and not be able to land for days all right we’ve done that side now let’s add them over to this side it’s pretty important that we have enough supplies

To last me JJ’s family Milo and Mikey’s family just in case everybody needs to come over here all right perfect now let’s start thinking about what we need to put inside obviously we need golden carrots golden Enchanted apples and regular golden apples we also need some

Cake as well and I think some pumpkin pie would be absolutely perfect let’s grab this and now we can start putting it inside the chests this whole chest can be full of golden carrots and then this one can be full of enchanted golden apples if we only have one kind of food

Per each chest that way we’ll be able to store them really safely and there will be no cross-contamination I know JJ’s kid is really allergic to cake so the cake and pumpkin pie will get their own chests that way all they’ll have to eat is the golden carrots and the two types

Of golden apples they’ll be totally fine we’re really responsible on JJ Airways yeah that’s right Milo I changed the name isn’t it way better now JJ Airways I don’t like it even more what how do you hate it even more I thought it was

So cool me and JJ came with it well JJ’s not going to want to be on airline JJ when the zombies get here cuz your plane looks stupid and my plane looks epic Milo have you seen your plane it does not look epic and my plane does not look

Stupid my plane’s beautiful the zombies are not going to go in here and if they do I’ve got some armor in here that I’m going to use to get rid of them oh well I have armor too and I bet my armor is stronger than yours my armor is

Netherite yes so is mine I thought you normally did diamond armor you’ve really stepped up your game Miler yeah because I really want to protect Mikey and his family good idea me too but for JJ’s family and Mikey’s family too if they really need it Camp it’s getting dark

What do you mean Milo Oh no you’re right look the sun’s about to go down and wait a minute the horde of zombies is closing in we have to take off quick okay come on JJ and JJ’s family we’ve got to get up this quick we do not have much time

Before the zombies get here and oh no they’re already here Milo quick take Mikey’s family and get inside the plane guys come on here we don’t have a lot of time oh goodness you guys are safe on my plane Milo what’s the status update on Mikey’s family everyone’s doing pretty

Good over here but these zombies are getting much closer and I think we need to take off oh okay don’t worry Milo I’m going to come over and Save You by using the Arma and weapons I have stashed in my engine room need your help I’ve got

My own stuff you stay over there buddy Milo I don’t know about that I really think I need to come help you no chip you don’t stay over there okay Milo I’m coming to save you no chip it’s too much we need to take off all right let’s take

Off go to your engine room quickly all right I’m going to my engine room it’s time to take off wo that really whacked Milo I think I’m fully up in the air and off the ground what about you a chip I’m in my engine room and I’m clicking all

The buttons but my plane’s not taking off I’m so high up I can’t even see you all right I’m going to do something crazy I’m mining out onto my airplane wing and coming over to take a look and Milo you’re surrounded by zombies oh no this is horrible I can’t believe my

Plane’s not working Mikey and his family are freaking out oh I have no choice but to save you okay Milo I’m going to find a way to come down to you okay chip please hurry these zombies are not very nice all right I need to think of a way

I can get down to the ground safely without taking any damage and still somehow get back up here JJ and his wife don’t seem to have any ideas so wait a minute I know exactly what I can do first I need to take a crafting table

And put it right down over here next I need to grab a bunch of these slime blocks okay they led me down into the luggage area but I can place one block of iron to lead me back out now I need to turn this block of iron into nine

Iron ingots which I can then transform into a bucket once we have this bucket we can go into the bathroom Wait no that’s the girl’s bathroom we can go into the boys bathroom grab the water and now we have both a slime block jumping pad and a water bucket so that

We can climb back out first we need to go into the emergency door and place the water here this is far enough away from the zombies that they won’t be able to swim up it to get me but we also need to be able to jump down quickly and right

Onto Milo so over here we’re going to take this slime block and try and trickshot onto his plane okay this has got to work yep the baby zombies keep coming in to kill me oh no don’t worry Milo you tell Mikey’s family that he is safe because chip is coming to save them

Okay I managed to land one jump and boom a second one perfect wo that did a lot of damage but Milo I’m here to save you from the zombies get us out of here please I’m stressing out so much I can’t believe my plane didn’t take off Milo

I’m here I found you and wo there really are so many zombies here come on everyone we need to get out of here oh wow this is crazy don’t worry though my autopilot has the plane fully handled and we don’t have to worry about it

Crashing come on guys we got to get out on this Wing we got to get away from these zombies there are so many in ow Milo you’re kidding me oh Mikey and his whole family are here we need to find a way to get back to my plane all right

Milo I don’t think you’re going to like this but we’re going to have to lead Mikey and his family across the runway through the zombies what chip we cannot do that they are too fragile oh no the zombies almost jumped up but hey Milo they have the shells of turtles they can

Handle anything that’s true all right I guess we’re going to have to make a run for it are you guys ready come on Mikey and his whole family we need you to be ready all right it’s time to run through the zombies and up to the water That’s

How we’ll get up up to the plane is everybody ready wait P’s baby is still in the plane how do we get him out don’t worry oh I see what the problem is because he’s a baby he’s only half a block tall and he can’t jump as high

Luckily I have a solution I’m an expert in helping people with their problems all right first I’ll need to break this many blocks off of your wall okay perfect and now I’m just going to need to make another crafting table like so perfect now I just need to make a bunch

Of Oak slabs and the baby should be able to assist okay I I just have to push him onto the slabs and oh gosh all right look he made it Milo look he’s finally coming come on little guy oh wait Mikey’s down with the zombies CHF we got

To run oh no hey stay away from Mikey and ouch ouch they’re doing lots of damage Milo we really need to help save them oh no they’re coming towards me as well we got to go chip we don’t have a lot of time oh no Mikey and his family

Are running but hey the zombies are attacking me as well stay back stay back oh no I hit Mikey get away from Mikey and his family stupid zombies okay Milo I think I should distract the zombies while you lead Mikey and his family up to the plane all right good idea chip

Come on guys we got to go hey zombies over here don’t you want a taste of this we got to go up here family can you follow me oh no the water is too much for them I think I have to come up with another solution let me run over there

Quickly Milo and start placing in down some slabs to help stop the water from flowing okay good idea champ oh look the zombies are coming for you oh no you’re right all right I’m going to have to do this quick let’s get some trusty orange concrete ouch this is terrible come on I

Need to Circle back and grab that last bit I managed to get it and look one of the zombies even dropped a carrot that’s a really handy snack hey Franks get over here I’m going to teach you a lesson for messing with my brother a thanks Milo I

Knew you’d come back to save us okay Milo I’ve managed to get the zombies over here you lead Mikey and his family up to Salvation okay they’re following me hurry up guys we don’t have a lot of time oh goodness the zombies are starting to really get my health down

All right I’m going to have to swim up the water to let’s go come on everyone we going to get up to this plane chip thank you for building such a good plane you’re welcome Milo anything I can do to help Milo please tell me everything’s working I’m really low on health yes

Everyone’s okay up here we’ve got JJ and Mikey and all of their families I’m coming up as well I really hope I haven’t forgotten anything I’m feeling like I definitely have ch we got to fly away from this situation I’m hoping your plane can go fast oh it can go really

Fast it has a rocket engine Milo I can’t believe you would almost forget that I would not forget about the rocket engine it’s pretty much the most epic part okay everybody take your seats it’s time to stop flying this plane I can’t believe we made it yeah I can’t believe it

Either but Milo it’s time to activate this plane and take off yeah let’s fly into the sunset yeah woohoo we did it we survived the zombies and made awesome planes

Maizen are in big trouble and now Chip and Milo must save them and their familes! But what happens when the Zombie army attacks?

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


  1. Hey, I love you but I don’t think this is a kids video. It’s a stupid lot more thing like that so yeah but still really good and I think Marley’s voice is a little creepy but I still love your videos you’re awesome.

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