Baby Mikey and Baby JJ Are All ALONE On The Island in Minecraft (Maizen)

Where are we going I don’t understand well how is it look at this huge ship well what do you like here yes it’s very beautiful here what are we doing JJ and Mikey it was as if you weren’t listening to anything when we told you we are going on adventure

Around the world on this ship tickets here were very expensive so please accept and appreciate this gift there’s even a swimming pool wow how cool yes this is a very cool gift thank you Father what is it look there oh no looks like we have huge problems it’s a

Tsunami what should we do now where should we run yes quietly everyone Don’t Panic you JJ and Mikey quickly run to the cabins hide in the toilets that’s the safest place and I’ll see what can be done so don’t worry everything will be okay I don’t like all this at all I don’t

Even understand how this could happen let’s run quickly oh no oh my God it seems we didn’t have time what will happen to us now what should we do I don’t know Mikey we may not even survive wow my head what it is what kind

Of place is it where I am hey hey Mikey father are you here I do not understand anything I remember that I was on the ship wow what kind of boxes are these I know what kind of boxes they were they were on the ship Lord what

Happened did the ship really sink and all our parents along with him oh no and what should I do now where’s Mikey am I left completely alone in an unknown Place Mikey Mikey hey are you alive Mikey JJ what’s happening Mikey I don’t know what’s going on but it seems like

Like we’re left alone for some unknown reason look what’s around here oh no oh my God I can’t believe it how could this happen what should we do now Jay is it really the end for us no quiet get a hold of yourself it looks like we’ll

Have to survive here looks like some kind of Island I’ll survive but how can we survive if we have nothing Mikey look around there are a lot of boxes and some resources here we need to search the boxes now and from the remaining blocks it will be possible to create some kind of

Temporary shelter I think it’s not all that bad exactly you and I need to find resources and food what you have there I have a lot of money I really don’t know how much we need money here perhaps there is some kind of civilization here perhaps even a populated

City where exactly are we located in which location I don’t know this at all for some reason it seems to me that this is some kind of Island we should examine it and look for something here Mikey look there are there any buildings there let’s go see what’s so interesting about

It wait are you sure we should go there are you sure that we will be greeted there normally well I don’t know perhaps there are quite adequate people there maybe there are aborigines there who are ready to devour us think about it with your head oh my God like there’s some

Scary dude standing there let me see well I don’t know the JS I’m scared to go there let’s just take a look around first let’s just calmly stand and look at them don’t attack them perhaps they are still peaceful if they don’t attack us let’s go talk to them maybe they will

Help us hey you what are you doing there and who are you um hello we’re a little lost here and we need help it is very dangerous to walk and walk here the way you are doing what you need we were a little lost because we were in a

Shipwreck in General we need help to survive here you are very lucky that you are here and not hundreds of kilometers away from this place so I will help you but on the condition that you go to that cave and destroy the monsters that are sitting

There the monster is not very strong we constantly fight with them you have to deal with this okay we’ll see what we can do well are you ready I’m ready you know I thought that those people would burn us at the Stak and burn us I thought so too but apparently we are

Very lucky that they are somehow adequate what kind of monsters are these looks like ogres look Mikey there is still a passage below let’s try there come on I really don’t know if we’ll be able to get down there oh no JJ help me miky well why are you jumping so

Thoughtlessly what what should we do now we can look for a diving suit I remember exactly that my father took him with him water suit wow we were very lucky that your father decided to take him with him but it’s not a fact that the suit is somewhere among the wreckage perhaps he

Has been at the bottom of the ocean for a long time interesting what about our parents to be honest I don’t want to talk about it yet Perhaps they suffered a worse fate than ours yes I don’t want to think about it either this is so offensive and because

Of this it is so sad the most important thing is that we now need to survive no matter how painful it was because I don’t want to become fish food at the bottom of the ocean grab your suits and let’s go see what’s in there for the

Days of that cave it’s good that there are allies here although I wouldn’t trust them I became very interested to find out what interesting things were there because it’s a strange place maybe this is just an ordinary cave with the same mutants maybe we can find something valuable there I don’t

Think there is anything valuable here if we are not not the first to be here already wow what a huge cave I didn’t even think it was so huge we were very lucky with diving suits and you wanted to sail here without them Mikey look there I think I see a passage

Upstairs well great have you seen how many precious ores there are here there are emeralds diamonds and Lapis Lazuli I see but now this is not a priority for us at all I would like to somehow get out of this island she somehow has a bad influence on

Me wow what do we have here I see that there are a lot of objects here let’s collect them perhaps they will be useful to us look I don’t know what it is but it looks like crystals I think we should give them to that dude are you sure

About this perhaps we will need them somehow I doubt that we will somehow be able to use crystals correctly we don’t need them but we need help from that dude well basically yes I agree with you we can change these crystals and these weapons For What by the way about

Weapons it looks very interesting I’ve never seen him I noticed that too as if this weapon has some magical effects interesting of course but it’s a Pity that we have to give it all away yeah it turns out that there was a secret passage here why then didn’t those people come here themselves

Because they wanted a favor for a favor now let’s quickly give them all this and ask for some resources hi in general we found something here and destroyed those ogres wow wow thank you very much for the crystals we will definitely need them why do you need crystals how do you use

Them there are different methods of using crystals as ingredients for example to create a healing potion here take the resources thank you for helping us and now you can create a boat and sail away from here I’ll explain and show you the coordinates of where you

Need to sail okay thank you very much for your help hey JJ look what I have Mikey are you crazy well hide it quickly let’s go build a boat but how do you know how to build a boat because I have no idea how we can do

This now we’ll figure out how to build a boat I don’t think it’s difficult but answer me why did you leave the diamond Trident with you yes because just imagine how much money it costs if we succeed then we can sell this staff and get just a lot of money I hope that

After this we won’t be captured and eaten by the way about this tribe everything is quite unusual here what are you talking about while you were gone somewhere I managed to talk to that dude and he told me the history of this place and where we should sail and also

Said that there is another tribe here I left to eat because I found some fruit and then went to bed did you eat fruit without knowing what it was you could have been poisoned what a difference it makes tell a story in general this is a tribe of people who

Decided to Simply live here away from civilization there are all kinds of people here those who lost their home those who have ceased to see the meaning of life and the rest and we are very lucky that we ended up here because 300 km from here there is a tribe that eats

People and 700 km from here is our salvation civilization and our home and here we are one step away from our Salvation cool story but we have a problem we don’t have a boat engine without an engine it’s just a piece of wood that will burst in the ocean lord

Well let’s go ask the leader then JJ who is the leader is their most important one and it must be here somewhere hi we came to talk to the leader we need his help because we can’t handle it ourselves I’m here hi JJ what did you

Want Hello leader we need help with a boat motor take this staff in return good but you still have to bring me something I give you a map and you must bring energy swords in the meantime I’ll be repairing your boat okay we will find these swords of

Yours JJ and where should we go now there is some way here I think I know what this place is it’s not far from the crash so let’s go there quickly the problem is that without a motor it’s just a piece of wood that will sink you

Said so yourself look this is the cave and what awaits us there probably some kind of tests o I thought that we would already get into the boat and sail away from here but no we need to run somewhere again most likely so traps and puzzles we won’t just leave here and

What should we do here what kind of obstacle course is this maybe we need to choose the right lever to build our path yes that’s right look JJM please tell me why you gave the diamond Trident to that dude so that he could help us with the

Boat what’s unclear here then if we helped him with the Trident then why are we here again it turns out that this is not a quid pro quo and it feels like we are being used to achieve their goal Mikey I don’t think so they are just

Fixing our boat and want to put an engine in it in return we will bring him these swords what’s so difficult about it okay I’m just telling you that it feels like we’ve been deceived I just want to get away from this place as quickly as possible because it brings

Very bad memories to my head yes I agree with you this place is not the best it’s kind of creepy here and these strange traps and tests who invented them in the first place and why is all this here it looks very strange and in some places even very stupid yes

Because the creators had nothing left in their heads except softness and they couldn’t come up with anything new just stupid and lazy pieces of Body In general we went through a lot of traps and tests it feels like it will never end I already hate this whole place I

Hate these traps and tests everything is always the same it’s just very boring and no one is interested in watching it you and I need to do something about this this the problem is that we are powerless in front of all this we need to accept the rules and play by these

Rules and how long can all this continue this is so boring and uninteresting stupid and monotonous I feel it I feel that we are very close the final is already somewhere here do you even understand that if we had not agreed to this stupid research we would have simply swam on

Foot to land nope you would be eaten by sharks in the middle of the ocean and do you seriously think about swimming about 700 km just in the water without anything it would be more interesting than what we are doing now okay Mikey just concentrate quite a bit left let’s

Rest a little if you Want and what do we have here wow ladder great it won’t be so difficult to climb up I hope that there is already a finale because I’m somehow tired of all this who else is this hello H we want to go further is it possible

JJ who is this let’s just break down the doors nope he wants cake we must create a cake in order to go further cake can’t they make the cake themselves what kind of circus well apparently such a task we must create a cake so that it gives away

A lever with which you can open the doors yeah I’m just shocked by this Lord what nonsense this this is all come on Mikey there’s just a little left and we’ll soon be able to eat and go home in peace these are probably the very swords the leader was talking

About yes this is true let’s go quickly hey leader we have great news for you we brought you what you asked for excellent I have already set up and repaired the boat for you I have set up an onboard computer with which you can easily get to your home wow wait how do

You know where exactly we live just because we are a tribe on a desert island does not mean that we don’t have technology and you still don’t know what secrets we have thank you very much leader for your help we will never forget this thank you Mikey we’ve

Arrived let’s wake up and go quickly do you think our parents are there or do they no longer exist I don’t know let’s go have a look and check the most important thing is that we survived and we are home I don’t even know what to

Think about this I don’t think it will be difficult for us to survive alone after what we have experienced what oh my God JJ and Mikey you are alive parents why weren’t you looking for us we thought something happened to you please forgive us we didn’t even know where you were because

We ended up on the shore of a neighboring country well we ended up on the shore of some Island where there were Aborigines what at least they didn’t touch you how did you survive anyway in general this is a long story and those natives on the contrary helped

Us they turned out to be kind people and helped us build the boat on which we came here what I just can’t believe it I’m just in shock and I’m glad that everything is okay with you

Baby Mikey and Baby JJ Are All ALONE On The Island in Minecraft (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen – @maizenofficial

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