Minecraft, But It Gets Easier…

This is minecraft but it gets easier and easier today we’re making minecraft easier with five brand new difficulties all starting at baby mode from friendly hostile mobs to mega giant op structures to even the chat listening to my messages oh that actually works my goal is to complete challenges to reach the

Final easiest minecraft difficulty but as minecraft gets easier things definitely get really weird so what’s the final easiest difficulty level and what happens to the dragon in the easiest difficulty stay tuned to find out so this is minecraft’s easy difficulty and this is baby mode difficulty and so now that we’re in baby

Mode if i just walk up to a tree i can mine vlogs by just looking at them good job you broke a log and we also get apples when we just look at leaves and as you can see from the top our goal is to make minecraft easier through all the

Easy difficulties going from baby to baby plus to all the future ones which you’ll see later in the video and let me keep showing you guys what i mean where minecraft is extremely easy now so this is a crafting table and i could either make a wooden sword which is pretty not

Easy what if instead we just do one stick and one dirt and then we get a diamond sword with oh my gosh okay i did not know it was that good fire aspect one eluding three sharpness four right away and let me show you guys what

Happens when i go on crops in baby mode they auto grow so let’s get some weed just like that and then i can just plant the seeds again and boom infinite food but it doesn’t stop there guys so right here we have a shipwreck and one thing

You can do in the baby mode we made is if i just say to the shipwreck get big holy okay the ship prank gets giant and now it’s literally a giant shipwreck right above us which we actually can’t get to until later into the videos so

I’ll get back to that later but our goal today is to make minecraft easier as you can see from the top and to do that we pretty much gotta do easier things in the world like trading with three villagers and so mr baby mode villager

What do you got for me oh okay so two dirt for two emeralds um pretty easy 14 dirt for 14 emeralds pretty good bargain and now we can buy x-ray random spawn egg and whatever an accessorial shield is okay let’s go and grab these things and that’s gonna complete the difficulty

Thing where we get difficulty lord and apparently i can use slash him for help whenever you need it and challenge updated okay so our new goal is to grab some stone tools but before we do that what exactly did we get okay what’s accessorial shield oh okay apparently

That really defends me very nice accessorial shield very much like that and what about random spawn egg oh it’s a little cow my man is just kind of vibing nice uh wait can a guy come for food oh no he didn’t drop any food oh no

That was probably my buddy i’m so sorry okay let’s completely ignore that and before we craft zone tools now that we have the x-ray button what if i right-click it oh let’s go okay so now i can see all the ores around me and now that i’m thinking about it guys there’s

Actually probably an easier way to even make a diamond pickaxe and let me show you guys what i mean so with one stick and three wooden planks we now get a good old diamond pickaxe and efficiency one because getting diamonds honestly that’s a little bit too much work so

It’s all good we now have a diamond sword in a diamond pickaxe anyways now let’s go ahead and do the stone tool so make a cobblestone oh wait never mind that is not a normal zone pickaxe because of course it’s baby mode so we get efficiency one at stone pickaxe and

Efficiency one stone axe a sharpness two stone sword okay i mean pretty good for baby mode and a efficiency one stone shovel oh and difficulty lord again and now our challenge is to make my tools big okay i’m actually not sure how to make my tools big so do i just type in

Slash hint oh use the command big tools oh wait that’s a thing okay so baby mode apparently just lets me type in the command big tools what does big tools do gate player xstorio block big raider 9000 in challenge updated give the big raider 9000 all my tools i mean sure uh

Do i just place this oh it plays okay hello yes i’m a talking block what about it anyways give me tool i make tool bigger got it just put the tool on me wait what okay you know what i’m not gonna question guys baby mode this video

Is about to get weirder and weirder because of how easy minecraft is gonna be so do i just like throw this on here oh whoa whoa yo now that’s a big sword what the heck who needs a diamond sword when we now have a big sword big sword sharpness two

Enlarged by the bigger raider and so in easier minecraft we get bigger swords very nice okay so does the pickaxe work like that oh my gosh okay wouldn’t go caving without this what does this do then and of course i can throw my pickaxe guys i just mined and literally

Got so many diamonds oh my gosh okay literally every time i mine i get every single ingot this is amazing wait what about the sword oh i can throw the sword wait wait wait what i just do it launches a bunch of swords from the sky

Holy a little bit overkill but nice and i guess stone shovel fine hidden stuff with this shovel uh wait how does that work do i just like mine with that oh i’m literally getting good stuff now when i’m mine with the shovel i mean i’ll take the chainmail chest plate not

Bad and of course an ender pearl okay so we got the pit guys we got the shovel and now what about the axe oh my gosh it works on the axe too what the oh and difficulty lord again so that’s gonna be for that challenge and we’re actually getting closer to the first

Flag of the meter and what is that challenge tame a structure okay before we get to that what does this ax do and why is it backwards oh wait did it just chop down this entire thing let me try that on the forest real quick all right

Uh miss villagers i’m sorry for what’s about to happen but right click oh my yo okay guys we already have all the diamonds gold and everything we’ll ever need and apparently minecraft is gonna get easier how’s it gonna get easier no idea but what the heck by the way one

Thing i’m realizing right now is that we actually are losing a little bit of hunger but i really don’t feel like getting food so because it’s baby mode i mean why not let’s go ahead and just type in chat heal me just heal me oh yo

It actually worked okay so we get a giant potion right above us when we say heal me and every single potion effect that’s positive for a few seconds this is only baby mode it’s gonna get even crazier okay so it says tame a structure and because i’m kind of lazy to actually

Find a structure one thing we can do in baby mode guys is literally just to slash temple and we get teleported straight to the nearest temple which um is this inside of a cave wait what let me do slash 10 because i actually don’t know how to tame the structure how do i

Do this oh use the command slash temple and then try structure oh okay so we use slash temple so what does slash structure do wait what challenge updated wait why again oh my gosh oh my gosh no no no no no no no is this part of baby

Mood ask the structure to be your friend wait how do i ask this guy to be my friend then uh be my friend does that work oh wait it worked so i guess we just tamed a desert temple okay anyways the next thing is to mine the sun but

Did we get anything from the desert temple wait give me one sec let me look around oh wait okay so something i didn’t realize that the game master just told me but in baby mode when we tame the structure and we contain any structure if i press this ability key

Right now watch this yo okay so now this is our buddy what’s up man okay so i think this guy will help us fight mobs whenever we have mobs but for now he’s just kind of vibing go ahead and give him my name in the comments down below i’m gonna call him

Billy for now and you know he’s vibing anyways it says mind the sun how am i supposed to mind the sun slash hint have your bodyguard help you mind the sun okay never mind billy i guess we’re trying to mine the sun now let me

I guess go up to the surface one second this guy looks so goofy from up here what the heck okay so that’s the sun and i’m supposed to mine the sun with this guy so can i tell him to pick me up pick me up does he pick me up oh he’s

Grabbing me oh yo he brought me up okay so it’s right there so do i just throw a pickaxe on it oh challenge updated you mind the sun oh and the sun is gone wait there’s no sun anywhere okay i made the temple boss go away now oh and we got

The first roll of it and now our goal is to explore the cave and that might make us go to the next easy difficulty guide so after baby mode we have baby plus mode so i’m gonna guess i gotta go back to the village let’s go oh is it this

Close until sundown wait is it because the sun is gone now i can go into the sun down thing did i just like right click it oh wait we’re going all the way down giant cave wait where am i now mine lots of oars oh wait we’ve already mined

Some of them holy guys welcome to baby plus mode i think the difficulty just got easier wait so i just got to mine ores does that work guys we’re mining so many there’s so many ores everywhere okay difficulty lord yet again and now we got another challenge which is tame

Three types of mobs oh and there’s three mobs right there how do i tame a mob let me get a hit real quick talk to a skeleton zombie and spider okay so it is baby plus mode do these guys even like attack me oh i taped skeleton you made a

Friend okay so when i right click it’s not my friend oh it’s chasing down the skeleton oh look at it go oh my gosh oh wow wow that’s all skeleton on skeleton crime okay now we got a team of zombies so uh zombie do you wanna be my friend

Oh and now we have the zombie without any arms why does he not have any arms okay and it dropped a subscribe button guys so might as well mention right now guys if you guys are new to this channel feel free to click that subscribe button

Right now because we are trying to get to 5 million subscribers and also where is a spider oh right there okay so spider give me our friend oh there we go difficulty lord and now we have a good old spider game masters wait why are the game masters talking complete the

Challenge without building complete the k parkour don’t fall wait where’s the cave parkour near the mine shaft there’s a parkour over the void okay so this is the mine shaft and where the heck am i going for beer oh there it is okay um we got this okay good thing baby mode has

No fall damage so we’re good or baby plus mode so no fault image to worry about let’s just keep going and get to the easier game mode now wait where do i go from here oh yo we want to enjoy the ride wait where are we going game

Masters headquarter it looks like he fell in between worlds so this is the game masters headquarters i don’t think we’re supposed to be here but apparently it’s what unlocks this difficulty just watch what happens explore five chests uh so is this a chest okay i mean some

Good stuff sure oh captured souls wait what does this do oh yo it gives me so much xp so uh not sure what i’m supposed to be doing here oh another special item we’re getting like a bunch of custom items but now that we’re here okay what else we

Got another chest right there let me let me check in here oh another chest right there okay that’s gonna be three out of five what’s gonna be in here a lot of a coal a lot of pretty much written stuff okay oh that’s gonna be the fourth one i

Think i know where the last one is too that’s a big old club giants club left click smash okay and right click toss nice okay i’m pretty sure i got this item before and i will definitely be grabbing that guys it’s so eerily quiet in this place what the heck okay this is

Another one right here there’s even more chests though hey what’s in this one wait intruder detected stop him wait disable the bots you’re out of five no no no no no give me a second guys we just got a giant bow yes i do like me a

Giant bow and we got a giant arrow from the giant bow nice okay i do like that and a ray gun because it’s the game masters hq i’m gonna guess this is where all the custom items are oh oh that’s a robot are they friendly or i mean it’s

Supposed to be an easier mode hello mr robot oh yo he has a naruto run okay okay okay okay okay but he’s going for it no no no stay away stay away admin bob powering down oh he’s disabled now nice okay where are the other bots then

Oh there’s another one okay that’s a purple one what’s up buddy couple more shots okay and that’s another uh power down good stuff let’s go back up okay a couple more bots to go i gotta be extra careful though actually got a good idea real quick heal me and just like that

Good poison right above us let’s grab that and that’s gonna help us a good bit okay nice oh there’s another robot all right get them out of light nope nope nope okay that’s gonna be powering down for the yellow one oh and then there’s a sus looking one what

I got a little like batman mask what’s up buddy oh okay okay no no no stay back stay back oh there’s some of them oh and there we go difficulty lord yet again admin bots are down admin bots are down okay it looks like i turned off the

Security system and now i gotta try five commands slash hints is that a thing there’s a room with five buttons press them oh wait another chest right here before we get to the commands come on give me something good oh no no literally more souls why not all right

Let me grab the souls there we go boom boom boom boom give me that speed thank you very much and now where is the command room oh wait is this it there’s a bunch of buttons in front of banners this could maybe be the pcs let me be a

Little bit careful with this what does this button do slash fly oh wait i got fly mode okay that’s sick okay i like this command room okay what about the pink one what does this do slash time swap between time and day oh whoa i have time commands now we’re getting access

To every command now wait can i just do time at any moment oh i can what about this one slash give guys i have slash give okay you know what i’m gonna take it i’ve gotten now one full notch apple i could also just say this and you know

Get a good old pushing right above me could never go wrong with that and now what about this one this one doesn’t have a button by the way slash god wait game masters stop what are you doing don’t touch those what’s the game master only disabled my fly mode god mode has

Been disabled flight has been disabled challenge updated wait wait what oh it’s only a game master so to unlock the next difficulty on the screen the people that set up these challenges are now the bosses in front of me so let’s see how it goes oh wait do i gotta fight these

Guys in baby mode game master number one please calm down wait poisonous vortex try and hit me up here no no no no no no no this is sick oh my gosh okay giant bow one more shot and there goes game master number one and two more archer

Now you can’t beat the gremlins that’s right no one can beat us guys guys i’m being bullied what the heck is going on whatever happens in baby mode okay okay come on come on come on come on come on yes okay the potion fell through a couple more shots and just like that

There goes another game master and here’s number five i’ve been waiting for this moment oh my air pillar shot oh my gosh wait what the heck is this oh come on come on come on okay thank you potion okay okay this guy takes so much damage what the heck guys

I gotta use a notch apple literally it’s a must right now okay we’re going in fire my bow no no no stay down there and yes okay there goes another one and oh my gosh there’s still another one i’m the last one let’s end this no no no no

No unstable teleportation you could use a change of scenery wait i’m being teleported we’ve gone to multiple game modes so what the heck is going on wait what is that yo the amount of swords unstable teleportation again now to the end no no no no we are ending this right

Now final game masters just put me on the next easy difficulty oh and yes we finally got him you beat all of us how in challenge updated my goodness guys i was not expecting to go through all that in baby mode let’s real quick put the

Mind control helmet and make them do you binding make them do you binding what does that mean okay so what does this mind control helmet do oh you unlock the mind control ability press k to summon a youtuber okay oh hey we got some youtubers oh oh oh they’re they’re

Tossing with the enterprise oh wait apparently when you hit enter they just drop a bunch of enterproles anyways um something i realize is there’s actually a giant portal right there so let’s real quick make our way back to wherever that portal takes us because that was a bit

Wild with the game masters holy we destroyed this entire area what the heck okay so our mission is to press the last command button which i think was right over here okay where was that command oh and there it is okay so we did all these

Four and all them were good so does this make minecraft easier slashdb the fastest form of travel oh wait and we’re at another event yet again does this mean we’re going to new difficulty is this where i teleport i guess here we go oh okay now it’s time for a brand new

Difficulty in challenge updated trained with weather skeletons isn’t it supposed to be piglets let me real quick see if there’s a hint find some more skeletons and trade them diamonds we drive diamonds i have a socket diamonds okay i mean easy difficulty we aren’t doing piglens we’re doing weather skeletons

Where are the wither skeletons let’s go find them wait i have a good idea guys because we’re in an easier mode now i think this might work fortress oh okay that actually worked and now we’re in a fortress in oh oh oh uh let me help you out real quick anyways there’s literally

Brand new chess in the fortress is this new oh wait what the heck okay just a little random stop and never i ingots okay yes i do like netherright okay so we’re supposed to find some weather skeletons and it looks like the nether in this game mode is a lot easier do you

Guys fight me no no uh did i just trade with you guys oh they gave me something oh what are skeleton skull okay yet again another one up here here you go buddy thank you very much and holy the amount just around here what the heck oh

Wait is that monster a cat a monster nice speed two from that very nice and key pieces oh i might need this for later okay we’re gonna hold on to that that might be what the key pieces are for right there okay we’re gonna go over

There very soon let’s try to get all the water skeletons out of the way though because we are trying to pull up the easy meter and i’m not sure where the other guys are okay another will be skeleton okay let me give him this diamond and there we go definitely

Lowered yet again and summon the weather wait what okay just because it’s baby mode i’m gonna do it but in normal circumstances when i only have half armor wait what the heck was that okay i don’t even know what just happened there but i mean why not let’s get the weather

Skills and schools i need some soul stands to give me one sec okay we got the souls in a one two three four what are we gonna get with the wither in baby mode before we do anything real quick you’ll be thank you very much and okay

What is this gonna do oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh wait help the weather it’s not aggressive interact with the weather he needs five smoke balls and three wither skulls how do i get a smoke ball make the weather happy blaze drop smoke balls okay thank you very much slash hit so

Let’s go find some blazes all right what about these guys um because it’s bait mode oh wait they can even hurt me oh my gosh i’m literally immune to blazes let’s go okay so that’s gonna be one smoke ball and for you let me real quick

Get my wither skeleton skulls can i just straight with you infinitely one two three nice okay yo blazers let’s get rid of you guys real quick oh oh wait that may have been a bad idea okay let’s maybe instead use the ray gun that might

Be a bit better thank you very much got all the smoke balls and whatever need all right here we go i have your smoke balls that’s gonna be five smoke bowls and the water schools now so one two three oh and difficulty lord wait what just happened to him oh wait he

Literally just rolls all the way to the top and just says gibberish what would he leave me a weather sword sharpness five ten attack damage a gift from a friendly weather i wish that was like how it was in normal minecraft oh yo that’s sick oh my gosh look at the

Particles that’s amazing very nice sword oh and now we’re getting to the locked room so i gotta unlock this lock right here and the good thing is that i do have a lot of key pieces so real quick let me get the hint find the locked room

Chest throughout the four just have key pieces okay so i didn’t get all that so is this how i make it oh yeah there we go just one key commonly used to unlock things do i just right click oh there we go okay so the key is going and now i

Gotta replicate the mosaic oh okay that should be easy enough i think all right let’s put that there one two three okay cool then we put the corners there we go uh did i do it oh wait what what is going on difficulty lord and challenge updated entered the portal did we just

Unlock the next difficulty i guess we’ll figure that out now and we got elytra well wish me luck here we go easy world to the easy place challenge updated locate the well wait this place looks pretty normal wait why is the giant boat here okay i have no idea what this place

Is but new plan before we get to the well let me go through the ship real quick because i haven’t gone through it yet okay okay by the way that’s the ability unlocked with electro forgot to mention that okay good thing we don’t take fall damage and what the heck is

This place oh wait yet again another giant chest down there i guess we can just fall in here what do i do with this thing do i just open it oh wait i can just spam it oh and we got a treasure map x marks the spot there was a compass

Wrapped inside the map and we got a treasure hunter’s compass leads to buried treasure oh wait no bear treasure within hundred blocks try again soon okay good to know let’s get out of here and i guess locate the well and we can use this throughout the video oh wait is

That the whale over there okay let’s go check that out oh gosh okay so what the heck is this place about you have 15 seconds to memorize the build wait what i guess i’m not going to remember this no no way i remember this oh this is

Supposed to be easy okay gold stone war defenses guys this is tough no i gotta build the whale i guess i can try this is not my forte i’m gonna just build something and in theory because it is baby mode this is supposed to just let

Me win no matter what right right i really don’t know what i’m doing i think this might be right and you know what the water goes right there yep that that’s the water right there and the hint is just rebuild the wall i’m gonna

Go ahead and say oh and it worked okay i was gonna say i’m gonna say build a complete in the chat but i guess i was right and no matter what we get it right dungeon world crafts unlocked wait do we gotta crowd something now okay i gotta

Say as minecraft is getting easier things are uh very much getting weird but we got the craft table and there it is dungeon world okay iron redstone and cobblestone okay got all that and there it is a world in my hand so do i just throw this oh gosh wait no supporting me

Oh where are we going now what is going on with this difficulty challenge outdated where am i now fight my way out oh wait they just started upon touching me okay so because it’s such an easy mode wait do they just die guys the mobs don’t hurt me it’s gone to the point

Where the mobs literally can’t hurt me because it’s so easy so because the mobs can’t hurt me i gotta fight my way out so how do i get out exactly do i just just go this way it’s like like a parkour segment slash hint kill all the

Enemies in the dungeon world oh i’m supposed to kill them okay i’m so sorry guys because of the difficulty this is gonna be a little bit too easy okay let’s get rid of the creeper room that’s done and have i got all the mobs yet or

Wait because it is easier mode what if i just say kill all the mobs is that gonna work no it actually worked okay difficulty lord and now we gotta find the exit okay where where is the axe exactly is it anywhere around here oh uh

I think that might be up here we go yet again challenge updated in akin and traveled through the portal with you wait what what the heck is this a nestor kitten what does this do it literally just launches me come on nestor get him oh that is amazing anyways now we gotta use

The slash stronghold command which apparently this raises a stronghold okay slash stronghold oh oh gosh okay raise your stronghold please wait oh my guys this is getting way too easy okay new goal travel to the end okay so where is the portal okay portal room and of

Course the portal is already lit so we can go ahead and just travel to the end okay here we go oh and that’s gonna be the final difficulty guys we’re we’re just now at difficulty e just e what does that mean no idea but now that

We’re here i don’t see a dragon so did we win the game or is there more to it oh wait never mind we gotta destroy an end crystal let me just go up there then and destroy an end crystal apparently we apparently locked a new command also in

This difficulty and that’s slush baby nestor what does slash baby nestor do oh hey that that that is terrifying we’re gonna punch him away and um why is he so fast okay anyways let’s go ahead and destroy this end crystal and what happens now oh so now challenge updated

Again and we gotta fly through the rings oh okay let me use my flyability then oh gosh okay okay okay this is going a little bit too fast okay okay okay okay let’s slow down a little bit okay that’s one that’s gonna be two three number

Four let’s go in number five number six seven eight oh gosh oh gosh that’s gonna be perfect one number nine and there we go wait that was ten okay wait difficulty lord again and challenge updated kill the dragon wait we still gotta fight this guy i mean at this

Point we’ve gotten so many things that could i technically just say die dragon did that work wait he’s going down health oh it works okay so down goes the dragon and we still got a challenge to go guys wait are we gonna reach even more final difficulty drink the bottle

Wait where’s the bottle oh there it is okay so what the heck does a bottle do what is this video right now guys okay i’m gonna go ahead and drink it and let’s see what happens oh here we go again okay what’s happening challenge updated i’m in a crib wait what nestor’s

Binky helps with teething have i taken minecraft easy mode too far what is going on difficulty lord and baby nestor now fell asleep so now the screen is just black so with that being done guys hope you guys enjoyed have a great one and i guess we’ve gone to sleep alright

Here’s a video just like this one bye guys Guys that was the weirdest video we’ve ever made what the heck

Minecraft, But It Gets Easier…
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🎉 Can you count how many easy/baby difficulties there are in today’s Minecraft, But?

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#MinecraftBut​ #MinecraftChallenge​ #Minecraft​


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