Minecraft Bedrock vs Java Would You Rather

This is Minecraft Bedrock versus Java would you rather where I have to choose between both versions of the game in a series of Minecraft challenges for example would you rather trap someone on Bedrock or Java I’m going to pick Bedrock since it’s my main version all

Right here we go I don’t really know what trap I’m going to do but it shouldn’t matter cuz Bedrock players are kind of stupid I’m sorry maybe I can do something with this snow I honestly kind of like that idea let’s do it okay this one is pretty simple but pretty effective

Here we go it is Doug and then if we do this now they can fall through this block essentially feels kind of unfair but let’s try to get someone with this trap now oh perfect someone’s right Here this guy’s like really scared to fight me it’s kind of annoying there we go easy peasy first one complete dude and with that I successfully completed the challenge but I forgot to mention that I get three lives every time I fail or would you

Rather I lose a life if I lose all three of my lives I have to upload a video with the top comment as the title so let’s hope I can complete this next one would you rather fight the best player on Bedrock Edition or Java since I just

Went with bedrock why don’t we show off Java as well he’s back Jack tqu has returned and I’m going to beat him right now watch all right oh Jesus oh oh Jack T quick you’re a fraud just seeing seeing the thing um okay okay I’m in the Taj this

Was a bad idea this was I’ve made a big mistake I made a very big mistake actually um stop GG’s uh uh let’s do best of three run it again all right all right all right now this time I’m actually going to win cuz I I’m like ready this time you know oh

You’re ready yeah let’s it my God was at the start dude you you keep baiting me bro it’s so annoying I know I just got on I’m like trying to remember how play usually my God GG Jack T quick I don’t know why I thought I would be able to

Beat you but and after stupidly challenging Jack T quick on Java I lose my first life but lucky for me this next one is pretty easy would you rather Bridge 1,000 blocks on Bedrock or Bridge a th000 blocks on Java once again this is pretty obvious Bedrock sweeps here I

Got all the wool you could ever need I got to get from here to x a th000 I get two blocks to help me but it won’t really matter because we’re on Bedrock baby I can just do this infinitely oh shoot I almost fell oh no

Okay I still got to pay attention but still this might take me like 5 minutes on Bedrock on Java you’re sitting here for days bridging I’m already above 250 blocks in and you know what while I’m doing this bridging let me know in the comments

What do you play do you play Java do you play Bedrock I as I have said am a very big Bedrock main you might think I’m disgusting for that but that’s Okay I wonder what version has more players I would guess it’s Bedrock right anyway over halfway we’re 60% there I’m 600 blocks in I wonder how long this would have taken on Java this might have taken like an hour Honestly all right and I’m almost there and boom 1,000 blocks look at that that was so easy it’s insane the glories of Bedrock Edition I guess I’m assuming the next one is going to be a lot more difficult cuz this was like absurdly easy would you rather play Bedrock

Crystal PVP or Java Crystal PVP Bedrock Crystal PVP is like super scuffed so I’m going to have to go with Java even though I’m much worse at it Probably um this is not good he’s good this is really bad actually this is a ver this is very bad guys I’m going to lose I’ve made a big mistake I should have just played the stupid Bedrock one as bad as it is um um [Applause] um wait I’m winning wait I’m winning

Wait I’m actually smok smoking this guy I take it all back Uh-oh I won oh my God oh my God yes I was so scared I was going to lose that holy Lord thank God I won that bro little did I know though the next challenge would be just as intense as this one would you rather fight a mobile

Player on Bedrock Edition or on Java Edition now mobile players kind of run Bedrock Edition they kind of own everybody on there so I’m going to go Java just kind of hoping that it’s harder to play mobile there all right P iOS let’s box I’m actually I’m I’m very

Curious how good you’re going to be on Java this is going to go so well yeah you’re either going to roll me or I’m going to roll you that’s kind of how I’m thinking this is going to go oh no oh no oh no this is oh no one more

One more time one more time please no I’m going to Lose bro I’m so bad it’s insane please come on no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no please please pleasee oh my God yes oh my God yes my arm hurts so badly okay come

On no please one more time one more time oh my God oh my God no oh my God I thought I was about to lose and with that close win I’m officially halfway through the challenges with with two of my lives still intact but let’s see if that

Remains true going into this next one would you rather speedrun on Bedrock Edition or on Java Edition now for the first time maybe ever I think I know more about Java speedr running than Bedrock so I’m going to actually pick Java here I’ve never really like actually speedran before so hopefully I

Can like do decent here I think my goal is going to be sub 1 hour does that does that sound fair I’ve only like watched people speedrun I don’t really know how to do it at all but we’re going to see if I’m skilled enough to get sub 1 hour

Gaml here I then mined some more trees some iron and gravel to make a bucket into flint and steel now all I needed to do was find lava to enter the nether so I started searching the terrain and while you might think this is awful pacing for a speed run I wasn’t too

Worried since I gave myself an hour to complete this anyway I eventually got tired of running around the surface so I thought it’d be quicker to find a cave with a lava pool Instead um this is bad um this is bad um this is very bad we’re going to make some nice iron armor it will definitely save me from this situation that I’m in right now I just need to find a nice lava pool that’s all guys I

Have no idea how I’m going to do this at all I don’t think I’m very good at speedrunning I think I’ve officially learned learned that today guys I might give up I might do it I have a life I have not expended yet so theoretically I

Could give up on this but that would mean I would have to complete every other challenge flawlessly to win and I feel like I’m not going to do that but I also feel like I’m not going to survive much longer you know what we’re getting desperate we’re getting desperate oh

Shoot please be a big lava pool somewhere take me to an ancient city there’s a lot lava pool down there wait I found a lava pool wait maybe hope isn’t lost oh my God I made it all right we’re almost 20 minutes in I’ve successfully made it to the nether Pro speed Runner

Here back with another run all right so essentially the nether fortress needs to be like right here or I’m not going to beat the run you ready watch this jump I’m so Cool oh well I failed uh big shocker there after seeing that highlevel speedrun I’m surprised I lost well that’s uh that’s two lives gone that’s two lives completely gone I have one more and unfortunately for me this next one is pretty tricky would you rather kill the

Bedrock wither or the Java wither I know the Bedrock one is supposed to be harder but after what we just saw I don’t don’t think I should ever pick Java ever again so we’re fighting the Bedrock with her all right here we go I’ve set up my entire creative inventory it might look

A little Overkill but the Bedrock wither is actually tough so here we are fighting it I’m setting it to hard difficulty I’m going to eat this and wish me luck summon wither here we go so I’m not exactly sure why the Bedrock wither is stronger than the Java one

Maybe it I think it has more health and it does more damage Okay I’m gapping I’m gapping I’m gapping it’s doing a lot it’s so evasive it’s hard to hit it I also need to be careful not to run out of arrows I’ve already used a stack oh Jesus oh okay it’s in this phase now this is where things get really tough

The problem here is that I need to hit it with my sword oh Jesus I can’t get near it there we go I’m doing such good damage right now I need to gapple oh I’m so weak imagine doing this in like your survival world that’d be so

Difficult come on this has to be it right here yes I might have gone a little Overkill with the items but that’s hard well that’s good we got one of them out of the way I just need to beat these last two challenges and I win the video would you rather do bedrocks

Hardest Parkour or Java’s hardest Parkour I don’t really know what this means so I’m going to go Bedrock just because I’m better at Bedrock Edition now for this challenge I will have to do 25 NEOS in a row I get as many attempts

As I want but if I give up I fail the challenge all right here we go if you couldn’t tell by the sound of my voice I’m absolutely ecstatic to do this I pretty much have to do this this if I want any chance of winning lucky for me

I don’t have to do it first try I just can’t give up okay we’re going to be here a while oh my god dude I only got like half way there I went for so Long is this possible is this like genuinely is this possible someone help me why did I do this to myself whatever the job a option was I should have picked it dude I’m I might I might just what’s the point oh my God I actually like want to

Cry I have to do this this is so Doable was so close I knew I was gonna miss Though come on Please wo oh oh my God one more oh my God one more one more one more one more one more oh my God please if I miss this I’m going to give up I’m so tired of this yes oh my God oh my God yes I might pass

Out bro that’s insane well now all that’s left is this final challenge if I win this I win the video and I don’t have to upload that top comment thing I really hope I can pull this off bro for the final challenge would you rather fight a Bedrock YouTuber or a Java

YouTuber now I know my odds are way better fighting a Bedrock player but I want to prove something with this fight so I’m going to go Java and I’m going to lay it all on the line here if I lose this fight I I just it’s over there’s no

Going back now we should just do like best of three probably well it’s first first to two yeah yeah yeah and who better for me to fight than the goat of Minecraft PVP himself redun surely I can beat the goat redun is that is that the whole point of

The video just doing me once yeah this is the whole video okay you’re winning you might be you actually no you’re not you’re not winning this is like a very intense duel all right what what where’d you go there all right all right uh lose the guy on a

Laptop stop talking are you mad that you can’t spam click against me I actually that would be kind of nice if I Could oh God are you getting silent because you’re Focus I’m yes I’m like I’m actually like trying really hard I can’t crit when I axe no that’s not your problem I’ll explain a second guys that that and that simply I I got destroyed by redun in hindsight I

Could have controlled my fate here I could have picked a Bedrock YouTuber and won instead I’m going to have to upload a video with that top comment as the title so get to commenting and thank you for watching if you want to watch the first would you rather I did because

This is actually the second one it will be on screen right now um yeah

I Played Minecraft Bedrock vs Java Would You Rather, where I choose between Challenges on Both Versions of Minecraft. These Challenges included PvP, Bridging, Parkour, and more. Will I be able to complete this Would You Rather?

People in the Video: @jacktquick @PadaiOS @reddoons


  1. Evident, train in the newest combat version of Java PvP for a full 2 weeks, good luck!
    (Also, you're not allowed to play Bedrock in the 2 weeks.)

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