Minecraft Manhunt, But You Can Combine Items…

I can combine any item in Minecraft giving me all new custom weapons which I can use to stop my friend from trying to kill me whilst I try to beat the game if I kill the Ender Dragon I win but if I Die the game is over this is Minecraft

Manun also I’ve just released my first ever merch there’s only 100 hoodies and they’re gone forever so if you want to buy this awesome merch go to shopjj go.com right now oh you look so cute with those little like you’re blushing a little bit it’s weird seeing without the

B on yeah man I just wanted to show my face you look kind of grim wa no none of that okay oh God that was the worst start oh little boost though okay okay don’t you’re not getting me in here I’m not stupid like you mate okay wait wait

No come on okay no this isn’t working no no no no no no no no no come on mate come on o ooh okay come okay no I need that I need that boost me or something come on come on where’s where is it where is it where is it into the lava

Into the lava into the lava oh no oh I only got FL I only got Flint steel okay oh yeah and I got an axe so did I oh no no no no no okay oh so good okay I’ve probably got about 30 seconds before you come back

See like I’d be worried if I were you like yeah you killed me once but I can die in limited times you got you’re a one and done bro I just set myself on fire so yeah it’s not looking good wait oh you’re actually you’ve got better

Stuff than me right now let me cook no no please please stop cooking all right I don’t know what you’re planning you’re going caving oh look at me I’m jgo I’ve got cob Stone yeah I got I look I we you’ve got Cobblestone too all right

Come on dude I’m just I got more than Cobblestone what have you got cocoa beans oh no okay I remember what I need okay so I need to need another one of those I need okay I need a little bit more of that and then I need a chicken

For food I need to eat right okay I don’t know who blood is talking to myself seriously what are you doing I know you got a plugin installed or something can you just show me don’t I don’t know what you’re talking about I’m just trying to craft dude all right man

Chicken come here Baby Bash okay there we are okay so I think now I put that down I go like that that that that that yes okay okay okay I need to be quick okay so I need to get I need to get some more Stone oh and I need okay

This will be perfect come on come on you need to get better at Minecraft let’s go I got him no I’m getting I’m getting better I got what I needed and now okay come on okay now I got like that try can yep Stone and sapling there we

Go very nice oh and that’s okay that’s the next one okay perfect oh my God oh my God what are you doing over here buddy what on Earth is that tool you’re using nothing it’s nothing it’s nothing it’s nothing it’s nothing it’s nothing you’re only way how about you Dr

Shield oh no okay okay drop it and you live drop it and you live drop what okay Dr I dropped it I dropped it I dropped it I dropped it I dropped it a golden axe what yeah no that was not what you were using you want to die today did you

Actually just believe that do you want to die today don’t try and get me with creepers bro oh okay what is that what was what got blue stick mate okay okay okay okay okay okay okay goodbye goodbye true no no no no no no I’m at it oh there’s a

Skeleton riding a spider okay I’m not messing with that all right I am looking through this recipe book whatever you’re using I’m finding it now wait what no no no no no no no no no no you’re not allowed to do that you’re you’re not you’re not allowed to do that so you’re

Using weird custom items right no no I’m not okay well I need to figure out what you’re doing no no figure out what these are so you had you had something that destroyed trees definitely wasn’t this Golden Axe I’ll tell you that for free

No no no it was you just got a know how to use it okay let’s get that now we can get this what is that is that a pickaxe I just smell an iron ingot Oh my days I’m way ahead of you yeah yeah sure keep Just Keep On Believing that Keep On

Believing that okay I’ll show you there we go what you have iron armor of course I do Bill hypothetically uh certain foods in Minecraft where can you find them cuz I’m uh I’m hungry but I’m on a vegetarian diet so I’m thinking I’m thinking just going for like some uh

Potatoes maybe some vegetables you know some like some uh some cat oh you know what hold that thought okay what are you doing with Foods then just tell me man hold that thought bro just hold that thought is it like food gives you I don’t know what’s going on okay I’m

Going to kill every animal everything that gives food no no no no no no no no no no I put in that and that no other way around there we go oh oh oh this is nice bro what are you talking about this is kind of nice okay what is um your mother

I told you no okay I need to get some more of he’s withering she don’t say that about your poor mother don’t worry I’ll tell her you say sorry when I see her tonight get all of this I need to keep my did I just did I just

Hit no no I didn’t that was just a splash I thought thought I heard you for a sec oh very nice and that is next okay what what does this do quickly quickly quickly okay I’m fine you can’t you you see nothing oh what I swear I’m hearing

Footsteps I think I just heard my own footsteps I bet you’re not even here really okay when am minut five or eight okay so stick with that oh oh God oh my God oh my God okay okay paned I miss bad bad bad very badad P I Miss no no very

Bad come on come on then son come on do do okay what is that bro what do you have it’s nothing it’s nothing oh where’s my shield come here come here goodbye goodbye goodbye forever goodbye forever where’s Billy I see you down there don’t you

Dare if you actually hit me I’m dead I saw you put oh God oh my God oh my God I was you you just whacked me into the Golem okay luckily this coming now he’s my teammate I paid him off earlier no no no no no he can’t clim oh my God he

Climbed up he climbed up he climbed up he climbed up oh no he did oh he’s where are you come on quick come on come on don’t you dare if you Billy no no oh Jesus thank you very much I’ll be taking that oh God I’m low I’m not thank you

Did you actually just steal my iron no it’s my iron stop shooting me bro you’re so bad you play all that hot PL you can’t even hit me I am oh God you’ve got so I’ve got no arm now gone come on come on there we go oh oh I

Clutched it okay dig you sounded like a lot of damage to me I’ll give you I’ll give you a five minute grace period if you give me one of your items uh as as as much as that as as as much as I want to do that I don’t think

I’m going to do that come on okay you going to die come on come on come on come on what is that what was that what was that what was that nothing nothing he hey hey hey nothing no no no no no no no oh God come on okay I just have to

Get further away come on oh come on go on then no come on come on come close I feel like you’re going to explode me or something yes okay okay oh no what you kidding me oh quick quick quick quick quick I got a drift evasive maneuver evasive maneuvers there’s no point

Wasting my arrows okay fine I’ll just get geared up then you’re putting way too much trust in your bow dude I know you’re good but I mean you’re not as good as kit so I don’t know what you have bro I don’t know what your weapons do I’m

Scared to get close to you let’s just say I hope you set your spawn Okay so now if I put that down oh my God oh my God what yeah go then Bill come where you at there we go there’s that there’s that there’s that let’s do that oh so good okay what’s

Next that and ooh do I have one of them I don’t okay no don’t no no no no no no no no no nothing’s happening what’s happening with you okay cooking beef cooking beef not like it’s any of your business I figured you’d be trying to you know like get a

Bit more stacked or something I’m going to go find diamonds soon don’t you worry mate or maybe I’m plotting an attack on you oh really okay you about that what if I’m bling an attack on you come here come here here okay bro you actually just scared me so

Bad don’t oh my God I’m almost what you going to do what are you going to do huh what are you going to dova lava yes no no no no no no no I’m out I’m out oh no no no no no no I didn’t think about

Lava okay okay whatever that thing is is powerful bro do not hit me with that again o maybe I will although maybe I’m going to hit this guy quick yes no stop shooting me stop come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on

Oh my God I’m so bad at movement right now what is that man oh no go away don’t take it don’t take it no no no no no I’m taking this I’m taking this I’m it’s oh my God okay bro please what is that come on

Come on no you don’t get out get out get out I’m running I’m running I’m running I almost burnt it oh my God if you had all right well see you Bill okay come here what are those boots bro what okay bro is climbing the wall right now okay

Well this is just not fair come on want me to feed you some arrows come on okay get away get away get away that thing is too powerful for me come on and now you have armor too come on come on BOS what no okay I just

Need to run I just need to run no you can’t catch me I’m the I’m the freaking gingerbread man oh nice try get some obsidian baby oh okay come on stop this stop please please okay this is so stupid P what am I meant to do you’ve got op

Stuff go on get me in get me in lava again go on try yes oh my God yes okay okay you I know you’ve got your little chest so I got to be quick there we are Bosch all right I’m off I’m off I need to find a

Lava pool hey I mean I need oh nothing come on yeah I’m just going screw it what what’s the worst that can happen oh there we go oh that’s the potential worst okay okay this is perfect that could have been really bad I can make this

Though I’m coming to you now I can’t let you do this no no no no no no no leave me alone leave me alone come on boom boom wait go away if I if I put that down can I upgrade that I can combine them okay all right

Let’s go through let’s go through let’s go through come on oh here we go just oh you just beat me by a second okay I’m coming what you also oh God what hello hello I didn’t waste no time were you need do do we have the same portal wait I didn’t see

Oh God okay I don’t your cave bro you not hear me I was there for like 5 minutes no wait I need blocks I need blocks it’s fine oh wait I have to be careful here though too man I can get away oh parkour parkour oh my God I can

Literally wall run oh okay I see you Bill I see you no you don’t oh my Snak ke hey okay come at me come at me what I missed come on okay now come at me you definitely don’t have arrows right I need them badly this is so

Sketchy yes look at me do man okay come on you’re all the way up there man what for a minute uh okay I’ll come down come down oh yeah I don’t take full damage okay there we go okay perfect quick you don’t take full damage what who who said that you just did

Literally 10 seconds ago there we go BOS take yourself oh ow okay come back come back I keep going to build up and I realize I just don’t need to leave the machine for me and I’ll let you go I’ve got no arrows again

Oh I see a bed no no no B do it no don’t make me do it you know what maybe oh I was going to try set off come on I’ll set it off down here you don’t want to be stuck next to this thing no no no no no

Ready I’m just crawling away you’re so bad ow ow no no no please please please please I’m getting away I’m getting away I’m getting away you’re just a nuisance at this point I’m F I’m just I’m beating the game are you’re like you’re like a

Fly oh w i near Fell in lava you’re like a fly to me you mean nothing finally okay come on wait how am I get how am I getting over there though oh man I’m just going to bridge come on nearly there looks like you’re having fun what

Whoa ding oh my God I hit you into the Fortress I should have done that earlier ow come on thanks for the free arrows man PE your what okay never mind with the skeletons uh I’m good bro right I can just come in oh this is so oh I

Can’t believe you’re just climbing up bro so annoying hi Bill hello quick oh you’re in okay no no no no no no no no no no no this is the end for you this is the end of the video oh my God he’s another bed let’s do it let’s do it oh

My God God oh my God no no no no no I don’t care about no custom items I’ll use the good I I’m I’m I’m actually dead I’m actually dead there’s literally nothing I can do against a bed bomb Oh my God oh my God St

Climbing I can clim too no you God there’s so many mobs bro fing each other as long as I keep running you can’t B bomb me oh my God you move so quick yeah man oh my go oh my God oh oh no yes oh my God oh my God you’re so

Stupid I thought I was going to knock you off the wall bro you are actually the worst Hunter I’ve ever had in a video and I’ve played with Henry so there we go okay now okay now I need to find a spawner I’ve actually got time is

There any spawners I will find a blaze spawner maybe I just needed you to disappear oh and that might be exactly what I needed boom boom boom I want well I don’t want Billy in my room but I want this bad boy here we go what I’m definitely not on fire there we

Go Baby Woo okay and then what that shift right click to activate fire oh oh I don’t take fire oh my God I’m F what what oh okay oh and now I’m on fire okay oh and it’s oh okay okay no no no I understand I understand I understand

Okay come on here we go boom Oh I need to heal by the way did you know there was a m shaft close to your uh close to your portal what oh my God I just saw your name tag I just saw no no I just saw your name

Tag dude that I’m I’m in a m shaft man you’re eating you’re hearing stuff bro you’re lucky I don’t have any more beds I think if there’s an item in here that I think I uh I think I might be all right okay wait how do I get what’s the quickest way no

Way go please tell me okay that terrified me why how do you what um okay um oh I need arrows I need everything Bro you’ve drained all my resources I’m running I’m running I just okay I need to find okay I’m withered now are you withered yes okay I just

Need to get some ender pearls okay just running I just need to you’re such a you’re such a nuisance you’re just there you’re always there you just appear you’re just you’re just there just let me beat my whole goal that’s my whole role in this point of game yeah I

Yeah I guess it is but like I’m trying to win okay I think I’ve lost you now oh you’re right there okay hello I didn’t I know this close okay oh I saw pigment I shot the Pigman by accident you shot B yes okay okay okay no this is good this

Might be time just got fine gone stay with it no no no no no no no try and kill all the Pigman it’s so the bad the bad I don’t want to I want to kill you no you don’t no you don’t oh Jesus okay come here what is that you’ve got now

And you’ve got like some lava what I didn’t even like speak about that ow ow ow oh God comos on combos okay I could do I got to do it what okay well now I’m just here with the angry Pigman what was that it’s my secret weapon seriously

What am I meant to how am I meant to work with that I can’t do anything oh that’s so good come on yes wait what what give me two is this looting as well wait okay I’ve just got to get away again oh but I

Can’t use it for a while okay where are you Bill I don’t care I’m running oh no there you are there you are there you are there you are stay back stay back stay back stay back you can try my lava no no no I

Won’t oh my God yes okay okay I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine I’m just lava Shi a helping you now no it’s it’s it’s actually not funnny enough uh okay okay okay I’m fine I’m fine okay quick now I’ve just got to do the combine okay

Wait so let me what is it with that oh yeah okay wait so now now if I do this one I think wait what did it say I don’t have a diamond are you kidding me wait Bill Bill will do you have a do you have a

Diamond even if I did it wouldn’t be for you I would I would trade you a custom item for a diamond I’m willing to make you a good trade why would I give that to you I will give you an attack an eight attack weapon really yeah I’ll

Give you a stack of iron as well a stack of iron as well you’re guaranteed to win with this Chuck It On The Ground all right I’ll chuck mine on the ground goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye oh mate you screwed up so bad you screwed up you screwed up so bad you

Know this next item Billy I have an end teleporter this will take you to another dimension what do you think that might do well how am I meant to chase you if it teleported the end oh dude you suck all right bill I’ll see you later bye

What okay okay why am I here as well wait what oh my God what are you doing no no no no it teleported you as well apparently bro don’t think your items are that good okay okay this is fine come face my tree Destroyer ow I’m so good with a bow I’m

So glad of doing this man hunt with you okay be like that let me just make this let me build a barricade around this Crystal it was works it works a barricade arounds nothing barricade around the crystal what are you doing I can’t even see oh there you

What goodbye goodbye goodbye yeah so that didn’t work did it get off of my barricade okay okay so you’re teleporting about what am I meant to do here there we are we got Enderman on me there we go oh what am I going to do oh just going to pop up here quickly

Okay come on I’ve got to get these towers how am I going to kill the dragon no this tree Destroyer sucks yeah guess what there’s no trees wait is that all of them oh my God she’s okay she’s done she’s done you’re literally cheating with combined items

Oh okay end oh no no no no no no no Enderman Enderman on me Enderman on me I just have moment to oh yeah I can climb oh yeah let’s do that come on come on that’s a okay oh no I’m out what can I do what arrows good I’m

Waiting I’m waiting it I’m waiting for it to purge to attack you that’s like my only chance right now oh so is it now is it now no no it’s not no it’s not go away bill go away bill I don’t have any arrows it’s my time it’s my time to kill

You let’s do it no I missed my lava let’s go I’m in lava I got launched oh my God I’m on fire I’m on fire I’m on fire oh no I going to win am I going to win come on two hearts one and a half half weapons with this he are you

Kidding me are you kidding me oh no no no no no SP boots and the chest plate I won this no chance oh my God if only I was wearing jgo merch I would have I would have won shop j.com buy the merch now but there’s only a 100 hoodies by

The link is literally buy the merch now there’s 100 hoodies and it’s gone forever

Minecraft Manhunt, But You Can Combine Any Item (Speedrunner VS Hunter Challenge)
∘ www.shopjago.com

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Friends in the video:
∘ @ShadowApples

Today, I tried to beat Minecraft whilst my friend Billy tried to hunt me down. However, I secretly added a mod that allowed me to combine any item in the game! Do I manage to win and beat this Minecraft manhunt challenge by combining every item? This Minecraft manhunt challenge was really funny and hilarious!

If this video gets 5000 likes, I’ll sell more merch!

Edited by SethBoyerD

Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or Surviving 100 Days In Minecraft, or any other but challenge like that. This is a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin

#Minecraft #MinecraftChallenge #MinecraftBut


  1. I’m sorry Jago but you are bad why didn’t you use the ability of the sword in the end and why did you show everything to your friend he easily know that you had something❤

  2. as @pacifexgaming said, you found an UNENCHANTED golden axe in the portal chest– You cannot obtain that according to the wiki.

    Also, when you went to the end, your blaze sword's timer reset… definitely sketchy stagededness.

  3. Love your vids bro, but you gotta hide the setup on the prefab runs a bit better. You got what, going on 500k subscribers now? Those guys @pacifexgaming & MrNignt are right. Love your content, just get yourself a dude to make sure the seed’s set up with no visible fishiness and check over your final footage cut for inconsistencies. Much love, looking forward to your next vid and don’t let the haters get you down. With twist manhunts, people watch for the players and the twist, not any sort of legitimate cutthroat run.

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