They Turned Geometry Dash into TERRARIA!? (Geometry Dash 2.2)

Can I go through this yes I can cuz I’ve got some sort of special necklace that lets me do a crazy ritual or something okay ritual there we go okay now we got our save F finally this is why I wanted a save just in case I’m an idiot hey guys

Welcome back to Geometry Dash so 2.2 has been out for a little while now and I want to see what the community has come up with because you know they probably come up with some pretty crazy stuff by now so we’re going to hop into the trending section and play some of these

Levels to be honest guys I’m not really super happy with the fact that the first one on the list is a demon but I am interested in the fact that it’s a it’s a a platformer demon so it’s I don’t know what that’s going to be like I did

Play a really difficult platformer before um when 2.2 wasn’t out yet so it might be similar to that kind of thing let’s just uh download stereo Madness yeah I’ve never heard of that song before let’s give this a shot not wait what the heck is

Bro brotic I’m going to just nope okay I was just going to jump off the thing can’t jump off the thing so I won’t do it let’s go this way maybe jump up okay uh Divine being a deities wrath in the dance of chaos find your path on Ward upwards fate

Entwined oh bro you’re going to hurt me Ascend the heavens Destiny defined yay a checkpoint woo you know what demons can’t be that bad when it’s a platform or you could just get yourself a little checkpoint and everything could be good hello you that’s easy oh wait a minute is this

Going to be like a whole series of different things it’s going to work its way up cuz this is a good this this one’s not going to be very difficult what is this Terraria I don’t want to play Terraria right now I want to play triy DH what the heck no what

Don’t touch me how do I hurt him what do I got to do oh jeez oh what the heck was that apparently a lot of things are possible with this new update guys I’m kind of freaking out here um I this video is canceled okay I don’t even know what’s happening I’m I’m

Going I’m going I’m joking I do have to figure out how to beat this guy I don’t know what he wants from me I think maybe if I just dodge his attack what do I have to dodge oh oh oh n okay so I’m uh this is

Going to look so bad on YouTube guys not because of how poorly I’m doing but because of the fact that uh there’s just so many particles on the screen you know there just so so many particles do I have two I don’t remember the Moon Lord

Fight me in this hard guys you know what I mean I’m going to go not going to go that way don’t touch don’t touch anything don’t touch anything I really wish you would not do not touch the smiley faces smiley faces usually it’s a good it’s a good

Thing to touch them you know not in like a weird way don’t walk around touching people while they smile but I’m just saying like you think that’ be a good thing touch the smiley face and something happy will no and how do I hit

Him can I just hit you in the face I’m going to hit you in the freaking face bro I’m going to hit you right in the face wait what I thought for a second I actually did damage to him by flying into his face no false alarm folks bro the these little squeaky

Noises they’re more annoying than my cats and my cats literally will never leave me alone like if I’m within eyesight they’re just meowing at me you know like atten please why is my life like this I just just wanted to have a fun little Geometry Dash video and they were like

Well let’s just start you off with a demon and I know I can make my own decisions I’m a grown man there you go see doing a little better now oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh Gangam Style daddy chill no those are demons don’t throw

The demons at me I’m trying to get away from those guys well that was those are those are uh those are happy faces that’s good I don’t know where I am don’t know what I’m doing just flew right through the bad stuff YOLO blue faces just hit me in the face

And I don’t even know if I’m supposed to be damaging this guy somehow honestly this guy is damaging me he’s hurting my feelings can we play something else very cool level not going to lie I’m very I’m very impressed okay like it’s kind of like the time

That my my my dog barfed on the floor so much that I was like wow that’s an impressive amount of barf on the floor it’s that kind of impressed New Horizon here we go guys this one’s uh this one’s also a platformer but it’s only insane okay here goes nothing uh

Usually usually they’re not so obvious about the fact that there’s something at the beginning of the level you can go to they’re like huh o is that a princess princess what’s up girl hello oh hello ooo yeah okay what uh do you like coins hope you like blue coins I hit

Three around this level go get them ball you’re a cat man that’s crazy bro I’d do anything for a cat guys okay get my life for my cats I just said they’re most annoying things in the world but that’s okay there’s something up there oh okay here it is well I might

As well go get it Bo another one I think you I think you have to go get it yeah okay I might as well thought I was uh putting in extra effort here no I’m just trying to beat the level at least I’m going to Platformers guys okay not to

Toot my own horn but I I am fairly good at Platformers okay I beat all of cuphead on expert mode okay there’s a thing oh bro that’s okay we just got a we just got a checkpoint so we’re we’re happy Life’s good we’re happy life is good uh okay so grab

That up we go grab this just taking my taking my time making my way down town you know what I mean there we go that’s how you do it that’s how you do it oh oh wow I didn’t even I was like I saw that

Uh a little Spike on the bottom but it was too late by the time I saw it it was all over couldn’t recover L I’m just trying to like speedrun this now okay don’t judge me don’t judge me here we go ow I should probably go around the other way I

Should probably probably not try and head off that thing it’s not going to work booop hey that was bold but it actually worked so let’s flip and Joe dude let’s flip and Joe so far so good guys so far so Good hop on the platform hop over the thing hop over the other thing look at me go look at me what does that do I don’t know I don’t know oh God ah you have a firework tap to shoot tap watch to shoot oh I probably hit that guy

Should should have hit that guy ah oh it’s okay bro you just got a little uh a little fire worked up okay I say the best place to aim at this guy would be on the side cuz it’s the most likely to hit I know I missed I

I overestimated how far the side was you stand here you go Boop he’s going to be here Boop got him easy boss fight you know what I mean not like that other boss fight where the entire time I was questioning my existence you know questioning the importance of my entire life or

Something get owned bro we’re doing it we’re doing it can I drop down no can I drop down no guess I’ll die then I can do this I can totally I can totally I can to I can totally go and get that okay I told you I could I told

You uhoh I don’t want to do that that ain’t for me bro this ain’t it Chief oh okay I got to I think I got to hop from the other side there do that anyway at least I can do that you know okay wait for me can I do this you

Got to go underneath you got to go Boop like that get these HP up here and then you got to go through the platform and over the other side and then down on this one and then back up again okay if you want all the coins if you’re one of

Those people who wants all the coins warning glass is fragile do not use explosives near it I don’t have any explosives what are you talking about am I getting explosives fireworks I like fireworks this is perfect for someone who someone who exists two days into the

New year you know what I mean uh okay so I’ll break the glass Breaking Through the Glass wait what was the point of that cuz I already oh cuz then I can’t jump I get it that works that’s that’s nice do that again you go boom you love to see it I’m

Taking another one does that say warning wood and fire do not mix either I don’t want to die I was worried I was going to die there okay check point guys this is crazy this just so much crazy stuff in this game now man

Wowe what did that do oh o oh what oh there was a thing here okay half this video is just me having Revelations oh so there that’s how that works whoa okay boom bam uh and checkpoint all right oh no he’s back oh I’m got to hit this guy

With the fireworks again man uh-oh uhoh oh oh I get it I get it I appreciate there’s a checkpoint before every part like this you know cool I guess you can’t really do muscle memory the same way as you can in a normal Geometry Dash stop I guess I guess like you know

Normally in geometry Dash everything happens at a exact time so it’s probably a lot easier to like be perfect in a in a level than it is when you’re platforming there see you just you just got to get it just got to get it and

Then I got to firework this guy oh wait that ain’t a firework wh I will find some fireworks and I will kill him with the fireworks okay cuz that’s how Fire Works ha oh okay we got it we’re good we’re good oh I’m about to find out the princess is

In another Castle aren’t I I’m pretty sure I’m going to find that out soon jeez Louise what was that about man sounds like my girlfriend when I leave the toilet seat up you know what I mean you know what I mean Bros you’re a spider scorpion Eater of

Worlds why is everything in this game Terraria now I don’t like it I’m running away and I’m not coming back on jesz Lise how do I hurt him fireworks that’s how I hurt him oh seriously guys this game is Terraria now and I’m like I’m all for it oh

Man if you haven’t played Terraria you won’t understand how like oh I keep forgetting I can’t jump there yeah uh if you play Terraria you’ll understand how close this is to Terraria okay it’s kind of hilarious whoa It’s kind of hollow nighty as well the black and white stuff oh oh oh okay

It’s cool it’s cool wait where’s the where’s the cream filling bro where do I got to go oh oh ah scaring me bro you’re going to give me a hernia go go go go go did I get it yeah oh I did before somebody wanted me dead Okay excuse

Me keep it going bro keep it going I got this yeah oh here he comes again got a Dodge okay again yeah he’s half dead don’t don’t change anything okay don’t go no he’s doing new stuff now I hate that do new stuff I’m going to stay here I’m going

Stay here and shoot you can’t stop me okay he stopped me cuz he took the thing away excuse me I got to go get the new thing okay I I hope it’s this way I wasn’t there it is I wasn’t really paying any attention okay don’t even try two of

You oh man where’s that going I’m so so scared right now underneath me I’m good I’m good I’m good I’m good I’m good away I go but not too far cuz he goes up above me and he’s going to try and hurt me you know what I

Mean okay got wait for these two guys they’ve shot come up around me fire and grab another one and kill them oh they’re coming for me again they don’t want to stop coming for me man jeez Louise there now what are you going to

Do now you dead huh huh not so tough n you dead huh huh where just going to keep going let’s just go Um Shake someone’s hand got me coins but didn’t get me utter thing that’s all right and uh oh resawn so that’s pretty cool that makes sense um I

Didn’t do that that good I didn’t I didn’t do that good man oh my God guys it was Terraria music I knew it I looked I looked up Eater of Worlds and the destroyer and I was like it’s neither of these songs what the heck I guess I’m

Wrong but no no because it’s from Calamity and it’s from the desert Scourge boom apparently if you run off the screen you win that’s good that’s good to know okay well I beat an insane level I can beat a hard harder and a normal uh here’s another platformer I’m sorry guys

Platformer is like the new thing okay so like everybody wants to make platformer levels so we’re going to go to another abandoned prison now okay that’ll be fun we’ll have a great time okay where am I I need to get out oh my God there’s an inventory your

Inventory is on the left side of the screen to pick up an item and store it in your inventory you can stand near the object and press jump to use this item you need to stand near the area that you should use the item uh uh let’s go for I’m going to

Keep the hints I’m going to keep the hints I don’t want to be you know wandering around like a chicken with his head cut off okay can I move the Box oh that’s good that’s good that’s that’s a good thing right oh my God welcome I’ve been dead for a

Centuries these creatures hid my body in this room after slaughtering me you must escape before it’s too late thanks bro that’s great I’m going to take these delicious looking things over here and uh I guess I’ll you got oh hey gave me an axe okay I think I was supposed to do that

Cuz I uh I think that opens the door for me what were you doing what the hell are you it doesn’t matter we’re all dead what do you mean it’s your turn no no no no kill got him oh and I can break open this too and get something out of it can

I have this knife ah no can’t have the knife what the heck okay it’s fine I really hoping I’d be able to have the knife what’s what oh I didn’t even notice that was a physical thing until now okay heyo that was that was a save

Guys I’ve seen a floppy disc in my life and that means you’re saving your game okay it used to mean that you had a really cool eight megabyte game you wanted to play on your computer but now now it means you’re saving man look at all these secrets over here man look at

Look at that I will show you the way do you know the way that was creepy what does this even mean he just wants to know if you know the way if you don’t know the way he’s going tojoy any way okay uh uh this passage is blocked no

Chance I could pass through here are you sure you’re not just uh not believing in yourself or something you know what I mean okay we’ll go back I guess we’ll go up up was the direction we were allowed to go in I just was worried about doing it

Okay ah what’s this January 16th 2086 prisoners and guards became Undead through forbidden experiments now a few are still wandering around the curse consume most of them be cautious is this abandoned prison contains ancient machinery and Technology I don’t know if I will make my way out of here Escape

While you still can Isaac Anderson what the heck just showed up on the right side of the book let me see that again I’m waiting I’m wait I’m wasting all my time okay never mind forget it oh hell no this is bad I need to get out of here what

Hello someone out there who are you just a guy in a cage open that up get some more uh whatever those are currency baby can’t go in the tube like um Mario that would have been great just don’t have enough strength to jump okay jumps is hard hard guys

Recently someone said that shrimps are shrimps is bugs I don’t know if that’s true what do you think you think shrimps is bugs okay I found a secret that’s good oh my God there’s dead people everywhere picked up a ladder h a ladder now that’s

A useful thing to have where do I use this ladder seems like there’s something over here huh yeah there’s something over here caution oh okay I’m getting the Augustus Gloop treatment today guys I’m going shooting up a pipe okay oh didn’t realize I was going to come

Back down so faster I would have maybe moved a little bit let me try that again look out look out the time is right to sent him shooting up the pipe don’t you children be alarmed I guess’s glute will not be harmed I Gus’s gloop will not be harmed sorry guys that’s

Just a great movie okay what’s this tubes man we got tubes uh I want that I just got Dark Soul Souls did that was a bad look how far back I am I just wanted the thing okay what is wrong with me leave me alone everybody shut up wait

I can get my ladder I got get my ladder thank you thank you okay bye now I don’t I don’t know how to get that thing guys I I don’t know how to get it but it’s cool I’m just going to wander around try and you know find my purpose

In life or something I don’t want to I don’t know if that’s I don’t want to go there try this who okay that’s cool so many Secrets man I can’t keep up with all the secrets in here what’s this oh it’s a combination diamond pickaxe H need it’s a diamond pickaxe

Okay uh has anyone seen any oh there are Clues everywhere uh I can’t remember what the red one was but let’s just get the other three that I can see at the moment okay so uh green is six yellow is eight blue is two and this one is some other number

See this don’t bother getting all the information if you don’t need it guys okay work smart not hard so now that I have a pickaxe I’m pretty sure I know where to go Minecraft I got to I got to go to the end the end now and beat the

Ender Dragon okay I’m out can I actually go up yeah I can go up hey buddy we’re all dead aren’t we not me speak for yourself rattle Dash you just call that guy rattle Dash is that his name cuz if that’s not his name you’re pretty rude to say that can’t just call

People rattle Dash yeah okay I can get it that’s good that’s good I I feel smarter now I will show you the way oh look at this guys what did I just get a necklace wait a minute now how the but the pickaxe was that not for the

Rocks was that not for the fraking Rocks over here it wasn’t I am at a loss for words can I go through this yes I can cuz I’ve got some sort of special necklace that lets me do a crazy ritual or something okay ritual there we go okay now we got our save

[ __ ] finally this is why I wanted a save just in case I’m an idiot okay up we go who up you died oh dear that’s cool I don’t know I don’t know if that would kill me or not I didn’t know if those gears were going to

Do something they didn’t it’s fine um I don’t know if it’s faster to do this but if you jump on it you can move it this gear makes no sense guys okay just saying it’s no big deal it’s it’s fine got to get up here and get this

Okay and I go the other way try not to Die the try not to die challenge guys it’s what’s this oh okay oh well hang on that works that’s the thing got to get this gear and put it on the thing now okay try not to die in the process I

Know it’s difficult there we go let’s go okay what about that rock we ever going to go through that rock or what who knows man who knows something’s missing here don’t tell me something’s missing but I don’t know where to find it why what did I do wrong man oh I’m up here

Great uh then life’s not so bad Life’s good hey guys what’s that on the the in the bottom of the water there there’s something glowing down there I don’t know what that means I actually yeah I’m not really sure it says something is missing what’s what’s what’s down

Here whatever that oh it’s a valve okay thankfully I figured that I was missing okay my brain no no it was kind of hard to see that there we go oh you know what if we open the valve that water’s going to go away that’s why there’s a little thing down there see

Okay right all right all right Perfect all right the toxic substance is drained can I just hop down here yeah good good good good good good wait a minute we don’t even got to go through the rocks at any point we go around them great good to know good to know get

Just get me to the end here we go got all that got all this huh didn’t quite get that one but I think two out of three ain’t bad I’m used to being two out of three let’s go you get to decide which of the three

I’m not guys okay five fo 11 if that matters okay abandoned prison very cool I’m going to try one more guys okay this actually took me a long time and I’m having a lot of fun let’s go a quiet trip that sounds like a great way to end

The video just something quiet something normal flaming normal but that’s still normal I guess oh hey you know what this is an actual level guys this is not a platformer okay this is real Geometry Dash Shader pixel8 I don’t nah we’re good Bo beautiful level man

Wowe oh snap this is so nice dude God just bro it’s it’s fine if a level isn’t difficult if you just want to have a nice quiet trip you know just saying I’d like to beat this on my first try so far it’s going really

Well oh uhoh 65% on the first try not bad I want pixels thank you pixel time baby how do they do that I don’t know I don’t know what goes into making this game guys but like man whoever made this is a goat okay all the levels so far that we played were

Great but like so much work went into designing this thing wow boing so I only need to jump on the boings right boing boing boing there was one that I jumped on anyway to be sure boing hey what it I think I’m I think I was supposed to jump there

Too actually you know what stop I don’t want the pixels no thank you so yeah I’m thinking I’m thinking we got to do one little jump there and I don’t know if there are any more jumps I need to do I don’t think so I think everything else I can just

Chill so there we go oh my God insane just I don’t again I I don’t know what goes into designing one of these levels but wow okay guys so we uh we tried lomy I don’t know what that was about if you got any tips leave them down below maybe

I’ll go back and try this again in a future video if you want a future video which if if you want a future video you have to hit the like button please and thank you yeah we got we we tried logomy with got through three more um where did

It go there was another level here the prison one it’s gone okay don’t worry about it we got through three levels they were all really awesome I’m really impressed with the stuff people are making already so if you want to see some more as I said hit the like button

And once you’re done doing that you can go ahead and click right here and watch another one of my videos because this is the end of the video thanks for watching

Let’s check out some of the new AMAZING levels that have been created in Geometry Dash 2.2!

More Geometry Dash •


  1. Try beating the two new legendary rated levels: one is called coaster mountain and the other one is called an ever. One is platformer and the other is a regular level. They totally deserve a try.

  2. It is absolutely hilarious that Logodomy is the very first level he chose to play. Poor bastard.

    Anyway though, people have, as you thought, already made some really sick 2.2 levels. Given that the update only just came out, I can't imagine how nuts some of the levels are gonna be in a few months to a year.

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