Why you SHOULDN’T avoid Terraria’s Musket! | Terraria 1.4.4 Ranger Playthrough/Guide (Ep.2)

Hey what’s going on everybody welcome back to the second episode of my Terraria Ranger playthrough just wanted to start off today’s episode by saying a huge thank you for all of the amazing support on episode one it’s been a while since we’ve had a video hit over 10,000

Views on this channel so my friends thank you so much for all of the incredible support on the first episode I really do appreciate all of the love in the form of the comments and subscriptions and likes thank you as you can see since the last episode I’ve

Expanded my base area just a little bit by adding in not one not two but three new NPC houses and the all valid NPC houses in fact check it out we’ve got ourselves the demolitionist we’ve got ourselves another space here and another space over here so yeah plenty of NPCs

To be had as time goes on but in today’s episode I think what might be a nice idea is if we potentially go for the goal of taking down King Slime only we’ve got ourselves actually some pretty decent Weaponry here the musket a bunch of shurikens and a fast gold bow all we

Need to do is make ourselves a bit of an arena maybe get ourselves a campfire or two put up maybe see about getting ourselves some buff potions as well and then I think we should be good to go so if all of that sounds like your cup of

Tea then do be sure to head down beneath the video and continue supporting this series with a big old like on these videos here I’d very much appreciate it it’s the best way of getting these videos out there on YouTube and it helps out myself the channel and the video

Massively subscribe of course if you don’t want to miss out on my future Terraria content here on the channel and if you do want to go on further with your support use code python when ordering any of my epic gaming PCs for 5% off or for whopping 15% off if you go

For any Terraria merch from Terraria do shop so first things first I’d like to try and find myself a proper cave system that isn’t in some sort of evil biome I don’t want to come across the underground jungle and I certainly don’t want to come across the underground

Corruption so I think we’re going to have to do this the oldfashioned way and I don’t know bomb our way down or something ah or we could just dig out this lead or vein and have it reveal a little mini cave it looks like there’s a couple of pressure plates here so I’m

Going to try and get rid of those got a whole bunch of gold here which is absolutely fantastic wow okay not one trap not two traps but there’s actually a third trap beneath us oh my word is this game determined to kill me today or what yeah who said your boy isn’t good

At spotting traps in Terraria so then why go for King Slime so soon in one’s playthrough well for any of you guys who don’t know the King Slime drops various pieces of ninja armor which is actually a very good armor to have early game because it gives you a flat buff to to

Your Critical Strike chance and as far as I know it also gives you Buffs to your movement speed so yeah it is very very useful the only thing is it does involve taking down King Slime maybe a couple of times at least only I think

You only get two out of three bits of ninja armor per King Slime so yeah it may take at least a couple attempts ah very good got ourselves another little cave system thingy coming up which is absolutely lovely uh which not it’s another pocket cave I mean come on why

Can’t we come across a proper cave system is this going to be another little pocket cave uh oh no maybe not all right we got ourselves a few bits and Bobs around here let’s see what we can find a few gems here and there and what appears to be even more caves it’s

Probably a good thing we’re doing all of this mining here only this lead ore can be used to make in skin potions giving us a nice defense increase for the King Slime fight later on you know what there is one sh fire away of speeding this process up how’s about we explodey the

World a little bit here and it’s revealed exactly nothing to us except from potentially a large water body oh it’s not a large water body it’s a granite biome hey okay very good I love Granite biomes I usually wind up finding loads of treasure in these places

Ah look at that casing point a heart Crystal down on my bottom right oh dear okay almost died from full damage there let’s be a little bit more careful perhaps oh no yeah that’ll do it I must admit I didn’t think that was a very

High drop but uh maybe I didn’t have a whole load of life left after the first fall there all right well some good news we got ourselves a heart Crystal at the very least and we could probably sell these pressure plates for a little bit

Of Doh so the lead goes in the potion ingredients chest and as a result there we have it we’ got ourselves iron skin potions actually it’s a bit of a blessing in disguise that we’re back at base here because now we could stock up

On oh I don’t know a few bombs yeah that should allow us to mine a lot easier here we are got ourselves a bunch of ropes and now we can get around a bit easier and certainly a bit safer huh another fairy is it where you going to

Take me eh across a piranha infested lake is it all right ah very handy dandy thanks buddy beautiful 160 Health the more Health we have it goes without saying the higher chance of success against King Slime oh really the traveling Merchant is here dude that guy actually has some pretty

Good stuff I mean yeah I could go see what he’s got but I don’t have a great deal of recoil potions left and I kind of want to save them for emergencies you know what we should probably zoom out so we can see a little

Bit more of the world eh then we might be able to spot more caves oh more to the point more treasure ah very good Another Life Crystal excellent all right so we’re going up to 180 health no oh dear I didn’t see that pressure plate because that flowing water was hiding

It in terms of the King Slime gold we’re not actually doing too bad we need I think it’s five gold bars combine that with a ruby you get yourself a crown then I think it’s 20 bits of gel combined with the crown you can make yourself a king slime Summoner at a

Demon alar so yeah we just need to find ourselves some more gel more than anything although I must say it would also be quite nice is to have the ability to run fast via Hermes boots or be able to double jump only if we do get both then I’d also feel pretty confident

In our abilities to take down the eye of cthulu but who knows it’s a goal that relies on RNG and RNG goals don’t usually go that well for me is that what I think it is on the bottom right there I believe that is a massive gold coin

Pile yo oh dude that is so beautiful right right we picked that up how much gold two is that it I guess I shouldn’t complain it’s better than nothing right ah very good so I’ve now got 17 emeralds we can use 15 of those to finally make ourselves our first grappling hook

That’s going to make getting around and not dying of fall damage quite a lot easier I’m absolutely staggered that we still haven’t found an underground cabin though by now I feel like I usually would have found like five of them but no one ooh a gem tree is this topaz or

Is this Amber there’s only one way to find out I think let’s chop it down it is oh it’s an Amber gem corn very good that means we’ll be able to have easy access eventually to Crate potions for crate fishing oh no way another

Detonator oh you son of a gun you had to just yink that moment from me didn’t you Terraria right I’d like to get over there blow this up and we’re going to get ourselves a freaking ton of gold and by the looks of it on the left there’s a

Life Crystal by the looks of it on the right there is a trapped chest oh lots of stuff to be out here my friends but we got to be careful we don’t have a lot of life left all right boom little bit close for comfort that

But there we have it a whole bunch of gold a we didn’t check out what the traveling Merchant had also there’s another life Crystal to my top left wow now I could go absolutely crazy mode and just defeat all of the slimes that are

Here but no I don’t need to do that the lava did it check it out my friends we’re now up to 220 Health what I’d like to do is get back over to my right and see if I can’t diffuse that trapped chest I got to say

I’m loving this musket the damage it does is so disgusting I love it I really do genuinely love it so yeah check it out there’s a bunch of of Dart traps ah hello okay yeah sure why don’t you give me a jump scare I needed that today back

To it we got dark traps there’s lava got to push on down here to get rid of the explosives ideally I’m so dead here if I survive this I’d be genuinely surprised another D trap and then presumably above me is going to be a turn of Boulders I

Mean I have a little bit of time d wow okay I didn’t think there was another explosive but there we have it there was I can’t believe it I honestly can’t believe it I thought I did a reasonable job there I was going to open

Up the chest try to ninja my way away from the boulders that were going to fall on me and kill me and then you know be like oh hey we did this but yeah that happened instead all right here we are my friends finally a grappling hook well

The good news is now that this thing has indeed been triggered I can actually get the stuffs out of it extractinator Go bars archery potions oo archery potions might be quite nice actually another beautiful gem tree this one I think is topaz yep there we have it oh no that’s a lava trap

Uh-oh somehow made that I can’t believe it this might be the first time in an extremely long time this has happened ladies and gentlemen I have managed to get down to the under world and not find a single underground cabin on the way down that is

Unbelievable how do I suck so much at aiming oh my word that doesn’t give me hope for the upcoming King Slime fire but yeah still ridiculous right how we don’t come across a single underground cabin is totally Beyond me all right I’m going to have one last for underground

To try and find myself some double jump and if we don’t manage it then yeah it’s going to kind of suck but we will still try to take on King Slime nonetheless I think what we’ll do is we’ll start finding ourselves hopefully some new cave systems from the underside

Of the underground corruption I don’t think the corruption will spread too much further down than we already are here but yeah I guess there’s only really one way to find out isn’t there all right let’s just start it from here we’re going to bomb poop out of our

World here here we are get away yeah hey look at that a little bit of gold all right the good news is we have indeed cleared the underground corruption the bad news is I haven’t found any big old cave systems underground cabins nor Hearts just yet

Uh oh I just saw one flash up beneath us in fact a little heart Crystal I mean it’s nice to have health it would be nicer to have some accessories to go alongside it as well here we are 240 health is our luck ever going to turn

Around I mean what we’ve got ourselves a granite biome here I’m about to get absolutely muled by bats psych I killed them uh right come on let there be something here ah finally an underground cabin oh it’s about time I must admit though it is rare that terrain

Generation is the thing that is unlucky for us rather than RNG but now we do rely on RNG are we going to find ourselves what we’re looking for I’m looking for quick boots or double jump night vision helmet and a geode you can Chuck these things and they give you

Gems Amber and Diamonds oh even more diamonds don’t mind have I do all right our first cabin finally and there we have it not only do we have hermes’s boots and therefore the ability to run fast we now have an ey of cthulu Summoner as well another fairy is it

Okay give me just a sec oh a life Crystal nice and nearby I must admit I absolutely love the addition of these little fairies into Terraria it’s so nice like when you have a bit of a dry period on the ground you know know you’re not finding a great deal then

Yeah income the fairies and they assist you by locating a little bit of treasure for you I think that’s fantastic there we are 260 Health oh my word and just when you think terrar is done with giving you diamonds it gives us a diamond tree oh this is brilliant all right are

We going to get any diamonds from this thing though two all right very good all right my friends I think we’re just about done with the mining and spelunking for today’s episode we’ve been at it for quite some time so how’s about we get back to base reap the

Rewards organize our inventory and then we’re going to begin on our King Slime Arena all righty folks I’m just going to flatten this land out a little we’re going to add ourselves in a couple long rows of wood platforms put some campfires on them and then we’re going

To go for the goal of King Slime to be honest I’m realizing that we could also use this little Arena that I’m making here we could also use it probably for the eye of cthulu so yeah as about we get this thing done and dusted and we’ll

Get to work on mowing down some bosses just got to break our way over to it and here we go ladies and gentlemen the King Slime Summoner let’s get back to base let’s get this thing underway shall we oky doie how is this going to go there’s

Only one way to find out let’s buff on up here and Lady gentlemen King Slime there he is oh 3500 Health should be relatively straightforward look at that health bar absolutely draining though beautiful absolutely beautiful obviously this guy is going to get a little bit more antsy as time goes on

But I don’t think that is going to be too much of a hassle I think all we need to do is just keep ourselves some distance between Oz and King SL time I don’t think we need to worry too much about being nearby the arena although I

Would like to hopefully take this guy out before I get to the corruption oh dear I don’t think it’s going to happen is it uh-oh oh no the corruption’s coming up oh no 600 Health 500 oh God this ain’t good this ain’t good all right oh little bit of a

Switcheroo here excellent excellent right this oh God no no no not like this I actually did it wow I just realized something I had an archery potion on but I didn’t use a bow whatsoever whoops oh well doesn’t matter too much my friends we still did it at

The end of the day we still did it so let’s open this bad boy up we’ve got two bits of ninja armor so we now need to try and get ourselves the helmet and then we are going to be good a question occurs if we were to put on this Royal

Gel do the cronies that come from King Slime then become friendly like will we be able to simply walk through them I have absolutely no idea hey look at that we’ve got ourselves a slimy saddle that’s kind of cool all right there’s the other King Slime Summoner why don’t

We just get straight on with this thing and my friendos we are just about there come on now 100 Health couple more shots and he’s done there there we go Beau beautiful right final bit of ninja armor yes we need the helmet do we have the

Helmet yes we do so from the ninja armor we get a 9% flat increased Critical Strike chance we’ve got ourselves quite a lot more defense now going from 14 up to 20 and of course 20% increased movement speed that is quite a lot and I’ve just realized we can get ourselves

A couple more defense by putting on the guarding Royal gel looks like we’re going to another hook as well the reason the Slime Hook is superior to the emerald Hook is simply because you can shoot this thing out multiple times you could become a spider except you’re

Using slimy things all righty folks so I think at this point all we need to do is wait around for nighttime and then we’re going to go for the goal of taking down the eye of cthulu we do that and then we’re going to wrap up today’s episode

It’s certainly been a long one for me we’ve been pretty unlucky in terms of underground terrain generation but we still came out on top in the Finish kind of we don’t have double jump just yet but that’s something we’ll hopefully get in the next episode maybe

We get 400 Health in the next episode as well eh all right it’s time my friends let’s do this thing buffing up and here we are here we are 4,641 Health to take down and that is without the usage of double jump usually I would Absol absolutely recommend

Having double jump for this fight but we’re going to see what we can do nonetheless my friends I mean at the end of the day I really want to showcase more than anything just how powerful the musket is and why you absolutely should go for it straight off the rip holy moly

That is a lot of eyeballs um right I could do with getting rid of them ideally and he look at that he’s already going mad dashy mode oh jeez please get rid of these stupid eyeballs they’re everywhere look at the damage we’re doing that is so crazy I don’t even know

What our crit chance even is on this musket but it’s got to be a good amount right we got just over 1,000 Health to take down still but it’s not proving to be overly difficult if I’m honest with you it’s going to be when he gets to like below 500 health that’s where

Things are going to start getting a bit dicey he’s getting crazy man mod 300 health it’s getting very hard to aim at this guy good grief just calm yourself there son God you’re going to burst a blood vessel or something come on now come on and he’s done beautiful ladies

And gentlemen I think that’s it for today’s episode thank you so much for watching if you guys have enjoyed today’s action-packed episode do be sure to head down beneath the video and spend a second to drop a like I’d really appreciate it it really helps out myself

The channel and the video massively hit the Subscribe button if you don’t want to miss out on my future content but for now let me just check this out 22% crit chance on the musket oh my word that is so gnarly for early game isn’t

It I’m so here for it though I love it I absolutely love it but yeah thanks for watching have a great rest of your day my friends and I’ll see you guys in the next episode bye-bye

Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide – The Musket… when you know how to obtain it, it’s incredibly easy and does a TONNE of damage for early-game Terraria… so let’s down TWO bosses with it!
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This is Episode 2 of my Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide on Terraria 1.4.4!
#terraria #terrarialetsplay #terrariaplaythrough


  1. Omg I remember the playthrough that got me into terraria and this channel all they way back before they added the moon lord so nostalgic getting this notification

  2. Hey python another great video to end off the week. I have seen you do headquartersin the snow, desert and plains but never in the jungle. Maybe you could do a jungle base build that could serve as your main camp.

  3. I don't even play terraria anymore, but I just recently discovered you, I just finished your melee playlist, and I'm happy that I'm here to witness this in the making ❤️

  4. Great episode as always, Python! A few recommendations for future episodes: you need a garden for your potions, an underground gem farm, catch stars and combine them with arrows to make Jester's arrows and maybe build a farm for money. It's good to see another video of yours on a Friday to end the week.

  5. Oh boy I cant wait for hardmode frozen armor for the frostdebuff molten quiver for the fire debuff shadowflame bow and cursed arrows hohohoho thats gonna be sooo much lasting damage

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