No! I can’t be. Go from here. I’ll close the door. Finally! Yes, the elevator has arrived. I’ll go downstairs right now. What is this? What are the creatures above! Let’s see who’s downstairs? Fakir Bey, have you seen the creatures above? I saw it, don’t worry. Hasan Usta, they cannot enter here.

They cannot enter here. But how will Cyclops and Grumpy fit in here? The following, send the elevator. OK. I am sending. Here comes someone else. Here comes the elevator! Master, he’s here. Let’s get down now. Gentlemen, let’s get down. Let’s see who’s coming! Here comes Polat Alemdar and his team. Fakir, hi.

Hello to you too. Welcome. Poor, there were different creatures upstairs. We came running. You did well. Well done, but we need to bring Cyclops and Grumpy here. Fakir Bey, they do not fit here. Fakir, yes. How will they fit in here? Poor, I don’t think they fit either.

They have to lose 100 kilos to fit in here. If Cyclops and Grumpy stay above, it is likely that these creatures will attack Cyclops and Grumpy. Grumpy, we’re in trouble. Overhead, be quiet. Don’t let them hear us. Grumpy, I’m scared. Overhead, be quiet. We’ll get out of here, don’t worry. Grumpy, they are evil creature. Tepegoz, I told you to shut up. They don’t know we are here. What! Sound. Okay, now listen to me carefully. Together we will plan and save Tepegoz and Grumpy.

Those who are with me, raise your hand. Beautiful! Zombie Gang raised hands. Poor, our hand is always like this! That’s right, anyway! Look now. There is a creature above. I can see it from here. The creature is huge. We have to finish off this creature first.

Once you’re done with the creature, the rest is easy. There is a large helicopter in the empty space next to the mosque. Once we’re done with the creature, we’ll take that helicopter. Then we will fly by helicopter and go to the cave of Tepegoz and Huysuzun. Yes, Fakir. Then?

Listen to me well. I’m telling! We will go to the cave of Tepegoz and Grumpy by helicopter. Then we’ll land on the ground. We will carefully land on the ground, take Grumpy and Cyclops and escape. Poor, you say it well. What if the creatures attack us when we land in the helicopter.

Yes, there is such a possibility. That’s why the helicopter has a gun. If creatures attack when we land. We will shoot them. And in this way, we will take Tepegöz and Grumpy by helicopter and escape from there. We will have saved them. Now, who’s coming with me! OK. I will come!

Poor, I would like to come, but I don’t know how to use a gun. OK. No problem. Not many people can come anyway. There is only room for 2 people in the helicopter. Rich and I will go. I completely forgot about it. Poor, let’s go. Let’s save Grumpy and Cyclops.

Come on! We are going. Kerem Commissioner, do you hear me? Poor, I hear. Like this! We are at the door. Now, we’re going to open the door and go out with Rich. When I tell you now, start shooting the creature!

While you shoot the creature. We will run to the helicopter at that time. Poor, okay. Understood! Okay nice. Then be ready. 3,2,1 and fire! Asli Polis, we are attacking! Fire! Kerem Commissioner, yes. We’re dating! Keep firing. Do not let go! Poor, okay. Don’t worry! Rich, let’s run!

Poor, okay. Be careful. The creature can chase us. Exactly. Keep firing. Poor, he’s leaving. Shoot Asli Police! I’m shooting. Rich, run! We reached the helicopter. Jump now. I’ve run out of ammo. I’ve run out of ammo. Poor, come on! Take off that helicopter. I can’t be! The creature is coming. Rich, are you ready? Poor, I’m ready. Air it out now! Poor, come on! Be quick. The creature is coming. Rich, okay. We are going. Hold tight! We’re taking off. I can’t be! There, it’s coming!

Helicopter, take off now. That’s it! Okay nice! Rich, we took off. Yeah! Yes, we did it! We managed to take off! Kerem Commissioner, we are leaving. Poor, be careful. We trust! Don’t worry. Let’s go now. Let’s save the Cyclops and the Grumpy. Let’s see if our plan will work. Poor, please be careful bro. I’m begging you. Rich, don’t worry.

I try to drive as carefully as I can. Grumpy! Tepegoz, what’s going on? What are these sounds? Grumpy, they’re going to save us. Let’s go out! Yes, let’s go! Cyclops, Grumpy! Come on. We will save you. Come on, get out! We are coming. Grumpy, let’s go! Tepegoz, let’s go. They will save us. We are coming! Attack! (Terrible laughter) I

‘ll hold onto the tech helicopter. Poor, go down a little further. Poor, run! The creature attacks. Come back. Rich, I’m running! This can not be. Drive Poor! The creature is below us. Rich, okay. I’m driving. Grumpy, we’re in trouble. Technological trouble! No! We couldn’t save Tepegoz and Grumpy. I am ready to take my punishment. Maybe they will die because of us. Fakir, yes. Unfortunately! I am ready to take my punishment. Great Creature, kill us! Come on, kill us. We couldn’t save Tepegoz and Grumpy. Now I want to die too. Come here! Attack. Poor, no! Kerem Commissioner, shoot that creature. Leave my friends. That’s it! I shot him. I killed him! Kerem Commissioner, yes! What! am i dead? Yes, I think I’m dead. Rich, creature killed us! Poor, yes! Maybe we’re dead. Wow! How blue the other world was! look! Isn’t it beautiful? Poor, super!

Maniacs, what are you doing? Poor, Rich! Did Kerem die in Commissioner? I hear Kerem Commissioner’s voice. I hear too. Come to yourself. What are you doing? Ah! What’s happening? Kerem Commissioner! Did you die too? What a death! Kerem Commissioner, that creature attacked us. We are dead! Poor, don’t be silly. I saved you.

Here, I killed it with this gun. Wow! Did you shoot this big head with the sniper? I thought I was dead. I thought I was dead too. I closed my eyes for the last time, lifted my head up. I said whatever! Kerem Commissioner, yes. Me too!

I lifted my head. I closed my eyes. Because we couldn’t save Tepegoz and Grumpy. After all, you are a human being. So you can’t do everything right. Yes. Kerem Commissioner, it is! We couldn’t save Tepegoz and Grumpy. Who knows what happened to them now! They came out of their caves because of us.

And the last creatures I saw were attacking them. I saw it from the helicopter! Poor, I’ll say something. Cyclops and Grumpy are strong. Maybe they’ll beat the creatures. How do you know? So, do not think so badly right away! Kerem Commissioner, I don’t think so. Tepegoz was the last to shout for help.

But we couldn’t help it. Because a creature attacked us. He tried to get into the helicopter while he was going by the helicopter. He tried to shoot down the helicopter. So if we had helped them, the helicopter would probably crash. Get it poor. Nothing happened to you.

Kerem Commissioner, I will never forgive myself. We couldn’t save Tepegoz and Grumpy. Rich, let’s go. Let’s go quickly. Grumpy, where are we? Overhead, I don’t know. All I see is a stone. Do you see anything else? Grumpy, no! I only see one stone. I don’t see anything else.

Tepegoz, I don’t see anything, but I hear something. I hear too. I hear with my technological ears. Sounds are coming. Where are we now? My friends, Fakir and I have something we want to tell you. I don’t know how to say it but Rich, what happened? Like this! Dude, don’t be afraid!

I’m not afraid. I’m not afraid, I don’t know how to say it. Unfortunately we did not succeed. Yes, we failed. What did you fail? Rich poor. Don’t blame yourself anymore. Kerem Commissioner, stop! Rich, what did you fail? Pat, what could it be? We couldn’t save Tepegoz and Grumpy.

The creatures abducted them. It is unclear where they went. Maybe they killed it. No! Let’s go, let’s see! I think let’s see. They couldn’t have escaped! Get out! You will see. Both Tepegoz and Grumpy are now history! We’re going team! Follow! Team, there really is no one! They’re gone. Cyclops, Grumpy!

Are you here? Cyclops, Grumpy! Maybe they don’t exist! Yes, their caves are empty! Team, they’re gone! The Poor and the Rich were telling the truth. They really don’t exist! Gentlemen, walk. We are going! Yes, we are here! Cyclops and Grumpy are really gone. So it’s not like it’s gone. They probably missed them!

We told you. You didn’t believe me. So there is nothing to do. You did your best. No, we did not do our best. We could get them on the helicopter. If they had caught the helicopter, we would have swept them away. Fakir, yes. I’m really sorry.

But there is no need to be upset. Because we will. Polat, what are you doing? Encrypted speech! Polat Alemdar, we couldn’t save him. Admit it! Tepegoz and Grumpy are dead. Accept it! No, you don’t understand! We went there. And we looked! If they were dead, there would be blood on the floor.

It would be parts of Cyclops and Grumpy. But we looked there. There is neither a bloodstain on the floor nor a piece of Cyclops and Grumpy. There was nothing. Most likely, those creatures kidnapped Cyclops and Grumpy. Are they still alive? If they’re still alive, we might have another chance.

But we can save them. So mine was just an idea. I’m not sure if they’re alive or not. But my friends, they may be alive! We must save both Tepegoz and Grumpy. If you remember! Those two sacrificed so much for us. They helped us a lot. Yes, now it’s our turn!

We must help them. Poor, I think too. What are you saying? Lets go. Let’s save both Tepegoz and Grumpy. We owe them a debt. Yes, we owe them a debt. And we must repay this debt by saving them. Then what are we waiting for! Are we going? Aren’t we going? We are going!

We are going! Wherever we are, we will save them! My friends, come on then! Let’s all jump in the elevator together. We are going! Let’s see if this elevator will take us all up. My friends, jump! My friends, yes. Maybe the elevator is broken. Subscribe! Turn on notifications! Don’t miss tomorrow’s video!

Tepegöz : Bize kimse yardım etmiyor bizi sevmiyorlar.
Fakir : Tepegözü kurtarmamız lazım!

#zenginfakir dizimizi kaçırma ilk yorumu sen at. #Minecraft kanalıma Abone ol! Bildirimleri açmayı da unutma 🙂
Bölüm : 1277

#oyun benim işim 🙂

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  1. Abi videoların çok çok çok çok çok çok çok çok çok çok çok çok çok çok çok güzel olmuş ya bayıldım mükemmel bir Video olmuş ya sizi çok seviyorum bu nasıl bir aile

  2. 🥰😍😍🤑🤑🤑🤑🤗🤗😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😯😯😯👽👽👻👺💋💋💋💋💖💖

  3. Eee siz niye şunu düşünmüyorsunuz hüsamettin ya huysuzla tepegozu güvenli eve ışınlasın veya yaratıkları yok etsin yani düşünün bi zahmet 😶😋💟

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