Ranking EVERY Structure in Minecraft

Minecraft is famous for letting its players have an infinite amount of possibilities for things to build this is one of the main appeals for the game because you can make so many different things like houses farms and so on what if you get too lazy well luckily Minecraft’s got you covered with its

Several different structures these are usually buildings that naturally generate in a world and are used to give the player certain items and generally just breathe more life into each seed there are actually quite a few structures and most of them are extremely exciting to come across however some are definitely better than

Others so today I thought it’d be fun to rank all of Minecraft structures from the worst to the best now how exactly am I going to be ranking these because there are quite a few ways you could well this was actually pretty difficult for me to decide but in the end I

Decided to go with a combination of usefulness and how it looks so optimally the best structures will be both useful and just cool to look at now I also have to consider what I’m counting as a structure for this video which was luckily not too hard since the Minecraft

Wiki gives a pretty solid list of them I also decided to throw on the dungeon desert well geode and fossil from the structure like section since I feel like they belong based on what was in the main list I also want to mention that I won’t be raking each type of structure

Separately for example the The Village variants will all be on one spot but I will give a mini Village ranking when I get to it finally this is coming from a Java survival perspective so just keep that in mind if you enjoy this video please make sure to leave a like And

Subscribe to the channel at 200k I’m going to be ranking every 2D Mario level and let’s jump right into the worst structure of all my Minecraft rankings I think this one might just be the most difficult one I’ve ever had to put together a lot of the structures are

Incredibly helpful so the rankings got pretty dang close but last place was easy 25 the nether fossil this is quite literally just bone blocks now yeah it is a kind of nice source of bone meal but it’s quite clearly the worst structure in the game apparently you can

Use them to find strongholds somehow but I don’t know to me they’re just bones I’m honestly surprised that Wiki had this listed as a full structure but the normal fossils were only listed as structure like oh he speaking of which 24 of the fossil yeah this is basically

The same thing but they generate in the Overworld instead of the nether you’ll find them underground in deserts and swamps but they are extremely rare in fact this is the only structure I have never found naturally in a world now you could duck points for Rarity since the

Nether fossil is pretty common but I think what puts the normal fossil on top is a fact that it can rarely generate with coal and diamond ore instead of a bone block those are some pretty nice resources so I think the normal fossil deserves to be on top oh also one of the

Normal fossils can look like this 23 the desert well this is the one I’m sure many people were expecting to be in last place these would spawn in desert byms if you couldn’t tell by the name and basically did nothing they added a bit of life to the world which

Is nice but outside of that they were pretty pointless however you may notice that I’ve been using the past tense here because this and many other structures got some pretty significant changes in 1.20 in the case of the desert well the sand blocks on the inside now have a

Chance of spawning in a suspicious Sand by using the brush you can get a decent selection of items from them yeah sometimes it’ll be something lame like a brick but you can also sometimes get stuff like emeralds the most notable items though are the two exclusive

Pottery shirts the arms up shirt and the Brewer shirt now yes the shirts are just aesthetic things you can add to pots but I honestly really like that feature and I think it fits the structure well I also think the two shirts it got are pretty good I mean look how happy this

One is y I could see an argument that the fossils deserve to be higher due to a large amount of bone meal but I think the exclusivity of the shards here really help helps out the desert well 22 the geode all right here’s where things start to get both good and extremely

Difficult to rank the geodes will spawn underground and are the main source of amethyst not only do they have a ton of amethyst blocks right out of the gate but the budding amethyst will also spawn more amethyst shards on top of them that can be used to make certain items the

Interesting thing about budding amethyst though is that it can’t be picked up or moved meaning if you want more amethyst at any point you’ll need to return to the geode however that’s where the main problem comes in amethyst shards themselves are really just not that useful right now they essentially have

Five different uses first is for armor trim but realistically you’d only ever need to use four amethyst shards Max for that the other four uses are all crafting recipes the spy glass is pretty cool but there’s no reason to ever craft it more than once as for the others the

Block of amethyst just doesn’t look that great in my opinion and the calibrated skull sensor is a super Niche Redstone component that pretty much just leaves tinted glass which to be fair is a pretty good block it has the unique property of letting players see through it but not letting light pass through

It I use them all the time for mob farm so that we can see into the spawner room so this is definitely a good block sadly though I don’t think it’s enough for me to push the geode much higher but if amethyst gets more uses in the future

Similar to copper and 1.20.1 then this could go up on the list oh and also geod are the only place to get calite which is a nice looking block but not much else 21 Barry treasure this was one of the most difficult ones for me to place

On the entire list on one hand it’s got some pretty useful loot inside of it but on the other hand it’s literally just one block so I think its placement will heavily sway based on if you prefer usefulness or coolness but for me I think I’m going to place it here I do

Quite like the mechanic of finding a Buri treasure map and digging it up though sometimes different Maps can lead to the same chest which is mildly annoying inside the chest itself you can find 12 different items iron ingots gold ingots cooked Cod cooked salmon water breathing potions TNT emeralds prismarine crystals diamonds leather

Tunics iron swords and hearts of the sea this is also the only place where you can get hearts of the sea which is the main ingredient in the conduit these are basically underwater beacons and can be pretty useful so safe to say the loot here is definitely worth collecting also

Funnily enough the Bedrock Edition actually has a few more items thrown into its chest which include chain mail armor cake Mello high and weight I honestly kind of like the disc being here it’s cool that they’re different from cat 13 which are found everywhere so yeah the berry treasure chest is

Definitely useful but it feels kind of unfair to place it high up in a structure ranking when it’s literally just a single block 20 the witch hut for a majority of Minecraft players this one is honestly kind of lame I mean it’s a neat little building to spruce up the

Swamp biome don’t get me wrong but there’s really nothing inside here that’s all that useful there’s no chest here so the best thing you can find in this structure is a cauldron yeah not even a brewing stand because this doesn’t have one for some reason honestly most of the time I these things

I don’t even bother going inside the most interesting part about a witch hut are the two mobs that can spawn this is the main place where you can get a black cat since they can only spawn in villages during a full moon witches can also spawn here and they do drop some

Pretty decent loot now originally I was going to place the witch hut much higher because of their unique property of spawning witches that made it possible to create witch Farms though it required a lot of effort so it was really only good for the very top level of Minecraft

But then I remembered witches can spawn in raids and you can make raid Farms so I’m sure some people may still find a use for making specifically a witch Farm but I personally think a raid Farm is not only way better but way easier so that just leaves a well cute pretty

Useless structure 19 the trail ruins as of the time of making this these are the most recent structures added to the game I probably should have said this video was made during 1.20 great now I’m going to get a billion comments asking where the trial Chambers are next update

Anyway these are meant to show off the archaeology mechanic as these structures are filled with suspicious gravel the trail ruins also have by far the most exclusive items out of any structure in this video with a grand total of 12 those are seven Pottery shirts four

Armor trims and The Relic music disc now that stuff can be pretty cool but technically all of them are just aesthetic things now I don’t really think that’s a problem per se but the other structures usually have things that can help you significantly progress in the game the big problem I have with

Trail ruins though is just how annoying they can be those 12 items are far from the only things you can find in suspicious gravel as you can also get such exciting items like light blue dye and magenta stained glass pain the majority of items you get will be

Something lame like that which makes inventory management here a nightmare still if you got nothing better to do than spending an afternoon going through one of these it isn’t the worst thing in the world but the structures Above This are definitely a bit more exciting 18 the jungle temple honestly this is one

Of the most nostalgic structures for me I used to play in a seed that had the world spawn right next to one all the time you can even see it in some of my very very old videos what was I playing in like three frames per second but

Pushing my Nostalgia aside the loot here isn’t the greatest especially considering how rare it is it’s certainly not bad but it could be better there are currently 13 different items you can get the most notable of which are diamonds enchanted books and the exclusive wild armor trim now most of

The time you’ll just be getting stuff like rotten flesh and bamboo but the possibility of good loot still makes these worth exploring I also do quite like how these things are set up as they involve a lot of redstone there are some very dangerous trip wire traps and a lever combination puzzle for

One of the chests that I can never remember how to solve the added Redstone does make the jungle temple a more fun structure though and since the aesthetic is also an important part of this ranking I think it belongs here on the list 17 the igloo these will spawn in snowy biomes

And basically have the essentials for a house now if it was just these things yeah this would be a nice structure but it wouldn’t be this high on the list however if you mind the carpet on the floor it will reveal nothing okay never mind well actually in half of igloo

Underneath this carpet will be a secret trapo which brings you into a mini dungeon area down here there’s a chest which has a few pretty basic items but most importantly there’s a brewing stand and a villager along with the zombie villager for good measure the Brewing sand has a splash potion of weakness

Inside of it and the chest has a golden apple which means that this structure act as a tutorial for curing zombie villagers which is pretty nice to have villagers are some of the most useful mobs in the game to have as well as their trades give you access to a large

Variety of items the igloo giving access to them along with having a pretty cool concept puts it up here on the list 16 ruin portal this structure is really unique as it’s the only structure to spawn in multiple Dimensions the Overworld and the nether I’ve always really liked how these look especially

In the Overworld as it feels like a small piece of the nether managing AC cross through the peals here all come in different sizes and some of them can even be rebuilt using the obsidian in the chest leading to a very easy access to the nether I also like how these sort

Of act as tutorials on how to build a nether portal even if you already know how to build a portal though These are nice because they give some pretty good loot these generate with a ton of gold blocks which are useful for many things but especially in the nether as gold

Ingots can be used for bartering they stick with the gold theme for the loot in the chest as well since pretty much anything gold can be found here yes even everyone’s favorite item lightweighted pressure plates I will say the ruin portal is definitely a structure that’s better in

The early game than in the late game but it’s pretty common so I’m definitely a fan of it 15 abandoned Villages these are really cool essentially 2% of every village you find will be an abandoned Village this is a few changes from their main variation for starters the houses

Will all be run down having no doors or torches several blocks missing and cobwebs glass panes will all be turned brown as well which just adds to the rundown atmosphere the main change though is that all the villagers have been replaced by zombie villagers I really love the concept of these things

They’re such a neat thing to find and add so much character to the world but at the same time they kind of remove the main appeal of villages as I said in the igloo segment villagers are some of the most useful mobs in the entire game and

Villages are by far the easiest place to access them while atmospherically it does make sense to replace the mob with zombie villagers here that does in turn make the structure much less useful yeah you could cure these guys but it honestly take less effort to just go

Find a normal village instead so that just leaves abandoned villages to act as pretty cool landmarks which I still think is worth having add on that you can still get a large variety of blocks and chest loots and I think it deserves to be placed here 14 ocean ruins as the

Name implies these will spa at the bottom of the ocean and can be made up of several ruined buildings inside some these buildings you can find chests which don’t have the best loot in the world but they do usually contain a berry treasure map considering those

Have a lot of good loot inside of them I’d say that in turn makes the ocean ruins more helpful additionally these were even changed in the 1.20 update to now contain some suspicious blocks and exclusive Pottery shirts the shirs actually change based on what type of

Ocean ruin you go to cold ocean ruins will give you the blade shirt Explorer shirt mner sht and plenty shirt whereas warm ocean ruins will give you the angler sh shelter Shir and snort shird additionally the suspicious blocks and warm ocean ruins will have a chance to

Give you a sniffer egg this is the only place where you can obtain the mob and yeah it may not be the most useful thing in the world but I still think it’s worth considering since this is also our first structure to have multiple types I’m going to say the warm ruins are

Better than the cold ruins due to the sniffer ragg now if this was all these structures had I’d probably put them a bit lower but these structures also spawn with drowns which make them the best spots to try and get Trident yes drowns can spawn anywhere in the ocean

But for some reason they rarely do in Java so I find the ruins to be much more reliable 13 the Woodland Mansion had this been a ranking of purely how cold the structure looks this would definitely have been near the top is it’s one of the biggest structures in

The game they’re found in roof forest and contain a large number of different rooms making them pretty fun to explore now to be honest the loot in the rooms themselves aren’t the most exciting things in the world most of the time the rooms will just contain a lot of

Different building blocks which yeah can be useful but they’re pretty specific there are some standout rooms though as a few of them can rarely spawn with a diamond block or even a spider spawner the thing about those rooms though is that they’re secret rooms meaning you

Have to mine the walls and ceiling to find them or you could burn the house down look at them all suffer hi oh yeah I should probably mention what the main appeal of these were the mobs inside Woodland Mansions you can find vindicators evokers and delays the first two drop some really

Good loot most notably the totem of undying from the evoker however since they can both spawn as part of raids now there’s very little reason to ever go out of your way to a woodland Mansion even the elays can be found in Pillager Outpost so the wooden mansion doesn’t

Really have much going for it other than it looking kind of cool it does also have the exclusive Vex armor trim though so I guess that’s worth mentioning 12 shipwrecks these are one of my favorite structures visually I really like their designs in the several different states

Of Decay you can find them in shipwrecks are usually found at the bottom of ocean so they can sometimes be found washed up on shore sometimes which is also pretty cool to find outside of just looking cool though shipwrecks can generate with up to three different chests depending

On how destroyed the ship is the least useful is the supply chest the treasure chest though is really nice is it can give us diamonds a large supply of iron a large supply of gold emeralds lapis and XP bottles on top of that the map chest can also be useful as they can

Contain buried treasure maps which as we’ve already established are really good all three chests can also contain the exclusive Coast armor trim so yeah this structure just just has some pretty solid loot it makes exploring oceans significantly more fun and due to how common they are they can even act as a

Pretty solid alternative to mining early game 11 Pillager outpost on the surface this may seem a bit high to place this one but I do think it deserves to be at least close to here on the list the structure itself looks pretty neat but the chest inside is kind of lackluster I

Mean I love dark oak but come on guys this does have a few worthwhile things like goat horns enchanted books and the exclusive sentury armor trim but let’s just say the chest is not the reason it’s up here the main reason you’ll ever want to find a Pillager Outpost is

Because of the pillagers themselves this is by far the most reliable way to get the bad Omen effect yes you can get it from pillagers just randomly spawning but going to a Pillager Outpost is far more consistent bad Omen is what activates raids and using the effect you

Can even set up raid Farms which are probably some of the most helpful farms in the game I mean it lets you farm emeralds totems of undying and even the witch drops like gunpowder glowstone red stone and sticks yipp now you don’t have to build the farm near The Outpost in

Java Edition but getting the farm to activate is easiest if done through a Pillager Outpost since the effect is isn’t exclusive to Outpost though I can’t really put this much higher but I still think it deserves a decent placement on the list plus you can even

Get a l here which can be helpful for sorting systems 10 mine shafts these generate underground and are pretty cool builds to spruce up the environment while mining then being made out of wood is also pretty helpful as it’s easy to run low on wood while caving making the

Mine shaft act as a pretty nice place to refill out materials the loot that can be found in the mine cart chests are often pretty good as well with Enchantment books various different ores enchanted golden apples and a few other things what’s also nice about M shafts

Are the large abundance of rails both in the build itself and in the chests I’ve always personally found rails a bit of a pain to craft so this is a nice structure to collect a whole bunch the main highlight of M shafts though are the cobwebs and cave spiders cobwebs can

Be pretty helpful in both decorating and certain farms and M shafts are the most reliable place to collect them cave spiders are also exclusive to M shafts and they give it a pretty good challenge since they can infect the player with poison the way cave spider spawn is

Through spawners one of the most useful blocks in the game using them you can create a cave spider farm which is not only nice for XP but also string and spider eyes a structure having a spawner almost on automatically makes it Place higher up on the list since it makes the

Players want to return to it often so I definitely think that M shaft has quite a lot to it that makes it pretty helpful I should also mention before the comments scream at me that there’s even a dark oak variation in Mesa Biomes since that variation spawns higher up

It’s much easier to find so I think it’s better than the normal Min shaft plus dark oak is my favorite wood type nine ancient cities these are by far the largest underground structures in the game I love how they look too considering deep slate is one of my

Favorite families of blocks due to its massive size it often contains a ton of amazing loot this is by far the best place to get enchanted golden apples and there’s even quite a few exclusive items here too this is the only place in the game where you can get the Swift sneak

Enchantment you’re also able to find disc 5 fragments the W armor trim and the silence armor trim which is easily the best one I mean look at it why did they make it only spawn in 1.2% of chests now all that stuff is definitely

Cool but how worth it is it to get them see I haven’t mentioned the structure’s claim to fame yet the warden there are a ton of skull catalysts around here meaning you have to be extremely careful while looting this the warden is by far the deadliest mob in the game so much so

That I haven’t even really bothered rating many of these in survival if you don’t care about dying my Pro tip is to just use iron tools you don’t mind losing since no matter how much armor you have the warden would just tear right through it while the loot is

Pretty good here though I feel like it’s not the most helpful it could be there aren’t any basic materials like diamonds in the chest just stuff like diamond leggings and if you already have them then what’s the point of getting more pretty much once you get the armor trims

In the enchantments you never really have to come down here again but yeah this is definitely a pretty cool structure but due to its high difficulty it’s pretty hard to say it’s worth rating sometimes oh yeah you can also find skulls here eight desert pyramid the desert temple is one of the most

Reliable structures in the game if you dig the floor inside and fall down to the bottom you can find wait you can find four chests and in my experience they very often have some pretty good loot not only does it have the exclusive Dune armor trim but this is also a

Really good source of enchanted books diamonds emeralds and enchanted golden apples on top of that this structure was also recently updated to include archaeology in the floor you’ll now be able to find sand blocks which you can dig to reveal some suspicious sand underneath this is the only archaeology

Spot in the game game where I’d say all of the drops you can get from the suspicious sand is decently helpful you can get gunpowder TNT emeralds diamonds and four exclusive Pottery shirts the prize Pottery shirt in particular is my favorite one so I always like exploring

Here the desert temple is also pretty common and it’s what makes exploring deserts fun in the first place so due to it having some pretty solid loot I think it deserves to be placed up here seven the dungeon this is the very first structure ever added to the game back in

2010 due to that it’s understandably quite simple design wise but functionality wise it is extremely helpful full these are just small Cobblestone and mossy cobblestone rooms with up to two chests and a monster spawner obviously the spawner is the Highlight but let’s take a look at the

Chest first compared to some of the other structures we’ve seen this stuff isn’t the best but to be fair it can be pretty solid early game it gives access to a bunch of different seed types enchanted books are nice and there’s even a rare chance for other side and

Enchanted golden apples to appear so yeah loots okay but nothing special the spawner though makes up for that and then some as we’ve seen before these are able to spawn in mobs and structures are the only way to find these spawners since spawners can’t be moved if you

Want to keep using them you have to return to the structure there are currently three different types of dungeons spider skeleton and zombie all of those mobs are extremely useful to farm both for their drops and XP which is why the dungeon is so good almost every single survival world I’ve ever

Had has had a spawner Farm of some kind because they’re just so helpful in collecting XP since there are three different types of spawners though and that can drastically change their usefulness I think we can also do a mini dungeon ranking here the worst is probably spider string is a pretty

Helpful resource but spiders are the worst in terms of XP due to not being able to spawn with equipment if you didn’t know normally a spider skeleton and zombie drop 5 XP but they also drop 1 to three more XP per equipment being armor and weapons on top of that due to

How big spiders are I find building their Farms to be a bit more annoying my second favorite is the zombie spawner since they can spawn with equipment and baby zombies also drop 12 XP but my favorite is the skeleton spawner for a number of reasons for one skeletons

Always spawn with a bow meaning they will always drop an additional 1 to 3 XP secondly bones are easily the most helpful basic drop among these mobs so for me I think skeleton spawners are the best one to find all three dungeon types are pretty good though six ocean

Monument originally I had this one placed quite a bit higher but a lot of people reviewed my list and thought I went insane so out of peer pressure I moved it down if you think it should be higher blame them and if you think it

Should be lower I guess I really did go insane there is quite a lot to like about this structure first off it’s the best way to get all of the prismarine based blocks which can be helpful in certain builds the best is definitely the sea lantern because that can be used

In a ton of different scenarios on top of that this is the only place you could find sponges which have the unique property of draining water source blocks from an area of that by itself is good but what really puts it up here are the mobs first off the Elder Guardians act

As really unique bosses affecting the player with mining fatigue so they have to go through the monument normally and take all three of them out they’re even able to drop more sponges and the exclusive tide armor trim once you don’t have mining fatigue anymore you can also collect eight gold blocks from the

Center room which is a pretty good reward the main mob you want to focus on though are the Guardians these are able to drop rock cod prismarine shards and prismarine crystals all of those are pretty helpful but what’s really interesting is that each Guardian drops

10 XP and if you remember from the the dungeon segment that’s double the standard hostile mob XP rate now there’s not exactly a guardian spawner block however the entire Monument essentially acts as one big one so while it does take a lot more effort you can turn any ocean Monument into an insanely

Efficient XP farm bubble columns have also made this a bit easier in recent years is now you don’t even have to drain the entire Monument to get one to work so not only does the ocean Monument have a lot of exclusive blocks but it’s also one of the best sources of XP in

The entire game five the Bastion Remnant I would say this is probably the second deadliest structure in the game right behind the ancient city but this time I’d say the loot is significantly more important these Of course house a ton of piglin so if you try looting their chest

You’ll be put in a lot of danger luckily though since there are so many bastions are a fantastic spot to barter with piglins which can give a ton of pretty useful items on the other hand though piglin brutes are extremely deadly and will attack you regardless of if you

Aggor the other piglins taking them out is nowhere near as hard as the wardens though so with enough Precision raing a Bastion isn’t too terrible but now let’s take a look at that loot to determine why you would even want to raid one of these in the first place in a Bastion

There could be four different types of chest and it is determined by what type of Bastion you’re in the type of chest that appears in all bastions is the generic chest which by itself has a lot of good loot they can provide you with a ton of iron and gold and on rare

Occasions you can even find ancient debris and netherite scraps considering how rare netherite is that’s a pretty good find there’s also several exclusive items for the Bastion 2o that includes Soul speed Enchantment books the snout armor trim the snout Banner pattern and of course Pig staff the best record disc

In the game in addition to those though the generic chest also has a chance to have the netherite upgrade template now I don’t really like this feature but regardless of my thoughts for it bastions are undeniably more useful now as they are literally required to make netherite tools so yeah the bastions got

Some pretty good chest Loot and that’s not even considering the large amount of gold blocks that could be found around the structure now I did mention there are four different types of Bastion so now it’s time for us to do a little mini ranking of them the worst is probably

Housing just because it can only spawn with a generic chest the next one up is the bridge Bastion as its chest also have a chance to have a load ststone that’s not the most helpful Block in the world but if you ever do need it getting it here saves you another right Ingot

The next one up is Stables its exclusive chest isn’t really that helpful unless you’re into Crimson Roots but from what I can tell it has a slightly higher chance of giving ancient debris than the bridge Bastion but the best Bastion by far is treasure the treasure room chests

Have some of the best loot out of any in the game it has a 42% chance to have a netherite Ingot which is huge it very often comes with Diamond Armor along with just Diamonds by themselves it’s the only one of these chests that can give enchanted golden apples and most

Importantly of all it’s the only Bastion to be guaranteed to have a netherite upgrade template which is probably the most important item bastions right now plus this Bastion also has Magma Cube spawners which is nice to throw on so yeah for having an incredible amount of valuable loot the Bastion definitely

Deserves to be up here for the stronghold okay I have no clue how to rank this one I mean I do like it it’s maze design is pretty neat and the various different rooms are cool to explore look at this loser he’s in jail otherwise the loot here is just sort of

Okay I mean the library can be a nice source of books for enchanting but otherwise there’s not much else here well besides the end portal of course yeah the stronghold kind of has to be placed high due to it being the literally only place you can access the

End since that’s kind of required to beat the Ender Dragon along with getting a bunch of really powerful items the stronghold is pretty important to me though that almost feels like cheating I mean most of the time you come here it’s literally just to leave for the end it

Undeniably deserves to be high up on the list but I don’t know it doesn’t feel as cool as the other structures up here I guess actually never mind it’s got a silverfish spawner the stronghold is Peak three The Village this is probably the first structure to come to mind when

I say Minecraft Structure these are pretty dang helpful during most stages of the game but especially in the early to mid stages as the name implies these are towns can be generated with several different buildings and based on the buildings that spawn you can get different resources from them they have

A lot of the essentials like beds crafting tables and furnaces Farms can also be found here that give the players a lot of good food on top of those though the more specific workstations like blast furnaces and Brewing stands can also be found here speaking of those workstations though the main appeal is

Of course the villagers which as I’ve stated before are one of the most helpful mobs in the game not only can you trade with them to get a large variety of different resources but those resources are pretty dang important you can get a full set of diamond armor and

Tools from villagers and you can also get mending books to keep them alive forever plus villagers trade golden carrots too easily the best food source in the game villagers are also essential elements in building iron Farms which are one of the most important farms in any survival world Villages are also the

Most convenient spot to start a raid which as we went over before can give some pretty good items and of course the fact that these generate with so many buildings give the players a nice place to stay in the early stages of the game before they build a house a large number

Of buildings also make these quite fun to come across as well they’re definitely one of the best aesthetic structures in the game in fact there are actually five different types of villages each with different buildings based on the biome let’s do a really quick ranking of them purely based on

Their Aesthetics since the resources are relatively equal between them my least favorite is the Savannah Village AAA wood is one of my least favorite wood types so that’s kind of a given next up is the desert village it fits the desert biome pretty well but I just like the

Buildings and the other types more also I should mention that the desert village is the only place where you can get camels then we have the snow Plains Village which I like due to how it incorporates snow and ice following that is the plains Village which I see is the

Most common type and the builds are pretty good and my favorite is definitely the tigga because I just really love Spruce Wood now the only reason I’m not ranking the village is higher is because it doesn’t have anything that’s technically exclusive but due to them being one of the most

Lightly structures in the game I think it earned its spot two nend cities these are the big structures you’re able to find after defeating the Ender Dragon and they’re definitely worth going to because they have some fantastic loot you can get a ton of diamond armor and tools Diamonds by themselves and other

Ores the most important loot here though is the exclusive stuff and man there’s a lot first start the Spire armor templates and the dragon head which are just aesthetic things but they’re still pretty cool the other two items though are the main reasons you’ll want to come

Here first are the Sher shell which are dropped by the structures exclusive mob the Shuler I love how these guys work as when they hit you they’ll affect you with levitation so you then have to try and avoid falling to your death it makes the challenge here really unique which

Adds to the structure’s coolness Factor Shuler shells are able to be made into shulker boxes which are basically like chests that you can carry in your inventory making the game significantly less tedious that by itself would have been huge but the structure also is the only place you could obtain the elytra

This is by far the best method of movement in the entire game is it lets you fly anywhere you want to at pretty high speeds so yeah for being the source of two incredibly valuable items that n CI sort of have to place highly but I

Feel like these things are way too rare because you could spend hours searching the end and come up empty-handed the end islands are so Barren without them that it can genuinely be maddening trying to find a city add on that the end ship the thing that has the elytra only spawns in

25% of cities and yeah I’ve definitely lost it by now but the long hunt still manages to be worth it plus they’ve always liked how perer looks so this is still easily one of my favorite structures one the nether fortress right away this was my number one pick and I

Think it’s pretty understandable to see why the nether fortress is the main and only source of a lot of important resources in the game first off looks wise I love the Nether Bricks here plus that also makes this a good source of them in case you don’t feel like

Smelting Netherrack the chest Loop here is also not too bad since you can get diamonds nether warts and the exclusive rib armor trm Nether fortresses are also the main source of Nether wart so if you ever want to make potions you’ll need to come here the main thing that really

Puts the nether fortress up at the top though are its two exclusive mobs The Blaze and Wither Skeleton first let’s start with the blaze they add a lot of danger to The Fortress since they can set you on fire but fighting them is well worth it since they drop blaze rods

Blaze rods are important for a large number of things you could turn it into a brewing stand and you can use the powder to make potions more importantly though that powder is used to make Eyes of Ender which you not only need to do to get into the end to fight the dragon

But also to make end crystals to respond the dragon after the fact in addition to this blazes also drop 10 XP like the Guardians we mentioned before what’s especially nice in this case though is that blazes actually have a spawner in the nether fortress which you can easily

Turn into an XP farm but as I said that’s not the only mob you’re going to want to farm as the Wither Skeleton is also exclusive to The Fortress they’re extremely dangerous since getting hit by them gives a player the Wither effect but their drops are well worth fighting

For the main one being the wither skeleton skull and if you collect three of them you can spawn the Wither boss which eventually lets you make a beacon while wither skeletons don’t have spawners like blazes you can still set up fortresses in such a way to make a pretty efficient Wither Skeleton farm

That way you can very quickly get a ton of skulls and thus beacons which are some of the most powerful blocks in the game with skeletons also drop colon bones which are also pretty helpful in their own right so to me I think it’s pretty obvious that the nether fortress

Has to be number one not only is it really cool design-wise but it has two of the most important mobs in the game exclusive to it both of those mobs give you access to two of The Game’s main bosses as well so I think based on my criteria there’s no other structure that

Could take the number one spots other than the nether fortress but anyways that’s it for this video are you obsessed with the desert village Library building and hate me for not putting it at number one let me know in the comments this was a pretty hard

Ranking to make and I would not be surprised if this turns out to be my most controversial ranking on Minecraft to date but I hope you all enjoyed it regardless probably not my most controversial ranking ever though those Mario fans are vicious sometimes if you have any more suggestions for rankings

In the future make sure to let me know I’ve really enjoyed all the Minecraft rankings I’ve done this year but anyways dry bones for Smash and I’ll see you guys next Time

Minecraft’s main appeal is all about building things, however the game also has several structures that can generate to give the player loot, exclusive mobs, and more! These include structures like villages, end cities, nether fortresses, and more! Minecraft structures have a wide variety of uses like giving the player items and allowing them to create certain mobs farms like iron farms, raid farms, wither skeleton farms, and more. Currently there are 25 structures in minecraft as of 1.20 (not including trial chambers from 1.21), however some of the structures are definitely better than others, so join me as I rank every structure in minecraft from the worst to the best!

Odyssey Central Twitter: https://twitter.com/odyssey_central

Odyssey Central Discord Server: https://discord.gg/XmmXPCz

Odyssey Central Maker ID: VPB-NM9-KLF


The Greatest Video Ever Made: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSCB8qeJs5o


  1. I’m not gonna lie bro, you putting witch huts above buried treasures is criminal 💀

    On a side note, your pronunciation of “shard” is rather unique. I’ve never heard it pronounced “sherd” before

  2. Apparently you play Java
    I play on bedrock because it's the only version i can play because my cousin Alexis doesn't have her PS3 anymore so im left with just playing on my phone and i always use keep inventory when i did play on java because we would take turns jumping into the void on purpose after the ender dragon business is taken care of

    I would also make the enderman pick up dirt blacks for fun like i would just find an enderman and place a block in front of it and tell it to pick it up and it did- sometimes

    Also water does NOT hurt the ender dragon and we did this because my little sister Melanie thought that if water hurts endermen water would also hurt the ender dragon so she placed water on all the pillars and the bedrock portal and we also watched how the ender dragon would just remove the water

    To all the noobs seeing this: Your welcome for learning that water does not hurt the ender dragon so you do not have to place water all over the end like my little sister did and i have to go to the outer end islands to play with the enderman because the main end island is absolutely flooded for every black on that one island there is except end gateways there is water and yes we actually swim in the end

  3. I stumbled across your channel today and love your videos! You blend information and humor incredibly well, and admit when you're being subjective in rankings! As well, you just have really good and engaging writing. Thanks so much for cool videos 🙂

  4. bro forgot the bonus chest 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀🛩🏢🏢🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🤓🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫👍

  5. amethysts are prime real estate that is ready for development (im serious, build yourself a house in a geode, you will not regret it, the deeper down the better)

  6. My only complaint: Your ranking of the individual villages seemed to be a ranking of wood types and not really a ranking of the actual villages. Personally, I find the plains village to be the most boring, while desert and taiga are the most interesting builds. Savanna and snowy are mid tier, still interesting but not too crazy. Yeah I like oak wood a lot, but plains buildings are just not dynamic enough compared to the competition.

  7. Since I’ve been playing a lot of Pixelmon recently, I had the hilarious thought of if you ranked all naturally spawning Pokémon in that mod, most likely by drops upon defeat.

    Why I thought of that here was because of the mob drops in your top two structures. The Rolycoly line is an excellent source of coal and can just be found in mountain biomes, and I’d look for any mons with shells to figure out which ones drop shulker shells. A lot of the rarer or evolved Pokémon drop some really good stuff if you take them out.

  8. Fun tip, calcite also spawn in abundance on certain mountains
    i look for these mountains when i fly around since surface iron and coal also spawn in abundance in those same mountains

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