Why I Stole Minecraft’s MOST ILLEGAL ITEM…

This is the barrier bow a weapon capable of capturing the strongest creatures with one shot the bow summons a barrier cage permanently trapping any Target inside however to get the bow a hard challenge had to be completed first there’s the castle of the barrier bow

But to get to there I need to get past these obstacles and oh boy am I high up if I miss a single jump I’m dead there is so many Fireballs down ah oh my gosh I just got hit oh that one was way too close bro there’s so many flying right

Next to me come on come on come on onto this like that oh my goodness last jump come on yes what is this how am I supposed to get to those ladders I need to activate these Pistons somehow but I don’t have a bow to shoot these targets

Wait I do have snowballs though this is going to be tricky but I have to time it perfectly like this and this come on come on come on yes no way I did it what oh my goodness there is Strays everywhere I need to go but I have

Slowness ouch what what is this oh my gosh I need a run up I need to hit that slime block okay here we go come on come on come on and jump like this yes what do I in Pistons ah oh my gosh there’s something coming right behind me I need

To go now I can’t believe this it’s going to push me off and I’m going to die last jump and we’re here come on yes let’s go and I see the chest that barrier bow it’s finally mine what oh my gosh what is this oh no I must have fell

In some type of trap and I am surrounded by zins I don’t get it though who put this trap here what oh my gosh they hit me from that far and it did so much damage I have four Hearts remaining I need to figure out some way of getting

Out of this place there is zings everywhere and it’s Mega deadly ah what is that did that come out of these dispensers ah oh my gosh it definitely did that’s not good there is traps everywhere ow I need to block them off somehow otherwise I’m going to die I

Don’t want to use my piston or my slime because I could use those some other way to escape hold up though I do have a powdered snow bucket so if I just put it right there like this okay that worked these guys are deadly and vicious okay

And I also have four honey bottles so we can do this and make a honey block and we place that right there and then we turn these snowballs into snow blocks like this ow I can’t believe it these disrespectful dispensers leave me alone zins oh my gosh they’re not letting me

Place these snow blocks I can’t seem to reach it and about 2 Hp from these zins I’ll place my crafting table here so that they can’t reach me ha now what you guys are going to do put one snow block there and one on the very edge here come

On like ow no I fell in the pit oh okay I’m back out that was so dangerous though what just happened and the last dispenser like this now how can I get away from these zins I need to get this place and get that bow as soon as

Possible I’m not going to have enough blocks to build out of this place but I do have a sticky piston and a slime block so if I place the crafting table down like here a hay bale right here and my cauldron like here I then place this

Sticky piston and a slime block on top how am I supposed to activate this though I don’t have a button or a lever wait a second I think I just got an idea I need to pick up this hay bale fast if I put the hay bale right here and the

Redstone like this I can make a Target I can then replace the piston in the Slime put the Target right there and shoot it with my snowball no bro it didn’t bounce me high enough I thought that was going to work did I really just do all of that

For nothing wait a second maybe I didn’t do it for nothing let me pick up the blocks that I can if I try and build as high as possible and then place a bunch of glowberries down like this and then we jump no I missed hold up I need to

Place more glowberries like this and get up okay yes but wait how am I supposed to get out now I can’t possibly go up any further than this damn it bro that is also not going to work I’m running out of things in my inventory but I can

Craft 12 scaffolding and to be honest that looks like it’s going to be enough okay let’s build up like this come on come on come on what are you joking three blocks missing I can’t even place my glowberries On Any Corner that’s going to do nothing I literally have no

Idea what I could do I have one steak remaining and I’m getting extremely low get out the way fat ah oh my gosh he just launched me in the sky hold up I see it yes there’s a trapo there this is going to be extremely difficult but I

Need to bring them all over here come on come on come on come on okay go go go come on watch this still open yes I thre ah but there’s one in here with me get away from me ouch come on move I can’t place the block no I didn’t mean to

Place it there this is so annoying oh my goodness oh that was terrifying there’s laders here jeez those dolins wanted be dead let’s go get this barrier bow let’s go get it wait what is this what is that a person yes the barrier bow is mine what no it’s not

I’m going to get it what and there’s another one I need to get there quick but there’s arrows coming out of this lava oh my goodness this is difficult just these last jumps no he’s going to make it come on I got this what no what

Oh my gosh why did the fell in the lava is he going to die wait no no please I don’t have any water come on please live please I can’t believe it that guy died and I just got hit by one of these arrows oh my goodness this isn’t good no

This guy’s going to get the barrier bow come on I’ve got this no I missed the jump what oh my goodness this guy fell in as well no way everyone’s missing these jumps I got to try my best like this yes and final jump yes I finally

Got the barrier bow this thing looks insane now all I need to do is hit a player to end the world wait what Castle exploding in 3 minutes no way that’s insane I’m going to blow up and die wait a minute I see some items over there

That must be from the guy that died let me see if I can jump over here yes I picked them up diamond pickaxe with efficiency three let me mind my way out of here I need to get out of this place come on wait I forgot I’m 200 blocks

Above the ground there’s no way I’ll survive that fool no no no this is a good ah oh my goodness this must be the TN that’s going to explode I probably only have 2 minutes and a couple of seconds left wait there’s some Crimson

Wood right here let me see if I can pick this up come on come on come on let me mine these logs okay perfect and now with these 12 planks I’ll make a crafting table and now we craft a boat just like this wait what I don’t think

It’s possible to craft a boat with Crimson planks I was just going to boat fly out of this place but that’s not going to work I need to think of something different what am I going to do I have to figure something out this isn’t good though I don’t want to

Explode up here ah oh my goodness there’s a phantom No no no it almost knocked me down I got to kill this guy or else I’m going to die to it come on let me land this crit surely he’s getting low I think one more hit and

He’ll be dead here he comes like this yes I got him but this Phantom membrane isn’t going to get me out of this place I need to think of something different let me have a look up here maybe there’s something in the castle that’s going to

Help me get out of this place wait a minute what’s that over there is that a cauldron that’s perfect because I have this bucket which means if that cauldron has water in it we can fill it up and then MOG clutch out of this place okay

Let me place these blocks and get over there and yes there’s water in it let’s fill this bucket up what what no no no The Cauldron isn’t filled to the top which means we can’t fill up this bucket that is so unfortunate man just a little

Bit more water was needed but hold up there’s a brewing stand right here no way there’s awkward potions and blaze powder inside and the Phantom dropped this membrane which means if we put it up here we’re going to have slow falling potions which is perfect we could get

Out that way this brewing stand save the day for real halfway come on we’re almost done any second now no creeper no are you kidding me all of my potions just burned I got to be the most unlucky person ever this is insane I probably only have around 60 seconds before

Before this whole place goes boom Oh no there’s zombies here that’s all right though I’ll kill them with this pickaxe wait this one dropped iron and there’s cobwebs here if I can craft shears then I’ll be able to clutch down but I have no idea where I’m going to get that

Extra iron from man all I needed was one more and I would have been out of this place if only that other zombie dropped me the iron as well man and all I can eat is this rotten flesh Castle exploding in 30 seconds no no no no no I

Need to think fast what do I have I have an eye ofender if only I had obsidian I could have crafted an Ender Chest wait there’s obsidian right here it’s perfect all I need to do is collect eight and it’s a good thing this pickaxe has

Efficiency on it I should be able to mine this obsidian pretty quickly come on come on come on I only need another six I’m really not trying to blow up right now man two more two more okay there we go quickly quickly like this let’s have a look yes an ender pearl

Come on come on come on throw it that way I can hit the andt I’m going to blow up yes I’m out wait a minute is that the others wait it’s legy let’s kill this brain dead idiot it’s the others and they have no idea I have to barri a bow

Oh I can’t wait to use this on them get up here like this are you is ready to be trapped in barriers forever would you look at that what’s wrong guys can’t move we’re trapped in barriers guys how no what are you doing and they’re all dead no way let’s

Go that was epic this barrier B is overpowered

Why I Stole Minecraft’s MOST ILLEGAL ITEM…

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