Mikey Family & JJ Family – NOOB vs PRO : Truck Car House Build Challenge in Minecraft (Maizen)

Today together with our families we will have to build trucks a huge number of spiders are coming and we are in great danger what I can’t believe what you’re saying can you explain what’s going on there let’s go to the computer now I’ll show you everything on the screen now

Our village has been attacked by huge spiders they’re attacking us and we don’t know what to do at all the only way out is to run and try to hide from them I’m warning everyone be careful and get ready for an attack they will will come to you soon try to protect yourself

Because we are all in great danger I’m running away now let’s get started I’m really scared right now therefore we need to go to The Wheel of Fortune as soon as possible and find out who will get what materials I hope that we can survive in this

Situation and our families will be safe great now The Wheel of Fortune is stopping and it’s time to find out what materials you got let’s open it and take a look look W haa it’s a lot of fun I just realized that you got bad materials

And it amused me a lot oh no I’m very unlucky right now I don’t understand how this is possible I was very upset and I see that you have incredibly good materials from which you will build your truck okay there’s no time to discuss so let’s go build trucks as soon as

Possible I really like your idea therefore we are going to build trucks as soon as possible we really have a a lot of work to do right now I am confident in my materials now and I know that everything will go well I will definitely make my truck incredibly cool

My family will be safe when the spiders come here they won’t have a chance to attack us I never would have thought that we would face such a terrible situation but unfortunately it happened therefore we must concentrate now and in no case make mistakes right now the only

Option is to work hard and not waste time I’m very glad glad that I came across good materials because I can make anything out of them I’ll start now with the wheels and the bottom of the platform I think that this is the best idea and it’s not worth stopping the

Main thing is that everything goes according to plan and does not lead to bad consequences my family supports me very much and it motivates me insanely much I’m ready to work tirelessly now I need to prove to everyone that in no case will I allow my family to be in

Great danger now my work is going very fast and I’m not going to stop I have already made part of the platform and I am happy about it I’ll start building the body soon the main thing is to do everything according to my plan and the drawings that I have prepared for the

Construction of my truck I am very interested in how Mikey implements his project because he has very bad materials I think that he doesn’t have a single chance to do something good I won’t get distracted now I keep working on on it I would really like to see how

My friend Mikey is doing right now but I’m definitely not going to get distracted because we have very little time and a lot of work as soon as I finish building my truck then I will immediately go to him I’ll see what results he achieved I never would have

Thought that with such a high speed I would build such a heavy structure the truck will turn out to be really big I think that I will definitely succeed the main thing is just now to enjoy the process and in no case be distracted my family motivates me very

Much now I have no right to stop my truck turns out to be incredible now I have already achieved great results it makes me very happy I work very hard and the result is already on my face I have made almost the main part of my truck and it cannot but

Rejoice therefore I am closing the roof now and sending the second part to be built immediately y it will be a trailer that will contain everything you need we will be able to store a huge amount of things and food there I am very pleased that I have already made the first part

Of my truck the main thing now is just to concentrate on work in no case should we be distracted we really have very little time left we have to complete our construction before the spiders come here therefore I’m going to build a trailer right now I’ll probably start

Now with the wheels and do everything exactly the same as with the pre design I am sure that this is a good idea and we need to use it I will definitely need a mount that will connect the main part of the trailer great now I’m already

Starting to build my trailer I started with wheels I saw that Mikey is currently under construction to be honest I am very surprised at what he is building I’m sure his truck won’t be able to go and there’s no point even discussing it I doubt that his materials

Will not withstand heavy loads therefore I’m definitely not not going to be distracted by all this I want to finish my work as soon as possible now after I finish with the trailer frame I immediately go to my friend I want to make a very funny joke about him we need

To see what he really managed to do during this time but it’s still a long way off so I’m continuing to work now I’m concentrating on the most important things and I will definitely Implement everything that I have planted the main thing is that no one knocked me down and

I did my job as quickly as possible I really wonder how much more time it will take to build such a truck I think that this will take a long time and take a lot of time now I’m already working effectively and I’m not going to stop I

Really have huge plans for this truck because it’s supposed to save my family from spiders I use the best materials and fasteners so that the truck can leave a terrible place at the right moment I think the spiders will come here after dark therefore we we must

Hurry up the evening will come soon and we will all be in great danger now I’ve already come a long way and I am very happy about it I will lay out my trailer from the precious materials that I have left I think that this will surprise my

Friend Mikey very much he’ll be furious when he sees it what are you doing here I don’t understand how you have the nerve to come to me now and do things like that you’re destroying part of my truck and it’s incredibly upsetting for me go go away I don’t want to talk to

You you are incredibly bad and it makes me very angry what a horror I’ve just seen what he built this is an aversion that I have all the time now I see that he is not well disposed towards me that’s why I’m not going to waste any

More time here I’m going back to my place I still have a lot of problems in the truck that I have to solve I hope that I will be able to finish it in the near future and then I will calm down the main thing now is just to

Concentrate on your work and not be distracted by Mikey anymore you thought that I would just leave it like that therefore now I will also look at what you have managed to do and I will definitely come to some conclusion I’m sure you don’t have anything good and your truck will be

Inferior to mine I see that you have really very good material and the result is good but I will definitely surprise you he’s behaving incredibly Strangely I don’t understand what this is about I don’t want to be distracted by him anymore because I have a lot of work to

Do let him be on his own the most important thing for me now is to finish what I have planned as soon as possible it’s going to be night soon and we’re all going to be in great danger I won’t let my family get hurt it’s very

Difficult I’m starting to get very tired right now to be honest I’m running out of energy but I’m not going to stop because inside I still need to equip my truck I hope that in the near future I will finish this work and finally my design will be completely ready the good

Thing is that I can now take any equipment that I need for a quiet life with my family my truck will have everything you need for a comfortable life and entertainment I want to do everything possible to finally have my truck finished and then everyone will be

Very happy we need to concentrate now and in no case stop my work is progressing very well and I am very happy about it soon I will run to my friend Mikey and see how he is doing I want to make fun of him once again and improve my mood I

Think that he will be very happy when he sees that I came to have fun with him I continue to work hard and in no case get distracted I still have a lot to do now is the moment to finally hang the painting in my truck and immediately go

To my friend Mikey I want to see what he’s done I don’t think he’s going to be very happy to see me but it’s okay now I’m going to have a lot of fun why did you come again I don’t understand do you really like to mock me let’s close this

Topic as soon as possible and go to your place I have a lot of work to do he still has no idea what danger we are in it’s all fun of course but we have to finish the truck because very scary spiders are coming here soon I am very

Worried that something irreparable may happen soon therefore I try to make every effort to ensure the safety of my family now I have already put special life on my truck so that we can drive safely at night and see the road but my work definitely doesn’t end there I

Still have to arrange everything inside now there is still a huge amount of work and I have to be sure that everything will go well for me I hope in no case will it lead to bad consequences it will be evening soon and therefore you should

Hurry up I’m really doing my best right now to get my truck ready as soon as we finish with the construction we will go to each other let’s see who has achieved what results I want to compare my truck with Mikey’s truck I am sure that my

Truck will be better I am incredibly surprised now that I have already managed to put up a wardrobe billiard tables and much more my truck is now very transformed and is starting to look insanely beautiful I am already satisfied with the result as soon as it

Is completed I think that I will get an incredible relief my family is very happy now that I have come such a long way we will soon be living in in incredible comfort and enjoying it therefore now it remains to hang a few more paintings and in principle I will

Finish arranging the interior I have an incredible plan for how I can still decorate and improve my truck therefore I want to use the most precious materials and put diamond blocks in the edging of the frame I think it will be very interesting but for now I continue

To work further and in no case get distracted I will defin defitely get everything I need soon and my truck will be finally completed I get insanely tired of what I’m doing but I have no other way out my family is in danger now I can’t let them down in any

Way all this is incredibly difficult for me but I think that the jerseys are not much easier he is very tired himself right now because he was unlucky with the materials but there’s no point in talking about it now because I have a lot of work to do do I have a strange

Feeling I’m going inside my truck now we need to check all the equipment and electronics that are there now I hear some strange sounds Mikey you came here after all what are you doing here ha I’m very surprised by what you’ve done right now to be honest Your Design is

Incredibly strange but somehow I even like it so let’s take a look at your truck now and go straight to mine I want to show you how I’ve achieved D it I think it will be very interesting for you to see what I have implemented there

Yes but first of all look at what a beautiful truck I have I have spent a huge amount of energy and energy here here are the highest quality materials that make me extremely happy well let’s not waste time now and go to you I’m really interested to see what progress

You’ve made in building a truck great now you can safely come to visit me and enjoy everything you see I tried to make something Innovative out of all the materials I used I hope that my family will live in comfort and will not be very angry with me because I tried very

Hard I’m honestly very surprised I didn’t expect you to build such a bad truck I can tell you with confidence that he will not withstand any terrible consequences that await Us in the near future therefore I suggest that we close this topic now and not bring it up again

I’m going back to my place now because I need to finish building part of my truck the night will come come soon and the spiders will be here therefore you need to prepare yourself and in no case allow them to attack unexpectedly I’ve already spent a huge

Amount of effort and I’m not going to stop there everything is going according to plan and I am very happy about it the main thing is that everything turned out the way I planned and went well there is very little left to finish the truck and you can basically calm down the horror

Is coming soon I will strengthen it with the most durable materials and in principle I am already ready for the battle with the spiders it’s coming soon and I can feel it in principle the moment has finally come to find out who got the best truck it’s time to run

Outside and see what’s going on I see Mikey running towards me now oh no you can see it now night has fallen and soon the spiders will be here urgently look at what’s happening on the left they came here therefore we urgently run our trucks we need to escape from this

Terrible place as soon as possible because we are in great danger I’m urgently running with my family now because I need to get them out of this terrible Place spiders will soon attack everything they see I can’t let a bad outcome happen I seem to be doing pretty

Well and now I’m very close to finally being safe I’m starting the truck now and I’m leaving right away I hope that everything goes according to plan I see that Mikey is in great danger right now that’s why I’m running out to save him urgently I took a flamethrower and will

Do everything possible to ensure that his truck is not attacked by spiders I see that he couldn’t get it started now his family is completely at a loss what to do next I can’t leave them in the lurge so now I’m trying to use a flamethrower to destroy these monsters I

Hope that I will be able to get them out soon because the only way to save them is if I bring them to my truck I hope that everything goes well and Mikey will soon take his family to a safe place he was incredibly wrong I told him that his

Truck would be in great danger and would not withstand the invasion of spiders therefore it is urgently necessary to move it to a safe place I’m very good at destroying all the spiders that attack us right now the flamethrower does a very good job but I was incredibly surprised when I saw that

The whole truck was covered in cobwebs now get together urgently and tell your family that we are running to my truck we’ll be safe there thank you very much you have no idea how grateful I am to you for trying to save us now I am very

Worried that my family is in great danger so let’s move into your truck as soon as possible and finally move on with our lives we have overcome all the difficulties now Mikey is very upset right now great we have already run to my truck and are almost safe I am very

Glad that I was able to save my friend Mikey after all my truck turned out to be better that’s how our in rible story ended subscribe to the channel like it and leave your comments

Mikey Family & JJ Family – NOOB vs PRO : Truck Car House Build Challenge in Minecraft (Maizen)

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Minecraft NOOB vs PRO: GOLD FACTORY BUILD CHALLENGE – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkFdIvWlv3k

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