I found another underrated terrario mod that you need to play right now the lunar Veil mod is a dope mod that adds in tons of structures and unique bosses along with some insane Weaponry let’s check out the mod we’re here potentially checking out another must playay

Terrarium mod the lunar Veil mod and as you can see we’re in a new world and at spawn there’s some new structures from this mod I open up the map and zoom out a little bit and as you can see there’s a lot of changes a lot of differences

Here so I’m very excited to check out some of these things let’s get into it let’s start with this little area right here so we got a nice little like ruin near spawn which you love to see I always just love seeing any structures from any terraria Mod always adds more

Life to the game cuz I feel like in regular vanilla Terraria there isn’t too many structures natural generating structures so it’s always nice seeing stuff like this we got some chest here they’re all locked we need a certain key to open them but what other goodies are

Spread amongst here what is this Old Guard Shrine okay hold up let me get all this cobweb and let’s see what’s popping with this Old Guard Shrine it is a boss who would have thought little mini boss doesn’t have a lot of health so this is something

You’re supposed to fight early game he looks kind of sick reminded me of like Hollow Knight or something I don’t know the way he’s moving around type of attacks you see in Hollow Knight I played Hollow night for like 1 hour so I’m not sure player speed up he giv

Himself a little Buffs and stuff yeah very simple pattern since it is a early game BS you know nothing too crazy multiple phases let’s see armor broke so we got it down in he a little bit that means the armor is broken weak maybe he’s just calling me weak or maybe he’s

Breaking my armor he’s not the one that’s having his armor broken let’s break or hit them again see what happens shooting out little rocks it look like there yeah little projectiles that they shoot out okay and let us finish them off boom got a cool little death animation

Like to see it let us go ahead and pick up the key and now I guess we just choose one of these chests to open which one am I feeling I’m feeling middle middle right what’s in here we got stonia bro stonia hat so we got the

Whole stonia fit I’m going to go ahead throw that on okay I look like I’m straight out of the Hidden leaf or something and then the BR no fall damage and two defense increase pick speed and glow in the dark but lose 15% damage I don’t know if that’s worth I don’t know

If that’s worth trading bro I don’t know oh wait hold up we still get to keep the key so do I get to open everything oh okay so it’s like multiplayer you’re playing with the boys uh you get a couple extra options maybe I don’t know cuz look some of these are different

Like look this got the endless quiver condensed dirt more ore in it I guess maybe only two people get armor you got to turn on Terraria PVP for the first time ever and fight your boys for the armor set it does look like you can

Fight the boss again if you want to did they drop something else oh look they dropped something else Gambit right click to open gamble your soul away sweet that lets y’all know everyone does watching this always gamble it’s always worth it I don’t know what’s

Going on over here but it looks cool I went to the right of Spawn we’re seeing a bunch of new enemies around here but there’s another structure yo look at the light shining on over here the lights from Heaven damn this dude was moving Mossy zombie get them out of here this

Is sick though you know I’m a mushrooms so seeing mushrooms always makes me happy I’m liking the little uh objects and stuff in the background the little Furniture whatever you want to call it decorations are these ghosts tribal worshippers damn got some Cults in Terraria watch out uh break me got it

Gave me life Crystal sweet what is this huh you can’t open this door yet or no that says hun man I ain’t your honey you got to take me out to dinner first what the hell uh do I should I break anything okay so breaking it we just can place it

True I’ll break all this stuff and take it home Ruby Beetle we got some cool looking enemies the Sprites in this are very nice it’s very like dark kind of like a Calamity type of vibe is what I’m getting from the Sprites you know that more dark feel uh what’s going on over

Here so we got a little pyramid damn is this wooden spikes that’s going to hurt I’m pretty hard about stepping on that but what is this stuff I can’t really touch it cuz there’s a wall here whoa it’s light shining let’s drop down I guess and see what’s popping down here

Boom we’re down here can I break this okay so I can’t I can’t just break it I thought it was something important but no it’s just a little background object a little decoration see I don’t know what’s what down here I guess that’s kind of one of the confusing thing about

The Sprites is unless it’s literally labeled break me then I don’t know what what I should break and what I shouldn’t break what’s a decoration and what’s supposed to be an object I’m interacting with either way I’d probably break most of it and put it in like my house but

This is sick the music is bumping I don’t know if I want to turn it up though because now I’m always scared of copyright claims and copyright strikes and then I’d have to you know re-edit the whole video or mute literally like a whole section of video happens all the

Time on the second Channel with the streams cuz games always have copyrighted music it’ll be like one random track too it’ll be like the whole music is fine tons and tons of the music fine in the game and there’ll be like one track for like 20 seconds that’ll

Give me like a copyright claim and I got to like either share the monetization or I got to cut out the audio we drop down deeper here though and it says Disturbed ruined tablet do I break this no just another decoration I don’t know I feel like we’re supposed to fight something

Yo we got a moth staff heck yeah now I feel about them summons yeah let’s keep on going on the surface let’s see what kind of structures we got up here okay cool I always like seeing structures in the sky give me more reason to be up

Here uh we got some stuff Morrow chest key assuming maybe there’s like a chest we run into that we got open uh we got this little thing over here above the snow area yo look at the background kind of sick looking I like the little spikes

We got going on here little ice Spike biome what is this like block right here very an ore what else we got popping in here anything like important see again I don’t know what to break what not to break so I hope that everything that is like breakable and I

Should should break is labeled that because I really would not know otherwise yo what is this this looks sick can I break it yeah I can actually break it oh it’s like a whole like light pillar too it’s not just the orb these are sick areas areas like this I

Probably would not build a home in this play through if I play through this mod like I’m just stealing no house there ain’t no reason for me to build a home when you got things like this hold up we got a little chest here the chest cannot

Be open at day due to Empress of the Moon oh damn we got Empress of light and Empress of the Moon a special seal is over it try again at night we got some new enemies trying to jump me some beetles we got Veria Shrine come at

Night with our Kindred in hand see you soon for our dance will commend okay little dance we’re going to do we’re not going to fight we’re we’re just going to dance all 100% made it night time okay I don’t have the the whatever the Kindred

In hand is if I type in Kindred does anything come up it won’t even let me type in Kindred so I have no idea all right that seems like that’s all for like the right surface area there’s just a couple little things here and there

Let’s go to the left we have the jungle over here couple more sky structures these are pretty packed with loot and then what’s popping off here in the jungle yo what is this biome the green goo acid biome now for real what is this that didn’t give me anything when I

Broke it all right what does the tree say virent plating what the heck this dude shaking my whole screen when he shoots so this is like a acid biome that that dude’s name was acid probe I really like the the little effects going on on the screen the little like leaves everywhere

Sick the the like glowing and Lighting in that other biome pretty sick things here and there music again is bumping but what else is there yo what is this structure what is this yo this is sick the background is so cool okay that’s probably my favorite thing about the mod

What who the hell is this lonely feeble sorceress what you trying to do obviously I want you to stay can you just stay here for a while no forever I mean it too much of an ask she forever spar with your new wife hold up wife oh

Damn what the she got 34 39 kth yo what are these attacks this is crazy ain’t this uh domestic abuse they want me to beat my wife all right say less let’s get to it she hit me first by the way so I’m just fighting defending myself

Honestly she probably did not expect me to pull up with god mode and the Zenith is over for her what the heck she got Wings she like the emperess light she got some sick attacks I don’t know when you’re supposed to the fighter no way

This is a early game boss I’m not even in like Master mode or anything let’s see yeah I’m in just regular Journey mode this is just a regular attacks is all of this kind of sick let us take her out though I think I’ve seen enough

Unless she got like a third phase that I don’t know let’s bring her over here deeper into the bottome pretty big area to fight her I’m assuming we’re supposed to fight her up here and not like down there where I was at let us finish her off though

Boom where’s that sword going sword bouncing around still alive can I get hit by those lasers oh there you go hey look she’s back so you can just spar with her whenever you want we got a new weapon the nekara yo pretty sick and then a couple

Of other things oh we got this the yubico yo what the heck some pretty cool weapons all right so what’s popping over here what other good stuff let me see down here what’s going on down here okay it looks same old same old let’s head into this Castle which has stairs but I

Can’t step on those stairs cuz they’re just in the background okay we got some books I know you don’t read don’t lie to me it’s a pretty big structure is there only like one boss fight here yo what the heck horse Horsemen riding around I

Think that might be it here but you know still pretty sick there is like a little cave down here but it kind of just cuts off so that’s interesting maybe it’s something in the future to look at but now it’s time to head down below and start checking out all the structures I

Don’t even know where to start bro let’s start off on the left here here uh I don’t know what to even call this music bumping as per usual okay it’s got kind of a little ocean theme Coral theme I can’t even go to the left like it won’t

Let me go any further to the left what the heck we’re not even all the way to the left on the map though so that’s kind of the weird part Y what is this just for loot or something there’s like a gem we can put in here can I find that

Gem real quickly this right here Cur Shard okay says it summons a dangerous foe should I go to like a better one of these I think they have them over here to the right so let me come over here so we you can see the whole structure let’s

See this curs fo what’s popping with this dude okay giant Circle water Cog work now the question is is this the same boss every time I almost instantly killed him is this the same boss every time in all of these or is it a different boss I don’t know there is a

Lot of these structures so I’m assuming there’s a little bit of difference between them that or maybe this boss just has like a bunch of loot he drops and you got to fight him in different areas I don’t know yeah this is kind of a cool fight because he’s using in the

Terrain it kind of reminds me of like planta a boss that uses its terrain moves around via the terrain and it’s a little area to fight him unless you got like good movement underwater you know you might have a little bit of trouble here but let us kill him kind of

Shooting us with a gun the gun’s still alive what the he drop drowned treasure box so yeah kind of oh so he’s a hard mode boss drop hard mode gear all right so there’s just like little random structures like this you know just like regular Terraria and then let’s go down

Here what is this it’s like a bigger random structure okay interesting and let’s keep going deeper and we get to hell and then we got like this little I don’t know what to even call this oh I like how the’s Smoke on the screen disturb the unstable Rift a disturbing

Entity prevents the rift from opening I guess we’re not disturbing it any other structures in hell I don’t think so we do got this over here in this little toxic biome so what is this just a nice little dungeon down here potentially to fight something what’s popping look how

Big this like wall b/ background is gigantic is there a boss fight in this area I can’t tell the structure like on the map looks so weird damn these dude shaking my screen bro I love screen Shake but an enemy that little doing it is kind of crazy

Okay we got the goods here Greek Lantern okay shoots little The Little Greek fire that the morning wood does be anything like down here to fight or is it just you know a little dungeon to get some blue looks like a little dungeon to get some blue I’m not seeing anything wait

Who oh wait if you’re here then oh oh shoot he done sent the goons after me yo again this is another cool like environmental boss fight where it’s using the terrain to fight we’re in like a little rectangle and he’s kind of Dashing around the rectangle there’s so

Much going on right now don’t even know what to do I’m taking out the terrarian so I don’t get to K what am I supposed to attack is this dude I think it’s this person right here okay that did good damage I don’t think we could attack the head can we

I don’t know let me let me try and attack the head okay we can attack the head but I think the health might be separate no it’s together no wait look so it is separate or together and then if you kill one of them then it’s separate that look insanely hard okay it

Is hard mode but that’s still look insanely hard cuz you got like no space to move around but again another sick boss fight I like it is unique we should be coming down to like the final set of structures around the area let’s go to the desert here we got something popping

In the desert okay just another little theme dungeon which honestly I respect because there’s not really stuff like this in Terraria you get the little boxes with the chest like this you get this and that’s all you get into Terran what’s popping in here though another boss fight oh potentially another boss

Fight hold up so the ones on the outside was what a water Cog or whatever water Cog work what is this it is a blazing serpent okay I kind of like this little like challenges scattered around the map damn I instant killed him my bad bring him back out I

Got to see like his whole attack so he’s got the little lasers that are telegraphed for a while so if you get hit by one of these you know you might just suck well you’re probably definitely going to get hit with by one of them especially if he’s coming

Towards you but some of these are like slow as hell yeah let’s do some more damage I want to just see if he’s got any other attacks there’s a Speed pickup what happens it doesn’t look like too much kind of looks like more of like a

Opposite sort of boss you got to dodge around and kill them and that’s really it nothing really to learn no patterns to learn no crazy boss fight just dodge the lasers Dodge him some’s a bonfire over my head damn binding visor item all right what other structures are there we

Got more of this over here is this one different from the other ones let us see okay it is different spawn you little ass dude what the heck you got you got some big attacks though these things explode after little tiny skulls that explode okay I see you Spa oh damn

You put a little box on me this look like what I’d be doing in Photoshop to like crop an image this is pretty tough though he puts that box on you and does that attack yeah good luck dodging now you’re not going to have a lot of room

To move around but let us kill him I like how the health bar shaking lower his health gets they we spawn rest in peace okay I’m messing with the little dungeons scattered around with different bosses that’s sick what do we got here we’re going into the ice biome we got a

Nice big area ho holy look at this hold up dark hole you feel like everything around you is darker it is dark in this [ __ ] we are taking damage so I don’t know if we’re supposed to come here with like a certain item in our hands so it’s

Not dark or what but what’s popping with the boss come at with the key of void and moon okay I got the the void key what do we got here Singularity fragment we’re literally fighting a singularity Saturn I don’t know we find something Planet like boss so am I supposed to

Like hit the the little singularities on the outside here does that like allow me to do damage or can I damage him straight up no I got to break the things on the outside okay now I’m able to hit it and he doing a little little burst

Gun attack right there I’m liking the screen Shake makes the attacks feel way more powerful what’s going on okay charging up the little burst attack again let’s do a little bit more damage see if we get him into another phase yes sir we do what’s he got for us giant

Laser what did I tell you all about Terraria bosses they always got to have a laser and I honestly love it and respect it I don’t care but let us finish it off should be a quick finish here boom and it has given us the Blaster here and

Then it’s also given us a Godly void staff so we can summon in our own little Saturns very nice very cool I’m liking the bosses in this mod they’re very unique they’re very different I’m going to turn the lights on here I just want to see what this Bome looks like okay

Very blue up here is very green it’s looking like that is all the structures I’m pretty sure I’m not seeing too many more this structure over here looks a little bit different yeah this looks a lot different what’s going on over here no clue I don’t like see anything in

Here to like summon bosses just maybe like different generation that happen I have no idea looks sweet though yeah I think that’s everything hopefully Now quickly I’m going to uh look through some of the bosses here cuz as you see there is a good bit of bosses oh look at

That there’s just a regular Cog work and then there’s the water one okay so there’s some cool stuff in here I kind of don’t want to spoil it all just in case I ever do anything in the future with this mod or if you yourself watching this wants to do something but

Uh it’s it’s a sweet mod it’s very unique from what I’ve seen uh the weapons look really good the few weapons I messed around with look really good like they’re definitely unique they’re definitely different they have visuals like they got everything you can want from them weapons from the tal mod but

Easily the best thing is probably the way this mod looks I’m really liking the decorations I’m in all the structures they’re so unique I’ve never seen structures like this from a terrar mod like look at this when have you seen this there’s only like two terrar mods

You’ probably ever seen this from it’s very sick I recommend you guys check out this lunar Veil mod I shoot I would say it’s a must playay terrar mod by the looks of it but thank you’all for watching the video hey make sure subscribe hit the like button turn on

The bell all that good stuff I’ll see y’all in the next video

We found another UNDERRATED GEM, that you NEED TO PLAY NOW!

Lunar Veil – https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3019925104

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