The FIRST MINECRAFT UPDATE of 2024 Is Here!! (and its kinda big)

Well no flipping way no freaking flapping way hi happy New Year everybody isby watles in the very first Minecraft update of 2024 we’re looking at Breeze changes trial chamber stuff armadillo adjustments a little bit of snapshot speculation and even more you take a seed and Buckle in because we’re going

To kick things off with a potential bang look the change log it is a little bit vag but my heart it’s already pulsing and convulsing I cannot believe it with a little bit of night Vision in a little bit of spectator mode slowly we drift under the ground sneakily

Sneak my soul my soul is s ascended and left my body please come back no no no no no my soul is gone I can’t believe it I can’t believe it the change log did not lie to me it has not tricked or deceived me for the very first time

Since this thing’s Edition in Minecraft 1.20 or actually in the snapshots of 1.20 it it’s back the baby the trial Chambers it’s going to work right I was wondering I was seriously severely wondering if the trail ruins would actually end up getting fixed anytime you see it seemed all but impossible

Instead it seemed Mojang would just had another tructure that sounds suspiciously the same as the trial ruin shamers you see what I mean but oh no oh no it actually works we’re starting this year off with a bang lades a beautiful apparently loving bang this is so nice however sorrowfully at the same

Time all good things must come to an end you see this little book right here it’s handy it’s just plain old fortune 3 if I were to walk over to this pen which what in the world is going on here why are they growing so many pumpkins in the

Tiger um this is mighty awkward if one were to say stumble upon a wild potato and plant said potato then I went ahead and bone meal the potato all the way up well on Minecraft to bedrock Edition currently as long as you’re not in the

Preview you can use a fortune 3 book and actually fortune 3 these potatoes unfortunately even though it kind of looks like they got Fortune there I don’t think that was Fortune I think potatoes just go ham with how many they like give you when you harvest them that

Fortune 3 book The Beautiful buff where you harvest things and get the fortune effect unfortunately it is killed alive no longer in the future so the great news about this future change is that right now currently until the game actually properly updates you’re able to slide into your survival world and take a

Great advantage of this one try it out in your world if you’ve got a little bit of bone meal a little bit of carrots and a fortune 3 book Harvest it with fortune 3 book and reap all all of the beautiful fortune 3 benefits it’s actually insanely insanely beautiful it’ll

Probably be in the game for at least another month until it’s officially removed in Minecraft next update so I kind of am in shocked here today Lads I can’t believe it that there’s already a preview I guess it’s relatively normal for the Bedrock team but still shocks me

To the second the next update I’d like to move on today to is the trial Chambers which upon initial inspection seems to be fixed a little bit on Minecraft better Rock Edition compared to Java they they seem to be absurdly rare to the point of sometimes not even

Really existing within like 1,000 to 2,000 blocks obviously this is a huge problem because up until this point this seems to be the main focus of Minecraft 1.20 hopefully in a couple weeks here we’ll see a little bit more but I guess we’ll have to wait and see for this next

One here it’s going to be all trial chamber you need to pay attention to the particles that are going to pop out of this thing and speaking of particles well my my my we have a bone block podzol and mushroom unless I missed this on the change lock this wasn’t in the

Change lock we have that addition of that other poison skeleton mob now this right here lades is the moment of truth what in the world do you think the developers did with poison skeleton mob is it real new skeleton or Oh you mean to tell me it’s just the plain old the

Plain old same old skeleton and wait this one doesn’t even have a poison arrow huh what in the world all right well this is a development to Discovery to me for me it doesn’t seem like these arrows are even actually poisoning me is this thing like partially implemented or

Not even really implemented but some kind of weird thing is happening huh I guess that’s why I didn’t see it in a change L anyways though check that spawner I don’t know if you caught it just there roll it back the spawner the particles they have been improved inside

Of this snapshot one of the biggest and most beautiful changes here has to do with what happens when the spawner is initially activated roll the clip again as you can see the particles like shoot straight up into the air it’s super like Grand and cool feeling that little anim

I think is now exactly the same as it is on Minecraft to Java that’s cool to see now I want to know why this entire trial Chambers this entire bug to trial Chambers with a LGE of skeletons that aren’t poison actually doesn’t have a single Breeze spawner I’ve been

Searching all over this thing for at least a couple minutes and definitely not going to be over here inside of the starter room no chance but you know what is the same old loot that they haven’t adjusted yet either it’s 2024 and the loot is same old same old our next stop

Of the day today involves a little bit of role play let’s say we walked into this chamber and then boom all of a sudden a breeze mob popped up well the Breezy boy himself is undergone a couple big improvements inside side of this snapshot listen to The Breeze listen those sounds they’re cleaner

Crispier and better sounding than ever before also one of the biggest Breeze changes inside of this snapshot has to do with water previously if the breeze landed itself in water like let’s say the water from the trap had set off it wouldn’t actually jump that was a huge

Problem for the breeze and led to a lot of untimely unfortunate demise but now welcome to the Future baby because this Breeze right here is going to be able to jump when it’s in water now that’ll make the fight a little bit more challenging tragically when you win the fight it

Drops skeleton drops all right no I’m joking I’m joking I’m kidding it doesn’t actually drop skeleton drops that was a coincidence the breeze still tragically unfortunately drops nothing at all also on Minecraft of Bedrock this thing is so easy like I’m I’m just hooking to the

Boy left and right with that whole spam combat thing another thing the breeze will now actually avoid is trap doors when pathfinding trying to jump you know anything like that it’s not ever going to walk onto a trapo which means it’ll be impossible practically impossible to

Use standard trap door traps to try and trick this thing into like a trap or something all look I don’t know why you would be doing that but yeah it’s impossible all in all with all these Breezy new sounds and the buffed up AI the breeze feels way more like it does a

Minecraft Joba than ever the whole combat thing is still a big problem and a huge difference but but I mean overall when it comes to parody this thing is almost set to go just missing a few tiny tiny details like rocketing up when it’s under the water it just kind of like

Slowly drifts back up to the surface and a rush at all but for the most part with this thing being imperative what else are they going to focus on for the rest of 1.21 maybe a drop come on Minecraft Marketplace before we move on to the

Next thing I’d like to talk about not one but actually two big things over inside the marketplace the first thing is these item giveaways that have been ongoing for a little bit of time though if you have time before the end of the week sliding to Minecraft Marketplace

There’s like a bunch of free character creator items this one’s pretty fire dig the Retro Vibes like the hat like that hat but oh my God oh my God this is this is beautiful I just started watching this whole like Netflix dinosaur thing it’s like fire and with the help of some

Of these items right here I can now role play out all of my craziest and wildest fantasies uh now also over here in the marketplace we have the implementation there partially of something brand new and very very exciting in here in the marketplace if I go ahead and open that

Up and then go to my content right here for the very first time ever add-ons actually pops up right here add-ons are a future or planned or maybe even current implementation to Minecraft Bedrock Edition this will be an easy way to slide into the add-ons that you have

Activate them dis activate them you know stuff like that add-ons are essentially going to be unlike any any of these things it’s not really a skin it’s not really a specific world not exactly a texture pack or a mashup thing or nothing like that look if I’m interpreted this correctly not 100% sure

So you check it down below but I I think it’s basically a little bit closer to something like a Java mod instead which is beautiful all in all this single thing alone gets me so curious and excited for where Minecraft development on Bedrock is going to go in 2024 like

Last year if we want to just look at the implementation of editor mode and the whole Shader mode thing it was a huge year I think this year is going to be even bigger being 15th anniversary you all next moving out to something that’s coming to Minecraft in the next update

Not even Minecraft 1.21 but the next minor update this sweet the beautiful armadillo the armadillo the texture of this thing has not changed inside of this week’s preview I was very curious if like right off the bat we were going to jump into change with this thing and

Yes kind of we have there’s some new stuff we’ll talk about it but the texture is still the same old same old one not the new one for those of you who didn’t know over the holiday break on the official Minecraft Twitter account a big armadillo update was revealed we’ve

Listened to your feedback here is the new iteration of the armadillo I talked about this in the short if you saw it but yay it’s got the beautiful look and its fire they basically took the eye and bumped it over to the side and then it

Almost looks like they like did a little bit more pixel art detailing work on the body itself but none of it is actually in game quite yet I think probably the most realistic guess as to when these big changes with the armadillo will actually make it into the game is

Probably like next week or something with the first big Minecraft Java snapshot as well the devs are probably waiting for Minecraft Java or something added to both versions of the game at the same time get a whole bunch of feedback all at once now when it comes to this armadillo scoot brushing

Mechanic is still kind of weird feeling as well over a Minecraft Bedrock you can still Scoot a little bit more than you can over a Minecraft Java however speaking of scoot speaking of scoot if I go ahead and look up scoot items scoot has officially been renamed named over

On Bedrock Turtle scoot previously was just scoot and then we have armadillo scoot which has always been this B de Bon so you made it all the way over to the world is kind of perfect timing so over here inside of the crafting table same old recipe that hasn’t been changed

Same old texture hasn’t been changed either we go ahead and throw this on the dog same old same old thing the sound there’s a change but actually there’s not really a change the sound for equipping and removing wolf armor is now going to be controlled by the friendly

Creature slider that’s it I’m super curious to see if the devs are going to actually end up changing the wolf armor texture or maybe adding a little bit more to it like whole dying mechanic or something as well because that’s in a lot of the feedback and the texture

Itself I mean I feel like that’s almost just as controversial as the whole armadillo texture what do you think do you like this armadillo texture or do you like the new one and how about the wolf armor it should it be changed brand new Vibe has entered the chat check this

Out when the armadillo rolls up into a ball the skull sensor can actually hear it when it comes to of the signal strength of this thing it’s looking like the signal strength is sitting at a two which is really strange to me it looks like when the armadillo un rules we got

A signal strength of four but yeah every oh you know what I think I’m Just a Fool moving on speaking of moncraft to Java snapshots we’ve got a lot of movement and action when it comes to one of these things I feel like we could probably

Expect one to drop next week which is an amazing reason to subscribe I’m so excited for this year covering the development of the updates I think they’re actually going to be a little bit more exciting the past two years but I guess we’ll see we’ll come back to

This moment at the end of the year so far the bug fixes are kind of all over the place we have a little bit of like wolf armor fixes from Minecraft Java snapshot we have a little bit of Spider Eye fixes relating to the armadillo from Minecraft Java snapshot at the same time

We have bug fixes for bugs that have been in the game for a long time like since 1.15 it’s kind of crazy it seems like a lot of the bugs with the armadillo are like basically already fixed which makes me wonder when 1.20 20.5 will actually release with the

Armadillo now sliding over to the change log for this Minecraft Bedrock update there’s a whole lot more specifically when it comes to technical stuff inide of Education Edition it looks like over on education Edition we got a little bit of the whole flattening stuff going on

As so aside from that and a handful of other bug fixes we have a huge addition to editor mode which is currently still in development on editor mode void World Generation has been implemented that means when you’re creating a world you can make it in a vanilla style World a

Flat world or a void world now no I don’t know about you but I’m super excited for editor mode I think it’s really cool but it’s been a while since I’ve done anything with it would you like to see me dive back into it and check out some of the changes in the

Future if the answer to that one is yes you let me know down below and thank you so much for watching hope you enjoyed if you’re looking for extra bonus content tap that join button all of my other cool links are right down in the description for you nice and easy you

Know how it goes have like subscribe thank you all so much for watching on the end card is going to be the preview and Snapchat playlist check it and I’ll see you tomorrow goodbye everyone

Minecraft Preview is out now with big breeze changes, trial chamber improvements, bedrock addons, armadillo adjustments and more!! In this video we take a look at all of the minecraft 1.21 changes and minecraft 1.20.60 updates in minecraft bedrock beta

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  1. I like both armadillo textures. New is more realistic, and old looks more like older mobs, because for examble chicken looks like a duck that has a wattle and that dosen't seem to bother anyone.

  2. I was off on predicting the timing of the Trail Ruins fix. I thought it would be fixed by 1.20.40, but it took till 1.20.60. Glad to see it, though!

  3. essentially I can't stand the fact that every time the major features arrive first on java and we at bedrock have to wait weeks and weeks to play them in our own worlds. Then the full version is released and great features arrive in the beta the next day, forcing us to always wait weeks to get them complete

    Will the preference for Java ever end?
    Yet they talk about parity

  4. Honestly tired of 1.21 already. They have been taking way too long for too little of additions in 1.20 and 1.21 and liked the way updates were done in the 1.16 – 1.19 Era. Like real hard work and 6 months for a whole team to produce a large update is enough time. And to everyone who will comment "well they could just add nothing at all" well yeah they could, if they want their product, game and job to fail. These update cycles feel more chopped up with the whole give a few features here and there in clumps makes it feel like we are getting random little updates that at the end of a years time they cram together and call it an update. They dont feel cohesive, fun, exciting, or like minecraft. The breeze? Just a knockoff blaze. The trial chambers? Feel like they were taken from another game. The cherry Grove? Felt like they were just appeasing a demographic they want more players from. Armor trims? Felt like they were the only thing kinda cool from the past 18 months of mc. The wolf armor? Feels like they thought it worked with the armor trim to save one update so they just repeated it with wolves. GO BACK TO THEAMED UPDATES! The nether update and hell I'll say it caves and cliffs 1&2 were good, enjoyable updates. Even the mild update was alright compared to the last one and the upcoming. I think from everyone praising the devs and mojang as a whole like they are some kind of creator of the universe has gotten them nothing but too big of heads and egos. Now I feel like they work little, slow, and work only on praises. If some nerdy teen that's never kissed a girl before can make a whole update that was showcased the night before as a playable mod within 24 hours by himself, 6 months is plenty of time for a team professional developers to make an enjoyable update. They just have to work hard (like full 8 hour work days and not get time off every single holiday), stay creative but true to MCs Aesthetics, keep humbled no matter how much they are praised, keep a cohesive theme, make sure it's fun, and most of all deploy the update in a way that it's enjoyable when it actually drops. After an update is out they can get feedback. This whole asking 8yr Olds how they like it before they actually do it is getting frustrating because no matter who they listen to, a large number of players are going to be let down. Best to just make an update, make a trailer, release snapshots so bugs can be found, then release the update. It's not that hard. Having the community micromanage every step has just taken the fun of being a part of this community. And the devs barely keeping the pace of a MC turtle has also made MC not that fun. I enjoy the game how it was post 1.20 and honestly would be just fine if it stayed like that for a few years if it meant no more year long waits for things that are old and lame by the time they make it into the vanilla game. Feel like these devs walking around like they are Gods taking their sweet time on basic things is ruining minecraft. And honestly don't care about the mob mentality all the little cronies are going to have about me saying it. IDC IF THEY TAKE 2 YEARS FOR THE NEXT UPDATE AS LONG AS ITS MADE PRIVATELY AND AN ACTUALLY GOOD UPDATE!!!

  5. What about a poison skeleton which acts like a wither skeleton but inflicts poison instead of wither, holds a wooden sword, taller than a wither skeleton, green, and it spawns in end city. When radium is added, poison skeletons could be added too. They should drop bones and radium when killed. You should summon the poison boss by building a statue with 4 blocks of radium and 3 poison skeleton skulls. The poison should shoot poison skulls which explodes on impact and inflicts poison. When the poison boss kills a mob, it should place a poison paeonia which inflicts poison. When the poison boss is defeated, it should drop an Ender star which should be crafted into a Work in Progress block which inflicts buff effects to the player. I don’t like the new texture for the armadillo because it looks ugly. I like the old texture for the armadillo better. I don’t go to the marketplace because it’s unnecessary and I have less minecoins.

  6. Wattles- you should just add the Aether Mod to your let’s play from the beginning or whenever you like- then just pretend it’s a normal day and explore. Don’t tell your audience what your doing and let’s us be surprised as you introduce mods to your game or world

  7. I like the texures on the armidillo and dyeing the wolf armour would be great. It makes me laugh in a world where we fight undead, dragons and giant spiders that people get bent out of shape by the realism of other mobs 😅

  8. Tbh I liked the old design of the armadillo eyes, although I feel like they could combine both old and new designs with multi-side eyes like on tropical fish, puffer fish, and slimes, where the eye continues on to the side of the head, so the eyes aren’t necessarily facing forwards while still keeping the goofy look to em.

  9. I like the changes to Armadillo. At least they're listening. HOPE they add ability to dye it. 😊
    What I'd Really like to see them do with it is let us upgrade it with the armor trims – not necessarily for patterns since its a small landscape – but say a Simple border/edging color like diamond or redstone, that could also make it stronger. I'll be forever sad when the Fortune problem goes live but still using it at a ferocious speed for now. 😉

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