It’s Official…Terraria Sent Me A Present

Terraria has a lot of things a variety of biomes hundreds of different enemies and thousands of different weapons that you can choose from and ultimately basically an unlimited number of ways that you can play the game but it now officially has one more thing that I didn’t even know existed fully licensed

Merch did did you know this cuz I definitely did not know that this was a thing and today’s sponsor of the video 86 was actually kind of enough to enlighten me and send me this yeah this is going to be a good old fashion unboxing video now guys before I

Actually get into the unboxing itself I do want to say a little bit more on why I don’t really take sponsorships here on the channel and why I’m trying this first one out with 86 directly now as I mentioned they did reach out to me and

Were kind enough to just want to send me the package for my own review which is great as you know I’m not much of an unboxing Channel i’ I think I’ve only ever done one unboxing in fact and that was for the chair that I’m currently

Sitting in about 2 or 3 years ago now but point is I’m pretty picky when it comes to sponsors now I have been approached from a a few other companies some that you may have heard of some that just you know are obscure and quite frankly a lot of times it’s simply a

Matter of they’re just not related to the topic or the content that I like I’ve never heard of them and I’m just maybe just I don’t know ultimately not that interested so it was a really kind of nice surprise to have someone like 86 approach me and actually have Terraria

Related content it’s very rare I believe I haven’t actually seen or heard of anything that does it and they’re officially licensed and I guess working through Rel logic directly which is a welcome surpr PR now another thing to mention guys is that 86 doesn’t just do Terraria they actually cover a host of

Other games as well things like Mega Man Tekken Street Fighter Persona 5 and a bunch of other ones so if you’re looking for some pretty funky merch with some pretty distinct art you should definitely go check out the site but when it comes to Terraria guys we’ve got

This and we’re going to go ahead and get to the unboxing all right guys so let’s go ahead and unbox this thing now I actually think there’s going be some pretty cool stuff in here not exactly sure uh what we’re going to get in for for I think there’s some good potential

Now that said um you know like anything it kind of depends on what you like if you’re wondering what I’m using to open this guys it is a little screwdriver thing I don’t I’m not prepared you know I don’t do unboxings this is this is this is how we operate around here

Because this video isn’t backing to be sponsored by them that does not mean I’m going to be nice to them about this if I don’t like the shirts I will let you know I’m going to sort of give you some general rundown on this and yeah give

You my honest opinion cuz I don’t owe them anything and I don’t think they would appreciate me telling you that this is good when it’s not well off to a really really good start here now I love that they actually put in this handwritten letter I don’t know if you

Guys can make this out or not let me see if I can bring this a little bit closer here to our camera now I think this is the kind of stuff that to me and sorry if this is shaking guys if you guys can necessarily read this but it says hi

Tommy we hope you love our collection of Terraria so best wishes 86 now it’s a nice little touch it’s not necessary obviously it’s a really nice little touch but I think it’s awesome now at the top of this guys you can see we have a ton of really cool things this is

Actually maybe the most interesting thing but I’m going to go ahead and save this for later I’m going to I’m going to cover this at the end and why this is so interesting so so stay I don’t know if you guys can see this very well stay

Tuned for this this is this is this is an odd one so we’re going to go ahead and move this to the side real quick and let’s go ahead and cover some of the stuff now as you can see we got some T-shirts guys we’ve got a couple of

Stickers it looks like uh this one is quite shiny and this one is I guess a little less shiny uh I’m not sure which one I prefer I kind of like the blue one more I think I you know these are the 86 symbol if you’ve never seen it but I

Kind of like that they include this I think you put this on a laptop you put this on your phone you can do something kind of fun like that uh but I I I probably lean I lean blue I lean blue on this one wow there’s a lot of stuff here

I didn’t realize they were going to put so many there are how many t-shirts are oh my God there’s four t-shirts five t-shirts how many t hold on hold on got one two three and four oh my God all right so there are four t-shirts guys

I’m going to go ahead and move this box to this sign and go through this one by one you know it may be a little tough to see let me move this out of the way for you and let’s get this on the table so first and foremost is going to be the

T-shirts we’re going to start with this first one here this black one from 86 so you guys can actually take a closer look now I think that’s pretty nice now it kind of reminds me of like a record label one or like the symbol you’d see for like 18

Plus on the bottom of like a video game um the feel of this guys I mean I no one no one’s going to hate a black T-shirt the feel of this is actually pretty nice it does feel like it’s actual like full cotton maybe mixed with something I’d

Like to actually check let’s see what this is actually made of here this is pretty nice feeling um doesn’t actually say so something maybe I’ll ask them does not feel like that kind of like you’ll be sweaty in this cuz it’s half made of like plastic or polyus or

Something but a fairly basic t-shirt in a lot of ways fairly straightforward nothing too crazy nothing on the back as you can see but this one is kind of a nice one from them so there’s t-shirt number one this is the one that I’m probably most excited for because as you

Guys know guys on the channel I like to build stuff and so this t-shirt right here what I love about it is it’s got an NPC build you have obviously some exploration going on you got a building you got all these little cool details I

Love that each NPC is here so it looks like you’ve got your obviously your starting guide you got the merchant You’ got the nurse you got a couple of our evil little eyes floating around and best of all you got your little character hauling in a bunch of awesome

Stuff I got to say I do really appreciate this one guys I’m going to put these on after so you guys can see what they look like as they fit and I’ll give you a little bit more detail on the Finish oh this one is just excellent I

Mean I don’t know what it is there’s something about these t-shirts that to me I don’t know what do I think about I think of like a metal band you know goodyers I do like the way this one looks I think this has like nice colors obviously you have mechanical bosses and

Stuff so this one’s really really cool too and the thing I actually really appreciate about all this guys is the custom art this is like a pretty basic thing to do you’d think but not everyone does it it doesn’t feel generic again the finish here feels pretty nice I’m

Pretty happy with it and I can’t actually wait to try these on okay so this this one here might might be my favorite actually you got the aulu it just looks really cool it’s got the clouds you got a little bit of the trar background there it’s a really

Cool design you got some really nice details here it’s hard to show on camera guys as always as you might expect really really like the way this one looks it’s kind of a burgundy is color I know the lighting makes it maybe look a little bit brown but this is definitely

A red/ burgundy really really really cool I do love that they’re doing these kinds of things and uh yeah hope this gives you a good idea on some of the t-shirts Guys these are XL I believe yeah these are XL so these will fit someone like me cuz you know I’m a fatty

But anyone else that’s looking for something that is comfortable or you know smaller you have a variety of different sizes so let me go ahead and pull this away this one is really awesome though I think this one might actually be my favorite that or the blue

One it’s hard to tell as a builder I feel like I got to like the blue one but this one is pretty dope all right guys so I know I quickly covered the t-shirts but I actually obviously changed into one as you can see the if cthulu one and

I got to say I’m really surprised with how well this fits it feels good it doesn’t feel like cheap and I’m going to probably end up wearing this in the gym just to give it a shot kind of put it through its paces and see how well it

Holds up I do think this will probably eventually Fade Out pretty hard especially if you scratch it up and stuff but I think that’s pretty normal on most t-shirts with print on it I tend to wear plain t-shirts most of the time so we’ll see what happens but again this

Feels good there might be a little thinness a little bit of shrinkage around the car potentially once we wash it I can’t say for sure again I’m really curi to see how these will hold up over the next little while so I will be running you through the paces I suppose

Wearing them fairly regular probably wearing them on streams guys which by the way if you’ve forgotten we do stream on YouTube and twitch so you can come check me out and we’ll hopefully be doing some building once these holidays have you know passed and people are back to their regular scheduled programming

By which I mean they’re regularly programmed and scheduled lives obviously anyways with the t-shirts covered what I really wanted to talk about was this now I know it’s a little hard to make out perhaps maybe not if I get the lighting right it’s a little bit too shiny but

This bad boy this bad boy is the Zenith keychain and for whatever reason this thing it’s never in stock so I’m really pumped that I actually got one it’s actually really cool I’m not even going to take it out of the packaging I don’t think just cuz I feel like it it feels

Special you know the colors are great honestly I guess I can kind of see why people like this stuff like I’m not I’m not a collector of stickers and keychains and that kind of thing but I can kind of see why people might like this and this is always sold out so if

You do see it on the site guys highly recommend you grab it if you can and you can see even the top ring there has some colors so this is really really cool it’s so cool to see some Rel logic backed you know stuff and again I as

I’ve mentioned this before you can see the logo right here uh it says read logic hopefully you guys can make that out but this to me is where the sort of rubber meets the road and I’m going to there you go Rel logic sorry guys I’m not very good at this whole non-focusing

At the camera but that is really important to me the fact that they work with the creators directly I love that I support this game fully you know I love that the creators are always doing updates that kind of thing so this is super super cool now the next thing I

Want to cover guys is one other small item again similar sort of idea to the keychain but this is an enamel pin now some people are really big into these now as you can probably make out here it is of the Moon Lord which I think is super awesome it’s really cute actually

Uh the colors on it are fantastic but the thing that’s really interesting is it says this is a limited run of 500 so they’re not an infinite number of these things they’re only going to be I guess well 500 maybe more and hopefully you guys can make that out but you can kind

Of sort of see what we’re talking about now the nice thing with the t-shirts and the stickers and the pins and that kind of thing guys is that it’s not just going to stay static now obviously there’s a limited number of these things but between the custom art the custom

Feel and design it means that they’re not always going to have the same things and they are going to run through limited editions which I kind of like like I don’t want my t-shirt to be the same as everyone else’s necessarily limited edition stuff can be fun not

That I’m particularly largely into it but it’s nice to be like hey my t-shirt is unique or this key Ke Chain is unique or I guess sort of hard to find there’s things like that that you know scarcity Rarity are nice but limited edition things can be kind of cool now that said

Guys what are my overall Impressions now again like I said full disclosure this video is sponsored by 86 they were kind enough to sponsor the video but again I’m not going to be nice about it I do think the t-shirts are a lot better than I thought they’d be quite honestly never

Really have high expectations for sort of merch and t-shirts and that kind of thing I’m really surprised by the fit it’s a little hard to tell maybe guys but you you can kind of see it it fits well it’s got the right length XL actually fits me properly doesn’t look

Kind of like bad around here I’m a little worried about the color being a little thin I think this will get kind of like all like frilly after a while like a curled up piece of bacon but the point is it looks and feels really good

Out of the box so as I test them maybe they don’t hold up quite well but I do like the idea again that they’re pretty good quality out the gate now when it comes to the pins and the keychain types of things guys they’re made of metal

They have great color and I love the fact that they went with these iconic elements of TR this Zenith Moon Lord those are great now that said I don’t really exactly know what makes good criteria or what is good criteria I should say for a good pin or a keychain

But I like the way these look and I think they’re really kind of cool I again don’t fully understand why the Zenith keychain is always out of stock I think that’s really interesting cuz if I thought of anything I thought maybe it would be some sort of t-shirt or a

Particular t-shirt or maybe if they eventually get to plushies which may be on their menu down the road I can kind of see those disappearing a little bit more readily but hey what do I know so overall guys I got to say I’m really thrilled that someone’s

Taking on Terraria in terms of merch in terms of making these little items that you see I think it’s really fun it’s a little like piece that you can add if you’re a fan of the game so I absolutely love that now that said I do think the overall selection for their Terraria

Merge is limited now I can obviously understand that Terraria is a fairly small or Niche game in a lot of ways Indie developer it’s not super widespread necessarily but it’s got its place and I would love to see a couple more t-shirts maybe some more keychains or I guess stickers just something else

Personally though the one thing I’d love to see down the road would be some plushies I don’t know I would love to have a plushie sitting in the background behind me somewhere I think that would be fantastic despite the limitations of what they offer in terms of variety one

Thing I will give them credit for much like the developers of the game is they’re constantly releasing small additional updates or in this case additional merch so I know for a fact that ongoing today they have an additional keychain and a new t-shirt that just came out so it’s nice that

They’re doing this and trying to keep the ball rolling here so if you’re looking for a selection or I guess a different selection of items you’ll probably be able to find them now I don’t know if they’re going to keep old t-shirts or old pieces around forever

They may just simply move off them if they’re not selling that kind of thing which again is totally fair but I’m not 100% sure what that’s going to look like down the road so ultimately guys love the fit of the stuff love the colors of the stuff wish there was a little bit

More variety but overall no complaints finally guys if you’d like to get your hands on some of this merge please feel free to use my affiliate link which which is down below which is simply tomit tsunami where I will get a tiny Kickback for any purchases in using

That link you will be supporting me directly which is very much appreciated anyways guys that’s pretty much it for me so I do hope you have an opportunity to go check out their site go check out some of the merch be it Trio related or otherwise and just go and see if there’s

Anything that is of Interest now one thing I will say guys is I am a bit apologetic because I did not get an opportunity to put this video up in time for the holidays they did have a Black Friday sale but in the sort of background and behind the scenes of all

This I am trying to work with them to get you guys a future discount code maybe down the road so we’ll be working with them to get that to you guys as well no promises on that but I’ll do my best to maybe get you guys something

That’s a little bit more enticing for you know if you’re got your eye on a t-shirt or I guess you know a keychain or something so I want to say one last big thank you to the 86 team for sharing all this stuff with me again guys this

Is a sponsored video but they sent it out to me free regardless so it was nice of them to do that and to sponsor this at the same time so hopefully I’ll be able to work with them a little bit more in the future and hopefully you guys

Will find some stuff that works for you for now though let me know what you think in the comments down below as always thumbs if you liked it subs if you loved it we will see you in the next One

Re-logic has official Terraria merch…and I had no idea!

Thank you to Eighty-Sixed for sponsoring this video and please go check out their website for more officially licensed Terraria merch!

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